(CSSS) 2007-2008

          121 KULA HIGHWAY
       PUKALANI, HAWAII 96768
      TELEPHONE: (808) 573-8710
          FAX: (808) 573-2231

                                       (Revision 7/2007)
PRIN CIPA L                         S usan Scofield

VICE PRIN CIPA L                    A nthony Jones

VICE PRIN CIPA L                    Pam H off

SCH O O L AD M IN IST RA TIVE       Grace Shim abuku

A CCO U N T CLERK                   Ram ona Breitha

O FF ICE CLER K                     Ivy Sylva

O FFICE CLERK                       Chatel Llego

O FF ICE CLER K                     Kristi Barlahan

REG IST RA R                        Cheryl N akasone

O FFICE CLERK                       Cindy Ganiko


S TU D EN T SER VICES               Janina Am aral

CO O R D IN A T O R (L-Z )

O FF ICE CLER K                     Jody A veiro

504 CO U N S ELO R                  S arah Donahue

CS A P CO U N S ELO R               Theresa Cabral

CS A P Teacher                      Ed Enom oto

CO U N SE LO R Grade 9              Jam ie Gom er

CO U N SE LO R Grade 10             Traci O sterm iller

CO U N S ELO R Grade 11             Leeann M atsum oto

CO U N S ELO R Grade 12             Karla Yankovich

LIBRA RIA N                         Susan Tavares-Kinney


A TH LETIC D IRECT O R              Kurtis Saiki

A TH LETIC TR A IN ER               Jon Lazo

ST U D EN T A CTIVIT IES            Trisha Grim ley

H EA LTH AID E                      Lesley Spencer
PCN C                                   June Kaneshiro

TEC H N O LO GY                         Cary H onda

FO O D SERVICES                         H arry Yim

H EA D CU S TO D IA N                   Lee Kuhaulua

BEH A VIO RAL SPECIA LIS T              Colleen M attos
                                        D ebra Kaiw i
                                        Trev M cGrath
                                        W endy Brousseau

S A FE TY M A N A GEM EN T              Jesse H enderson

S PECIA L ED U CA TIO N                 Clarence Rivers
                                        J onathan Bow e

S PECIA L ED U CA TIO N                 A nnette Canfield-Grove

S U BS TA N CE ABU S E                  Lynn Garcia

ES LL TE A CH ER                        Renata M ock



GEO GRA PH IC EX CEPTIO N               S usan Scofield

FRE E A N D RED U CED LUN CH            O ffice Staff

H O M EW O RK REQ U ES T                Grade Level Counselor

H O M E-H O S PITA L IN S TRU CT IO N   S tudent Services Coordinator

PA REN T CO M M U N IT Y                June Kaneshiro

ST A N D A RD S IM PLEM EN TA TIO N     Cindy Asato-Kochi

RES O U RCE TE A CH ER FO R N EW        S adie M ossm an

S CH O O L CO M M U N IT Y CO U N CIL   Principal


A utism Resource Teacher                S andrina Redfearn

C LIN I CA L PS Y CH O LO G IS T        D r. David Randall
SCH O O L PSY CH O LO GIS T             M ichael M cM ullen

D IS TR ICT ED U CA T IO N A L          Lesley Alexander

SCH O O L REN EW A L                    Sue Alivado

SCHO O L SO CIAL                        Gary N akam a (Gr 10-12)
W O RKER                                          Sherye Kuhia (Gr 9)

