Issue no.160 Summer 2019 Free for people who live and work in Brent - Brent Council

Page created by Bonnie Hines
Issue no.160                         Summer 2019
Free for people who live and work in Brent

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The Brent Magazine produced for
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 If you have comments on how
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    ATTENTION ALL                                              In this issue
    LANDLORDS!                                                 NEWS
                                                               A round-up of the
                                                                                                6    BEES BUZZ IN TO BRENT
                                                                                                     Open spaces in Brent are

                                                               latest news in Brent                  being converted into meadows
    The law around houses in multiple occupation                                                     to help insects and bees thrive
                                                               SUMMER IN THE CITY               23
    (HMO) changed last year. Now, any property                 The best things to do in Brent        OWL: NEIGHBOURHOOD
    rented out to five or more unrelated people will require   this summer                           WATCH 2.0                       39
    a Mandatory HMO licence.                                   DIAMONDS AND MERLES              25   A new email system can alert
                                                               We speak to South Kilburn’s           you to local crime
                                                               Aunty Merle                           A WEEK IN THE LIFE              41
    DON’T GET PROSECUTED...                                    BLOOMIN’ GREAT
                                                               New trees are brightening up
                                                                                                27   We spend a week with an
                                                                                                     Anti-Social Behaviour Officer
                             Get licensed online now:          the Harrow Road                       COMPETITION                     43                            HOME SWEET HOME
                                                               We speak to Colette in her
                                                                                                29   Your chance to win tickets
                                                                                                     to Dinosaur World Live
                                                               new adapted home                      USEFUL CONTACTS                 44
                                                               IT’S NOT BLACK AND WHITE         31   A cut out and keep list on
                                                               40 years on, how much has             useful contact details

       16,000 gardeners                                        changed for race relations
                                                               in Brent
                                                                                                     OUT OF THE COLD
                                                                                                     Homeless people in the

        can’t be wrong                                         DARE TO CARE
                                                               We find out how fostering
                                                               can change lives
                                                                                                33   borough are welcomed
                                                                                                     by night shelters
                                                                                                     ARTS AND CULTURE                47
                                                               STRONG FOUNDATIONS               35   Theatre, music, events
    Sign up for garden waste collections,                      A local architecture firm             and more
                                                               is helping students in the
            just £60 for the year!                             community
                                                                                                     WHAT’S ON
                                                                                                     Classes, fitness and

                                                                                                     opportunities near you
                                                                                                     READER SURVEY                   61
                                                                                                     The results of our 2019
                                                                                                     reader survey are here

2                                                                                                                                         3
New look, fresh start
                                                                               Welcome to the new look Brent              excellent work our teams are doing,
                                                                               magazine, Your Brent. Thank you to         alongside partners, to combat
Summer 2019                                                                    everyone who took the time out to          serious youth violence.
                                                                               fill in the reader survey (page 61).         The start of June marks the start of
                                                                                 Following your feedback, we are          summer so we’ve selected some of
                                                                               making some changes and additions          the best fun local activities for you
Large print edition                                                            to give you more of what you want.         to enjoy with your families. From
Published by the London Borough of Brent, Brent Civic Centre,                  For example, you said you would            dinosaurs to dancing, plays to parks
Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ                                                like the mag to include more               there is something for everyone. We
 The London Borough of Brent does not accept responsibility for any goods      inspiring and positive community           even have a competition to win a
or services offered by advertisers. Publication of an advertisement does not   stories so, if you have a story to tell,   trip to Dinosaur World Live at the
imply recommendation by the council of any goods or services advertised.       please contact the editor at               new Troubadour Theatre, in
Please use your local paper bank when disposing of this and other                      Wembley (page 43).
newspapers and magazines.                                                        We’ve also added in a regular new          Finally, we are just six months
                                                                               service information page which             away from becoming the London
                                                                               should help you find the contact           Borough of Culture 2020. This is an
                                                                               details for a wide range of public         exciting time for Brent and we can’t
                                                                               services in Brent more easily. You         wait to shine a spotlight on all the
                                                                               can find these on page 44.                 amazing culture we have in the
                                                                                 Violent crime is a national              borough. Show your support for
                                                                               epidemic which is affecting too            ‘The London Borough of Cultures’
                                                                               many of us, whether directly or            by displaying the free poster in your
                                                                               indirectly. Cllr Tom Miller, Cabinet       window and tweeting us a picture
                                                                               Member for Community Safety, has           for your chance to win culture
    Brent magazine contacts                                                    written a column which details             related prizes.
    Editorial :                                               some of the ways we are trying to
                                                                               prevent more people from being
    24 hour contact number: 020 8937 1234                                      victims of knife crime. The Secretary
    Email:                                      of State for Justice also visited Brent    Councillor Muhammed Butt
    Advertising:                                      in May to learn more about the             Leader of Brent Council

4                                                                                                                                                                  5
Brent showcases                            was pleased to talk the Secretary of
News Update                                                                                                                 State through the outstanding work
                                                                                 excellent work                             our teams do alongside partners.
                                                                                                                             The staff at Brent River College do
                                                                                 combatting youth                           an excellent job delivering a range
Turn your street                        This year will be bigger and better,
                                        and we want the whole community          offending                                  of practical measures from building
into a playstreet                       to get involved.                                                                    self-regulation and resilience to
                                         “Car Free Day is just one day but       Justice Minister David Gauke MP            mentoring and other activities
for 2019’s World                        we can all make a difference             visited Kingsbury’s Brent River            aimed at reducing serious youth
                                                                                 College in May to see some of the          violence.”
Car Free Day                            throughout the year by walking or
                                        cycling instead of hopping in the        outstanding work being delivered
Residents who want to swap cars         car. These small steps will help us to   by Brent Council in preventing
                                                                                 youth offending.
                                                                                                                            Wembley business
for space hoppers by turning their      create a cleaner, greener Brent.”
streets into playgrounds on World         Apply before 30 June to turn your        Over the past two years, the             woman wins
                                                                                 number of permanent exclusions in
Car Free Day 2019 can now do so
for free. Brent Council is cancelling
                                        road into a play street on 22
                                        September for free:                      Brent has halved while the number          National Mentee of

