January 11, 2021 Enroll Today! - Spring 2021 - Nash Community College

Page created by Mary Sparks
January 11, 2021 Enroll Today! - Spring 2021 - Nash Community College
All Online, Virtual,
 and On-Campus
 classes begin...
 January 11, 2021
 Enroll Today!                      Spring 2021
                                    Class Schedule

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg   252-428-7365        coned@nashcc.edu
January 11, 2021 Enroll Today! - Spring 2021 - Nash Community College
Nash Community College | Continuing Education - Non-Credit Courses
                Spring Schedule 2021 | January 11, 2021 - May 15, 2021
                        Preregistration Required for All Classes
Table Of Contents                                         Register Now!
Automotive/Transportation                  3
Career Readiness Certification (CRC)       4              Mail or Fax: Download the Continuing Education
College and Career Readiness (CCR)         4-5            registration form at www.nashcc.edu/conedreg and
English as a Second Language (ESL)         5-6            mail with fee to NCC Continuing Education, PO Box
Computer Training                          6-8            7488, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 or fax to 252-451-8451
Foreign Language                           8              with credit card information.
Fire Services                              8
Health Services (CPR, EMT, Nurse Aide)     9-11           Online Registration: Students may register for a
Human Resources Development (HRD)          11,13          ‘‘select’’ group of Continuing Education classes via
Online Ed2Go Classes                       12             WebAdvisor at www.nashcc.edu, click on Student
Law Enforcement Training                   13             Portal at top, continue to WebAdvisor, then Continuing
Personal Enrichment Classes                               Education. Credit card payment is required.
  Brewing                                  14
  Cooking                                  14-15          In-Person: Visit the Continuing Education Department
  Crafts                                   15             located on the 2nd Floor of the Continuing Education
  Fitness                                  15             and Public Services Building.
  Photography                              16
  Self-Defense                             16             Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Professional Training                      17-18          Tuesday - Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Small Business Center                      18-21          Friday: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Teacher Education                          21             (Hours may vary due to COVID-19)
Trades and Construction                    21-23
Continuing Education Information           23             Employment Opportunities
                                                          If you have suggestions for a new class, have a
Contact Information                                       special skill and/or are interested in teaching, please
Automotive/Transportation            252-428-7365         download and complete the Class Proposal Form
Career Readiness Certification (CRC) 252-428-7365         available at www.nashcc.edu/conedreg.
College and Career Readiness         252-428-7331
Computer Training                    252-428-7365         Choose one of these options to submit:
Customized Industry Training         252-428-7365         Mail to NCC Continuing Education, P O Box 7488,
Ed2Go Online Courses                 252-428-7365         Rocky Mount, NC 27804 or fax to 252-451-8451.
Emergency Medical Services           252-428-7348
ESL–English as a Second Language 252-428-7346             Seeking Instructors
Fire Services                        252-428-7365          • Craft/Hobby
                                  or 252-428-7344          • Drawing
Foreign Language                     252-428-7346          • Painting
Health Services                      252-428-7348          • Line Dance
Human Resources Development          252-428-7365          • Shag Dance
Law Enforcement Training             252-428-7321          • Basic Plumbing
Nurse Aide/Nursing Assistant (CNA) 252-428-7365            • Building Inspector Level I
Personal Enrichment                  252-428-7365          • Electrical Wiring
Professional Training                252-428-7365
Small Business Center                252-428-7320         Financial Assistance
Teacher Education                    252-428-7365         Continuing Education Scholarships are available for
Trades/Construction                  252-428-7365         select classes. For more information, visit
                                                          www.nashcc.edu/scholarships or call 252-428-7365.

                30,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $0.11 per copy.

January 11, 2021 Enroll Today! - Spring 2021 - Nash Community College
www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                    252-428-7365                                        coned@nashcc.edu

                                                                      Escort Vehicle Operator - Recertification
 Automotive / Transportation Classes                                  $75 | Fridays
                                                                      Continuing Education Building | Room 8253
Alive At 25 | $75 | Saturdays                                         This course is to satisfy the recertification requirements set by
Continuing Education Building | Room 8153                             the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to
This defensive driving course for students 16 - 24 years old          certify oversize-overweight load vehicle escort drivers.
provides unique classroom training on the potential dangers
while driving.                                                        56776    1/22      8 AM - 12 PM
                                                                      56777    5/7       8 AM - 12 PM
56872    1/23      8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
56873    2/20      8:30 AM - 12:30 PM                                 Required: Students must be 21 years old to become certified
56874    3/13      8:30 AM - 12:30 PM                                 with the State of North Carolina as an escort driver.
56875    4/17      8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
56876    5/8       8:30 AM - 12:30 PM                                 Freight Broker - Agent Training | $1,895 | Online
                                                                      In this 180-hour course, students will gain the skills needed
DDC-4-Defensive Driving | $60 | Saturdays                             to run a domestic freight brokerage or agency. Topics include
Continuing Education Building | Room 8153                             transportation law, contracts, insurance, setting up, and run-
This course is designed for individuals 24 years of age or            ning a freight brokerage business.
older and addresses the risks and hazards of the road.
                                                                      Open Entry         Self-Paced         6 Month Program
56877    1/30      8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
56878    2/27      8:30 AM - 12:30 PM                                 For more information email jdcallahan652@nashcc.edu.
56879    3/20      8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
56880    4/24      8:30 AM - 12:30 PM                                 Motorcycle Safety Training - Basic Rider Course
56881    5/15      8:30 AM - 12:30 PM                                 $175 | Friday - Continuing Education Building,
                                                                      Room 8244 | Saturday and Sunday - Building E
Preregistration, driver’s license and referral are required for       The motorcycle safety training course includes how to bal-
Alive at 25 and DDC-4-Defensive Driving.                              ance and coordinate, shift and stop, emergency braking, and
                                                                      more. Motorcycles are provided. Motorcycle Safety classes
CDL Truck Driver Training | $3998.25                                  are offered as self-supporting. A refund is given only if the
Monday - Friday                                                       class is canceled.
Continuing Education Building | Room 8168
The Sage CDL training program at NCC provides 158 hours               56739    3/12 - 3/14        6 PM - 10 PM | 8 AM - 6 PM*
of training to include classroom, lab, and one-on-one behind          56741    3/19 - 3/21        6 PM - 10 PM | 8 AM - 6 PM*
the wheel driving instruction.                                        56742    3/26 - 3/28        6 PM - 10 PM | 8 AM - 6 PM*
                                                                      56743    4/9 - 4/11         6 PM - 10 PM | 8 AM - 6 PM*
56908/56909        1/11 - 1/29        7 AM - 3:30 PM                  56744    4/16 - 4/18        6 PM - 10 PM | 8 AM - 6 PM*
56910/56911        2/8 - 2/26         7 AM - 3:30 PM                  56745    4/23 - 4/25        6 PM - 10 PM | 8 AM - 6 PM*
56912/56913        3/8 - 3/26         7 AM - 3:30 PM                  56746    4/30 - 5/2         6 PM - 10 PM | 8 AM - 6 PM*
56914/56915        4/5 - 4/23         7 AM - 3:30 PM                  56747    5/14 - 5/16        6 PM - 10 PM | 8 AM - 6 PM*
56916/56917        5/3 - 5/21         7 AM - 3:30 PM
                                                                      OBD II Emissions Certification
For more information call 252-428-7351, 252-428-7340, or              $76.25 | Monday and Tuesday
email akcressionnie858@nashcc.edu.                                    City High School, 999 Hammond Street
                                                                      NCC Automotive Building | Room 304
Escort Vehicle Operator - Initial                                     Learn the laws that govern OBD I/M Inspection. This course
$90 | Thursday and Friday*                                            will prepare auto technicians & service personnel as OBD
Continuing Education Building | Room 8253                             (On–Board Diagnostic) I/M Inspectors for motor vehicles.
This course includes Defense Driving and Initial Escort Vehi-         Textbook available in the Campus Store.
cle Operator training needed to satisfy the requirements set
by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)            56711    1/25 - 1/26        6 PM – 10 PM
to certify oversize-overweight load vehicle escort drivers.           56712    2/15 - 2/16        6 PM – 10 PM
                                                                      56713    3/15 - 3/16        6 PM – 10 PM
56778     3/18 - 3/19       1 PM - 5 PM & 8 AM - 5 PM*                56714    4/12 - 4/13        6 PM – 10 PM
                                                                      56715    5/10 - 5/11        6 PM – 10 PM
Required: Students must be 21 years old to become certified
with the State of North Carolina as an escort driver.