PUB LIC H EA LTH                        A drienne Yam aguchi

CS S S Resource

D epartm ent of                         M ike Russell
H ealth Supervisor

D epartment of                          Ken Fields
H ealth Coordinator

ID EA RE S O U RCE Teacher              W ayne O m ura

O CCU PA TIO N A L TH ER A PIS T        Jessica D ollbaum

SPEECH PA TH O LO GIS T                 Christina Gonzalez

PH YS ICA L TH ER A PIS T               Linda Griffith


Flag Team
M ath League
M ock Trial
S cience Bow l
Video Production

Career Videos
Career Curriculum in Guidance A dvisory

M aui Kokua Services
M ental H ealth Kokua Services
M aui Family Support Services
M aui Youth & Fam ily Services
Q ueen Liliuokalani Children’s Center
Big Brothers & Big Sisters
Ku’ina at M CC
Police Department
Juvenile Counseling
S econd Chance Program
P.O .I. (Positive O utreach Interventions)
Fam ily Planning Services
O hana Physicians Group
A loha H ouse Substance A buse Program
BCR C-Behavioral Counseling & Research Center
Child and Fam ily Services
PACT -Parent and Children Together
N urse Finders
H ETI-H awaii Education & Treatment Interventions
Fam ily Planning Center of H aw aii
U pward Bound-M aui Comm unity College
D river’s Education Classes

A ir Riflery
Cross Country
Com petitive Cheerleading
W restling
Sw im m ing/D iving
S oftball
W ater Polo
Track & Field

Career Aw areness
M ilitary Representatives
W orkplace Readiness
Com m unity Based Instruction
Career Fair

N ational H onor Society-Ka ‘Ikena O na Ali’i Chapter
Tri-M M usic H onor Society

Leo Club

A rt/Fiber A rts Club
D ram atic Arts Club
S tudent Film Club
Fishing Club
Institution of Vindication of Education
Philosophy Club
Youth A live Club
H iking and N atural H istory Club
Japanese Club
H awaiian Club
French Club
S panish Club

S A T Prep Courses
College Visits & Visitors
A dvanced Placem ent Classes
Pre-A dvanced Placem ent Classes
Running Start Program

Peer M ediation
W alk-in Counseling H igh Risk Counseling
Substance Abuse Counseling
Special M otivation Counseling
Behavioral Specialist Counseling
Peer Education Program

A nger M anagem ent
Crim e Stoppers
H ealth Aide
Parent Shadowing
Parenting for Teens
Residential Program s
D rug Treatm ent Program s
Public H ealth N urse
School Resource O fficer
S ocial Skills Program
S m oking Cessation

PCN C N ew sletter & W ebsite
D aily Bulletin
S cholarship Bulletin
N ewspaper
Em ploym ent Bulletin

O pen H ouse
Parent Coffee H our
Parents Project
School Comm unity Based M anagem ent

H om ecom ing
W inter Ball
S enior Luau
Freshman Banquet
Sophomore Banquet
Junior Prom
S enior Ball
S enior Bash
A thletic Sports Banquet

S pecial Education
Friend for a Friend
504 A ccom m odations
H om e H ospital
O ccupational Therapy
School Based Behavioral H ealth Counseling
Physical Therapy
S peech Therapy
A daptive PE
Intensive Individual Service Consultant
Skills Trainer
Educational Assistants

Associated Students of King Kekaulike (AS KK)
Student M entoring

EA S T Project
Com puter Labs
N ova N et

Transition Services
Sum m er N et
S tudent M entor Program

Peer T utoring (N H S )
W IN 2000 Reading Program
S pecial M otivation
Teacher Assistance
Ka Ipu Ka’eo Project

M ock Trial
A nationally sponsored academ ic club where students receive a case to be argued in a trial com petition. Students take on various roles
as prosecutor, defense attorney, and witness

S cience Bow l
The Science Bow l is an interscholastic science com petition based on the old College Bow l Form at. They com pete in a round-robin
answ ering questions on Biology, Chem istry, Physics, Geology, and Astronom y of H aw aii

A ll students enrolled at King Kekaulike H igh School are enrolled in a grade-level advisory class com posed of a mentor teacher and
approxim ately 20 students. Each grade level follow s a prepared curriculum to expose students to foundation skills, social relationships
and civic responsibilities, econom ic efficiency, self-realization lessons, and Career Pathways.

M aui Kokua Services
PO . Box 1237
W ailuku, Hawaii 96793
Phone: 244-7405
Provides children and adults w ith a 24-hour, 7 days a w eek crisis outreach team . It provides evaluation, counseling and referral for
persons experiencing acute m ental or em otional health problem s and family instability.

