IPO Underpricing, Accounting Conservatism, and Herd Behavior

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BUDDI WIBOWO / IPO Underpricing, Accounting Conservatism, and Herd Behavior

 IPO Underpricing, Accounting Conservatism, and Herd Behavior
 Buddi Wibowo1
Departemen Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

Abstract. IPO underpricing is an example of anomalous behavior in the capital market. Stock price in the primary
market tends to very low and then increases significantly in the adjacent secondary market. If we believe that the
stock issuer would not leave the money on the table, this anomaly must come from investors' irrational behavior or
lack of information in the secondary market. Accounting conservatism plays an essential role in reporting a fair
financial condition essential for investors to set fair stock prices. Accounting conservatism gives a strong signal to
market participants that the company continually exposes real dan honest financial performance, giving no room for
speculation of its stock price in the market. However, mispricing in the secondary market is affected by speculative
behavior and herding behavior, where uninformed retail investors tend to follow the market leader and create a
speculative stock price wave. This study shows that accounting conservatism and herding behavior are crucial in
understanding contradicting behavior in the primary and secondary market in Indonesia Stock Exchanges.
Keywords: IPO, Underpricing, accounting conservatism; accrual quality; herd behavior

Corresponding author: buddi.wibowo@ui.ac.id
How to cite this article. Wibowo (2021). IPO Underpricing, Accounting Conservatism, and Herd Behavior. Jurnal
ASET (Akuntansi Riset). Program Studi Akuntansi. Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia, 13 (1), 173-184. Retrieved from https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/aset/article/view/32464
History of article. Received: March 2021, Revision: June 2021, Published: June 2021
Online ISSN: 2541-0342. Print ISSN: 2086-2563. DOI : https://doi.org/10.17509/jaset.v13i1.32464
Copyright©2021. Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset) Program Studi Akuntansi FPEB UPI
INTRODUCTION et al., 2017). There is no widely accepted
 explanation of this anomaly until now, so we
Price jump at initial date in secondary market
 call it IPO Puzzle.
is still hardly understood. It is a puzzle because
there is no logical explanation for this
 Previous research show IPO underpricing
phenomenon. We must state irrational
 always were followed by long-run
behavior exists, whether in primary market,
 underperformance. The sequence of low price
secondary market, or both (Y. Chen et al.,
 in IPO, price jump in the initial period in the
2015). If stock issuers are rational, they would
 secondary market, and then price plunge in
leave the money on the table by setting low
 long term period still need solid and logical
price in the primary market (IPO). On the other
 explanation (Su & Bangassa, 2011). Long-run
hand, if investors in the secondary market are
 underperformance of stock return is a strong
rational, they would bid stock price higher than
 indication that the initial return in the early
its fair value. With the various level of initial
 period of the stock is traded in the market due
returns, most research show a significant stock
 to of irrational behaviors. The market always
price increase in the initial period in many
 corrects stock price back to its fair value. Price
stock market in the world (e.g., Green &
 jumps always result from not entirely rational
Hwang, 2012; Adjasi, Osei, & Fiawoyife,
 behavior such as psychological bias,
2011; Dimovski, Philavanh, & Brooks, 2011;
 sentiment, and herding behavior (Loughran &
Loughran & Ritter, 2004). Some researchers
 Ritter, 1995).
propose a set of factors that may influence this
high positive initial return, e.g., allocation
 Drastic price jump in the initial period of
proportion between retails and institutional
 secondary market and price decline, in the long
investor in IPO (Y. Chen et al., 2015), risk of
 run, attract a serious question: are most
litigation expose by underwriter because of
 investors irrational, so they swing stock price
negative initial return (Hanley & Hoberg,
 all around without any reason? Or they make a
2012), foreign and local investor interaction
 severe mistake in estimating the stock's
(Neupane et al., 2016), ownership structure
 intrinsic value because of low-quality financial
(Hearn, 2014), or earnings management (Gao
 reports? Research in the accounting field