January 11, 2021 Enroll Today! - Spring 2021 - Nash Community College
www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                  252-428-7365                                          coned@nashcc.edu

Vehicle Safety Inspection                                           Visit www.nashcc.edu/crc and complete the CRC
$76.25 | Monday and Tuesday                                         Assessment Form under links to register or email
City High School, 999 Hammond Street                                crctesting@nashcc.edu for more information.
NCC Automotive Building | Room 304
Gain knowledge of safety inspection rules, regulations, and           College & Career Readiness (CCR)
methods. The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles
(DMV) requires this class for all persons involved in vehicle       Individuals interested in obtaining an Adult High School Diplo-
safety inspection. Textbook available in the Campus Store.          ma (AHSD) or High School Equivalency (HSE) should contact
                                                                    252-428-7331, 252-428-7356, or visit www.nashcc.edu/ccr
56705    1/11 - 1/12        6 PM – 10 PM                            for more information.
56707    2/8 - 2/9		        6 PM – 10 PM
56708    3/1 - 3/2		        6 PM – 10 PM                            College and Career Readiness classes are offered on-cam-
56709    4/5 - 4/6		        6 PM – 10 PM                            pus and off-campus at No Fee to individuals age 16 and old-
56710    5/3 - 5/4		        6 PM – 10 PM                            er. Minors (ages 16 - 17) must first complete a minor packet
                                                                    and interview prior to registering for orientation.
Career Readiness Certification (CRC)
                                                                    Orientation & Registration Requirements
Continuing Education Building | Room 8242                             1. Space availability is limited and is first come/first serve.
Space is Limited | $50.00 or $16.00/Assessment                        2. Complete placement testing before enrolling in College
Preregistration and Prepayment Required                                  and Career Readiness classes.

The certification is composed of three assessments; Applied         Advisement and Placement Procedure
Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents.                    The registration process consists of placement testing, then
                                                                    attendance in a Ready, Set, Go, Orientation class.
1/6   Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      Placement Testing
1/13  Wednesday              5:00 PM - 9:00 PM                      Testing will be held in the Continuing Education Building,
1/13  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      Room 8120. Please bring a photo ID.
1/20  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
1/27  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM, or Wednesday 5:30 PM

FEBRUARY                                                            Testing is offered on a first-come/first-serve basis. Please
2/3   Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      preregister by visiting www.nashcc.edu/ccr and complete
2/10  Tuesday		              5:00 PM - 9:00 PM                      the Initial College and Career Readiness Enrollment Inquiry
2/10  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      Form. Testing takes approximately 3 - 4 hours.
2/17  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
2/24  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      Ready, Set, Go Orientation
                                                                    Ready, Set, Go is a required course that prepares incoming
MARCH                                                               CCR students to be successful in the program. Students will
3/3   Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      be given useful strategies to help them become successful.
3/10  Wednesday              5:00 PM - 9:00 PM                      They will also be presented with career planning strategies to
3/10  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      help them work toward their career goals while/after earning
3/17  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      their diploma. After completing Ready, Set, Go, students will
3/24  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      be better prepared to achieve success in their CCR courses
3/31  Wednesday             12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      and beyond.

APRIL                                                               On-Campus Classes
4/14     Wednesday          12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      The CCR Department is offering all classes in a hybrid
4/14     Wednesday           5:00 PM - 9:00 PM                      format. Students will complete work assigned by teachers
4/21     Wednesday          12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      online, and can also attend face-to-face classes.
4/28     Wednesday          12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
                                                                    College And Career Readiness Honors Boot Camp
MAY                                                                 Boot Camp is a five-week multi-subject course that integrates
5/5      Wednesday          12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      the Social Studies, Reading, Writing, Science, and Math skills
5/12     Wednesday          12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      necessary to pass the HSE examinations. Students will at-
5/19     Wednesday          12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      tend classes daily, take practice tests in the Learning Lab as
5/19     Wednesday          12:30 PM - 4:30 PM                      the week progresses, and then take the official HSE examina-
5/19     Wednesday           5:00 PM - 9:00 PM                      tions each Thursday night or Friday morning.
5/26     Wednesday          12:30 PM - 4:30 PM

January 11, 2021 Enroll Today! - Spring 2021 - Nash Community College
www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                  252-428-7365                                          coned@nashcc.edu

Because of the fast-paced nature of this course, perfect at-             • Space is limited, consistent attendance online is required
tendance, and adequate placement test scores are required.                  Nash Community College offers the following
                                                                                    High School Equivalency Tests:
Foundational Reading/Writing                                           GED®
This course is focused on building a strong foundation in              The GED® test is computer-based. The test consists of Rea-
reading, composition, and grammar. Emphasis is placed on               soning through Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and
the foundations of reading comprehension, vocabulary devel-            Mathematics. Cost: $20.00 per test.
opment, critical analysis, reading rate, and the composition of
clear, organized, grammatically correct assignments.                   HiSET®
                                                                       The HiSET® is computer or paper-based. This test consists of
Foundational Math: This course will develop skills in whole            Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics.
numbers. Upon completion, students will have gained a deep-            $15.00 per test for paper-based testing. Total Cost $75.00.
er understanding of basic math fundamentals.                           $10.75 per test for computer-based testing. Total Cost $53.75

