Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Cedar Mayor
Maile Wilson-
Edwards gives
Vol. 13 No. 30                                  Wednesday, June 23, 2021

   4   Opinion                 Co-founder
   8   Showcase               named Program
                              Director of SUU
                              Music Technology             IRON
                               grad degree

                                                    Opening up
 SUU hosts Larry
  H. Miller Utah
 Summer Games
Opening Ceremony
from David Bishop
 For Iron Count y Today

    CEDAR CITY — The 36th annual Larry
H. Miller Utah Summer Games commenced                                                 After missing last year
with the Opening Ceremony on Friday, June                                              due to the COVID-19
                                                                                      pandemic, the flames,
18 in the Eccles Coliseum at Southern Utah                                                fans and hopeful
University.                                                                             athletes of the Utah
    Headlined by The Spazmatics and The                                               Summer Games returned
Boogie Knights, the Opening Ceremony                                                     to Southern Utah.
included the athlete’s parade, lighting of the
torch, family-friendly activities, and fireworks.
    “We are so excited to once again wel-
come everyone to the Opening Ceremony
and Utah Summer Games,” said Pace Clarke,
executive director of the Utah Summer
Games. “Canceled due to COVID, the
tradition of the games was greatly missed
last year in the Cedar City community. We
look forward to four fun-filled weeks of
collaboration, competition and celebrating
the participating athletes.”
    Opening the four week event of the
Utah Summer Games, the Open Ceremony
featured the parade of athletes, lighting of
the cauldron, an SUU Aviation flyover as well
as amazing stunts performed by Flippenout
Extreme Trampoline. The Boogie Knights,
known as the greatest disco revival show in
the world, headlined the event.
    Previous to the Open Ceremony, the
Utah Summer Games Summer Block Party
was held at SUU (800 West 200 South)
and included food trucks, face painting,
music, games and entertainment for
those of all ages.
    With more than 40 sporting events, the
Utah Summer Games is one of the premier
sporting events in Utah and attracts athletes
of all ages and skill levels. The competition
celebrates excellence in the human spirit
and healthy lifestyles through extraordinary
sporting events and competition. Since 1986,
this event has been conducted at SUU with
an average total of 9,600 participants, 50
thousand spectators, and 1,000 volunteers in
attendance each year. The recent executive
order regarding the fireworks ban on state
property doesn’t apply to professionally pro-
duced shows and the Utah Summer Games,
along with SUU, took several precautionary
measures to ensure a safe firework display
during the current drought conditions.
    The Utah State Fire Marshal, as well as city
and local officials, approved the show and, as
with any fireworks show, the Cedar City Fire
Department was on location.
    Find more information about the Utah
Summer games along with scheduling details
at                                       More Photos in Life               corey baumgartner
2 Wednesday, June 23, 2021                                                       news                                                                    Iron County Today

                                                                                         Mayor Maile’s Corner
                                                                                         As your Mayor, I am thrilled to have           BE Responsible:
                                                                                         this opportunity and venue to provide
                                                                                                                                        » Soak used fireworks thoroughly in a
                                                                                         our residents with even more trans-
                                                                                                                                           bucket of water.
                                                                                         parent, accountable, and accessible
                                                                                         information about what is taking place         » Dispose of used fireworks in the
                                                                                         within Cedar City. Each column will be            provided dumpsters at the desig-
                                                                                         a little different, but I thought it would        nated sites.
                                                                                         be important to start “Mayor Maile’s           » Never re-light a “Dud” fire work. Wait
                                                                                         Corner” by providing you an update on             15-20 minutes then soak in a bucket
                                                                                         the current firework situation, at least          of water.
                                                                                         as it stands right now.                        BE Safe:
 The unique lunch program                                                                                                               » An adult should always light
 provides many benefits for                                                              It is that time of year when fireworks go
                                                                                         on sale from June 25th until July 25th,           fireworks
  the community including a
   service to those who need                                                             which coincides with our driest and            » Keep matches & lighters away from
   it and practical education                                                            hottest time of the year. This year comes         children!
  experience for SUU nutrition                                                           with a heightened concern because of
      and health students.                                                               the exceptional drought we are in. There       » Use fireworks outdoors only.
                                                                       Courtesy SUU
                                                                                         has been much discussion about banning         » Light only one firework at a time &
                                                                                         fireworks because of the dry conditions.          move away quickly.

 SUU teams with community
                                                                                         The state law does not allow municipal-
                                                                                         ities to create a conflicting ordinance        » Always remember—do not throw or
                                                                                         prohibiting the sales or uses of fireworks        hold fireworks.
                                                                                         as outlined in the “Utah Fireworks Act.”       BE Aware:

 to provide summer lunches                                                               Because of this law, the Fire Department
                                                                                         highly recommends that citizens use the
                                                                                         designated sites in Cedar City which are
                                                                                         the: South parking lot of Cedar High, the
                                                                                                                                        » Only use legal fireworks.
                                                                                                                                        » Use fireworks only in legal places.
                                                                                                                                        » Fireworks are prohibited on all state
from David Bishop                        We love having the SUU students                 parking lot at the Bicentennial Softball          parks, state, or federal lands and in
                                         help prepare and serve the lunches."            Park, the South parking lot of Canyon             the wildland urban interface.
 For Iron Count y Today                                                                  View High School, the West parking lot at
                                             Lunch is served Mondays through             the Cedar City Aquatic Center, the parking     As always if you have any question,
    Having a healthy lunch during        Fridays at two locations in Iron                lot at Iron Springs Elementary and new         concerns or ideas don’t hesitate to
the summer can be difficult for          County. At Cedar City's Main St. Park           this year on Iron Mission Parkway by the       reach out to me. My office is in the City
some local families, but thanks to       they are served from 11:30 a.m. -               soccer fields, to shoot legal fireworks        Office Building 10 North Main, I can
Southern Utah University (SUU)           12:30 p.m. and at Enoch Elementary              purchased in the State of Utah. Fireworks      be reached by phone 435-586-2953 or
and the Community Presbyterian           School they are served from 12:00               are not allowed in the wildland urban          email
Church (CPC) over 500 children in        p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch is served on            interface zone, which you can find a map
                                                                                         of on the Fire Department’s web page or
Iron County have access to nutritious    a first-come-first served basis to              at your local fireworks retailer.
lunches daily. The program began 14      anyone under 18 years old. Adults can                                                          Maile Wilson Edwards,
years ago when a state-wide non-         purchase lunch for $2.00.                       Fireworks can be legally discharger            Cedar City Mayor
                                                                                         between the hours of 11 a.m. and 11 p.m.,
profit organization, Utahns Against          Last year and continuing this               except that on July 4 and July 24, the hours
Hunger, approached Iron County to        year, the COVID pandemic allowed                are 11 a.m. to midnight: beginning on July
find a capable entity to apply for the   for a waiver that allows parents to             2 and ending on July 5; and beginning on
USDA grant and develop the program.      pick up lunches for their children              July 22 and ending on July 25.
The CPC applied for the USDA grant       and take them home. “Typically, the
and solely ran the program for the       lunches must be eaten at the park,              Here are some fireworks
first couple of years. As the program    but this is a great opportunity for             safety tips:
grew, a new partnership developed        those who may not be able to come               Promote and practice the FOUR BE’s
with SUU.                                in person”, states Evelyn Gomez,
    Nutrition students from SUU have     SUU MPA student and coordinator                 BE Prepared:
found internships in this program        of the program this year. Most of the           » Store fireworks out of children’s
particularly valuable, Sarah Teare,      SUU coordination of the program                    reach.
a senior nutrition major from West       rests with the Utah Center for Rural            » Always read and follow label
Jordan, UT. "This real-life experience   Health.                                            directions.
is a fantastic way to put my academic        Executive Director Rita Osborn              » Always have water handy (a
knowledge to work. I am happy to         commented that, "Iron County                       bucket of water).
be engaged in my community and           consistently ranks lower than many
use my education to help combat          counties when it comes to food
food insecurities." Sarah will pursue    insecurity. This program is a win,
a registered dietitian nutritionist      win, win as children have access to
career after graduating.                 nutritious food and SUU students can
    Additionally, the Community          truly make a difference, plus learn
Engagement Center provides SUU           about how to apply concepts they are
volunteers once a week to conduct        learning at university."
recreational activities with the chil-       In addition to SUU and the CPC,
dren. "With over 400 children at the     the Utah State University Extension
park, it is great to keep them active    program provides interns for the
and moving." says student Service        program while the Iron County
Leader Beks Winward, a senior            bookmobile makes weekly visits to
nutrition major from Orem, Utah.         provide educational opportunities,
"We provide games and fun activities     making the program a true commu-
every Wednesday from noon to 1 pm."      nity partnership.
    Nancy Pearson, pastor at
Community Presbyterian Church
praises Southern Utah University for     For more information, updated
stepping up to the plate with support.   menus and more - refer to their social
"As our congregation ages, the sup-      media at
port from SUU has been essential to      CedarCitySummerLunchProgram or
continuing this very needed program.     contact Osborn at 435-865-8520.
Iron County Today                                                                  news                                                       Wednesday, June 23, 2021         3

