International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College

Page created by Richard Sanders
International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College
       PROSPECTUS 2023
International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College
WELCOME TO                                                                                                CONTENTS
BROCKENHURST COLLEGE                                                                                      International Success .......................................... 4
                                                                                                          How We Support You ......................................... 6
                                                                                                          Investing in Your Future...................................... 8
                                                                                                                                                                                        Secondary Courses
                                                                                                                                                                                        Pre-A Level Plus................................................ 27
                                                                                                                                                                                        A Level Courses................................................ 28
                                                                                                          Teaching & Results ........................................... 10             Fast Track A Level............................................. 30
                           Here at Brockenhurst     Whether they are progressing to university or         Enrichment and Students’ Union ..................... 11                       Vocational Courses ........................................... 32
                           College we attract       starting their first job, they carry with them the    Location ............................................................ 12
                           students from all        benefits of their time at Brock.                      Brock Campus .................................................. 14            University Preparation Courses
                           over the world
                                                                                                          Academic Support ........................................... 16               International Foundation Year in Business
                           thanks to our broad      I believe the key to our success is our passion for
                                                                                                          Elite Support Programme ................................ 17                   and Finance ..................................................... 36
                           international outlook,   education and our commitment to each individual
                           impressive record of     student’s progress and enjoyment. Indeed, the         Aspire Academy ............................................... 18             International Foundation Year in Science
                           academic success and     Brock philosophy is that you must first enjoy         Sports Academy ............................................... 20             and Engineering ............................................... 38
                           picturesque location     what you are doing in order to succeed.               Homestay Accommodation.............................. 21
                           in the New Forest                                                                                                                                            Application Process .......................................... 40
                           National Park.           Whatever you choose to study, we pledge to            High School Experience and School Courses                                     Fees, Scholarships and Visas ............................ 41
                                                    make it relevant, interesting and inspirational,      High School Experience ................................... 22                 Contact us ........................................................ 42
Whatever your long-term goals, our staff are        giving you something solid on which to build          Spring, Summer and Winter School Courses ... 24
committed to providing you with the experience      in the future.
and confidence you need to develop your
knowledge and skills in pursuit of your full        Please enjoy browsing this prospectus and feel
potential.                                          free to contact our International team if you have
                                                                                                                                                                                     An overview of the British education system
                                                    questions. They will be very happy to discuss
As a Brock student you can enjoy the many           anything with you.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Ages        Stages              Exams
different aspects of life at our unique college.
These include the friends you will make, the
                                                                                                                                                                                      3–5         Pre-school /        –
activities in which you will participate and the                                                                                                                                                  Nursery
independence you will gain, as well as the
encouragement and support you will receive.

                                                    Simon Lovegrove                                                                                                                   5–7         Key Stage 1         National
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Year 1 – 2          Tests
Every year we welcome new students from             Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality
across the globe and celebrate as others                                                                                                                               10
                                                                                                                                                                                      7 – 11      Key Stage 2         National
leave us to take their next steps.                                                                                                                                                                Year 3 – 6          Tests

                                                                                                                                                                                      11 – 14     Key Stage 3         National
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Year 7 – 9          Tests

                                                                                                                                                                                      14 – 16     Key Stage 4         GCSEs

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Year 10 – 11        Level 2 Qualifications
Why choose Brock?                                                                                                                                                                                                     Vocational Qualifications
Our well-equipped and modern campus in the picturesque New Forest                                                                                                      21
                                                                                                                                                                                      16 – 18     Key Stage 5         AS/A Levels
National Park in the south of England is surrounded by ancient woodland                                                                                                                           Year 12 – 13        Level 3 Qualifications
and free-roaming animals. We have a proud history of teaching and                                                                                                                                                     Vocational Qualifications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Foundation Year
learning excellence that spans more than 100 years, and we record
consistently high exam results in a range of A Level, Vocational and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Higher Education
                                                                                                                                                                                      18+         Level 4 – 6         Higher National Diploma
Higher Education courses. We also have a strong international outlook,                                                                                                                                                Undergraduate Degrees
with 5% of our 2,800 16-19-year-old learners coming from overseas.
                                                                                                                                                                                      21+         Level 7 – 8         Postgraduate Degrees
                                                                                                                                                                       32                                             Doctoral Degrees
International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College
                                                                                                     ”At Brock I have the unique choice to study subjects such as Law and Psychology, which
                                                                                                     significantly helped me in deciding my future career. The teachers guide me when I need
                                                                                                     help but also encourage me to study independently. I am feeling more prepared for
                                                                                                     university life and also encouraged to continue my studies here in the UK. I am going to
                                                                                                     apply for Psychology at UCL and Amsterdam University. Brockenhurst College is a great
At Brockenhurst College our exam results are consistently good and we record                         choice for a young student with big aspirations.”
excellent statistics for progression to university and employment. This year, almost
three quarters of our international students who progressed to university in the UK                  Felicia Cuzimuc from Moldova, A Levels studied: Criminology, Law, Psychology.
went to institutions ranked in the top 20†. Successful completion of our courses may
enable you to study at one of our partner universities. These include the University
of Reading, Kingston University London, Bournemouth University and the                 We host students from all over the world:
University of Southampton.
                                                                                       Austria          Germany                    Nigeria                      Taiwan
    Times Higher Education UK university rankings 2023.
                                                                                       Belgium          Hong Kong                  Norway                       Thailand
                       “After                                                          Brazil           Italy                      Romania                      Trinidad & Tobago
                       a two-year                                                      Chile            Japan                      Sierra Leone                 Turkey
                       A Level course
                       I can say with
                                                                                       China            Kazakhstan                 Slovakia                     USA
                       certainty that                                                  Czech Rep        Macau                      South Africa                 Vietnam
                       College is a                                                    Denmark          Malaysia                   Spain                        Zimbabwe
superb choice for those who strive
for excellence. Brock offers all the
                                                                                       France           Mexico                     Switzerland
necessary facilities and learning
equipment for students to achieve
the best grades possible and to create
a positive and friendly environment.
With the outstanding work and
dedication of my tutors I was able
to achieve high grades in my subjects,
which helped me secure a place to
study Law at the University of Exeter.”

Balint Garamvolgyi
from Hungary,
A Levels studied: Business,
History, Law, GCSE Chinese.

                       A Levels at Brock
                       offered me a
                       clear direction
                       for my future.
                       Unlike my home
                       country, studying
                       abroad provides
a wide range of subjects to choose
from. I believe that everybody can find
something they enjoy, as I discovered
my passion for law, which I intend to
pursue in my further studies.”

Diana Zapotocka
from Slovakia,
A Levels studied: Business,
Law, Psychology.

