KingStones Thriving after school - Endeavour Foundation

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KingStones Thriving after school - Endeavour Foundation

Find a job   The latest    Thriving
you love     on the NDIS   after school
PAGE 6       PAGE 11       PAGE 16

KingStones Thriving after school - Endeavour Foundation
Welcome to our fresh,
new One Endeavour
                                       What’s Inside
magazine. You might                    Expert Opinion: Finding a job you love
notice that it looks                   Employment options for people with disability.
a little different                     Page 6
this edition.
We’ve refreshed the design and
                                       4 steps to get ready for your NDIS plan review
increased the font size to make it
more accessible. This is because       We break it down for NDIS participants who are going
we want everyone to be able to         through a plan review.
read our magazine. We’ve also          Page 12
got some exciting new content
penned by people with disability
                                       All in the rhythm
which you can look forward to
seeing more of in future editions.     Meet Aiga - KingStones band member, songwriter,
                                       rapper and dancer.
This new direction for our
                                       Page 14
magazine is part of our NDIS
evolution. We’ve been working
hard in recent years to build a        The low down on My Health Record
sustainable business capable           By the end of January 2019, a My Health Record will
of withstanding market forces          be created for every Australian unless they choose not
and keeping pace with changing         to have one. We review what this means for people
technology and customer                with disability, their families and carers.
expectations. We’re evolving to        Page 19
work even more collaboratively
with the people we support,
their families and our network         Imagine What’s Possible Competition winners
of partners to imagine what’s          Find out about the three individuals who dreamed big
possible for people with disability.   and won!
We want our magazine to reflect
                                       Page 21
this new direction.
This edition is packed with the
latest sector news, NDIS tips
and guidance, employment
options for people with disability
and stories about and by people
with disability.
I’m energised by the direction
we are taking and excited about
our future. We are all about
supporting people with disability      One Endeavour is the official Endeavour Foundation
to live their best life. That’s what   magazine full of news and stories and, articles by and
inspires and motivates us.             about people with disability.

I hope you enjoy this edition.
All the best
                                           Subscribe at
David Curd                       
Interim CEO                                1800 112 112
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KingStones Thriving after school - Endeavour Foundation
News       News

Celebrating 50 years in Toowoomba
Endeavour Foundation Industries opened in Toowoomba on 20 May 1968, with
supported employees cultivating plants and making outdoor furniture to be sold
locally, beautifying the gardens and homes of residents living in “the Garden City”.

The new business offered meaningful employment           “Now we offer the most secure document
opportunities and training for people with disability,   destruction service money can buy, make high
and contributed to the self-esteem and confidence        quality beef jerky and still do food packaging and
that comes from having a job. Over the years,            other things.
talented employees have turned their hand to many        “People are constantly surprised when they find out
different opportunities.                                 the sheer variety of things the dedicated team can do
“We’re so proud of our hard-working team and the         and the quality of the product they put out.”
variety of work they’ve done,” said General Manager,     Fifty years on from when he first started work,
Tony Vidler, “We currently employ 133 supported          68-year-old Chris Fry (top left) said he’s not looking
employees and 10 staff, so we bring a huge benefit to    to retire just yet.
the local economy too.
                                                         “I’d just be sitting at home, looking at grey walls if I
“We’ve built lawn furniture, had a plant nursery, cut    didn’t come to work,” said Mr Fry, “I’ve liked doing all
rags and packaged food and spices. At one point we       the jobs I’ve done and I like seeing my mates at work
were the biggest packer of coconut in Queensland.        every day.”

Something brand new!
In June this year, Endeavour Foundation revealed its     “I felt proud of being in the new brand video. I like
vibrant new brand.                                       being on #teampossible and I think the new brand
                                                         shows people with intellectual disability can do
CEO of Endeavour Foundation, Andrew Donne said
                                                         something unusual and step out of the box.”
the new brand was a visual representation of the
evolution the organisation was going through.
“We want to be known as #teampossible – the
people with the enthusiasm and desire to make our
customers happy and work with them to make their
possibilities a reality,” Mr Donne said.
Bede Dow who accesses Endeavour Foundation’s
Learning and Lifestyle hub in Kingston said he loved
being an ambassador for the new brand.

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KingStones Thriving after school - Endeavour Foundation

Human Rights Act a step
closer for Queenslanders
Soon Queenslanders’ rights to health care, education, cultural rights and a
range of other human rights will be enshrined in law for the first time.

The most extensive Human Rights        This is great news for people with   the Queensland Government on
Bill in Australia was tabled in        disability and all people living     their progress.
Queensland Parliament on the           in Queensland.                       To learn more about human rights,
31st of October.                       Congratulations to our elected       sign up for a community forum
Queensland is the third state          representatives who listened to      or get involved in the campaign
or territory to introduce human        the impact of human rights abuses    at
rights legislation, and the first to   on people with disability and have
include both the right to health       decided to set a higher standard.
                                                                            Photo caption:
care and the right to education        Endeavour Foundation is very         Attorney General Yvette D’ath with
– which are areas of special           proud to be a part of the Human      some members of the Human Rights
relevance to people with disability.   Rights campaign and congratulates    Act For Qld Campaign group.