the £200 road closure fee for              of first-time offenders entering the
                                                                                 youth offending service is also falling.
                                                                                                                            the Year
anyone wanting to host a ‘play
street’ on 22 September.                                                           David Gauke MP was welcomed by           Khadija Abdelhamid from Wembley
  Celebrated around the world,                                                   Brent River College headteacher            has been named National Mentee
World Car Free Day encourages                                 where you live     Vivien Dean, Brent Council’s director      of the Year 2019 at the National
people to walk, cycle and use public                                             of children’s services, Gail Tolley,       Mentoring Awards.
transport. Brent is among 16                                                     and the council’s chief executive,          Khadija, who runs a networking
London boroughs that have signed                                                 Carolyn Downs, before meeting              platform to inspire, support and
London Play’s Play Street Pledge        World’s first                            some of the pupils who attend the          motivate young people, said:
                                                                                 Pupil Referral Unit (PRU).                 “Winning National Mentee of the
ahead of the global event, helping
children to play out on the streets
                                        hydrogen powered                           Justice Minister David Gauke MP,         Year is a testament of how far I’ve
where they live and bringing            double-decker bus                        said: “I was delighted to visit Brent’s
                                                                                 Youth Offending Service to hear
                                                                                                                            come in both my personal and
                                                                                                                            professional life. With the
communities together while
tackling air pollution. While the       The number 245 bus route, which          from young people and dedicated            mentorship of Julian Hall of Ultra
roads were closed for the 2018          starts in Alperton and runs through      staff about the positive work they         Education I’ve started my own social
London Marathon, air pollution          Wembley and Neasden, to Golders          are doing to help tackle serious           enterprise. To be recognised on a
dropped by 89% in the capital.          Green, is one of the first routes to     violence in the area.”                     national level means I am able to
  Cllr Krupa Sheth, Cabinet Member      benefit from the world’s first             Gail Tolley, Brent Council’s Director    expand my professional network
for Environment at Brent Council,       hydrogen double decker bus.              of Children’s Services, said:              and provide young people from
joined Deputy Mayor of London             Producing no pollution from their      “Supporting vulnerable young               across the UK mentoring opportu-
Heidi Alexander at City Hall in May     exhausts, the ultra-green red buses      people and helping reduce serious          nities through my social enterprise
to sign the pledge. She said: “We’re    also provide a smoother and quieter      youth violence is one of the most          Speak Dreams.”
proud to support World Car Free         journey as well as on-board USB          important jobs the council does so I
Day for the second year running.        charging points.

6                                                                                                                                                                  7
School places for                     300 single people                       Panel tackles job                        mentoring our young people will go
                                                                                                                       some way to helping them reach
all Brent children                    helped by new                           inequality                               their dreams by giving them the
                                                                                                                       tools needed to do so.”
as 88% get first                      homelessness                            Race, inequality and employment           If you would like to be a mentor
                                                                              were the main topics of debate at
preference                            service                                 the ‘Moving on Up’ employment
                                                                                                                       and are able to spare a couple of
                                                                                                                       hours to provide guidance to a
Every Brent child whose parents       A service to prevent homelessness       event which aims to help young           young person, please email:
applied on time has been offered a    and find homes for single people        black men to find jobs and careers in    paul.hadfield@ or for
primary school place for September    has helped more than 300 residents      London’s competitive labour market.      more information visit:
2019, figures reveal.                 to secure accommodation since            Young black men from across   
  The figures, published in April,    launching a year ago.                   Brent joined the Black Training and
                                                                              Enterprise Group for a discussion
show that Brent Council received
3,602 on-time applications for
                                        The Single Homeless Prevention
                                      Service (SHPS) has successfully found   about ways employers can help            Stonebridge
places at primary school reception    homes for 311 people in Brent           more young black men reach their
                                                                              full potential. A panel discussion
                                                                                                                       councillor elected
classes. 87.65% were offered their    following the introduction of the
first preference primary school (up   Homelessness Reduction Act last year.   with Bola Abisogun OBE,                  mayor
0.9 % since 2018).                      The referral service, based at the    DiverseCity Surveyors, Rants ‘n’
                                                                              Bants, social media activist, Aquilla    Cllr Ernest Ezeajughi was sworn in as
  97% of applicants were offered a    Brent Civic Centre, has also                                                     First Citizen of Brent at the council’s
place at one of their top three       completed more than 740 personal        Lindo-Cozzella, leadership
                                                                              management coach, and Ambrose            Mayor Making Ceremony in May.
schools and 98% were offered one      housing plans for people in danger                                                 Born in Nigeria, Cllr Ezeajughi has
of their preferred schools.           of losing their homes or who are        Quashie, skills manager for HS2 Ltd,
                                                                              gave advice on running a successful      lived in Brent since moving to the UK
  Cllr Amer Agha, Brent Council’s     already homeless.                                                                in 2004 and has chosen two charities
Cabinet Member for Schools,             Cllr Eleanor Southwood, Cabinet       business and building a great career.
                                                                                Khaleel, 18, said: “It’s been very     to support – Harlesden’s Sickle Cell
Employment and Skills said: “We       Member for Housing and Welfare                                                   Society and the Jason Roberts
have invested £96million in primary   Reform, said: “We are doing all we      useful for us black people.
                                                                              Historically, we’ve never had it easy.   Foundation, which supports young
school expansion over the past five   can to tackle the fallout of the                                                 people in Britain and Grenada.
years and with 94% of schools in      housing crisis in Brent.”               This is a good opportunity to get
                                                                              people through the door.”                  He said: “It is an amazing privilege
Brent rated good or outstanding by                                                                                     and honour to be appointed as
                                                                               Quewayne, 18, added: “This event
Ofsted, we are confident that we
are giving young people in the
                                      Justice for Josh                        has been interesting. It’s something     Mayor of Brent and to serve this
                                                                              we need in our community. This is        great borough. In my Mayoral year,
borough every opportunity to          In the spring issue we spoke to                                                  I hope to be able to work with all of
succeed.”                             Tracey and Brooke who were still        great to acknowledge, but we need
                                                                              to focus on the core reason why we       Brent’s rich and diverse communities
  For more information, visit         waiting for justice for the murder of                                            and look forward to raising money           their son and brother Josh.             aren’t getting those jobs. We need
                                                                              to build strong black values so that     for my amazing charities.”
                                        We can confirm that Shane                                                        Mapesbury’s Cllr Lia Colacicco was
                                      O’Brien, who was on Interpol’s          we can sustain ourselves.”
                                                                               Cllr Amer Agha, Cabinet Member          elected as deputy mayor. Keep up
                                      most-wanted list, was extradited                                                 with the Mayor’s engagements by
                                      and charged with Josh Hanson’s          for Schools, Employment and Skills,
                                                                              said: “Every resident should have        following his Twitter feed:
                                      murder in April after more than                                                  @mayorofbrent
                                      three years on the run.                 the opportunity to succeed and

