January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...

Page created by Richard Wolfe
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...
We are a welcoming Catholic Community
                                                        called by God to live out the message of
                                                         Christ in love and service to all people.
                                                                January 9, 2022

              Baptism of Christ / Paolo Veronese / c.1561

      28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 • Phone (239) 992-0901
     www.stleocatholicchurch.org • Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4 pm
         Daily Mass: Monday-Saturday: 8 am • Confessions: Saturday 2-3pm
Saturday Vigil Masses: 3:30 & 5:30 pm • Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am & 5 pm
        Misa en español Domingo - 7 pm y las confesiones antes de la misa
                 Mass in Polish: 3rd Sunday of the month - 1:30 pm
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...
Parish Staff
Rev. Jarek (Jaroslaw) Sniosek ............................. Pastor
                                                                                                            Parish Church Support
                                                                                                          Thank you for your continued generosity!
                                                                                                          December 24 & 25 ...... $96,896.55
Rev. Luis Albarracin ............................................. Parochial Vicar
Anne Bellows ........................................................ Assistant to the Pastor             December 26 .............. $23,075.43
Hermilo Calderon .................................................. Lead Maintenance                      January 1 & 2 .............. $38,889.73
Griselda Cisneros .................................................. Receptionist
Rogelio Delgado .................................................... Maintenance                          Seminary Support ....... $3,057.00
Daniel Gonzalez .................................................... Maintenance
Elsy Hernandez ..................................................... Graphics Designer
Annemarie Jardon ................................................. Director of Religious Education
Lauryn Kay ............................................................ Cantor
Marcin Malewski .................................................... Director of Music
Martha Mercado .................................................... Maintenance
Frank Murray ........................................................ Youth Ministry
Gisela Saldana ...................................................... Religious Education Assistant
Henry Soto ............................................................ Accountant
Milana Strezeva ................................................... Musician

    Celebrating our Faith
                                                                                                      2021 CFA
Baptisms of children under 7 years old are offered every fourth Sunday of each
month in Spanish and every second Sunday of the month in English. Please visit
our website or contact our office for details and requirements.

At confirmation we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and confirm and renew our
baptismal promises committing to a life of maturity in the Christian faith. Uncon-
firmed Catholics wishing to receive the Sacrament should contact the Parish Office
to make arrangements for suitable instruction. Unbaptized or non-Catholics can be
confirmed at the Easter Vigil when they are baptized or received into the Church as
a part of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult. To enroll in RCIA, please call Griselda
Cisneros at 992-0901.

Parishioners who wish to bring communion to their spouses should contact the                                                      St. Leo
parish office to pick up a pyx with the St. Leo’s inscription on it. Please use this pyx
when approaching to receive a host for your spouse or a family member in the
Communion procession during Mass. If you need to receive a gluten free host due              Through your generosity we have completed another
to a medical condition please arrive 15 minutes before Mass begins and inform the
Sacristan.                                                                                   successful Catholic Faith Appeal campaign! Because
                                                                                              of your donations we have maximized the amount of
Individual confession with a priest is the principal means of absolution and reconcil-       funds which we can collect assessment free from the
iation of grave sins within the Church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation frees us
from sinful patterns of behavior and calls us to complete conversion to Christ.
                                                                                             campaign, and over $115,000 will now be returned to
Confessions are heard at 2pm on Saturday in English and 6pm on Sunday in                      St. Leo. Thank you for your support again this year.
Spanish in the Church. You may also approach any of our parish priests to hear
your confession at another suitable time.
                                                                                              If you have made a pledge please continue making your payments.
A person does not need to wait until the point of death to receive this sacrament. A
careful judgment about the serious nature of the illness is sufficient. The Sacrament
may be repeated if the sick person recovers after the anointing but becomes ill once
again, or if, during the same illness, the person's condition becomes more serious.                          Next Weekend's Mass Schedule
For those who are about to depart from this life, the Church offers the person Pen-
ance, Anointing of the Sick, and the Eucharist as Viaticum (food for the journey)
                                                                                                                    January 15 & 16
given at the end of life. Contact the Parish Office at 992-0901 to be connected with
the priest on duty.                                                                                         Saturday
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE                                                                                         3:30 pm          Fr. Jack
If you are a registered parishioner of St. Leo and plan to marry in our parish please                         3:30 pm-Overflow Fr. John
contact our office at least six months prior to the tentative wedding date. Weddings
cannot be scheduled until the marriage preparation process is complete and it is                              5:30 pm          Fr. Jack
determined that the parties are free to marry.

