JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association

Page created by Roberta Stephens
JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association

                            JOIN IN
November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference
            Exploration of new ideas is a critical element to
                    navigating the times we are in.
  The work of IBWA doesn’t stop because of COVID-19. In fact, in many ways IBWA is busier
  than ever—helping the bottled water community navigate through these precarious times
  and continuing our work on other important industry issues.
  IBWA has an exciting lineup of education sessions planned for the 2021 Annual Business
  Conference, which is being held virtually. Each session addresses an issue that is at the
  forefront of these times of evolving priorities for consumers and businesses. Topics covered
  include the following:
       Supply Chain Issues in the Bottled Water Industry
       Cybersecurity for the Bottled Water Industry and Small Businesses
       Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation for Packaging
       Bottled Water Sales Trends
       Understanding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
       Microplastics and Emerging Contaminants
       … and many more!
  Be sure to check out the entire list of sessions and descriptions that are provided on the
  following pages. Updates will be added to IBWA's website as they become available:
  Another critical component of the virtual Annual Business Conference is the opportunity for
  IBWA members to attend committee meetings to gain a further understanding of the work
  that is being done on behalf of our members—and give members the opportunity to provide
  input on areas such as government relations, environmental sustainability, science and
  technical, education, communications, membership, and the annual conference.

                       WATCH YOUR EMAIL
  HOLD THE                                                                       ATTEND AND
                         FOR FUTURE                     REGISTER!
   DATE!                                                                         PARTICIPATE!
JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association

  IBWA GENERAL SESSION AND                                                                 COVID’S EFFECT
  ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING                                                                  ON IBWA’S CPO
  Monday, November 8 | 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm

                                                                                           The IBWA Bottled Water Code
                                       The work of the Association doesn’t stop            of Practice requires members
                                       because of COVID-19. In fact, in many               to have at least one CPO in
                                       ways IBWA is busier than ever—helping               each member facility. All IBWA
                                       the bottled water community navigate                education sessions scheduled for
                                       through these precarious times and also             the 2021 IBWA Annual Business
  continuing our work on other important industry issues like recycling                    Conference are eligible for CEUs.
  content mandates; bottled water sales bans; microplastics, PFAS,                         At this year’s conference,
  recycling, sustainability, tariffs, and more – the bottled water industry has            17.5 CEUS are available:
  tackled a lot of issues in 2021, but industry professionals know that it is              8.5 technical CEUs CEU and
  all worth it to continue bringing healthy hydration to our customers.                    9 business CEUs             .

  Attend IBWA’s General Session to hear IBWA President and CEO Joe                         To keep their certification
  Doss present his state of the association speech, which will update                      current, CPOs may either retake
  members on the many successes the association has earned this                            the CPO exam every three years
  year—and review challenges on the horizon.                                               or accrue the required 21 CEUs
  Members will also vote on the slate of nominees for IBWA’s board of                      (up to 6 CEUs can be from
  directors, and IBWA Chairman CR Hall (Hall’s Culligan) will discuss what                 non-technical/business topics)—
  he envisions for the upcoming year.                                                      within each three-year period
                                                                                           (which averages out to only 7
                                                                                           CEUs per year).
                                           to a safe level is critical, and several
                                           technologies can help reduce those              Due to COVID-19 limiting the
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm                          contaminants to provide water that              opportunities to earn CEUs, IBWA
Bottled Water                              is potable. Bacterial contamination             has granted a one-year extension
                                           is the most critical issue because
Filtration: A Part of                      detection usually takes 24 to 48
                                                                                           for certificates originally expiring in
High-Quality Assurance                     hours after the product is shipped or           2020, 2021, or 2022.
Presenter: Majid Entezarian, PhD;          consumed by the end-user. Because
                                           of its associated risk level, prevention
3M Purification
                                           strategies are of prime interest. Final
                 Safe drinking water is    filtration will be discussed as a last                         vices to the public.
                 vital to our existence.   line of defense.                                               In the past year, we
                 It provides us with                                                                      have realized how
                 the hydration that        1:00 pm – 2:00 pm                       CEU                    interconnected and
                 every one of our                                              1.0                        fragile supply chains
                 organs needs to
                                           Supply Chain                                                   can be during crisis.
function. Bottled water offers a           Issues in the Bottled                         This session will share recommen-
portable water source that can be          Water Industry                                dations for increasing supply chain
very safe if prepared correctly. All                                                     resilience and highlight opportuni-
potable water should be checked            Presenter: Jarrod Goentzel, PhD;
                                                                                         ties for public-private partnership
for four major impurity categories.        Humanitarian Supply
                                                                                         to ensure business continuity in the
These are (1) metal contents, (2)          Chain Lab, Massachusetts Institute            next crisis.
organic contaminants, (3) solid            of Technology
particulates, and (4) living organisms.    Resilient supply chains are crucial in
The removal of those contaminants
                                           providing essential goods and ser-

JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association
                                             review the components of EPR and           1:15 pm – 2:15 pm
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8... CONT.                  how this policy is being shaped at the

4:15 pm – 5:15 pm                            state and federal level (e.g., Break       Topics in Water      1.0

Carbon Footprint 1.0
                                    CEU      Free From Plastic Pollution Act).          Stewardship Series:
and Climate                                                                             Steps in Defining
Disclosures Workshop                         Cybersecurity for the 1.0
                                                                                        Catchment Areas and
                                             Bottled Water Industry                     Updates to the Alliance
Presenter: Nick Martin, Antea Group
                                             and Small Businesses                       for Water Stewardship
                    This workshop will       Presenter: TBD                             (AWS) Program
                    provide the audience
                                             This presentation will cover different     Presenters: Rae Mindock, SCS
                    with not only the
                    “Why” of calculating a   types of electronic/cyber-attacks,         Global Services, and Jillian Olsen,
                    carbon footprint and     including Insider Threat, Corporate        Cherry Ridge Consulting, LLC
                    climate disclosures      Account Take Over, Business Email
but also the “How”—best practices,           Compromise, Ransomware, and
leading frameworks, and business             Mobile Malware. You’ll also learn to
impacts (ROI). The focus will be on          identify the indications or clues that
specific applicability to the beverage       you may be experiencing an attack,
sector with associated examples and          what to do if you are being attacked,
resources. You will learn how to be more     and how to protect yourself from an
prepared for the growing expectations        attack. Attendees will find this protec-   Knowing an organization’s catchment
on beverage companies to have both a         tion information useful for not only       is critical to effective water steward-
decarbonization strategy (greenhouse         their organizations (i.e., corporate IT    ship. It is important in determining
gas accounting, science-based targets,       infrastructure) but also their families    risks to an organization as well as
low carbon transition plan) and a            (personal protection).                     shared water challenges and oppor-
climate resiliency strategy (acute/chronic                                              tunities among stakeholders within
physical risks and regulatory/market         TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9                        the catchment that could affect the
transition risks). Recommendations                                                      organization. This session will cover
from the Task Force on Climate-Related       11:00 am – 12:00 pm                        the process of defining a catchment(s)
Financial Disclosures (TCFD) will be         How to Employ                        CEU

                                                                                 1.0    relative to a site and how that in-
used as the framework for the session.       and Manage Next                            tegrates into the Alliance for Water
                                                                                        Stewardship (AWS) standard. The
                                             Generation (Gen Z)                         session will also highlight important
4:15 pm – 5:15 pm
                                     1.0     Employees                                  changes to the AWS program.
Overview of Packaging                        Presenter: Neil Mairs,
Extended Producer                            Solutions Recruiting                       2:30 pm – 3:30 pm                      CEU