M ental H ealth Kokua Services-H elp Lines
P.O . Box 1237
W ailuku, Hawaii 96793
Phone: 244-7405
Provides a 24-hour professional telephone assistance in suicide prevention/crisis intervention and assists w ith problem s arising from
drug abuse, alcoholism , fam ily concerns, relationship conflicts, or m ental illness. O perates a crisis shelter for persons who require
im m ediate intervention.

M aui Family Support Services
1844 W ili Pa Loop, Suite 200
W ailuku, Hawaii 96793
Phone: 242-0900
A service that provides free assistance to help parents create a stable and nurturing environm ent for their children. Com prehensive
services focus on resolving fam ily tensions, teaching positive parenting skills, and linking fam ilies to additional comm unity resources.

M aui Youth & Fam ily Services
P.O . Box 790006
Paia, Hawaii 96779
Phone: 579-8414
A service that provides a full range of services including em ergency shelter for children and youth, fam ily therapy, adolescent
substance abuse treatm ent, fam ily preservation, independent living, foster and group hom es, youth services in-school and in-hom e
programs, m ultidisciplinary consultations an experiential activities. Program operates on a sliding fee scale for fam ily counseling.

Q ueen Liliuokalani Children’s Center
1791 W ili Pa Loop
W ailuku, Hawaii 96793
Phone: 242-8888
A n organization established to help orphaned and destitute H awaiian children by providing for a safe fam ily environm ent. Assists w ith
counseling, financial assistance, foster care, adoption, and legal guardianship.

Big Brothers & Sisters
P.O . Box 427
Kahului, Hawaii 96733
Phone: 573-6916
A broad based M entoring program that focuses on m eeting youths m ost basic developm ental needs. The program places children in
one-to-one professionally supported m entoring relationships with caring volunteers. The after school m entoring Program is a m ore
structured program which focuses on building academ ic as well as relationship skills.

Ku’ina at M CC Police Department-Juvenile Counseling
This focuses on prevention and identification of juvenile delinquency. Counselors work with the youth and their fam ily by providing
counseling and referrals. Services available include individual and fam ily counseling, self-esteem and anger managem ent groups,
consultations, presentations, and special projects.

S econd Chance Program
A prevention and intervention program for first-tim e status offenders and m inor law violators. This program provides the participants
w ith the tools to be m ore responsible and productive within the com m unity.

Project Positive O utreach Interventions (P.O .I)
D ue to the length of tim e between arrest and a Fam ily Court appearance, juveniles do not receive im m ediate consequences for their
negative actions or crim inal behavior. Project P.O .I. holds juveniles accountable for their actions by adm inistering consequences such
as writing an apology to the victim , and perform ing com m unity services.

Fam ily Planning Services
Com m unity Clinic of M aui
48 Lono Avenue
Kahului, Hawaii 96732
Phone: 871-7772

O hana Planning Services
Phone: 572-9858

A loha H ouse
1787 W ili Pa Loop, Suite 7
W ailuku, Hawaii 96793
Phone: 249-2121

Behavioral Counseling & Research Center (BCRC)
1600 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1040
H onolulu, H aw aii 96814
Phone: 945-3055

Child and Fam ily S ervices (CF S)
333 Dairy Road, Suite 201
Kahului, Hawaii 96732
Phone: 877-6888

Parents & F am ily T ogether (PA CT )
A Fam ily Service Agency
81 N . M arket Street, Suite 200
W ailuku, Hawaii 96793

N urseFinders
2200 M ain Street, Suite 650
Kahului, Hawaii 96732
Phone: 244-4700

H awaii Education & Treatment Interventions (H ETI)
1787 W ili Pa Loop, Suite 7
W ailuku, Hawaii 96793
Phone: 249-2121

Fam ily Planning Center of H aw aii
Planned Paretnhood of H aw aii
140 H oohana Street, Suite 303
Kahului, Hawaii 96732
Phone: 871-1176

Upward Bound-M CC
310 Kaahum anu Avenue
Kahului, Hawaii 96732
Phone: 242-1299
U pw ard Bound provides high school students with the opportunity to im prove their basic skills in order to prepare them to succeed in
post secondary institutions (universities, com m unity colleges, business schools, etc.). It is a program for students who have the
potential and motivation to succeed, but require academ ic and financial assistance and guidance.