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International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College
HOW WE SUPPORT YOU                                                        PAUL SPANNER                            MELISSA MURPHY                          VANDA NUTAROVA
                                                                           International Manager                   Senior International Officer            International Officer

                                                                           “I’m passionate about Brock and         “My role is to recruit international    “I’m originally from Slovakia
                                                                           about the beautiful New Forest          students from around the world          and have been working with
                                                                           where we are lucky enough to            to study at Brock, carefully taking     international students for many
                                                                           live and work. I regularly travel       into consideration their future plans   years. You will meet me on Skype
                                                                           overseas to meet with students,         and progression opportunities.          or in person in your country during
                                                                           parents, education agents and           I spend time overseas meeting           your interview before you join us. I
                                                                           schools to talk about the benefits      with students, parents and              am very enthusiastic about bringing
                                                                           of an education with us. My team        agents in different countries to        international students to study with
                                                                           and I genuinely care about each         further the College’s vision for        us and experience British culture
                                                                           and every one of you, and the           internationalisation. I look forward    and life in one of the most beautiful
                                                                           first-class support we provide          to seeing you around campus.”           parts of the UK. I am always here to
                                                                           has helped many international                                                   help and advise you to ensure your
                                                                           students into world-class                                                       experience here is great.”
     PAUL SPANNER                   MELISSA MURPHY        VANDA NUTAROVA   universities.”

                                                                           XING LI                                 CATALINA DE LA VEGA                     SAMANTHA ETTLE
                                                                           Transnational Education Manager         International Administration            International Student
                                                                           and Confucius Classroom Manager         Officer                                 Experience Officer

                                                                           “It has been my great honour            “I am originally from Colombia,         “I’m responsible for ensuring
                                                                           to see how Brock has helped             and, having lived in a few countries,   the welfare of our international
                                                                           hundreds of international students.     I enjoy working within multicultural    students, as well as helping them
                                                                           My current responsibilities are to      environments. I have been working       have the best possible experience
                                                                           send Brock teaching and learning        with international students for         at Brock. Having lived overseas,
                                                                           specialists to other countries so the   over ten years, and having been         I understand the challenges of
                                                                           students at our overseas partner        an international student myself,        life in a new country, but I also
                                                                           organisations can benefit from          I can relate to students who are        know it will leave you with lots
                                                                           our services without travelling         pursuing Further Education away         of great memories. I will arrange
                                                                           to the UK.”                             from home. That is why I have a         your host family placement and
                                                                                                                   real passion for helping you to have    will meet you in tutorials or the
                                                                                                                   the best experience at Brock and        International office to help you
          XING LI                 CATALINA DE LA VEGA     SAMANTHA ETTLE                                           in the UK.”                             with any problems. I also support
                                                                                                                                                           our international Chinese students
                                                                                                                                                           on the Elite Programme to achieve
                                                                                                                                                           their potential.”

                                                                           JO BUTTLE                               SUSAN SUN
                                                                           International Administration and        Director of Brock China Office
                                                                           Accommodation Officer
                                                                                                                   “With more than 20 years of
                                                                           “One of my key roles is to arrange      experience helping Chinese
                                                                           Homestay placements and make            students study abroad, I am very
                                                                           sure our students have all the          passionate about recruiting students
                                                                           support and guidance they need          to study at Brock. As a leading
                                                                           while studying at Brock. I’m            state college in the UK, Brock has
                                                                           dedicated to making sure the            so many great resources to offer.
                                                                           student experience is a safe and        I am also very pleased to be able
                                                                           happy one.”                             to support the Chinese students
                                                                                                                   on the Elite programme and
                            JO BUTTLE             SUSAN SUN                                                        guide them to use the College’s
                                                                                                                   resources, achieve their best and
                                                                                                                   further their education at their
                                                                                                                   dream university.”

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International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College
Here at Brock we have invested heavily to create first-class
                                                                                         STEM Centre
                                                                                         Our ultra-modern £4.7m STEM Centre
                                                                                         opened in 2017. As well as being home to
                                                                                         our Maths department, the STEM Centre
facilities that give you the high-quality learning experience                            is a key teaching and learning venue for
                                                                                         science, technology and engineering
you deserve. With that in mind, here is a rundown of the most                            subjects. There is also a large Mac
eye-catching investment projects we have undertaken in recent                            suite, an open plan study area and Skills
years to support learner journeys.

                                                                                         Development rooms. The new building
                                                                                         was commended by New Forest National
                                                                                         Park Authority in 2019, with leaders calling
                                                                                         it an ‘excellent piece of modern design’.
                                                                INVESTED IN
                                                                STEM CENTRE              New Science labs
                                                                                         In 2021 we refurbished four science labs
                                                                                         at a cost of £360,000. The new labs have
                                                                                         a modern and spacious appearance with
                                                                                         improved access to amenities and more

                                                                £630,000                 comfort for learners. One room was
                                                                                         even extended to facilitate new practical
                                                                                         teaching strategies aimed at optimising
                                                                INVESTED IN              learner outcomes. New fume cupboards
                                                                                         and media projectors were also added
                                                                IT SERVICES AND          to assist with practical and theoretical
                                                                   EQUIPMENT             learning, respectively.

                                                                                         IT equipment
                                                                                         We have invested consistently in IT assets

                                                                £360,000                 to make sure our students always have
                                                                                         access to up-to-date learning tools. In fact,
                                                                                         we have invested approximately £630,000
                                                                INVESTED IN              in IT services and equipment over the last
                                                                                         year. Many classrooms have undergone
                                                                REFURBISHING             significant IT upgrades, including our
                                                                                         Business suites, Media rooms, Art rooms
                                                                SCIENCE LABS             and IT & Computing department. We have
                                                                                         also invested in around 200 laptops to aid
                                                                                         remote learning.

                                                                £400,000                 Institute of Technology
                                                                                         Our Marchwood Construction and Marine
                                                                                         Technologies Training Centre has secured
                                                                INVESTED IN              £400,000 to form part of a multi-institution
                                                                                         Maritime Engineering and Digital Institute
                                                                MARINE ENGINEERING       of Technology, spanning the Solent region.
                                                                AND DIGITAL IoT          This money is being invested in new
                                                                                         learning equipment including diesel
                                                                                         engines, generators, mills and lathes
                                                                                         to help learners prepare for industry.
                                                                                         The Centre is also home to an industry
                                                                                         standard shipping simulator. This provides
                                                                                         Pre-cadetship students with a fully
                                                                                         immersive experience of steering a ship
                                                                                         through some of the world’s biggest ports.

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International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College

TEACHING & RESULTS                                                                                                  ENRICHMENT                                                                                              35

