Justice40 Opportunities - INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT - Green New Deal Network

Justice40 Opportunities - INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT - Green New Deal Network
         Justice40 Opportunities
         What is Justice40?
         Last year the Biden administration launched a government-wide Justice40 Initiative
         with a goal to deliver 40% of the benefits of federal climate change-related investments
         to disadvantaged communities. This is an unprecedented opportunity to invest in
         largely Black, Brown, Indigenous, and low-income communities that have been
         disproportionately harmed by climate change and longstanding environmental
         injustices. Disadvantaged communities will be identified and mapped through the Climate
         and Economic Justice Screening Tool, which will help agencies guide investments and
         deliver benefits to disadvantaged communities.

         What is IIJA?
         In November 2021, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
         (IIJA) into law, which will put $1.2 trillion into communities over the next decade.
         There are billions of dollars that states and local governments can access for programs in
         clean energy, clean transportation, green buildings, workforce development, grid and
         transmissions updates, recycling, and clean water. The IIJA was not designed to achieve
         the Biden administration’s climate commitments, but it does provide funding for programs
         that will help reduce emissions and prepare communities to be resilient against climate
         impacts. The IIJA will be the Biden administration’s first test at directing investments to
         disadvantaged communities while driving down emissions and protecting communities from
         the impacts of climate change.

         What’s At Stake?
         State and local governments will be in control of the majority of IIJA funds, which could
         lead to huge benefits for communities by upgrading infrastructure and directly reducing
         pollution. But without deep engagement from communities the IIJA funds could
         be invested into programs that would solidify our reliance on fossil fuels. Local
         governments, states, Tribes and territories must be prepared to apply for IIJA
         funds and invest them in projects that will support and protect the most vulnerable
         communities. The programs listed below will help reduce the impacts of climate change
         while supporting communities through the Justice40 Initiative goal to provide 40% of
         climate and clean energy related investments to disadvantaged communities.

To see Justice40 opportunities,
go to gndn.us/justice40.
Justice40 Opportunities - INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT - Green New Deal Network
Justice40 Opportunities in the
 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

 Clean Energy
In 2021, President Biden established the Justice40 Initiative which set a goal to deliver 40%
of the benefits of federal climate change related investments to disadvantaged communities.
The $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be the first opportunity
to implement the Justice40 Initiative by investing in communities that have been most
impacted by pollution to support a transition towards clean energy and off of fossil fuels.

Energy Storage and Demonstration Projects
PILOT                    These projects fund two energy                Funds Available: $83.75M per year for
PROGRAM:                 storage demonstration projects that           the pilot program through 2025, $37.5M

                         will lead to more zero emissions              per year for the long duration program
                         energy and less air pollution: Energy         through 2025
                         Storage Demonstration Project
LONG-DURATION            Pilot Program and a Long Duration             Funding Type: Competitive grants
PROGRAM:                 Demonstration Initiative and                  or cooperative agreements

                         Joint Program. Expanding energy
                         storage technologies is critical to           Who Can Apply: States, Tribes,
                         provide clean, reliable energy to all         utilities, universities
                         communities by 2035.
                                                                       Timeline: Estimated application
                         More info >>
                                                                       opening date 3rd quarter 2022

Industrial Emissions Demonstration Projects

                         These projects fund technology                Funds Available: $100M for 2022
                         development and research in
                         emissions reductions in the industrial        Funding Type: Competitive,
                         and manufacturing sectors.                    cooperative agreement
                         Demonstration projects will reduce            Who Can Apply: Higher education
                         emissions and improve air quality.            institutions, NGOs, national
                         More info >>                                  laboratories, scientists, private
                                                                       entities and consortiums, State
                                                                       and local governments,
                                                                       environmental groups and CBOs

                                                                       Timeline: Estimated application
                                                                       opening date 2nd quarter 2022
Justice40 Opportunities - INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT - Green New Deal Network
Justice40 | IIJA | Clean Energy                                                                 2

Renewable Energy Projects
GEOTHERMAL:      These projects fund renewable        Funds Available: $21M per year for

                 energy demonstration projects        geothermal projects through 2025, $25M per
                 for geothermal, wind and solar       year for wind energy projects through 2025,
                 energy, leading to higher energy     $20M per year for solar energy projects
                 efficiency, lower energy costs and   through 2025
                 will ultimately reduce emissions.