ABE I & II Reading/Writing                                              English as a Second Language (ESL)
This course is a fully integrated approach to teaching reading,
composition, and grammar. Emphasis is placed on reading                For new students, orientation will be offered on Wednesday
comprehension, vocabulary development, critical analysis,              evenings. Please bring identification if you have it.
reading rate, and the composition of clear, organized, gram-
matically correct assignments.                                         Orientation will start at 5 PM in the Continuing Education
                                                                       Building, Room 8120, located on the first floor. Students will
HSE Writing                                                            be served on a first-come, first-serve basis. These classes
This course will develop and refine grammar skills and, in the         are offered to individuals who want to improve their verbal,
process, prepare students for the essay portion of the online          reading, and written English skills. Classes are offered on
assessment for the High School Equivalency Exam.                       beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. ESL classes are
                                                                       offered at no cost to students.
ABE Math I & II
These courses will develop skills in whole numbers, order of           El registro y orientación para nuevos estudiantes se ofrecerá
operations, decimals, proportions, percentages, and integers.          a las 5 PM de la tarde en los Miércoles en el primer piso del
Upon completion, students will have gained a deeper under-             nuevo edificio de Educación Continua, en Continuing Educa-
standing of the intermediate math fundamentals.                        tion Building en el salón 8120. En la sección de Orientación
                                                                       se atenderán a las primeras personas que lleguen. Estas
HSE Math I & II                                                        clases de Segundo idioma son ideales para todas aquellas
This course will develop skills in algebraic problem solving in-       personas que desean aprender o mejorar sus habilidades
cluding expressions, polynomials, quadratic equations, linear          de comunicación tanto verbal, como escrita en inglés. Estas
equalities, and functions using workbooks and Khanacademy.             clases se ofrecen de forma gratuita en diferentes niveles:
org. Upon completion, students will have gained a deeper               Básico, Intermedio Multinivel, Avanzado y de Transición
understanding of working with signed numbers, performing
operations with rational and irrational numbers, combin-               For more information, visit www.nashcc.edu/ccr
ing like terms in algebraic expressions, writing and solving           or call 252-428-7346. Llame para más información de las
algebraic expressions and equations, solving word problems             clases de ESL.
through the use of algebraic reasoning, and solving geomet-
ric problems. Students who complete this course should be              ESL Beginner / Clases De Inglés Básico
prepared to take the Math HSE examination.                             Tuesday & Thursday | 7 PM - 9 PM
                                                                       Nash Community College
HSE Fast Track
Fast Track classes are designed to reinforce skills at a fast          ESL Intermediate/ Clases De Inglés Intermedio
pace in preparation for the High School Equivalency exams,             Tuesday & Thursday | 7 PM - 9 PM
including GED® and HiSET®. The integrated content includes             Nash Community College
targeted instruction in all HSE subject areas.
                                                                       ESL Conversation/Clases De Conversacion
Online: CCR will be offering online programming and classes            Monday - Thursday | 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
to include: self-paced assignments, and recorded instruction.          Nash Community College
Important information for CCR online:
                                                                       ESL Beginner Morning/ Clases De Inglés Básico
  •   Students are required to pre and post-test on campus             Monday - Thursday | 11 AM - 1 PM
  •   Students must have reliable internet access                      Nash Community College
  •   Students must be able to check email
  •   Students must be available by phone

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                     252-428-7365                                             coned@nashcc.edu

ESL Intermediate Morning/ Clases De Inglés Intermedio                     A+ Certification Prep: Hardware/Os (Advance)
Monday - Thursday | 11 AM - 1 PM                                          $75 | Online
Nash Community College                                                    The Advanced CompTIA A+ Certification Prep course focuses
                                                                          on fun technology. You’ll learn everything you need to know
El Transitional / Clase De Transicion                                     to select, install, and service video, sound, and portable
Wednesday | 6:30 PM - 9 PM                                                computers.
Nash Community College
                                                                          1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
ESL Off-Site/Community Center Classes
ESL Beginner / Clases De Inglés Básico                                    The course teaches networking, both wired and wireless,
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday | 9 AM - 12 PM                                 adding mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones to
Spaulding Family Resource Center, Spring Hope                             your computing environment. The Advanced course com-
                                                                          pletes the three-course CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Prep
ESL Intermediate/Clases De Inglés Intermedio                              cycle and prepares you for both the 1001/1002 exams and for
M/F | 9 AM - 12 PM                                                        real life as a tech.
Family Resource Center, Bailey
                                                                          CompTia Security+ Certification Prep 1
Burlington English                                                        $75 | Online
CCR is now offering Burlington English online. Practice from              This course covers the key terminology and concepts you
home or on campus. CCR se ofrecerá la programa Burlington                 need to know to ace the exam, all in a condensed format for
English para practicar inglés en computadora o celular.                   rapid reading.

        Computer Training Classes                                         1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12

For course information and software requirements visit                    The course provides helpful study tools including games and
www.ed2go.com/nashcc. To register contact 252-428-7365,                   practice questions to aid with learning. All of the content is
or coned@nashcc.edu.                                                      geared toward helping you pass the SY0-501 exam.

A+ Certification Prep: Hardware (Basic)                                   CompTia Networking + Certification Prep
$75 | Online                                                              $75 | Online
Learn hardware common to virtually every personal comput-                 Learn about the OSI seven-layer model, protocol suites, mod-
er, including microprocessors, RAM, power supplies, moth-                 ern network operating systems, network hardware, cabling
erboards, UEFI/BIOS, the system setup utility, the expansion              standards, remote connectivity, Internet connections, cloud
bus, and input/output devices.                                            computing, network security, network troubleshooting, and
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
                                                                          1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
This course gives you the knowledge to base the rest of your
CompTIA A+ certification studies for the 220-1001 and 220-                Microsoft Access 2019 /Office 365 - Introduction
1002 exams.                                                               $75 | Online
                                                                          Through hands-on lessons and modules, learn how to use
A+ Certification Prep: Operating Systems (Intermediate)                   shortcuts and time-saving techniques to create complex
$75 | Online                                                              documents.
Learn how to install, organize, maintain, and troubleshoot three
different versions of Windows, plus explore similar features in           1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
mac OS and Linux. You will examine and compare the features
and structures of Windows 7, 8/8.1, and 10. Get a deeper                  By the end of the course, you will know how to create and or-
understanding of virtualization and virtual machines in modern            ganize tables, manipulate graphics, and merge spreadsheets,
networks.                                                                 amongst other functions, to turn Microsoft Word into a simple
                                                                          desktop publishing tool. Not compatible with MAC.
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
                                                                          Microsoft Excel - Concurrent with CTS - 130
This course takes you through the second of three steps                   $180 | Online
you need to become both a highly-competent PC tech and                    This course introduces basic spreadsheet design and de-
a CompTIA A+ certified technician, using the 1001 and 1002                velopment. Topics include writing formulas, using functions,
competencies.                                                             enhancing spreadsheets, creating charts, and printing.

                                                                          57206    1/12 - 5/6

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                     252-428-7365                                             coned@nashcc.edu

Upon completion, students should be able to design and                    cluding networking terminology and protocols, local and wide
print basic spreadsheets and charts Required Windows PC                   area networks, and network standards. Emphasis is placed
computer, Microsoft Office 365, and Textbook bundled with                 on securing information systems and the various implementa-
SAM code.                                                                 tion policies.

Microsoft Excel - Introduction                                            57209 1/12 - 5/6
$75 | Online
Learn dozens of shortcuts and tricks for setting up fully-for-            Upon completion, students should be able to perform basic
matted worksheets quickly and efficiently.                                tasks related to networking mathematics, terminology, media,
                                                                          and protocols. Textbook required.
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
                                                                          Microsoft Word - Concurrent with OST 136
Microsoft Excel - Intermediate                                            $185 | Online
$75 | Online                                                              This course is designed to introduce word processing con-
Create informative, eye-catching charts and graphs, and                   cepts and applications. Topics include preparation of a variety
learn how to use Excel’s data analysis tools and AutoFilter               of documents and mastery of specialized software functions.
                                                                          57210    1/12 - 5/6
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
                                                                          Upon completion, students should be able to work effectively
Microsoft Excel - Advanced                                                in a computerized word processing environment. Required
$75 | Online                                                              Windows PC computer, Microsoft Office 365, and Textbook
Learn how to consolidate, analyze, and report data.                       bundled with SAM code.