A UK education is recognised by many employers, universities and governments                                        Enrichment is separate to your                                           GYM                       TO CHOOSE
around the world as an indication of quality in a young person. Studying with us will
give you the knowledge and skills on which you can build for success in the future,
                                                                                                                    studies and represents a prime
                                                                                                                    opportunity to pursue your
as well as an authentic British experience.                                                                         interests through both curricular
                                                                                                                    and extra-curricular learning.
                                                                                                                    Although many Enrichments                                     DRIVING THEORY
                                                                                                                    must be completed in person,
                                                                                                                    others can be completed online                        PHOTOGRAPHY
                                                                                                                    at a time that suits you.
                                                                                                                                                                    FILMING BOOTCAMP
                                                                                                                    Extra-curricular Enrichments
                                                                                                                    Extra-curricular Enrichments are designed            DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
                                                                                                                    to nurture your mind, body and soul
                                                                                                                    outside of formal lessons to support
                                                                                                                    your overall development.
                                                                                                                    Programmes are largely about meeting
Excellent results
Our exam results are consistently good. In 2022 our
                                                          What is the Russell Group?
                                                          The Russell Group is an internationally recognised
                                                                                                                    new people, discovering new interests
                                                                                                                    and having fun. They can also lead to           COLLEGE NEWSPAPER
                                                                                                                    extra qualifications that may support
overall international pass rate was 98%, with 73%
of students achieving A*-C grades across all subjects.
Detailed exam results for 2022 are available at
                                                          association of 24 prestigious British public research
                                                          universities, which are well known for their academic
                                                          excellence and selective admissions. They include:
                                                                                                                    your UCAS application.
                                                                                                                                                                                 MINECRAFT                              University College London, Imperial College
                                                          London, University of Nottingham and University
                                                                                                                    Curricular Enrichments
                                                                                                                    You may be invited by your teachers to                 VOCAL ENSEMBLE
Secure a place at a top university
All our international students can progress to a top
                                                          of Southampton.                                           take a Curricular Enrichment. This is so
                                                                                                                    you can benefit from additional learning
                                                                                                                    opportunities that will prime you
university. In 2022, 70% of international students
who went to a UK university from Brockenhurst
                                                          Matrix Standard
                                                          We have held the Matrix Standard since 2004               to perform at your best in assessments.                  VETS AND MEDICS
College gained places at top 20† ranked universities,
including: University of Bristol, The University of
Manchester, University of Exeter, The University
                                                          for the quality of our information, advice and guidance
                                                          services for students. Then in 2007 we won the Matrix
                                                          Excellence Award in recognition of our outstanding
                                                                                                                    Find out more at
of Sheffield, University College London, Imperial
College London, University of Southampton,
                                                          achievements. In fact, we are one of very few colleges
                                                          in the country to have achieved accreditation for all                                                                  CRIMINOLOGY
Durham University and University of Liverpool.            areas of our work.
    Times Higher Education UK university rankings 2023.
                                                          Quality assurance for Higher Education
                                                          We have been endorsed by the Quality Assurance                                      Our Students’ Union
Partner universities                                      Agency, which examines how well UK educational                                      (SU) is your chance
We have close links to University of Reading,             institutions maintain standards in Higher Education.
which is home to the renowned Henley Business                                                                                                 to get involved with
School. Other partners include Kingston University                                                                                            decision making at
London, Bournemouth University and University of                                                                                              the College and bring
Southampton. Successful completion of some of our                                                                                             about positive change.
courses may enable you to progress directly to these
institutions.                                                                                                       The SU meets every week to champion the student
                                                                                                                    voice. It organises and runs Student Parliaments and
International students achieved…                                                                                    takes suggestions and queries forward to the College’s
                                                                                                                    Senior Management Team.

98%     PASS RATE
                                 57%   A*–B GRADES
                                                          73%  A*–C GRADES
                                                                                        55% PROGRESSION TO
                                                                                                                    There are several SU committees, with remits including
                                                                                                                    Education, Health and Welfare, Events and the
                                                                                                                    Environment. Executive SU members also initiate
                                                                                                                                                                                 You can select Students’ Union as an Enrichment
                                                                                                                                                                                 activity or engage with it independently. This pursuit
                                                                                                                    charitable fundraising drives and organise student events.
                                                                ACROSS ALL                                                                                                       will give you important evidence of success for both
       ACROSS ALL                       ACROSS ALL                                           RUSSELL GROUP
                                                                                                                                                                                 your CV and your UCAS application if you intend to
    A LEVEL SUBJECTS                 A LEVEL SUBJECTS        A LEVEL SUBJECTS                 UNIVERSITIES          Every year the student community elects a new
                                                                                                                                                                                 apply to study at university.
                                                                                                                    President and Vice President who work from an office
                                                                                                                    on our main campus. Anyone is eligible to run for
10                                                                                    election to be President or Vice President.                    +44 (0)1590 625325 11
International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College
LOCATION                                                                             1. Brockenhurst village
                                                                                                                                                       CAMPUS IN THE
The UK is well known around the world for its wealth of different                                                                                       NEW FOREST
communities, historical landmarks and world-class cultural events.                                                                                      NATIONAL PARK
Here in the South you can enjoy a mix of cosmopolitan cities,
country villages, and the New Forest National Park with its
ancient woodland and free-roaming ponies, donkeys and cattle.

                                 Our 36-acre campus is on the coastal side of the
                                 New Forest, and is a friendly, safe and peaceful
                                environment in which to learn. Brockenhurst
                                                                                                                                                        WALKING TIME
                                    village is a five-minute walk away and has a                                                                        FROM TRAIN
                                           mainline train station, enabling you to
                                            travel to London in under two hours.
                                                                                                                                                        STATION TO BROCK

                                           Fifteen minutes away by train is
                                          the Russell Group university city of
                                        Southampton, which is also one of
                                       the largest shopping destinations in
                                                                                     2. View from London Eye   5. The Bargate, Southampton
                                      the region. In the opposite direction is the
                                     famous seaside resort town of Bournemouth.                                                                         BY TRAIN TO
                                         Travel and transport
                                           Travelling to the College is easy                                                                            AND TO THE
                      Edinburgh             thanks to excellent transport links.
                                             Importantly, we try to ensure all
                                                                                                                                                        FAMOUS SEASIDE
                                              host families live close to public                                                                        TOWN OF
                                              transport routes.
                                                  Southampton and

                                                     Bournemouth both have
                                                       international airports
                                                         serving European
                                                          destinations, plus
                                                           cross-channel ferries     3. Bournemouth beach      Brockenhurst train station
                                   Manchester               run from Poole                                                                               TO LONDON
                                                            and Portsmouth.                                                                              OR OXFORD
                                                                                                                                                         BY TRAIN

                                                                                                                                                          New Forest

                                          4        London                            4. University of Oxford   New Forest
                                      Heathrow        2
                    Brockenhurst 5 Southampton
               Bournemouth 3 1

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International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College
                                                                                                                                                                                                  VIRTUAL     Take a look at our campus

                                          9                                                                             6                                                                              5

15                                                                    7            11
                                                                                                                                                        12                          19




     1    Thirty-six-acre campus in the New Forest               7    Engineering Workshops with industry-standard          13   Newly refurbished science laboratories set up     17    Reflections Room for quiet contemplation and prayer.
          National Park.                                              equipment.                                                 for a range of experiments.
                                                                                                                                                                                   18    Business and IT Suites.
     2    Twenty-seven acres of playing fields.                  8    Computing and IT labs with Cisco Systems input.       14   Learning Resources Centre run by trained and
                                                                                                                                 experienced staff, featuring group study rooms    19    Recording Studio with industry-standard hardware
     3    Over 300 student car parking spaces.                   9    Photographic Studio including dark room.                   and personal workspaces.                                and software.

