JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net

Page created by Janet Williams
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
JUNE 23, 2019

9 AM & 11 AM
FRIDAY, 9:30 AM-12 PM
SAT, 3-3:45 PM
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
Yvonne Briggs, 439-6750
                        sdbaltieri@gmail.com        Denise Collins, 283-0530

                        kim@smdmcc.org              Becky Couture, 954-292-5514     Margie Check, 225-4456

                        bec325@aol.com              Antonio & Carla Amaral,         439-2791
                        louiscall@aol.com                439-2791                   Nathan & Barbara Flach,
                                                    John Pires, 439-1678
                        teresa@phillipscostal.com                                                          439-2791

                        kenan.guarino@gmail.com     John Pires, 439-1678
                                                                                    Pat & Jacque Mulvihil, 439-2791
                                                    Kim Cazzaniga, 931-8710

                        astrodude9000@gmail.com                                     Cari Carrube, 439-2791

                        jmcheck82@gmail.com         E.Y. Walter, 986-1163
Parish Administrator
                        jmcheck82@gmail.com         439-2791                        Karyn Jacobs, 503-1710
                        piresj@bellsouth.net        Claudia Gasparino, 864-8706     Jeannie Johnson, 986-7205

Director of Religious   Lizbeth@smdmcc.org          Mary Comiskey, 597-6963         Lois Ambrosia, 871-5371
                        julee9@aol.com                                              Barbara Zaleski, 727-207-1831
denise@smdmcc.org                                                                   Drew Hoffman 386-562-3325
                        robertesnyderjr@gmail.com   Marlene Shupe, 439-5705
                                                                                    Christine Brink 864-0507
                        dsp1750@comcast.net         Maureen Constantinou,
Office Manager                                      212-3900
                                                                                    Hugh Bowman 627-8033
                        msceagles55@gmail.com       Lois Ambrosia, 871-5371         Dennis Creamer 671-2134

New Members/            kim@smdmcc.org
Hospitality                                         Lizbeth Alicea, 569-9691        Deacon Mike Moody 447-0044
maria@smdmcc.org        denise@smdmcc.org
                                                    Kim Cazzaniga, 931-8710
                        Lizbeth@smdmcc.org                                          Tony Gasparino, FN 864-8706
                                                    E.Y Walters, 986-1163
Music Director/Youth    willsenger@comcast.net
Ministry                                                                            Patrick Mulvihill, GK 586-3398
kim@smdmcc.org          eywalter@gmail.com
                                                    Ginette Consentino, 586-6865    Mike Coyle, 283-4736
                                                    Sue McBride, 956-9012           Deacon Mike Moody, 439-2791
Parish Secretary
jean@smdmcc.org                                     Robert Hile, chefhile@att.net   John Bangert, 246-2970
                                                    Jeannie Johnson, 986-7205       Linda Kuepper, 693-4806
Administrative          karibul@cfl.rr.com
Assistant                                           Yvonne Briggs, 439-6750
christine@smdmcc.org                                Steven Neyer, 215-527-7411
                                                    Janice Berreth, 597-2344
Maintenance             letgoa52@aol.com
Supervisor                                          Patricia Quinn, 439-9650
nilton@smdmcc.org       louiscall@aol.com
                                                    Yvonne Briggs, 439-6750
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
"They all ate and were satisfied." Why read the miracle of the multiplica-
tion of the loaves this Sunday? Here we see the mystery of our physical and
spiritual realities intermingling. Too often, they can feel separate. When we
go to Mass, how often we appear more ordinarily human rather than stretch-
ing toward the divine.
   Perhaps our experience of the Eucharist is fairly mundane. We notice
when a new sacramental wine has been selected. We feel the varying
textures of the host and wonder if they'll ever bring back the one that tasted
distinctly like wheat. As we shuffle up to the front and stride back to our pew,
we notice the looks on people's faces and the clothes on their backs. We get
distracted by the crying child, the man blowing his nose, and the mechanical
sound of the air conditioner kicking in. How human we are, how earth-
bound, how material!                                                                 FIRST READING:
   And how good God is for entering into these selfsame realities. How good          "Blessed be God
                                                                                     Most High, who
God is for proclaiming "the kingdom of God," for "heal[ing] those who need-          delivered your foes
ed to be cured," for having mercy on a tired and hungry crowd. How many of           into your hand."
the crowd noticed what had been done for them? Did they realize their                (Gn 14:20a)
dinner was a miracle? How often do we miss the deeper reality of the Eucha-
rist? Even if in the moment of receiving Communion we don't experience               PSALM:
radical ecstasy and don't feel any different, there is a tangible reality to cling   You are a priest for
                                                                                     ever, in the line of
to. Our God loves us enough to become bread for us, not only to feed us but          Melchizedek.
to be fed upon by us.                                                                (Ps 110)
                                                                                     SECOND READING:
                                   Santa Maria del Mar’s                             For as often as you
                                                                                     eat this bread and
                                   Ninth Pastor Named                                drink the cup, you
                                                                                     proclaim the death
                      Father Manny Lopez was a member of the                         of the Lord until he
                      Claretian Fathers before coming to the                         comes.
                      Diocese of St. Augustine. He currently serves                  (1 Cor 11:26)
                      as pastor of Holy Family Parish in Williston, Fl.              GOSPEL:
                      Father Manny will celebrate his first Mass at                  They all ate and
                                                                                     were satisfied.
                      Santa Maria del Mar on July 4, 2019.                           And when the
                                                                                     leftover fragments
                                                                                     were picked up,
                                                                                     they filled twelve
                                                                                     wicker baskets.
                                                                                     (Lk 9:17)