ANNULMENT - Reestablishing the freedom to marry.
An annulment is more accurately described as a declaration of matrimonial invalidi-                            7:30 am            Fr. John
ty. It is an official determination made by an ecclesiastical court that at the time of                        9:30 am            Fr. Jarek
the marital consent exchanged by the parties a specific component of the marriage
was lacking or defective. Hence, the marriage failed to be a marriage as defined by                            9:30 am-Overflow   Fr. John
the Catholic Church. If you wish to reestablish your freedom to marry in the Church,                          11:30 am            Fr. Jarek
please contact a parish priest to be your advocate in presenting your case to the
                                                                                                              1:30 pm-Polish      Fr. Jarek
                                                                                                               5:00 pm            Fr. Stan
VOCATION                                                                                                       7:00 pm-Spanish    Fr. Luis
If you think that you have a vocation to the priesthood or religious life please speak
with one of our priests, or contact the Diocesan Director of Vocations at
941-484-9548, visit www.dioceseofvenice.org/vocations                                                           Changes may occur without notice.
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...
Sunday, Jan 09, 2022                                                       Thursday, Jan 13, 2022
Tell it like it is                                                         In defense of the faith
The hidden days are over. When the Spirit descends on Jesus                Saint Hilary (d. 468) was a bishop during a time of great
and the heavenly voice proclaims him beloved, Jesus is effectively         contention in the early church. He was popularly selected to lead,
outed as the Divine Son. Did Jesus know this was the hour when             and he undertook scholarship that continues to be recognized
his private life would come to an end? When any dreams he may              today. His informal title, “Hammer of the Arians,” has a violent ring
have had for a quiet domestic existence were surrendered for               to it, but in fact, he defended the Trinity against the Arian heresy
good? The underlying truth is that on the day of our Baptism, we           through his writing, even though his opponents used the more
each surrender the notion of a private world that's all about us. As       forcible method of exile. Living a truly Christian life—loving those
Pope Francis puts it, "Immersing us in Christ, Baptism also makes          who oppose you, forgiving wrongs, turning the other cheek—has
us members of his body, which is the Church, and participants in           often been ridiculed by those who prefer the use of force. You can
its mission in the world.” Be the beloved. Share the love.                 “defend” the faith by the way you choose to live.
     TODAY'S READINGS: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 or 40:1-5, 9-11; Acts 10:34-38        TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Samuel 4:1-11; Mark 1:40-45 (308).
     or Titus 2:11-14; Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 (21). “You are my beloved            “A leper came to him and kneeling down begged him and said,
     Son; with you I am well pleased.”                                          ‘If you wish, you can make me clean.’ ”