     4    All-weather AstroTurf pitch for football and hockey.   10   Visual Arts Hub with separate areas for               15   Specialised classrooms for English, humanities,   20    One-hundred seat Kemball Theatre available for
                                                                      each specialism.                                           modern languages and childcare courses.                 all kinds of performances.
     5    Fully-equipped Sports Centre with Gym and
          Fitness Studio.                                        11   Industry-standard training kitchens and               16   Hard Brock Café open all day for food, drink      21    Highwood Nursery open to college community
                                                                      fine-dining restaurant.                                    and socialising.                                        and the public.
     6    STEM Centre packed with the latest learning
          technology.                                            12   International office.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    15
International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College
ACADEMIC SUPPORT                                                                                                    ELITE SUPPORT PROGRAMME
You will benefit from expert teachers who have an in-depth knowledge of exam                                        The Elite Support programme is a specialist added-value service that is designed to
requirements. All our teachers are specialists in their subjects and many have                                      help ensure you achieve your potential. It is a total-care package that provides an
professional experience in their subject fields. Importantly, they will strive to                                   extra layer of support and encouragement to enable you to adapt to the UK education
inspire and motivate you so you can achieve your full potential.                                                    system smoothly. It runs with both our Pre-A Level Plus courses and our full A Level
                                                                                                                    courses. You may choose to participate in the programme for one or two years.
International Tutorial programme                           Student Services
When you arrive, you will be given a full induction        Our Student Services team is on-hand to support          On our Elite Support programme you will benefit
to help you settle. Regular international tutorials        all students. Team members will be happy to help         from the following:                                    AGE: 16+
will be timetabled, giving you access to both              with a range of topics, including: finance, health and
academic and pastoral help and support.                    wellbeing, learning difficulties and personal issues.    • A specialist Elite Tutor to focus on your academic
                                                                                                                      needs.                                               COURSE DURATION:
English classes (ESOL)                                                                                              • Access to additional academic support outside        Six months (alongside Pre-A Level Plus) or
Your timetable will include ESOL English classes to
                                                                                 “Brock enabled me to                 normal college hours.                                one – two years (alongside A Level)
help support your UK learning experience. All top
universities in the UK and overseas require a high level                         focus on the subjects              • Regular written feedback to your parents on
                                                                                                                      your performance and attendance.
of English, which is why these classes can aid you in                            that matter to me.                                                                        START DATE:
                                                                                                                    • A termly video link update for your parents.
both the short and longer-term. We also offer specific                           There is lots of support           • Frequent progress reviews and constant monitoring    September 2023 (alongside A Level)
exam preparation support qualifications such as IELTS                            available to students                by your Elite Tutor.
and TOEFL.                                                                       from tutors and the                • Educational visits and seminars to boost your
                                                                                                                                                                           January 2024 (alongside Pre-A Level Plus)
                                                                                 international office,                university prospects.
Student Support Manager (SSM)                                                    and the LRC provides               • Extra pastoral care from dedicated officers.
Your SSM represents a friendly point of contact for
                                                                                 helpful resources                  • Access to our Aspire programme to help you           HOURS PER WEEK:
academic and personal issues. He or she will provide
                                                              as well as an excellent environment                     aim for places at top universities.                  1.5 hours of tutorials plus out-of-hours support
you with information about events, your progression
and will help you with your UCAS application if you           to study. Studying at Brock is a great
                                                                                                                    Elite Support fees are payable in addition to the
plan to remain in the UK for further study. Each SSM          experience and made me decide to study                standard course fees.                                  TUITION FEES:
is focused on enabling you to reach your full potential.      further in the UK. I plan on applying to
                                                                                                                                                                           £4,500 alongside Pre-A Level Plus (six months)
                                                              a Computer Science course at University
University and careers guidance                               College London.”                                                                                             £6,000 alongside A Level (one year)
There will be opportunities to visit universities and
attend our Higher Education Fair on campus, which is          Oliver Soeser from Austria,
attended by representatives of around 70 universities.        A Levels studied: Computer Science,
You can also receive guidance about the process               Maths, Politics.
of applying to universities in the UK, including the
universities of Oxford and Cambridge. In addition,
you will have access to one-to-one careers advice
as part of our Next Steps programme.

                                                                  Parent Portal                                         “The Elite Support programme feels like
                                                                  We have a Parent Portal website that                  a family. Whenever I have any problems,
                                                                  provides live details about all aspects of            the tutors are always ready to help.
                                                                  your Study Programme. Attendance and                  The extra help makes me fully
                                                                  progress reports will be available and                understand the College information
                                                                  tutors may be contacted via the portal.               and I joined the Duke of Edinburgh
                                                                                                                        programme under the guidance of the
                                                                                                                        tutors. I hope that with the support
                                                                                                                        of the Elite Support programme I will
                                                                                                                        achieve the best that I can.”

                                                                                                                        Anthony Sun, A Level and Elite Support

16                                                                                                                                            +44 (0)1590 625325 17
International PROSPECTUS 2023 - Brokenhurst College
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Maths support
                                                                                                                                                                                                            We provide individual and small
                                                                                                                                                                                                            group support to students wishing
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to sit STEP, AEA and other special
                                                                                                                                                                                                            exams. Support will involve
                                                                                                                                                                                                            taught sessions in the lead-up
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to exams, as well as access to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                            range of practice materials and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            other resources on our e-learning

                 ASPIRE ACADEMY                                                                                                                                                                             website.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            If you are studying Maths, you will
                                                                                                                                                                                                            be given access to a wide range
                                                                                                                                                                                                            of support materials through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Further Maths Support programme
     Our Aspire Academy is about nurturing your abilities and giving you the academic                                                                                                                       and Integral Maths website.
     support you need to fulfil your potential. You will also benefit from university
     outreach initiatives, field trips, Enrichment opportunities, summer school options                                                                                                                     Extended Project
     and intercollege competitions.                                                                                                                                                                         Qualification (EPQ)
     As an Aspire student you will work      Aspire tutoring                          Leadership Workshops                                                                                                  The EPQ gives you the opportunity
     with your Aspire Tutor to develop       In 2021 59% of our Aspire                We offer a series of half-termly                                                                                      to research an area of your choice
     a bespoke Study Programme               students progressed to Russell           workshops led by the College’s                                                                                        beyond your A Level courses.
     that will enable you to grow into       Group universities. We have              senior team, which are designed                                                                                       It is equivalent to one AS Level
     the learner and ultimately the          collaborative projects with Oxford       to develop your leadership                                                                                            (UCAS points) and can be studied
     professional you want to be. We         and Cambridge, and also the              potential. These are opportunities                                                                                    in your second year.
     will help you participate in supra-     local universities of Southampton,       to challenge yourself and work
     curricular activities to enhance your   Bournemouth, Reading and                 in teams drawn from different                                                                                         You will develop your academic
     abilities and support you in your       Winchester, to help you make             subject areas.                                                                                                        skills through the process of
     quest for success.                      a successful transition to                                                                                                                                     planning and refining your research
                                             Higher Education.                        Vets and Medics                                                                                                       to make a final presentation. Your
     Naturally, it helps if you know                                                  This is an Enrichment programme                                                                                       project can be either a research
     what you are aiming to achieve;         Importantly, you will be in a            for students who aspire to work                                                                                       project or an artefact such as a
     however, many learners prefer to        specialised tutor group to help          in the medical or veterinary                                                                                          piece of music or a film script.
     keep their options open at Further      you develop and consolidate your         professions. Expert advice and
     Education level. Therefore, do not      knowledge and skills, as well as         guidance will be provided on how                                                                                      You will be taught and mentored
     worry if you are still undecided.       grow both in confidence and as           to make a successful application,                                                                                     in small groups. Every year
     We will help you develop that all-      a person.                                and you will discuss and debate                                                                                       students complete scientific and
     important sense of vision for your                                               current issues in medicine and                                                                                        social science-based projects. Past
     future.                                 Oxbridge support                         veterinary science.                                                                                                   projects have included: The impact
                                             If you study STEM or humanities                                                                                                                                of pesticides on bee populations;
     Joining the Aspire Academy              subjects and are aiming to               Debating opportunities                                                                                                Is the NHS being privatised
     If you have achieved top grades         progress to an Oxbridge college,         You can join our Debating Society                                                                                     by stealth?; Existentialism in the
     at GCSE level, you will be              we have dedicated Oxbridge               or take part in the Students’ Union                                                                                   work of Dostoevsky; Women in
     enrolled in the Aspire Academy          tutor groups to help you make            Student Parliament. Both options                                                                                      Victorian society.
     automatically. However, many            a successful application.                represent ideal opportunities
     Aspire talks and activities are                                                  for you to hone your skills in the
     open to all students, regardless        We also provide interactive              discussion of contentious topics.                                                                                                       Andy Sung,
     of GCSE grades. We will expect          workshops to help you develop                                                                                                                                                    South Korea,
     you to follow relevant Enrichment       your critical thinking skills, prepare   Growth Mindset                                                                                                                          now studying
     opportunities of your choice.           you for selection interviews and         We want to work with you to                                                                                                             Aeronautical
     We will also encourage you to           extend your learning beyond the          develop the mindset you need                                                                                                            Engineering at
     become a Student Ambassador,            classroom.                               to reach your objectives. Indeed,                                                                                                       Imperial College
     which will help you develop                                                      we want to help you develop                                                                                                             London
     your public speaking skills             Throughout the year we provide           the resilience and confidence to
     and confidence.                         specialist support and guidance,         enable you to be successful in                                                                                        “I spent two years at Brock doing