  Annual community water festival set for June 26
from Jessica Staheli
 Centr al Iron Count y Water Conservancy District

    Southwest Plumbing Supply & Central Iron
County Water Conservancy District invite the
community to join them at the Main Street Park in
Cedar City on Saturday, June 26 from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. for the annual community Water Festival.
    The festival was designed to educate commu-
nity members on water conservation and showcase
water efficient products, irrigation and landscape
equipment, consulting and professional services,
and water software and technologies.
    Kids can enjoy themselves with activities
including bounce houses, inflatable slides & obsta-                                                                                                                Courtesy CICWCD

cle courses, a giant foamy slip n slide and other fun          This year's Water Festival will be a fun way to educate on the importance and usage of water in our community.
outdoor games during the event.
    Paul Monroe, Central Iron County Water
Conservancy District General Manager said the
District has decided to help preserve water
resources in this exceptional drought year by
replacing the fire truck spray used in years past
with a foam machine on the giant slip n slide.
    “Due to the drought, we need to cut back on
water usage at the Festival, and with high fire
danger in the area we felt it was important to not
use a fire truck either,” he said. “Instead there will
be a large foam machine that uses minimal water
on the slip n slide this year.”

     festival designed to
    educate community on
     water conservation

    The water balloon fights will also be replaced
with other fun outdoor games for the kids that
don’t require water use.
    Ensign Engineering is the “Big Wave Lunch” spon-
sor, and will provide free hot dogs for lunch beginning
at 11 a.m. and running as long as supplies last.
    Those who attend can learn about the solutions
the District is creating to solve the water prob-
lems in the Cedar Valley, including conservation,
recharging and reusing water, and efforts to import
water into the valley.
    Booths will be set up with information on water
efficient products, water-wise landscaping options
such as Localscapes, water efficiency rebates, free
water checks, the “Get to Know Your H2O” cam-
paign and more. Food and merchandise vendors
will also be offering their wares.
    To add to the fun, there will be giveaways
and all attendees can enter to win fun summer
yard games. Community members can get extra
giveaway entries on the District’s Facebook page.
Mikey and the Mrs. from the radio station B92.1 will
be broadcasting live at the event.
    The District would like to thank all its sponsors
for making the Water Festival possible. Festival
sponsors include: Southwest Plumbing Supply,
Ensign Engineering, Carollo Engineers, Smith’s Food
and Drug Stores, Rainbow Sign & Design, Stewart
Brother’s Electric, Smart Termite & Pest Control,
and Kwik Soft H2O.
    For more information about the Water Festival
visit or call (435)

The Central Iron County Water Conservancy District is
charged with conserving, developing and stabilizing the
Cedar Valley water supply for the benefit of all current and
future water users and consumers in the region. The Water
District educates residents about conservation, reuse and
water import strategies as it strives to meet the challenges
of declining water levels and community growth.
4 Wednesday, June 23, 2021                                                                                    news                                                                                     Iron County Today

From the Editor                                                                                                                                                                                             Thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                            of the
   In case of                                                                                                                                                                                               week
  emergency…                                                                                                                                                                                                "Don't judge
                                                                                                                                                                                                            each day by
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the harvest

                             Life is full of difficult                                                                                                                                                      you reap but
                              decisions. It’s                                                                                                                                                               by the seeds
                              seems the more                                                                                                                                                                that you
                         adept we become at
                          making them, they                                                                                                                                                                 plant."
                          adapt and become
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Robert Louis
                          even tougher. In the
                         case of newspapers, it
                        seems the most difficult
         Corey         decisions are not only
    Managing Editor
                      how to best present both
                      information and inspiration
to the community, but also how best to provide
for and protect the resources of both people

                                                                                                     Weather for reading
(employees) and profits so they can continue
to serve their communities who rely on them to
be worthy of the work entrusted to them.
    Even without the luxury of our award-win-

ning legacy, we know and recognize that our
greatest legacy and assets are you, our writers,                                     he onset of summer brought to mind for                                  Include Them
readers, advertisers and deliverers. How blessed                                     me a thought-provoking moment with my                                       One of the best things about Summer Reading is
our mini but mighty ICT team is to be an                                             daughter, America (who was maybe ten at                                 the opportunity build and heal family relationships
integral part of so many lives in our Iron County                            the time?). She handed me a book she was reading,                               and establish an abundant culture of family learning.
communities.                                                                 and asked me to read to her. After I read a chapter                             Some of our family’s most significant shared memo-
    With that being said, in this ever-changing                              to her, she said, “Thanks, Dad. I could have read                               ries came from reading aloud together.
economy, some newspapers aren’t going to                                     it myself, but I just love it when you read to me. I                                Some of my favorite Family Readalouds with
make it; some have already stopped their                                     miss our winter read-alouds.”                                                   these goals in mind include:
presses for good. Some have sought to survive                                    Meri walked away with her book, but it got me                               »»Little Britches, Moody (this whole series is
digitally, while others closed their doors. Not                              thinking: I’ve always promoted the idea that winter                               fabulous)
the Iron County Today!                                                       is a key time for family reading. But summer is                                 »»Understood Betsy (shows the journey of a child
    Henri-Frederic Amiel wisely reminds us to,                               perhaps the most important time for kids to see                                    who has lost her sense of self and her love of
“Work while you have the light. You are respon-                              their parents reading.                                                                learning, to becoming a loving, confident child
sible for the talent that has been entrusted to
you.” We at the Iron County Today shall con-
                                                                                 Parents can do a LOT during summer
                                                                             to make a difference in the education of                               op/              with a deep love of learning)
                                                                                                                                                                         » Little Men (the principles of family
tinue to do just that. Nevertheless, it would be
foolish to rest on our literary laurels. As Bernard
M. Baruch said, “We can’t cross a bridge until
                                                                             their kids; and one of the best is to set
                                                                             the example of reading. If your kids see
                                                                             you reading a lot, especially during summer
                                                                                                                                                    Ed               education culture are in full display)
                                                                                                                                                                     »»Little House in the Big Woods (chock-full
                                                                                                                                                                   of amazing content – especially on the
we come to it; but I always like to lay down a                               leisure, the example can profoundly influence                                     topics of family culture, education and com-
pontoon ahead of time.”                                                      them and their attitudes about learning.                                          munity. Oh–and it’s not a “girl” book. Seriously.
    Therefore, I propose three questions to                                                                                                                    There are bears, whittlin’, and all sorts of manly
every reader and advertiser in this community.                               Show Them                                                                         fare. · Farmer Boy, Wilder (again–the whole
First, what would your life and/or business be                                  This week I’ll be reading in the evenings outside                              series has wonderful lessons to shape and heal
like without the Iron County Today Newspaper.                                by the grill and the court where the kids play                                    families)
Second, what would you miss the most about                                   basketball, in the hot afternoons near the swamp                                »»Laddie, Stratton-Porter (starts a little slow for
reading weekly wisdom from this newspaper?                                   cooler, and in the kitchen before meals and during                                some readers, but the treasures in this book are
Finally, what “pontoons” of preparation do you                               cleanup after the family eats.                                                    soooo worth it!)
think we could lay down to make our newspaper                                   I’ll take turns with several books, so I’ll be a few                         »»Cheaper by the Dozen, Gilbreth (energetic and
more sustainable in these trying times and avoid                             chapters into each, and I’ll have more than one                                   parent-inspired excellence!)
the void other newspapers are falling into?                                  discussion about them with the kids.
    Please let me know through email or mail, or                                I’ll look for opportunities to tell them: “I’m                                  Summer is a great time for building family, and
stop by the office. Thank you and let’s keep going!                          reading this awesome book. Actually, I’ve read it                               promoting life-long learning. So just get out your
                                                                             before but I’m re-reading it and I want to share                                books, start reading, and share!
Corey Baumgartner                                                            something from it that really touched me.”                                                        I’ll read them a passage that I’ve marked, and
389 N 100 W – Cedar City, UT                                                 then we’ll talk about our thoughts, and the ideas,                              Oliver DeMille, guest contributor for
                                                                             memories or feelings it provokes.                                               Being Relevant in Education

