Page created by Julia Sparks
            Organizational-wide Policy Signature Sheet



POLICY TITLE:      Policy Regarding Job Shadowing and/or Observing

EFFECTIVE DATE:    September 30, 2013

INQUIRIES TO:      Chief Executive Officer Tel: (504) 903-4900

APPROVED:          _______________________________________
                                Cindy Nuesslein
                             Chief Executive Officer

Policy 0077
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    It is the policy of the Interim Louisiana State University (LSU) Hospital
    (ILH) to allow healthcare professionals who are interested in advancing
    their skills or knowledge, or students who are interested in pursuing
    careers in healthcare, the opportunity to observe employees and/or
    medical staff. This opportunity is only available with a sponsorship by a
    credentialed medical staff member or an ILH department director. The
    final decision as to whether or not the request for job shadowing and/or
    observing may occur is based upon the application of the intended
    observer, and the capacity of the facility. The observation experience
    cannot impact patient care, department workflow or violate patient


    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines that will further ILH’s
    educational mission to allow individuals to participate in job shadowing
    and/or observing while ensuring that safeguards are in place to protect
    ILH patients as well as the observer.


    This policy applies to:
     all medical staff, residents, students, staff, trainees and volunteers;
     any person who requests to observe or job shadow a medical staff
       member or employee.

    This policy does not apply to affiliation agreements such as graduate
    medical education or allied health care professional training programs.


    A. Registration

       1. Persons interested in job shadowing and/or observing must submit
          a completed Observer Application Form (See Exhibit I) to the
          Director of Hospital Training or designee.

       2. If the applicant will be shadowing a member of the medical staff,
          the applicant must identify the physician sponsor. The Director of
          Hospital Training or designee will contact the Department of
Policy 0077
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     Medical Staff Services to inform them of the job shadowing and/or
     observation request.

  3. The physician sponsor:
      will be directly responsible for the observer
      must review and approve the completed Observer Application
       Form (See Exhibit I)
      must ensure that all requirements are met before the observer
       is allowed to job shadow and/or observe.

  4. If the applicant will be shadowing a non-physician staff member,
     the applicant must secure a department director sponsor prior to
     the submission of the Observer Application Form (See Exhibit I). If
     needed, the Director of Hospital Training or designee can assist in
     securing a department director sponsor.

  5. The non-physician sponsor:
      must review and approve the completed Observer Application
       Form (See Exhibit I)

     PLEASE NOTE: If the non-physician sponsor is not a department
                  director, the Statement of Agreement and
                  Acknowledgment of Rules and Responsibilities
                  (See Exhibit II) must include approval from the
                  department director.

        if approved by the department director, will forward the
         completed application to the appropriate Administrative Council
         member for approval
        must ensure that all requirements are met before the observer
         is allowed to job shadow and/or observe.

B. Requirements

  1. The following requirements must be met prior to the applicant
     being approved for job shadowing and/or observing:
      submission of the following completed documents to the
        Director of Hospital Training or designee:
         Observer Application Form (See Exhibit I)
         Statement of Agreement and Acknowledgment of Roles and
           Responsibilities (See Exhibit II)
         Observer Confidentiality Agreement (See Exhibit III)
         Corporate Compliance Attestation Statement (See Exhibit IV)
         the General Orientation Key Elements Checklist for Observers
           (See Exhibit V)
Policy 0077
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         submission of the applicant’s current immunizations -- must
          include, at minimum, two (2) MMRs, varicella status (had
          chicken pox or the varicella vaccine) and a TB skin test
          completed within one year of job shadowing and/or observation

      PLEASE NOTE: For applicants who job shadow/observe during flu
                   season, i.e., December 15 through March 31, a
                   copy of their flu vaccination valid within one (1)
                   year of their job shadowing/observer experience
                   is required if the experience will occur within
                   patient care areas. If the flu vaccine is declined,
                   the applicant will be required to wear a surgical
                   mask throughout the job shadowing/observation

         a sponsor who is willing to be responsible for the applicant
          during his/her time at the facility.

   2. The applicant must be:
       a high school or college student currently enrolled in a formal
        educational program related to healthcare that requires
        observing the healthcare environment. There must be a letter
        from a teacher/professor verifying that job shadowing/observing
        is a requirement of the curriculum; or
       a post-graduate student or practitioner in the healthcare field
        seeking further education/skills related to a specialty or service
        provided at the facility.