1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12       Quickbooks - Introduction | $75 | Online
                                                                          Gain hands-on experience as you master the tools you
This course will simplify some of those tricky Excel concepts             need to set up a chart of accounts; reconcile your checking
that might seem hard to grasp, so you can discover how Ex-                account; create and print invoices, receipts, and statements;
cel table tools take the complexity out of spreadsheet creation           track your payables, inventory, and receivables; create esti-
and management.                                                           mates, and generate reports.

Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365 - Introduction                            1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
$75 | Online
Through this 24-hour hands-on course, you will learn numer-               Quickbooks - Intermediate
ous shortcuts to quickly and efficiently set up worksheets,               $75 | Online
use the function wizard to calculate statistics, future values,           Learn how to manage multiple company files, export, and
relative, absolute, mixed, and circular references. Not com-              import list data from one file to another, and make journal
patible with MAC.                                                         entries. If your business handles inventory, you will learn how
                                                                          to enter price levels and track discounts and credits. You will
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12       even learn how to track mileage on vehicles you use in your
Microsoft Office - Concurrent with CIS - 110
$185 | Online                                                             1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12

This course introduces computer concepts, including funda-                Web Design and Development
mental functions and operations of the computer. Topics in-               Concurrent with CTI 110 | $185 | Online
clude identification of hardware components, basic computer               This course covers the introduction of the tools and resources
operations, security issues, and use of software applications.            available to students in programming, mark-up language, and
                                                                          services on the Internet. Topics include standard mark-up
57205    1/12 - 5/6                                                       language Internet services, creating web pages, using search
                                                                          engines, file transfer programs; and database design and
This course is not intended for a computer novice; this course            creation with DBMS products.
involves multiple concepts and is a fast-paced introduction
to software applications. Required Windows PC computer,                   57207    1/12 - 5/6
Microsoft Office 365, and Textbook bundled with SAM code.
                                                                          Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate
Network & Security Foundations                                            knowledge of programming tools, deploy a web-site with
Concurrent with CTI 120 | $185 | Online                                   mark-up tools, and create a simple database table. Textbook
This course introduces students to the Network concepts, in-              required.

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                     252-428-7365                                             coned@nashcc.edu

Windows 10 - Introduction | $75 | Online                                  Speed Spanish II
Learn to use this powerful new operating system, including                $75 | Online
how to customize your desktop, manage files and folders,                  This course is a follow-up to our popular Speed Spanish
and navigate the Web with the new Microsoft Edge browser.                 course. Several new recipes help you continue building
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
                                                                          1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
SQL - Introduction | $75 | Online
Learn the key concepts of Structured Query Language (SQL),                Speed Spanish III
create tables; retrieve data from single or multiple tables;              $75 | Online
delete, insert, and update data in a database; and gather                 Master your ability to speak, understand, and read Spanish
significant statistics from data stored in a database.                    by taking the final installment in our unique three-part Speed
                                                                          Spanish learning series.
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
                                                                          1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
                 Foreign Language
                                                                                               Fire Services
Conversational Spanish
$75 | Wednesday                                                           Fire And Rescue Training (ongoing)
Continuing Education Building | Room 8117                                 Please visit www.nashcc.edu/fire to view the monthly
This is an introductory level non-college credit course de-               calendar of fire and rescue training. You may also visit us on
signed to meet the basic conversational needs of individuals              Facebook at www.facebook.com/nccfireandems.
with little or no previous Spanish instruction.
                                                                          Firefighter Training Academy
57163     2/10 - 3/31        6 PM - 9 PM                                  The NCC Firefighter Training Academy’s mission is to instill
                                                                          discipline, character, professionalism, teamwork, integrity,
This class will include online activities to practice new vocab-          credibility, knowledge, skills, and the physical/mental abil-
ulary daily. No prerequisites required.                                   ity to perform the job of a professional firefighter in a safe
                                                                          and effective manner. This 18-week academy is well known
Discover Sign Language                                                    throughout the state for producing well trained and employ-
$75 | Online                                                              able graduates.
Learn by watching videos that demonstrate how to make the
signs and how to incorporate facial expressions to communi-               Our next academy is scheduled to begin March 2021.
cate in this beautiful language.
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12         • High School Diploma or HSE
                                                                            • Medical Screening
Throughout the course, you will be immersed in silence, so                  • Career Readiness Certificate
you will gain an understanding of the perspective of deaf
people and sign language.                                                 Total Cost: If you are a member of a volunteer fire or rescue
                                                                          department, the cost is approximately $600. If unaffiliated
Spanish In The Classroom                                                  with one of these organizations, the cost is approximately
$75 | Online                                                              $1200. Scholarship opportunities may be available for quali-
Learn essential Spanish for teachers so you can commu-                    fied applicants in need.
nicate effectively with your Spanish-speaking students and
parents.                                                                  Application packages must be turned in 45 days prior to the
                                                                          start of each academy. Do Not Delay. If an academy fills up,
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12       registration could end early.

Speed Spanish                                                             For more information, visit www.nashcc.edu/fire or contact
$75 | Online                                                              japarks297@nashcc.edu, 252-428-7344.
Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words together into
sentences, and you’ll be engaging in conversational Spanish
in no time.

1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                    252-428-7365                                           coned@nashcc.edu

                                                                        interested in a career in a 911 center or for those who have
                  Health Services                                       been recently hired. The course does require students to
                                                                        successfully complete a reading comprehension placement
ACLS / PALS / BLS Trio                                                  test demonstrating a level of 11th grade or higher.
$94 | Saturday & Sunday
Continuing Education Building, Room 8112                                56951    2/2 - 5/20         6 PM - 10 PM

56941    1/23 - 1/24        9 AM - 6 PM                                 Students will participate in 24 hours of clinical time with
56942    4/24 - 4/25        9 AM - 6 PM                                 a Telecommunication agency. Successful completion of
                                                                        this clinical time is required. To be eligible for clinical time,
This is a two day course and is appropriate for those who are           students must present a valid driver’s license, complete a
ALS professionals in need of initial certification. Course is           background check, and submit to fingerprinting. The cost
taught to American Heart Association standards and certifica-           incurred for these requirements will be the responsibility of
tion will be issued accordingly. Card fees included in registra-        the student. All items are required to be submitted to the 911
tion. Preregistration is required.                                      agency the student will be assigned to by week three of class
                                                                        for their review and approval.
ACLS / PALS / BLS Trio - Recertification
$94 | Saturday                                                          Email lncarpenter329@nashcc.edu
Continuing Education Building, Room 8112                                or call 252-428-7347 for more information.