                                            Administration                        Advertising                           Editorial                             Layout/Design                         Circulation, cont.
  COUNTY                                    R. Gail Stahle                        Scott Stahle                          Corey Baumgartner                     Devin Christ                          Stormee Anderson
                                            Publisher                             Sales Representative                  Managing Editor                       Creative Director                     N. Cedar City/Enoch
      389 N 100 W, Suite 12                    
     Cedar City, Utah 84721                                                       801.755.5999                          435.867.1865 Ext. 6                                                         435.592.5724
        Ph: 435-867-1865
                                            Deborah                                                                                                           Circulation
                                            Martineau                             Patti Bostick                         Tom Zulewski                                                                Wendy Hanson
       Fax: 435-867-1866                    Office Manager                        Sales Representative                  Sports reporter                       Stephanie Millett                     Parowan/Paragonah                                                                    S. Cedar City               
                                                     435.592.1030                                                               435.477.9100

  Iron County Today is distributed free of charge, thanks to our advertisers. It is hand-delivered to over 14,000 households in Cedar City, Enoch and Parowan and is available in several rack locations in Iron and Beaver Counties.
Iron County Today                                                                                        news                            Wednesday, June 23, 2021   5

        Popular perceptions of
      population and procreation
The opinions stated in this article are solely those of the                       declined by 25% in some 30 years.
author and not the Iron County Today                                                 As a demographer summed up in a Salt Lake
                                                                                  Tribune article this month, young married couples
                                                                                  used to say “we’ll figure it out” as to how many

                                                                                  children they wanted and how to pay for them.
                                                                                  Today, a typical couple wants to “get things in
                                                                                  order” before having children.
                                                                                      The reasons are varied and generally obvious.
                                                                                  There are now more females in college than men,
  Bryan Gray
                                                                                  and women are seeking careers outside of being
                                                                                  a homemaker. Couples are getting married at an

                                                                                  older age; in urban areas it’s most common for a
          t a grocery store last week, an elderly                                 woman to marry when she is 26, meaning she’ll
          woman standing back of me in the check-                                 probably have fewer children than if she had
          out line placed an elaborately decorated                                married at 22. The teen pregnancy rate is Utah
pastry cake on the conveyor belt. “You must be                                    has dropped dramatically, down some 80% is less
having a party,” I said.                                                          than 25 years. An at-times unstable economy also
    “It’s my husband’s birthday,” she replied.                                    contributes; the federal government estimates the
Beaming she added, “He’s a husband and a father                                   average cost of bringing up a child from birth to
and a grandfather and a great-grandfather – and                                   age 18 is more than $225,000 – and that doesn’t
we’ve got a huge number of people coming over to                                  include college fees and tuition.
celebrate.”                                                                          Some people will claim a lower family size is
    “Well, I hope you have room,” I said.                                         simply a sign of selfishness; after all, they’ll say,
    “Thank goodness they won’t all be coming                                      their children “got by okay” through prudent
at the same time,” she laughed. “We have six                                      spending. However, society today has more
children, 34 grandchildren, and at least 28                                       demands on children. When I was in elementary
great-grandchildren.”                                                             school, the only after-school or summer program
    I congratulated her, and I also know this                                     was church arts and crafts and Little League
history of large families is coming to an end. In
order for a society to keep a stable population,                                                              see perceptions » 7
families must have at least two children. The
nation is now 20% under that “replacement”
population rate and Utah is some 5% under that
rate as well. Births have been falling for almost
a decade. The number of babies born in Utah
has dropped about 20% in the past ten years;
the average family size for Utah members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has

  Below are bookings          Child, Assault, DUI       Only), Fail to reg/
  as reported by the                                    expired Veh
                              Luke D Shettell
  Iron County Sheriff’s       Cedar City, UT            Levi W Workman
  Department and              Child Abuse – Inv         Cedar City, UT
  Cedar City Police           Physical Injury           Consume Alcohol by
  Department.                                           Minor
  Those arrested                  JUNE 18
  are innocent until
                                                        Anthony J
                              Brianna R Partin          Wheatley
  proven guilty.                                        Cedar City, UT
                              Washington, UT
                                                        Consume Alcohol by
                              Consume Alcohol by
       JUNE 15                Minor, DRUG – Poss/
                              Use C/S
  Justin P Craft                                            JUNE 20
  Cedar City, UT
  Prob/Parole Violation,          JUNE 19               Jesse J Fay
  Poss Dangerous              Karen A Warner            Beaver, UT
  Weapon by Restr,                                      DRUG – w/Intent to
                              Cedar City, UT
  Intentional Damage,                                   Distribute C/S, Drug
                              DUI w/BAC at/
  Deface, Destroy Prop.                                 Paraphernalia
                              over .08, Refuse
  Josef L Morris              Chemical Test, Fail to    Daniel J Engstrom
  Cedar City, UT              disclose Identity, Open   Cedar City, UT
  Assault                     Container in Veh, Fail    DRUG – Poss C/S, Drug
                              to Stop on Command,       Paraphernalia, Wrong
       JUNE 17                No DL in Possess.         Plates on Veh

  Ricky L DeGeorge            Michael A                 Dylan L Mitchell
                              Bertolini                 Cedar City, UT
  Cedar City, UT              Cedar City, UT            Drive w/o Ins, DUI,
  Theft, Poss Drug            DRUG – Poss C/S, Drug     Open Container in
  Paraphernalia               Paraphernalia             Veh, Alcohol Restr DL
  Kevin R Lobos               Austin R Davis
  Cedar City, UT              Copperton, UT                  JUNE 21
  No Valid DL, Poss           DUI, Unsafe Lane
  Drug C/S, Drug              Change
                                                        Jamie Bernard
  Paraphernalia, Poss                                   Las Vegas, NV
  Dangerous Weapon by         Jovani Parra              DRUG – Poss w/Intent
  Restr, Intoxication, Fail   Cedar City, UT            to Distribute C/S, Drug
  to Remain at Accident       DUI w/BAC at/over         Paraphernalia
  (Damage Only).              .08, Intoxication,
                              Refuse Chemical Test,
                                                        Timothy D
  Zachary J                   Obstructing Justice,
  Pikyavit                    Fail to Remain at
                                                        Cedar City, UT
  Cedar City, UT                                        DRUG – Poss C/S, Drug
                              Accident (Damage
  DV in Presence of                                     Paraphernalia
6 Wednesday, June 23, 2021                                                                       news                                                                    Iron County Today