                                                                                     The English translation of
                                                                                     the Psalm Responses
                                                                                     from the Lectionary for
                                                                                     Mass (c) 1969, 1981,
                                                                                     1997, International
 Bishop Estevez has approved Father Jan Ligeza for full-time                         Commission on English in
                                                                                     the Liturgy Corporation.
 academic studies in order to complete his doctorate in sacred                       All rights reserved.
 music for the next 12 months. Father Jan will be leaving to
 continue his studies this month. Please thank him for his ministry
 to us since April. Let us keep Father Jan in our prayers.
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
                        Expectant parents are encouraged            COMMUNION
                        to contact the Parish Office to             This sacrament is normally
                        schedule an appointment to attend           celebrated in the Second Grade (7-
                        the required Baptism Class. Parents         years-old). Children must be
                        must be registered parishioners and         registered in the Faith Formation
                        should be attending Mass regularly.         Program and families must be
                        Baptisms are performed on Sundays           registered parishioners. For more
                        during the 11am Mass.                       information, please contact Denise
                                                                    Collins, denise@smdmcc.org or the
                        SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                 Parish Office.
                        Receiving God’s pardon and peace
                        through the acknowledgment of our           SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION
                        sins, contrition of heart, absolution       This sacrament is normally
                        from sins and doing penance. This           celebrated in the Eighth Grade.
                        sacrament is celebrated every               Candidates must be Baptized, have
                        Saturday from 3-3:45pm or in the            already received sacraments of
                        case of personal needs, you may             Eucharist and Reconciliation and
                        contact the Parish Office to schedule       must be enrolled in the Faith
                        an appointment.                             Formation Program. Families must
                                                                    be registered parishioners. For
                        SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE                       more information, please contact
                        Newly engaged couples must                  Denise Collins, denise@smdmcc.org
                        contact Cari Anne Carrube at the            or the Parish Office.
                        Parish Office at least 8 months prior
                        to their wedding date to ensure             RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION
                        church availability and to begin the        If God has stirred your desire to
                        required marriage preparation               learn more about the Catholic
                        courses. Cari Anne will help with the       Church and its lived faith and
                        initial stages of fulfilling the Church’s   practices and the wish to become
                        requirements for a Christian                full and active participants, Please
                        Marriage.                                   contact the Parish Office to learn
                                                                    more about the process of the RCIA.
                        SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF
                        THE SICK                                    FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS
                        For those who are in need of the            If you need help in making
                        Lord’s sacramental touch and                arrangements for a loved one’s
                        blessing in times of sickness. This         funeral, or would like to pre-plan
                        sacrament is intended for those             your own funeral, the parish staff is
                        who are ill or infirm. Please contact       here to help. Please contact Cari
                        the Parish Office to schedule an            Anne Carrube in the Parish Office,
“They who humble        appointment to celebrate the                cari@smdmcc.org. We will work
themselves shall be     healing rites of the Church with you        together with your funeral home of
exalted….”              and your loved ones.                        choice to prepare a beautiful and
                                                                    fitting liturgical remembrance of
                        HOLY ORDERS                                 your loved one.
“All of us, gazing on   Men and women who wish to find
the Lord’s glory        out more about Religious Life
                        should contact the Parish Office and
with unveiled faces,    speak with the Pastor for more
are being               information.
transformed from
glory to glory into
His very image.”        ATTENTION: The Diocese of St. Augustine treats all allegations of sexual miscon-
                        duct seriously and deals with all allegations in a prompt, confidential and thorough
(Lk 18:14; 2Cor 3:18)   manner. To Report Abuse, call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at (904) 262-
                        3200, ext. 129, or Dept. of Children and Families at 1-800-96-Abuse (800-962-2873).
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
5-6:30pm       Bread of Life Ministry, Hall                8:45am            Morning prayers
  6:30pm         NA meeting, LCPP                            9am               MASS
                                                             9:30am-12pm       Daily Adoration, Chapel
                                                             10am              Legion of Mary, LCMkL
                                                             10am-12pm         Rosary Makers, LCB
  10-11:30am     Centering Prayer, LCJJ                      5:30-7pm          ALANON, LCMkL
  3-6pm          Daily Adoration, Chapel
  3-3:30pm       Divine Mercy Chaplet, Chapel
  5:45pm         Benediction of the Most Blessed
  6pm            MASS                                        3-3:45pm          Sacrament of Reconciliation,
  7-8pm          ALANON, LCPP                                                  Confessional
                                                             4pm               MASS