    State-of-the-art hub in Ipswich
    In August, we welcomed customers into our brand new Learning and Lifestyle
    hub in the heart of Ipswich. The central location offers the people we
    support, and their families, greater access to public transport,
    local schools, the community and allied health services.
    The brand-new space features a modern and
    inviting environment including a new art
    studio, a great space for cooking and baking
    classes, and also our new service offering
    including Endeavour Foundation
    Connect, Virtual Reality Learning and
    Community Engagement.

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KingStones Thriving after school - Endeavour Foundation
Imagine what’s possible

News in brief
Flagship service
opens in Melbourne
In August we welcomed customers and families
into our brand new Learning and Lifestyle hub
at Keon Park which is the first
of its kind for Endeavour Foundation in
Victoria. The $120,000 investment was a
result of high local demand and is co-located
with our Endeavour Foundation Industries
                                                 A bright
site. New technology including virtual reality
learning, art classes and 3D printing means
we can offer more opportunities to our 164
                                                 future ahead
supported employees at Keon Park.                The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
                                                 has made possibilities a reality for Mackay’s Blake
                                                 Heinrich, who has obtained his forklift licence and
50 years in Mackay                               secured open employment with our support.
                                                 By initially tapping into employment support funding
                                                 in his NDIS package, our team assisted Blake to get
                                                 his licence before identifying him as a participant
                                                 in ‘Embark’, a pilot program that is connecting
                                                 Endeavour Foundation supported employees with
                                                 open employment opportunities through Community
                                                 Solutions Group’s employment services.
                                                 This led Blake, who has an intellectual disability, to
                                                 strive for further lifelong goals, including a manual
                                                 car licence. Today, Blake is driving and enjoying both
                                                 open employment at Fenner Dunlop and supported
                                                 employment at Endeavour Foundation Industries.
                                                 “There’s less pressure on my dad to look
                                                 after me now. We now have more fishing
                                                 time together and that makes me really
                                                 happy,” Blake says.
On 8 November Endeavour Foundation               Blake’s father, Trevor, has been supporting his son
Industries celebrated an incredible 50 years     on his own and, for the first time in many years, he
of operating in Mackay. While our history in     feels confident that Blake’s future is looking “very
Mackay goes back more than 50 years, it was in   promising” thanks to the NDIS.
1968 that we set up a site to offer employment
                                                 “From having no funding to receiving money to help
to people with disability. Within a year, 20
                                                 Blake become more independent and be a part of an
people worked there. Fast forward 50 years
                                                 inclusive community, it really has been life changing
and today we are proud to have 72 people with
                                                 for him,” Trevor said.
disability as part of our workforce in Mackay.
                                                 “Working in open employment and receiving a good
                                                 wage means he won’t need a pension, ideally he will
                                                 be living independently, and he can then cruise.”

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Expert opinion

  Joining the

 Joining the workforce often feels like stepping into the unknown and can be
 accompanied by mixed feelings – stress, excitement, nervousness and more. For
 people with disability and their families, these feelings are often amplified. We
 sat down with Endeavour Foundation’s Supported Employment Specialist, Carol
 Dickfos, to get her tips on employment options for people with disability.

     “This jobs means more to me than I         Why explore the possibility
     can explain. Without this job, I’d be      of employment?
     asking my mum for money to buy the
     things I need. So I’m very lucky to have   Work is more than just having a job: it can boost your
     this job and very proud. I’m proud of      confidence, self-esteem and independence. After all,
                                                the vast majority of us enjoy being part of a team
     doing crates and coming to work and
                                                and the human connection that comes with going to
     helping my team. I’m proud of what our
                                                work! Working can also provide a sense of purpose.
     manufacturing team can do.”
                                                I truly believe that employment opportunities are a
     Robbie, Mackay                             critical part of an inclusive, empowering community
                                                for people with disability.

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Expert opinion

What employment                       • Supported employment with           If you are thinking about
                                        us includes on-the-job training,    the possibility of joining the
options are available                   in a commercial environment         workforce, give us a call to talk
at Endeavour                            with support and mentoring.         about what is on offer near you
                                        Together, we spend time             and to book in a time to visit your
Foundation?                             identifying each person’s           closest site. That way you’ll be
Across our sites in Queensland,         strengths and interests, and        able to see for yourself what’s
Victoria and New South Wales,           then we put a plan together to      available, meet employees and
we offer a range of work and            help individuals achieve their      chat with them about their
training options designed for           work goals.                         experiences. After that, you can
people with disability, who are                                             think about doing a work trial
                                      • In partnership with Community
16 or over. We focus on building                                            which gives you the chance to try
                                        Solutions Group we offer the
individual strengths, teaching new                                          out employment and figure out
                                        right mix of support for people
skills and, increasing confidence                                           what you want to do.
                                        to build their confidence and
and experience. Some options            the skills required for open
include:                                employment. Community               “My mum is very proud of
• Our Work Experience Program           Solutions Group also offers         me. Even though I have an
  is a great way to develop skills,     pathways to open employment.
                                                                            intellectual disability, I still
  make new friends and get job
                                                                            try for things. I work for
  ready before leaving school. In     How do I know                         Endeavour Foundation. I
  partnership with local schools,
  we put together a tailored
                                      what’s possible?                      get paid and I get treated
  program. Participants receive       In addition to other important        so well. The best part of
  a Certificate of Achievement        life goals, I think that working on   my work day is when the
  and confirmation of work            building employment aspirations is    other employees make me
  experience at the end of            a big deal.                           laugh. I love music. I like to
  the program.
                                                                            keep busy. I don’t want to
                                                                            be bored. I hate sitting and
                                                                            doing nothing.”