C. Limitations

   1. Applicants approved for a job shadowing and/or observation
      experience will not be granted access to the Operating Room, the
      Emergency Department or critical care areas without the consent
      of the Chief Executive Officer or designee or the Chief Medical
      Officer or designee.

   2. The observer may not:
       partake in any direct clinical action
       observe invasive exams or procedures
       document in any portion of the patient’s medical record or
        official documentation
       view patients’ medical records or other depository of patient
        information, including CLIQ, the ILH computer system or the
        electronic medical record system
Policy 0077
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         bring home any document that contains patients’ protected
          health information
         take pictures, audio or video record any patient or patient
          protected health information.

   3. Residents, medical students or contracted employees may not
      serve as sponsors.

   4. Patients who may be observed must be informed of the observer’s
      presence and purpose. Patients must be given the option to refuse
      to have the observer present and must be given the option without
      the presence of the observer in the patient’s room/clinical area.

D. Responsibilities

   1. It is the responsibility of the Department of Hospital Training
       provide application packets to persons requesting a job
          shadowing/observer experience
       ensure that all elements and requirements are completed prior
          to the beginning of the observation experience
       implement the requirements of this policy
       ensure compliance with the procedures outlined within this
       issue an official ILH “Observer” identification badge to the

   2. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to:
       agree to accept responsibility for the actions of the observer
          while at ILH
       remain with the observer at all times while at ILH
       minimize the amount of protected health information to which
          the observer is exposed
       notify the Director of Hospital Training or designee when the
          observer experience has ended.

   3. It is the responsibility of the observer to:
       submit the completed application packet to the Director of
          Hospital Training or designee at least one (1) week before the
          expected job shadowing/observation experience is to occur.
          Incomplete application packets will result in a delay of the job
          shadowing/observation experience.
       agree to the terms and conditions outlined within the Statement
          of Agreement and Acknowledgement of Roles and
          Responsibilities form (See Exhibit II)
Policy 0077
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            provide his/her most current immunization status. If found to
             be insufficient, the observer must agree to obtain the required
             immunizations at his/her own expense.
            wear the official ILH “Observer” identification badge at all times
             while on ILH premises
            return the ILH “Observer” identification badge to the
             Department of Hospital Training when the observer experience
             has ended.


     Failure of an observer to adhere to the intent and procedures of this
     policy will result in an end of the observer experience.

     Failure of an employee to adhere to the intent and procedures of this
     policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

     Failure of a physician to adhere to the intent and procedures of this
     policy will result in appropriate action by the Chief Medical Officer or

                                                  Personal Information
Full Name                                        Date of Birth         Gender                       Social Security #

City                       State                 Zip/Country                e-Mail                  Phone

Emergency Contact                                                           Relationship            Phone

                      Student Information - To be completed only if applicant is a student
Name of Educational Institution                                     High School Grade or Year in College

Name of Teacher or Professor (*attach letter from teacher outlining         Curriculum
curriculum requirements)

                 Professional Information - To be completed if applicant is a healthcare professional
LA license, if applicable:                    Home State Licensure, if applicable:
Number:                    Exp. Date:         State:                Number:               Exp Date:
Licensed as:                                  Type of Visa, if applicable:
Degree(s)                                     Field of Practice

                     Observership/Job Shadowing Request (attach additional sheet(s) if needed)
Purpose of Visit
    Observation in conjunction with an educational lecture
    Participation in educational rounds
    Professional Development
    Part of High School curriculum
    Other: ___________________________________________________________________________

Anticipated Date(s) of Visit             Requested Activities/Duties/Responsibilities During Visit:
Start Date:          End Date:
Requested Dept/Unit/Specialty Where Observation will occur?       Sponsor

                                                   Health Requirements
Requirements                                                                                           Verification Date(s):
A negative TB skin test or negative chest x-ray (within past 12 months)
If born prior to 1/1/1957, proof of 1 MMR vaccine or positive Rubella titer
If born after 1/1/1957, proof of 2 MMR vaccines or positive Rubella titer
Proof of varicella vaccine or year of chicken pox
Proof of influenza vaccine (within past 12 months, if observership falls between December 15–March 31)
I certify that the information in this document and any attached documents are true, correct, and complete. I
understand and agree that any misrepresentation, misstatement, or omission from this application may lead to
termination of my participation in the Observer Program.