Contact Person-A thletic Director
     ·     A ll athletes are required to have a physical prior to playing or practicing.
     ·     All   athletes   need to sign a weight training agreement, assumption of risk, and an emergency card to participate.
     ·     All   athletes   are to abide by all school rules and regulations.
     ·     All   athletes   need to have a 2.0 or higher GPA.
     ·     All   athletes   are issued a student athletic handbook.

Form al and inform al awareness of the many career options are available through guidance classes, school counselors, teachers, and
advisory classes. Various staff mem bers offer career suggestions, based on students’ strengths, talents and interests. A w ide
variety of 10-20 minute career videos are available from the school counselor.

M ilitary Representative Visit
M ilitary recruiters speak to interested individuals about college and career opportunities that the m ilitary offers.

W orkplace Readiness
This program is offered through the Special Education D epartm ent. Students spend m ost or all of the school day in one classroom ,
learning workplace readiness skills.

Com m unity Based Instruction (CBI)
This program is offered to special education students who have severe physical and/or cognitive disabilities. Em phasis is on functional
life skills in m any settings, including school, hom e, work, and the com m unity.

Career Fair
This program is an annual opportunity for students to receive inform ation about careers through guest speakers and visiting career
and business exhibits.

A rt/Photo
A rt/Photo club prom otes learning outside the regular classroom environm ent in areas of art & photography. Fundraisers are held
annually to raise m oney for art supply scholarships to be awarded to graduating seniors who are active m em bers in the club, and who
have been accepted into a post secondary art program .

Color Guard
The Color Guard Team choreographs flag twirling routines with the KKH S m arching band. They participate in various activities and

D ram atic Arts
The D ram atic Arts Com pany understands and applies knowledge of theatre skills (acting/Tech Theatre), knows cultural histories,
analyzes and critiques form al and inform al theatre, comm unicates orally using various form s, applies knowledge of verbal and nonverbal
language, and dem onstrates confidence as comm unicators.

EcoA ction
The Eco Action club perform s various environm ental service projects to benefit the school and com m unity. M em bers work with other
environm ental groups within the state, such as the N ature Conservancy, the N ative H awaiian plan society, the US Fish and W ildlife
service, and the N ational Park service.

Fishing club m em bers learn about a wide variety of m arine life and natural treasures of the waters around us. Safety and conservation
of the environm ent also play a big part.

M arketing
A national association of marketing education students, DE CA is an integral part of the business classroom instructional program in the
M arketing or Entrepreneur classes. Students prepare for state com petition in eight categories of marketing and retail sales, which
include exam inations, role-playing and sem inars.

FF A strives to m ake a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for prem ier leadership, personal
growth, and career success through agricultural education.

Future Scientists & Engineers of Am erica
Future Scientists & Engineers of Am erica is a national program which provides students with the opportunity to experience real
engineering and science with practical, hands on projects that challenge students to solve problem s creatively.

H awaiian
The H awaiian Club offers students the opportunity to help out the school, comm unity, and environm ent by having a hands-on
experience with the Haw aiian culture.

H iking & N atural H istory
In the KKH S H iking and N atural H istory club students learn and enjoy hiking skills, etiquette, wood technology, history, culture and
science in an inform al setting.

The KKH S Interact club is a service club sponsored by the U pcountry M aui Rotary club. M em bers participate in school, comm unity,
and international service projects throughout the year.

The purpose of the KKH S J apanese club is to provide students with experiences which will broaden their understanding of the
practices, perspectives and products of Japanese culture and society.

King Kekaulike Kiwin’s club, sponsored by the Kiwins club of Kahului, serves the school and com m unity by developing initiative and
leadership in living and w orking together.

A service club that gives young people an opportunity, through a partnership with Kahului Lion’s club, to develop responsible, service
m inded individuals.