  8:45am         Morning prayers
  9am            MASS
  9am-6pm        David O’Byrne, LCMt                         9am          MASS
  9:30am-2pm     Weight Watchers, LCJJ, LCB                  10am         Pancake Breakfast sponsored by
  9:30am-12pm    Daily Adoration, Chapel                                  Knights of Columbus, Hall
  10-11am        Bereavement Ministry, LCL                   11am         MASS
  10-11:30am     Scripture Study, Church, All Welcome!       12:15-1:45pm School of Contemplative Prayer,
  12-1pm         ALANON, LCL                                              Chapel
  5-6pm          NEW Lector Training, Church                 2pm          MASS
  6-7:30pm       NEW EM Training, Church                     3-4:30pm     Life Teen, Hall

  8-9:30am       Rotary, Hall
  8:45am         Morning prayers
  9am            MASS
  9:30am-12pm    Daily Adoration, Chapel
  10-11:30am     Overeaters Anonymous, LCMkL
  5:30-7pm       Life Teen Holy Hour, Chapel                     LC is the Learning Center. The following abbreviations
  6-7pm          Environmental Committee, LCBMR                   are for individual rooms within the Learning Center:
  6:30-7:30pm    NA Meeting, LCPP                              PP—Peter & Paul JJ—James & John B—Bartholomew L—Luke
                                                                 Mt—Matthew Mk—Mark BMR—Blessed Mother Room
  7-8:30pm       Social Justice Ministry, LCMkL

