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Journal of Positive School Psychology                            
2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1536-1547


          Wan Ali Akbar Wan Abdullah, Khadijah Abdul Razak* & Mohd Isa Hamzah

                         Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
                                43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

                       *Corresponding author:

                                               A bstract:
        An understanding of the concept of innovation can stimulate the production of
        innovation among teachers. However, teachers are confused,while scholars have
        different understandings on the meaning of innovation. This confusion and
        disagreement have caused the production of innovation to be considered as difficult
        and incapable to be produced by teachers. Therefore, this study was conducted to
        explore the understanding of innovative Islamic education teachers on innovation by
        making the form of their innovation material as an example and a reference. This
        study was conducted using a qualitative approach. Eight study participants were
        selected using purposive sampling techniques and tracked using snowball techniques.
        Data were collected through interviews and document analysis. Findings show that
        study participants produce innovation in four forms, namely; games, ICT, modules
        and models. Games and ICT are two of the most innovative forms of innovation
        produced by study participants.Studies also found that the construction of teaching
        innovation is still built on basic concepts in education, among others; the concept of
        repetition, the concept of rewards and penalties as well as the concept of
        recognizing and celebrating student diversity.

Keywords:Teaching innovation, Islamic Education innovation, form of innovation materials, basic
concepts of education, innovative Islamic Education teachers.

1.      Introduction                                   effective(Ilias, Husain, Mohd Noh, Rashed, &
                                                       Abdullah, 2016). As such, Islamic Education
Innovation is the most needed skill in the             teachers (IET) in smart schools tend to
employment world by 2022 (Centre for the               produce their own TAM instead of expecting
New Economy and Society, 2018). In line with           educational resources from the internet and
this need, the role of innovative professional is      fellow teachers(Ilias et al., 2016).
also listed as part of the new roles needed in
the future career world(Centre for the New             Realizing the importance of innovation in the
Economy and Society, 2018). This situation             world of education, the Malaysian Ministry of
also hit the world of education. Teachers, as          Education (MOE) also took steps to stress and
the front liner in the world of education, need        express; 1) the value of creativity and
to act as innovators by producing their own            innovation in the Malaysian Teacher
teaching aids materials (TAM)(Ibrahim, Abdul           Standards(Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia,
Aziz, &Nambiar, 2013). Among the                       2009), 2) the domain of creativity and
advantages of producing their own TAM is               innovation in the      teacher’s career path
that it is suitable to the context of the syllabus     enhancement(Kementerian           Pendidikan
and suitable to students’ level(Ahmad &                Malaysia, 2016), 3) innovation as one of the
Tamuri, 2010), and making the teaching more            activities in the Continuous Professionalism

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Development             program(Kementerian          different understandings on the answer of, ‘can
Pendidikan Malaysia, 2013), and 4) organizing        A be recognized as innovation or not?’. For
Innovative Teacher Competition every                 example, Loogma, Kruusvall, & Ümarik
year(Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Langkawi,             (2012)emphasized on ICT as innovation, but
2019).                                               contradicted by Leinonen, (2004)who stated
         Current demands and stimulation by          that ICT was just a tool and not necessarily
MOE have made IET to take the opportunity            innovation. Compromising between the two
to participate in the production of                  opinions, Thurlings, Evers, & Vermeulen
innovation(Wan Abdullah & Mohd Zhaffar,              (2015)were of the view that ICT could be
2018). There are various innovations in              recognized as an innovation, but not all uses of
Islamic Education that can be traced through         ICT were innovation. Such issues have given
the literature, among them; i-Eco(Mat Zain,          researchers opportunities and space to explore
Wan Abdullah, & Mohd Zhaffar, 2015),                 the concept of innovation from the perspective
Global Zakat Game(Ab Rahman, 2018),                  of innovative teachers. Innovative teachers are
Global Faraid Game(Ab Rahman et al., 2018),          the ones involved in producing innovation in a
Global Wakaf Game (Mohamad Suhaimi, Ab               buttom-to-up manner that is more appropriate
Rahman, & Mohd Faisal Yap, 2018),                    in the context of teachers in schools
SahibbaJawi(Wakiman, 2018), RodaJawi(Wan             (Serdyukov, 2017). As such, this study was
Abdullah & Mohd Zhaffar, 2016), Pintar               conducted to explore ITIE's understanding
Haji(Othman, 2016), Hajj Pop Up Card Tour            regarding the form of innovation materials.
(Kamat, 2018) and more. There are IETs who           The example or sample of the form of
successfully outperform teachers of other            innovation material which they have produced
subjects and are awarded as national                 can provide an overview and guidance to other
innovative teacher icons (Abdullah, 2018).           IETs to also understand the real concept of
The IET who produces innovation is known as          innovation, and to engage in the effort of
the Innovative Teacher of Islamic Education          producing teaching innovation.
(ITIE) (Wan Abdullah, Abdul Razak, Hamzah,
& Mohd Zhaffar, 2020).                               3.   Methodology