56943    1/23		             9 AM - 6 PM                                 EMT Initial | $202.25 | Blended
56946    4/24		             9 AM - 6 PM                                 Monday and Wednesday* | Tuesday and Thursday**
                                                                        Continuing Education Building, Room 8105
This one day course is for current ALS professionals needing            Reading placement test (minimum 11th-grade level) is
to renew their American Heart Association ACLS, PALS and                required. A copy of high school diploma/HSE is requested.
BLS certifications. Students failing to successfully complete           Access to a computer and internet is required.
the skills and/or written testing will be given the option to at-
tend the second day to complete remediation. Preregistration            56948    1/25 - 6/7      7 PM - 10 PM | 9 AM - 6 PM*
is required. Card fees included in registration.                        56952    4/6 - 8/19      7 PM - 10 PM | 9 AM - 6 PM**
                                                                                 One Saturday and Sunday/Month
Email lncarpenter329@nashcc.edu
or call 252-428-7347 for more information.                              EMT Academy |$202.25 | Monday-Friday
                                                                        Continuing Education Building, Room 8246
Basic Life Support (BLS) Healthcare Provider CPR                        The EMT Academy is an 8-week program meeting Monday
$40 | Saturday                                                          through Friday. The course includes a physical training por-
Continuing Education Building, Room 8246                                tion. Additional requirements for enrollment.
This one-day course teaches American Heart Association
Basic Life Support (BLS) for healthcare provider standards.             56929     2/1 - 3/18        8 AM - 5 PM | Friday 8 AM - 4 PM
Adult, child, and infant CPR/AED will be taught.
                                                                        Advanced EMT | $202.25 | Blended
56931    1/16      8 AM - 1 PM                                          Tuesday and Thursday
56932    2/13      8 AM - 1 PM                                          Continuing Education Building, Room 8103
56933    3/13      8 AM - 1 PM                                          Students will complete EMS ride time and clinical time out-
56934    4/24      8 AM - 1 PM                                          side of class hours. Placement testing for math and reading,
56935    5/15      8 AM - 1 PM                                          high school diploma/GED and EMT certification are required
                                                                        to register.
Textbook is required and may be purchased Monday - Friday
in the Campus Store. CPR course completion cards will be                56947    1/19 - 5/25     7 PM - 10 PM | 9 AM - 6 PM*
issued to participants within two weeks of the class ending via                  One Saturday and Sunday/Month
email. Cards are not issued the same day and a valid email
address will be required.                                               EMT ConEd | $75 | Online
                                                                        56928    2/1 - 2/28         NCCR Topics
Email ofmoss331@nashcc.edu                                              56949    5/1 - 5/31         NCCR Topics
or call 252-428-7348 for more information.
                                                                        Each 24 hour course session is taught in accordance with
Emergency Dispatch Academy                                              NC OEMS prescribed content necessary for EMT Continuing
$186.25 | Tuesday and Thursday                                          Education hours.
Continuing Education Building, Room 8222
This academy is designed to train entry-level dispatchers

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                     252-428-7365                                              coned@nashcc.edu

Heartsaver CPR/AED & First Aid | $55 | Saturday                            Explore a Career: Administrative Medical Assistant*
Continuing Education Building, Room 8246                                   $75 | Online
This one–day American Heart Association course teaches                     Learn all about the in-demand career of medical information
adult, child, and infant CPR/AED and First Aid. A valid email              management as you explore the job of an Administrative
address is required. The completion card will be emailed to                Medical Assistant (AMA) in a doctor’s office from appointment
students within two weeks via email.                                       scheduling and chart creation to medical billing and coding.

56852    3/20      8 AM - 1 PM                                             1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
56853    4/10      8 AM - 1 PM
                                                                           Explore A Career: Medical Coding*
Email jwfoster284@nashcc.edu                                               $75 | Online
or call 252-428-7365 for more information.                                 Learn how to use the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)
                                                                           manual and the ICD-10-CM to find medical codes for any
Paramedic Continuing Education | $75 | Online                              disease, condition, treatment, or surgical procedure. Book
Each 8 hour course session is taught in accordance with                    required.
NC OEMS prescribed content necessary for Paramedic
Continuing Education hours.                                                1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12

56936      1/2 - 1/21        Operations                                    Medical Transcription I:
56937      2/1 - 2/20        Medical                                       Word Association Approach*
56938      3/1 - 3/20        Airway, Ventilation                           $75 | Wednesday and Friday | Online
56939      4/1 - 4/20        Medical OB & Neonate                          Learn how to transcribe the most common medical reports
56950      5/1 - 5/20        Trauma                                        used in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Prepare to
                                                                           work in the medical field (doctors’ offices, clinics, hospitals).
Paramedic Initial | $202.25 | Hybrid
Wednesday or Thursday                                                      1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
Continuing Education Building, Room 8103
This course is offered on a flip-flop schedule where students
can attend Wednesday or Thursday. One weekend is re-
quired each month by all participants. BLS, ACLS, PALS, and
ITLS are required to complete Clinical and Field Internship for
successful completion of the Paramedic program.

56954    1/20 - 12/12    9 AM - 6 PM
56953    1/21 - 12/12    9 AM - 6 PM
         One Saturday and Sunday/Month

Registration requirements: Provide a copy of high school
diploma/ GED or transcript, copy of EMT Certification, and
placement test scores.

Corequisite: Anatomy & Physiology. Additional fees required
when a student begins to ride time/clinicals.

Email lncarpenter329@nashcc.edu or call 252-428-7347
for more information on EMT and Paramedic courses.

Explore a Career as a Clinical Medical Assistant
$75 | Online
This online course will give you an overview of the job duties
and scope of practice of clinical medical assistants.

1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12

Learn the different types of medical records and how to
enhance the overall patient experience. Get an introduction
to charting patient complaints, creating progress notes, and
collecting medical history.

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                     252-428-7365                                             coned@nashcc.edu

Medical Terminology II:                                                    Nurse Aide Level II
A Focus On Human Disease*                                                  $186.25 | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
$75 | Online                                                               Building D | Room 4121
This course teaches medical terminology from an anatomical                 The course prepares graduates to perform more complex
approach. Root terms are divided by each body system. The                  nursing skills for patients or residents regardless of the set-
origin, a combined form, and an example of non-medical ev-                 ting. Skills competency evaluation is ongoing throughout the
eryday usage are provided for each root term. Word Associa-                course.
tions are provided as a learning tool.
                                                                           56769    1/25 - 5/3         6 PM - 10 PM
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12
                                                                           Nurse Aide Level II - Hybrid Class
*For software requirements and course information for                      $186.25 | Saturday and Sunday
Explore a Career Courses, Medical Transcription, and                       Building D | Room 4121
Medical Terminology visit www.ed2go.com/nashcc.                            Nurse Aide II Hybrid is an accelerated course that allows stu-
                                                                           dents to complete the Nurse Aide II course with fewer hours
Nurse Aide/Nursing Assistant (CNA)                                         on campus than the traditional course. Hybrid indicates the
Registration Information:                                                  lecture (theory) portion of the class is Online. Skills practice
Upon successful completion, students are eligible to apply                 (lab) and clinical training will be on campus or at a designated
for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP or                   health care facility. The course prepares graduates to perform
NACES) examination. NACES test fee is $120.00.                             more complex skills for patients or residents regardless of the
                                                                           setting. Skills competency evaluation is ongoing throughout
Registration Information:                                                  the course.
1. Placement Tests Required: TABE Reading & Math place-
ment tests are required. Placement tests are waived for                    56768 1/23 - 3/21           8 AM - 1:00 PM
students who have any of the following:                                    			                         8 AM - 4:30 PM (clinicals)

  • completed English 111 and Math 070                                     Nurse Aide Level II Requirement: Copy of high school
    (grade transcript required),                                           diploma or HSE, verification of successful completion of an
  • have a Silver or Gold CRC Career Readiness Certifica-                  approved Nurse Aide Level I program, and a current listing on
    tion (copy of certificate required) or have a 2-year or 4–             the NC Nurse Aide I Registry with no substantiated finding of
    year degree (transcript required).                                     resident abuse, resident neglect, or misappropriation of resi-
                                                                           dent property. Upon successful completion of the course, the
2. “Checklist Of Requirements” will be completed by a mem-                 graduate is eligible to apply for listing as a Nurse Aide II with
ber of the continuing education staff. Students may view the               the NC Board of Nursing. NC Board of Nursing listing fee is
checklist at www.nashcc.edu/nurseaide or email                             $24.00 and is due upon completion of the course.
                                                                           For more information visit www.nashcc.edu/nurseaide, or
3. Registration is open until the class fills up.                          call 252-428-7365, 252-428-7354.

