January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church

Page created by Angel Dunn
January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church
January 16, 2022
January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church

      Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz                        Fr. Gabriel Kaminski          David Sorondo               Don Prendergast
     Parochial Administrator                           Parochial Vicar                 Deacon                        Deacon

                MASS TIMES                                   Readings for the Week of                     SACRAMENTAL LIFE
                                                                   January 17
  Monday                 8am
  Tuesday                8am                                                                      RECONCILIATION
                                                    Monday        Memorial of St. Anthony,        Reconciliation is celebrated
  Wednesday              6pm                                                                      Monday-Friday from 7:30am-8am,
  Thursday              8am                                       1 Sm 15: 16-23/ Ps 50: 8-9,     Wednesday 5:30pm-6pm and
  Friday                8am                                       16bc-17, 21 and 23/             Saturday from 3 to 3:45pm in the
  Saturday Vigil        4pm                                       Mk 2: 18-22                     Church’s Chapel or by a prearranged
  Sunday 8am, 11am, and 6pm                                                                       appointment with the Priest.
                                                    Tuesday       1 Sm 16: 1-13/ Ps 89: 20,
                                                                  21-22, 27-28/ Mk 2: 23-28
                                                    Wednesday 1 Sm 17: 32-33, 37, 40-51/          The Sacrament of Baptism is a
     CONTACT INFORMATION                                      Ps 144: 1b, 2, 9-10/ Mk 3: 1-6      serious obligation and requires a
                                                                                                  faith commitment demonstrated by
                                                    Thursday      1 Sm 18: 6-9; 19: 1-7/          at least one of the parents being a
  Mailing Address:                                                Ps 56: 2-3, 9-10a, 10b-11,      practicing Catholic. Parents seeking
  P.O. Box 530218                                                 12-13/ Mk 3: 7-12               Baptism for their child should con-
  DeBary, FL 32753                                  Friday        Memorial of St. Agnes,          tact the parish office to schedule an
                                                                  Virgin and Martyr               appointment with the Priest to begin
                                                                  1 Sm 24: 3-21/ Ps 57: 2, 3-4,   preparation and set the date.
  Physical Address:                                               6 and 11/ Mk 3: 13-19
  26 Dogwood Trail                                                                                CONFIRMATION
                                                    Saturday      Third Sunday in Ordinary        Confirmation is celebrated annually
  DeBary, FL 32713                                                Time                            for the ninth grade students who
                                                                  Neh 8: 2-4a, 5-6, 8-10/         have completed a two-year
  Phone:         (386) 668-8270                                   Ps 19: 8, 9, 10, 15/            preparation program. Adults who
                                                                  1 Cor 12: 12-30/ Lk 1: 1-4;     wish to be confirmed should contact
  Fax:          (386) 668-8471                                    4: 14-21                        the Parish Office for information.
  E-MAIL: office@stannsdebary.org
  Website: stannsdebary.org                                                                       MARRIAGE
  Facebook: facebook.com                                                                          Engaged couples should contact the
         stannsdebary/                                                                            Parish Office for an initial interview
                                                                                                  before setting any dates. At least one
                                                                                                  member of the couple must be a
  Parish Office Hours:                                                                            registered and actively participating
                                                                                                  member of the Parish for a
  Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4pm
                                                                                                  minimum of four months prior to
  Closed for lunch: 12pm-1pm                                                                      the beginning of preparation.
  *Friday’s Hours:          8:30am -12pm                                                          A six-month preparation program is
                                                                                                  required. Weddings are usually
                                                                                                  celebrated on Saturdays at 11am and

                                               OFFICE STAFF                                       Call the Parish Office.
  David Sorondo             Deacon                            dsorondo@stannsdebary.org
  Don Prendergast           Deacon                            dprendergast@stannsdebary.org
  Lena Castaldo             Business Manager                  lcastaldo@stannsdebary.org               Do you have concerns or
  Gabrielle Golka           Social Ministry Director          ggolka@stannsdebary.org             suggestions regarding the health of
  Nelson Thielen            Faith Formation Director          nthielen@stannsdebary.org           our Parish? Please reach out to your
  Zee Parojino              Liturgy Asst. & Comm. Spec.       zparojino@stannsdebary.org               Parish Pastoral Council at
  Ivan Diaz                 Facility Custodian                office@stannsdebary.org             pastoralcouncil@stannsdebary.org