2.      Statement of Problem and Study               This study is a case study, conducted using a
        Objective                                    qualitative approach. This approach was
                                                     chosen to explore the forms of teaching
Before stimulating more IETs in producing            innovation produced by ITIE. A total of eight
innovation, a true understanding of innovation       study participants were selected. Selections
is very important to be digested. This is            were made using purposive sampling
because, only a true understanding of                techniques. This technique begins with the
innovation can be an early catalyst for the          classification of the main characteristics of the
production of innovation among teachers in           study participants (Merriam, 2009). Four
schools(Dagang, 2016). Unfortunately, a study        characteristics of study participants have been
on the understanding of Polytechnic lecturers        outlined namely; 1) teaching Islamic
on teaching innovation found that they were          Education in secondary schools, 2) producing
confused between the concepts of innovation          teaching innovation in Islamic Education
and invention(Hashim, Saharani, Zulkifli,            subjects, 3) have won teaching innovation
Mohamed Mokhtar, & Md Yunus, 2019). This             competitions at least at the state level, and 4)
confusion arises because of the lack of              are approachable and can provide cooperation.
guidance given on the concept of teaching            The demographic summary of the eight study
innovation.                                          participants are as follows:
        In fact, when we talk about the form
of innovation, scholars themselves have
                             Table 1: The demographics of participants

Participan     Post    Educatio    Innovation produced        Award won
ts                     n level
UstazUwai      EIET    MA          Pintar Haji, Kembara        ∑   National Innovative Teacher
s (U1)         DG5

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               2                   Tanah Suci, Global Zakat         Icon
                                   Game, CaknaSolat,            ∑   National Innovative Teacher
                                   EksplorasiJomSolat, The      ∑   State Innovative Teacher
                                   Battle of Tajweed, i5
UstazZakki     EIET    MA          JawiAbqori, JariJawi         ∑   State Innovative Teacher
r (U2)         DG4                                              ∑   Gold Medalist in National
               8                                                    Innovation Competition
Ustazah        EIET    BA          Roda Audit Solat,            ∑   State Innovative Teacher
Huda (U3)      DG5                 KlinikTawata,                ∑   Silver Medalist in National
               2                   Trademark, Borang BFFT           Innovation Competition
UstazahAle     IET     BA          Hajj Pop Up Tour             ∑   National Innovative Teacher
eya (U4)       DG4                                              ∑   State Innovative Teacher
                                                                ∑   Gold Medalist in International
                                                                    Innovation Competition
UstazahAin     IET     BA          iSolat, iSMARTBOX,           ∑   Gold Medalist in International
ur (U5)        DG4                 Solatku Power                    Innovation Competition
UstazImda      EIET    MA          Kit Solat Awesome, Kit       ∑   State Innovative Teacher
d (U6)         DG4                 MaBaSol                      ∑   Gold Medalist in International
               8                                                    Innovation Competition
UstazahAis     IET     MA          Permainan Digital            ∑   State Innovative Teacher
yah (U7)       DG4                 Kembara Haji, Waze           ∑   Gold Medalist in International
               8                   Sirah                            Innovation Competition
UstazahAri     IET     BA          Dam Haji LRT                 ∑   State Innovative Teacher
sya (U8)       DG4                                              ∑   DEO Best Islamic Education
               4                                                    Teacher