utah Legislative update                                                                                                  Iron County
 Dear Friends and Neighbors,
 Every ten years, the U.S. Constitution
 requires the U.S. Census Bureau to
 conduct a count of every person who lives
 in the United States. The results of the
                                                 coordinator and Utah’s Division of Natural
                                                 Resources (DNR) convene the Drought
                                                 Review and Reporting Committee. The
                                                 committee recommended an executive
                                                 order should be issued declaring a state
                                                                                                               Water Stewards
 census are used for redistricting, which
                                                 of emergency due to the drought. Gov.                  by Ashley Langston                            management, and soil management, but
                                                 Cox released the declaration on March                                                                this study is the first of its kind because
 is the process of drawing new district          17. In May, the Legislature extended the                for iron county today
 boundaries for congressional, legislative       drought declaration through October. On
                                                                                                                                                      it brings all those aspects together and is
 and state school board districts based on
 the state’s resident population.
                                                 June 8, the state issued another drought
                                                 declaration to further restrict water use at           USU Extension                                 designed to be a long-term study.
                                                                                                                                                           The information gathered should
 In Utah, the Legislature is responsible for
 redrawing district boundaries.
                                                 state facilities and prohibit fireworks on
                                                          state lands.
                                                                                                        and the SUU Farm                              be especially useful in guiding water
                                                                                                                                                      conservation planning at the farm level,
 Once the state receives the data                            Though we have no control over
                                                                                                             The Southern Utah University Farm
 from the U.S. Census Bureau,
                                                                                                                                                      which would in turn have large impacts
                                                               droughts in our desert state,            is involved in an exciting and extensive
 members from the Utah Senate                                                                                                                         on planning efforts at watershed and
                                                                we do have control over                 research project to help determine
 and House of Representatives                                    our water conservation
                                                                                                                                                      basin levels.
 will hold town hall meetings                                                                           the most water-efficient ways to use
                                                                  efforts. Learn about your                                                                SUU Farm Manager Morgan
 across the state. Members of                                                                           agricultural land in Utah.
                                                                  role in water conservation                                                          Christensen said they are glad to be
 the public are encouraged to                                     here, https://water.utah.                  Southern Utah University is part-
 attend these meetings and                                                                                                                            partnering with USU on the project.
                                                                  gov/water-data/drought.               nering with the Utah State University
 provide input and feedback.                                                                                                                          “It’s a really positive thing for the
                                                                 Find a helpful lawn                    Extension on the project, and the Cedar
 In addition to participating                                   watering guide here, https://                                                         farm and for SUU,” he said.
 in town halls, all Utahns will                                                                         Valley location is one of three in the
                                    Sen. Evan Vickers                                                                              USU and SUU are partnering
 be able to use a state-of-                                     weekly-lawn-watering-guide.
                                                                                                        state. The project began locally this year,
 the-art map drawing tool to
                                     Utah Senate District 28                                                                                          with the irrigation industry, water
                                                                                                        and is in its second year in Vernal and
 create their own maps for the                                                                                                                        conservancy districts, soil and water
                                                                                                        its third year in Logan.
 legislative committee to review.                Fireworks                                                   Matt Yost, USU Assistant
                                                                                                                                                      conservation districts, Utah water
                                                 With Utah's current severe drought                                                                           agencies, and several other
                                                                                                        Professor and Sustainable
 Interim Highlights                              conditions, we all need to take extra
                                                                                                        Communities Extension
                                                                                                                                                                 federal and state organiza-
                                                 measures to be safe and responsible with                                                                           tions on the project.
 This week, the Legislature met for interim      fireworks throughout the July holidays.                Specialist, said they selected
 committee meetings and appropriations                                                                                                                                  Central Iron County
                                                 Fireworks are banned on state and federal              three parts of the state for
 subcommittee meetings. Our non-partisan         lands, and many local municipalities                                                                                Water Conservancy District
 staff create a newsletter each month                                                                   the study, all with different
                                                 have placed bans for high-risk areas                                                                                General Manager Paul
 reviewing all of the main discussions           within the cities and counties. I urge
                                                                                                        climates, different soils and
 from interim meetings. You can find these
                                                                                                                                                                     Monroe serves on the
                                                 all to follow restrictions and be extra                different water availability.
 newsletters here,                                                                                                                       state’s Agricultural Water
                                                 cautious of their surroundings. I believe                   “Whenever we’re doing
 interimHighlights.jsp. The latest update        Utahns can take appropriate measures
                                                                                                                                                                 Optimization Task Force,
 is usually released one week after the                                                                 agricultural research it’s really
                                                 to prevent wildfires and still celebrate                                                                    which was created by the Utah
 meetings.                                                                                              important to replicate things over
                                                 the founding of our great nation and                                                                 Legislature in 2018. He said the group
 Here are just a few of the items discussed      state. I encourage everyone to practice                time and over environments,” Yost said.
                                                                                                                                                      has been working to identify the critical
 during our interim meetings this week:          and promote safe and responsible                            The major objective is to “identify
                                                                                                                                                      issues facing the state’s long-term
                                                 fireworks measures this summer. The Utah               which combinations of pivot irrigation
 The University of Utah presented a utiliza-     Department of Public Safety released an                                                              water supply, particularly in regard to
 tion plan and outlined the                                                                             and crop management practices result
                                                      updated list of fireworks restrictions                                                          optimizing agricultural water supply,
 foundation for creating a                             in areas around Utah. Read the list
                                                                                                        in optimized use of limited water
                                                                                                                                                      use, and future needs, in light of
 system-wide approach to                               here,              supplies, reduced consumptive use, and
 resolving Utah’s mental                                                                                                                              expected population growth.
                                                                  department-services/                  the best yield and profit outcomes for
 health crisis.                                                    fireworks-restricted-areas.
                                                                                                                                                           The task force is looking forward to
                                                                                                        producers,” he said.
 The Transportation
                                                                                                                                                      the results of this study and its potential
                                                                                                             The trials will include research
 Committee received an                                                                                                                                to help agricultural water users and
 update on the voluntary,
                                                                   Free Educational                     on more than 25 different water
                                                                                                                                                      statewide water supplies.
 pilot Road User Charge.                                           Resources                            optimization practices, including pivot
                                                                   Discovery Education,                 irrigation technologies such as mobile
 The Health and Human                                              a digital textbook
 Services Interim Commit-
                                                                                                        drip irrigation, low-elevation precision      The Iron County Water Stewards program
                                                                   company, is offering free            application, and low-elevation spray
 tee discussed transgen-                                           K-12 digital resources                                                             recognizes community members for
 der health care for youth                                         on STEM subjects this
                                                                                                        application. They will also evaluate how      contributing to the effort to optimize every
 and transgender youth in                                          summer for families                  the best available drought-tolerant crop
 school sports. This topic
                                                                                                                                                      drop of water in Iron County. The Central
                                                                   and educators trying to              genetics, cover crops, tillage practices,     Iron County Water Conservancy District
 received significant feed-                                        combat achievement
 back from constituents                                                                                 and alternative crops influence water         (CICWCD) is actively engaged in education,
                                                                    gaps that widened                   optimization.
 and parents from across                                            during the pandemic.                                                              conservation, reuse and import projects
 the state during the                                                                                        Boyd Kitchen, USU Extension              to meet the growing demands on local
 general session earlier                                                                                Agriculture and Natural Resources             water supply. For every effort you make to
 this year. As a result,                                            COVID-19                            Director for Uintah County, said there        conserve, we consider you a water steward,
 we have supported
 ongoing conversations
                                                                    Update                              are separate studies about optimizing         too. For more of the story and to Get to
 that would resolve any                                             On Friday, June 18th,               water use, water management, crop             Know Your H2O, visit
 concerns and allow for                                             the Utah Department
 further study of the topic.                                        of Health reported
 While no legislation                                               5,037,327 total COVID-19
 was introduced during                                              tests administered,
 this meeting, legislators                                          411,071 total positive
 leading the efforts are                                            cases, 403,008 esti-
 involving parents, various                                         mated recovered cases,
 stakeholders and commu-                                            17,232 total hospitaliza-
 nity members to resume deliberation.            tions, 170 current hospitalizations, 2,326
                                                 total fatalities and 1,562,030 people have
 The State Board of Education (USBE) took        received at least one dose of one of the
 action to address critical race theory in       vaccines. There are still plenty of vaccines
 schools by approving administrative rules       available. If you have not yet received a
 that address educational equality and how       dose, I would encourage you to consider
 it is included in learning and instructional    getting the vaccine. For information
 materials. This week USBE shared their          on how to sign up for the vaccine visit
 next steps, which include a public    
 comment period, a training checklist
 and a timeline for implementation and           I will be providing these COVID-19 updates
 developing model training.                      from a legislative perspective every
                                                 other week. I want to hear from you
                                                 and get your feedback, thoughts and
 Water Use                                       ideas on what's happening in our local
 Utah is currently experiencing extreme          communities. Please contact me anytime
 drought (see map). Earlier this year,           at Thank you.
 the Division of Water Resources (DWR)           Sincerely, Evan Vickers
 recommended that the state drought                                                                                                                                                Courtesy CICWCD
                                                 Utah State Senate
Iron County Today                                                                      news                                                   Wednesday, June 23, 2021   7

D-Day 75th Anniversary: A long thin                                                                                         perceptions
                                                                                                                            « Continued from page 5