$25M             More info >>                         Funding Type: Competitive, cooperative

SOLAR ENERGY:                                         Who Can Apply: Higher education

                                                      institutions, national laboratories, federal
                                                      and state research agencies, Tribes,
                                                      nonprofit research organizations, and
                                                      industrial entities.

                                                      Timeline: Estimated application
                                                      opening date 2nd quarter 2022

Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan
Fund Capitalization Grant Program
TOTAL:           This program directs the             Funds Available: $250M total,

                 Department of Energy to              $15M maximum per state
                 establish a fund to provide
                 capitalization grants to states,     Funding Type: Competitive grants
                 who will then establish their own    Who Can Apply: States
                 revolving grant or loan programs

$15M             to provide energy audits and
                 retrofits. These retrofits and
                 energy audits will reduce energy
                                                      Timeline: TBD

                 bills and electricity demand.
                 More info >>
Justice40 Opportunities - INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT - Green New Deal Network
Justice40 Opportunities in the
 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

 Clean Transportation
In 2021, President Biden established the Justice40 Initiative which set a goal to deliver 40%
of the benefits of federal climate change related investments to disadvantaged communities.
The $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be the first opportunity
to implement the Justice40 Initiative by investing in communities that have been most
impacted by pollution to support a transition towards clean energy and off of fossil fuels.

Clean School Bus Program

                     Provides grants and rebates for              Funds Available: $1B each year through
                     the replacement of school buses              2026, half of funds are for zero emissions
                     with clean or zero-emissions school          school buses and half are for clean school
                     buses. Priority will be given to             buses
                     replace school buses that serve high
                     need schools, rural and low income           Funding Type: Competitive grants
                     areas and bureau funded schools.             and rebates
                     Zero and low emissions school buses
                     will protect student and community           Who Can Apply: States and municipalities,
                     health as transportation emissions           nonprofit school transportation
                     contribute to poor air quality,              associations, eligible contractors,
                     harming disadvantaged communities            Tribes, Tribal organizations
                     the most. More info >>
                                                                  Timeline: Applications available
                                                                  spring 2022

Electric or Low Emitting Ferry Pilot Program

                     Provides grants for states to                Funds Available: $50M each year
                     purchase electric and alternative            through 2026
                     fuel ferries reducing pollution
                     and improving air quality for                Funding Type: Competitive grants
                     communities that rely on ferry
                                                                  Who Can Apply: TBD
                     transportation. More info >>
                                                                  Timeline: Notice of funding opportunity
                                                                  expected in spring 2022
Justice40 Opportunities - INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT - Green New Deal Network
Justice40 | IIJA | Clean Transportation                                                       2

Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities

             Provides funding for states and territories      Funds Available: $5.1 billion
             to integrate zero and low emissions buses
             and related infrastructure, and develop          Funding Type: Mix of formula
             zero emissions transition plans. There is        and competitive grants
             also funding for workforce development.
                                                              Who Can Apply: States, local
             Transitioning to zero emissions buses will
             benefit low income communities as they rely      governments and Territories
             on public transportation the most and bear       Timeline: First quarter 2022
             the greatest burden of pollution. More info >>

Low or No Emissions Bus Program

             Helps states and local governments purchase      Funds Available: $5.6B
             low or zero emissions buses as well as
             construction and development of related          Funding Type: Competitive
             infrastructure. This program will help reduce    grants
             transportation related air pollution and         Who Can Apply: States and
             emissions. More info >>                          local governments

                                                              Timeline: Funding allocations
                                                              will be announced in spring

Surface Transportation Block Grant Program

             Funds projects that preserve and improve         Funds Available: $72B
             conditions on federal highways, bridges,         through 2026
             tunnels, public roads, pedestrian and bicycle
             infrastructure, intercity bus terminals and      Funding Type: Formula grant
             capital projects. These funds can now be         Who Can Apply: States
             used for electric vehicle equipment and
             vehicle to grid infrastructure, as well as       Timeline: First round of
             expansion of resilience features on roadways.    funding released in December
             While these funds may be applied to highway      2021, next round in October
             expansion projects, they would better serve      2022
             communities by investing in low and zero
             emissions infrastructure expansion projects
             to reduce congestion and improve air quality.
Justice40 Opportunities - INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT - Green New Deal Network
Justice40 | IIJA | Clean Transportation                                                         3