Researchers tried to use network sampling,           2008). Snowball techniques can also be
which is by asking the unit that manages             accepted if it is done according to the
Islamic Education teachers at the state and          objective(Yin, 2011), which is subject to
national levels, as well as the unit that            predetermined criteria (Merriam, 2009).
manages MOE innovation competitions and              Researchers began contacting three original
the unit that manages SPLKPM data, but they          study participants from three different states.
could not supply any data on innovative              Rapport with the three participants of this
teachers. This situation has caused the              study has been built for a long time. It is
researcher to use snowball techniques to             named by Noy (2008) as a power relation.
gather the eight study participants. The             From the three participants of this original
snowball technique is suitable to be used when       study, the following stemmata were built:
researchers try to track study participants who
can be likened to a hidden population (Noy,

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                      Figure 1: Stemmata snowball in search of study participants

Data were collected from interviews (TM) and           used. This comparison was made towards the
document analysis (AD). The interview                  perceived barriers by participants at different
protocol was reviewed by three experts,                times and among participants in different
namely; 1) qualitative research experts in             locations to identify pattern similarities and
Islamic education, 2) innovation experts in            differences in data(Creswell, 2009).
Islam, and 3) innovative Islamic Education
teachers. They agreed that the protocol could          4.      Findings
be used in interviews and were believed to be
able to answer research questions. Interviews          In general, there are four main themes for the
were conducted using a semi-structured                 form of teaching innovation materials namely;
method and were conducted face-to-face. Each           games, ICT, modules and models.
interview session took between 45 minutes to
an hour and a half. Interviews conducted in            4.1 Gamification
Malay. The interview process was recorded
using an audio recording application on a              The creation of games by study participants as
mobile phone. Video recordings were also               a teaching innovation is on the basis that it is
made when study participants explained about           of interest to most students. Ustaz Zakkir said,
the innovations which they produced. Each              “Generally, children like to play. Instead of
recording is transcribed by transcribers. The          the traditional method… Chalk and talk all the
transcript produced by the transcriber assistant       time…We use a more effective method of play
was reviewed by the researcher, as suggested           (by inventing innovation)” (U2TB2). Students'
by Merriam (2009). Document analysis was               interest in games affects their interest in
done on any document related to innovation             learning. Thus, although the topic learned is
products. Some study participants supplied             difficult, it does not hinder the student from
softcopy of their documents and some                   trying to remember the content of the lesson,
provided hardcopy documents. Among the                 instead it increases their motivation to
documents analyzedwere; innovation reports,            continue learning (U7TB1). Accordingly, the
journal articles and proceedings, bunting,             use of games is among the good alternatives.
posters, pamphlets, websites, social media and                  The desired impact of game
related youtube.                                       innovation is the achievement of reaching at
         This study has been approved by the           least 60% (U1TB1). This impact arises when
Malaysian Ministry of Education (Ref. No:              students always use games produced by
KPM.600-3 / 2/3-eras (7431)), State Education          teachers. Thus, learning occurs continuously
Department and school administrators and               and unconsciously (U1TB1). After going
agreed by the study participants involved. Data        through the learning process repeatedly,
collection took18 months. Data were analyzed           students begin to understand and remember
using Nvivo Plus 12. The content analysis              the content of the lesson for the topic.
process involves selecting, reducing, and                       From attraction point of view, the
giving meaning to the data obtained (Patton,           main attraction of game-based innovation is
2002). Constant comparison method was also             the element of learning entertainment (U1TB1;