8                                                                                                                                                                9
Pedal power helps                       Young council prize                      £500,000 boost                             Make sure you take up the support
                                                                                                                            on offer to get the best out of your
 to beat London’s                        goes to Brent                            for culture and                           applications.” For more information
                                                                                                                            on the 2020 Culture Fund or on the
 toxic air                               Council employees Elaine Cleland-        creative groups                           programme generally, visit
                                         Awity and Emily Willmott won the
 School children and parents from        Young Local Authority of the Year        in Brent                        
 across Brent cycled, walked and         Award title for Brent earlier this
 scooted a massive 71,787 journeys                                                Local people, organisations and
 over just 10 days as part of this
                                           The competition aims to
                                                                                  creative groups across the borough
                                                                                  are benefitting from a new
 year’s Big Pedal Challenge.             contribute to the personal and                                                                      LONDON
   The nationwide competition                                                     £500,000 grant scheme to lead their                        BOROUGH
                                         professional development of people       own cultural activities during
 encourages active, green travel in a    in the early stages of their local                                                                  OF CULTURE 2020
 bid to boost fitness and reduce air                                              Brent’s year as London Borough of                          #Brent2020
                                         government careers. Elaine and           Culture in 2020.
 pollution. Schools competed to get      Emily scooped the top prize with
 the highest number of pupils, staff                                               Individuals are now able to bid for
                                         their presentation asking: Are we        up to £3,000 while organisations can
 and parents cycling, walking or
 scooting to class. Kilburn Park and
                                         doing enough to protect children         apply for grants up to £10,000. This      Talented Harlesden
                                         from county lines?
 Stonebridge Primary School topped         To listen to their winning spoken
                                                                                  could be for projects of all shapes
                                                                                  and sizes and across all art forms.
                                                                                                                            teenager stars in
 their categories in Brent and will be
 presented with awards in the
                                         word piece, visit Brent Council’s
                                         YouTube page.
                                                                                   The Culture Fund launched in             BBC documentary
                                                                                  January and the first round of
   Overall, Brent schools recorded                                                funding has now closed after many         Growing up Gifted
 seven times more journeys than          Bringing joy to care                     applications were received. There         A teenager from Harlesden took
                                                                                  are two further rounds of funding
 they did in the 2018 competition.
   Councillor Shama Tatler, Cabinet
                                         home residents                           available, with the next round
                                                                                                                            centre stage in the latest instalment
                                                                                                                            of a BBC programme which
 Member for Highways, joined a Big       Two women from Kingsbury are             opening 13 June 2019.                     explores how gifted children across
 Pedal Challenge assembly at Kilburn     helping to change the lives of care       Lois Stonock, Artistic Director of       the country are working to defy the
 Park Junior School. She said: “We all   home residents thanks to their           London Borough of Culture 2020,           odds stacked against them and
 need to do our bit to create a          dedication, donations from the           said: “The 2020 Culture Fund is an        realise their full potential.
 cleaner, greener Brent. It’s been       community, and a Love Where You          opportunity for Brent to be                 Talented pianist and aspiring
 brilliant to see how enthusiastic the   Live grant from the council.             ambitious and will help to fill the       record producer Jamarley Richards,
 Kilburn Park children are about           Geraldine Reid, Cathryn Walsh and      2020 programme with a range of            15, has been one of the shining
 cycling, walking and scooting into      volunteers held afternoon teas and       diverse and high quality events and       lights in BBC2’s Growing Up Gifted
 school. Well done to everybody who      coffee mornings at local care            projects.”                                documentary which has been
 took part in the challenge.”            homes. Cathryn said: “I couldn’t          Cabinet Member for Public Health,        following bright young people from
   See how each of the schools did at:   believe how much food and gifts          Culture and Leisure, Cllr Krupesh         low-income households. The           people donated when we asked for         Hirani, said: “This fund is a fantastic   programme shows how Jamarley is
                                         help. It’s great to see that there are   opportunity for the diverse and           determined to succeed at school,
                                         still so many good people in             creative communities in Brent to be       studying to take three GCSEs early,
                                         the area.”                               part of such an exciting programme.       including music.

10                                                                                                                                                                  11
Landlord hit with                       and we’ll hold them accountable.
                                         Our aim is to drive up housing
                                                                                 Councillors go                       people in crisis. The READ
                                                                                                                      foundation works to create school
 huge fine after lies                    standards by supporting good            behind the scenes                    places in the developing world for
                                         landlords and enabling vulnerable                                            children affected by poverty.
 uncovered                               tenants to be aware of their rights.”   at House of                           Cllr Arshad Mahmood said: “I was
 A rogue landlord has been hit with         If you are a Brent landlord who
                                         lets out shared accommodation, you
                                                                                 Commons                              overwhelmed by the amount of
                                                                                                                      support I received during my
 a fine of £24,000 after trying to con
 her tenants and the council with a      can apply for a licence online at       A group of Brent Councillors took    Mayoral year. I would like to thank
 complex web of lies.                     advantage of a special opportunity   everyone who supported these
   Diana Thompson of Barn Way,             If you suspect that someone is        to go behind the scenes at a         worthy causes.”
 Wembley, was prosecuted by Brent        renting out an unlicensed property      Westminster Select Committee in
 Council for failure to licence a        in Brent, please report them            March.                     
 House in Multiple Occupation            anonymously at                            Cllr Matt Kelcher, took a
 (HMO) and failure to comply with        delegation of his committee to
                                                                                 learn more about the work of the
                                                                                                                      Lottery cash
 fire safety regulations.
   Thompson convinced tenants living     Bob Marley and                          Parliamentary Select Committee on    provides more
                                                                                 Housing, Communities and Local
 in her unlicensed, detached two-
 storey HMO property that she was a      Boney M on                              Government.                          dementia support
                                                                                   The councillors spent time with
   The property was raided in July
                                         Jamaican High                           Committee Clerks and Researchers
                                                                                                                      People living with dementia can
                                                                                                                      now attend drop-in sessions at a
 2018 following a tip-off from           Commissioner’s                          to learn about how they gather
                                                                                 evidence for their investigations.
                                                                                                                      new dementia café, thanks to a
 council tax officers that Thompson                                                                                   cash boost from the National
 was trying to claim a single person’s   tour                                                                         Lottery.
 discount when in fact she was living    The former Neasden home of music        Gala dinner                           The Watling Gardens Tenant
 in the home that she was also                                                                                        Management Organisation has been
 letting to seven other people.
                                         legend Bob Marley, and the homes
                                         of Boney M star Liz Mitchel and
                                                                                 pushes Mayor’s                       given more than £9,000 to support
   When council enforcement officers
 swooped, Thompson said she was a
                                         ‘The Crown Prince of Reggae’            fundraising above                    the work of the Watling Gardens
                                                                                                                      Creative De-Café which is linked to
                                         Dennis Brown featured in a tour of
 relative of the landlady and that the   Brent’s rich Jamaican cultural roots    £80,000                              the popular Dementia Garden that
 first floor was owned by another        by Jamaican High Commissioner                                                opened last autumn.
 landlord. She was ordered to pay                                                Families in poverty are set to        Running every Wednesday from
                                         Seth George Ramocan in April.           benefit from £80,000 through two
 fines totaling £20,000 by Willesden       Cllr Ernest Ezeajughi, Mayor of                                            11-1pm, people who go to the café
 Magistrates on 25 April and a                                                   charities chosen by outgoing Mayor   will be able to meet like-minded
                                         Brent, said; “Our borough has a         of Brent Cllr Arshad Mahmood.
 further £4,678 in costs and £170        great wealth of Jamaican culture                                             people, have a chat and take part in
 victim surcharge.                                                                 More than 300 guests attended a    craft activities.
                                         and history and it is wonderful that    sold out gala dinner in April in a
   Cllr Eleanor Southwood, Cabinet       we had the opportunity to celebrate                                           This follows the opening of
 Member for Housing and Welfare                                                  final push to raise funds for the    another Dementia Café in Alperton.
                                         this together.”                         charities.
 Reform, said: “If a landlord or agent                                                                                The Memory Lane Café is open at
 is breaking the law, we will find out                                             Sufra NW London provides           the Boat Hotel every Saturday
                                                                                 emergency food aid and support for   afternoon between 1-3pm.