                                                                                Monday, June 24
6/25, 6pm    Anna & Salvatore DiModica, Ted Rob
                                                      Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14-15 [14]/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80
                                                                                Tuesday, June 25
6/26, 9am    Diann & John Cospito, Rose Antelis           Gn 13:2, 5-18/Ps 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5 [1b]/Mt 7:6, 12-14
                                                                              Wednesday, June 26
6/27, 9am    Connie Scott, Ray Masbad,                 Gn 15:1-12, 17-18/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Mt 7:15-20
             Peter Merrill (sp.int.)                                           Thursday, June 27
                                                                    Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 or 16:6b-12, 15-16/
6/28, 9am    Jimenez Family (blessing), John Ernst                 Ps 106:1b-2, 3-4a, 4b-5 [1b]/Mt 7:21-29
                                                                                 Friday, June 28
6/29, 4pm    Pat Federico (bday), Barry Stokes        Ez 34:11-16/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1]/Rom 5:5b-11/Lk 15:3-7
                                                                               Saturday, June 29
6/30, 9am    Betty Wang, Alfred L. Maurer II          Vigil: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [5a]/Gal 1:11-20/Jn 21:15-19.
                                                     Day: Acts 12:1-11/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [5]/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/
6/30, 11am   For Our Parish Family                                                Mt 16:13-19
                                                                                Sunday, June 30
6/30, 2pm    Lewis Forte, Jim James                       1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 [cf. 5a]/
                                                                           Gal 5:1, 13-18/Lk 9:51-62
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
Heal us, Lord, and we shall be healed; save us, and we shall be saved; for it is You we
                                         praise. Send relief and healing for all our diseases, our sufferings and our wounds; for
                                         You are a merciful and faithful healer. Blessed are You Lord, who heals the sick.
                                            Pat Albert                    Linda Geiger                 Laura O’Shea
                                            Blake Alberto                 James Green                  Joan P.
                                            Lora Almeida                  Roger Gronert                Jeffrey Perez
                                            Pat Almeida                   Susan Gronert                Whitney Pirnat
                                            Maria Amaral                  Stephen Gubicza              Edward Ranieri
                                            Michelle Barrett              Steve Gubicza                Mary Ann Reddin
                                            Tracy Barth                   Denise Gubicza               Regine
                                            Ivan Berke                    Marian Harrington            David Rodgers
                                            Jackie Berry                  Mark Hefrich                 Katie Rodgers
                                            Mary Ann Betz                 Joyce Hoffman                Carlie Ross
                                            Victor Bordonaro              Kim                          Eileen Ruddy
                                            Paulino Botelho               Jackie Kuka                  Karl Rupp
                                            Howard “Howie” Bowe           James T. Lainge              John Rybacki
                                            Mary Bowe                     Vicki LaMar                  Amanda Schark
                                            Bryon Campbell                Fr. Kaz Ligeza               Jo Schwankl
                                            Ken Capitano                  Louie                        Brooke Stevens
                                            Roger Carey Dellis Sr.        Ma Family                    Louis Raymond
                                            Roger Carey Dellis Jr.        Beverly Maggio                Stevens
                                            Bruce Carey                   Sam Maggio                   Gina Stokes
                                            Larry Caruso                  Dina Mancuso                 Beth Sullivan
   Col. Andrew Morgado (US                 Ryan Cavanaugh                Frank Mancuso                Jennifer Taylor
    Army)                                   Gerald Chabon                 TR Mancuso                   Juan Karlos Teron
    Jay Matthews (US Navy)                                                                                Dave Torma
                                             Joe Chiarello                  Evangelina Mandel
                                                                                                    
    Sgt. Benjamin Wurtz (US
                                                                                                          Elaine Torma