Congestion Mitigation and
Air Quality Improvement Program

                 Funds transportation projects that             Funds Available: $13.2B
                 reduce traffic congestion and improve
                 air quality, with a focus on areas of the      Funding Type: Formula grant
                 country that do not meet air quality           Who Can Apply: States
                 standards. These funds can now be used
                 to expand micro mobility, and for the          Timeline: First round of funding
                 purchase of zero emissions medium and          was released in December 2021,
                 heavy duty vehicles. More info >>              next round in October 2022

Prioritization Process Pilot Program
PER YEAR::       Supports data-driven approaches to             Funds Available: $10M per year

                 transportation planning for accessible         through 2026, $2M
                 public transportation and long term            per applicant
                 transportation planning. Public
                 transportation is ineffective if not           Funding Type: Competitive grants
                 accessible or if it does not connect

                                                                Who Can Apply: Metropolitan
                 people to the right places. This program       Planning Organizations, States
                 has the potential to increase transit
                 accessibility and reduce emissions             Timeline: TBD
                 through adoption of more public
                 transportation services. More info >>

Grants for Charging and Fueling Infrastructure
MAXIMUM:         Funds publicly accessible electric             Funds Available: $1.25B,

                 vehicle charging infrastructure, with          maximum $15M per applicant
                 priority given to rural areas and low and
                 moderate income neighborhoods and              Funding Type: Competitive grants
                 communities with low rates of private          Who Can Apply: States,
                 parking. To transition to electric vehicles,

                                                                metropolitan planning
                 charging stations must be available and        organizations, local
                 accessible as many people do not have          governments, Tribes, territories
                 the ability to charge a vehicle in their
                 home. More info >>                             Timeline: Notice of funding
                                                                opportunity will be published
                                                                in 2022
Justice40 Opportunities - INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT - Green New Deal Network
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Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities

                 Reduces truck idling at port facilities      Funds Available: $50M per year
                 and will require a study on port             through 2026
                 electrification. Many ports are located
                 near environmental justice communities       Funding Type: Competitive grants
                 who suffer from heavy-duty trucking
                                                              Who Can Apply: not specified
                 air pollution. Due to pandemic-related
                 supply challenges, some ports now            Timeline: On hold, pending a
                 operate overnight or 24-hour shifts,         full-year budget
                 causing additional harm to communities.
                 Electrifying ports and trucks that
                 service ports will reduce air pollution
                 and negative health outcomes for port
                 adjacent communities.

Carbon Reduction Program

                 Reduces transportation emissions by          Funds Available: $6.4B
                 funding projects that monitor, manage
                 and control traffic including advanced       Funding Type: Competitive grants
                 truck stop systems, public transportation
                                                              Who Can Apply: States
                 projects and planning and construction
                 of pedestrian and bike trails and electric   Timeline: First round of funds
                 vehicle equipment.                           apportioned in December 2021, but
                                                              new funding is subject to a new
                                                              budget appropriation

Congestion Relief Program
TOTAL:           Provides grants for projects that will       Funds Available: $250M, with

                 relieve congestion in urban areas in ways    grants of no less than $10M
                 that reduce environmental costs and
                 increase the use of alternative transit      Funding Type: Competitive grants
                 systems. Priority will be given to urban
MINIMUM GRANT:                                                Who Can Apply: States, local and
                 areas with high recurrent congestion.

$10M             This funding provides an opportunity for
                 congested communities to expand transit
                 systems and low or zero emissions
                                                              regional entities, metropolitan
                                                              planning organizations

                                                              Timeline: TBD
                 alternatives to cars.
Justice40 Opportunities - INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT - Green New Deal Network
Justice40 | IIJA | Clean Transportation                                                       5

Healthy Streets Program

               Funds projects in underserved           Funds Available: $500M, maximum
               communities with environmental          $15M per applicant
               hazards to mitigate urban heat
               islands and improve air quality         Funding Type: Competitive grants
               and stormwater runoff and flood
APPLICANT:                                             Who Can Apply: Local governments,
               risks. Programs may include green