Monday, Jan 10, 2022                                                       Friday, Jan 14, 2022
Give every child a chance                                                  I feel your pain
According to the National Center for Child Poverty, about 15               Healing gospel-style involves assessing the physical, mental,
million children in the United States—21 percent of all children—          and spiritual health of the ill person. As Pope Francis says, Jesus
live in families with incomes below the federal poverty line. The          asks us: “To stop and listen, to establish a direct and personal
Christ Child Society seeks to address the critical needs of these          relationship with others, to feel empathy and compassion, and to
children. U.S.-born Servant of God Mary Virginia Merrick, who              let their suffering become our own as we seek to serve them.”
died on this day in 1955, founded the Christ Child Society in 1887         This holistic approach is slowly being embraced by Western
at the age of 20—despite being paralyzed from a childhood injury.          physicians. Today's healthcare providers are encouraged to use
Today, its 6,000 members volunteer nearly 400,000 hours and                such tools as the FICA method to assess a patient’s faith; its
serve more than 75,000 children and their families annually.               importance in their decision-making; their connection to a
You may find a chapter—or start one—at nationalchristchild.org.            community of like-minded believers; and the recommended action
     TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Samuel 1:1-8; Mark 1:14-20 (305). “Come           related to the spiritual assessment. We're all commissioned to be
     after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”                        healers to some extent; the next time someone comes to you in
                                                                           pain, remember this compassionate approach.
Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022                                                           TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22a; Mark 2:1-12 (309).
                                                                                “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’
Pray the way to a more perfect union                                            or to say, ‘Rise, pick up your mat and walk’?”
Dom Lambert Beauduin, a Belgian Benedictine monk, died this
day in 1960—but not without influencing the way we pray at Mass.
As a liturgical scholar, Beauduin championed—years before                  Saturday, Jan 15, 2022
Vatican II—the idea of worshipers actively participating in the            The stone rejected
Mass rather than sitting in pews to pray their private devotions.          In our continued observance of the Amoris Laetitia Family Year,
He promoted the idea of congregants literally “being on the same           we are reminded by Pope Francis to consider the complexities of
page,” able to follow along with the Latin by using worship aides          people’s lives when we’re tempted to judge their family or marital
to translate the words of priests and prayers. “Beauduin had an            situation. "It can no longer simply be said,” writes the pope, “that
insatiable thirst for unity,” notes a biographer. Pray for greater         all those living in any ‘irregular situation’ are living in a state of
unity in our church today.                                                 mortal sin.” Non-traditional families need to be offered
     TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Samuel 1:9-20; Mark 1:21-28 (306).                “understanding, comfort, and acceptance.” We need to stop
     “On the sabbath he entered the synagogue and taught.”                 applying moral laws as if they were, in the pope’s words, “stones
                                                                           to throw at a person’s life.” Consider today the grace of God’s
Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022                                                    mercy, compassion, and forgiveness operating in your own life.
                                                                                TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1; Mark 2:13-17
Here I am, Lord                                                                 (310). “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.
Jesus saw his healing ministry of the sick and spiritually                      I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”
oppressed as a call from God. It is the same call each of us
receives, not only to serve God and his people but to serve
ourselves—to be our best selves, which will bring us the greatest
joy. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, known as an apostle of love,
explains the profound grace that comes with responding to God's
call in his “Jesus, the very thought of thee” hymn: “. . . how kind
thou art! How good to those who seek!/ But what to those who
find? Ah, this No tongue nor pen can show;/ The love of Jesus,
what it is None but His loved ones know.”
     TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20; Mark 1:29-39 (307).
     “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also.
     For this purpose have I come.”
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...
Spirituality and Aging Workshop
           This Thursday & Friday, January 13-14
            9:30-11:00 am - School Auditorium
            Drawing on insights from important Catholic thinkers such as
                          Henri Nouwen, Teilhard de Chardin,
                      Ed Hayes, Joan Chittister and Pope Francis,
                 presenter Resa Pearson will explore the spirituality
       of aging in a two part workshop. With the help of these spiritual guides
      and using exercises to draw the ideas deeper, she will give us new ways
        to think about the negative aspects of aging, as well as new ways to
      appreciate and manifest the spiritual gifts that come with growing older.
Participants will explore how to do both in a way that moves them closer to Christ.

                                                          Men and women are invited to join
                                                          the Ladies of St. Leo’s Sing a Long
                                                          group which visits nursing homes and
                                                          assisted living facilities on the 1st and
                                                          3rd Tuesdays of each month at
                                                          1:30 pm during season. They will
            “Divine Mercy for a Woman’s Life:
          Our Sister St. Faustina as Our Guide”           resume in January on the 11th and
         Presenter: Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle            18th (2nd and 3rd Tuesdays, this month only) at
       Thursday, January 27, 2022 | 6:30-8:30 pm          Inspired Living. Contact Penny at 314-412-4022 for
St. Leo Parish Life Center | Suggested Donation $18.00    more information.

    All women are invited from all parishes to join us
    for a light dinner, a glass of wine and an evening
                   of faith and fellowship.                         Overflow Masses are now
       For more information and to register online
please visit our website: www.faithandwineleecounty.com                being held in the
                                                                        New Auditorium
  Or mail a check payable to Faith & Wine Lee County.
 Include attendee name(s), address, telephone number,              • 3:30pm on Saturdays
                   email, and parish.
                Mail to: Julie Richards,
                                                                   • 9:30am on Sundays
       6946 Pickadilly Court, Fort Myers, FL 33919
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...
Tuesday Mornings                                       TUESDAY MORNINGS
        with Deacon Charlie                                           WITH
       New Auditorium - 9am                                      DEACON CHARLIE
January 11 - Ten Reasons for Reconciliation
                                                               NEW AUDITORIUM - 9AM
What do comedian Conan O’Brien, and Father Paul O’Brien
have in common? They were roommates at Harvard
University. How did their relationship lead to interesting
insights about Reconciliation? We will explore some                                     HOW TO
misconceptions and lesser known benefits of this sometimes
forgotten and often avoided Sacrament.                                                   DRAW
January 18 - Parables                                                                    YOUR
Parables have an innate connection to our common
experience as children. Jesus explained to his apostles that
parables are not always understood. Why is that? Are they                               BACK TO
meant to be some sort of riddle? How is our hunger for God
connected to parables? To quote Jesus from the Gospel of                                  THE
John, “Come and see”.
     There is no registration for these two sessions.
                    All are welcome.