N ational H onor Society
The students selected into the N H S create an enthusiasm for scholarship, stim ulate a desire to render service, prom ote worthy
leadership, and encourage the developm ent of character in all students.

Tri-M H onor Society
The T ri-M M usic H onor Society was developed to m otivate students, recognize their efforts, and honor their accom plishm ents.

Video Production Team
The Video Production team will video various school activities and keep a video archive. Additionally, m em bers are able to work on
personal projects.

PSA T-this is the prelim inary SA T, prim arily for juniors (it only counts towards scholarships when student are juniors), although
freshm en and sophom ores can take too.

SA T-Stanford Achievement Test used to measure student achievement. Given to 10               graders in April. Now it’s been replaced by
H CPS , which will be give to sophom ores in April 02.
CO LLEGE BO A RD SA T-U sed to determ ine a student’s potential to succeed in college. Given O ct., N ov., Dec., Jan., M ar., M ay, and
A CT-S am e purpose as College Board SA T. Given Sept., O ct., D ec., Feb., A pril, and June.
A S VA B-A rm ed S ervices Vocational Aptitude Battery is adm inistered to all juniors each year. Results are used to help students
identify career that match their interests, abilities, work values, and educational comm itm ent.
College Visits & Visitors
College/U niversity and other post-secondary institution representatives visit on cam pus periodically throughout the school year to
conduct inform ational m eetings for interested students and their parents.

A dvanced Placem ent Classes
A rt Studio
English Language
English Com position & Literature
U S H istory
Chem istry

Pre-A dvanced Placem ent Classes
These classes are designed for students w ho w ould like to challenge them selves with a more rigorous course of study.

Peer M ediation
A vailable to all KKH S students through the Counseling D epartment. Students help students resolve problem s. M ediators gain the
ability to solve problem s of others and them selves.

W alk-In Counseling
W alk-In services are available.

H igh Risk Counseling-CS AP
Com prehensive School Alienation Program includes exploration field trips, individual group counseling, career/post or alternative
education program , drop out prevention program , and/or helps students look for other alternatives. It is also for regular education
students that fit tw o or m ore of the follow ing criteria:
     ·     10 or m ore unexcused absences
     ·     2 or more failed classes
     ·     Retained more than one year
     ·     Pregnant/parenting
     ·     Adjudicated
     ·     Failed HSTEC/equivalent
     ·     3 or more class A, B, C, D offenses

Substance Abuse Counseling
O pen to all students. The M aui Youth & Fam ily Services counselors provide services two days a week after school for two hours. The
purpose of the program is to address drug problem s on campus. It is an alternative to suspension.

Peer Education Program (PEP)
The PEP m ission is to assist students in developing a healthy lifestyle by fostering positive self-esteem and responsible decision-
m aking.

A nger M anagem ent
The A nger M anagem ent Program is designed to help students who need to learn to control their emotions. Currently, it m eets with the
school psychologist every Friday during advisory and lasts approxim ately 6 to 8 w eeks.

Crim e Stoppers
The Crim e Stopper program is run by the M aui Police Department for the County of M aui. This program is about solving crim es. It
involves citizens providing inform ation anonym ously to the Police Department to assist in solving crim es. It operates 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. A School Resource O fficer is stationed at King Kekaulike H igh school to assist crim e prevention on cam pus.

H ealth Aide
King Kekaulike H igh S chool’s H ealth A ide is located in the adm inistration building. The H ealth A ide’s m ajor function is to provide first
aid and em ergency care, adm inister prescribed m edicine, follow up on health status and provide health instruction to school-aged

Parent Shadowing
The Vice Principal m ay invite a parent to follow his or her child around for the entire day (“shadow” the student) if a child m isbehaves
persistently. This is a way to encourage the child to im prove his or her behavior in school.

Parenting for Teens
The D epartment of Education Pregnant Teens Program is a collaborative effort between the school, com m unity, and family. The
purpose of the program is to encourage pregnant teens to stay in school. Student can take this class and receive credit for four
sem esters.