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U1AD1; U1AD6; U1AD12; U6AD9) or also                 U8AD6) as the basis for the creation of game
known as ‘learning through play’ (U2AD9)             innovation is done because it is well known.
and ‘learning while playing’ (U3AD9).                As such, teachers do not need to give much
Entertainment in the game increases when             explanation on how to use the game (U5TB2).
there is the use of the concept of rewards and       If the game they built is not based on existing
penalties (U1TB1; U5TB2). In addition, the           games, then it will be hard for students
attraction is also on the colorful board game        because they do not understand the rules of the
graphics and their appropriate size (U5TB2).         game (U1TB1). This will cause students to
Such attraction is able to attract the interest of   avoid playing the game. As a result, learning
students, especially those who have a visual         will not happen.
inclination.                                                  Also, when the construction of the
         In addition, the use of game-based          game is done, the features of the game must
innovation can create a relaxed atmosphere           match the background of the game. For
during learning (U2AD9; U4TB1; U5AD9).               example, Ustaz Uwais was reprimanded by his
Such leisure activities will be more interesting     friend for using the Malaysian Ringgit in the
when there is support from friends (U7TB1).          game of Pintar Haji (U1TB1). Riyals are more
This fun atmosphere is able to attract students      suitable to be used in the context of games that
who are initially less interested in the game        use Mecca as a background. Also, when
(U2TB2). In addition, study participants also        learning goes on using game innovation,
acknowledged that the game is able to attract        students should not be allowed to play
various backgrounds of students, whether the         indefinitely. Monitoring from teachers is
front class students (U2TB2), the back class         necessary so that students play according to
students (U1TB1) and various age groups,             the rules. Monitoring is important so that
including elders (U6TB1).                            students do not just play without learning
         Even in an entertainment and relaxed        anything (U2TB2).
atmosphere, the ultimate goal of the game
should be clear. The goal of the game is             4.2 ICT
victory. Winning becomes a form of
motivation for students when playing. They           ICT refers to current computer-based
want to win and do not want to lose. When a          technology (U5TB1; U6TB2). ICT is
player views and feelslike it is difficult to win    recognized as part of the form of innovation,
the game, then the game will become boring to        but innovation does not necessarily have the
him. Everything is measured based on the             characteristics of ICT (U4TB2). This is
expected duration of the game. The                   because the use of ICT does not necessarily
appropriate time period should not exceed 50         have greater impact when compared to other
minutes (U1TB1). In addition, through games          innovations (U7TB1). On the other hand, the
as well, many elements are intertwined which         use of ICT is acknowledged to have certain
can be absorbed while students are playing,          constraints on certain individuals (U2TB1),
among others, creating activities involving          especially if users are unfamiliar and phobic
movement and reading (U5TB2).                        with ICT such as back class students (U6TB1).
         In terms of choosing the type of game                The use of ICT by study participants is
which can be used as a basis for the                 recognized because it is able to attract
construction of teaching innovation, study           students. This attraction is associated with the
participants tend to use games that can be           suitability of the current age students who are
supplemented with relevant teaching content.         heavily exposed to computer-based technology
For example, Ustazah Ainur made the Snake            (U5TB1). The use of ICT as a teaching
Checkers as the basis for the construction of        innovation by ITIE can be divided according
Solatku Power. This is because the                   to the technology being used, namely; QR,
compartments on the Snake Checkers, are easy         AR, VR codes and multimedia materials.
to manipulate and are included with a variety
of information, especially about the pillars of          a) QR Codes
Prayer (U5TB2). The selection of traditional
games such as snake checkers (U1AD1;                 QR stands for Quick Response. The use of QR
U5AD9), saidina (U1AD1), sahibba (U2AD1),            codes is as a link to the supporting materials
puzzles (U6AD1) and roda impian(U2AD1;               for an innovation. Study participants used QR

