Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021

Page created by Phillip Hunt
Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021
                       Inman United Methodist Church
27 Bishop Street
Inman, SC 29349
                                 Informer                                 July 2021
                                                                             May 2017
                                                                           Rev. Miriam Mick

From the Pastor

Hey Everybody!
  Here is what we know: It is just not natural to break
up with someone we have been in loving relationship
with, and enter, the very next day into a committed
relationship with a new person. We make fun of the
Bachelor and Bachelorette for doing that. We have
learned about the emotional turmoil of the end of
relationship - how it complicates the beginning of
another. We don’t want to rebound too quickly…
and yet, that is exactly what the Lord, through the
United Methodist Church, is asking of us.
  While Inman UMC walks through the loss of those
you know and love - not just Ed, but his entire family.
I will be coming alongside you in your journey and
walking with you through it. The familiar has become unfamiliar, and that will be true for me as
well as for you. Let us grant each other grace and patience while we make this transition.
  That being said, I am SO looking forward to living my life with you in Inman. I am grateful for the
wonderful home you are providing for me and my two three-year-old dogs, Hogan and Wilson. I
thank you for the new fencing which will allow for their safety while I am out and about. My
daughter Amanda, her husband Jack, and children Ella Jane (4) and Oliver (2) are 29 minutes away
in Spartanburg. My daughter Jen, her husband, John, and children Allison (12) and Ethan (10) are
35 miles away in Simpsonville. I am thrilled about living so close to my family here.
  My work as a church pastor began in 2014 with a first appointment serving two churches in Tim-
monsville, SC, in the Florence District. Before that, I was an ordained deacon, serving in the world
as a hospice chaplain for 23 years. I also have been appointed as Spiritual Director located in the
Rock Hill District during my hospice years. Spiritual Directors do not direct anything, but point to
and explore where God is in the events of our lives. If the hairs on our head are numbered, then
we are assured that the Holy is intimately involved in the details of our lives and that there is pur-
pose and meaning in all we go through.
  God is in our coming together as church and pastor. We can trust that and can be curious about
just what God has in mind for our journey together. We know from Jeremiah 29:11 that God’s
plans for us are for peace and not disaster, and to give us a future filled with hope! Thanks be to

                                                             Pastor Miriam
Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021
Welcome to Pastor Miriam                                  Inman Seniors Getting Back in the Swing
  By the time you are reading this, Pastor Miriam           The Inman Seniors gathered on June 4 for the first
Mick will be settling into the parsonage, looking         time in 14 months. About 30 folks were in attend-
around her churches, and starting to get to know          ance. They will not meet in July, but they are hoping
folks and how things are usually done around here.        for a good crowd on August 6 at 5:30 p.m.
  Her first service will be on July 4. And remember,
our service will begin at 11:15, allowing time for        Below: Rev. Bart Sistare brought us a thought-
her to get to us after her 10:00 a.m. service at          provoking message, a little humor and some nice
Aldersgate. Sunday School here will still meet at         music on the between Sunday, June 27.
10:00 a.m., giving us a little more time for coffee and
visiting and still leave time for a lively lesson.
   Let’s welcome Pastor Miriam with open doors and
open minds, but most of all, with open hearts.

  William Fred Nation, 88, of 24 Bishop Street,
Inman, SC, passed away Monday, June 7, 2021, at the
Regional Hospice Home in Spartanburg. When Fred
retired from Norfolk-Southern Railroad, he and his
wife Sue Gowan Nation returned to their hometown
of Inman and to Inman UMC. Our heartfelt sympathy
goes out to Sue and her family and friends.