    Army/Ft. Hood, TX)                      Maria Cino                    Sammy Mangali             
   Honor Otmar (US Air Force)              Delia Rios Cortez             Bill Mania                   Lucille Toto
   Matthew Callegari (USCG)                Mike Coyle                    Kenneth Maple                Jennifer Triano
   Jayson Trucksess (US Navy)              Cicilia de Romero             James McMonagle              Miguel Vega
   Chief Gregory Worman (US                Maria Deausen                 Vivian McMonagle             Marie Waehler
    Navy)                                   Larry Doege                   Tom McNally                  Diedre Williamson
   Joshua Raffaele (USMC)                  Donna                         Giorgio Meloni               Jack Wittwer
   Rachel Mincey (US Navy)                 Greg Everett                  Nancy Miller                 Carol Woodard
   LCDR Brandon Aten (USCG)                Joanna Faustino               Dana Montalto
   Joseph Otmar (USMC)                     Tony Favara                   Deacon Mike Moody
   Casey Henrikson (US Navy)               Lydia Fernandez               Jennyfer Muller
   Chad M.R. Schuch (US Air                Steven Fitzgerald             Mary Ann Murphy
    Force)                                  Jeff Gearhart                 Toni Ann Musselman
   Emma J. Schuch (US Navy)
   Lt. Col. Daniel O’Connor
   Sgt. Sean Collins (US Army)
   Michael Martins (USMC)
If you have a family member in the
military and would like us to pray for                                               Receive, Lord, in tranquility and
them, call the parish office to have
their name added to the bulletin, or                                                 peace, the souls of your servants who
email your request to Christine Sudano                                               have departed out of this present life
at christine@smdmcc.org.                                                             to be with you. Give them the life that
Please advise when a person above is                                                 knows no age, the good things that do
no longer deployed so we can remove
their name from our list. God bless                                                  not pass away; through Jesus Christ
them all & continue to pray for them!                                                our Lord.
                                                      Maria Dias                                Violet Drexler
                                                    Alex Decarvalho                                Ted Roy
                                                     Mary Causey                                Gary Medeiros
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
In today’s Gospel, Luke reminds us that there is enough food in
  the world to feed us all … and there will be leftovers! Yet we
  know that there are people, hungry and starving, in our own
  communities. What can we do? As good stewards, we find ways
  to donate what we can and to work with organizations like St.
  Vincent de Paul to share our resources. As good stewards, we
  can look for opportunities on mission trips or working with
  Habitat. As good stewards, we can teach our children not to be
  wasteful of anything and to be careful ourselves.

                                                                                     Your offering of as little as one
                                                                                     hour’s wage will help us meet
                                                                                     our daily needs.

                                                                                                June 8-9
                                                                                     GENERAL OFFERTORY
                                                                                     COLLECTION: $13,103.00
                                                                                     ONLINE GIVING: $ 2,435.00
                                                                                     WEEKLY TOTAL: $15,538.00