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church

Dear Parishioners,
We have just finished the Christmas Season during which we celebrated anew the birth of Jesus.
We now enter Ordinary Time which continues until Lent. Many people think Ordinary Time
means just regular time-nothing special. The root of the word ordinary is order. So Ordinary
Time is celebrated when we are not in Advent or Lent.
In this special time, we focus on Jesus public ministry:
               What He did to reveal the love of the Father
               To reveal that God’s kingdom was at hand
               What He thought as essential to live as His disciples
From the beginning of Jesus public ministry, He declares the Kingdom of God is at hand so all
must repent and believe in the Gospel.
May we join together this special time as our spiritual journey and preparing for coming of the
next Season in the Church which will start in around two months.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity for our parish. As you heard last weekend
in Deacon David’s homily the Christmas decorations will be missing when you come to Mass this
weekend. At first the Church will look empty, but this is not true, our Lord Jesus is inside, always
waiting for us.
May God bless you and keep you safe and healthy.
With my love and prayers.
Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz

                                                                         View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church
From the Deacon’s Bench
  Every one of us has something they are good at. Every one of us has been given a gift of some talent
  straight from God that when we use that ability we find ourselves filled with confidence. For one
  person their ability to cook a delicious meal may be their gift. For another their ability to organize
  people and assign various tasks to complete a project may be their gift. For another person their ability
  to remember events and tell stories about things and people long ago is their gift. Each of us has
  something we are really good at and no ability is less important than any other. Think about when
  union workers go on strike. People pay little mind to the trash collectors until there is no one picking
  it up.
  So where am I going with this? This weekend we hear of the various gifts and abilities given to us from
  the Holy Spirit. When we understand that all of the gifts are important and that God will never
  overburden us, it makes perfect sense that the various gifts will be divided among the people and that
  we will never be overburdened with more than what God decided we are to do. I can tell you that as a
  Deacon, I am a member of the clergy just as all Priests and Bishops. Each of our ranks comes with it
  certain gifts and graces to serve according to our position. Each rank fills an aspect of Christ’s ministry
  and life and while all three ranks share in all functions each has a particular function. Deacons are
  primarily meant to serve. Deacons are: “Christ the Hands.” Priests primarily offer sacrifice and
  prayers. Priests are: “Christ the Good Shephard.” Bishops primarily serve as teachers and leaders.
  Bishops are: “Christ the Head of the Church.” All three ranks at different times will function in all
  three roles.
  Now the question is what about you? You are the living stones of Mother Church. You are owners and
  occupiers of Mother Church. You are not meant to be spectators but team members actively
  participating on the field of life. Soon we will all be talking more about this and where you fit in. It is
  time to get off the bench and get in the game. The time is now to pray to the Holy Spirit and be filled
  with courage and confidence to live your gifts. Do not be afraid and God bless you always.
  May this forum be a blessing for us all. Should you have questions regarding our faith you may e-mail
  me at dprendergast@stannsdebary.org I Thank you for all your love and support and God bless you.
                                                                   Deacon Don Prendergast
                                                                   Memento Mori

                The flower arrangement on the
                 Altar is given to the greater
                         glory of God,

                 and in the memory of
        Virginia Glomb and James Metropoulos,

           given by Richard and Shirley Glomb.

              Join the Knights of Columbus as they pray
              the rosary a half hour before the
              following Masses:

        Saturday, January 22 at 4pm Mass
        Sunday, January 23 at 8am Mass

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church
                   Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month
                                       January 1 – January 31
                    Helpful Resources for Parents to Protect Their Kids

Note to Parents: DOHTFF offer s pr esentations for par ents, gr andpar ents and
caregivers so they may equip themselves to learn how to recognize signs of trafficking and keep your
children safe. (Hint: Youth aren't always kidnapped. Many victims attend school and church while
being trafficked.)

My Child Has Been Talking To Strangers Online – What now?

Social Media Safety Curriculum Website for Kids (Shared Hope International)

Sexting Internet Safety Video (Shared Hope International)

Sexting Fact Sheet for Parents (Shared Hope International)

Parents, This Study Shows Kids as Young as 7 are Accessing Porn - fightthenewdrug.org

Parents: What's Better than Internet Filters? Direct Conversations About Porn - fightthenewdrug.org

                                                                   CCW Corner
                                                      Cou ncil of Catholic Wom en m o nthly
                                                      meeting will be on Wednesday, January 19
                                                               at 1pm in the Parish Hall.

                                                         Sunday, January 23, is CCW Sunday!
                                                         Ladies don’t forget to wear your blue
                                                             CCW scarfs to the 11am Mass.