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proposes an alternative argumentation on this The measurement of herd behavior intensity, a
anomaly. latent or unobservable variable, is a classical
 problem for empirical research in the stock
Accounting information quality, accounting market. Some experts propose various
conservatism, and income smoothing are methods in identifying and measuring herd
among alleged factor which drives stock behavior intensity in a given period. For
valuation disagreement among investors (Lin example, Christie and Huang (1995) suggest
& Tian, 2012). Besides investor subjectivity cross-sectional standard deviation of returns in
and capability to grasp information from order to detect investor herding behavior, or
accounting reports, how that accounting report Kizys et al. (2021) propose cross-sectional
is presented or arranged is an influential factor absolute deviation (CSAD).
that may drive investors' divergent position on
the company stock value and trigger This study empirically test relationship
speculation in the stock market. between initial return around IPO, accounting
 conservatism, and herd behavior. For
Accounting conservatism produces more robustness check, this study uses two measure
realistic accounting reports and reveals proper of initial return, 1 day return after listing date
financial performance (Watts, 2003). in secondary market and 30 days after listing
Accounting conservatism restrains date. a yaitu satu hari setelah hari IPO, hari
opportunistic behavior from reporting over- pertama pencatatan di pasar sekunder, dan 30
optimistic revenue and over-pessimistic cost hari setelah saham listed di bursa. Accounting
(Bushman & Piotroski, 2006). Accounting conservatism also measured by using two
conservatism minimizes asymmetric method proposed by (Chen, Hope, Li, & Wang
information and disagreement about stock (2011).
value among investors and induces more stable
price movement (Gao et al., 2017). LITERATURE REVIEW
Accounting conservatism causes a more
 Theoretical models which try to explain IPO
normal initial return in IPO and hinders wild
 underpricing phenomenon. We may classify all
speculation around the IPO period. Accounting
 models in two streams: firstly, conventional
conservatism drives down the IPO
 theories which based on efficient market
 hypothesis and, secondly, theories based on
 behavioral finance (Y. Chen et al., 2015).
On the other hand, many studies show that
 Conventional theories assume market is
stock price movements are influenced by herd
 efficient so price increase in early period
behavior (Litimi et al., 2016). Herd behavior is
 secondary market because of significant price
retail and uninformed investor's following
 discount in primary market. Price jumps in
behavior to mimic market leader investment
 secondary market reflect automatic adjustment
position. Herd behaviors create a stylized
 to intrinsic value because market equilibrium
stock price movement because giant price bids
 always persists. However, these conventional
and offers may pour in the market in a short
 theories fail to explain long-run
period as retail investors try to follow their
 underperformance where price stock tend to
leader or investment guru (Wang & Hu, 2021).
 decrease in the long run after IPO, even lower
Many studies show IPO Waves in the IPO
 than IPO price.
context- a phenomenon in which the number of
issued stocks increases and decreases in a
 Some theories suggest IPO underpricing exists
sequential period. IPO waves reflect retail
 because underwriter always states low stock
investment swing following market leaders'
 price in IPO, much lower than stock intrinsic
investment position (e.g. Boeh & Dunbar,
 value in order to guarantee all issued stock are
2014; Güçbilmez, 2015).
 fully subscribed in IPO market. Underwriters
 who make full commitment underwriting

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BUDDI WIBOWO / IPO Underpricing, Accounting Conservatism, and Herd Behavior