12                                                                                                                                                           13
500 people find                         saved the council £600,000 and by
                                         2021, aims to have 360 homes for
                                                                                 Willesden winner:                        Planners scoop
 homes through                           1,200 residents. i4B is also looking    Gifted youngster is                      prestigious prize
                                         at supporting residents through
 council-owned                           more affordable housing.                Brent’s Junior                           Brent Council’s planning team has
                                                                                                                          won a national award in
 company i4B                              Cllr Margaret McLennan, Deputy
                                         Leader of the Council, said: “i4B is
                                                                                 Musician of the                          recognition of the projects, plans
 More than 500 previously homeless       one of Brent’s solutions to tackling    Year                                     and commitments made by the
                                                                                                                          team to borough.
 Brent residents have found new          the housing crisis.”
 homes though i4B Holdings new                                                   Talented recorder player Saul              The team picked up the award,
                                                                                 Cuthbertson, from Willesden Green,       from the Royal Town Planning
 figures from Brent Council have
                                         A fresh lick of paint                   impressed the judges to win the          Institute (RTPI), ahead of nine other
   Since it was set up two years ago,    A team of volunteers from the FA        title of Brent’s Junior Musician of      shortlisted authorities.
 the council-owned company has           and Wembley Stadium gave a much         the Year 2019.                             The judges acknowledged Brent’s
 bought over 200 properties – the        loved Wembley community centre a          Hailing from a talented family         desire to continually reflect on its
 majority of which are in the            makeover in April.                      Saul, 10, played his way to the top      performance, and look for ways to
 borough – to provide affordable           Chalkhill Community Centre is a       prize with three folk pieces, one of     develop and improve its service.
 housing to Brent residents who          hub for local groups, from kids clubs   which was his own composition.
 might otherwise have been placed        to exercise classes, there is             Singer Apollonia Margetson of the
                                                                                 Lycee Francais Charles De Gaulle
                                                                                                                          Dementia Action
 into bed and breakfast accommo-         something for everyone to enjoy.
 dation or other temporary                 Trustee Kathleen Fraser-Jackson       school in Wembley, was the runner        Week
 accommodation.                          said: “There is a great community       up at the competition which was
                                                                                 hosted by the Brent Music Service        The borough celebrated Dementia
   Donnette Martin, 40, moved into       who use the centre at Chalkhill. It’s                                            Action Week in May. Cllr Harbi
 her two-bedroom apartment in            been a lifeline for so many people,     (BMS) in March.
                                                                                   Cllr Mili Patel, Cabinet Member for    Farah, Cabinet Member for Adult
 Neasden with her two children a         young and old, which is why it                                                   Social Care, said: “Brent is well on
 year ago. “I don’t know what would      deserved a bit of TLC.”                 Children and Young People, said:
                                                                                 “There are a huge number of              the way to becoming a dementia
 have happened if i4B hadn’t               Anthony Angol, who picked up a                                                 friendly borough.
 stepped in.”                            paintbrush on the day said: “It was     talented children in our borough
                                                                                 and I’m glad we can encourage,             There are a lot of resources
   Gertrude Awere, 52, moved into        a pleasure volunteering to paint the                                             available if you would like to find
 her new i4B home with her two           centre - a great team effort. The       support and reward them.”
                                                                                   Saul will be a special guest soloist   out more about dementia and the
 children in January this year. “It is   centre provides a much needed                                                    number of dementia cafés in Brent
 better than where we were before,”      service and we hope our contri-         at the forthcoming BMS Junior Fest
                                                                                 2019 event on July 7.                    is growing steadily.”
 she said. “The rooms are quite big.     bution makes the experience a little                                               Visit
 We have some space now. You can         more pleasant.”                                                                  for more information.
 sense some fresh air.”
   As well as helping people like
 Donette and Gertrude, i4B has also

14                                                                                                                                                                15
Kilburn Hub opens                       Ade Adepitan                            Paan spitting ‘stain                    Uxendon Manor
   A new centre of local information,    Centre young                            on our community’                       celebrates deputy
 advice and support for residents is
 now open in South Kilburn.              people help pick                        must stop                               head’s MBE
   Based in the former housing office
 in Albert Road, local voluntary,
                                         new deputy                              Community volunteers are leading        Children at a Kenton primary school
                                                                                 an initiative to tackle paan spitting   dressed up as Kings and Queens for
 community and support services are      manager                                 – a habit which costs the council       the day to celebrate their teacher
 now all available under one roof.                                               around £30,000 a year to clean up.      collecting an MBE.
   The Kilburn Hub is the second to      Young people from the Ade
                                         Adepitan Short Break Centre helped        Paan is a tobacco leaf-based            Jashu Vekaria, Deputy
 open in Brent and follows the                                                   mixture which is chewed but if spat     Headteacher at Uxendon Manor
 success of the original hub in          to appoint a new Deputy Manager
                                         earlier this year.                      on the ground leaves a dark red,        Primary, visited Buckingham Palace
 Harlesden. The aim of the hubs is to                                            blood-like stain.                       in April to collect her gong, after it
 work with residents who find it           The Ade Adepitan centre in
                                         Kingsbury is designed for children        Supported by street cleaning and      was announced in the New Year’s
 difficult to access the support they                                            enforcement teams from Brent            Honours list that she would be
 need through mainstream services.       and young people with multiple
                                         learning difficulties, complex health   Council, volunteers took to the         made a Member of the Most
 The hubs are focused on supporting                                              streets of Wembley to drum up           Excellent Order of the British
 people to help themselves and each      needs, physical disabilities and
                                         autistic spectrum disorders.            support for the Brent Paan Action       Empire.
 other, while solving problems and                                               Network and talk about the                It was the latest honour for the
 building knowledge.                       Four young people joined the
                                         interview panel and were supported      environmental, health and hygiene       teacher since she joined the school
   Residents in Kilburn have told the                                            issues of paan spitting.                in 2010, having been awarded
 council what they want from their       by parents, staff and educational
                                         professionals to ask the                  “Paan spitting is disgusting and a    Teacher of the Year at the 2016
 hub and so far it includes: housing                                             stain on our community,” said Cllr      Pearson Teaching Awards, and
 advice; employment support, money       interviewees the questions that
                                         mattered to them.                       Krupa Sheth, Brent Council’s            receiving a commendation at the
 management; wellbeing support;                                                  Cabinet Member for Environment.         Asian Women of Achievement
 food bank access; benefits advice         The young people had a real say in
                                         who got the job and following the       “It is heartening to see members of     Awards in 2018.
 (including Universal Credit) and                                                the Wembley community taking              Jashu said: “To be in a job that you
 digital support (including online       interviews were presented with ‘job
                                         well done’ certificates.                positive actions to help put an end     enjoy doing is a blessing, but to be
 applications and accessing services).                                           to this anti-social act.”               able to see first-hand the difference
   New community hubs are set to be                                                Council enforcement patrols have      you are making to the kids is truly
 rolled out in a phased approach                                                 been stepped-up with anyone             heart-warming and I thank my lucky
 over the next two years to areas                                                caught spitting Paan given an on-       stars to have found a job I adore.”
 including Willesden, Wembley and                                                the-spot fine of £100.
 Kingsbury and Kenton.                                                             The campaign is also supported by
   For more information, visit:                                                  Diu Kadia Nyati Samaj UK,                                                      Bharatvasi On Duty, Federation of
                                                                                 Patidar Associations, and Shri
                                                                                 Sanatan Hindu Mandir, a Hindu
                                                                                 temple in Wembley which is beset
                                                                                 by paan stains.