Nurse Aide Level I - Blended                                               Human Resources Development (HRD)
$186.25 | Monday and Wednesday*
Building D | Room 4129                                                     HRD classes are at no cost for adults who are unemployed,
Tuesday and Thursday** | Saturday and Sunday***                            underemployed, and seeking employment. Preregistration
Upon successful completion of this course, students are                    is required by calling the class location at least two business
eligible to apply for the National Nurse Aide Assessment                   days prior to the start date of class.
Program (NNAAP or NACES) examination. NACES test fee
is $120.00.                                                                Career Boot Camp
                                                                           Monday - Friday | Peacemakers Hybrid
56762    1/11 - 4/26         6 PM - 10 PM*                                 In this course you will learn basic employability skills including
56765    1/12 - 4/22         8 AM - 12 PM**                                stress management and self-motivation skills; effective goal
56767    1/23 - 4/11         8 AM - 1 PM***                                setting and time management skills; communication; prob-
                  		         7 AM - 12:00 Noon (clinical)                  lem-solving; resume building and interviewing skills. Develop
                                                                           good work habits that enable ongoing career success.

                                                                           57748		            1/11 - 1/15        9:30 - 4:00
                                                                           57749		            1/25 - 1/29        9:30 - 4:00
                                                                           57750		            2/8 - 2/12         9:30 - 4:00
                                                                           57751		            2/22 - 2/26        9:30 - 4:00
                                                                           57752		            3/8 - 3/12         9:30 - 4:00
                                                                                                   Human Resources Development continues Pg 13
Online Ed2Go Classes
             For more information, go to www.ed2go.com/nashcc or call: 252-428-7365.

       Cost: $75.00 or more depending on course | Start Dates: 1/13, 2/10, 3/17,4/14, 5/12

Art And Design                             Publisher 2010                                   Instant Italian
Creating WordPress Websites                Oracle                                           Legal
Designing Effective Websites                                                                Employment Law Fundamentals
Discover Digital Photography               Computer Programming                             Explore a Career as a Paralegal
Drawing for the Absolute Beginner          C# Programming                                   Introduction to Criminal Law
How to Get Started                         C++ Programming                                  Real Estate Law
  in Game Development                      Java Programming                                 Workers' Compensation
Digital Scrapbooking                       JavaScript
Dreamweaver CS6                            Python 3 Programming                             Math And Science
Illustrator CS6                            SQL                                              Human Anatomy and Physiology
InDesign CS6                               Visual Basic                                     Introduction to Algebra
Interior Design                                                                             Introduction to Biology
Photoshop CS6                              Construction And Trades                          Introduction to Chemistry
Music Made Easy                            Manufacturing Applications                       Introduction to Statistics
                                           Manufacturing Fundamentals                       Math Refresher
A to Z Grant Writing                       Health And Fitness                               Teacher Professional
Accounting Fundamentals                    NEW! Explore a Career as a                       Development
Administrative Assistant Applications       Clinical Medical Assistant                      An Introduction to Task-based Teaching
Building Teams That Work                   Explore a Career as an Administrative            An Introduction to Teaching ESL/EFL
Distribution and Logistics Management      Medical Assistant                                Content Literacy: Grades 6-12
Effective Business Writing                 Explore a Career in Medical Coding               Homeschool with Success
Effective Selling                          Explore a Career in Medical Transcription        Integrating Technology
Fundamentals of Supervision                Explore a Career in Medical Writing               in the Classroom
 and Management                            Medical Math                                     Survival Kit for New Teachers
Interpersonal Communication                Medical Terminology                              Teaching Adult Learners
Introduction to Business Analysis          NEW! Certificate in Mindfulness
Introduction to Google Analytics                                                            Test Prep
Introduction to Nonprofit Management       Hospitality                                      CompTIA A+ Certification
Introduction to Stock Options              Secrets of the Caterer                           CompTIA Network+
Keys to Effective Communication            Start a Pet Sitting Business                     Certification Prep GMAT Preparation
Keys to Successful Money                   Wow, What a Great Event!                         GRE Preparation
 Management Leadership                                                                      Praxis Core
Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay              Information Technology                           Project Management Professional
Six Sigma: Total Quality Applications      Advanced PC Security                             (PMP)
Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My!      Intermediate Networking
Supply Chain Management Fundamentals       Introduction to Networking                       Writing
                                           Introduction to PC Security                      Advanced Fiction Writing
Computer Application                       Understanding the Cloud                          Beginning Writer's Workshop
Microsoft Access 2016                      Wireless Networking                              Fundamentals of Technical Writing
Intermediate Oracle                                                                         Grammar Refresher
QuickBooks 2017                            Language                                         Mystery Writing
Adobe Acrobat X                            Beginning Conversational French                  Publish and Sell Your E-Books
Crystal Reports                            Conversational Japanese                          Research Methods for Writers the Craft
Microsoft Project 2016                     Discover Sign Language                           of Magazine Writing

Register and Pay
1.   Search for the course at www.ed2go.com/nashcc                    5.   Click "Checkout" no payment information will be collected
2.   Select your online course                                        6.   At the bottom of the page, click "Enter Classroom”
3.   Click "Add to Cart" and complete steps to enter the class        7.   Complete the Continuing Education Registration Form
4.   Click "Continue to Checkout”                                     8.   Pay and register at least 2 days prior to the start date

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                   252-428-7365                                          coned@nashcc.edu

57753		            3/22 - 3/26        9:30 - 4:00                       Nail that JOB! | Online
57754		            4/5 - 4/9		        9:30 - 4:00                       Explore techniques to help you construct a resume and cover
57755		            4/19 - 4/23        9:30 - 4:00                       letter that will stand out among other job candidates. Topics
57756		            5/3 - 5/7		        9:30 - 4:00                       include types of resumes, formatting your resume, writing an
                                                                        effective summary, and creating a cover letter.
Classes will be held at PeaceMakers, contact phone number
is 252-212-5044.                                                        56868 1/11 - 2/8
                                                                        56869 3/1 - 3/29
Computer Skills for an Effective Job Search | Online
Learn basic computer skills needed for a successful job                 Working with Google | Online
search. Access valuable job tools using NCWorks Online,                 This course will introduce students to basic Google tools with
including career assessment, resume builder, and virtual re-            a focus on collaboration, communication, and productivity
cruiter. Develop word processing skills for creating a resume           through the completion of real-world, student-centered activi-
or writing a cover letter. Improve your online job search skills        ties. Topics will include navigating in the Google environment,
for greater results.                                                    storing and collaborating using Google drive, managing
                                                                        schedules using Google Calendar, creating work-related
56867    1/20 - 2/17                                                    documents using Google doc.

