Page created by Jim Reid
                       ADULT EDUCATION
                       2022-2023 COURSES

In-Demand Career Training PLCC.EDU
Get moving with PLCC!
    The Adult Education Department of Portage Lakes Career Center (PLCC) offers day and evening courses to help
    adult students remain competitive in today’s workforce. Education is the key to getting ahead in today’s tough
    economy. Focused on job training, Portage Lakes Career Center provides hands-on, skills-based instruction that
    will help you meet your educational goals. Whether you are interested in learning a new skill, furthering your
    education, advancing in your current job, or embarking on a new career path, Portage Lakes Career Center is
    here to help you succeed. A trained career advisor can help individuals identify interests and abilities and explore
    career options.
       Our affordable, flexible education options allow you to make an investment in your future without sacrificing
    time and money. Portage Lakes Adult Education is a member of the University System of Ohio, offering both
    part-time and full-time job training.

                                                                              OUR MISSION
                                                                               WE EQUIP AND EMPOWER
    As a member of the University System of Ohio, Portage
    Lakes Career Center is governed and approved by the                          TOMORROW’S LEADERS
    Ohio Department of Higher Education. PLCC has the
    distinction of being designated as a Center for Training                 TO DISCOVER THEIR PASSION
    Excellence (CTX) which is a designation given to Ohio
    Technical Centers (OTCs) offering customized and                         AND DESIGN THEIR FUTURE.
    contract training as well as business consultation services
    to businesses seeking opportunities to enhance their
    employee talent and elevate the businesses within
    their region.
    A C C R E D I TAT I O N
    Portage Lakes Career Center is fully accredited by the
                                                                      Receive up to $1000 in
    Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. The          scholarship!
    Council on Occupational Education (COE), originally founded
                                                                      Alumni of PLCC’s four partner districts as well as veterans
    in 1971 as a regional accrediting agency of the Southern
    Association of Colleges and Schools, is the successor to the
                                                                      may receive a one-time $1000 scholarship toward full-
    Commission on Occupational Education Institutions (COEI).         time program enrollment or a one-time $250 scholarship
    In 1995, the Council became a national accrediting agency.        toward part-time program enrollment.
    In 2006, the Council celebrated its 35th year of assuring         PARTNER DISTRICTS
    quality and integrity in career and technical education. The
                                                                      Coventry • Manchester • Springfield • Green
    council’s accreditation process is conducted on behalf of
    more than 360,000 students across the nation who pursue
    careers in a variety of technical fields. For more information,
    contact the Council on Occupational Education: 7840               Call 330.896.8102 to learn more.
    Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30350.
    Telephone: 770.396.3898. Fax: 770.396.3790.

Find your career path:

                     AREAS OF OCCUPATION
                                                                                    H E A LT H & M E D I C A L
                                                                                    (pages 3-4)
                     H E A LT H & M E D I C A L
                     HUMAN SERVICES                                              Practical Nursing           (FT) (PT)

                     INDUSTRIAL                                                  Phlebotomy & EKG Technician (PT)

                                                                                    HUMAN SERVICES
                                                                                    (pages 5-6)

                                                                                 Cosmetology (FT)
                                                                                 Dual Esthetician &
                                                                                 Nail Technician (FT)
                                                                                 Esthetician (FT)
                                                                                 Nail Technician (PT)
                                                 (FT) Full-Time Course
                                                 (PT) Part-Time Course
                                                                                    (pages 7-8)

                                                                                 Automotive Service Technician (FT)

                                                                                 HVAC (FT)
    Interested in developing                                                     Manufacturing Technologies (FT)
    additional courses for                                                       Residential & Light Commercial
    your current employees?                                                      Plumbing (FT)
    We can help!                                                                 Welding (FT)
    Give us a call at 330.896.8278. Portage Lakes
    Career Center is a designated state of Ohio
    Center for Training Excellence (CTX) through
                                                                                     NEW PART-TIME
    the Ohio Department of Higher Education.                                         COURSES
    We offer both customized and contracted                                          HUMAN
    training for specific business and industry                                      S E R V I C E S (page               8)
    needs in our well-equipped facility with
                                                                                     Culinary & Hospitality (PT)
    the industry specific tools and machinery
    you need to make your training hands-on                                          Emergency Dispatch (PT)
    and valuable.