contracts with stock issuer tend to play safe to Extreme stock price movement usually caused
get sufficient demand in IPO market (Corwin by investor psychological bias and natural
& Schultz, 2005). However, considering high correction from excessive market price
initial returns, it does not make senses to deviation from intrinsic value (Kizys et al. ,
believe price discount in primary market is 2021). As logical creature or homo sapiens,
only caused by underwriter interest. man always try to keep rational but at some
Underwriter’s reputation will be seriously level an at some time, individual psychological
damaged if price discount affects significantly bias and social pressure may drive man to
amount of capital raised from IPO and irrationality. Herd behavior is a reflection of
threatens sustainability of underwriting irrational behavior and come from
business. (Su & Bangassa, 2011; Dimovski et combination of individual psychological bias
al., 2011). Companies which issue their stock anda social pressure which raise mimicking
must not leave potential to get higher amount behavior among investors. When irrationality
of capital from IPO, especially if they know create an extreme deviation from reality, man
surely their firm intrinsic value are higher than try to correct it and get back to an equilibrium
price proposed by underwriter (Adjasi et al., between market price of stock and its intrinsic
2011). value. This such a behavior cycle drives stock
 price to swing to one extreme position to
From accounting point of view, significant another extreme.
market price changes around IPO is a matter of Empirical method used to identify and measure
accounting information quality which is basic herd behavior intensity in stock market is quite
information for investor to value a stock. challenging because it is a latent variable,
Accounting conservatism produces prudent unobservable but every market participant can
accounting report which is so strict in feel it. Some experts propose methodology to
accrueing revenue and cost that disclosed identify herd behavior in stock market, such as
information will direct to conservative CSSD by Christie and Huang (1995) and
valuation (Watts, 2003). Accounting CSAD proposed Kizys et al. (2021)
conservatism produce a responsible accounting
practice in reporting financia performance METHOD
(Bushman & Piotroski, 2006). If majority This study uses data from all companies that
investor have strong trust in accounting conducted initial public offerings for 12 years
number of company’s financial report, of observation from January 2008 to December
asymmetric information among investor will 2018. Transaction data were obtained from
be low and create wide agreement on stock Datastream Thomson Reuters. The company's
value which bear a low price (Gao et al., 2017). financial statement data is obtained from the
Changes of price are relatively small because Indonesia Stock Exchange website.
of liquidity trader which short term cash This research is an event study research, which
(Baldauf & Mollner, 2021). the data used are all data at the point in time of
 the occurrence of an event for each individual
Accounting conservatism restrains excessive company that is observed. The observed event
speculation which usually caused by doubtful was the initial listing of shares on the stock
accounting reports. Konservatisme akuntansi exchange, where the event was spread
mendorong tindakan spekulatif para investor unevenly throughout the 10 years of
menjadi minim. Efficient market hypothesis observation. This study analyzes the factors
which states: “price always reflect all available that influence the size of the price changes
information” have a necessary condition: during the early period of time the company's
credible accounting reports as main source of stocks are listed in the stock exchange
information to estimate fair value of stock
(Fama & French, 2015). IPO underpricing which shows a price discount
 in the primary market is measured by

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comparing the IPO price with the closing price −1
on the first day of listing on the stock = ∑| , − − , − |
exchange. The price spike in the secondary 
market indicates the amount of price discount
at IPO. To get robust analysis of results, apart CSAD is a dynamic measure of herding
from measuring the price spike on the first day behavior in country I with 22-day rolling
of listing on the stock exchange, this study also window. , is individual stock return and
measures IPO underpricing after 30 days of , is stock market return
listing. This robustness test is needed to see if
the price spike occurs only in the short term
because investor sentiment has not been To examine the relationship between the
channeled to the primary market due to the amount of IPO underpricing with the level of
stock allocation policy by the underwriter or accounting conservatism and herd behavior,
general market conditions (Corwin & Schultz, this study use an empirical model as follows:
2005) = + +
The company's accounting conservatism is +
measured by the amount of accruals in its + + 
financial statements. The smaller the accruals (2)
recognized by the company in its financial Equation (2) above is estimated twice, first for
statements, the more conservative the IPO Underpricing as measured by the
company's accounting policies. Lin & Tian percentage change in price on the first day of
(2012) measure total accruals by subtracting listing on the stock exchange compared to the
cash flows from operating activities, which IPO price and second, IPO Underpricing
shows the company's financial capacity in real measured by the percentage change in price
terms, from the sum of net income and on the 30th day after listed in the exchange
depreciation costs. Total accruals are divided compared to the IPO price.
by the total assets of the company to measure In the first estimate from equation (2) above,
the level of conservatism of each company. investor sentiment is turnover on the first day
 of listing on the stock exchange and market
To sharpen the analysis, this study also condition is the IHSG yield on the first day of
measures the quality of accruals developed by listing.
(Chen, Hope, Li, & Wang (2011). Quality of In the second estimate of equation (2) above,
Accrual measured using the following investor sentiment is the average turnover for
equation: 30 days since the listing of shares on the stock
 exchange and market condition is the average
 , = + 1 , −1 + 2 , + IHSG yield for the first 30 days of the listing.
 3 , +1 + , (1)
 The level of accounting conservatism and
 , is accrual working capital which accrual quality for the two estimates above
consists of not liquid current asset substrated have the same magnitude, which is measured
by current liability plus short term bank from the company's financial statements before
liability. , is cash flow from operationa the IPO and is estimated through equation (1)
activity. All variables are adjusted by total above.
asset at previous period. Accrual quality is
abolute value of equation (1) error term, , . Sign of variables that support hypothesis are
 < 0, where IPO underpricing are lower for
 company practice accounting conservatism;
Herd behavior measured by using Cross
Sectional Absolute Deviation (CSAD) method < 0, where company with better accrual
proposed by Kizys et al. (2021). quality has lower IPO Underpricing; > 0,