                                                                                                                            99%                     63%                          85
                                                                                                                                       #                             #                            #
     University applications
                                             including seminars run by
                                             representatives of Oxbridge
                                                                                      your exams and interviews.
                                                                                                                                                                                    %                       my A Levels. The College provides
                                                                                                                                                                                                            a very welcoming environment for
                                                                                                                                                                                                            international students and is also
     We aim to prepare you for the           colleges.                                Brock Scholars Programme
     rigorous application, testing and                                                You will be asked to take part in a     OVERALL                   ACHIEVING                 ACHIEVING                 a fantastic institute in terms of
     interview processes of the most                                                  peer-assisted learning programme       PASS RATE                 A*-B GRADES                   A*-C GRADES            education. Teachers are genuinely
     respected universities.                                                          designed to help boost your grades.                                                                                   passionate about their jobs and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            support students regardless. The
                                                                                                                             #Results based on students who joined us with an average of grade 6 at GCSE.   experience surely developed me
18                                                                                                                                                                                                          into a better-rounded individual.”
SPORTSACADEMY                                                                                                        HOMESTAY
You can continue playing
the sports you love and
                                       Our five teams compete across the
                                       Hampshire College Leagues, as
                                       well as in regional and national cup
develop as an athlete                  competitions.                                                                 When you arrive in the UK, you will be welcomed
by joining our Sports
                                       Golf                                                                          into your new home and, importantly, be treated
Academy, where you
                                                                                                                     as a member of the family.
will benefit from regular              Whether you already play golf
                                                                                Florencia Rodriguez,
                                       competitively or have the talent
coaching, training and                 and drive to start, you will want to     Chile, AFC Bournemouth               Homestay accommodation is available to all international students
competition.                           join our Golf Academy.                   Female Elite Player Programme,       and is organised by the College’s International Office. You will live
                                                                                High School Experience               with a local British host family and gain an authentic insight into British life.
Currently we run academies in          As a member you can benefit from                                              All our hosts are selected carefully and their homes are inspected regularly.
basketball, football, golf, netball    contact with PGA-qualified coaches       “Having the opportunity to be                                                                                            David Ormandy from Slovakia,
and rugby, enabling you to enjoy       throughout the academic year,            part of the team has allowed         Homestay accommodation provides:                                                    A Levels and Vocational studied:
sport alongside your studies.          improving all aspects of your game       me to grow as a player and at        • A traditional, English-speaking home environment.                                 Psychology, Sociology,
                                       ahead of competition.                    the same time meet people who        • A private, furnished room.                                                        Performing Arts.
You will train twice a week and                                                 are so excited about football that   • Two meals a day and three meals a day during weekends and holidays.
represent the College in county,       Netball                                  every day I look forward to the      • Internet access.                                                                  “I got to live with the best host
regional and national events, giving   Netball at Brock is all about            practice time.”                      • Travel pass, where applicable.*                                                   family that I clicked with instantly,
you the constant thrill of hard-       developing ball skills, matchplay                                             • Laundry opportunities once or twice a week.                                       and I enjoyed the overall experience
fought competition.                    ability and fitness, as well as having                                        • Proximity to the College based on a commute time of 30 minutes.                   much more by living in a Homestay.
                                       fun.                                     AFC Bournemouth                      • Very few additional living costs.                                                 It benefited me both personally
Importantly, all training and                                                   Female Elite Player                                                                                                      and socially, making me much more
competing will be scheduled so it      Our Netball Academy gives you the        Programme                            We aim to provide a safe and supported experience of living in the UK.              open and respectful. Other benefits
does not clash with your studies.      chance to play in the Hampshire          We work with AFC                     Your Homestay host will give you advice about staying healthy and safe              include perfecting my language
                                       College League and participate in        Bournemouth so                       while you gradually become more independent. You will be able to call               skills and getting a taste of British
Basketball                             cup competitions both regionally         women footballers                    them at any time for support, plus there is a 24-hour College Helpline in           culture. The main benefit of living
Through our Basketball Academy         and nationally.                          can combine academic studies         case of emergencies. Your Homestay host can also provide reassurance                in a Homestay is that you’ll make
you can develop your skills and                                                 with a comprehensive football        about your progress to your parents.                                                friendships that may last forever.”
general fitness under coaches who      Rugby                                    education programme.
have experience of competing both      Our Rugby Academy has a fearsome                                              *Your travel pass is not normally available until after your induction week.
nationally and internationally.        reputation for playing high-tempo        The Female Elite Player
                                       rugby with organisation, precision       Programme will allow you to
In the past our teams have won         and commitment. Indeed, our              access high-quality coaching,
leagues and been cup semi-             training and game play will improve      with a range of sessions available
finalists. One member was even         any player.                              each day, plus regular Wednesday
invited to join the prestigious                                                 fixtures.
Impact Basketball Academy in Las       We compete in a range of league
Vegas.                                 and cup competitions, which means        Meanwhile, your academic
                                       you can test yourself against some       curriculum can be tailored to
Football                               of the best sides around.                match your ambitions, with a
UEFA-qualified coaches provide a                                                                                                                                                                         Christy Cheung from Hong Kong,
                                                                                range of A Levels and Vocational                                                                                         A Levels studied: Maths, Business,
first-class training environment for                                            courses on offer.
Football Academy members.                                                                                                                                                                                Fine Art, Chinese.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         “I have benefitted from staying
                                                                                                                                                                                                         in a host family and speaking in
                                                                                                                                                                                                         English at all times. I used to study
                                                                                                                                                                                                         in a boarding school and didn’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                         get the chance to develop my
                                                                                                                                                                                                         independence. Staying with a host
                                                                                                                                                                                                         family has helped me to adapt to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         a new environment and develop
                                                                                                                                                                                                         effective communication. I’m
                                                                                                                                                                                                         also lucky to have my host family
                                                                                                                                                                                                         teaching me English customs, like
                                                                                                                                                                                                         how a roast dinner is made. It was
                                                                                                                                                                                                         great to build up relationships with
                                                                                                                                                                                                         different people.”