Human Services Exploration: DSS Caseworker | Online                     56870 3/10 - 4/77
Designed by the Division of Social Service (DSS) this course
provides employability skills training and career exploration            Law Enforcement Training Classes
for the role of Income Maintenance Caseworker in DSS agen-
cies. Topics will include basic computer skills & keyboarding,          Basic Law Enforcement Training
workplace success skills, customer service skills, DSS and              DAY / NIGHT Academy
NC FAST terminology, and navigation skills in the NCFAST                Both sessions begin on January 11, 2021
software system. This course is linked to Income Mainte-                Individuals interested in applying for the Day/Night BLET
nance Caseworker - NC FAST and must utilize the state-ap-               Academy are advised to schedule an interview to complete all
proved curriculum.                                                      required paperwork and testing. Printed packets are available
                                                                        for pick up in the Continuing Education Building, Room 8220.
56780    1/11 - 2/21
56781    3/8 - 4/18                                                     Deadline for all paperwork is December 15, 2020.

Preparing for the NCRC | Online                                         Day Academy
The National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) is an                  Monday - Friday | 7 AM - 5 PM
assessment-based credential that measures and certifies                 Training may include a limited number of evening hours.
the essential work skills needed for success in jobs across
industries and occupations.                                             Night Academy
                                                                        Monday - Thursday | 6 PM to 11 PM
56782 1/25 - 2/18                                                       Saturdays | 8 AM - 5 PM
56784 4/5 - 4/29
                                                                        Please contact Director Tim Mehus at 252-428-7336 or
The purpose of this four-week online course is to provide               tlmehus599@nashcc.edu for a registration packet and to
you with an overview of the test. Preparing you to obtain the           schedule an interview.
NCRC, a portable workforce credential by assessing your
current skills level in Workplace Documents, Applied Mathe-             In-Service Law Enforcement
matics, and Graphic Literacy.                                           For more information email jhthomas348@nashcc.edu
                                                                        or 252-428-7321.
My Next Move: Career and College Preparation | Online
Develop the skills needed to thrive in a professional setting
or at a higher education institution. Learn how to effectively            Tar River Transit Authority
study, communicate and problem solve, take these skills into
your personal and professional life. Topics include Commu-                  Daily and evening public transit bus
nication and Diversity, Ethical Behavior, Setting Goals and
Time Management, Basic Note-Taking and Test-Taking Skills,                service is available to Nash Community
Memory Techniques, Motivation, and Stress Management.                             College during the week.
56871 4/12 - 5/10                                                                    www.tarrivertransit.org

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                  252-428-7365                                            coned@nashcc.edu

                                                                       Culinary Boot Camp
      Personal Enrichment Classes                                      $76.25 | Tuesday Virtual* | Wednesday
                                                                       This 8-week course is designed for anyone interested in
                      Brewing Classes                                  learning the basic concepts taught in culinary school.

360 Beer Brewing Basics | $76.25 | Saturday                            56736    1/12 - 3/2         6 PM - 9 PM*
Business & Industry Center, Room 1159A                                 56737    1/13 - 3/3         6 PM - 9 PM
The brewing industry continues to grow in North Carolina, as
well as the need for entry-level brewers. In this introductory         Week 1: Knife Skills: Learn proper techniques for safe and
course, students will learn hands-on brewing techniques es-            efficient handling of a knife in the kitchen. Students will learn
sential for professional or personal brewing. Non-slip, closed-        how to select and care for knives, as well as numerous
toe shoes and long pants are required.                                 cutting techniques. You’ll re-imagine knife uses in the kitchen
                                                                       and learn cuts that save time.
56855    4/10 - 5/15       1 PM - 4 PM
                                                                       Week 2: Stocks & Sauces: Sauces add flavor! Learn the five
Certified Beer Server Prep. Course (Cicerone)                          mother sauces every cook should know and how, with a few
$75 | Monday                                                           simple ingredients and techniques, these five sauces can
Continuing Education Building, Room TBA                                become a myriad of other sauces.
If you are a bartender or server with a desire to boost your
product knowledge, or an amateur craft beer aficionado, this           Week 3: Cooking Methods: Learn the basics of dry and
course is for you! Students begin the journey to becoming              moist heat cookery. Cooking methods discussed may include
an internationally recognized beer expert as well as prepare           roasting, broiling, grilling, sautéing, simmering, poaching,
for the Cicerone® Certified Beer Server examination. Topics            steaming, and flambé.
include the history of beer, an overview of popular beer styles
in Europe and the US, tasting techniques, proper beer ser-             Week 4: Proteins: Learn how different cooking methods affect
vice, basic draft system operation, and more!                          proteins. We’ll also look into wild game, poultry, fish, and how
                                                                       to use them in meals.
56854    3/8 - 3/29        6 PM - 9 PM
                                                                       Week 5: Vegetables: Add healthy nutrition to your plate with
You must be 21+ to register for the 360 Beer Brewing                   vegetables. Learn how to pick and store vegetables, as well
Basics and Certified Beer Server Prep.                                 as discover new ways to use vegetables in cooking.

                      Cooking Classes                                  Week 6: Garde’ Manger: Learn how to cure bacon, make
                                                                       sausage, and prepare meats for curing and smoking.
Classes will be held in the Business and Industry Center.
Room 1163. Bring carry-home food containers, wear close-fit-           Week 7: Appetizers: In this class, the meats cured in Gar-
ting clothes, closed-toe shoes, and hair tied back. Register           de’ Manger will be utilized to make delicious appetizers and
Early! Only 6 slots available for on-campus classes.                   canapés.

Amish Cooking | $30 - Thursday Virtual*                                Week 8: Breads: Learn the difference between yeast breads
$45 - Monday                                                           and quick breads and make your own Italian bread.
There is something special about good, wholesome Amish
food. This class will take a brief look at some classic Amish          Culinary Boot Camp (Advanced)
recipes, and prepare a nice Amish meal that will be enjoyed            $76.25 | Wednesday
family-style. Recipe examples include Dutch cabbage rolls,             Prerequisite: Culinary Boot Camp. With personal feedback
Chicken corn soup, scrapple, and shoofly pie. Recipes are              and assistance from Chef Frank, this 8-week course will pro-
subject to change.                                                     vide several new and advanced concepts in the kitchen. Bring
                                                                       a chef’s knife, paring knife, and carry-home food containers.
56758    2/15     6 PM - 9 PM                                          Wear close-fitting clothes closed-toe shoes, and hair pulled
56759    2/18     6 PM - 9 PM*                                         back.

Cooking With Wine | $60 | Monday                                       56738    3/24 – 5/12 6 PM – 9 PM
Food and wine are a great pair and cooking with wine perfect-
ly combine the two. Students will prepare several delicious            Week 1: Knife Skills-Refresher: This time we will look at the
dishes, including a dessert. Recipe examples include Pan               speed and accuracy of utilizing knife skills learned in the pre-
seared chicken with Prosecco, Chardonnay risotto, and a                vious boot camp. We will also look at plating techniques.
Riesling sabayon crème. Recipes are subject to change.
                                                                       Week 2: Starches: In this class, we will learn how to make
56754 1/11      6 PM -9 PM                                             proper rice dishes and look at several interesting potato dish-
                                                                       es that will help elevate your meals.
www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                   252-428-7365                                           coned@nashcc.edu

Week 3: Pie Crust: We will look at several different crusts,                                   Craft Classes
and use them to make dessert pies as well as hand pies and
                                                                       Knitting/ Crocheting | $ 75 | Monday
Week 4: Condiments and Spices: This class we will learn to             Continuing Education Building, Room 8160
make spice blends, garlic aioli, mustards, and ketchup.                Students of all levels will knit or crochet, read patterns, and
                                                                       become familiar with various types of yarns, needles, and
Week 5: Terrines, Pate, and Rillettes: We will look at some            hooks as they gain experience and enjoy creating personal
classic culinary applications, and how to prepare rillettes,           projects, or those offered by the Instructor. Supplies not
pate’, and make a terrine.                                             included.