Responsibility at the                                         How do you manage         Understanding                         1.0
State and Federal Level                                       a generation that         Diversity, Equity,
Presenters: Dylan de Thomas and                               doesn’t know
                                                              a world without           and Inclusion
Michael Washburn, The Recycling                                                         Presenter: Deanna Samaha,
                                                              Facebook, doesn’t
Partnership                                                   remember 9/11 or          BlueTriton Brands
                                             Enron, and would rather not work                              Diversity, Equity, and
                                             for a world-renowned company that                             Inclusion deserves a
                                             makes products they don't believe                             seat at the table in any
                                             in? This session will define Gen Z,                           organization, no matter
                                             discuss what makes them tick, take                            the size. Based on the
                                             account of the attributes that can                            favorable impact DE&I
As extended producer responsibility          make them excellent employees, and         can have in an organization, it should
(EPR) legislation for packaging evolves      review management styles that have         be embraced, supported, and provided
in the United States, some differ-           a positive impact on this important        the opportunity to thrive as opposed to
ent approaches have emerged. This            population of the workforce.               being treated or introduced as a special
session will define what a Packaging                                                    project or initiative.
Extended Producer Responsibility is;

JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9... CONT.                Presenters: Cory Martin, IBWA,              mental Roundtable (BIER) and the
                                            and J.P. Toner, IBWA                        World Business Council for Sustain-
This discussion will help provide                                                       able Development (WBCSD). That
insight to better understanding diver-                                                  tool provides a step-by-step process
sity, equity, and inclusion; the differ-                                                to support decisions for evaluating a
ences between each; and how they
                                                                                        specific facility’s water needs, water
complement one another. Addition-
                                                                                        source options, and determining
ally, attendees should expect to walk
                                                                                        post-use and discharge options.
away with some tangible ideas as to
how you, as a leader, can be more           Trade leapt to the forefront under
deliberate about—and identify ways          the Trump Administration, and those         12:30 pm – 1:30 pm                 CEU
                                            trade issues continue to be a top pri-
to improve—DE&I in your organiza-
                                            ority for the Biden Administration. At-
                                                                                        An Update on       1.0
tion in an effort to attract and retain
the best talent, as well as seeing an       tend this session to learn more about       Microplastics and
improvement in your business results        the Biden Administration’s view and         Emerging Contaminants
due to the creation of a more diverse       strategy to resolve ongoing trade dis-      Presenter: Rick Zimmer,
business environment.                       putes—and what actions to expect            Eurofins Eaton Analytical
                                            from Congress in the coming year.
                                            Specifically, this session will focus not                     In today’s world, there
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
                                   CEU      only on the Biden Administration’s                            is a heightened focus
What to Expect      1.0                     overall trade agenda but also on what                         on public health, en-
With Evolving State                         to expect regarding exclusions from                           vironmental steward-
and Federal Minimum                         Section 301 tariffs on water coolers                          ship, water conserva-
                                                                                                          tion, and recycling.
Recycling Content                           and component parts imported from
                                            China. Presenters will also discuss         Those trends, coupled with advances
Mandates                                    efforts to reauthorize the General-         in analytical instrumentation, are fos-
Presenter: Kate Eagles, Association         ized System of Preferences program,         tering an increase in the scope and
of Plastics Recyclers                       which ended in December 2020.               pace of publications broadcasting the
                  The Association of                                                    occurrence of new contaminants and
                  Plastic Recyclers         WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10                      detection of regulated contaminants
                  (APR) will provide an                                                 at lower levels. Technology and oc-
                                            11:00 am – 12:00 pm
                  overview to bottlers of                                               currence are outpacing the Federal
                  current and pend-         Introduction to                     CEU
                                                                                        regulatory process. States are left
                  ing minimum plastic       Water Circularity                   1.0
                                                                                        to develop their own strategy for
recycling content mandates at both          Metrics                                     addressing CECs occurrence and
the state (e.g., CA, WA, and ME) and        Presenter: Nick Martin, Antea Group         potential health concerns for contam-
federal level. The session will include                                                 inants such as poly- and perfluoroal-
discussion of the impact of those                            Providing an in-
                                                                                        kyl (PFAS) compounds, brominated
requirements on recycling collection,                        troduction to the
                                                                                        haloacetic acids (brHAAs), nitrosa-
Post Consumer Resin (PCR) capacity,                          concept of Water
                                                             Circularity, this ses-     mines, lithium, microplastics, and
and PCR quality, as well as the com-
                                                             sion will present an       6-ppb quinone. This presentation will
pliance requirements for the existing or
                                                             in-depth review of         provide a comprehensive summary
proposed content mandates.
                                            the key metrics for circular water          of the most prevalent contaminants
                                            sourcing, use, and discharge. The           of emerging concern to support an
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm                                                                       assessment of CECs impacts on your
                                            session will explore common ideas
The Biden                            CEU    and approaches between circu-               current products and source water,
Administration’s    1.0                     lar economy principles and water            and implications for your water quality
Trade Agenda: What                          system management to identify op-           and communications strategy. TUES-
                                            portunities for practical applications
to Expect in 2022 and                       and communicating those important
                                                                                        DAY, NOVEMBER
Beyond, and How Will                        concepts. Attendees will be provided
It (Continue to) Impact                     an overview of a Water Circularity
Your Business                               Metrics guide and tool co-developed
                                            by the Beverage Industry Environ-

JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10... CONT.         2:00 pm – 3:00 pm                         THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11
                                        Bottled Water                      CEU

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm                                                        1.0     11:00 am – 12:30 pm
                                        Sales Trends                                                                 CEU
                                                                                  CPO Study Session

The Wide World of 1.0                   Presenter: Gary Hemphill, Beverage                                           1.5
Advocacy: Successful                    Marketing Corporation                     Moderator: Bob Hirst, IBWA
Message Delivery                                          The bottled
                                                                                                    This session is always
                                                                                                    a favorite among
Methods for the Industry                                  water category
                                                                                                    those attendees
Presenter: J.P. Toner, IBWA                               experienced
                                                                                                    who signed up to
                                                          accelerated volume
                  During the last two                                                               take IBWA’s Certified
                                                          growth in 2020,
                  years, access to                                                                  Plant Operator (CPO)
                                                          and the category
                  policymakers who                                                Certification Exam. Attendees should
                                        widened its lead as the most
                  make important                                                  put their thinking caps on and be
                                        popular packaged beverage in the
                  decisions about                                                 prepared to have some game show
                                        United States, with growth continuing
                  the bottled water                                               fun! If studying usually makes you
                                        into 2021. Growth has been especially
industry has greatly changed—and                                                  sleepy, you won’t have to worry about
                                        driven by PET single-serve and
our messaging has continued to                                                    that here, as industry experts will
                                        sparkling water segments. In this fast-
evolve. Come and learn about some                                                 help attendees prepare for the CPO
                                        paced session, learn how the category
of the best tried-and-true ways to                                                exam—but you will have to be fast on
                                        is performing in 2021, how it’s been
deliver the good news about bottled                                               your feet! Do you have the answers
                                        impacted by the pandemic, what the
water, how to influence key decision                                              to run a bottling plant? Take the
                                        key trends are, and the outlook for
makers on the issues most important                                               challenge and find out!
                                        the future. Also, get perspective on
to your company, and unique ways to
                                        competitive categories like carbonated
motivate employees to participate in
                                        soft drinks, sports drinks, and more.
advocacy efforts.

       The last two years have been a time of great change and innovation.
       Perhaps now more than ever, bottled water industry professionals need a
       space to come together and discuss how to take the lessons we’ve learned
       and use them to evolve our business operations to ensure we continue
       to meet the consumer demand for bottled water. After all, bottled water
       continues to be the No.1 packaged beverage in America (by volume).

       Plan now to attend the virtual IBWA Annual Business Conference to learn
       from industry experts, network with your peers, and provide insights that
       will help guide IBWA’s activities for the rest of this year and into 2022.