20                                                                                                                                                                                       +44 (0)1590 625325 21
The High School Experience is a flexible, short-stay learning experience through which
you can choose to stay with the College for a term, two terms or a term and a half.*
Students usually choose three academic subjects from a wide variety of options, which will be supplemented
by specialised English classes. International students undertaking the High School Experience will participate
in lessons alongside British students completing their A Level studies, meaning they will benefit from fully
immersing themselves in British culture. As a student you can also participate in various extra activities and
benefit from the College’s Enrichment programme.

All High School Experience students stay with our Homestay hosts, located in the area between Brockenhurst
and Bournemouth. A private room, half-board over the week and full-board over the weekend, plus free days
and a travel pass, will be provided for every student. An academic transcript with feedback from teachers and
confirmation of studies will be provided at the end of this programme.

Visit our website for more details. *Ask us about the possibility of a shorter stay.

                                                            Tuition fees

                                                              AUTUMN TERM
  AGE: 16 – 19                                                                                         £4,750
                                                              Sept 2023 – Dec 2023

  COURSE DURATION:                                            SEMESTER
  One week – One year                                         Sept 2023 – Feb 2024 Half Term
                                                              Jan 2024 – May 2024 Half Term
                                                              Feb 2024 – July 2024

  September 2023 or January 2024                              SPRING TERM
                                                              Jan 2024 – Easter 2024

  HOURS PER WEEK: 15 – 20 hours
                                                              SPRING & SUMMER TERM
                                                              Jan 2024 – July 2024

  Entry is by interview. We normally expect:                Tuition fees and accommodation package
  • Good track record of academic study
  • Good conversational level of English
                                                              AUTUMN TERM
                                                              Sept 2023 – Dec 2023
  Brockenhurst College Attendance Certificate
                                                              Sept 2023 – Feb 2024 Half Term
                                                              Jan 2024 – May 2024 Half Term
    You may also join the High School                         Feb 2024 – July 2024
    Experience for a full academic year,
    or even a full two-year A Level
                                                              SPRING TERM
    programme, and come away with                             Jan 2024 – Easter 2024
    external qualifications. See pages
    28-29 for more information on the
    full A Level programme.                                   SPRING & SUMMER TERM
                                                              Jan 2024 – July 2024

22                                                                                     +44 (0)1590 625325 23
Our Spring, Summer and Winter School courses give you an authentic British cultural
and study experience during your school break. You will participate in a range of
classes, activities and trips to improve your English language skills over a period
of one to four weeks.
We offer a range of options for students, from traditional summer and winter schools (English language plus
cultural trips and activities) to full ‘immersion’ courses (studying in academic classes alongside UK students).

 AGE: 12+ (depending on course)

 COURSE DURATION: 1 – 4 weeks

 Various start dates in Spring, Summer and Winter.

 15 hours per week of English, plus activities or
 specialist classes depending on your course.

 A good conversational level of English.

 Brockenhurst College Certificate.

 Fees vary depending on the programme, but will
 include full-board accommodation, daily transport
 and excursions. Contact us for a quotation.

  “Brock offers a great environment
  to learn, have fun and make friends.
  Before joining Brock I wasn’t sure about
  continuing my studies in England, but now
  I know that I am able to. All teachers were
  friendly and willing to help at any time.”

  Susie Yang, China, Brock Summer School.

24                                                                                   +44 (0)1590 625325 25
SECONDARY COURSES                                                                    PRE-A LEVEL PLUS COURSE
                                                                                      Pre-A Level Plus is a six month, intensive A Level preparation course that comes
     Our Secondary courses provide longer study options, enabling you to develop      with a guaranteed place to study A Levels if you perform well.
     confidence in English and improve your study skills. These are high-quality      You will study a mixture of Mathematics, Sciences, Business and Psychology, supported by intensive English
     academic and vocational courses, which aim to help you build a good foundation   language classes, to help you develop a broad understanding of study in the UK. You will also have the chance
     of knowledge before you progress to more advanced study. They will also assist   to sample some Enrichment activities.
     you in making the right choices about Higher Education and your future career.

                                                                                        AGE: 16+

                                                                                        COURSE DURATION: Six months

                                                                                        START DATE: January 2024

                                                                                        HOURS PER WEEK: 25 hours

                                                                                        ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS:
                                                                                        Completed Junior High School with a good level
                                                                                        of attainment. We will require your past two years
                                                                                        of academic reports.

                                                                                        ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT:
                                                                                        Good conversational level of English, with good
                                                                                        written English.

                                                                                        ASSESSMENT METHOD:
                                                                                        Regular tests and teacher testimonials.

                                                                                        QUALIFICATIONS GAINED:
                                                                                        Brockenhurst College Pre-A Level Plus Certificate.

                                                                                        TUITION FEE: £8,000
                                                                                                                                                    “Brock has wonderful staff who are
                                                                                                                                                    always very helpful. My teachers are
                                                                                                                                                    always happy to answer my questions
                                                                                        PACKAGE FEE:                                                and help me.”
                                                                                        £13,250. Package includes all tuition,
                                                                                        accommodation and travel.                                   Mike Zhang, China, Pre-A Level Plus.

26                                                                                                                                                +44 (0)1590 625325 27
A LEVEL COURSES                                                                          98% OVERALL PASS
A Levels are internationally recognised advanced                                               RATE FOR                       You normally choose three subjects to study over
qualifications for university entry. To achieve a full                                      INTERNATIONAL                     two years. You may also choose to study your native
                                                                                                                                                                                       AGE: 16+
A Level you will need to pass examinations at the                                              STUDENTS                       language as an additional subject if it is available.

end of your second year of study. Some subjects

                                                                                                                              ESOL classes – English for Speakers of
offer you the opportunity to achieve an AS Level                                                                              other Languages                                          COURSE DURATION:
certificate at the end of your first year.                                                                                    In addition to your A Level subjects, you will receive   Two years (three terms per year)
                                                                                                                              complementary English language classes. These
                                                                                            INTERNATIONAL                     classes run alongside your other subjects to support
If you have enjoyed your junior high school or secondary study                               PROGRESSION                      you throughout the year.
(GCSE equivalent), A Levels will build on your existing knowledge                                                                                                                      START DATE: September 2023
and understanding. Three or four A Levels is a requirement for                                 TO TOP 20†
most universities in the UK and around the world.                                             RANKED UK
                                                                                              UNIVERSITIES                       In-sessional Enhancement English
Choose any combination from over 45 subjects:                                                                                    Language Course                                       HOURS PER WEEK:
                                                                                                                                                                                       Approximately four-and-a-half hours per week