                                                                            Brandon, Wacol

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Expert opinion

 Is NDIS funding
 available for
 Yes, NDIS funding is available.
 To be eligible for Supported
 Employment, you must have a
 Disability Support Pension (DSP)
 and an NDIS plan. In NDIS lingo,
 funding for employment is called
                                         for getting a job
 ‘Finding and Keeping a Job’ or
 ‘School Leaver Employment               • Think about the kind
 Support (SLES)’.
                                           of job you want
 If you don’t yet have employment
 funding from the NDIS, give us
 a call and we can help you get          • Make sure employment
 started.                                  is funded in your NDIS Plan
 What should I                           • Explore employment
 do next?
                                           options in your area
 If you’re interested in working, call
 us on 1800 112 112 or email us at                 • Visit an Endeavour
 You can also find out what sites          Foundation site near you
 are near you by checking out
 the services tab on our website,        • Remember, anything
                                           is possible. You just
                                           have to dare to
                                           imagine it!

                                           “If I stayed at home I would
                                           be so bored. I like to do
                                           something, get out there
                                           and work.”

                                           Jamie-Lee, Toowoomba

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Expert opinion

Business Solutions with a social conscience

We’re hiring
We have a range of work and
training options designed to help
you maximise your potential and
find a job you love.

Whether you’re leaving school, keen
to enter the workforce for the first
time or want to try something new,
we’ve got you covered.
We offer:
• A safe, supportive and social workplace   Qld North      Qld Metro
• Stringent workplace health and safety     Cairns         Kippa Ring
                                            Mareeba        Geebung
• Personal development and training         Innisfail      Wacol
                                            Townsville     Burleigh
• Superannuation, personal accident         Home Hill      Southport
  coverage and leave entitlements           Bowen
• Full or part-time employment              Mackay         New South Wales
                                            Rockhampton    Castle Hill
• Social activities and celebrations        Gladstone      Seven Hills
                                            Bundaberg      Mount Druitt
Learn the skills you need for open
employment.                                 Qld South      Victoria
                                            Maryborough    Keon Park
                                            Gympie         Kew
If you want to build on your strengths      Kingaroy       Oakleigh
and gain the skills, confidence and         Maroochydore   Norlane
experience to find a fulfilling job,        Toowoomba
we’d love to hear from you!

                                                            1800 112 112
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KingStones Thriving after school - Endeavour Foundation

for a better
Endeavour Foundation is proud to be a founding member of Alliance20,
which launched on Tuesday 23rd October at Parliament House in Canberra.

Alliance20 brings together           “Only through a joint approach          Photo caption:
Australia’s largest disability       between the National Disability         Endeavour Foundation with
service providers to advocate        Insurance Agency, the sector and        Alliance20 at Parliament House
solutions which strengthen the       other key stakeholders, will we, as     with Challenge, Sylvanvale, House
National Disability Insurance        a community, achieve the goals of       With No Steps, Achieve Australia,
Scheme (NDIS) and deliver            the NDIS.”                              Disability Services Australia,
better services and outcomes                                                 Benevolent Society, Melbourne City
                                     The initial focus of Alliance20 is to
for participants.                                                            Mission, Sunnyfield, and Cerebral
                                     raise concerns about:
                                                                             Palsy Alliance
Alliance20 spokesperson and
                                     • Transport in rural and remote
Chief Executive of Life Without
Barriers, Claire Robbs, said that
members are strong believers in      • Support for people with
the NDIS and will work in close        complex needs, and
partnership with the National        • Employment for people
Disability Insurance Agency            with disability.
and governments to ensure it is      Please help spread the
successful for everyone.             word by sharing the Alliance20
“We believe in the NDIS and are      messages online at facebook.
deeply committed to the success      com/endeavourfoundation
of the scheme for the participants   with hashtags #alliance20australia
and our wider community,” Ms         or find out more at
Robbs said.                

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3 Steps to starting
your NDIS Plan
First of all, congratulations on      This could be the same supports        3. You’ll get a
getting an NDIS plan!                 you accessed before your NDIS
                                      plan, or you might want to make        Service Agreement
Whether it’s your first, second
                                      some changes.                          To receive services under
or even third plan, you’re
probably wanting to start             When you call, they can help you       the NDIS, you will need to fill
receiving supports straight away.     set a meeting time and answer          out what is called a ‘Service
Unfortunately this doesn’t            any questions you might have.          Agreement’. This document will
happen automatically, but it’s                                               simply spell out how and when
an easy process from here.            2. You’ll have                         your supports will be delivered.