Full-time programs are                                      Earn credits towards your
eligible for Financial Aid!                                 Associate Degree at PLCC!
Financial Aid is available through a variety of sources     THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON’S Associate of Technical Studies
for qualified individuals in full-time programs. Call       (ATS) enables students to combine certifications earned
330.896.8123 for more information on the following:         through an educational entity such as PLCC or a place of
                                                            employment with general education courses to meet the
Pell Grants -              BVR Funding                      associate degree requirements. For more information,
                           TRA and TAA Funding              please call The University of Akron’s College of Applied
Direct Loan Program -                                       Science & Technology at 330.972.8832.       Veterans Benefits
                                                                         Look for this ATS symbol for PLCC’s qualifying programs.
W.I.A. Scholarship         Payment Plans

H E A LT H & M E D I C A L

    PRACTICAL NURSING                                         PHLEBOTOMY & EKG
    (FT 960 hours) (PT 960 hours)                             TECHNICIAN
    The W. Howard Nicol School of Practical Nursing,          (PT 196 hours)
    located at Portage Lakes Career Center, has approval      Students in this program will be prepared to enter the
    from the Ohio Board of Nursing. This nine-month           workforce as both EKG and Phlebotomy Technicians.
    program (or 16-month program for part-time students)      Students will begin with a foundation in medical
    prepares graduates to take the National Council of        terminology and will continue with both a clinical and
    State Board of Nursing Licensure Examination for          theory-based curriculum. As a Certified Phlebotomy
    Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN). Students are taught by       Technician (CPT through the National Healthcareer
    registered nurses with many years of experience.          Association), students will be trained to perform
          Clinical experiences are an integral part of        a variety of blood collection methods using proper
    the program and are completed at various health           techniques and standardized precautions. 40 hours of
    care locations and agencies. Graduates can expect         this course will include a focus on preparing students
    employment at a variety of facilities including long-     to function as EKG Technicians (CET exam through the
    term care, rehabilitation facilities, home care,          National Healthcareer Association.) This will include
    physician offices, and outpatient clinics.                anatomy and physiology of the heart, medical disease
          The Practical Nursing program is affordable! Not    processes, and electrocardiography. This program
    only do we include books, uniforms and graduation         involves classroom instruction and clinical experience/
    supplies with the tuition, we also pay for the NCLEX-     externship in a healthcare facility. Students gain the
    PN licensure exam and the application for the Ohio        skills and knowledge necessary to take professional
    Board of Nursing. NCLEX test prep will also be included   certification exams. Class size limited to 12 students.
    with tuition for those students who qualify to sit for    NOTE: Externship hours will be scheduled during the
    the NCLEX-PN exam. The Practical Nursing program          day and students will be placed as space is available.
    has students of all ages and backgrounds. Many use
    this program as a first step to pursue a professional       P RO G R AM C R ED EN T I AL S
    nursing degree. Class size limited to 50 students for       Phlebotomy & EKG Technician Certification
    each program.                                               offered through National Healthcareer Association
                                                                T UI T I ON $2,995
                                                                T, W & TH 5pm - 9pm
      NCLEX-PN Licensure exam through the Ohio
                                                                FALL START
      Board of Nursing
                                                                8/23/22 - 12/15/22
      T U ITION $15,995
                                                                SPRING START
      Full-time Start Dates: 8/22/22 - 5/24/23
                                                                1/17/23 - 5/11/23
      		                     M-F 8am - 3:30pm
      		                     Start times may vary on            COVID vaccination required
      		                     Clinical Days
      Deadline to Apply (Full-time program):
      July 15, 2022
      Full-time program orientation: August 9, 2022
      16-month Part-Time program start: August 2023
      Call for more information
      COVID vaccination required

                                E N R O L L TO D AY !

        REGISTER NOW! Full-Time Course                              EASY ONLINE ENROLLMENT
            Deadline is August 3, 2022
              For all programs except Practical Nursing      
All health & medical occupation course students will be required to have a criminal background check, drug screen, medical
clearance from a physician, and provide proof of vaccination documentation. COVID vaccination required.