Referrals to:
Residential program s
Residential program are available to special education student whose social/em otional difficulties warrant placem ent outside the fam ily
hom e.

D rug Treatm ent Program s.
Com m unity programs at A loha H ouse are available to students who are qualified.

Public H ealth N ursing (PH N )
The Public H ealth N ursing Branch is located at the Departm ent of H ealth. A School Health Aide is assigned to a specific public school.
The Public H ealth N ursing Branch works collaboratively with num erous programs within the D epartment of H ealth, as w ell as w ith
public and private organizations/agencies in the com m unity. PH N services are goal directed, fam ily and com m unity centered, and
include collaboration with individuals’ fam ilies, group, and the com m unity regarding needs during illness and wellness. The work setting
includes the hom e, clinics, neighborhood centers, schools, nursing offices and/or work sites. The m ain function of this school health
aide position is to provide first aid and em ergency care to the school-aged population.

School Resource O fficer
A police officer from the M aui Police Department serves as the School Resource O fficer. They are stationed at King Kekaulike H igh
S chool M onday through Friday from 8:00 to 2:00. His/her office is located in the adm inistration building. The School Resource
O fficer’s job is to assist with crim e prevention on cam pus.

S ocial Skills Program
The S ocial Skills program is a counseling group that can be form ed if the need arises. The purpose of the group is to im prove
students’ interaction the other in school.

S m oking Cessation
The sm oking Cessation program consists of 10 sessions and is for students who w ish to quit sm oking. The Sm oking Cessation program
is designed to provide a total health approach to helping adolescents quit sm oking, increase healthy lifestyles, enhance self-control,
and im prove life skills such as stress m anagem ent, decision m aking, coping and interpersonal skills. The sessions take place during
study hall and are located in the Adm inistration Staff Lounge.

PCN C N ewsletter
The Parent Com m unity N etworking Center Facilitator com piles this 6-8 page new sletter each m onth for distribution to students,
staff, PTS A m em bers, and the com m unity. An open letter from the principal and articles from various faculty m em bers m ake up the
bulk of this publication which is aim ed, prim arily at keeping parents inform ed of school happenings. In addition to the new sletter, a
w ebsite ( ) provides parents w ith an array of inform ation including the daily bulletin, athletic events, the café m enu,
college representative schedule, and a num ber of useful links. This site has had over 700 hits this current year. An e-m ail listing has
been com piled of som e 113 parents to whom notices and rem inders of key events is provided.

D aily Bulletin
The Daily Bulletin is printed for all teachers on M onday, and m ade available to teachers electronically during the rest of the week.
M ost classroom s post the daily bulletin, and it m ay also be located on the KKH S w eb page.

S cholarship Bulletin
The Scholarship Bulletin is a listing of m ajor scholarships that are available for college bound students. S enor counselor com piles this
list and m akes it available to juniors and seniors on college night and at his/her office throughout the year. Scholarships are also
announced in the m orning bulletin. Students w ho receive scholarships are asked to inform the senior counselor who publicizes these
w inners in the graduation program .

N ewspaper
The school newspaper, Ka Leo, is published m onthly and circulated to 453 subscribers. The paper has consistently earned certificates
of merit in the Hawaii State Publishers Association annual awards and won the O utstanding Photography award in 1999.

The yearbook, Ka N u’u, is pub lished annually by the yearbook class. The yearbook includes photos of all students and covers som e 14
clubs and 34 sports. 1,150 copies are printed for the students and faculty. The students m ust subm it an application to join the
Yearbook class 1, 11, 111 or 1V, during preregistration in January.

O pen H ouse
The O pen H ouse is an annual event held in Septem ber. It affords the parents an opportunity to m eet the teachers and familiarize
them selves with the expectations and grading policies. A special flyer is sent hom e with the students providing the parents with their
child’s class schedule, teacher’s names and room num bers a week before the event.

Parent Coffee H our
Parent coffee hour is held on the first Friday of each m onth from 8:00 a.m . to 9:00 a.m . in the faculty dining room . This m eeting
draws parents through announcem ents in the bulletin and PCN C N ew sletter. The principal typically opens w ith a brief 15 m inute
presentation after which the attendees’ questions and concerns are addressed.