16                                                                                                                                                                17
Chalkhill children                                                              HONEY I SHRUNK                         MOVES TO EASE
                                         NEWS IN
 meet award                              BRIEF                                   THE BIN!                               WEMBLEY PARK
 winning editors on                                                              Big hefty bins can be difficult to     TRAFFIC
 World Book Day                          FOUL PLAY                               move for people with mobility
                                                                                 problems, or perhaps you’re            Wembley Park residents are set to
                                         Did you know you can be fined up        recycling more than you used to        benefit from a new connection
 Children from Chalkhill Primary                                                                                        between North End Road and
 School shared poems and raps they       to £1,000 if you don’t clear up after   and have less need for a large
                                         your dog? Cllr Krupa Sheth, Cabinet     general waste bin. A reminder that     Bridge Road which will offer quicker
 had written to welcome a fictional                                                                                     access to the North Circular Road.
 new pupil to their school as part of    Member for Environment, says:           you can request a smaller bin
                                         “Letting your dog make a mess           through the council’s website. Just    Buses and road users will be able to
 a storytelling exercise on World                                                                                       use the new road all year round as
 Book Day.                               without cleaning it up is an offence    go to www. and search
                                         and we will take action against         ‘order new bin’.                       it will not be affected by event day
   The event was hosted by the                                                                                          closures. Work starts in June with
 editors of the award-winning essay      inconsiderate dog owners. You have
                                                                                                                        the new route expected to open in
 collection The Good Immigrant.          been warned.”                           EUROPEAN                               early 2020.
 Nikesh Shukla and Chimene
 Suleyman visited Wembley Library        CELEBRATE                               ELECTIONS – BRENT
                                                                                                                        MERLE COURT
 on the day the international version
 of their book, The Good Immigrant       DIVERSITY AND                           DECIDES
                                                                                                                        Significant internal and external
 USA, was published.
   During the event Nikesh and
                                         COMMUNITY WITH                          At the time of going to press, Brent
                                                                                 residents had yet to decide who
                                                                                                                        works at Merle Court, South
                                                                                                                        Kilburn, may take more than two
 Chimene discussed the themes of         THE GREAT GET                           they wanted to represent them in       years to complete. Because of how
 immigration and identity which the                                              the European Parliament. The
 book explores. After taking             TOGETHER                                results are now available at
                                                                                                                        disruptive the works will be,
                                                                                                                        developer Catalyst is working with
 suggestions from the children about     The Great Get Together was                 residents to rehouse them during
 what the fictional new pupils name,     inspired by the murdered MP Jo Cox                                             the works. Catalyst is meeting each
 age, country of origin and hobbies
 were, Nikesh and Chimene then
                                         who lived her life spreading her        SPACE TO GROW                          household individually to find the
                                         belief that we have more in                                                    right long-term solution for
 asked the pupils to write a letter to   common than what divides us. This       Community groups can apply for up      everyone. Merle Court was
 their new school friend welcoming       year it will take place on 21-23 June   to £2,000 match-funding to support     completed in 2012 and has 50
 him to the country.                     2019, the weekend that would have       local projects through the Spacehive   households.
   Nikesh, who was born in Brent,        been Jo’s 45th birthday. Grants of      ‘Better Brent’ movement. If you
 said: “Brent is London’s most diverse   up to £500 are now available for        would like to apply or find out
 borough and it’s important that         resident groups and community           more, go to
 children learn the power and            organisations wanting to run a          movement/betterbrent
 importance of celebrating their own     community lunch, BBQ, picnic, or
 identities and backgrounds as well      coffee morning. For more
 as the power of storytelling.”          information about how to apply,
                                         check the Brent Council website.

18                                                                                                                                                             19
COMMENT                                 exploited or drawn into crime, in
                                         partnership with the Metropolitan
                                                                                 at the whole package and that
                                                                                 means more prevention. We need
                                         Police and Mayor’s office. We have      the resources to enable us to work
 Tackling violent                        programmes that divert criminals        more closely with teachers, social
                                         from re-offending. Earlier this year,   workers, parents and young people
 crime in Brent                          more cameras were installed as part     themselves to prevent the
 by Cllr Tom Miller, Cabinet Member      of a £2.5m investment in CCTV           bloodshed on our streets before it
 for Community Safety, Brent             across the borough. Behind the          happens rather than just locking
 Council                                 scenes, these cameras are already       people up.
                                         helping to capture images that are       Violent crime affects us all, be it
 Since the beginning of the year,        leading to convictions.                 directly or indirectly. The sooner we
 more than 100 people have been            We work closely with families like    realise this and see it as a problem
 murdered on the streets of the UK –     the Serunkuma-Barnes’, who              that we all need to try and prevent
 with nearly half of those being         tragically lost their son in an         together – rather than just an
 caused by stabbings.                    unprovoked attack, to explore more      enforcement issue – the better it
   Each death is a huge waste of a       ways we can tackle violent crime        will be for the people who are
 life. Each life taken leaves huge       together.                               dying on our streets.
 gaps and ripples of grief that spread     We are also focused on long-term
 as family and loved ones try to pick    preventative solutions. We know
 up the pieces.                          that there can be a link between
   Earlier this year, the murders of     exclusions and young people going
 Jodie Chesney in east London and        on to commit crime, which is why
 Yousef Makki in Greater Manchester      we’re proud that we have reduced
 sparked a national debate on knife      the number of children being
 crime. In March and April, it seemed    excluded in Brent by 48% over the
 every day brought more bloodshed.       past two years.
   There have been a number of             The good news is that we’ve seen
 incidents in Brent in recent months     a large fall in knife crime in Brent.
 that have torn apart lives and          Over the past year, there’s been
 shaken communities. I would like to     around a 20% reduction in knife
 reassure everyone that we are           crime incidents. This shows we’re on
 working extremely hard not just to      the right track, but we must
 tackle incidents like this, but to      continue on this trajectory.
 make sure they never happen.              While I welcome the recent police
   We are out on the streets coordi-     funding announcement, I know that
 nating interventions and activities     enforcement alone isn’t going to
 to support those at risk of being       solve this problem. We need to look