•   Animation                         •   History                                                                                If you need more support, or if you are
                                                                                                                                                                                       for each A Level subject, plus an equal amount
•   Biology                           •   Information Technology                                                                 aiming for a university with high English entry
                                                                                                                                                                                       of self-study.
                                                                                                                                 requirements, this course provides additional
•   Business                          •   Law                                                                                                                                          Three hours per week English Language (ESOL)
                                                                                                 A* – B                          language and study skills tuition.
•   Chemistry                         •   Law (Applied)                                                                                                                                support for all students until you achieve IELTS 6.5.
•   Chinese                           •   Mathematics                                         GRADES FOR                         It will run alongside your A Level or Vocational
•   Classical Civilisation            •   Mathematics (Further)                             INTERNATIONAL                        course throughout the year (in addition to your
•   Computer Science                  •   Mathematics (Core)                                   STUDENTS                          English language classes) to give you increased
                                                                                                                                                                                       ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS:
•   Criminology                       •   Media Studies                                                                          language and study skills support.
                                                                                                                                                                                       You should have completed at least one year of
•   Dance                             •   Medical Science                                                                                                                              senior high or secondary school with a good level
                                                                                   “Brock offers a wide range                    The tuition fee is £2,750 per year.
•   Drama and Theatre Studies         •   Music                                                                                                                                        of attainment. We will require your past two years
•   Economics                         •   Music Production
                                                                                   of classes so everybody                                                                             of academic reports.
                                                                                   can choose what they are
•   Electronics                       •   Performing Arts
                                                                                   interested in. To be able to
•   English Language                  •   Philosophy                               choose subjects based on                   After completing your A Levels you can study for
•   English Language and Literature   •   Photography                              my interests and my future                 a range of degrees at top universities in the UK         ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT:
•   English Literature                •   Physical Education                       university studies is a big                and overseas.                                            IELTS 5.0 overall with no band below 5.0 or
•   Enterprise and Entrepreneurship   •   Physics                                  advantage. Every teacher                   • We have a 98% overall A Level pass rate among          equivalent UKVI-approved English Language
                                                                                   cares about me and gives                      our international students.                           certificate.
•   Environmental Science             •   Politics
•   Fashion and Textiles              •   Product Design                           me advice. During my ESOL                  • In 2022, 57% of our international students gained      Students with a high academic performance but with
                                                                                   classes I learn a lot, which                  A*-B grades.                                          an overall IELTS score of below 5.0 may be offered
•   Film Studies                      •   Production Arts
                                                                                   helps me academically.”                    • In 2022, 73% of all our international students         the opportunity to join one of our English support
•   Fine Art                          •   Psychology                                                                             achieved A*-C grades across all subjects.             courses, which will allow them to meet our English
•   French                            •   Sociology                                                                                                                                    entry requirements.
                                                                                   Hinano Tsutsui, Japan,
•   Geography                         •   Spanish
                                                                                   A Levels studied: Philosophy,
•   Geology                           •   Statistics                               Psychology.
•   Graphics and Illustration
                                                                                                                                                                                       ASSESSMENT METHOD:
                                                                                                                                                                                       Students are assessed by GCE Advanced Level
                                                                                                                                                                                       examinations. Some subjects require coursework
                                                                                                                                                                                       assessments as well.

                                                                                                                                                                                       QUALIFICATIONS GAINED:
                                                                                                                                                                                       Typically three full A Levels.

                                                                                                                                                                                       TUITION FEE: £11,000 per academic year

28                                    †
                                                                        Times Higher Education UK university rankings 2023.                                                             +44 (0)1590 625325 29
The Fast Track A Level option is available to a limited number of gifted and highly
motivated students who wish to complete A Levels in three or five terms.
This programme is designed for students who can
demonstrate strong previous academic performance           AGE: 17+
and have a high level of English.

You will be able to study a limited number                 COURSE DURATION: Three or five terms
of A Levels from the following key subjects:

•   Mathematics                                            START DATE:
•   Physics                                                September 2023 (three terms)
•   Chemistry                                              January 2024 (five terms)
•   Biology
•   Economics
•   Business                                               HOURS PER WEEK:
                                                           Approximately nine hours per week for each
You will also benefit from English language classes        A Level subject, plus an equal amount of
that will fine-tune your skills to the level required by   self-study.
the best universities.                                     One and a half hours per week English language
                                                           (ESOL) support for all students until you achieve
                                                           IELTS 6.5.

                                                           ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS:
                                                           You should be a high achiever in your chosen
                                                           subject areas. You should have completed a
                                                           minimum of two years of senior high school.
                                                           We will require your past two years of academic

                                                           ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT:
                        “As an international               IELTS 5.5 overall with no band below 5.0 or
                        student living in a                equivalent UKVI-approved English Language
                        new place it is not                certificate.
                        easy and can be scary              Students with a strong academic performance but
                        at times, but Brock                with an overall IELTS score of below 5.5 may be
                        provides a strong                  offered the opportunity to join one of our English
                                                           support courses, which will allow them to meet our
                        support system with
                                                           English entry requirements.
                        teachers, counsellors
                        and especially the
    wonderful international department, who
    will be there for you. There are plenty of             ASSESSMENT METHOD:
    ways for your growth in chosen subjects
                                                           Students are assessed by GCE Advanced Level
                                                           examinations. Some subjects require coursework
    to be achieved due to the equipment,                   assessments as well.
    studios, learning facilities and nice
    people. I think, this place will help you
    open doors into a better future and
                                                           QUALIFICATIONS GAINED:
    support you and your hard work.”                       Typically three full A Levels.

    Yasmin Kandykbayeva from Kazakhstan,
    A Levels studied: Fine Art, Sociology,                 TUITION FEE: £16,500 (three terms)
    Media Studies.                                                      £20,000 (five terms)

30                                                                                +44 (0)1590 625325 31
An alternative to A Levels with a more pracical focus. Vocational courses help                                    ESOL classes – English for Speakers of
you develop the knowledge and skills to work in a specific job or trade. They lead                                other Languages
                                                                                                                                                                         AGE: 16+
                                                                                                                  As well as your main studies, you will receive
to internationally recognised qualifications and can open doors to employment                                     complementary English language classes. These
or university.                                                                                                    classes run alongside your other subjects to support
                                                                                                                  you throughout the year.                               COURSE DURATION:
If you have done well in your GCSE (or equivalent) studies and wish to begin a practical course, our two-year                                                            Two years (three terms per year)
Vocational programme is designed to prepare you for the career you want.                                          In-sessional Enhancement English
                                                                                                                  Language course
Importantly, these courses respond to the specific needs of employers and enable you to progress to university.   If you need more support, or if you are aiming
                                                                                                                                                                         START DATE: September 2023
You will be taught to develop practical and theoretical skills, and will have the chance to complete a work       for a university with strict English Language entry
placement. Also, you will be assessed mainly through assignments rather than exams.                               requirements, this course will provide additional
                                                                                                                  language and study skills to enable you to meet your
We offer courses in the following subject areas:                                                                  objectives. (see page 29 for more details).            HOURS PER WEEK:
                                                                                                                                                                         Approximately 15 hours per week including all work
•   Art and Design                                                                                                By completing the two-year programme successfully,     placement visits.
•   Business                                                                                                      you will be awarded a Level 3 Extended Diploma
•   Engineering                                                                                                   (equivalent to three A Levels).                        Three hours per week English Language (ESOL)
•   Health and Social Care                                                                                                                                               support until you achieve IELTS 6.5.
•   Information Technology                                                                                        In 2022, students who completed Vocational courses
•   Media                                                                                                         entered professions such as hospitality management,
•   Music                                                                                                         social work and physiotherapy.
                                                                                                                                                                         ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS:
•   Performing Arts                                                                                                                                                      You should have completed at least one year of
•   Professional Photography                                                                                                                                             senior high or secondary school with a good level
•   Sport and Exercise Science                                                                                                                                           of attainment. We will require your past two years
•   Sport                                                                                                                                                                of academic reports.
•   Travel and Tourism
•   Uniformed Protective Services

                                                                                                                                                                         ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT:

    99.4% OVERALL
                                                                                                                                                                         IELTS 5.0 overall with no band below 5.0 or
                                                                                                                                                                         equivalent UKVI-approved English Language
                                                                                                                                                                         Students with a high academic performance but with
         PASS RATE                                                                                                                                                       an overall IELTS score of below 5.0 may be offered
                                                                                                                                                                         the opportunity to join one of our English support
                                                                                                                                                                         courses, which will allow them to meet our English
                                                                                                                                                                         entry requirements.