_________________________             _______________           _____________________________ _____________

Observer Signature                      Date                    If minor, signature of parent/guardian     Date
Observer: ___________________________

                                Statement of Agreement and Acknowledgement of Roles and

Observer Acknowledgement
Agreement- ILH has agreed to allow the undersigned Observer to observe patient care or hospital services
after meeting the established requirements and under the supervision of a designated sponsor. In
consideration of the undersigned Observer being allowed the opportunity at ILH, the undersigned
Observer, hereby agrees to the following:

Confidentiality- The Observer agrees that any information or knowledge acquired or received during the
course of the observation at ILH including but not limited to patient care information and information
contained in patient care records, shall be treated as confidential and shall not, unless required by law or
otherwise permitted by ILH, be disclosed or used during or after termination of the Observer placement at
ILH without the prior written consent of ILH.

Release/Indemnification- The undersigned Observer agrees to and hereby does release, indemnify and
hold harmless ILH, its members, directors, officers, employees, and representatives from any and all
responsibility and obligation, and agrees not to hold ILH liable for any or all injuries, losses, damages or
expenses which may occur as a result of any act or omission of ILH, its members, directors, officers,
employees, or representatives, or which may arise for the Observer’s participation in the Observer

Illness- The undersigned Observer hereby forever releases and shall discharge all claims and causes of
action whatsoever, present and future, against ILH, its directors, officers, employees, and agents, related
to or arising out of any illness, disease, or health condition the individual may contract, develop or come
into contact with while on the premises of ILH.

Medical Treatment- ILH shall provide or refer for outpatient treatment to Observers while in the facility
for the Observer Program in the case of an accident or illness. However, under no circumstances shall ILH
bear the cost of the treatment.

Hospital Policy- The Observer agrees to conform to all policies and procedures including those related to
safety, patient care, non-discrimination, Code of Ethics, The Joint Commission, CMS, and Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements.

Clinical Conduct- The Observer agrees to not participate in any direct clinical action, nor perform any task
that would normally be performed by a healthcare worker. The Observer understands they may not
observe invasive examinations or procedures. The Observer agrees to not document in the patient’s
Observer: ___________________________

medical record or any other depository of patient information. The Observer understands there may be
restrictions in the areas of observation and their sponsor may be required to obtain special permission
from ILH Administration for observations in the Emergency Room. Observations may not be performed in
the mental health unit or mental health clinic or infectious disease clinics.

Patient Consent- The Observer understands that they may not observe patient care without the patient
first consenting to the observing.

___________________________________________           _____________________

Observer Signature                                    Date

___________________________________________           _____________________

If minor, signature of parent or legal guardian       Date
Observer: ___________________________

Sponsor Acknowledgement
Responsibility- The Sponsor understands that the Observer must observe within the limitations
established by this Agreement, the Confidentiality Agreement, the policies and procedures of ILH. The
Sponsor agrees that he or she is responsible for the Observer during the Observer’s time at this Facility.

The Sponsor agrees that he or she is solely responsible for the supervision of the Observer, and that the
responsibility cannot be transferred to someone else without the knowledge and permission of the facility.
Residents and medical students may not serve as sponsors.

Sponsors may not allow observers to begin observation until the entire registration process is completed
and the sponsor is notified that the Observer is cleared to observe.

This observer has completed all of the required elements to participate in this experience. I have read
the Observer’s policy, specifically the limitations of observers and the confidentiality requirements, and
agree to abide by the policy, and all terms of this agreement.

___________________________________________             _____________________

Sponsor Signature                                       Date

___________________________________________             ______________________

Department Director (for non-physician sponsor          Date

if Department Director is not the Sponsor)
Observer: ______________________

                             R     Observer Confidentiality Agreement

Name of Observer: _____________________________________ Date: ____________

I agree that I will not at any time during or after my observation period with ILH, disclose any patient
information, including demographic, medical, or other confidential information.