20                                                                                                                       21
                                                                                Happy & healthy
     Attention all landlords
                                                                                Summer in the city
     Properties wanted
     let and managed by SBHA                                                    From helter-skelters, tug of war and limbo, to balloon
     Since 1968 Shepherds Bush Housing Association has been a                   splatters and dinosaur puppets, Brent’s summer of fun is
     trusted part of the local community, now managing more                     warming up. Here are the hottest ways to make the most
     than 5,000 homes. For 25 years, we’ve been managing,                       of summer in the city
     maintaining and guaranteeing rents for landlords.                          INTERNATIONAL BUSKING DAY              Volunteers are needed to help
     We are looking for properties in all areas on GUARANTEED                   2019                                   explore the neighbourhood’s proud
                                                                                Music, magic, comedy, physical         history and interview people to
     or PRIVATE rent. Cash incentives offered.                                  theatre and dance will bring           gather stories to help build material
     GUARANTEED RENT SCHEME                  MARKET RENT SCHEME                 Wembley Park to life for the fourth    for this interesting project. Find
     We can take on ‘hard to let’ or         • Yearly contracts                 International Busking Day on           more information about how to get
                                                                                                                       involved at
                                             • Free rent guarantee 
     large properties including HMOs                                            Saturday 20 July. Market Square,
                                                                                Wembley, will be filled with live      GET ACTIVE IN WOODCOCK PARK
     • Advance monthly rent even if          • Tenant referencing for your      music at three mini stages and pop-
      your property is empty                                                                                           Go hard or go home! Get fit at
                                               chosen tenant                    up music boxes in Olympic Way, as      Kenton’s Woodcock Park with a free
     • No management fee or                  • Free photo inventory             Wembley Park buzzes with activities    instructor led outdoor gym training
                                             • 24/7 repairs service 
      commission – we pay what we                                               for all the family.                    session on 5 June or 3 July. There is
      quote                                                                               no need to book, so just come along
                                               and furniture supply
     • Flexible three or five year leasing                                      BE A PART OF THE KILN’S FIRST          and join in. Can’t make those days?
       option                                • Full Management or               COMMUNITY PLAY                         There are plenty of sessions
                                               Rent Collection                  Untold stories of social care and      available at free outdoor gyms
     • Grants funding advice
                                                                                migration in Brent are set to be       across the borough:
                                             exceptions apply
     • No void works if the property                                            revealed in A Friendly Society – and
      becomes empty within lease
                                              charges apply
                                                                                you can get involved! The Kiln         BARHAM PARK FUNFAIR
      (exceptions apply)                                                        Theatre is calling for people who      Bumper cars, inflatables, a giant
                                                                                want to act, dance, sing, sew or       helter-skelter and more! Thrilling
     Contact us to discuss your options and to arrange                          make things. No prior experience       rides await at the Green Flag
     a no obligation visit                                                      needed.            award-winning Barham Park this
     Landlords hotline:                                                         VOLUNTEER AT KILN THEATRE              June, as the funfair with lots to do
                                                   SHEPHERDS BUSH               Delve into the rich heritage of the    for the whole family returns this
     020 8996 4271                                                              Kiln Theatre, its newly transformed    summer.                       HOUSING GROUP                building and the diverse                         The home of guaranteed rents   communities surrounding it.

22                                                                                                                                                             23
VOLUNTEER AT A LOCAL                   TROUBADOUR DINOSAUR WORLD              My community
 COMMUNITY GARDEN                       LIVE
 Can you dig it? Green fingered
 gardening enthusiasts can plant
                                        The earth-shaking smash hit
                                        production comes to the
                                                                               Diamonds and Merles
 flowers and grow vegetables in         Troubadour Theatre in Wembley          South Kilburn’s legendary Aunty Merle tells Your Brent the
 community gardens around the           Park on Thursday 18 July for a
 borough. Open to everyone from         12-week run. Children and grown-       secret of what helps make a community great
 the community, young and old, with     ups alike are sure to enjoy the
 any level of experience. Find your     dazzling live dino puppet action.      Walk through South Kilburn with          Rumour has it, superstar Beyonce
 nearest garden via                     More information here:                 one of its most famous residents,      was even a fan of Merle’s famed                                and it’s not long before Aunty         home recipes.
 SPACE CHASE SUMMER GARDEN              WEMBLEY PARK PRESENTS                  Merle is recognised.                     Merle said: “It started out just for
 FAMILY FAIR                            SUMMER ON SCREEN                         Her status is deserved.              the young people. Then it got
 Musical chairs, tug of war, limbo,     Free outdoor screenings featuring        Protecting The Granville, cooking    bigger and bigger. We started doing
 balloons splatter plus face painting   Hollywood Blockbusters, Sing-ALong     for the needy and helping the          meals for single parents, older
 and lots of raffle prizes to be won.   Classics and South Asian Cinema will   young and old are just three of 73-    people.
 It’s all go in Kilburn Library! The    be showing in Wembley Park from        year-old Merle Barriteau’s proudest      “All we wanted was for everyone
 whole family are sure to enjoy the     31 May to 23 July.                     successes.                             who couldn’t afford to pay much to
 exciting range of Space Chase          In a first for North West London,        She has spent over 40 years          eat, to have a good meal.
 activities on 28 August.               the Royal Opera House will             supporting her local community.          “Before I knew it, we had all these
 Email or        broadcast productions of Romeo         And she has no plans to slow down      famous people coming down.
 call 020 8937 3400                     and Juliet, Carmen and The             any time soon.                           “One of Beyonce’s people on the
                                        Marriage of Figaro.                      Merle said: “I’ve always wanted to   road tried our sky juice. Well, she
                                                  help people. And I’ve met so many      sent one of her bodyguards back in
                                                                               wonderful people along the way.        to buy a couple of gallons.”
                                                                               Every day it’s ‘Hi Aunty Merle’.         Merle’s passion for helping others
                                                                               Everyone knows me.”                    saw her mentor young men
                                                                                 Now a great-grandmother, Merle,      involved in crime and drugs, helping
                                                                               who was born in Trinidad, first        many back on to the straight and
                                                                               moved to London with her family in     narrow. She also helped organise
                                                                               1961 aged 17. She settled in South     the legendary annual South Kilburn
                                                                               Kilburn 10 years later.                festival.
                                                                                 Her former café, Merle’s Diner,        And, for good measure, working
                                                                               first opened at The Granville in the   with other local activists, she helped
                                                                               1980s.                                 protect The Granville’s position at
                                                                                 When it closed, 30 years later,      the heart of the community.
                                                                               Princess Anne, former Mayor of           In 2012, to thank Merle for her
                                                                               London Ken Livingstone and cricket     tireless work with the community,
                                                                               legend Brian Lara were just three of   Brent Council named a new
                                                                               the famous faces to have visited.      building in South Kilburn after her.