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BUDDI WIBOWO / IPO Underpricing, Accounting Conservatism, and Herd Behavior

where IPO Underpricing are higher in high companies, which reached 76% of the total
period of herd behavior intensity; > 0. companies that conducted IPOs in 2017. that
 period (Table 2). A total of 49 companies
RESULT AND DISCUSSION scored negative returns (23.9%).
Data shows that initial public offerings on the
 If investors hold the IPO shares for up to 30
Indonesian stock exchange yield relatively
 trading days, the number of shares
high initial return (Table 1). If investors buy in
 experiencing a price decline (negative yield)
the primary market and immediately sell their
 increases to 71 companies, but companies that
shares on the first day the shares are traded in
 experience a price increase of more than 100%
the stock exchange, the average return earned
 compared to the IPO price jump to 37
by investors is more than 20%. If investors
 companies from only 4 companies if the
hold the stock up to 30 days after listing, the
 holding period is only 1 day. Stocks that
average yield even more than doubles
 provide yields higher than 20% are almost as
compared to selling it immediately on the first
 numerous between the 1-day and 30-day
day of listing, which is 51%.
 holding periods of around 80 companies.
The highest return on shares with a holding
 The descriptive data in Tables 1 and 2 show a
period of 30 days reached more than 15 times
 significant increase in the price of stock trading
the investment in the Initial IPO market, while
 transactions on the stock exchange compared
the highest yield on shares with a holding
 to the IPO price. This evidence shows that
period strategy of 1 day reached almost 2
 there is a strong indication of an IPO
times. However, the risk of a 30-day holding
 underpricing policy in the initial public
period strategy is much higher than that of a 1-
 offering process on the Indonesian stock
day holding period, as seen from the standard
 exchange. Enormous average price increase for
deviation of yields for a 30-day holding period
 most companies that conduct IPOs raises the
of nearly 4 times the standard deviation of
 question: why are so many issuing companies
returns for a 1-day holding period.
 willing to discount their share prices so heavily
 and miss out on the opportunity to get the funds
Of all the companies that conducted IPOs
 they could have gotten from the stock
during the period 2008 to 2017 as many as 205
companies, the shares of companies that
experienced an increase in price or positive
 Table 3 shows the correlation between the
stock returns on the first day of listing and
 research variables: financial statement
trading on the stock exchange were 156
 conservatism, accrual quality, investor
sentiment around the IPO period and market This data show that investors have a strong
returns. Almost all research variables have a positive reaction to the quality of accruals in
low correlation except the correlation between the company's financial statements. Investors
accrual quality and investor sentiment. The interpret the quality of accruals in financial
quality of accruals in the company's financial statements as a reflection of the integrity of the
statements has a strong relationship with company's management so that investors are
investor sentiment. more confident about the prospects for the
 company's shares in the future.

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 Table 1. IPO Returns in Indonesia Stock Exchanges

 1 day 30 days
 Average 20,17% 51,15%
 maximum 196,15% 1596%
 minimum -89,05% -93,90%
 Std Deviationi 40,12% 159,26%
 1 Hari 30 Hari
 Source: Bursa Efek Indonesia (2018)

 Table 2. Detail Descriptive Statistics of Initial Return In Indonesia Stock Exchanges

 1 day 30 days
 Number of Number of
 Firm Percentage firm Persentage
 Negative Initial return 49 23,90% 71 34,63%
 Positive Initial Return 156 76,09% 134 65,36%
 Positive Initial Return
 above 100% 4 1,95% 37 18,04%
 Positive Initial Return
 above 20% 81 39,51% 78 38,04%
 Total Number of IPO 205 205
 Source: Bursa Efek Indonesia (2018)