I understand that ILH is committed to protecting patient privacy and confidentiality. I understand that the
information that I as an observer am exposed to, is presented to me in a variety of media such as medical
records, claims, computer systems, logs, and conversations.

I understand I may not take pictures of/audio record/video record any patients or of any documents
during or after my observation experience.

I understand that medical records and other forms of medical information may not be removed from the

I share the commitment of ILH to protect patient confidentiality and by my signature on this document,
pledge compliance with the terms of the Confidentiality Policy and Confidentiality Agreement. I
understand that a person may be subject to civil or criminal legal sanctions when such violations occur.

I have read and had a chance to ask questions regarding this agreement. I understand the terms of this
agreement and agree to adhere to them.

_____________________________ __________                 ______________________________ _________

Observer Signature                    Date               Sponsor Signature                       Date
Exhibit IV
                                                         Policy 0077
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      Corporate Compliance Attestation

I have reviewed the mandatory Corporate Compliance training for
all new employees of the Interim LSU Hospital (ILH). I
understand that I am responsible for being familiar with the
Corporate Compliance Program as it relates to my position and to
the facility as a whole. I understand that I am responsible for
following the Corporate Compliance policies and procedures as
well as other policies and procedures of the facility.

I understand that I am responsible to conduct myself in the
manner consistent with the Code of Ethical Behavior and the Core
Values of the Interim LSU Hospital.

I understand that I am responsible for reporting any suspected
fraud and abuse practices within this facility.

If I have any questions regarding compliance, I am to contact my
supervisor or the ILH Corporate Compliance Department as soon
as possible.

Signature of Employee/Observer               Date

Please print your name and your department
General Orientation Key Elements CheckList
                        I nitial each space in the left column as you complete the topic.

                    Service Excellence/Serving With Spirit
                                                        Health Literacy
                                                  Core Values (ILH Specific)
                                                        E-Mail Etiquette
                                                     Telephone Etiquette
                                                American with Disabilities Act
                    Risk Management
                                                         Prisoner Care
                                                       Incident Reports
                    Key Elements: Common Policies
                                                 Performance Improvement
                    Employee Health/Infection Control & Prevention
                                                         Hand Hygiene
                                                    Bloodborne Pathogens
                                                    TB & Viral Screenings
                    Emergency Preparedness & Safety
                              Emergency Codes (including Bad Weather, Fire, and other Hazards)
                                                   Safe Medical Device Act
                                                     Hazardous Materials
                                                     Slips, Trips and Falls
                                                      Sexual Harassment
                                           Prevention of Violence in the Workplace
                                                   Ergonomics, Back Safety
                                                    Compliance Overview
                                            Security, Privacy (HIPAA Regulations)
                                                   Federal False Claims Act
                    Advocacy in Healthcare/Patient's Rights
                                                     Healthcare Advocacy
                          Patient's Rights (including Pain Management & Population Specific Care) & Responsibilities
                                    Identification and Manditory Reporting of Abuse and Neglect
                                                    National Patient Safety Goals

I have completed the ILH General Orientation where the above content was presented along with information about how
to access policies online at anytime. I was given the opportunity to ask questions about these materials and I understand
                             all key elements. I will abide by this institution's rules and policies.

  Print Name                          Signature                               Department                          Date

                                                                                                         revised 07/26/2013
Instructions for accessing the General
Orientation Key Elements lesson in WILMA:


 1. Select View by the My eLearning Lessons:

 2. Select the name of the lesson (it’s a hyperlink to the power point presentation).

 3. Select Start the Lesson.
4. Review the entire Power Point. Then close the window. Select the lesson title/name
   hyperlink again.

5. Now select Take the Test.

6. Read the instructions. Then select TAKE TEST in the upper right corner of the screen.

7. You have one question to answer which is an attestation. Select YES and then SUBMIT
8. You will see your score. Select PERSONAL PAGE from the upper right corner of your

9.   When you’re back on your eLearning screen, you will see no assigned
     lessons. However, if you select ALL ASSIGNMENTS from the Available Filters drop
     down menu, you will see the completed lesson: 2013 General Orientation Key
     Elements (Non-Employees). Note: The reason there is an extra lesson in the screenshot below is
     because this is one of my “test” end users.

10. Please email Shaquila Dubois ( when you have completed the
You can also read