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codes as one of the ICT elements in their             innovation optimally (U1TB1). On the other
innovation (U5TB1). Study participants                hand, when students use it in school, they use
generated the QR code by linking the code to          the innovation without being able to take
audio material (U1AD13; U1AD6; U3AD1;                 advantage of AR technology (U1TB1). The
U6AD6), video (U4AD6; U4AD9), manual                  issue of the absence of the internet is a
(U2AD1), formula (U2AD1), application                 common      issue    for     technology-based
(U2AD1) and interactive activities (U2AD1) .          innovation (U5TB1).
         In addition, the creation of QR codes
not only lies in the creation of QR codes, but            c) VR
also lies in the production of materials linked
to QR codes. The material needs to be                 VR stands for Virtual Reality. In general, it is
prepared by the study participants themselves.        the same as AR. The difference is, it gives the
For example, Talbiah video by Ustazah Aleeya          user an experience which make them feel like
(U4TB1) and audio of recitation in prayer by          being in the world of technology they have
Ustaz Uwais (U1TB1).                                  built. So, not only it has 3D visual and audio
                                                      elements, but also affects the user
    b) AR                                             environment. By using VR, users will be
                                                      brought into that world. This situation also
AR stands for Augmented Reality. Ustaz                affects the psychomotor of the user because
Uwais uses AR in several innovations such as          the user has to move to experience the feeling
Cakna Solat (U1AD13), i5 (U1AD1),                     when using this technology. However, the
Kembara Tanah Suci (U1AD1) and Pintar Haji            optimal use of VR technology requires
version AR (U1AD1), while Ustazah Aleeya              specialized equipment, namely ‘VR headsets’.
used it in Merge Cube Ibadah Sembelihan               On the part of Ustazah Aleeya, due to the high
(MCis) (U4AD12) and Scientist Worship Kit             cost of ‘VR headsets’, she took the initiative to
(U4AD12). AR technology is a recent                   buy ‘headsets VR’ which were made using
emerging technology (U1TB1). This is the              cardboard only (U4AD1). VR technology was
reason why thus far, not many people are able         used by Ustazah Aleeya in Fiqh Exhibition.
to create AR. On the part of the study                However, Ustazah Aleeya did not create it
participants, the combination of AR in the            herself, but instead, she collaborated with her
results of their innovations is the result of their   students. She guided her students to produce
collaborations with certain individuals who           both of these innovations.
posses the skill. Ustaz Uwais admitted that he
started producing AR-based innovations when               d) Multimedia meterials
he collaborated with his friend who has the
knowhow        (U1TB1).       Ustazah      Aleeya     Multimedia materials refer to other ICT
collaborated with her students (U4AD12).              materials being produced, apart from QR, AR
         AR-based      innovations      can     be    and VR. An example of innovation based on
generated through a variety of software.              multimedia materials produced by study
However, the software chosen must be easy to          participants is the Digital Game of Hajj Travel
use. That is why Ustazah Aleeya chose the             by Ustazah Aisyah (U7AD1). The use of
website when she             multimedia materials provides learning to
produced Scientists Worship Kit and MCis              students because it has visual, auditory and
(U4TB1). She said, “CoSpace Edu. Actually,            kinestatic features (U7TB1). However, the use
there are many other programs outside, but I          of multimedia materials does not necessarily
like this one because he seems a little easier”       have all three VAK features. With just one
(U4TB1).                                              feature, it is enough to attract the interest of
         However, AR technology has certain           students (U7TB1).
advantages and disadvantages. Among its
advantages are, it is able to attract students        4.3 Module
(U1TB1) and is interactive (U1TB1).
However, among the disadvantages are, it              Module refers to a group of materials used for
needs tools such as smartphones and the               teaching and learning in a particular topic.
internet. Therefore, for teachers who have the        Ustazah Huda said, “a lot of things I
tools and the internet, they can use the              innovate... in the form of sheets or modules”