  line of personal anguish (part 3)                                                                                         baseball. Today, girls and boys are enticed into
                                                                                                                            music, gymnastics, dance, softball, basketball,
                                                                                                                            volleyball, soccer, “comp” and recreation
The 75th anniversary of D-Day is an appropriate time for       started. Today these cartons by the thousand,                leagues, and a host of other specific programs
us to recall the sacrifices made by those serving and who      water-soaked and spilled out, mark the line of our           from choir to drama to art lessons.
had served in our Armed Forces. To mark this occasion,         first savage blow.                                               It gets expensive. And it’s hard to tell
the Ernie Pyle World War II Museum in Dana, Indiana,               Writing paper and air-mail envelopes come                your son that he will be the only child on the
and Scripps Howard Foundation offer this reprint of            second. The boys had intended to do a lot of                 block without an electric scooter or a visit to
three columns written by Ernie Pyle immediately after the      writing in France. Letters that would have filled            Disneyland.
Normandy invasion. It’s a reminder to all of the ultimate      those blank, abandoned pages.                                    Smaller family sizes will have consequences,
sacrifice made by so many Americans to maintain                    Always there are dogs in every invasion. There is        some negative and some positive. It will mean
the freedoms we enjoy. Further columns can be found            a dog still on the beach today, still pitifully looking      an older workforce, more reliance on immigra-
at:           for his masters.                                             tion to fill needed jobs, decreased education
wartime-columns/#WartimeColumns                                    He stays at the water’s edge, near a boat that           budgets, less impact on resources and climate
                                                               lies twisted and half sunk at the water line. He             change, significant differences in buying pat-
by Ernie Pyle                                                  barks appealingly to every soldier who approaches,           terns, and diminished payments to the Social
  with permission from                                         trots eagerly along with him for a few feet, and             Security fund.
  Scripps Howard Foundation                                    then, sensing himself unwanted in all this haste,                And there will more people at an AARP rally
                                                               runs back to wait in vain for his own people at his          than at the PTA fundraiser!
    NORMANDY BEACHHEAD, June 17, 1944 — In                     own empty boat.
the preceding column we told about the D-day                       Over and around this long thin line of personal
wreckage among our machines of war that were                   anguish, fresh men today are rushing vast supplies
expended in taking one of the Normandy beaches.                to keep our armies pushing on into France. Other
    But there is another and more human litter. It             squads of men pick amidst the wreckage to salvage
extends in a thin little line, just like a high-water          ammunition and equipment that are still usable.
mark, for miles along the beach. This is the strewn                Men worked and slept on the beach for days
personal gear, gear that                                                                        before the last D-day
will never be needed                                                                            victim was taken away
again, of those who                                                                             for burial.
fought and died to give                                                                              I stepped over the
us our entrance into                                                                            form of one youngster
Europe.                                                                                         whom I thought dead.
    Here in a jumbled                                                                           But when I looked
row for mile on mile                                                                            down I saw he was only
are soldiers’ packs.                                                                            sleeping. He was very
Here are socks and                                                                              young, and very tired.
shoe polish, sewing                                                                             He lay on one elbow,
kits, diaries, Bibles and                                                                       his hand suspended in
hand grenades. Here are                                                                         the air about six inches
the latest letters from                                                                         from the ground. And
home, with the address                                                                          in the palm of his hand
on each one neatly                                                                              he held a large, smooth
razored out – one of                                                                            rock.
the security precau-                                                                                 I stood and looked
tions enforced before                                                                           at him a long time. He
the boys embarked.                                                                              seemed in his sleep to
    Here are tooth-                                                                             hold that rock lovingly,
brushes and razors, and                                                                         as though it were his
snapshots of families                                                                           last link with a van-
back home staring up                                                                            ishing world. I have no
at you from the sand.                                                                           idea at all why he went
Here are pocketbooks,                                                                           to sleep with the rock
metal mirrors, extra                                                                            in his hand, or what
trousers, and bloody,                                                                           kept him from dropping
abandoned shoes. Here                                                                           it once he was asleep.
are broken-handled                                                                              It was just one of those
shovels, and portable                                                                           little things without
radios smashed almost                                        Courtesy Scripps Howard Foundation
                                                                                                explanation that a
beyond recognition, and          Award-winning war journalist Ernie Pyle captured               person remembers for a
                                      the humanity and horrors of D-Day during WWII.
mine detectors twisted                                                                          long time.
and ruined.                                                                                          The strong, swirling
    Here are torn pistol belts and canvas water                tides of the Normandy coastline shift the contours
buckets, first-aid kits and jumbled heaps of                   of the sandy beach as they move in and out. They
lifebelts. I picked up a pocket Bible with a soldier’s         carry soldiers’ bodies out to sea, and later they
name in it, and put it in my jacket. I carried it half a       return them. They cover the corpses of heroes with
mile or so and then put it back down on the beach.             sand, and then in their whims they uncover them.
I don’t know why I picked it up, or why I put it back              As I plowed out over the wet sand of the beach
down.                                                          on that first day ashore, I walked around what
    Soldiers carry strange things ashore with                  seemed to be a couple of pieces of driftwood stick-
them. In every invasion you’ll find at least one               ing out of the sand. But they weren’t driftwood.
soldier hitting the beach at H-hour with a banjo                   They were a soldier’s two feet. He was com-
slung over his shoulder. The most ironic piece of              pletely covered by the shifting sands except for his
equipment marking our beach – this beach of first              feet. The toes of his GI shoes pointed toward the
despair, then victory – is a tennis racket that some           land he had come so far to see, and which he saw
soldier had brought along. It lies lonesomely on the           so briefly.
sand, clamped in its rack, not a string broken.
    Two of the most dominant items in the beach
refuse are cigarets and writing paper. Each soldier            Permission to distribute and re-publish Ernie Pyle’s
was issued a carton of cigarets just before he                 columns was given by the Scripps Howard Foundation.
 8                                                                                                                                   Wednesday, June 23, 2021

                                                                                                                  Arts + Entertainment in Iron County

        Master of Music
  Co-founder becomes Program Director of SUU Music Technology graduate degree

by Ashley H. Palmer                after year. He started teach-    the program as faculty and    gram, and the creation of a      is officially the full-fledged
 SUU College of Performing         ing because he loved the         interim director, including   ‘carousel’ class rotation for    director, the MMMT program
 & Visual Arts                     challenge of helping create      the alignment of courses in   students to matriculate in any   couldn’t be in better hands
                                   a master’s degree in music       order to join with Academic   semester and still graduate in   and the music department
    The Department of              delivered entirely online. He    Partnerships to                        the normal amount       looks forward to a prosperous
Music at Southern Utah             still sees this as an exciting   grow the                                      of time. Now     future for the program.”
University is honored and          challenge and is humbled by      pro-                                               that Dan        The College of Performing
excited to welcome Dan             the success the program has                                                                     and Visual Arts at SUU is
Anderegg to their faculty as       exhibited.                                                                                      excited for Dan Anderegg
the new Program Director               Dr. Lawrence Johnson,                                                                       to serve as the Program
of the Master of Music in          Chair of the Department of                                                                      Director for the Master of
Music Technology. Anderegg         Music at SUU, shared, “The                                                                      Music in Music Technology
teaches music technology           SUU Master of Music in Music                                                                    and to continue working with
with a focus on project based      Technology program will                                                                         and engaging the graduate
learning. He is a composer         continue to thrive under the                                                                    students. For more informa-
for film and television with       leadership of its director,                                                                     tion about the Department
music airing on major              Dan Anderegg. Dan has                                                                           of Music at SUU, please visit
network television shows           already done so much for                                                              
such as Grey’s Anatomy (ABC),
Franklin and Bash (CBS),
Save Me (NBC), and Vampire
Diaries (CW). After studying
piano at the University of
Utah, he decided to transi-
tion to composition for film
and TV. Anderegg completed
a Master of Fine Arts degree
at the University of North
Carolina School of the Arts.
Upon graduation, he landed
a prestigious internship with
the Emmy’s Foundation
which took him to Los
Angeles where he                  With a
worked as a com-             professionally-
poser’s assistant        packed resume, which
                          includes composing
for Danny Lux.           music for major network
    Anderegg              television shows, Dan
said, “I see a lot of    Anderegg will help take
opportunity with           SUU musicians to an
                           even higher scale of
the formation of                excellence.
new degrees such
as the BFA in Film
and the BM in Commercial
Music. I’m looking forward to
contributing to the forma-
tion of an on-campus model
entertainment industry that
will mimic what students
will work in upon graduation
providing the most realistic
experience possible to our
learners. SUU is willing to
innovate in ways that other
schools shy away from
because of the amount of
effort. That’s why I love SUU.”
    He helped found the
Master of Music in Music
Technology program at SUU
with Dr. Steven Meredith
and has played a leading role
in the development of the
curriculum as it evolves year                                                                                                                          Courtesy SUU
10   Wednesday, June 23, 2021                                                 showcase                                      Iron County Today

   Not the Summer                                               Cedar City Arts Council
  Solstice already?!                                         presents 2021’s June Art Walk
by Mary Anne Andersen                                       by Shaylene Baruffi-Jensen                   will be on June 25th from 5 to 8 p.m. and
                                                             Cedar Cit y Arts Council                    it will feature diverse artists. There will
 Cedar Cit y Arts Council
                                                                                                           be artist demonstrations and exhibits