$15M           infrastructure, porous pavements,
               and expanded tree cover.
               More info >>
                                                       Tribes, metropolitan planning organizations,

                                                       Timeline: TBD by the Secretary of


               The Promoting Resilient Operations      Funds Available: $8.7B, with $7.3B in
               for Transformative, Efficient           formula funding distributed to states and
               and Cost-Saving Transportation          $1.4B in competitive grants to states and
               program provides funds for              local governments
               resilience improvements to protect
               transportation systems from             Funding Type: Mix of competitive grants
               natural disasters and weather           and formula funds
               events. Protecting transportation
               systems from degradation and            Who Can Apply: States, local governments
               severe weather is critical so that
                                                       Timeline: First round of funds apportioned
               communities can continue to safely
                                                       in December 2021, and the next round of
               commute to school and work and
               have safe evacuation routes if          funding will not be distributed until a new
               needed. More info >>                    budget is established

Tribal Transportation Program

               Supports projects that provide safe     Funds Available: $2.9B
               and adequate transportation and
               public road access to and within        Funding Type: Formula grants
               Indian reservations, Tribal lands and
                                                       Who Can Apply: federally recognized
               Alaska Native Village communities.
                                                       Tribal governments
               This will help reliably connect
               Native communities with expanded        Timeline: Funds expected to be available
               job, resource and educational           in early 2022
Justice40 | IIJA | Clean Transportation                                                       6

Rural and Tribal Infrastructure Advancement

               Provides assistance to rural and      Funds Available: $1.6M for 2022,
               Tribal communities for financial,     increasing by $2M each fiscal year
               technical and legal assistance with
               the development and evaluation        Funding Type: Competitive grants
               of transportation projects.
                                                     Who Can Apply: States, local
               Rural and Tribal communities
               often lack affordable, consistent     governments, Tribes
               transportation access. This           Timeline: Pilot program TBA by May 14,
               program will provide assistance to
                                                     2022, 180 days after bill enactment
               improve transportation networks.
               More info >>
Justice40 Opportunities in the
 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

 Green Buildings
In 2021, President Biden established the Justice40 Initiative which set a goal to deliver 40%
of the benefits of federal climate change related investments to disadvantaged communities.
The $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be the first opportunity
to implement the Justice40 Initiative by investing in communities that have been most
impacted by pollution to support a transition towards clean energy and off of fossil fuels.

Cost Effective Codes Implementation
for Efficiency and Resilience

                         Directs the Department of Energy to           Funds Available: $45M per year
                         provide grants to states to implement         through 2026
                         updated building codes and includes
                         training for builders, contractors            Funding Type: Competitive grants
                         and construction workers. Updating
                                                                       Who Can Apply: States
                         building codes to require energy
                         efficiency measures will lead to              Timeline: Applications expected to
                         reduced energy demand, saving                 open by end of 2022
                         communities money over time.
                         More info >>

Energy Efficiency Improvements and
Renewable Energy at Public Schools

                         Provides grants for energy                    Funds Available: $500M
                         improvements at public schools,
                         including installation of alternative         Funding Type: Competitive grants
                         fuel vehicle infrastructure and
                                                                       Who Can Apply: Public schools,
                         procuring alternative fuel vehicles.
                                                                       Nonprofits, Educational Agencies
                         These funds will allow energy savings
                         and reduced energy demand in                  Timeline: Applications expected
                         schools. More info >>                         open
                                                                       in fall 2022
Justice40 | IIJA | Green Buildings                                                               2

Energy Efficient Materials Pilot Program

                Provides grants to nonprofits to install         Funds Available: $50M,
                systems or equipment that reduces energy         maximum $200K for each grant
                and fuel use. Nonprofit organizations can
                be critical links between communities            Funding Type: Competitive
MAX PER                                                          grants
                and resources, this program will provide
                nonprofits with the physical materials

$200K           needed to support communities in reducing
                energy consumption and pollution.
                More info >>
                                                                 Who Can Apply: Nonprofit

                                                                 Timeline: Estimated application
                                                                 opening date 1st quarter 2023