                     P L C C Affordable. Convenient. Respected.

                    CALL TODAY                                                 $1000 SCHOLARSHIP
            330.896.8102                                                          OPPORTUNITY
                                                                                      See page 1 for details                 4
                                                            SCHOOL OF
       Learn from the professionals in our beautiful
        FULL-SERVICE salon and cosmetology lab.

                                                          School of

    COSMETOLOGY                                                    DUAL ESTHETICIAN &
    (FT 1500 hours)                                                NAIL TECHNICIAN
    Our Cosmetology program gives you the opportunity to           (FT 800 hours)
    specialize in the art and science of beautifying the hair,     PLCC now offers a dual license opportunity by
    nails, and skin. This licensure program will help prepare      combining our Nail Technician & Esthetician courses!
    students to obtain credentials in Cosmetology from The         This dual licensure program will help prepare
    Ohio State Cosmetology and Barber Board.                       students to obtain credentials as both Nail Technicians
        Students will complete a 1500-hour curriculum that         and Estheticians from The Ohio State Cosmetology
    provides advanced training in shampooing and conditioning,     and Barber Board.
    hair cutting, styling, chemical texturizing, hair coloring,        Students will complete an 800-hour curriculum
    trending color techniques, hair extensions, and skin care      that provides advanced training in skin care practices
    practices including physiology and histology of the skin,      including physiology and histology of the skin, disorders
    disorders and diseases, skin analysis, custom and corrective   and diseases, skin analysis, custom and corrective facials,
    facials, make-up applications, eyelash extensions, hair        make-up applications, eye lash extensions, hair removal,
    removal, relaxation massages, advanced training in             relaxation massages, manicuring, pedicuring, artificial
    manicuring, pedicuring, artificial nail enhancements,          nail enhancements, spa services, nail art, electric filing,
    massages, spa services, nail art, electronic filing,           anatomy, safety, chemistry and infection control.
    anatomy, safety, chemistry, and infection control.                 Students may also qualify to participate in internships
         Students will be required to participate in a 50-hour     throughout the program. Students will gain experience
    internship as part of the program. Students will gain          in salon operations and build skills that they can apply to
    experience in salon operations and build skills that they      their careers as independent contractors. Our goal is to
    can apply to their careers as independent contractors.         make sure the students are competent and ready to pass
    Our goal is to make sure the students are competent and        their state board exam as well as be fully prepared to
    ready to pass their state board exam as well as be fully       enter this industry with professionalism and confidence.
    prepared to enter this industry with professionalism and            Please note: The Ohio State Cosmetology and
    confidence. Class size limited to 20 students.                 Barber Board Manicuring and Esthetician exams are
                                                                   two separate exams offered on two separate days.
     The Ohio State Cosmetology and Barber                           P RO G R AM C R ED EN T I AL S
     Board Certification                                             The Ohio State Cosmetology and Barber Board
     T U ITION $16,995                                               Manicuring and Esthetician Certification
     M-F 8am - 4pm                                                   T UI T I O N $11,250
     8/17/22 - 6/26/23                                               M-W-F 8am - 3pm / T-TH 8am - 4pm
     *50 hour internship required                                    8/22/22 - 5/17/23

                            CALL FOR MORE INFO!