I     am very much a calendar person. I have a large            June 25th is the Cedar City                 on the lawn at 100 West and Center,
      sense of important dates, anniversaries, and such     Arts Council’s first Final Friday                 including displays by Amalia Wells,
      and carry them slipped into the appropriate           Art Walk of the season. This Art                  Hanna Dawson, Jonna Baruffi, Lydia
file in my mind. With the phrase, “Remember what            Walk will feature multiple brilliant               Brescia, Sara Shaw, Larry Laskowski,
happened a year ago on this date?”, I can have family       performing artists, including Hey                  Terry McHale, Karen Russell and
and friends worried that they’ve forgotten something        Clementine, Joseph Marrow, Sara                    several others. Performances will be
important. (I was referring to the day we planted our       Penny, Bill & Loretta Westbrook, The              presented throughout the evening
tomato plants. (“You don’t remember?!”) I sometimes         Washburn Family Band and many                     in designated locations.
begin a class with, “Who knows what today is?” and          more! The first Final Friday Art Walk                       The Southern Utah Museum
my bleary-eyed college students are clueless. (That         of the season will be a fun filled                        of Art, IG Winery, and
is not a broad, judgmental statement. Really.) They         event for the entire family!                                StonePath will be hosting
                                                                The Final Friday Art Walks            Fabric Art by artist exhibits and perfor-
consider it a good day if they remembered that                                                        Teri McHale
Tuesday means piano class.                                  feature various art forms, live jazz,                       mances in harmony with
     That is why I am always a little sad this time of      contemporary and classical music,                          these Final Friday Art Walks.
year. Last Monday was the day when the sun began            and art demonstrations. The Cedar                        More information is soon to
its journey back to the southern hemisphere and             City Arts Council invites you to                       come, stay tuned!
I am always aware. It seems that the summer has             the Final Friday Art Walks on; June                 For updates about featured
just begun! I start to panic about the things that          25th, July 30th, August 27th, and              artists and musicians visit the
need to be done in these long daylight hours: find          September 24th from 5 to 8 p.m.               Cedar City Art Walk page at https://
a Dark Sky park to visit; get out to Red Acre Farm          The Final Friday Art Walks are free
for their burger night; drive over the mountain to          events, and the exhibits are open            Walk-488202448044670. Remember to
Boulder, Utah, for our anniversary tradition. (…a           throughout the summer. Everyone is          save the dates for the later Final Friday
calendar date we never forget.)                             encouraged to attend!                      Art Walks! Celebrate our city’s arts and
     Then there are the Cedar City Arts Council Final           The first Final Friday Art Walk        culture this summer by bringing your
                    Friday Art Walks that need the                                                     family and friends to the Art Walk. We
                       long days of summer. This                                                       hope to see you there!
                         coming Friday is the first
                           one of the season, and I am
                            anticipating that it will be
                            a real street party since the
                            Shakespeare Festival will
                           have begun, meaning more
                          people on the streets. There

 “Mother Nature will supply the
  sunshine; I hope she turns off
   the wind for a while. Rain is
never a problem, unfortunately.”                                                   Jon Yerby

will be music at four places along the street: what we
call The Green on the corner of University Boulevard
and 100 West; in from of Stone Path; on the SUMA
Plaza; IG Winery. The Washburn Family Band, Hey
Clementine, Jon Yerby, Bill and Loretta Westbrook
are a few among those that will be positioned at
those sites. Our intent is to entertain walkers as
they make their ways to the green show on the Utah
Shakespeare Festival grounds. Our music will have to
end to before theirs starts.
    And of course, along the way there will be
artists and vendors showing their work and
hoping that you will see something that you must
                                                                                                                              photos Courtesy CC Arts Council
have. (That has happened to me, in which case
                                                                     Washburn Family Bluegrass Band          Westbrooks and Jim Howells
my strategy of not taking my wallet didn’t work.
I simply walked back to my car to get it. Painters,
jewelry makers, carvers——all go to the trouble
of setting up to show their wares to those passing
by. Mother Nature will supply the sunshine; I hope
she turns off the wind for a while. Rain is never a
problem, unfortunately.
    Another attraction in Cedar that doesn’t need
long summer days is the latest show of the artwork
of Brad Holt in the Cedar City Offices Building.
These beautiful acrylic paintings of the landscape
in southern Utah are really lovely, and the right size
to hang in your home. I loved the ones of Kolob, the
canyon, the Magic Shed in Kanarraville. If you want
to get away from the sun, that venue is cool and
Wednesday, June 23, 2021                                                                            11

Community + Personal Interest in Iron County

 Let the
 Games Begin!                                            The night
                                                       was filled with
                                                     trampoline tricks,
                                                     patriotic skydiving,
                                                      boogie music and

                               Former Utah
                               Jazz Forward
                              Thurl Bailey was
                            honored to carry the
                           torch. He was joined by
                           members of the Paiute
                            Tribe and athletes
                             from all around

                                                                            photos by corey baumgartner
12    Wednesday, June 23, 2021                                                                         life                                                                          Iron County Today

       Wed, June 23                                                                                        BRIAN SHREDDER: UTAH DOWNHILL SERIES
                                                                                                           (11:30am @ Brian Head Resort (329 S Hwy 143,                Mon, June 28
                                                                                                           Brian Head). One day Downhill race on last year’s
             HYDRATION DAY                                                                                 Flyin’ Brian racecourse. Info: or                         TAU DAY
CHARACTER SKETCHES “Excellence in                                                                          call (435) 677-2035. As usual, Pros can expect a    60TH ANNUAL UTAH SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL
live Broadway Theatre” (Each Wed                                                                           cash purse for both Men & Women’s classes.          (8pm, w/2pm Matinees) FREE nightly Greenshow
6:30-7:30pm) Cedar City Library [303 N 100 E]                                                              RENTWAPO-WORKS FARMERS MARKET                       at 7:10 pm, backstage tours, seminars, and play
(435) 586-6661. All skill levels are welcome to                                                            (Saturdays 9-2pm), (4871 N Enoch Rd.) Eggs,         orientations. Plays featured this season in
join. This year the theme is Award Winners.                                                                pecans, popcorn, hand crafted items, home           repertory are: ‘Pericles’ (June 21 – Sept 9), ‘Richard
Characters in June will be drawn from Tony                                                                 decor, scented bath salts, indestructible           III’ (June 22 – Sept 10), ‘The Comedy of Errors’ (June
Award winners.                                                                                             dish/pan scrubbers, baby blanket & booty            23 – Sept 1), ‘The Pirates of Penzance’ (June 25 –
                                                                                                           ensembles, jewelry, homeopathic items. A fun        Oct 9), ‘Ragtime’ (June 26 – Sept 11), ‘Cymbeline’
                                                                                                           and unique shopping experience for all ages.        (July 16 – Oct 9), ‘Intimate Apparel’ (July 17 – Oct 9),
ANNIVERSARY – Open Wed, Thurs, Fri (11am
                                                                                                           Turn your passion into profit and have your         ‘The Comedy of Terrors’ (July 29 – Oct 9) & Words
– 6:30pm) 195 West 650 South #2, Cedar City.
                                                                                                           own booth. Info – Linda 435-559-1657.               Cubed (August 13 – 28). For tickets and information
435-867-9800. Open since 1992 we are the only
                                                                                                                                                               call 1-800-PLAYTIX (752-9849) or visit
full service, independent record store for over                                                            FESTIVAL CITY FARMERS MARKET, (9am to
miles & miles in any direction. We generously                                                              1pm), @ 45 W Center Street. Every Saturday
stock and will special order, all formats, all                                                             rain or shine. Artwork, baked goods, crafts,
genres. Shipping to you is easy.                                                                           custom semi-precious stone, costume jewelry,               Tues, June 29
                                                                                                           farm fresh produce, homemade brownies &
                                                    MOONWALK AND 5K RUN (8pm) @ Coal
                                                                                                           candies, home style treats, homemade jams                            CAMERA DAY
                                                    Creek Trail / East Bench Trail (Cedar City). If
      Thurs, June 24                                you like to run at night or howl at the moon,
                                                                                                           & jellies, homeopathic items and 100% real
                                                                                                           honey. Free gift for fathers.                       SUMA: SOLO EXHIBITION BY STEWART SEIDMAN
                                                    come join us! Info: Brad (435) 865-5108.                                                                   (Mon – Sat, thru July 10) 11am – 6pm in Southern
        WORK FROM HOME DAY                                                                                 SATURDAY FARMER’S MARKET, (9am to 1pm),             Utah Museum of Art (13 South 300 West, Cedar
                                                                                                           Saturdays @ IFA, 905 S Main. Good weather           City). Admission FREE. Masks recommended and
ART IN THE PARK (9am – 5pm, Thurs - Sat)
@ Frontier Homestead State Park (635 N Main                  Sat, June 26                                  outside, bad weather inside. Farmers with
                                                                                                           vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, baked goods &
                                                                                                                                                               SUMA employees are regularly sanitizing public
                                                                                                                                                               spaces and all frequently touched surfaces. This
St., Cedar City). $4 per person. Three artists,                                                            breads, meats, tamales, food vendors, hand-
                                                                MIDSUMMER DAY                                                                                  exhibition features the work of Stewart Seidman
one musician perform/demonstrate each                                                                      crafted items including soaps, lotions, jewelry,    in Observations: The art revolves around the
weekend until Labor Day Weekend (Sept 3rd).                                                                clothing, home décor and gifts for all ages. For
Artists demonstrate/sell their art at tables        SWEET PEA FARM & ORCHARD: FARM                                                                             human condition from politics to music to cultural
                                                    BREAKFAST (8–11am) @ Sweet Pea Farm &                  booth prices & info: (435) 559-1657.                icons. Info:, (435) 586-5432.
while musicians perform throughout the day.
To participate call Jana (435) 865-1441, Frontier   Orchard (136 S 600 W, Parowan), pricing per
                                                    item ranges $2.50 – $7.50. Info: (435) 531-6461.
Homestead (435) 586-9290.
SUMA – CREATE PLAYDATE (12:30pm) @                  RED ACRE - BREAKFAST ON THE FARM (8am                          Sun, June 27                                        Wed, June 30
SUMA Classroom (13 S 300 W, Cedar City)             to 11-ish) or until the foods gone. @ Red Acre
                                                    Farm (2322 W 4375 N, Cedar City). Come enjoy                    PTSD AWARENESS DAY                                         ASTEROID DAY
Visit your friends at SUMA for a special
                                                    the farm, hear the roosters crow, feed the
story time and a hands-on, creative activity                                                               BRISTLECONE: CARS & COFFEE (9am – Noon)             CHARACTER SKETCHES “Excellence in live
in performing arts, visual arts, or natural         animals, and eat a real farm breakfast! Fresh
                                                                                                           @ Bristlecone Company (67 W University Blvd/        Broadway Theatre” (Each Wed 6:30-7:30pm)
science. Every book read at Create Playdate is      and hot off the grill! Farm Girl Flapjacks made
                                                                                                           Center St, Cedar City). Join for a casual meet-up   Cedar City Library [303 N 100 E] (435) 586-6661.
followed by a make-n-take activity that can         from scratch, French toast from our bread, farm
                                                                                                           to connect, grab a fresh coffee, New York           All skill levels are welcome to join. This year the
be enjoyed by the whole family. This week’s         hash with veggies grown on the farm, fresh
                                                                                                           bagels, and enjoy some of the sweetest rides        theme is Award Winners. Characters in June will
book is Firenze's Light by Jessica Colloco.         eggs from the girls cooked to order, bacon and
                                                                                                           Cedar City has to offer. Info: (435) 708-0000.      be drawn from Tony Award winners.
                                                    sausage from our free-range pork! Info: (435)
                                                    865-6792 or Facebook /RedAcreFarmCSA/.