 Table 3. Correlation of variables

 Conservatism Accrual Quality Investor Market
 Sentiment return
 Conservatism 1 0,56 0,43 0,25
 Accrual Quality 1 0,83 0,17
 Herd Behavior 1 0,42
 Market 1

 Source: Bursa Efek Indonesia (2018)

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BUDDI WIBOWO / IPO Underpricing, Accounting Conservatism, and Herd Behavior

 Table 4. Estimation Result of Model 1 (1 day Initial Return )

 Variable Coefficient
 Conservatism ( ) -2,31***
 Accrual Quality ( ) -3,47**
 Herd Behavior ( ) 5,74*
 Market( ) 4,87
 R squared 0,87
 Durbin Watson Test 2,16

 Number in parantheses is t value. * means significant in 10% level of error, ** means significant in
 5% level of error , *** means significant in 1% level of error

 Table 5. Estimation Result of Model 1 (30 day Initial Return )
 Variabel Koefisien
 Conservatism -2,39***
 Accrual Quality -3,99**
 Herd Behavior 6,33***
 Market Condition 3,99**
 R squared 0,94
 Durbin Watson Test 2,02

 Number in parantheses is t value. * means significant in 10% level of error, ** means significant
 in 5% level of error , *** means significant in 1% level of error

Table 4 shows the estimation results of model variable that is in accordance with the
(2) with IPO Underpricing as measured by the hypothesis is 0,0, which means IPO of the spike in stock prices on the first day of
Underpricing will be higher when market listing and trading on the stock exchange. The
conditions are experiencing an increasing price influence of these two variables on IPO
trend. Underpricing is negative.

From Table 4 we can conclude that the amount The more conservative the preparation of
of IPO underpricing is proven to be financial statements and the better the quality
significantly influenced by the level of of the accruals, the smaller the IPO

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underpricing. This finding provides empirical Table 4 also shows that herd behavior has a
support for the asymmetric information theory significant influences on the size of IPO
which states that the spike in stock prices on underpricing. The more intense herd behavior,
the first day of trading on the stock exchange is the higher the price increase on the first day of
driven by asymmetric information mastery trading on the stock exchange. The price
between public investors and company insiders increase caused by high positive investor
because the information available in financial sentiment is limited to certain individual stocks
statements is less reliable in reflecting the real so that general market conditions do not affect
value of the business. company. In a market the price increase on the first day on the stock
with a low level of information asymmetry exchange. This can be seen from the
where almost all investors can agree on a fair insignificance of the market condition variable.
price, the pattern of stock price movements Investor sentiment is also closely related to the
becomes more stable. (Gao et al., 2017). quality of accruals from the company's
 financial statements with a fairly high
Poor quality financial reports cause the correlation coefficient of 0.85 (see Table 3).
information obtained by each investor to be of Improved accrual quality is strongly correlated
different quality and depth depending on the with herd behavior.
ability of each investor to explore private
information or take advantage of insider The estimation of the research model with
information so as to give rise to wide initial returns holding period of 30 days as a
disagreements between investors. This measure of IPO underpricing produces almost
investor disagreement drives prices to fluctuate the same results, namely accounting
and often go wild because of speculation from conservativism and accrual quality
some investors. The quality of information that significantly affect the size of IPO
can be extracted from conservatively prepared underpricing (see Table 5). However, both the
financial statements and the reliable magnitude of the coefficient (magnitude) and
presentation of accruals causes the gap in the level of significance (t value) in the
information mastery between investors to be estimation of initial returns after holding shares
smaller. This is because financial statement for 30 days experienced a strong increase
information is public information that can be compared to using the first day of initial
obtained by all investors to obtain it almost at returns. The magnitude of the increase in stock
no cost. prices after 30 days of being listed on the stock
 exchange is much stronger influenced by the
In the context of the IPO, low information level of accounting conservativism and quality
asymmetry due to accounting conservatism of accruals due to the poor quality of financial
causes the initial returns to be less extreme. statement information, the greater the
Investors can agree more on the fair price level speculation on stock prices which causes
of shares both in the primary market stage of higher price fluctuations. Price speculation is
the IPO and on the secondary market on the momentum, that is, it gets higher if the price
stock exchange. Companies that choose movement in the short term increases
conservative accounting policies also have a according to speculators' expectations. The
tendency to set a higher IPO price so that the descriptive data in Table 2 shows this, namely
price increase is relatively smaller. Companies although the percentage of the number of
that have conservative accounting policies and shares experiencing price increases has
better accrual quality tend to be more decreased from 76% if the initial return is
transparent and have nothing to hide so that calculated by the holding period 1 day after the
their IPO prices are in line with their intrinsic IPO to 65% if the holding period is 30 days, the
value. The findings of this study are similar to total percentage of shares that recorded a return
those found by Green & Hwang (2012) dan yield of more than 100% experienced a drastic
(Derrien, 2005). increase from 1.95% to 18%.