24                                                                                                                                                             25
Merle said: “Can you imagine, as a     “But we also need to build a            Cleaner and greener
 teenage black woman arriving here       community together. There are
 from the West Indies, that there
 would one day be a building named
                                         people here from all over the world.
                                         We need to get to know each other        Bloomin’ great
 after me. I’d have said ‘not a          and be friendly.”
 chance!’”                                With all the changes taking place,      Communities are being helped by money the council has
   South Kilburn is changing. A 15-      a new generation of South Kilburn        secured from developers through the Neighbourhood
 year regeneration programme is          residents will soon be saying hello
 half way through. It is building        to Aunty Merle.                          Community Infrastructure Levy
 high-quality affordable homes for        She smiles and says: “I’ll be 73 this
 existing residents, to improve living   year. South Kilburn – you’re not         Caroline Turriff, who is co-chair of    else that will address the demands
 conditions.                             gonna get rid of me yet!”                the Kensal Green Residents’             that development places on an area
   Merle said: “What I have seen so                                               Association, received a £33,000         and has community support. Thanks
 far is great, and people need better                                             Neighbourhood Community                 to the money negotiated from
 homes.                                                                           Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) grant for    developers, the council has so far
                                                                                  a street tree project on the Harrow     awarded around £4.5million to
                                                                                  Road.                                   more than 100 community projects
                                                                                    “This section of Harrow Road was      to improve local neighbourhoods.
                                                                                  quite grimy with a lot of industrial      Cllr Shama Tatler, Cabinet Member
                                                                                  yards and run down shops and            for Regeneration, Highways and
                                                                                  there was only one tree between St      Planning said: “We’re building a
                                                                                  Mary’s Cemetery and Wrottesley          better Brent for everyone and the
                                                                                  Road - almost a mile,” says Caroline.   investment from developers has
                                                                                  “Trees help the environment by          allowed us to give over £4.5m to
                                                                                  absorbing pollution – a serious         community projects since we started
                                                                                  problem on this section of Harrow       the NCIL programme.”
                                                                                  Road as there are often diesel            CVS Brent can help applicants to
                                                                                  lorries and buses going down it.”       develop their ideas, review their
                                                                                     “A lot of residents and businesses   application and provide guidance
                                                                                  have said how much they love the        on areas such as project monitoring
                                                                                  trees – they have pink cherry           and evaluation, and budgeting.
                                                                                  blossom flowers, so look beautiful        Apply for this round of NCIL
                                                                                  in early spring. To anyone thinking     funding before 30 June 2019 or for
                                                                                  about applying for the grant, I         the next round by 1 December 2019.
                                                                                  would say go for it but get as much     Search NCIL on the Brent website or
                                                                                  support as you can.”                    email
                                                                                    The Neighbourhood Community             You can get in touch with CVS
                                                                                  Infrastructure Levy is a charge that    Brent by emailing
                                                                                  local authorities can set on new or
                                                                                  developments to raise cash to help      phoning 020 3011 1696.
                                                                                  pay for infrastructure, or anything

26                                                                                                                                                              27
     HOME TUITION SERVICE                                                       Home sweet home
     Are you a Qualified Maths, English or
     Science Teacher and have some free time                                    A woman from Kingsbury has been handed the keys to a
     during the week?                                                           newly built flat as the council aims to build more than 800
     Are you a retired teacher, taking a career break or have other             new council homes over the next five years
     commitments who would like to continue teaching and have some extra
     income? We are looking for experienced KS3 and KS4 teachers to provide     Colette Wood, who has cerebral          fuller and more independent life. I
     1:1 home tuition to students who are unable to attend our centre. The      palsy, has lived in Brent for more      was also able to move close to my
     duration of the placement is dependent on the young person’s individual    than 35 years but struggled to live     previous home and to my support
     health needs. The hours can be flexible to suit your need.                 alone after her mum sadly passed        networks. I am happy that the
     We are a Pupil Referral Unit specialising in providing education for       away a few years ago. Colette’s         council are building new homes for
     children and young people, 5-16 years of age, who are resident in Brent    former property was not suitable        those who need them, it is a move
     and not attending mainstream school due to their health needs. Working     for her needs and she faced             in the right direction.”
     with parents/carers, mainstream schools, support agencies and profes-      significant barriers including            Brent became one of the top five
     sionals we strive ensure a continuity of care and education while they     internal stairs that left her feeling   boroughs to commit to a new
     have a medical need preventing them from attending school.                 less independent.                       council housing building
                                                                                  Due to a lack of adapted              programme worth £200m, with
      The suitable candidate             In return we offer:                    properties and a long council           £65million of that coming from the
      will have the following:                                                  housing waiting list, Colette was       Mayor of London. The council aims
     • KS3 and KS4 National              • Competitive hourly rates             unsure if she would be able to be       to build more than 800 new homes
     Curriculum knowledge in English,                                           move to a property that would           for social rent as well as 5,000
                                         • Flexibility with hours of work to    allow her to live independently but     affordable homes over the next five
     Maths or Science                    suit other commitments                 now that has all changed.               years to help ease the housing crisis.
     • Flexibility with                  • Centre based paid CPD                  Colette’s new home has been              Some of the new homes being
     • 2 years teaching or tutoring      • Access to the Employee               specially adapted to meet her needs     built are on underused garage sites
     experience in the UK                Assistance Programme                   by the council’s Private Housing        and on existing council estates.
     • UK recognised teaching qualifi-                                          Services and includes everything on     Council homebuilding fell to nearly
                                         • A supportive and inclusive team      one floor, a mobility kitchen and       zero in the 1990s with many
     cation i.e. QTS                     consisting of subject specialists at   bathroom, automatic doors               councils’ ambition previously held
     • Educated to a degree level        the centre                             throughout and solar energy to          back by Government restrictions
                                                                                keep utility costs low.                 and rigid limits on their powers and
     If you think you suit our provision and would like further                   Colette said: “I am really enjoying   borrowing.
     information, please contact Christine Cahillane:                           living here, the adaptations in my, 020 8937 3330                      new home allow me to live a much
     Ashley College, Ashley Gardens, Wembley, HA9 8NP

28                                                                                                                                                               29
My community                                                My community

     Calling all writers!                                        It’s not black and white
     Are you a budding writer? Do you have a great story about   Some of the people in the landmark 1970s documentary
     Brent or about someone living in Brent? Or do you know      The Way We Live Now - Race took centre stage at an event
     someone who has done something amazing for the              which asked how things have – or haven’t – changed since
     community... If so, then we would love to hear about        then
     them. Email us at                    There’s a big rift and it’s getting     inclusion had changed much since
                                                                 deeper and deeper.” This was the        the making of the documentary.
     We are looking for people to contribute to Your Brent       view of a Met Police Officer            Guests also heard from a panel of
     magazine, so send us an email with the story you have,      working in Brent in the late 1970s,     young people about what
                                                                 before the race riots of the early      challenges they face now as they try
     or examples of your work, to         80s, as a BBC journalist reported on    to make their mark in their
                                                                 the state of race relations in what     industries.
                                                                 was then described as ‘Britain’s          Delton Pink, who still lives in the
                                                                 blackest borough’.                      borough, took part in the 1979
     Advertisement                                                 The Way We Live Now – Race was        documentary and was filmed along
                                                                 a landmark documentary filmed in        with his brothers in their family

       ADVERTISE IN YOUR BRENT                                   Brent which looked at race
                                                                 relations, education and inclusion.
                                                                                                         band called ‘True Pink’.
                                                                                                           Delton, who describes himself as a
                                                                   Previously shown only once, Cec       survivor and has changed career
           AND REACH OVER                                        Richards, the CEO of opportunities
                                                                 platform Slenky, worked with Brent
                                                                                                         many times over the years said:
                                                                                                           “Watching the documentary after
         130,000 HOUSEHOLDS,                                     Council and the FA to screen the
                                                                 documentary again at a special
                                                                                                         40 years brought back the same
                                                                                                         hurt and frustration felt at the time