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(U3TB1). Module-based innovation has three           additional graphics which are relevant to the
forms, namely; teaching notes, learning notes        topic, related questions and motivational
and programs.                                        sentences that are close to the hearts of
                                                     students (U4TB1). When such a mind map is
    a) Teaching notes                                not yet in the market, then it is recognized as
                                                     an innovation (U6TB1).
Teaching notes refer to notes produced by                     Through mind maps, learning occurs
teachers to facilitate teaching. It is produced in   when students fill in the blanks with important
PowerPoint or on a sheet of paper. Ustazah           lesson content (U4TB1). Therefore, the use of
Aleeya produces materials in the form of             common mind maps is associated with low-
Power Point as teaching aids. It is displayed        level knowledge (U4TB2). However, through
using LCD. Through the production of this            well-arranged graphic visuals, the content of
note, there is additional information that can       the lessons can stimulate students' higher-order
be provided in the form of videos and the like.      thinking. This effect arises when students are
Meanwhile, Ustazah Aisyah produced Waze              able to make connections between one content
Sirah. Waze Sirah is a visual display                and another (U4TB2). The same situation was
containing a map and a chronological                 experienced by Ustaz Imdad, when the mind
sequence of the sirah of the Treaty of Aqabah        map produced for verse memorization and
(U7AD1). On the display there are also short         translation, managed to help students
notes to explain the chronology of the event.        remember the translation more quickly and
Ustaz Uwais also produced an innovation in           understand the meaning of the verse (U6TB2).
the form of a visual display called Kembara          This situation occurs when they associate
Tanah Suci (U1AD1). This poster contains a           verse fragments in a mind map, with
visual map and pilgrimage procedures.                translation of verse fragments. This advantage
However, additional information cannot be            is common for front-class students. In
obtained through the display, but instead, it        addition, questions in the form of applications
needs to be scanned using a mobile phone.            are also included. For example, in the topic of
This is because this display also uses AR            zakat, there are questions of zakat calculation
technology.                                          (U4TB2). So, through the questions given,
         Among the advantages of producing           students are asked to calculate the rate of zakat
such teaching notes, students can remember           that needs to be paid.
the content of the lesson well and stimulate                  Second, small-sized notes produced by
their higher-order thinking (HOT). The HOT           Ustaz Imdad (U6AD1) and Ustazah Arisya
stimulus enables discussion activities to go         (U8AD6). The advantage of a small note is
well (U7TB1). In addition, such notes also           that it is easy to carry anywhere. At the
make it easier for students to find the main         beginning of the class, the notes will be asked
points in detail (U7TB2).                            to be placed in a box (U8TB2). Study
                                                     participants will make a draw, then ask
    b) Learning Notes                                students about what the student wrote earlier
                                                     in the note. The draw method carry the same
Learning notes refer to notes produced to            concept as Roda Impian. In addition, the notes
facilitate student learning. It is produced either   presented in the form of summaries or
by the teacher (U7TB2) or produced by the            conclusions will make it easier for students to
student based on the ideas given by the teacher      memorize the notes which they have prepared
(U4TB2; U6TB1; U8TB2). There are several             (U6TB1). In addition, the material used to
types of learning notes produced by study            produce notes, i.e. paper, is a material which is
participants. First, the learning notes in the       readily available to students (U6TB1). Such
form of mind maps produced by Ustazah                notes can also be used as activities for students
Aleeya (U4AD1) and Ustaz Imdad (U6AD1).              (U6TB1; U8TB1).
The meaning of a mind map is a graphic that                   Third, folded notes in the form of
has roots and branches (U4TB2). Some study           zigzag produced by Ustazah Aleeya (U4TB2).
participants tend to produce mind map                Such notes are made to facilitate the
modules using hands and are free flow, unlike        comparison of conceptual understandings
regular mind maps that are bound to certain          made in several terms. For example, the
shapes (U4TB2). In addition, there are               comparison between shirk and nifaq. Since