Here are the steps to follow:         a meeting                              Service Agreements are different
                                                                             to your NDIS Plan. An NDIS Plan
                                      This meeting is so that you can tell
1. Call your                          your service provider how they
                                                                             lists your supports and funding,
                                                                             and your Service Agreement
service provider                      can best support you.
                                                                             outlines how your supports will
All you need to do is let your        It’s a good idea to bring your NDIS    be delivered and how much
service provider know that you        plan to the meeting. This will         they cost.
have a new NDIS plan and are          help you explain to your service
                                                                             Once you have signed a service
wanting to access some support,       provider what supports you need
                                                                             agreement, you’re good to go!
even if you are already a customer    for your goals and funding.
of theirs.

 Frequently asked questions
 Do I have to do this?                Can I stop my service                  us a better idea of how we can
 You do if you want to continue       agreement early or am I                best support you to reach your
 receiving support. Once you          locked in?                             goals within the NDIS funding
 have an NDIS plan we are only        Of course, you can end your            you have. It ensures that we are
 able to offer supports to you if     service agreement with us at           on the right track.
 you have a Service Agreement.        any time by giving just two
                                                                             But I don’t want things to
 If you do nothing you won’t be       weeks’ notice.
                                                                             change – do they have to?
 funded for supports from your
                                      What if I want to                      Change and the NDIS are two
 service provider and they will
                                      shop around?                           things that go hand in hand. In
 have to cease offering these.
                                      The NDIS is all about choice and       most cases, people get at least
 Will my supports continue            control, so we encourage you to        a similar level of funding, so the
 once I have an NDIS plan,            shop around and find the best          quicker you get your service
 but don’t have a service             supports for you. However, while       agreement in place, the sooner
 agreement yet?                       you are doing this, if you want to     things can go back to how they
                                      continue using our services, you       were (if that’s what you want).
 They will in most cases, within
 reason. We understand that           will need a service agreement.
                                                                             I’m so lost and don’t
 it can take a few weeks to get       Do I need to show service              understand my plan… What
 things organised under the                                                  should I do?
                                      providers my plan?
 NDIS. That said, it’s worth noting
                                      You don’t need to, but we have         Support is available! Give us a
 that we are unable to continue
                                      been finding that outcomes for         call on 1800 112 112.
 offering support without a
                                      people who show their plan are
 service agreement beyond a
                                      often better. It can help to give
 reasonable timeframe.
                                                                                            One Endeavour      |   11

4 steps to get ready for your NDIS plan review
The NDIS has been rolling         1. Think about                        3. Meet with us
out for a few years now
which means that some NDIS
                                  the last year –                       You don’t have to do this, it is up
participants will be going        what worked and                       to you. The benefit is that you
                                                                        can review how the last year has
through a review of their plan.   what didn’t.                          gone and discuss what different
Like the first time around,       The best advice we can give is        or additional supports you will
your plan review will involve a   to prepare.                           need to reach your goals for the
meeting, but what you should      To help with this we’ve created a     next year. This is really good
do to prepare for this meeting    simple resource called ‘Building      preparation for your NDIS plan
is a little different.            My World’ to help you think about     review meeting.

Don’t worry though – we’ve        what has worked in the last year
got your back. In this article,   and what goals and supports           4. We’ll send you
you’ll find everything you        you might want to change for          evidence for your
                                   the future.
need to prepare for your plan                                           NDIS plan review
review. It’s a simple four-       To get a copy, head to
                                                                        After our meeting, we will send
step process.           
                                                                        you your personal report to take
                                                                        to your NDIS plan review meeting.
                                  2. Tell us you want
                                                                        This will help ensure you get the
                                  some help to                          support you need in your next
                                  get ready                             NDIS plan.
                                  Once you’ve gone through              Get your free plan review kit here:
                                  Building My World, give us a
                                  call on 1800 112 112 or email us
                                  Our friendly staff can help you set
                                  a meeting time and answer any
                                  questions you might have.
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                                               Aliens are scary.
                                               The NDIS isn’t.

Lucas is a Supported Employee at Endeavour Foundation Industries Wacol
in Queensland. He’s a brilliant writer and is full of really handy life advice.

In this article, he offers his tips on   Take someone with you: You’re        An alien invasion could happen
how to handle two very different         allowed to bring someone along       anywhere at any time so it’s
life situations: how to prepare for      to your meeting. This could be       always good to be prepared
your NDIS planning meeting, and          family or friend or an advocate,     for when that happens. How
how to stay alive if aliens come         just someone who could assist in     should you prepare? Well, here’s
to visit.                                explaining things to the Planner.    a few tips on what to do when
                                                                              they come:
                                         Research: Speak to others who’ve
How to prepare                           made the phone calls and sat         Stay calm and friendly: At
for your NDIS                            through the meetings to better       least until you know what their
                                         prepare yourself and take full       intentions are. You should also try
planning meeting                         advantage of NDIS.                   to be friendly to your neighbours
Is the thought of NDIS scaring                                                otherwise they may want to hand
                                         Be specific: It’s super important
you? Is the thought of NDIS                                                   you over.
                                         that you be as specific as
keeping you up at night? If your         possible so that you’re getting      Emergency bag to be kept in
answer is yes, I’m here to tell you      exactly what you want and not        your vehicle at all times: Bag to
that everything should be OK.            something lesser.                    contain rations, water filter, spare
How do you prepare? I’ll tell you.                                            clothes and wind-up radio.
                                         Get paperwork done early:
Start today: Where do you want           You’d feel so much better if the     Wherever you choose to hide,
to go in life? What would you like       paperwork’s completed well           make sure there’s a clear exit:
to achieve? Take a moment to             in advance.                          You don’t want to be trapped in a
really think about that.                                                      room full of unwanted visitors.
                                         Don’t panic: Everything’s going to
Think big: Don’t be afraid to            be just fine.                        Don’t go near the space ship or
really think about what you’d like                                            crash site: The air could be toxic
to do because this is your life.         How to stay alive                    or it could be a trap. We know
                                                                              nothing about them so they could
Keep a diary: Are there obstacles
in your day-to-day life? Write
                                         if aliens come                       be full of surprises
them down or even take a                 to visit                             Try your best to stay calm: Any
photo. This way, you’ll have the         If you’re anything like me, you      bad decisions could be costly.
perfect examples to show during          probably go to bed each night
your meeting.                            thinking “Will they come tonight?    In summary… Aliens are
                                         What will I do?”                     scary. The NDIS isn’t.