                                                               * Session 1- January 25th
           We Pray for the Recently                            Why are they leaving the church? Where
            Deceased of Our Parish                             are they going? Some Myths about Fallen
                                                               Away Catholics (Chapters 1, 2, 3)

                      Rosa Maria Ochoa-Salazar                 * Session 2-February 1st
                                                               The Game Plan, Basics, Prayer, Equipping
                                                               Yourself & Planting Seeds
                                                               (Chapters 4,5,6,7)

                                                               *Session 3-February 8th
                                                               Start the Conversation, Moving it Forward,
                                                               Connecting, and Closing the Loop
                                                               (Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11)

                                                               *Session 4-February 15th
                                                               The Big Objections: Moral & Theological,
                                                               Plus Ongoing Resources
                                                               (Chapters 12, 13, 14)

                                                                 Registration is now open in the Parish
                                                                 Office. Your $10 registration fee covers
                                                                   the RETURN book and handouts.

                                                                Please know that the Jan 11 & 18 sessions
                                                                 can be building blocks for the upcoming
                                                                            RETURN sessions.
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...
                                                                             ST. LEO’S RESPECT
                                                                               LIFE MINISTRY.
                                                                          FOR MORE INFORMATION,
                                                                          CALL DIANE CORCELLI AT

                   JOIN ST. LEO’S 3RD ANNUAL WALK FOR LIFE
                        SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 9–10AM
                       FOR A 1-MILE WALK ALONG U.S. 41.

              FACE MASKS AND
            ARE RECOMMENDED.

Couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or more years of marriage are invited by Bishop Dewane to a special Anniversary
Mass in their honor. Immediately following Mass, family and friends may join at the reception in the Parish Life Center.
For reservations fill out the following form and bring it or mail it to the parish office no later than Monday, January 31st.

Last name: ________________________________Phone number: __________________________________
Husband’s name: ___________________________Wife’s name: ____________________________________
Local Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Northern Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
Anniversary date: ___________ Number of years married: _____ Photo with Bishop: Yes ______ No ______
Number of people attending reception: ____ Email:______________________________________________
                 This form is for St. Leo Parishioners only. Others register with your home Parish.
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...

                  $20 PER PERSON
 The past years’ concerts featuring our own improvisational piano genius,
Marcin Malewski, and our singing pastor, Father Jarek, were huge successes.
         We anticipate that this concert will be better than ever.

Marcin has a Master’s Degree in Performance from the University of Warsaw.
 Before coming to St. Leo he worked at the Boston Conservatory of Music
     and is a composer and teacher, as well as our own Music Director.

         Father Jarek’s beautiful voice fills us with inspiration at
        our liturgies and the two will again be entertaining us with
                        some of their favorite songs.
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...
The St. Leo Food Bank is always in need of supplies to share with local food pantries.
These listed items are suggested but all unopened, non-perishable foods are welcomed.
You may continue to drop your donations when you come to Mass or at our office front door
Monday - Friday from 8am-3pm. Our staff will remove these donations regularly.

  Also welcome are: breakfast cereals • canned fruit & vegetables • canned pasta &
  soup • canned tuna & chicken • pasta & spaghetti • peanut butter & jelly • powdered
  milk • toothbrushes & toothpastes • laundry soap, bar soap • baby wipes, diapers,
  especially size 6.
The St. Leo Food Bank supports Catholic Charities on our campus as well as the food pantries at the parishes
     of Jesus the Worker (Ft. Myers), St. Margaret (Clewiston) and Our Lady Queen of Heaven (LaBelle).
  If you need assistance from Catholic Charities for food, financial assistance, or tele-mental health
         counseling, please call 239-390-2928 between the hours of 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.
                      to donate household items and clothing bring them to:
                        Our Lady of Light Thrift Shop                St. Vincent de Paul Resale Shop
                   24600 S. Tamiami Tr. Ste. 600A (992-1576)       3725 Bonita Beach Road (992-1899)

                                                                   Diaper are getting especially low now.
                                                                      We appreciate your generosity!