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there are many concepts in the field of faith,     Muwafiq Card by perforating the card, making
Ustazah Aleeya then assigned students to           space under the card to make it easier for a
produce notes based on the shape of the fold,      long card to be inserted under the card
and combined with visual elements through          (U5AD1). The holes represent the number of
the use of symbols and the like.                   rak'ahs of prayer. Students will learn the
                                                   concepts of masbuq and muwafiq when they
    c) Program                                     move the long card to find out the number of
                                                   rak'ahs that need to be replaced if they miss
The innovation module in the form of a             the rak'ah (U5TB2).
program was designed by Ustaz Uwais                         Pop-up Hajj Tour is an innovation that
through the Cakna Solat program. Ustaz             combines 2D and 3D elements. It is in the
Uwais took the initiative to organize a            form of a book (U4AD9). When the book is
program in the form of usrah and work with         opened, a 3D model will be formed on each
the entire school community to successfully        page of the book. Each page gives an overview
implement the program. Teachers become             of the location of the pilgrimage. It can also be
facilitators. For that purpose, a special module   opened to be a large display of the entire map
called Cakna Solat Book was developed. The         of Mecca with certain locations of worship in
program runs twice a month. Ustaz Uwais            the pilgrimage is done as a check point.
said, “That was what the principal permitted       Through the large display, students will be
last year, we organize cakna solat program         able to learn the entire procedure of
every Friday. By using the module which I          performing Hajj. This Hajj Tour pop-up is
have developed. All students are obliged to        produced using paper folding technique.
purchase. And all teachers are obliged to be       Although there are many books using paper
facilitators. Discussed in usrah sessions. On      folding techniques, there are no pop-up books
every Friday. Twice a month”(U1TB1). The           that focus on the topic of Hajj (U4TB2).
ultimate goal of this program is to produce        Therefore it is an innovation.
students who have a strong religious                        Laman Suri JQ refers to Laman Jamak
foundation (U1TB1).                                and Qasar (U4AD1). This park is located next
                                                   to the school surau (U4TB1). It was produced
4.4Model                                           through the cooperation of Ustazah Aleeya
                                                   with the school community. The main focus of
Model means teaching innovation that exists        the establishment of this park is the learning of
either in 2D or 3D form. Ustazah Aleeya            the Jamak and Qasar Prayer. At the park,
produced Pop-up Hajj Tour and Taman JnQ,           there are several benches with the name of the
while Ustazah Ainur produced Masbuq                location, such as Melaka, Perak, Penang,
Muwafiq. According to Ustazah Aleeya, the          Terengganu, Pahang and Phuket, Thailand
production of a model is to further explain the    (U4AD1).
existing concept by highlighting a concept in
real terms. She said, “things already exist, we    5.      Discussion
replicate, and then, give understanding (o
students by using the replica)” (U4TB2). With      This study found the patern of the creation of
regard to Masbuq Muwafiq, it was produced to       material innovation by innovative teachers of
give students an understanding of the concept      Islamic education. The summary can be
of makmum masbuq and muwafiq (U5TB2).              understood through the following diagram:
So, Ustazah Ainur created the Masbuq

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1544                                                         Journal of Positive School Psychology

                                           Islamic Education
                                          Innovation Materials

                       Games             ICT             Module           Model

                                         QR Codes


                                               VR           Program


                           Figure 2: Islamic Education Innovation Materials

Although innovation is always associated with           students master a certain level of
the production of something new, but the                understanding before delivering lessons at a
concept of ‘new’ is actually limited to the             higher level, 2) explain a concept in more
meaning of modification, whether in the form            depth and complexity and the relationship
of adaptation or combination(Lednor, 2019).             between one concept and another concept, and
Therefore, if observed, the value of innovation         3) ensure that there is no misunderstanding of
lies in the strategy of using new materials             a concept being taught. This is what the study
being produced. Game-based innovation                   participants do when they produce an
creations are mostly produced by study                  innovation, which is to create repetition in
participants. This phenomenon is in line with           students' unconscious learning. Thus, games,
the popular gamification techniques currently           ICT, modules and models were created.
in use (Dichev & Dicheva, 2017). Through                         The second basic concept of education
gamification innovation, game applications              is the application of the concept of rewards
take place in a non-game context(World                  and penalties in the game. It is in line with the
Government Summit, 2016). Through                       concept of targhib and tarhib in Islam(Jasmi,
gamification innovation as well, there is a             2017). Examples of targhib and tarhib in
pedagogical elemination process that causes             Islam are the concept of reward and sin as well
pedagogy to occur unconsciously(Buck,                   as the concept of heaven and hell. This
2017). In addition, the use of advanced                 concept is discussed by psychologists as part
technologies such as AR and VR(Ajmain et                of extrinsic motivation(Reeve, 2005). The
al., 2020) also shows that IET is not left              success of the use of rewards and penalties in
behind and is always moving in line with                attracting students to learning is acknowledged
current technological developments.                     by      the    study      participants.    When
         However, the real key to the creation          studentslearning motivation is successfully
of modern innovation remains subject to the             stimulated, students' concentration and
basic concepts of education as stated by                motivation to master the knowledge will also
scholars in the past. The first basic concept of        happen unconsciously(Vellymalay, 2015).
education is repetition. Ibn Khaldun (2001)                      The third basic concept of education is
mentions in al-Mukaddimah that teaching and             the need to recognize and celebrate the
learning should be done repeatedly. The                 diversity of student intelligence as Multiple
repetition is done with purpose; 1) ensure that         Intelligent Theory (MIT) proposed by Howard