   When we think of things that bring us comfort, we often remember a
blanket, a doll, or toy we had as a small child. As adults, we feel that way
about our Rosaries. We reach for them when a family member gets ill, a child
has a big test or competition, a job opportunity presents itself, or we just want   Please be aware that
to feel the comfort of the beads. What a blessing to be able to make and offer
this comfort to others. At SMDM this ministry has been active for 14 years.         Santa Maria Del Mar
   Because of this ministry, thousands of Rosaries have been made and               parish, Father Tim and
supplied to missions around the world, hospitals, hospice, military members         the staff do not request
overseas, as well as other parishes and parishioners. People make Rosaries
while sitting in Adoration or watching TV or visiting with friends in our           money through email or
Learning Center at 10am on Friday mornings. Rosaries have been made for             text. Such requests are
new priests and Bishops, for grandparents, and confirmation students.               scams. If you ever receive
Making a Rosary can be soothing or spark your creative side as you choose
the colors and beads, crosses, and medals to make yours unique. There are
                                                                                    such an email delete it
no regular meetings or requirements to belong. Few things are treasured             immediately or call the
more by Catholics than their Rosaries. Pat Quinn is ready to teach you and          office (439-2791) first to
supply all materials. Call Pat to get involved once or for a lifetime: 386-439-     confirm its legitimacy.
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
Food donation bags will be
                                     distributed after each Mass on
                                     the last weekend of each
                                     month. Please remember to
                                     bring your filled food donation
                                     bags back to the Gathering
                                     Area the following weekend        2019 Food Donation Dates
                                     (first weekend of each month).    July 11, August 1, September 5,
                                     Thank you for your generosity!    October 3, October 31,
                                                                       December 5
Last Sunday of the month
after 9 am Mass
The Knights of Columbus
sponsors a Pancake Breakfast         The Church’s
                                     response to                       We serve supper to the
(includes omelets and                                                  homeless and people
sausage). Come join us!              donating brand new
                                     socks has been                    struggling financially, on
                                     fantastic and greatly             Mondays from 5-6:30 pm in
                                     needed! Some of the               the Parish Hall. Our many
                                     places the socks have gone to     homeless guests need your
                                     are: The Cold Weather Shelter,    help. DONATIONS NEEDED
                                     Salvation Army, DAV for           PLEASE. Camping tents, men’s
                                     Veterans, Bread of Life           and women’s socks,
                                     Community Supper, Halifax         toothpaste, toothbrushes,
                                     Urban Ministry in Daytona, St.    toilet paper, bars of soap.
                                     Vincent de Paul, and the Kite     Donations may be delivered to
                                     Shop at the beach is passing      the Parish Office. For
                                     them out to the homeless          information or to volunteer,
                                     down by the pier. Please keep     please call or text Barbara
Join us for First Saturday Mass      up the wonderful job of           Zaleski at 727-207-1831 or
at 9am in the Chapel. The            donating brand new socks for      email bzaleski90@gmail.com
monthly Mass will be a devotion                                        or Drew Hoffman at 386-562-
to the Blessed Virgin Mary.          men, women and children!