                                                                                                                     “I am currently studying Level 3                    ASSESSMENT METHOD:
                                                                                                                     Performing Arts. I am very happy with               Students study real-life, work-based case studies and
                                                                                                                                                                         complete projects and assessments that contribute
                                                                                                                     my programme. We do many different
                                                                                                                                                                         to achievement against a set of goals.
                                                                                                                     units during the year that are really
                                                                                                                     interesting. My main focusses are
                                                                                                                     dance, acting and singing. I think this
                                                                                                                                                                         QUALIFICATIONS GAINED:
                                                                                                                     course can fully prepare students for               Level 3 Extended Diploma.
                                                                                                                     their future whether they decide to
                                                                                                                     continue with their education or decide
                                                                                                                     to find a job afterwards.”
                                                                                                                                                                         TUITION FEE: £11,000 per academic year
                                                                                                                     Ivana Andrejkova from Slovakia,
                                                                                                                     Vocational course studied: Performing Arts.

32                                                                                                                                          +44 (0)1590 625325 33
Foundation Year courses are designed                Importantly, independent learning skills
to provide you with detailed subject and            will be high on the agenda.
language knowledge, and were especially
created for international students.                 Choose from the following specialist
Study skills coaching and advanced English
language training will together ensure you          • International Foundation Year
achieve your full potential.                          in Business and Finance

These courses offer you a supportive                • International Foundation
learning environment to aid your transition           in Science and Engineering
from college to university.

At Brock we run Higher Education Fairs that attract representatives of over
50 universities. Here is a list of institutions that attended the last event:

• Aberystwyth University            • Royal Veterinary College,          • University of Hertfordshire
• ACM (Academy of                     University of London               • University of Kent
  Contemporary Music)               • Solent University                  • University of Law
• AECC University College           • Sparsholt University Centre        • University of Lincoln
• Arts University Bournemouth       • Swansea University                 • University of Nottingham
• Bath Spa University               • University College London          • University of Plymouth
• Bournemouth University            • University of Bath                 • University of Portsmouth
• Buckinghamshire New University • University of Birmingham              • University of Reading
• Cardiff Metropolitan University   • University of Brighton             • University of South Wales
• Cardiff University                • University of Bristol              • University of Southampton
• Edge Hill University              • University of Chichester           • University of Stirling
• Falmouth University               • University of the Arts London      • University of Strathclyde
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• Royal Holloway,                   • University of Essex                • UWE Bristol
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This business and finance course is specifically designed for international students
whose first language is not English. Importantly, it will give you the academic support
to prepare you for degree-level education.
As well as developing an understanding of key business and finance-related concepts, you will learn to apply this
knowledge in a real-world context. Reading and analysing the business and financial news to broaden your subject
                                                                                                                       Successful completion of this course
knowledge will be a key learning component.                                                                                                                             AGE: 17+
                                                                                                                       guarantees you a place at the University
By the end of the course you will be able to do the following:                                                         of Reading, home of the internationally-
                                                                                                                       renowned Henley Business School.                 COURSE DURATION: One year (three terms)
•   Analyse current issues and trends based on contemporary theories and concepts.
•   Apply concepts in both case-study and real-world business scenarios.
•   Critically evaluate business strategies, objectives and techniques.                                                                                                 START DATE: September 2023
•   Identify and utilise appropriate business and finance tools.
•   Present balanced arguments and solutions to real-life scenarios.
•   Demonstrate the required skills of academic reading, listening, speaking and writing.                                                                               HOURS PER WEEK:
•   Choose from a selection of modules, each worth 40 credits. Your choice will be based on your academic                                                               Approximately 20 hours per week of lectures
    background and your intended degree programme. You will need to gain a total of 140 credits to complete                                                             and seminars.
    the course.
                                                                                                                                                                        Approximately 25 hours per week guided
                                                                                                                       Successful students may progress to
                                                                                                                                                                        independent study.
                                                                                                                       Kingston Business School, which is one
    COMPULSORY MODULE                      CREDITS AND OUTLINE                                                         of the largest business schools in the UK.
    Academic study skills                  20 credits. This consists of one hour of tuition per week and is                                                             ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS:
                                           divided into two modules. The aim is to extend your academic study                                                           You should have completed two or three years of
                                           skills through cultural studies. References to historical periods and                                                        senior high or senior secondary school with a high
                                           characters often appear in academic texts.                                                                                   level of attainment in related subjects.

    CORE MODULES                           CREDITS AND OUTLINE                                                                                                          ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT:
    (you need to choose 120 credits)                                                                                                                                    IELTS 5.0 overall with no band below 5.0 or
                                                                                                                                                                        equivalent UKVI-approved English Language
                                                                                                                       Graduates may now progress to any degree         Certificate.
    Academic English for                   40 credits. There will be five hours of tuition per week in listening,
    Foundation Students                    reading, speaking, writing and vocabulary in a range of academic            course at the Faculty of Business, Law and Art   Students with a strong academic performance but
    This module will be compulsory         areas. You will reflect on your progress and be involved in setting         at University of Southampton.                    with an overall IELTS score of below 5.0 may be
    for all students with IELTS overall    learning targets.                                                                                                            offered the opportunity to join one of our English
    score below 6.0.                                                                                                                                                    support courses, which will allow them to meet our
                                                                                                                                                                        English entry requirements.
    Introduction to business               40 credits. The module covers the following units: business
    and management                         and enterprise, business finance, people in business, operations,
                                           marketing, internal and external change in a business context,                                                               ASSESSMENT METHOD:
                                           and managing change.                                                                                                         You will be assessed through a mixture of regular
                                                                                                                                                                        coursework and assessments both during and at
                                                                                                                                                                        the end of each module.
    Principles and applications            40 credits. This module covers the following units: fundamental
                                                                                                                       A wide range of degrees at Bournemouth
    of economics                           principles in economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics,                    University are available to our International
                                           international economics and development economics.                          Foundation Year students.                        QUALIFICATIONS GAINED:
                                                                                                                                                                        Graduation Diploma with direct progression
                                                                                                                                                                        to university partners.
    Concepts of mathematics                40 credits. The module covers the following units: foundations in
                                           algebra, number, geometry and trigonometry; building mathematical
                                           skills in algebra, number, geometry and trigonometry; applying                                                               TUITION FEE: £14,500
                                           mathematical skills in an investigation; practical skills in mathematics.

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