         Fri, June 25
BRISTLECONE (5-8pm) @ Bristlecone 67 W
Center St. Cedar City. Join us for an evening
of fun and support local artists. Food + Live
Music by The 8EEZ. Info:
Friday Art Walk is FREE and open to
everyone and is held at various locations
along Main Street and University Blvd (about
25 N Main St to University Blvd then west to        RED ACRE: FARM TOURS (Noon) @ Red
300 W University Blvd). Visit with artists, see     Acre Farm (2322 W 4375 N, Cedar City). Led
beautiful art pieces made using a variety of        by Sara and Symbria the dynamic Mother-
mediums, and maybe purchase a new piece to          Daughter team. Limited to first 20 people to
add to your collection. For more information        reserve spots online (www.redacrefarmcsa.
visit them on Facebook: /CedarCityWalks or /        org/events/) or call (435) 865-6792. A nominal
CedarCityArts                                       fee, free for children 4 and younger (children
                                                    must be accompanied by an adult); admission
                                                    is $5 (5 to 15yrs), $8 (16yrs and up). 60 – 90
                                                    minutes. These tours promise to be amusing
                                                    hopefully enjoyable, and you better walk away
                                                    with some new ideas, how-tos, what not to
                                                    do, and or insights.

SUMA AFTER HOURS (5-8pm) @ SUMA (13 S               KIDPRENEUR FAIR (11am – 2pm) @ Palette
300 W) In conjunction with Cedar City               Bakery (255 N Main, Cedar City). Come
Arts Council’s Final Friday Art Walks. Live         celebrate the youth of the area, visit booths,
performances on the Sam and Diane Stewart           buy and support these young entrepreneurs.
Family Foundation Plaza, art exhibitions            This fair is entirely focused on your creativity.
in the gallery, and activities for all ages,        You’ll learn about business planning, marketing,
participants can experience a different side        customer service, and more while you prepare
of the museum, perfect for a casual evening         and complete your booth. To participate and
with friends or a date downtown. Free and           receive guidelines visit:
open to the public. Info: 435-586-5432.             com/…/1FAIpQLScU8g4z9rBWgQ…/viewform.
Iron County Today                                                                                            life                                                      Wednesday, June 23, 2021       13

ongoing opportunities
        Government                            ARP—Addiction Recovery                          Ctr), Paddles & balls supplied. (435)
                                              1st Wed, 7 pm • Parowan Seminary                586-6345
Cedar City Council                            building, Main & 300 N, Parowan
                                                                                              Hey Cedars Square Dance
Wed (except 5th), 5:30 pm • City Hall, 10     Caregivers
N. Main St (435) 586-2950                                                                     Wed • Beginner’s, 6:30 pm, Mainstream
                                              1st Tues, Noon • Five County Aging              Dancers, 7-9 pm • Cedar City Senior
Enoch City Council                            Offices, 585 N Main, Ste. 1, Cedar City         Center, 489 E 200 S. Info: Pat (435)
1st & 3rd Wed, 6 pm • City Hall, 900 E                                                        233-5910
Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119
                                              Multiple Sclerosis
                                              3rd Thurs, 6-8 pm • Cedar Visitor’s Center      IFS Studio - Strongboard Hiit
Enoch Planning Commission                     (581 N Main) Caregivers and those with          Workout
2nd & 4th Tues, 5:30 pm • City Hall, 900 E    MS                                              Sat (thru July) 9am & Noon • Cedar City
Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119                                                                 Aquatic Center, 2090 W. Royal Hunte Dr.
                                              Nami Bridges & Family to                        Kick your workout level up a notch by
Iron County Commission                        Family                                          challenging your core and stabilization
2nd & 4th Mon, 9 am • Commission              Thurs, 7 pm • SW Behavioral Health              muscles. FREE class with Certified Fitness
Chambers, 68 S 100 E, Parowan                 Center, 245 E 680 S, Cedar. Free • (435)        Gurus. 661-932-2657. Space limited. www.
Iron County Democrats                         Narcotics Anonymous
3rd Sat, 9-10:30 am • Pastry Pub, 86 W                                                        Pickleball Group
Center, Cedar City                   •                        Weekdays, 7 am • SUU Pickleball Courts.
                                              (435) 635-9603                                  Anyone is welcome. Fee is $2 (indoors)
Iron County Republican                        KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar         and free (outdoors)
Women                                         City) unless otherwise listed
3rd Wed, 11:30 am. Tickets $20, https://      Basic Text Study • Mon, 8 pm                    Rock Club             Just for Today • Wed, 8 pm                      1st Thurs, 6 pm • Gateway Academy, 201
                                              Hope Without Dope • Thurs, 8 pm                 W Thoroughbred Way, Enoch. Learn about
Parowan City Council                          Live and Let Live • Fri, 8 pm                   geology, find gems, fossils and minerals.
2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm • City Hall, 35 E                                                       Learn to cut and polish and make jewelry.
100 N • (435) 477-3331                        Candle Light Meeting • Sat, 9:30 pm   
                                              (Small room)
                                              Women Only • Sun, 11 am                         Senior Yoga Classes
                                              Dopeless Hope Fiends • Sun, 8 pm • The          Mon, 1-2pm • Canyon West Park behind
      Service groups                          Meeting Hall, 1067 S Main St, Cedar (877)       the Senior Center • Wed, 1-2pm • Cedar
                                                                                                                                                                                          norman rockwell

                                                                                                                                                   “Wet Paint”
                                              865-5890.                                       City Senior Center (489 E 200 S). Easy to
American Legion Auxiliary                                                                     do. Please bring own mat. (435) 586-0832
3rd Wed, 6 pm, Cedar Library, 303 N 100 E,    Parkinson’s
Amer. Legion Conf. Room • (435) 704-6654      Please call Kristy for info about               Southern Utah Woodturners
                                              Parkinson’s and activities available. (435)     2nd Sat, 9 am, Cedar High School wood
Bikers Against Child Abuse                    559-9681                                        shop, 703 W 600 S.
1st Thurs 7 pm • Courtyard Marriott (1294
S Interstate Dr, Cedar City), Cedar Breaks    Pornography Addiction                           Tae Kwon Do Class