For: Fred Nation
From: Dave and Dee Bolinger (Food Pantry)
      Wayne Culp
      David and Judy Hutcherson                           June Offerings
      Robert W. Reeve                                     Monthly Budget Needs                     $13,674
      Anthony Rovinsky, Marvina and Michael               Regular Offering (general budget)          9,465
      George Scott (Food Pantry)                          Short for June                             4,209
      Ann and Wade White                                  Designated Offerings
                                                          Food Pantry                                   820
For: Clyde P. Owens (Amelia's Uncle)                      MYF (Youth)                                   581
From: Steve and Amelia Smith                              Shiloh                                        150

For: Judy McKelvey (Tommy McDowell's Sister)                Thank you for supporting Inman UMC. Your gifts
From: Bill and Brenda Verdell                             not only help to pay salaries and building mainte-
      Dave and Dee Bolinger (Food Pantry)                 nance and expenses, but also support our programs
      MB Ulmer and Lewanna Caldwell                       and missions. We can’t be church without you.

Updated Address                                                                 Informer Staff
Rosemary Taylor                                                                 Editor: Vicki McCartha,
1882 Clairmont Rd                                                             
#243                                                                            Attendance, Offerings and Calendar:
Decatur, GA 30033                                                                        compiled by Sandra Bragg
                                                                                Advisor: Bill McCartha
Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021
Left: Our SPRC Chair, Cathy Stokes, and her helpers,
have been busy with the transition of pastors, saying
farewell to Pastor Ed and preparing to welcome
Pastor Miriam. Cathy made these posters to adorn the
gym and the sanctuary on “Ed-ification” weekend.

Below left: Carnac the
Magnificent (Bill
McCartha) and his sidekick,
Ed McMahon (Steve Smith).
An example of Carnac’s
amazing insight: Answer—
”Bald Eagle”; Question—
“What bird does Ed most re-
semble when delivering the

Below: We couldn’t let him go without a little fanfare.
And so we came … to hear his words of wisdom, to
roast and tease, to hug, and cry, and wish them well.
Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021
Inman United Methodist Church
                                                            July 2021

        Sun                  Mon                 Tue                Wed                    Thu               Fri               Sat
                                                                                   1                2                  3
                                                                                                                       Michael Walters
                                                                                                    No Inman Seniors
                                                                                                    Until August       10 – 12
                                                                                   6 – 7 Zumba

4            5                          6                    7                     8                9                  10
Independance Beth Fulton                                     10 – 11:30
                                                             Line Dance
                                                                                   Doris Rapp
                                        8 – 10 Food Pantry                                                             10 – 12
     Day     10 – 11:30                                                                                                Narcotics
10:00 Adult Sunday    Line Dance                                                                                       Anonymous
                                                             7:00 Choir Practice
11:15 Worship
(online & onsite)    Office Closed                           6:30 – 8:30
                                                             Anonymous             6 – 7 Zumba
                      6 – 7 Zumba

11                   12                 13                   14                    15               16                 17
Marcie Anderson                         Don White            10 – 11:30                                                10 – 12
J. E. Riddle         10 – 11:30                              Line Dance                                                Narcotics
10:00 Adult Sunday   Line Dance         8 – 10 Food Pantry                                                             Anonymous
                                                             7:00 Choir Practice
11:15 Worship
(online & onsite)
                      6 – 7 Zumba                            6:30 – 8:30           6 – 7 Zumba

18                   19                 20                   21                    22               23                 24
10:00 Adult Sunday   Melodie Williams   John Stokes          Renee DeAngelo        Kelly Kinsland   Betty Riddle       Mike Bell
 School                                                      10 – 11:30
11:15 Worship        10 – 11:30         8 – 10 Food Pantry   Line Dance                                                10 – 12
(online & onsite)    Line Dance                                                                                        Narcotics
                                                             7:00 Choir Practice                                       Anonymous

                      6 – 7 Zumba                            6:30 – 8:30           6 – 7 Zumba

25                   26                 27 Ambrey            28                    29               30                 31
10:00 Adult Sunday   10 – 11:30              McGinnis        Jeanne Alverson                                           10 – 12
 School              Line Dance                              10 – 11:30                                                Narcotics
11:15 Worship                           8 – 10 Food Pantry   Line Dance                                                Anonymous
(online & onsite)
                                                             7:00 Choir Practice
                      6 – 7 Zumba                                                  6 – 7 Zumba
                                                             6:30 – 8:30
Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021 Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021 Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021 Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021 Inman United Methodist Church - Informer July 2021
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