        REGISTER NOW! Full-Time Course                                     EASY ONLINE ENROLLMENT
            Deadline is August 3, 2022
              For all programs except Practical Nursing             
ESTHETICIAN                                              NAIL TECHNICIAN
(FT 600 hours)                                           (PT 200 hours)
Our Esthetician program gives individuals the            Our Nail Technician program gives individuals
opportunity to specialize in skin care procedures        the opportunity to become knowledgeable in all
and beautification of the skin. This licensure           aspects of hand and foot care beautification.
program will help prepare students to obtain             This licensure program will help prepare students to
credentials in Esthetics from The Ohio State             obtain credentials by taking the manicuring exam
Cosmetology and Barber Board.                            with The Ohio State Cosmetology and Barber Board.
    Students will complete a 600-hour curriculum              Students will complete a 200-hour curriculum
that provides advanced training in skin care practices   that provides advanced training in manicuring,
including physiology and histology of the skin,          pedicuring, artificial nail enhancements, massages,
disorders and diseases, skin analysis, custom and        spa services, nail art, electric filing, anatomy, safety,
corrective facials, make-up applications, eyelash        chemistry and infection control practices.
extensions, hair removal, relaxation massages,               Students will gain experience in salon operations
anatomy, safety, chemical and infection control.         and build skills that they can apply to their careers
    Students will gain experience in salon operations    as independent contractors. Our goal at PLCC is to
and build skills that they can apply to their careers    make sure the students are competent and ready
as independent contractors. Our goal at PLCC is to       to pass their state board exam as well as be fully
make sure the students are competent and ready           prepared to enter this industry with professionalism
to pass their state board exam as well as be fully       and confidence.
prepared to enter this industry with professionalism
and confidence.                                            P RO GR AM C R ED EN T I AL S
                                                           The Ohio State Cosmetology and Barber Board
  P ROGR AM CREDENTIALS                                    Manicuring Certification
  The Ohio State Cosmetology and Barber Board              TUITION $2,750
  Esthetician Certification                                FALL START
                                                           Daytime Schedule: T & TH 8am - 4pm
  TUITION $8,495
                                                           8/23/22 - 12/1/22
  Daytime Schedule: M-W-F 8:30am - 3pm
                                                           Evening Schedule: M-TH 5pm - 9pm
  8/22/22 - 5/17/23
                                                           8/22/22 - 11/16/22
  Evening Schedule: M-TH 5pm - 9pm
                                                           SPRING START
  8/17/22 - 5/31/23
                                                           Daytime Schedule: T & TH 8am - 4pm
                                                           2/7/23 - 5/23/23
                                                           Evening Schedule: M-TH 5pm - 9pm
                                                           2/6/23 - 5/10/23

                                                                                        Tuition for all
                                                                                   Cosmetology programs
                                                                                     includes classroom
                                                                                    materials, supplies,
                                                                                   exam preparation and
                                                                                       The Ohio State
                                                                                      Cosmetology and
                                                                                    Barber Board exams.

                      P L C C Affordable. Convenient. Respected.

                   CALL TODAY                                       $1000 SCHOLARSHIP
           330.896.8102                                                OPPORTUNITY
                                                                           See page 1 for details                    6
           NTE SR SI A&L C O M P U T E R C O U R S E S

    AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE                                            H VA C
    T E C H N I C I A N (FT 600 hours)                            (FT 600 hours)
    PLCC’s Auto Tech program is designed to prepare               Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning service
    individuals interested in entering the exciting field of      technicians install, maintain and repair such systems.
    auto repair and to enhance those already working in           At PLCC, we provide hands-on training with the goal
    the field who are interested in becoming ASE certified.       of mastering the skills needed to install, maintain,
    Students will learn the proper diagnostic procedures          diagnose and correct problems throughout heating,
    that make troubleshooting complex problems a                  cooling and ventilation systems. Upon completion
    simplified task. The Automotive Service Technician            of the program, HVAC technicians often specialize in
    program covers brakes, steering and suspension,               either installation or maintenance/repair of resi-
    engine performance, and electrical/electronics.               dential and light commercial HVAC systems. EPA 608
    Students must provide a copy of a valid driver’s              Certification exams included. Class size limited to
    license and proof of insurance. The cost of four ASE          20 students.
    entry-level certification exams is included in tuition.
    Class size limited to 15 students.                              P RO GR AM C R ED EN T I AL S
                                                                    Esco Institute EPA Section 608 Certification,
      PR OGR AM CREDENTIALS                                         OSHA 10 and Esco Employment Ready
      At least 4 ASE Entry Level Certifications from the            Certifications
      National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence          T UI T ION $8,995
                                                                    M-TH 5pm - 9pm I 8/17/22 - 5/31/23
      T U ITION $8,995
      M-TH 5pm - 9pm I 8/17/22 - 5/31/23