                                                                         View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church
                     Mass Intentions of the Week
  Monday, January 17                   8am † Louise Cloke
  St. Anthony, Abbot
                                                Special Intention for
                                                William Cloke
  Tuesday, January 18    8am † Bill Font
  Weekday in Ordinary Time
                             Special Intention for
                             James Fenlon
                                                                                                           Diocese of Orlando
  Wednesday, January 19 6pm † Armand DeMille                                                     Please Pray for the repose of the souls
  Weekday in Ordinary Time                                                                          of our Deceased Diocesan Priests.
                            † James Cummings, Jr.
                                                                                              Rev. Eamon Tobin          January 1, 2021
  Thursday, January 20     8am † Joseph Talaber
  St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr,                                                                Rev. Luiz Bastos          January 4, 2021
  St. Sebastian, Martyr                                                                       Rev. Hugh Flynn           January 8, 1975
  Friday, January 21        8am † Joseph Cloke                                                Rev. William Holmes       January 13, 1982
  St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr                                                                Rev. Mark Wegg            January 13, 2015
                                                                                              Rev. Michael Flynn        January 16, 1988
  Saturday, January 22     4pm † Armand J. DeMille
  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time † Ike Premo
                                                                                              Rev. Michael Reynolds     January 23, 1972
                                                                                              Rev. James R. Edwards January 27, 2007
  Sunday, January 23       8am † Guillermo Font                                               Rev. Peter Quinn          January 30, 2016
  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time † Pamela Sue Lynn

  Sunday, January 23      11am All People of the Parish
  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                                                       You can place flowers on the Altar
  Sunday, January 23       6pm † Colin Falco                                                            in memory of a loved one or to
  3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time † Edward Sunday
                                                                                                 celebrate a special Occasion, such as an
                                                                                                        Anniversary, Wedding or Birth.
                                                                                               Flowers cost $55. Call the Parish Office at
                                                                                                (386) 668-8270 today, if you would like
                                                                                                                 to reserve a date.

                      What’s Happening in our Parish the week of January 16 - January 23

       Sunday                Monday                  Tuesday           Wednesday      Thursday               Friday        Saturday      Sunday
      January 16            January 17              January 18          January 19    January 20           January 21      January 22   January 23

    8am,11am and             7:30am                  7:30am               5:30pm           7:30am            7:30am         3-3:45pm    8am,11am and
     6pm Masses             Confession              Confession           Confession       Confession        Confession     Confession    6pm Masses
                             8am Mass                8am Mass            6pm Mass          8am Mass          8am Mass      4pm Mass
       9:45am                                                                                                                              9:45am
     grades K-5                                                                                                                          grades K-5
      Religious                                                                                                                           Religious
      Education                                                                                                                           Education
     Church & EB            Drive –thru
                         10am –12Noon/PH                                                                     Drive-thru                  Church & EB
                                                        C = Church                        7pm
                               RCIA                     EB = Ed Building               grades 6-8
                              7pm/EB                    O = Office                      Religious
      NO Life Teen                                      PH = Parish Hall              Education/EB
                                                        PG = Prayer Garden                                                              3:30-5:45pm/YR
                                                        YR= Youth Room

View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church
View Our Parish Supporters at www.DiscoverMass.com

             Easy Options for Your                                                 Weekly Collections
               Offertory Giving
                                                                Offertory for January 8 & 9      $9,378.82
 Online Giving is a safe and easy w ay fo r
 you to manage your contributions to the church.                Capital Improvements             $ 326.00
 This option makes use of current technology and
 security standards and allows you to easily setup              Add’l Seminarians                $ 236.00
 recurring contributions.

 Online Banking is o ffer ed by yo u r bank,
 and you can add St. Ann’s as a payee just like you
 do for any other bills. Schedule your giving, and
 let your bank send the check for you.
 Contact your bank for more details.

 Use of a Personal Check can be placed
 directly into the Offertory basket and will be
 posted to your giving account.

 Offertory Envelopes can be m ailed to you r
 home bimonthly. Contact the Parish
 Office for more details.

                                              At Cana in Galilee,
     Jesus performed the first of his signs, revealing his glory to his disciples, and later to the nations.

January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church
View Our Parish Supporters at www.DiscoverMass.com

                                                                               For Advertising Information CALL 1-800-292-9111

                                                                                 Online at Diocesan.com/Business

January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church January 16, 2022 - St. Ann's Church
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