Week 6: Chicken Production: This class we will practice                56802    2/1 - 5/24         1 PM - 4 PM
breaking down a chicken into its components, and several
recipes that showcase the most versatile of birds.                     Stained Glass | $75 | Thursday
                                                                       Continuing Education Building, Room 8265
Week 7: Pasta by Hand: Learn how to make pasta from                    Students will receive instruction in the art of crafting stained
scratch and some quick sauces to accompany them.                       glass objects while learning to draft patterns, cut glass, and
                                                                       grind/ solder the glass together. Additional topics include
Week 8: Choux Pastry: Learn how to make this versatile                 safety and stained glass tools. Students will complete a pro-
dough. We will make our very own cream puffs and éclairs.              ject(s) in class. Supplies not included.

Flatbreads | $30.00 | Thursday Virtual                                 56809    2/4 - 5/6 6:30 PM - 9 PM
Flatbreads are fantastic, versatile, and easy to make. We will
look at several different flatbreads from all around the globe,                              Fitness Classes
as well as several side dishes to complement them. Recipe
examples include pitas, flatbreads, arepas, Cong you bing              MixxedFit® | $40 | Monday
(Chinese scallion bread). Recipes are subject to change.               Continuing Education Building, Room 8154
                                                                       MixxedFit® is a dance fitness program that combines popular
56755    1/14      6 PM - 9 PM                                         music with choreographed dancing for ultimate boot camp
Hand Pies | $30 Thursday Virtual* | $45 | Monday
These little joys are easy to make and can be sweet or sa-             56803    1/11 - 3/8         4 PM - 5 PM
vory. This class will look at making a good simple pie dough
that can be used in a variety of ways. We will look at some            If you’re plateauing in your current fitness program, try
great fillings to complete our hand pies. Recipe examples              MixxedFit® for a new effective and challenging total-body
include empanadas, apple pies, samosas, and artichoke, jala-           workout. Wear comfortable clothes & shoes, bring a towel,
peno, and bacon hand pies. Recipes are subject to change.              and a water bottle.

56756    2/8       6 PM - 9 PM                                         Yoga - Hybrid | Concurrent with PED-122 | $65
56757    2/11      6 PM - 9 PM*                                        Tuesday Continuing Education Building
                                                                       Room 8154
Irish Foods | $45 | Thursday                                           This course is great for those who are new to yoga, as well
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, we will put a modern inter-        as intermediate or advanced participants.
pretation on some classic Irish foods like Shepherd’s pie,
corn beef and cabbage, and even a Guinness cake.                       56806    1/12 - 5/4      5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

56763    3/18      6 PM - 9 PM                                         Students will be introduced to the basic principles of yoga,
                                                                       proper breathing, relaxation techniques, and correct yoga
Southern Pantry | $30 | Thursday Virtual* | $45 Monday                 positions. Bring a yoga mat, towel, and water bottle.
Certain staples are just a necessity in a Southern kitchen.
We’ll look at several classic southern food stuffs, and make           Zumba® | $45 | Monday
some good ole satisfying southern comfort foods.                       Continuing Education Building | Room 8154
56760 3/1          6 PM - 9 PM                                         Zumba® is the ultimate cardio workout that combines easy-to-
56761 3/4          6 PM - 9 PM*                                        follow dance moves into a high energy, calorie-blasting, total
                                                                       body workout. You’ll dance your way to toned arms, strong
                                                                       abs, and sculpted thighs. Wear comfortable clothes & shoes,
                                                                       bring a towel, and water bottle.

                                                                       56804     3/15 - 5/10    4 PM – 5 PM

www.nashcc.edu/conedreg                                     252-428-7365                                            coned@nashcc.edu

                Photography Classes                                                        Self-Defense Classes

Discover Digital Photography | $75                                         Concealed Weapons Training | $65 | Saturday
Online | Wednesday and Friday                                              Continuing Education Building | Room 8192
This course is designed for the novice photographer. Learn                 This 8-hour course consists of four hours of classroom
DSLRs to smartphone cameras and what different equipment                   instruction and four hours of range handgun training by a
is used for. Topics include display methods, sizing, print op-             certified firearms instructor. Topics include handgun safety,
tions, online storage, and how social media factors into digital           shooting fundamentals and practice, ammunition, how to
photography.                                                               select and store a firearm, and NC laws concerning carrying
                                                                           a concealed weapon. Eye and ear protection provided. Only
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12        8 slots available in each class.

After completing the course, you will understand how the                   56790    1/9      8 AM - 5 PM
process of composing photos has changed with the evolving                  56791    1/23     8 AM - 5 PM
capabilities of digital photography.                                       56792    2/6      8 AM - 5 PM
                                                                           56793    2/27     8 AM - 5 PM
Mastering Your Digital SLR Camera | $75                                    56794    3/6      8 AM - 5 PM
Online | Wednesday and Friday                                              56795    3/27     8 AM - 5 PM
Take control of your digital SLR camera. Learn about the                   56796    4/17     8 AM - 5 PM
many features and controls of your DSLA and lenses you
need for the kind of photography you enjoy. Learn about me-                Enhance Your Handgun Skills * | $45 | Saturday
tering, exposure compensation, managing aperture, shutter                  Continuing Education Building | Room 8192
speed, and ISO.                                                            Only 6 slots available in each class.
                                                                           This four-hour course is taught by a certified firearms instruc-
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12        tor in NCC’s indoor firing range. Students will gain improved
                                                                           handgun safety and will practice timed-shooting, multiple
By the end of the course, you will be a DSLR master and will               shooting, and moving target shooting exercises.
be able to take the photos you’ve always dreamed of.
                                                                           56797 4/10        8 AM - 12 PM
Photoshop Elements for the Digital Photographer                            56798 5/8         8 AM - 12 PM
$75 | Online | Wednesday and Friday
Bring out the best in your photos! Learn how to use Adobe                  On-Target Handgun Training * | $25 | Saturday
Photoshop Elements to do everything from quick fixes to                    Continuing Education Building | Room 8192
detailed enhancements.                                                     Only 6 slots available in each class.
                                                                           This two-hour class allows students to continue handgun
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12        familiarization and safety, marksmanship, and proficiency.
                                                                           Class is supervised by a certified firearms Instructor in NCC’s
Master techniques for editing images, fixing flaws, enhancing              indoor firing range.
the final product, creating simple art projects, preparing imag-
es for online use, and organizing your images.                             56799    4/10     1 PM - 3 PM
                                                                           56801    5/8      1 PM - 3 PM
Secrets of Better Photography | $75
Online | Wednesday and Friday                                              *Required at registration: a card copy of either a concealed
This hands-on course will teach you how to choose the right                carry permit or NRA Basic Pistol course. Registration dead-
photographic equipment to compose images with style. You                   line: 12:00 noon on Wednesday prior to the start date. Eye
can take your camera out of auto mode after learning about                 and ear protection provided.
lighting, motion, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings.
                                                                           *Required for class: Students must bring their own handgun,
1/13 - 3/15 | 2/10 - 4/12 | 3/17 - 5/17 | 4/14 - 6/14 | 5/12 - 7/12        holster, and 50+ rounds of ammo.
Explore common photography topics, including portraiture,
children’s photography, pet photography, and digital editing.

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