                                                                                            One Endeavour      |   13

All in the

                                                                        Aiga living her best life!

Earlier this year, after overcoming her nerves, Aiga Tufuga, 18, decided to join the new
music class at Kingston’s Learning and Lifestyle hub and hasn’t looked back since.

That same class has now         “I really like listening to rap; it’s         The KingStones have plans to
transformed into a band         good because I can pick up the                record a single, and perform
called the KingStones, and      voice part easily,” she explains.             regularly in the near future -
is made up of enthusiastic,     “When I keep listening to it, I can           starting with small local gigs. A
passionate and loyal members    learn it by heart and that’s how              business plan with a list of goals
who are keen to share their     I started. I also like to listen for          and a signed commitment to one
message with the world.         fun, 24/7.”                                   another takes pride of place on a
                                                                              wall of their practice studio, which
                                Writing all of their own material,
For Aiga, being a part of the                                                 is where they rehearse three
                                The KingStones share uplifting
KingStones provides a sense                                                   times a week.
                                stories and promote messages of
of happiness and pride as       hope and optimism through their               When asked what she likes most
she contributes to the band’s   music. According to Kelvin Vaega,             about being in The KingStones,
success, and experiences        one of the support workers behind             Aiga is quick to answer with just
the results of all their hard   the success of the band, Aiga is not          one word: family.
work. She’s cautiously proud    only an excellent rapper, she also
of the contribution she can                                                   “I like being in the band because
                                writes her own lyrics.
make to the band through                                                      we are family. Even though
her rapping; a talent she’s     “Aiga will work on her rap lines,             we have dramas, we still come
developed simply by listening   then come to us with lyrics she’s             together and talk it out, and
to her musical icons, Tupac     written and ideas for us to include           discuss things with the leaders
and Biggie.                     - and we’ll work them in, or move             of the band, Kelvin and Aaron,”
                                things around,” he says. “We write            she says.
                                all our songs together as a band.”

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As well as being able to resolve     “Battle of the Bands made me         While Aiga hopes to continue
issues as a group, the KingStones    really nervous and scared!” Aiga     with music and dance for a long
have also learnt to encourage        remembers. “But I felt that I had    time to come, she’s proud to be a
and motivate one another, always     my band mates behind me and          loyal member of the KingStones
starting their performances          everyone was really great.”          for now.
with positive affirmations and
                                     Aiga is an active part of the        “I enjoy every single part of
motivations as a team. It’s one of
                                     community at the Kingston            being in The KingStones,”
Aiga’s favourite parts.
                                     Learning and Lifestyle hub, and is
                                                                          she says, explaining that
“I am strong, I can do anything,”    about to undertake a guiding role
Kelvin says, giving an example.      in their new dance group,
                                                                          while it’s hard work, it’s also
“That’s how we start all our gigs    The KingSteps. Her excitement        a really positive experience.
- we get in the circle, and say to   shows as she starts to groove        “It’s just fun!”
each other ‘We’re the band, and      while explaining that they’re in
we’re going to do this 100%!’ It     the early stages of auditions, and
doesn’t matter what else happens.”   still working out what levels and
                                     styles of dance they’ll be
The KingStones recently travelled
                                     planning for the group.
to the Battle of the Bands event
on the Sunshine Coast, which
was an exciting opportunity
to perform to a crowd. The
KingStones were, of course, a hit
with the crowd.

                                                                                       One Endeavour    |   15
Imagine what’s possible

  Thriving after school
  The journey from school to adult life opens a whole      parents to co-design a program that was the right fit
  new world of opportunities for young people with         for him.
  disability and their families. It can also present
                                                           Both Robert and Anne happily reported earlier this
  challenges as well.
                                                           year that Jordan’s journey to life after school had
  Sometimes, this transition is daunting, as young         gone really well.
  people navigate what options and supports are
                                                           “Jordan was hesitant at the beginning, but then I
  available for them to continue to learn, develop life-
                                                           started to see all these massive changes in him,”
  skills and participant in the community.
                                                           Anne says.
  Gold Coast parents, Robert and Anne know
  this feeling only too well. As their son, Jordan,
                                                           “He’s now helping me with things like
  approached the end of Year 12 last year, they were       doing the shopping and carrying my bags.
  feeling very apprehensive about his future.              I couldn’t believe it when he grabbed my
  “We couldn’t really see that Jordan was going to be
                                                           bags off me and started walking out of the
  able to continue to do what he had already achieved      shopping centre with them over his arm. I
  or developed once he left school,” Robert said.          never imagined that Jordy would be able
  Over the course of Jordan’s last year at school,
                                                           to do this.”
  staff at Endeavour Foundation’s Labrador Learning        To learn more about options after school go to:
  and Lifestyle hub collaborated with Jordan and his
  16   |   One Endeavour
Imagine what’s possible