The KKH S Parent/Teacher/Student/Association has been in existence since 1994. M embership has num bered approxim ately 350
m em bers with 200+ parents, 100 students, and a handful of teachers. Dues are $6 plus $3 if m ailings are requested. The board
typically holds m onthly m eetings with the principal, and a quarterly general m em bership m eeting. Activities that have been successful
during the past years include annual cam pus beautification work days, teacher support week, and the Senior Graduation Bash, which is
sponsored under the PTS A insurance policy and coordinated by senior parent com m ittee.

Parents Project
A program designed to support parents of strong willed adolescent children. Parents learn effective ways to im prove their child’s
school perform ance and skills to help them address problem atic behaviors.

School Comm unity Based M anagem ent
A group of people representing six stakeholder groups: Teachers, parents, classified, adm inistrative, students, and com m unity. Their
goals are to see that the school purpose is achieved.

The PCN C coordinates the parent/comm unity volunteers w ho assist in a variety of capacities. Jobs include serving on FO L com ities,
printing and collating the m onthly PCN C new sletter and the back-to-school packets, and assisting with the parking during graduation

W inter Ball
S enior Luau
Sophomore Banquet
Junior Prom
S enior Ball
Freshm an Blast
S enior Bash
The objective is to provide activities for students to develop personal and social relationships both within their ow n class and within
the whole school.

S pecial Education
S pecial education services are designed to m eet the unique needs of student with disabilities, while preparing them for postsecondary
education, em ploym ent, and/or independent living. Q ualified students receive special education services in the least restrictive
environm ent possible. Services m ay be rendered in the regular education classroom , a resource room , or a self-contained classroom ,
special education school, or residential facility.

Friend for Friend
This program is for students who volunteer to go to CB I class once a w eek to spend quality tim e with the CB I students. It is an
opportunity for students from various backgrounds to connect and feel included.

The ES LL program offers supplem entary instruction to students for whom English is a second language. Students w ho qualify m ay
receive individualized assistance within the regular education classroom , or be pulled out to receive supplem ental intensive language
instruction on a one-to-one basis, or in sm all groups.

504 A ccom m odations
A vailable to students who do not qualify for special education services, but who still have very special needs. A 504 plan details the
adjustm ents and m odifications classroom teachers and other school staff are to make in order for these students to benefit from
their educational program s.

H om e H ospital
S hould a student becom e physically or em otionally unable to attend school on a full tim e basis, they m ay be eligible to receive hom e
hospital services. In such cases, tutors provide academ ic instruction in the student’s hom e. This service is available to both regular
and special education students.

O ccupational T herapy (O T )
O ccupational Therapy is available to qualifying students w hose abilities are threatened or im paired by such factors as developm ental
deficiencies, physical injury, or illness. Services help to restore and enhance m uscular control and fine m otor skills.

Physical T herapy (PT )
Physical therapy is available to qualifying students w ith disabilities. Physical therapists w ork to im prove/restore neurom uscular,
m usculoskeletal, sensory-m otor, and related cardiovascular and respiratory functions.

S peech Therapy
S peech therapy services are available to qualifying students w ho have an im pairm ent of speech involving articulation, voice, and 1 or

A daptive PE
KKH S provides students with disabilities an adapted/modified physical education program that addresses their unique needs and

Intensive Individual Service
S upervised the S kills Trainers

S kills Trainer/Educational Assistance
A qualified trainer/paraprofessional who provides one-to-one services for students who need additional assistance with various skills
depending on individualized educational plan.

A ssociated Students of King Kekaulike Executive Board (AS KK).
This group of our elected officers that represent the school.

School Comm unity Based M anagem ent (SCB M ) representatives
Tw o students that are elected to represent al students on the SCBM council.

M aui District S tudent Council O rganization
O ne elected student that represents all of our students at the district level.