                                     Please remember all the
                                     infants who are in need of
                                     diapers (especially size 6)
                                     and new clothes for the
                                     Their toddler brothers
                                     and sisters grow so fast
                                     and need clothes also.
                                     The Ladies of St. Leo
                                     Guild thank all of you
                                     for your past support.

                                     Contributions may be
                                     left in the donation boxes
                                     at the doors of the church
                                     or taken to the parish
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...
& help support the ministries of the St. Leo’s Ladies Guild

                          1st    PRIZE           $ 1,000
                          2nd    PRIZE           $ 750
                          3rd    PRIZE           $ 500
                          4th    PRIZE           $ 250
              PLUS: A chance to win the "HIDDEN" Treasure Chest!!!!
               Drawing will be held on February 8th at the
           St. Leo’s Ladies Guild Luncheon & Fashion Show
                          (winners need not be present to win)

                   Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10
                & may be purchased in the Parish Office.

             St. Leo Ladies Guild - Annual Fundraiser
                          February 8, 2022
          Doors open at 11am, Catered Luncheon at 12 noon

  Fashions provided by Kay’s on the Beach located at the Promenade at Bonita Bay.
             Tickets are $50 per person and include luncheon and wine.
  Gift Card raffles, 50/50, and Parish Raffle are available for purchase at the Door.

                                   Ticket Sales:
       Guild Members- Tuesday, January 11, 3-5pm in the Parish Life Center,
                          limit of 4 tickets per member
       Public - Wednesday January 12, 9am-12 noon in the Parish Life Center,
                           unlimited tickets per person