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1545                                                      Journal of Positive School Psychology

Gardner(Gardner & Moran, 2006). Based on             7.      Conclusion
MIT, there are eight interrelated intelligences,
namely; linguistic, visual-spatial, bodily           In conclusion, this study shows that there are
kinesthatic,        musical,        interpersonal,   four types of teaching innovation materials
intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligence(Şener     produced by study participants, namely;
& Çokçalışkan, 2018). So some intelligence is        games, ICT, modules and models. The use of
taken into account during the drafting of            game-based innovation can create learning in a
activities through the use of these innovative       relaxed and unconscious way. However,
materials. For example, although teachers            students should not be allowed to play without
focus on intrapersonal intelligence in game          teacher’s supervision. This situation will result
innovation, there are also applications of other     in students playing and neglecting their
intelligence such as kinestatic intelligence that    learning. ICT is a technology produced in the
requires practical prayer movements, musical         form of QR, AR, VR and multimedia
intelligence that requires memorization of           materials, whether the technology is stand-
verses or recitation in prayer, verbal               alone or combined with other innovations.
intelligence that requires students to write jawi    Examples of stand-alone ICT innovations are
and interpersonal intelligence which need the        MCis and Fiqh Exhibition, while example of
cooperation and support of friends. Similarly,       ICT technologies combined with other
the use of ICT, which usually focuses on             innovations are the use of AR in CaknaSolat
spatial and musical intelligence, but also           and Kembara Tanah Suci and the use of QR in
provides kinestatic experience through VR            JawiAbqori, JariJawi, Roda Audit Solat.
technology and attracts students with naturalist              There are three module-based
intelligence through the arrangement of              innovations, namely; teaching notes, learning
environment-based backgrounds used in Fiqh           notes and programs. Teaching notes and
Exhibition innovation. The application of the        learning notes are designed with a focus on
use of various elements of intelligence can          memory and understanding of the content of
stimulate students' learning motivation and          the lesson. The program focuses on
overcome boredom while studying among                rehabilitation and enrichment. For students
students(Ibrahim, 2016).                             who still cannot understand the content of the
         In addition, a study participant is also    lesson that well, then the program will be an
not tied to the production of only one form of       additional activity to help them understand the
innovation, instead various types of materials       content of the lesson. Meanwhile, for students
are produced based on students' learning             who have understood, they will be able to
abilities. This is in line with the sunnah of the    appreciate and deepen the need to learn the
apostles. Ibn Umar narrated that Rasulullah          content of a subject even better. Just like
s.a.w. said, "We the prophets are commanded          modules, models are also produced with a
to speak to people according to the level of         similar purpose. Only, the advantage of the
their intellect” (Al-Maraghi, 1946; Al-              model over the module is, it has additional 3D
Mawardi, n.d.).                                      elements. These elements allow students to see
                                                     something from a point of view that cannot be
6.      Limitations    and                Future     described with only 2D visuals on the module,
        Recommendation                               as well as providing demonstrations on certain
                                                     concepts to aid in a deeper understanding.
Participants in this study were only selected                 This study is hoped to inspire and
from among ITIEs who teach in secondary              giving ideas for teachers to emulate ITIE in
schools in Melaka, Negeri Sembilan and               producing teaching innovations, as well as
Selangor. Further studies can be conducted           providing input to scholars on grassroots
based on the different background of study           innovations produced by teachers in schools.
participants, such as primary school Islamic
Education teachers, teachers in other states         8.      Acknowledgement
and/or teaching other subjects. Findings may
differ based on different study contexts. In         This research was funded through the project
addition, further studies are also proposed to       with Faculty of Education, National University
be conducted using a quantitative approach.          of Malaysia (UKM) Research Grant GG-2019-

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