Associated Students of King Kekauilke Council (AS KK)
This is a group of our elected officers that represent the school and grade level classes

S tudent Senate
This is a group of students that are chosen by their advisory classes to attend bi-m onthly m eetings to represent the voice of their
advisory classes.

Environm ental and Spatial Technology (EA ST ) is a two sem ester course in which students us state of the art com puter hardware and
software tools and engage in a project based approach to problem solving. After learning how to use the needed tools student will work
independently and in team s to solve “real world” type problem s.

E-School is a 1996 U S DO E T echnology Innovation Challenge G rantee. It is a virtual school that offers standards-based high school
credits to public school students throughout the S tate of H awaii. Students m ay take courses online during the school year at no cost;
how ever, tuition is charged the credit for summ er courses. Classes are offered in Guidance, Educational Technology, Language Arts,
Social Studies, Science, Fine A rts and M ath.

N ovaN et
A com puter-b ased, online learning system . S tudents have the opportunity to retrieve his/her lost credit(s) by participating in this
online program. NovaN et lessons is self-placed, independent study program. Access to this com puter based program w ill be offered
during recess, lunch, and after school.

Com puter Labs
W e have three com puter classroom s at KKH S; two can be considered labs. The third is a com puter workroom and repair training
classroom (F-104) where repair training for the A+ certification class takes place. O ne of the two labs is a M acintosh lab; the other
lab is a business application PC lab. The PC lab is used only by the Vocational Technology Department for the business application
classes. The Library/M edia Center is another com puter resource center where student have access to com puters.

W e have 15 M acintosh workstations, 9 M ac laptop workstations, 2 networked laser printers (one color, one black & white), 2 flatbed
scanners, 1 film /negative scanner, 3 inkjet printers, 1 large form at inkjet printer, 4 clip art libraries (CD -R O M ), 3 digital cam eras, 1
sm art board, 3 drawing tablets.

Transition Services
This service is available to all special education students. The staff offers written inform ation and takes students on jobsite and
com m unity college visitations to expose them to careers and opportunities beyond high school.

Sum m er N et
A summ er transitional program for high risk incom ing freshm en. The program em phasizes team building, bonding with staff and
adm inistrators, and teaches skills to be successful in high school.

S tudent M entor Program
                                                                                                             th                            th
This is a group of student volunteers who com m it to going into9th grade advisory classes, help with 8           grade visitation and 9        grade
orientation, present grade level inform ation, and team building activities.

H om ew ork requests
W hen a student is absent, they or their parents m ay call the office to request m issed assignm ents from teachers. Generally, teachers
are given 24 hours to com pile work and send to the office for pick-up by student/parent.

W IN 2000 Reading Program
Com puter-based literacy program using educational softw are to provide individualized assessm ent and instruction related to all areas
of functional literacy. This program is currently offered to special education students with reading difficulties.

S pecial M otivation-Part of CS AP
The special m otivation class serves alienated on-cam pus students. The instructional program is individualized and activity oriented,
w ith an em phasis on social and personal developm ent as well as acquisition of academ ic skills. Individual student needs are m ore readily
m et by adjusting curriculum content, changing and varying teaching strategies, providing m ore intensified guidance, counseling
services, and providing flexible tim e schedules. Group guidance activities are used to develop and enhance appropriate social

Peer T utoring (N H S )
S tudents belonging to the N ational H onor Society provide tutoring to fellow KKH S students in the school library from 7:20 a.m . to
7:45 a.m . Students can see school counselors for more inform ation

Teacher Assistance
Each individual teacher sets up study sessions with their students when needed.

Ka Ipu Ka’eo Project
A fter-school tutoring program for 2007-2008 schoolyear.

     ·    Follow the KKH S Student Action Plan
     ·    Alert!
     ·    Be sure and call student’s Parent/Guardian
     ·    Give a solution that involves the support for the parent

If student behavior continues after using Level 1 strategies, turn in a Request for Assistance to Student S ervices Coordinator for
level 2 strategies or higher. School counselors w ill coordinate Level 2 and 3 follow -up.

                                                    INTERVEN TION THERM O M ETER
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