           FROM ONLY £275.                                       event at Wembley Stadium. The
                                                                 screening was the centre piece of an
                                                                                                         from comments made by the police
                                                                                                         and some residents.
                                                                 evening of discussion about how           “Unfortunately, I feel that little                                  much – or how little – progress has
                                                                 been made on race relations over
                                                                                                         has changed in the way some
                                                                                                         people are still treated in society.
                                                                 the past 40 years and what more         Racism is less obvious now - in the
                                                                 needs to be done now.                   60s and 70s we endured open
                                                                   Three of the men featured in the      abuse, today it’s covert - but still
                                                                 1979 documentary, spoke to a            exists.
                                                                 crowd of businesses, community            “I’m a positive person though, and
                                                                 leaders and young people, about         it was great to experience the work
                                                                 whether the issues of race, class and   that Cec has done in setting up an
event like the one we had. He really        Leader of the Council, Cllr          My community
 brought the community together            Muhammed Butt said: “Brent has
 and it impressed me how he was
 able to get big names such as Brent
                                           been the most diverse borough in
                                           the UK for a very long time and this   Dare to care
 Council and the FA involved. It           is something that we are very proud
 showed that they care about               of. Events like this highlight our     A foster family provided a safe and stable home for a
 working with the community and            different communities and all the      teenager and before long, a loving relationship blossomed
 are positive about the future.”           benefits diversity brings with it.
   Clovis Bryan was still looking for        “It was a pleasure to work with      At 15, Sarah was placed into care as
 work when he was featured in the          Slenky and the FA on this event and                                           Adjusting to trust
                                                                                  her parents couldn’t provide a safe
 documentary three years after             I hope that all those who attended     and stable home for her to grow up     Coming from an unsafe and
 leaving school. Clovis is now a           were able to learn from the            in. Because her fostering experience   unstable family home has affected
 network architect, a career he            challenges that Clovis, Bryan and      started when she was a teenager, it    Sarah’s ability to trust people and
 enjoys, but which took him a long         Trevor discussed.                      was harder for her to adjust to the    open up – the troubled relationship
 time to find.                               “Although a lot has changed in       new family, their values and           with her mother made it hard for
   Clovis said: “When I was younger, I     the past 40 years, there are still     traditions, especially since they      her to confide in almost anyone.
 wanted to become a pilot. After 10        some issues we need to address         came from a different cultural and     Respect was something that she
 years doing a variety of different        with regards to race, inclusion and    religious background.                  didn’t receive, and she ended up
 jobs, I retrained to become a             opportunity for everyone in the          Getting on with her studies while    being rebellious and disobedient.
 network architect.                        borough.                               finding her feet in the new place      She also felt unworthy of love and
   “Companies need to become more            “We are determined to make           wasn’t easy. Thankfully, Sarah’s new   care, but the carers were so patient
 diverse, I can still go into a business   Brent the best it can be and we are    foster family was incredibly           and supportive that Sarah
 and be the only black or Asian            doing this by working hard to          accommodating and even though          completely changed the way she
 person there. A lack of diversity         ensure that everyone in the            Sarah was worried about how she        thought about people and how she
 means organisations are losing out        borough, no matter what their          would cope everything went             behaved around them. She learned
 on talent. Diversity brings change        background, has the opportunity to     smoothly.                              to be open, she gained the trust to
 and new ideas. If your company is         succeed.”                                “They gave me the space to be        express her feelings and show her
 full of people who have the same            To find out more about Slenky        myself and let me enjoy being a        vulnerabilities, and became more
 background, then it’s quite likely        and the opportunities available        teenager,” Sarah said. “Often, when    trusting and honest.
 that they will view things in the         for young people, go to                I got home from school, they would       “The relationship with my mother
 same way.                                 www.                         make me pancakes and in the            made me put up a wall, which my
   “I think there is a long way for us                                            mornings they made the bed             carers managed to break,” said
 to go in this country with regards to                                            for me.”                               Sarah.
 race. I’d like to get to a point where                                                                                    Sarah changed her behaviour at
 you are judged and accepted on                                                                                          her own speed, without being
 merit, for what you can do rather                                                                                       forced to act in a certain way. Her
 than the colour of your skin.”                                                                                          parents would do many nice small
                                                                                                                         gestures for her, which eventually
                                                                                                                         softened her heart and taught her
                                                                                                                         about giving without expecting

32                                                                                                                                                              33
something in return. This freedom       motherhood. She appreciates every      Jobs & skills
 mixed with the unconditional love       moment with her child and is
 and all the nice things helped her to
 develop as a person and to become
                                         patiently answering all her “But
                                         why, mummy?” questions.                Strong foundations
 the loving mother that she is to her     Find out more about how
 three-year old daughter.                fostering is changing lives in Brent   Students interested in a career in planning and designing
   “They helped me figure out how I      at:         buildings spent a week being architects, thanks to
 can be a good mother to my little
 one. She’s now in her ‘no’ phase,                                              Karakusevic Carson Architects and Brent Council
 which I handle pretty well because I      Visit
 learned how important it is to be                                              Pupils from Brent schools got hands-     architects also volunteered time to
 patient and supportive as a parent.”       to find out how you can
                                                                                on experience with drawing classes       give something back to the borough,
   Looking back, she’s learned a lot         change a child’s life, by          and CV and interview workshops           most recently by supporting the
 from both her birth and her foster                fostering with               with respected architects that have      Brent Parks team to plant 3,450
 parents. Each has made their own                                               worked on the designs for various        seedlings in the wildflower meadows
 positive contribution to her life,                Brent Council.
                                                                                sites in Wembley Housing Zone and        at King Edward VII Park this spring.
 which is now helping her through                                               the South Kilburn Estate                   Cllr McLennan, Deputy Leader of
                                                                                Regeneration programme.                  the Council, said: “There are so many
                                                                                  Bupesh Hirani, an 18-year-old          different ways to inspire young
                                                                                student from Alperton Community          people and help them plan their
                                                                                School, said: “I wanted to take part     future and this is a great initiative.
                                                                                to see if architecture is really the     I’d love to see more companies share
                                                                                career for me. The placement gave        their expertise and get more
                                                                                me an amazing insight into what a        involved in the community.”
                                                                                day to day job would be like. I            Karakusevic Carson Architects have
                                                                                definitely want to go into the field     recently partnered with social
                                                                                now.”                                    innovation and enterprise hub SEIDs
                                                                                  Ruzna Noukri, from Kilburn, said:      to create a bursary for a Brent
                                                                                “Architects play a significant role in   resident to develop a creative
                                                                                shaping our community, they bring        business idea that would benefit the
                                                                                people together through what they        community.
                                                                                create. I’ve had a great insight into      Applications are welcome until 26th
                                                                                the world of architecture and I’ve       July. For more information and to
                                                                                had a really great experience.”          apply, email
                                                                                  As part of the agreement with the
                                                                                council, employees from the

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