              Checks should be made payable to: St. Leo Ladies Guild
January 9, 2022 We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people - St Leo ...
MASS               INTENTION                       REQUESTED BY
MONDAY             JANUARY 10
8:00 am             +Fortunata & Peter DeLuca      Daughter Diane
TUESDAY            JANUARY 11
8:00 am             +John Ruehl                    Shirley Ruehl
8:00 am             + Michael L Sabbagh            Lauare Rubio                              Flowers this week are dedicated to Parishioners of St. Leo
                                                                                                        Candles this week are dedicated to †Deceased Parishioners of St. Leo
THURSDAY           JANUARY 13                                                           Candles this week are dedicated to †Deceased Parishioners of St. Leo
8:00 am             +Julie Boera                   Jerry & Shirley Sobczak
FRIDAY             JANUARY 14
8:00 am             +Bernie & Regina Bubb          Loving Sons
SATURDAY           JANUARY 15                                                                    Please Pray for Our Troops
8:00 am             +Betteann Dawd                 Larry Olson
3:30 pm             +Carmel Perrico                Stephanie & Tom Ryder           Lt. Marco Colabecchia                                    Kyle Martin
3:30 pm-Overflow    +John Congo                    Dr. & Mrs. William Petrando     Michael DeSantis                                         Michael Oliveira
                                                                                   Lt. Connor Flynn                                         Sgt. Thomas Pauls
5:30 pm             +Betteann Dawd                 Loving Family                   Lt. Thomas A. Flynn                                      Nick Parrorzio
SUNDAY             JANUARY 16                                                      C. Sean Flynn                                            Sean Michael Perry
7:30 am            The Parishioners of St. Leo                                     Thomas Geanuracos                                        Maj. Frank D. Razzano Jr.
                                                                                   Carlos Gonzales                                          Lt. Evan Razzano
9:30 am             +Paul Gagnon                   Friends of Saint Vincent de     Brian Howlett                                            Jonathan W. Schwarz
                                                   Paul /Bonita Springs            Lt. Com. Matthew Kleine                                  All serving in the military, especially those
9:30 pm-Overflow +James O'Connell                  Dr. & Mrs. William Petrando     Maj. Nickolas LoRusso                                    in combat.
                 +Brian Kane                       Cindy & Kevin Kane              Daniel McDonald
11:30 am
1:30 pm-Polish     +Jan Rookiewicz                 Loving Daugther, Iwona Saitta
5:00 pm            + John Watson                   Cindy & Kevin Kane                                     We pray today for…
7:00 pm            Special Cumulative Intentions
                                                                                   Ellie Augevich                                           John McGray
Hearing Loops are installed around the pews adjacent to the                        Marni Bahniuk                                            Pauline McKeen
north and south entrances of the church and in the new                             Dave Bowezs                                              Don Marvin
auditorium. Hearing Loops transmit sound directly into a                           Neal Bonner                                              Micaela Mendiola Sandoval
                                                                                   Connie Bozzi                                             Jose Manuel Meraz
hearing aid or cochlear implant. To receive the Loop signal,
                                                                                   Tom Bourgeois                                            Gary Miller
manually activate the T-coil or telephone setting on your                          Ted Caccia                                               Jay Miller
device. Consult your audiologist or hearing aid professional                       Isabelle Marie Caiola                                    Conrad Molter
with problems.                                                                     Patrick Cain                                             Jay Morgan
                                                                                   Scott Cochell                                            Tracey Morrow
                                                                                   Lourdes Coll                                             John Moses
                                                                                   Marie Corrao                                             Howie Nero
                 Eucharistic Adoration                                             Mike Clukey
                                                                                   Audrey Davis
                                                                                                                                            Audrey Grace Neeley
                                                                                                                                            Alex Ogozaly
   Experiencing the marvelous presence of Christ through                           Gabina Delgado                                           Larry Parvin
                                                                                   Robby Dirks                                              Connie Phillips
    Eucharistic Adoration is available in our Chapel from                          Lucy DonMoyer                                            Merlin Psenicka
         7am to 3:30pm Monday through Saturday.                                    Kathy Elliman                                            Aiden Putnam
                                                                                   George Faccone                                           Cal Raugh
                                                                                   Brad Fairfield                                           Andrew Robinson
                                                                                   Matthew Fairfield                                        Maria Rodriguez
If you are looking for someone to adopt your once                                  Gissette Lupita Garcia
                                                                                   Mary Kay Gempler
                                                                                                                                            Sheldon Saidman
                                                                                                                                            Tessa Santagate
loved golf cart, please consider donating it                                       Gerald Gerber                                            Sheryl Southerd
to St. Leo. Our campus is large and golf carts                                     Quinn Gorman
                                                                                   Pauline Graziano
                                                                                                                                            Jim Stokes
                                                                                                                                            Charlie Sweeney Jr.
save us time and energy. We promise to                                             Karen Grimshaw                                           Father Mathais Thelen
enjoy it like you once did!                                                        Luke Hass
                                                                                   Larry Hickman
                                                                                                                                            Karen Thies
                                                                                                                                            Richard Trevison
                                                                                   Bob Holloran                                             Fran Viglione
                                                                                   Robbin Holcomb                                           Ray & Jerry Wallace
                                                                                   Matthew Hough                                            George Witkowsky
 OUR PILOT PROGRAM FOR THOSE FLYING SOLO                                           Annemarie Jardon                                         Christie Zdzinski
                                                                                   Jerry Kaehle                                             Jackie Zimfer
If you are “flying solo” at this point in your life….whether you are               Mary Kobel                                               Anthony, Brandon,
single by choice, widowhood or divorce, and you would like to                      Karen Kugelman                                           Carlos N., Faith N., Gary, Joanne,
socialize with others who find themselves in                                       Peggy Land                                               Pat P., Pat S.
                                                                                   Samantha Lewis                                           Present & past parish priests.
the same situation, you are welcomed to sit at                                     Emily Lienesch
our specially designated tables during                                             Rachel McCausland
select entertainment events at the parish.
Look for the logo on event announcements                                             Names remain on our prayer list for 30 days & troop list for 6 months.
in the bulletin.                                                                        To add names or update information call the Parish Office at
                                                                                          992-0901 or email: ehernandez@stleocatholicchurch.org
Altar Servers - Adults               Griselda Cisneros ............. 992-0901
Altar Servers - Youth                Griselda Cisneros ............. 992-0901
Arimatheans                          Parish Office .................... 992-0901
Bereavement Support Group            Cate Staid ........................ 992-0901
Bible Study                          Marge Salow…………734-243-5233
Bulletin                             Anne Bellows ................... 992-0901
Catholic Charities at St. Leo        ......................................... 390-2928
Cenacle Legal Services (Low Income) ………………………..941-244-0308
Counseling Services                  Catholic Charities ............ 455-2655
Extraordinary Minister Coordinators:
Daily Mass                           Amy Campanile……...563-650-6442
Weekend Masses                       Parish Office .................... 992-0901
Homebound                            Parish Office .................... 992-0901
Hospice - Hope Hospice               Parish Office ................... 992-0901
Hospitals/Nursing Homes              Parish Office .................... 992-0901
Finance Council                      Henry Soto....................... 992-0901
Human Trafficking Hotline            ………………………..888-373-7888
Landings                             Parish Office .................... 992-0901
Lector Ministry Coordinator          David Froelke………..646-831-9733
Lector Coordinator for Weekdays      Amy Campanile……...563-650-6442
Mass in Polish Coordinator           Maryla Basara .................. 405-2151
Money Counters                       Henry Soto....................... 992-0901
Perpetual Baby Shower                Mary Ellen French .......... 405-0215
Polish Classes                       Renata Dabrowska-Klimczak 384-9726
Prison Ministry                      Robert Hiniker………863-558-0407                                  Sunday 9:30am Mass
Project Gabriel                      Carol Dangler .................. 793-0826                                     Ages 5-10
Project Rachel                       Sylvia Jimenez………..941-412-5860                                        No Sign up necessary.
Respect Life                         Diane Corcelli .................. 992-6723           Father will dismiss the children after the opening prayer
Respite                              Bonnie Dunne-Martin ..... 992-0901                    to enjoy Jesus’ Story Time in the chapel, and they will
Retrouvaille                         Doug & Jeanne Lindberg..800-470-2230                      return to their families after the Intercessions.
Rite of Christian Initiation         Griselda Cisneros ............. 992-0901
Sacristan Ministry                   Annette Smith .................. 948-1640
Sewing-Knitting-Crocheting           Bernice Romano .............. 601-5877                      ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED
Sing a Long                          Penny Kelly…………...314-412-4022                           If you are interested in becoming an
St. Leo the Great Ladies Guild       Beth Daniels…………248-376-2997                            altar server, our ministry coordinator,
Usher Ministry                       Parish Office .................... 992-0901            Joe Stegle is available to train, schedule,
Youth Ministry                       Frank Murray .................. 992-0901                        and work with you until
                                                                                                 you are confident to serve alone.
                                                                                              Please contact him at 551-427-9045.