                                    Natalie enjoys new found confidence
                                     Baking cupcakes      café. She is also preparing to attend a three day, fully
                                     in the kitchen of    funded “Summit Camp” later this year, at which she
                                     the café where       will continue to test and build her confidence.
                                     she works, Natalie
                                   is a content young
                                                          Natalie says she is proud of her
                                 woman with a passion     achievements since transitioning
                              for her job.                from school.
In just four months, Natalie has made a dramatic          “I was having trouble with VCE in mainstream school.
transformation and overcome personal barriers with        I felt extremely pressured and stressed every day,”
the support of SkillsPlus youth education services        she said.
in Frankston.                                             “I never wanted to go to school and I suffered from
Earlier this year, Natalie was experiencing heightened    depression and anxiety.
anxiety and facial tics as part of Tourette’s Syndrome    “SkillsPlus is a relaxed and friendly environment that
and was disengaging from school as a result of their      I enjoy attending. Since enrolling, my confidence
rigid approach to her learning.                           has boosted significantly. I am very grateful to my
Today, she is actively involved in SkillsPlus’ Youth      teachers for motivating me to do my best.”
Leadership Program, working part time at a local

Arrow Energy powers
vital community support
Children and young people supported by Endeavour          of activities from excursions, to shoebox gardening
Foundation are continuing to reap the rewards of the      and visiting the shops for pizza-making ingredients
organisation’s partnership with Arrow Energy, thanks      and crafts.
to a range of activities and opportunities.
                                                          “The fact that six years later the program
                                                          is still going strong, and gets booked out
                                                          every holiday period, shows what a vital
                                                          and valued service it’s become,” says
                                                          Danny Gibbs, Endeavour Foundation
                                                          Support Manager.
                                                          In Toowoomba, Arrow also supports our SkillUp
                                                          program, a job-readiness program for school leavers
                                                          and young adults with disability. Skill Up supports
                                                          participants to develop skills, build confidence, make
                                                          new friends and explore employment opportunities.
Rachael, Mason and Rosemary work together in a tailored   In 2017, seven individuals from Dalby participated
team building activity                                    in the program and gained practical skills and work
In 2018, Arrow Energy has continued to support            experience in preparation for joining the workforce.
Endeavour Foundation’s activities in the Surat Basin      As well as providing a vital link into employment,
like the School Holiday Activity Program (SHAP).          Skill Up connects participants to volunteering
A respite care program, SHAP gives children and           opportunities in the local community. Many young
parents a chance to do something different and have       people have gone on to secure ongoing employment
fun. Participants develop skills while enjoying a range   after the program.
                                                                                             One Endeavour     |   17
Imagine what’s possible

 Virtual learning a new reality
 Combine education and gaming,          types of currency denominations,     Commenting on the success
 and you get unique learning            the different types of bank notes,   of the program so far,
 experiences for people with            knowing how to type in numbers       Lawrence Scott, Service
 disability.                            on the ATM machine," Andrew says.    Excellence Manager said, “Being
 Increasingly common in the world       Endeavour Foundation started         able to learn and have fun at the
 of computer games, Virtual Reality     experimenting with VR                same time is a win-win. When
 (VR) technology is being used by       technologies four-years ago          we’re excited about an activity,
 Endeavour Foundation to create         when they collaborated with          we’re motivated to engage and
 a range of learning experiences        the Queensland University            learn from it.”
 including how to catch a train,        of Technology. Since then,           To find out more about what people
 safely cross the road and use          partnerships with Aurizon,           think about VR learning go to:
 an ATM.                                Heritage Bank, Transurban and
                                        insurance firm XL Catlin have
 Each of the scenarios are built
                                        made a broad range of learning
 to reflect the local environment,
                                        experiences possible.
 so customers will recognise their
 local supermarket, ATM or fish         The team of educators and
 and chip shop.                         developers behind the innovative
                                        program have also created
 Kingston Learning and Lifestyle
                                        learning experiences aimed at
 hub Manager, Andrew Chant says
                                        developing employment skills
 the VR learning programs provide
                                        including how to be a barista
 a safe and quiet environment
                                        and how to navigate a work site
 where customers can experience
                                        when there are dangers present
 a task in a simulation before
                                        like forklifts. The team are now     “I learn about train safety. It is
 actually doing it in the real world.
                                        working on a driving simulation,     pretty cool. It’s like having a
 "When I reflect on our ATM or          which is one of the big things       dream while I was asleep, it is
 banking module, there are a lot        young people look for when they      so good!”
 of peripheral skills our learners      leave school and want to move
 can develop: recognising different     out from the family home.            Sam
 18   |   One Endeavour
Imagine what’s possible

My Health Record
What you need to know
By the end of January 2019, a My                          What if I don’t want one?
Health Record will be created for every                   What about opting out later?
Australian, unless they choose not to have                By 31 January 2019, every Australian will get a My
                                                          Health Record. However, if you decide you don’t want
one. We asked the Digital Health Agency                   a record you may cancel it at any time. You can also
what you need to know and what the                        cancel the record of someone else if you are their
                                                          authorised representative. To do this, go to the My
system means for people with disability,                  Health Record website or
their family and carers.                                  call the My Health Record Helpline on 1800 723 471.