Second Saturday & Sunday of
the month after each Mass.
This sacrament is offered in
accordance with the direction
given by Vatican II. Specifically,
the emphasis is on healing and
strengthening rather than the
forgiving of sins. It is meant for
those suffering emotional,
physical, spiritual sicknesses;
abused people; those going
into surgery, etc.
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
The BeFriender Ministry at Santa
Maria del Mar is a lay pastoral care     Every third Tuesday
program where trained volunteers         (no meetings for the summer,                           June 24
provide a listening presence to                                                       Logan Cobb, Ashlynn Elliott,
others by entering into a caring
                                         our next meeting will be
                                         October 15), Learning Center/               Betty Gailliot, Thomas Gailliot,
relationship with those in need,
providing emotional and spiritual        Matthew Room, 7-8:30pm                     Marcia Leslie, Frank Maggipinto,
support.                                 “We have to find a way to help                Alexis Nixon, Megan Rhee,
   Information shared between            parents stand by their son or             Larry Smyntek, Theresa Stuckey,
BeFrienders and those they               daughter.” - Pope Francis                 Marcella Warner, Zachary Warner,
befriend is strictly confidential.       A ministry dedicated to providing an                Brian Woodlief
BeFriender Ministry volunteers are       environment of compassionate
screened and trained and receive         listening and support for parents                      June 25
on-going support through the             who have children with a                   Geraldine Dolan, Efren Mallada,
BeFriender Leaders.                      homosexual orientation. All                 Emma Minn, Amanda Smith,
   If you need a BeFriender visit,       conversations are protected by the         Quinn Throne, Brittany Woodlief
would like to suggest a BeFriender       guidelines of Christian
for someone else, are interested in      confidentiality. Family Members                        June 26
becoming a BeFriender volunteer, or      Welcome! Please contact Karyn                Al Beyer, Michael Boullion,
simply have questions about the          Jacobs at 386-503-1710. You may            Nancy Magee, Kenneth Moffa,
BeFriender Ministry, please contact      also email icanletgo@gmail.com.            Alexandra Perez, James Peters,
Jeannie Johnson in the parish office                                                       Maria Rodriguez
at email jean@smdmcc.org or office
phone (386) 439-2791.                                                                           June 27
                                         The Centering Prayer ministry is             Brian Alson, Antonio Amaral,
                                         dedicated to fostering the process of     Jim Bryan, Virginia Dunn-Mulligan,
Every Friday at                          transformation in Christ through the         Robert Falvey, Karen Francis,
10 am in the LC, Bartholomew             practices of the Centering Prayer,        Christina Gillin, Cynthia Habbinga,
                                         Lectio Divina, reflection/sacred            Loretta Haehn, Heather Harris,
Room                                     sharing, and enrichment
This ministry makes                                                                    Laurie Hughes, Elinor Lyall,
                                         experiences. Centering Prayer is
and provides rosaries                                                              John Robinson, Shannon Santore,
                                         simply a wordless, trusting opening
for the Missions and                     of self to the divine presence. While
                                                                                      Russell Smith, Lucas Wiltfong
for parish family                        it is about the simplest form of
members. Rosary-                         prayer there is, it allows us to get in                June 28
making supplies are                      touch with our natural intimacy with       Lisset Arroyo, Melissa Bentley,
furnished, and                           God deep within us that often gets         Linda Botelho, Trey deLeon III.,
beginners are given                      lost in the busyness of life. Weekly        Zane Dixon, Thomas Driscoll,
instructions in how to                   Centering Prayer sessions are held in        Peter Hilton III, Ryan Little,
make a rosary.                           the Learning Center. If you are                 Jonathan McDonnell,
Contact Pat Quinn at                     interested in learning more, we are        Giuseppe Moro, Joshua Myers,
386-439-9650.                                                                       Angel Nieves, Kerry O’Connell,
                                                                                      Noah Palumbo, James Scott

Dear friends … As you recall, at our last meeting, we decided to take the                       June 29
summer off. Many of you have already purchased your books, The Spirit of the          Pat Federico, Nikolas Matulj,
Liturgy by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger and would like to continue with our study        Lily Murphy, George Murray,
of this book as our formation tool. Please consider the following two questions     Lindsay Sagala, Stephanie Stead,
as you continue with your reading :                                                        Kristine Thompson
1. What message was Cardinal Ratzinger trying to convey?
2. How has this message influenced your personal experience of the liturgy?                     June 30
                                                                                     Shelby Beck, Mary Ann Cavallo,
  Our next meeting will be at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14 in the                Dennis Creamer, Vanessa Dacosta,
Church. We will discuss Part 1, the Essence of Liturgy, Pages 1 through 64.           Albert Di Croce, Luke Ferrer,
  As many of you have suggested, we will break into small groups to study the      Mary Anne Gustafson, Kacie Jones,
above 2 questions and then have a general discussion with the entire group.         John McKeown, Suzanne McNeill,
  On Wednesday, November 13 at 5 p.m., we will meet to discuss Part 2, Time            Stephanie Peeples, Edward
and Space in the Liturgy, pages 67 to 125.                                            Reardon, Gregg Schumacher
  Hopefully we'll conclude the study with our meetings in February and May
next year. Thank you all for your dedicated service and may you all have a
blessed summer and may God continue to bless our Parish family.
JUNE 23, 2019 - cloudfront.net
The U.S. Senate recently failed to pass the Born-Alive
                                   Abortion Survivors Protection Act—legislation that prohibits
                                   infanticide by ensuring that a child born alive following an
                                   attempted abortion would receive the same degree of care
                                   to preserve her or his life and health as would be given to
                                   any other child born alive at the same gestational age. Please
                                   join us in prayer for an end to infanticide:

                                        Jesus, Lord of life, transform the hearts of all
                                        elected leaders to recognize that infanticide
                                        is wrong and must not be tolerated. Open
                                        hearts and minds to recognize and defend
                                        the precious gift of every human life.