Weatherization Assistance Program

                Reduces heating and cooling costs for            Funds Available: $3.5B
                low income homeowners and renters by
                increasing energy efficiency and improving       Funding Type: Formula grants
                the health and safety of the home. The
                                                                 Who Can Apply: States, Tribes
                Weatherization Assistance Program also
                supports weatherization related jobs.            Timeline: Estimated first
                More info >>                                     round of funds released in 1st
                                                                 quarter 2022

Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Block Grant Program

                Funds communities for projects on energy         Funds Available: $550M
                conservation and efficiency, renewable           one-time appropriation
                energy and zero emissions transportation
                and infrastructure. These funds will result in   Funding Type: Competitive
                reduced pollution and increased access to        grants
                zero emissions energy resources.
                More info >>                                     Who Can Apply: States,
                                                                 municipalities, territories, Tribes

                                                                 Timeline: First funding
                                                                 opportunity is expected to
                                                                 release in fall 2022
Justice40 Opportunities in the
 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

 Workforce Development
In 2021, President Biden established the Justice40 Initiative which set a goal to deliver 40%
of the benefits of federal climate change related investments to disadvantaged communities.
The $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be the first opportunity
to implement the Justice40 Initiative by investing in communities that have been most
impacted by pollution to support a transition towards clean energy and off of fossil fuels.

Energy Auditor Training Grant Program

                         Provides grants to states for            Funds Available: $40M, maximum $2M
                         workforce training to increase the       per state each year through 2026
                         energy audit workforce. Energy
                         audits help identify opportunities       Funding Type: Competitive grants
                         to conserve energy in a building,

                                                                  Who Can Apply: States
                         and energy auditors are able
                         to have long term sustainable            Timeline: Estimated application opening
                         careers with family sustaining           date 2nd quarter 2022
                         wages. More info >>

Career Skills Training

                         Provides grants to nonprofit             Funds Available: $10M
                         organizations that offer career
                         skills training programs for             Funding Type: Competitive grants
                         energy efficient building
                                                                  Who Can Apply: Nonprofit partnerships
                         technologies, developing the next
                         generation of green buildings            Timeline: Estimated application opening
                         professionals who will prepare           date 1st quarter 2023
                         buildings to be efficient and cost
                         effective in the face of climate
                         change. More info >>
Justice40 | IIJA | Workforce Development                                               2

Water Infrastructure and Workforce Investment

              Accelerates career pipelines and provides   Funds Available: $5M per year
              access to workforce opportunities in        through 2026
              the water infrastructure space. There is
              significant funding available to address    Funding Type: Competitive
              water infrastructure needs around the       grants
              country, and there must be a workforce
              capable of meeting the need. This program   Who Can Apply: States, Tribes
              has been amended to now include Tribes.     Timeline: TBD, the previous
              More info >>
                                                          grant cycle closed in March 2022
Justice40 Opportunities in the
 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

 Grid Infrastructure & Resiliency
In 2021, President Biden established the Justice40 Initiative which set a goal to deliver 40%
of the benefits of federal climate change related investments to disadvantaged communities.
The $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be the first opportunity
to implement the Justice40 Initiative by investing in communities that have been most
impacted by pollution to support a transition towards clean energy and off of fossil fuels.

Preventing Outages and Enhancing
the Resilience of the Electric Grid

                       Provides grants to electric grid            Funds Available: $5B to be used through
                       generators and operators, storage           2026. 50% of funds for grid generators
                       operators and transmission                  and operators, storage operators, and
                       operators to fund activities that           transmission operators, 50% of funds for
                       protect the energy grid from impacts        states and Tribes
                       of extreme weather, wildfires and
                       natural disasters. Making the grid          Funding Type: Combination of competitive
                       resilient to the impacts of climate         and formula grants
                       change is critical for providing
                       reliable and affordable energy to all       Who Can Apply: Grid operators, electric
                       communities. More info >>                   storage operators, grid generators,
                                                                   transmission operators, States, Tribes

                                                                   Timeline: Estimated application opening
                                                                   date 4th quarter 2022