                                                          Can I choose someone else to set
What is My Health Record?                                 up and manage my health record?
My Health Record is an online summary of your             Yes, you can, but make sure it’s a person who you
key health information, allowing people or their          trust with your private medical information – a
authorised representative to control, store, access       carer, family member or trusted friend. You can even
and share their medical information. Right now,           choose more than one person to be registered on
more than six million Australians already have a My       your My Health Record if they require access. Your
Health Record and more than 13,000 healthcare             authorised representative can manage your account
organisations are connected – from your local general     on your behalf including which details are stored. If
practice and pharmacy to hospitals and specialists.       you need to, you can tailor the types of access you
                                                          give them and restrict them from making changes to
Is my information safe?                                   your information.
My Health Record was designed with the highest
level of security and privacy to protect your health      Who can see the information in
information. In the six years it has been in operation,   my health record? Can I choose
My Health Record has never had a security breach.
If you’d like further peace of mind, you can also set
                                                          what’s in it?
additional privacy controls including what information    You can choose which parts of your record people
gets uploaded and who has access to it.                   can see and which parts are private. Your healthcare
                                                          provider can see the information in your My Health
What are the benefits?                                    Record, unless you choose to restrict their access.
                                                          My Health Record also logs any activity so you can
My Health Record will mean you get faster and more
                                                          monitor who has seen your information.
comprehensive health care. Anytime you go to a
doctor, therapist, chemist or hospital, they will be      How do I access and set up my
able to see the information they need, making your
healthcare faster and more effective. You will have       health record?
control over your medical history and can take it with    To access a My Health Record go to My Health
you, wherever you go.                                     Record website or call the
                                                          My Health Record Helpline on 1800 723 471.
How do I access my health record?                         When you first log on to your My Health Record
When you have a My Health Record, your health             there may be up to two years’ worth of Medicare
information can be viewed securely online, from           information there. This may include any doctor visits
anywhere, at any time – even if you move or travel        you’ve had or any prescription medicines you’ve
interstate. You can access your health information        received from your Pharmacist. If you’d prefer to
from any computer or device that’s connected to           keep this information private, you can remove it after
the internet.                                             you log in.

                                                                                           One Endeavour    |   19
Imagine what’s possible

  The art of
 The Nambour Street Art Festival made a splash on the town’s walls, with a
 collaboration from some of the community’s greatest artists.

 As part of the vibrant festival, the Shack Community    “It’s just over a month until January 1 when the
 Centre’s walls were coated in colourful works of art    National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) rolls out
 by artists from the Nambour Brushers, a program         on the Sunshine Coast but we’re already kicking goals
 at Endeavour Foundation Nambour Learning and            with our programs and community engagement.
 Lifestyle hub. Members of the ‘Brushers’ are people
                                                         “We’re incredibly grateful to the festival’s organisers
 with intellectual disability who enjoy the creative
                                                         who supplied the paint for our artists to do this
 outlet and a chance to engage with the community.
                                                         and for introducing us to someone like Ben Dalzell,
 Support Worker Sally Bowling said the artists had       a professional artist whose expertise brought the
 been “brushing up” for months and were keen to          whole thing together.
 work with Sunshine Coast street artist Ben Dalzell to
 give the iconic community facility a facelift.
                                                         “It’s easy to paint people who have a
                                                         disability with a broad brush and assume
 “The Nambour Brushers is just one of the many
                                                         they can’t do certain things but for this
 amazing programs offered by Endeavour Foundation
 at the Nambour L&L to give the people we support
                                                         piece they painted in their own unique
 the chance to get out and engage with the local         styles and the finished work has heaps
 community,” said Sally.                                 of personality,” said Support Worker,
                                                         Sally Bowling.

 20   |   One Endeavour
I dreamed big and I won!
                                            Competition winners
                                            The Endeavour Foundation Imagine What’s
                                            Possible competition invited people with
                                            intellectual disability to enter with their
                                            dream experience of a lifetime...

                                            Meet the lucky winners below who are on
                                            their way to living their dream. Thank you to
                                            everyone who entered the first ever Imagine
                                            What’s Possible competition.

 Leigh I from Wondai

 “I want an award for
 school children who
   have a disability so
 they can know what
  it is like to be proud       Josh B from Capalaba
of their achievements
   and to know what             “To put on my work              Noel C from Bundaberg
 they can accomplish          boots and high-vis shirt
                             and mow the lawn on top           “My dream for a long time
amongst their friends.”
                              of Parliament house. To           has been to participate in
                                be told Well Done!”             the Mardi Gras in Sydney
                                                                 and to enjoy the festival
                                                                      and parade.”