                                                                                                                                               the     rut
Conference Room                               Recovery for Men                                Wed, 7-8:30 pm • Cedar City Aquatic
                                              Thurs, 7:30pm • Canyon View seminary            Center, 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. $25/
DAR – Bald Eagle Chapter                      building (54 W 1925 N). North entrance.         mo., ages 5+, any experience level (435)
2nd Tues, 4 pm, Cedar City Library,                                                           865-9223. Helps benefit Canyon Creek                              Pregnancy, Infant Loss
Elks Lodge #1556
                                              1st Wed, 7:30 pm • Share Families of So.
                                                                                              Crisis Center.                                    Less Traveled
                                              Utah • 565 N Main Street, Ste. 6, Cedar •       Tai Chi For Arthritis
111 E Freedom Blvd. Cedar City, (435)                                                                        Corey Baumgartner
586-8332                                                                                      Wed 9:30-10:30 am, Fri 10:45-11:45am •
                                              Senior Blind/Visually Impaired                  Cedar Senior Center, 489 E 200 S. FREE           iron count y today
                                                                                              low-impact, health benefitting exercise

Lion’s Club                                   3rd Thurs, 1:30 pm • Cedar City Library
Tues, 12 pm • Call Pres. Roger Shurtz                                                         for Seniors. Helps with coordination,
for mtg. info. Everyone welcome! (435)                                                        balance, flexibility and more. To register               e live in a very beautiful area of southern Utah.
                                                                                              – contact Maria Bailey (435) 673-3548.                   The mountains bask in the glow of the setting
590-2896                                         Classes/Activities                           Space limited.
Marine Corps League                                                                                                                                    sun and creative canyon formations are mere
Detachment 1315, 2nd Wed, 6 pm                Adult Barre/Modern Dance                        Take Action for Freedom                      miles away. It doesn’t take many steps or breaths to arrive
Elks Lodge, 111 E 200 N, Cedar City.          Wed, 11 am-noon, Spirit Wellness Club,          Wed, 7 pm • Stahli West 600 N. Airport
                                              1615 N Main, Cedar City • All levels, Free to   Road, Cedar • Help preserve our              at breathtaking scenes of natural art created and located
Rotary Club                                   members, or $8 drop-in fee.                     Constitution, Republic, voting laws,         somewhere nearby.
Tues, 12:15 • Southwest Tech, 757 W 800                                                       medical freedoms, traditional education          Even despite our current drought, there is no drought
S, Cedar City • (435) 233-0244
                                              Arthritis Foundations Exercise                  curriculum, 1st & 2nd Amendment Rights,
                                              Time TBA, Cedar Senior Center                   education on CRT & Southern boarder          of art in our community, thankfully! While the term ART
                                              489 E 200 S • 435-586-0832. FREE. Trained       issues/illegal immigration & local/          has many definitions, there is one definition that describes
                                              instructors. Range-of-motion exercises,         county/state Legislature issues
     Support Groups                           endurance-building activities, relaxation                                                    them all – Inspiring. Look that up in the Thesaurus and
                                              techniques, and health education topics.        Top Bar Hive Bee Keeping                     you’ll see what I mean. Other words for inspiring include:
AA—Alcoholics Anonymous                       Awana Bible Club                                1st Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library
                                                                                                                                           Uplifting, Refreshing, Exciting, Encouraging. What better
(435) 635-3603 •                                                               303 N 100 E. (435) 586-6661
Helpline: John (702) 802-1332, Kara (702)     7th-12th grade, Mon, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, 3                                                       way to endure a pandemic than with inspiring Music,
232-6829                                      yrs-6th grade, Wed, 6:30 - 8 pm, Valley         TOPS – Take Off Pounds                       Artistry, Crafts and Writing (those whose muse is inspired
KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar       Bible Church, 4780 N Hwy 91, Cedar City •       Sensibly
City) unless otherwise listed                 (435) 586-0253 or (435) 990-1638                Wed • Weigh-in 9 am, mtg 9:30 am.            by a blank page, more than a blank canvas). Even with the
Speaking From The Heart • M – Sa, Noon        Book Club                                       Evening weigh-in 6:30 pm, mtg 7-8 pm         majestic mountains, we need our artists most of all.
Steps and Traditions • M – Su, 7 am                                                           • Cedar City Library, 303 N 100 E. Lose
                                              2nd Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library 303
                                                                                              weight without buying special foods. •           As the Final Friday Art Walks return (this Friday) I
Red Road to Sobriety • Mon, 6 pm              N 100 E. • June 10, "Engineering Eden" by
Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, 440 N Paiute     Jordan Fisher Smith                             586-3233 (a.m. mtg) or 867-4784 (p.m. mtg)   am excited to see, hear and enjoy the local talents of our
(435) 586-1112 Ext. 307                                                                       Water Aerobics Class                         Iron County Communities. It is truly an asset to have so
Misfits • M – F, 6 pm                         Cedar Chest Quilters’ Guild
                                              Thurs, 10 am • Cedar City Senior Center,        Tues, Thurs, 9 am • SUU pool, 2-56 N 600     many local art stores, book stores, music stores and many
Cedar Group • Tues, 8 pm                                                                      W., Fun, up-tempo workout to music.
The Great Fact • T, F, Noon. • True Life
                                              489 E 200 S • (435) 586-0832                                                                 dedicated teachers of music, painting, dancing, and all
                                                                                              Intensive cardio, full body muscle toning.
Center (TLC) 2111 N. Main. • (702) 802-1332   Cedar Radio Control Club                        Any fitness level. All ages. $3/class,       things artistic and creative, etc.
or (702) 533-7856                             2nd Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library             including pool admission. (435) 327-2091         With Iron County’s palette of famous Painters,
Red Creek Group • Wed, 7 pm • 685 N           303 N 100 E.                                    (no text)
300 E, Parowan • (435) 477-8925                                                                                                            Photographers, Musicians, Authors, etc. I wouldn’t be
Women’s Meeting • Sat, 10:30 am               Cedar City Toastmasters                         Weightwatchers Reimagined!                   surprised if the next Norman Rockwell, or Neal A. Maxwell,
My Story • Sat, 8 pm                          Thurs, 7 am • The Pastry Pub • 86 W             Wed, 9:30 am • Cedar Aquatic Center, 2090    were already here, working towards and waiting for their
Thank God it’s Sunday Spiritual • Sun,        University Blvd. Find your voice & shape        W Royal Hunte Dr. Guidance, in-person
11 am                                         your future. Be the leader and speaker          motivation from members, trained guides      moment to share their magnum opus with the world.
What a Way to Start the Day • Su, W, F        you want to be. (603) 731-0116                  and wellness coaches. (702) 832-0555.            Speaking of this latest Rockwell illustration, it appears
                                                                                              Evening workshops now available. www.
7-8 am • All are welcome                      Cedar Professionals                           this young artist has unfortunately been caught in the rain.
Al-Anon                                       Tues, 7:30 am • Springhill Suites, 1477                                                      She’s making a mad dash to her car, home, or some other
KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar       S Highway 91, Cedar City. Organization          Wellness Place                               shelter; not to protect her clothes from getting wet, but her
City) unless otherwise listed                 of business people. Stimulate business          583 S Main Suite #5, Cedar City. (435)
Al-Anon • 1st, 3rd Tues, 7-8 pm • Call for
                                              through exchange of ideas, information,         592-5308. Classes: thewellnessplacecc.       latest masterpiece. I’m pretty sure rain and paintings don’t
                                              referrals.                                      com/upcoming-classes                         go well together.
info: (435) 704-8984                
Easy Does It • Tues, 7-8 pm • (435)                                                           Zumba Classes                                    I’ve always admired how an artist can take several
559-3333                                      Color Country Winds                             Tues, 11:30 – 12:30pm • Cedar City Senior    ordinary blobs of paint on a palette and blend them
Hope for Today (Family Groups)                Wed • Come brush up on your band                Center (489 E 200 S). Have fun getting in
Thurs, 6 pm • (435) 559-3333                  skills to share with the community. Call        shape. (435) 586-0832                        together into a beautiful painting. No doubt it’s the same
                                              Debbie at (435) 559-9609 for time and                                                        with musicians and notes, and writers and words, etc.
Alzheimer's Caregiver                         location.
Online Meetings: 2nd Fri, 5:30 pm, 4th                                                        To add your ongoing opportunity to our
Mon, 5:30 pm • RSVP to       Color Country Pickleball                        calendar, call 867-1865, ext.6 or email
or (435) 238-4998 x8773                       M-F, 7-10 am • 155 E 400 S (Cedar Stake                                                          see wet paint » 14
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