State Energy Program

                       Allows funds for the State Energy           Funds Available: $500M through 2026
                       Program to be used on programs
                       that increase transportation energy         Funding Type: Formula grants
                       efficiency and reduce carbon
                                                                   Who Can Apply: States
                       emissions, and accelerate the use of
                       alternative transportation fuels and        Timeline: Estimated first round of funds
                       electrification. This will allow states     released 2nd quarter 2022
                       to reduce transportation sector
                       emissions, improving air quality and
                       access to zero and low emissions
                       transportation. More info >>
Justice40 | IIJA | Grid Infrastructure & Resiliency                                                2

Electric Grid Reliability and Resilience
Research, Development and Demonstration

               Provides grants to states, Tribes,        Funds Available: $5B, with $1B
               local governments and public utility      specifically for financial assistance to
               commissions to demonstrate new            rural and remote areas
               approaches to improving transmission,
RURAL &                                                  Funding Type: Competitive grants
               storage and distribution infrastructure
AREAS:         to make it more resilient to the
               impacts of climate change. Updates        Who Can Apply: States, Tribes, local
                                                         governments, public utility commissions

               to the grid, transmission and storage
               systems will allow for more reliable
                                                         Timeline: Estimated application opening
               and affordable energy. More info >>
                                                         date 4nd quarter 2022

Deployment of Technologies to Enhance Grid Flexibility

               Provides funding for enhancing grid       Funds Available: $3B through 2026
               flexibility through smart grid systems,
               integration of distributed energy         Funding Type: Competitive grants
               resources, integration of intermittent
                                                         Who Can Apply: Utilities
               generation sources, inclusion of
               vehicle to grid technologies, and         Timeline: Estimated application open
               mitigation of impacts to extreme          by end of 2022
               weather events and natural disasters.
               In order to bring more affordable,
               zero emissions technology online, the
               electric grid will need to be updated
               so that all communities are connected
               to an electric grid. More info >>

Transmission Facilitation Program

               Provides loans for new non-federal        Funds Available: $2.5B available
               electric transmission lines or            until expended
               upgrades of existing transmission
               lines. Upgrading the energy grid is a     Funding Type: Loans, direct financing
               necessary step to be able to provide      or capacity purchase
               affordable zero emissions electricity
               to all communities. More info >>          Who Can Apply: Transmission Developers

                                                         Timeline: TBD
Justice40 Opportunities in the
 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

 Methane Emissions Reduction
In 2021, President Biden established the Justice40 Initiative which set a goal to deliver 40%
of the benefits of federal climate change related investments to disadvantaged communities.
The $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be the first opportunity
to implement the Justice40 Initiative by investing in communities that have been most
impacted by pollution to support a transition towards clean energy and off of fossil fuels.

Orphaned Well Site Plugging,
Remediation and Restoration

                      Provides funding to plug and reclaim        Funds Available: $4.6 B total through 2030.
                      abandoned and orphaned wells,               Maximum of $25 million available to each
                      which will help reduce methane              state in competitive grants for states that
                      pollution. Methane pollution is             apply before May 14. A separate $2B for state
                      a powerful greenhouse gas that              formula grants. Additionally $1.5B for state
                      contributes to our unstable climate
                                                                  performance grants.
                      and is also a health hazard. Cleaning
                      up methane wells will improve the           Funding Type: Combination of competitive
                      air quality of impacted communities         and formula grants
                      and help reduce emissions.
                      More info >>                                Who Can Apply: States and Tribes in
                                                                  addition to direct federal spending

                                                                  Timeline: Initial grant deadline for states
                                                                  May 14, 2022
Justice40 Opportunities in the
 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

In 2021, President Biden established the Justice40 Initiative which set a goal to deliver 40%
of the benefits of federal climate change related investments to disadvantaged communities.
The $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be the first opportunity
to implement the Justice40 Initiative by investing in communities that have been most
impacted by pollution to support a transition towards clean energy and off of fossil fuels.