Thank you to our partners
Proudly supported by
Platinum Partner       Community Partners

                                                                           One Endeavour   |   21

 Two years ago Heather                    it’s almost impossible to get lost.   Take on the Great
 Livingstone joined the Great
 Endeavour Rally for the trip of a
                                          Even if you don’t have phone
                                          signal, you’re always being tracked   Endeavour in 2019
 lifetime journeying from humble          by GPS. You always feel safe          Starting in Bundaberg, we’ll
 Ipswich to the magnificent Uluru.        and supported.”                       journey into the depths of
 She loved it so much that when                                                 the Australian Gulf to Julia
 she got back home, she took her          It’s the community spirit
                                                                                Creek and onwards to an
 whole family along to the closing        that means the most to                unforgettable sunset in
 dinner and they haven’t looked           the Livingstones.                     Karumba, landing in Townsville
 back since.                                                                    eight days later.
                                          “We love being part of the rally
 2019 will be the third year that         family and attending everyone         Together we can raise heaps
 Avril and Jimmy – Heather’s              else’s fundraising events. We go      of dust and vital dollars for
 parents – have rallied their way         to places you’d never normally        people with disability.
 across Australia and it certainly        go and we get to support small
 won’t be the last!                       communities who open their
 “Next year will be our third year        doors and welcome us in. It’s
 and it’ll be a real family affair. Our   just a great way to have fun and
 son, Jamie has bought an old rally       raise money.”
 car with his girlfriend and our          “We like to support each other
 youngest son Calum is going to           because we know the fundraising           Karumba         Townsville
 come along in a support vehicle          is going straight to services. We
 with Heather.”                           see where the money goes every
                                                                                 Julia Creek
 Avril strongly believes that the         day. Heather loves her job at
 rally really is for everyone.            Wacol. It’s very social, she feels
                                          safe and most importantly she has
 “We don’t know anything about                                                  Take a look at our
                                          a purpose. Every morning she gets
 cars but there are lots of other                                               new website and       Bundaberg
                                          up and goes to work just like the     become part of the
 people who know what to do,              rest of the family. She feels part    rally family today.
 and the army are always there            of society.”
 to support you. RallySafe means                                      
 22   |   One Endeavour
Jack Barry, a long-time member of Endeavour Foundation, passed away
                                       in Sydney on Monday 3 September, aged 100.
                                       An active and valued member of Endeavour Foundation for over
                                       40 years, Jack held numerous committee positions and gave his time
                                       generously. He served on the Brisbane Branch Management Committee,
                                       the Central Management Committee and on the Board of Directors.
                                       For his exemplary and generous service, Jack was awarded Honorary
                                       Life membership in 2011.
                                       His son Tony attended Buranda Activity Therapy Support Service
                                       where Jack was very active in the transition of the service to become
                                       the Coopers Plains Learning and Lifestyle hub. A teacher in his working
                                       life, Jack co-ordinated the parent support group at Buranda and later
Remembering                            at Coopers Plains. This evolved into the Southside Support group
                                       which he co-ordinated until he left Brisbane in 2011.
Jack Barry                             In the early days, Jack was also very vocal in the campaign to have the
                                       unfunded Endeavour Foundation services funded by the government.
                                       He was a prolific letter writer and well known to politicians. Jack also
                                       gave his time to talk with media and politicians, raising awareness of
                                       the need for a National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Get                                    Area Committee
                                       election results
Membership of Endeavour
                                       The 2018 elections of Endeavour Foundation’s ten Area Committees
                                       have been completed. As the number of nominations received did
                                       not exceed the number of positions open for election in each area, all
Foundation provides you with an        candidates were appointed, effective 13 August 2018.
opportunity to assess what we
do and offer feedback. We value        Here is the list of duly elected Members for the ten Area Committees:
our members’ opinions and we
strive to ensure that our services      Brisbane Metropolitan                 South East Queensland
and supports are continuously           Graham Baker                          Bernie Scobie, OAM
developed and improved.                 Scott Ellis
                                                                              South West Queensland
Your membership enables us              Central Queensland                    Diana McKay
to expand and create services           Janet Campbell
and policy that have benefits far                                             Sydney
                                        John Leinster
beyond today, so that people with                                             Kathy Breen
disability can live their best life.    Far North Queensland                  Karen White
                                        Bernie Booker
If you’re interested in becoming a                                            Victoria
                                        Iyke Fredericks-Ijeajika
member go to                                                Keren Stephens
                                        Karl Scholl
membership or contact the
                                                                              Wide Bay
Company Secretary on                    Moreton-Sunshine Coast
companysecretary@endeavour.                                                   Frank Ekin
                                        Brian Stead or 07 3908 7211.                                                       John Shorten
                                        North Queensland
                                        Kathryn Andrews

                                        If you would like more details regarding these results please email
                               or call 07 3908 7211.

                                                                                             One Endeavour   |    23
Buy gifts with a
social conscience
 this Christmas
  If you’re looking for the perfect gift for
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                                                  Gourmet Christmas cakes,
QArt Studio & Gallery                        gift hampers, biscuits and chutneys
                                             handmade by people with disability.
 Stunning Christmas cards, unique
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        artists with disability.
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                            We deliver Australia-wide!
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