   4751 E. Moody Blvd., Ste 5,     Learn Natural Family Planning (NFP) at home and at your own
       Bunnell, FL 32110
                                   pace with the Home Study Course from NFP International,
     Phone: 386-586-0210           nfpandmore.org. Includes Ecological Breastfeeding (it really can
 Free pregnancy tests, infant &    space babies), a double-check system of fertility awareness,
   maternity clothes, diapers,     and Catholic teaching that’s easy to understand. Work with an
formula, parenting classes, post   instructor by email. Completion certificate, only $70.
 -abortion support, adoption &
  social services referrals, and
referrals for Medicaid and WIC.
There is no need to feel alone
 when real help is available
    during an unplanned
 pregnancy. Caring Choices
  at (866) 901-9641 offers         Our parish’s Catholic Minis-
  help through counseling,         try at the Flagler County
  support, education, and          Detention Facility provides
   resources. This is one          needed pastoral care for
 decision not to face alone!
                                   inmates in the county jail. We are currently seeking a few
Struggling with emotional or       additional male volunteers to serve the male inmates. The most
 spiritual pain following an       important qualifications are a spirit of compassion and a calling
abortion? Rachel’s Vineyard        to bring Christ in Word and Sacrament to the incarcerated. Prior
 is a post-abortion healing        training as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is
ministry that will lovingly help   desirable, but not necessary. Volunteers must be year-round
 to transform your pain to         local residents. The time commitment is small: a few hours every
hope and reconciliation. For       other month.
more info call (904) 221-3232
 Please join the Respect Life      If you think you might be interested in this ministry and would
 Ministry every first Friday to    like more information, please contact John Bangert at 301-318-
    say the Rosary for Life.       6832; astrodude9000@gmail.com.
   We will start at 8:30 am,
 right before the 9 am Mass.             “For I was in prison and you visited me.”
                                                             (Matthew 25)
Diocese of St. Augustine
                                       Parent/Guardian Medical Release Form

Child’s Name:_________________________________________________Date of Birth:___________________

Parent/Guardian Name:______________________________________________________________________

Home Address:_____________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone:__________________________________Cell Phone:___________________________________

Name of Diocesan Entity:___________SANTA MARIA DEL MAR_______________________________________

MEDICAL MATTERS: I hereby warrant that to the best of my knowledge, my child is in good health and I assume all
responsibility for the health of my child.

(Of the following statements pertaining to medical matters, sign only in accordance with your wishes.)

EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT: In the event of an emergency, I hereby give permission to the above names
Diocesan entity’s employees, volunteers or representatives to seek medical treatment for my child names above.

In the event of an emergency, if you are unable to reach me at the above numbers, contact:

Name and Relationship________________________________________________Phone__________________

Family Doctor________________________________________________________Phone_________________

Family Health Plan Carrier______________________________________________Policy #________________

I make the following exceptions________________________________________________________________


Medical Problem or Condition (allergies,diabetes)_________________________________________________


Physical Disabilities_________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________           _________________________________________
    Signature of Parent/Guardian                Date

OTHER MEDICAL TREATMENT: In the event it comes to the attention of the above names Diocesan entity’s volunteer or
representative, that my child becomes ill with symptoms such as headache, vomiting, sore throat, fever or diarrhea, I
hereby give permission for over-the-counter medication to be administered to my child according to directions.

_____________________________________           _________________________________________
    Signature of Parent/Guardian                Date
   lifeteensmdm
          thelampsmdm
          The-Light-Santa-Maria-



Life Nights/Social Media:
       Angela Young
       Lizbeth Alicea
Registration and MORE:
     Kim Cazzaniga
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