Consumer Recycling Education
and Outreach Grant Program

                         Provides grants to improve the              Funds Available: $15M per year
                         effectiveness of residential and            through 2026
                         community recycling programs
                         through public education and                Funding Type: Competitive grants
                         outreach. Communities of color
                                                                     Who Can Apply: States, local
                         and low income communities often
                         lack robust recycling programs              governments, Tribes
                         that would help divert waste from           Timeline: TBD
                         landfills. More info >>

Advanced Energy Manufacturing
and Recycling Grant Program

                         Provides grants to small and                Funds Available: $750M
                         medium sized manufacturers
                         to support them in building or              Funding Type: Competitive grants
                         retrofitting manufacturing and
                                                                     Who Can Apply: Small and medium
                         industrial facilities to produce or
                         recycle advanced energy products
                         in communities where coal mines or          Timeline: Estimated application
                         coal power plants have closed.              opening date 3rd quarter 2022
                         More info >>
Justice40 Opportunities in the
 Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

 Clean Water
In 2021, President Biden established the Justice40 Initiative which set a goal to deliver 40%
of the benefits of federal climate change related investments to disadvantaged communities.
The $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will be the first opportunity
to implement the Justice40 Initiative by investing in communities that have been most
impacted by pollution to support a transition towards clean energy and off of fossil fuels.

Assistance for Small and Disadvantaged Communities

                       Provides funds for filtration and lead           Funds Available: $510M through
                       removal and helps connect water systems          2026, $70M available in 2022, $50M
                       in underserved communities. Low income           to states through 2026 for the
                       communities and communities of color             competitive grant pilot program
                       have been plagued by dirty and unsafe
                       drinking water, with serious negative            Funding Type: Competitive grants
                       impacts especially on children. This
                       program will help reduce the danger              Who Can Apply: Owners and
                       disadvantaged communities face from              operators of public water systems,
                       unsafe drinking water. More info >>              nonprofits, individual households,
                                                                        States (under the competitive grant
                                                                        pilot program)

                                                                        Timeline: FY22 grant applications
                                                                        due June 30, 2022

Reducing Lead in Drinking Water

                       Funds the replacement of lead service            Funds Available: $100M per year
                       lines, and prioritizes low income                through 2022, $10M for the pilot
                       homeowners and disadvantaged                     program.
                       communities. It also provides for a
                       lead inventorying utilization grant pilot        Funding Type: Competitive grants
                       program for municipalities where the lead
                       service line content is unknown. There is        Who Can Apply: Nonprofits,
                       no safe level of lead, and lead exposure         qualified entities
                       harms children in particular. This program
                                                                        Timeline: TBD
                       will help reduce lead exposure in drinking
                       water and associated risks. More info >>
Justice40 | IIJA | Clean Water                                                              2

Lead Contamination in School Drinking Water

               Provides grants to states and Tribes      Funds Available: $200M through 2026
               to establish programs for lead testing,   with $30 million available in 2022
               compliance, monitoring and lead
               reduction in schools and childcare        Who Can Apply: States, public water
               programs. This will help prevent          systems, nonprofits, Tribal education
               damage to the brain and nervous           agencies
               systems that are caused when
               children are exposed to lead.             Timeline: TBD
               More info >>

Indian Reservation Drinking Water Program

               Improves water quality services, with     Funds Available: $50M per year
               priority to projects that respond         through 2026
               to emergency situations and those
               that would serve disadvantaged            Who Can Apply: Tribes
               communities, or address factors           Timeline: TBD
               relating to the enforcement of the
               safe drinking water act. More info >>

Clean Water State Revolving Funds

               Provides funds for water quality          Funds Available: $2.4B for 2022
               and infrastructure improvements.
               Climate change threatens the              Who Can Apply: States, Tribes
               stability of water resources as water     Timeline: Applicants apply
               infrastructure becomes vulnerable         through their state revolving
               to extreme weather events and             fund programs
               fluctuations in water availability.
               More info >>
Justice40 | IIJA | Clean Water                                                             3

Grants to Alaska to Improve
Sanitation in Rural and Native Villages

              Provides funds through the Safe           Funds Available: $40M for 2022
              Drinking Water Act to improve
              sanitation in rural and Native villages   Who Can Apply: Alaskan rural localities
              in Alaska. More info >>                   and Native villages

                                                        Timeline: Applications now open

Connection to Publicly Owned Treatment Works

              Provides funds for assistance to cover    Funds Available: $40M each year
              the cost for individuals who want to      through 2026. These funds are
              connect their household systems to        competitive.
              publicly owned treatment works. This
              will help increase the sanitation and     Who Can Apply: Owners and operators
              affordability of household sewage         of publicly owned treatment works,
              treatment. More info >>                   nonprofits

                                                        Timeline: TBD
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