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BUDDI WIBOWO / IPO Underpricing, Accounting Conservatism, and Herd Behavior

Herd behavior also experienced an increase in from accounting reports because the quality of
the magnitude of the coefficient and the level accruals reflects the integrity of the company's
of significance when using initial returns with management in the eyes of investors. High
a holding period of 30 years. Investor intensity herd behavior drives price increases
sentiment factors strongly influence the on the first day of trading on the stock
amount of yield after holding shares for 30 exchange. Confidence among investors about
days after the IPO. However, in contrast to the the company's prospects stems from a rational
results in Table 4 where the market condition analysis of the integrity of the company's
variable does not significantly affect IPO management based on its accounting policies
Underpricing, with a longer holding period of that are accountable, conservative, and
30 days, the market factor becomes very responsible. This is further strengthened by the
significant. The price increase 30 days after the finding that market returns have no significant
IPO was much more strongly influenced by the effect on initial returns 1 day after listing date.
current trend of market yields at that time. This Herd behavior occurs at the individual stock
kind of result was also found by (Derrien, level and is not related to the general condition
2005) dan (Da et al., 2011) of the stock exchange as measured by market
This study shows that companies that The robustness check by analyzing yields 30
implement conservative financial reporting days after listing on the stock exchange shows
policies have low initial returns. This finding interesting results, namely that the increase in
shows disagreement among investors is stock prices after 30 days is more strongly
relatively much lower on the intrinsic value of influenced by the level of accounting
shares of companies that apply conservative conservativism and accrual quality. However,
accounting compared to shares of companies the reason behind this finding is different from
that are not conservative. This finding supports the interpretation of the results of the initial
the general theory in the stock market, namely return 1 day after recording, speculation on
the Efficient Market Hypothesis where stock stock prices is getting bigger due to the poor
prices always reflect the company's intrinsic quality of financial statement information. This
value. Difficulties in intrinsic value valuation speculation is momentum, which is getting
due to the questionable quality of financial higher if the price movement in the short term
statements accuracy, causing high price increases according to the expectations of
volatility during the IPO process to listing on speculators. Speculation on the intrinsic value
the secondary market because investors of shares over a longer period has proven to be
speculate on the company's intrinsic value. IPO strongly influenced by the herd behavior
underpricing tends to occur in companies that intensity in the stock exchange towards the
do not apply accounting conservatism because overall market conditions, no longer being
these companies generally have low corporate specific to each company. The longer holding
governance and can only sell their shares at a period, which is 30 days after the IPO, is much
discount in the IPO market. (Green & Hwang more strongly influenced by the current market
(2012) dan (Derrien, 2005)). yield trend. This finding is in line with the
 findings of previous researchers such as
Herd behavior intensity in the stock market has (Derrien, 2005) dan (Da et al., 2011).
a strong correlation with the quality of accruals

CONCLUSION the early days of listing in the stock exchange
 is influenced by the quality of information that
Accounting Conservatism has a significant
 can be obtained from the company's financial
influence on the magnitude of IPO
 statements. Accounting conservatism produces
underpricing. The increase in stock prices in
 conservative financial statements and better

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accrual quality which restrains wide more difficult to speculate on financial
disagreement among investors and hinder price statement information
fluctuation because of wild speculation in the
secondary market. The influence of accounting Herd behavior has a significant effect on IPO
conservatism and accrual quality gets stronger Underpricing. The increase in stock prices
if the holding period are 30 days after the IPO after the IPO is also influenced by herd
because the longer the investment period, behavior, both 1 day holding period and 30 day
 holding period.

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