       For all the latest updates on IBWA's virtual Annual Business Conference,

JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association
                            A SUPER TIME!
        The Drinking Water Research Foundation Board of Trustees invites you
to join us for the Superhero Academy Training on Zoom on Tuesday, November 9th
     from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm eastern time for an evening of friendly competition.
     Will you be a superhero or a supervillain? There’s only one way to find out!
   This competitive training will consist of being broken into teams to solve diabolical
  puzzles, answering trivia questions, and completing challenges. Each team will have
   to combine each person’s strengths to overcome the supervillains during the Final
 Battle of the Wits. The winning team gets extra raffle tickets- and of course, bragging
 rights for an indeterminate amount of time. Tickets are $120 per person, with $80 tax
  deductible. If you think you have what it takes to complete the Superhero Academy
           Training and save the world, please register by October 29th, 2021.
Your participation in DWRF’s Annual Fundraiser helps fund the vital research that impacts the bottled
  water industry now and in the future. Sponsorship opportunities are also available- please contact
          Linda Amar, Program Coordinator ( for more information.

JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association

                               November 8-11, 2021
               (Current as of 09/16/21. Updates will occur and be posted on

                         • Times are based on Eastern Standard Time (EST)
                         • IBWA membership required for attendance at meetings with an asterisk*
                         • 17.5 CEUs available for IBWA CPO attendees 8.5 Technical   CEU   and 9 Business     CEU

Monday, November 8                                               Tuesday, November 9
11:00 am – 12:00 pm   IBWA Education Committee Meeting*          10:00 am – 11:30 am          IBWA Executive Committee
                                                                 						                       Meeting (closed)
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm IBWA Environmental Sustainability
						 Committee Meeting*                                        11:45 am – 12:45 pm          Keynote Presentation            CEU


                                                                 						                       Presenter: TBD
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Bottled Water Filtration: A Part of
						 High-Quality Assurance 1.0                  CEU            1:15 pm – 2:15 pm           Cybersecurity for the Bottled Water
						 Presenter: Majid Entezarian,                              						                       Industry and Small Businesses 1.0            CEU

						                3M Purification                            						                       Presenter: TBD

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Supply Chain Issues in the                      1:15 pm – 2:15 pm           Topics in Water Stewardship Series:
						 Bottled Water Industry 1.0 		               CEU
                                                                 						                       Steps in Defining Catchment Areas
						 Presenter: Jarrod Goentzel, PhD                           						                       and Updates to the Alliance for Water
						                Director, Humanitarian Supply Chain Lab,   						                       Stewardship (AWS) Program 1.0          CEU

						                Massachusetts Institute of Technology      						                       Presenters: Rae Mindock, SCS
                                                                 						                       Global Services, and Jillian Olsen,
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm IBWA General Session and Annual
                                                                 						                       Cherry Ridge Consulting, LLC
						 Business Meeting 1.0                  CEU

						 Presentations by IBWA President                           1:30 pm – 2:45 pm            IBWA Government Relations
						                Joe Doss, IBWA Chairman CR Hall            						                       Committee Meeting*
						                (Hall’s Culligan)                          2:30 pm – 3:30 pm            Understanding Diversity, Equity,
4:15 pm – 5:30 pm IBWA Communications                            						                       and Inclusion 1.0  CEU

						 Committee Meeting*                                        						                       Presenter: Deanna Samaha, BlueTriton Brands
4:15 pm – 5:15 pm Carbon Footprint and Climate                    2:30 pm – 3:30 pm           What to Expect With Evolving State
						 Disclosures Workshop 1.0                    CEU
                                                                 						                       and Federal Minimum Recycling
						 Presenter: Nick Martin, Antea Group                       						                       Content Mandates 1.0     CEU

                                                                 						                       Presenter: Kate Eagles, Association of
 4:15 pm – 5:15 pm Overview of Packaging Extended
                                                                 						                       Plastics Recyclers
						             Producer Responsibility at the
						             State and Federal Level 1.0       CEU          3:00 pm – 4:00 pm           DWRF Trustees Meeting*
						 Presenters: Dylan de Thomas                                4:00 pm – 5:00 pm           The Biden Administration’s Trade
						                and Michael Washburn,                      						                       Agenda: What to Expect in 2022 and
						                The Recycling Partnership
                                                                 						                       Beyond, and How Will It (Continue to)
                                                                 						                       Impact Your Business 1.0         CEU

                                                                 						                       Presenters: Cory Martin, IBWA, and
                                                                 						                       J.P. Toner, IBWA

JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association

Tuesday, November 9.... cont.                                            Thursday, November 11
 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm How to Employ and Manage Next                         11:00 am – 12:30 pm   CPO Study Session


						             Generation (Gen Z) Employees 1.0                CEU
                                                                         						                Moderator: Bob Hirst, IBWA
						 Presenter: Neil Mairs, Solutions Recruiting                       11:00 am – 12:00 pm   IBWA Supplier and Convention
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm DWRF Fundraiser 2021 – Online                          						                Committee Meeting*
						 Superhero Academy (Ticketed Event)                                 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm    IBWA Board of Directors Meeting*
Wednesday, November 10
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Introduction to Water
						 Circularity Metrics 1.0 			           CEU

						 Presenter: Nick Martin, Antea Group
11:00 am – 12:15 pm   IBWA Membership Committee Meeting*
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm    IBWA Technical Committee Meeting*
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm The Wide World of Advocacy:
						 Successful Message Delivery
						 Methods for the Industry 1.0                   CEU

						 Presenter: J.P. Toner, IBWA
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm An Update on Microplastics
						 and Emerging Contaminants

						 Presenter: Rick Zimmer, Eurofins
						                Eaton Analytical
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm     Bottled Water Sales Trends            CEU


						                Presenter: Gary Hemphill, Beverage
						                Marketing Corporation
 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm    IBWA State Affairs Task Force Meeting*
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm IBWA State and Regional Associations
						 Committee Meetings*

JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association
                                                         NOVEMBER 8-11 | VIRTUAL | WWW.BOTTLEDWATER.ORG

                                           ATTENDEE REGISTRATION FORM
         ONLINE REGISTRATION: (enter this address into your internet browser)
             Username = your email; Password = MemberClicks code, reset if unknown
         MAIL FORM TO: IBWA Conference, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314 FAX FORM TO: 703.683.4074
         SCAN/EMAIL FORM TO:        QUESTIONS? CALL: 703.647.4610
    ATTENDEE                                                                                                                                       1ST TIME ATTENDEE?
    NAME:____________________________________ BUSINESS EMAIL:______________________________________________ q Yes q No

    COMPANY NAME:____________________________ WEBSITE: ______________________________________________________________


    CITY:______________________________________ STATE:________ ZIP:______________________________________________________

    PHONE:_____________________ CELL:_______________________ FAX:______________________________________________________
                                           (for onsite use only)
      15 education sessions (17.5 CEUs), general session, keynote
      IBWA MEMBER BOTTLER/DISTRIBUTOR/SUPPLIER                                         q New IBWA Member (10/1/20-9/30/21)             q Existing Member
      Select One: q Bottler q Distributor q Supplier q Other:__________ ______________________________________________________
          Until 10/15/21: $199 per person After 10/15/21: $299 per person

      Select One: q Bottler q Distributor q Supplier q Other:_________ ______________________________________________________
          Until 10/15/21: $300 per person After 10/15/21: $400 per person

    Payment            Registration                      * DWRF Fundraising Event
    Attendee           $_________                        #___ @ $120 each= $______

    Payment Method $_______ Total Due q Check (payable to IBWA, mail with this form) q Credit Card (provide account # here or call IBWA when emailing form)
    ___ AMEX ___ VISA ___ Master Card ___ Discover      Name on Credit Card: ______________________________________________________________

    Authorized Signature: _________________________________ Account Number: ____________________________ Security Code: ______ Exp. Date: _______

    Confirmations and Cancellation Policy
    • Confirmations will be emailed or faxed to registrants within 72 hours of receipt. If you do not receive one, please call IBWA.
    • Cancellations must be received in writing no later than October 15, 2021 and are subject to a $50.00 administrative fee. After that date, no refunds will be issued.
      They can be emailed to Michele Campbell at
    • Substitutions can be made but must be in writing. They can be emailed to Michele Campbell at
JOIN IN EXPLORE - LEARN - NAVIGATE - November 8-11 | 2021 IBWA Virtual Annual Business Conference - International Bottled Water Association
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