                                                                                          We are pleased to provide for all our of parishioner the ability
                                                                                          to access this wonderful website filled with thousands of wide
                                                                                          ranging movies, programs, audios, such as the Lives of Saints
                                                                                          of History and Modern Day, The Sacraments, Bible Study,
                                                                                          Children’s Entertainment, Praying at Home, and Movie Night

                                                                                                                             To access FORMED choose
                                                                                                                             the link on our website,
                                                                                                                             search “St Leo Bonita”
                                                                                                                             to find us in the drop box,
                                                                                                                             and sign up
                                                                                                                             for your own account.

                               El Bautismo del Señor
Con la celebración del Bautismo del Señor se da por terminado el tiempo de Navidad.
El Bautismo de Jesús es como una nueva epifanía, es decir, una nueva manifestación
de Dios por medio de Jesús ahora en el Jordán. “El Espíritu Santo bajó sobre él y se
manifestó exteriormente en forma de paloma, y del cielo vino una voz: Tú eres mi Hijo,
hoy te he dado la vida” (Lucas 3,22). La revelación del Padre se manifiesta proclamando
a Jesús como su Hijo.

El Papa Francisco en una de sus catequesis lo muestra en tres puntos muy importantes
para todos los que hemos sido bautizados en Cristo Jesús: “Jesús quiso recibir el
bautismo predicado y administrado por Juan el Bautista en el Jordán. ¡Cuánta humildad
tiene Jesús! Y al hacerlo, manifestó lo que hemos celebrado en Navidad: sumergirse en el
rio de la humanidad”. Jesús, va con todo a lo que refiere la cuestión humana, menos en el
pecado. “El Evangelio subraya que Jesús, apenas salió del agua vio rasgarse los cielos y el
Espíritu que bajaba hacia él como una paloma. El Espíritu Santo desciende en plenitud
sobre Jesús para darle la fortaleza de cumplir su misión”. Por medio de nuestra vocación
es que tenemos nuestra misión en la vida. ¿Cómo la estamos cumpliendo? “La fiesta del
bautismo de Jesús invita a cada cristiano a recordar su bautismo”. ¿Sabes, o recuerdas la
fecha de tu bautismo? Hay que preguntar sobre ese día y de cómo se celebró la fiesta de
hacernos hijos e hijas de Dios. (Papa Francisco 1/7/2018).
ay               Chu
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      3-D-5-3                                                            For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com                                                                                                16-0438
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