    M A N U FA C T U R I N G                                      RESIDENTIAL AND LIGHT
    TECHNOLOGIES                                                  COMMERCIAL PLUMBING
    (FT 600 hours)                                                (FT 600 hours)
    The Manufacturing Technologies course offers training         Students in this program will be introduced to the
    experience that prepares individuals to enter the             fundamental principles of plumbing technology in
    high paying, in-demand machining and manufacturing            preparation to enter this in-demand career. This
    industry, including manual machining and CNC set-up,          course covers plumbing tools and safety, plumbing
    programming, and operation. Our course provides               code and mathematics, proper assembly of various
    hands-on experience with the latest machines                  piping systems, plumbing system installation, and
    including Haas and Fanuc controlled CNC training              blueprint reading. Students will also complete
    mills and lathes. Software training includes AutoCad,         numerous hands-on labs and activities and will
    MasterCam CAD/CAM, and Cimco simulation software.             qualify to take the EPA Refrigerant Recovery Core +
    Students will cover blueprint reading, mathematics            Level 1 (Small Appliances) certification. Class size
    for technicians, OSHA 10 safety certification, basic
    			                                                           limited to 15 students.
    machining and tooling terminology and set-up,
    common measurements and readings, manual mills,
    lathes, and grinding operations, CNC fundamentals,              P RO G R AM C R ED EN T I AL S
                                                                    EPA Refrigerant Recovery Core + Level 1
    machining, and programming. Class size limited to
                                                                    (Small Appliances)
    15 students.
                                                                    OSHA 10
                                                                    T UI T I ON $8,995
                                                                    M-TH 5pm - 9pm I 8/17/22 - 5/31/23
     OSHA 10
     TUITION $8,995
     M-TH 5pm - 9pm I 8/17/22 - 5/31/23

                               E N R O L L TO D AY !

                REGISTER NOW! Full-Time Course                              EASY ONLINE ENROLLMENT
                    Deadline is August 3, 2022
                      For all programs except Practical Nursing      
(FT 600 hours)
This program prepares students for employment in the
welding industry. The increased need in both state and local
industries exceeds qualified people trained in the profession
of welding. The certificate program will include welder
qualification sheets and certification with the American
Welding Society’s (AWS) D1.1 Structural Welding Code
based on the individual’s performance. There are career
opportunities available in the welding industry and PLCC is
prepared to get you started! Class size limited to 20 students.

 AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Steel
 Certifications, OSHA 10
 TUITION $8,995
 M-TH 5pm - 9pm I 8/17/22 - 5/31/23

C U L I N A RY & H O S P I TA L I T Y                             E M E R G E N C Y D I S PAT C H
(PT 300 hours)                                                    (PT 300 hours)
Are you passionate about food and creating a memorable            911, what is your emergency? A career as a 911 dispatcher
dining experience for others? Are you a terrific cook             is fast-paced, full of variety, and above all else, rewarding.
who would like to take your skills to the next level?             Are you looking for a career where you will be helping
Have you dreamed of owning your own restaurant                    people in emergency situations and will be a valuable
someday? Portage Lakes Career Center’s Culinary and               resource to your community? Do you thrive on multitasking,
Hospitality program is a quick but thorough guide to              listening and problem-solving, and working as part of
make you into the chef you’d like to be.                          a team? Do you tend to be curious and need daily
     In this 300-hour program, you will train in a                challenges to keep you stimulated? Emergency dispatch
modern-equipped culinary institute environment                    might be the program for you.
and learn valuable industry skills that employers are                 As a part of a chain of emergency responders, dispatchers
looking for including a focus on food fundamentals,               are the face—or the ear—of emergency calls to 911.It takes
contemporary and international cuisine, and menu                  a remarkable person to do a dispatcher’s work. As the first
planning. In addition, our chef will instruct on other            point of contact in emergency situations, a dispatcher plays
industry essentials like purchasing and costing, dining           the incredibly important role of gathering information and
and catering operations, and supervisory management               caring for people until help arrives. They are also the eyes
techniques. This course also includes ServSafe                    and ears for the responders arriving at the scene and help
Certifications and the opportunity to experience                  to prepare police, fire, and EMTs for what awaits them.
all aspects of operating and managing our school                       This 300-hour program will give you the essentials
restaurant, The Neon Lime, which features freshly                 of dispatch including NIMS 100, 200, 700, and 800 certi-
prepared, delicious cuisine.                                      fications and the APCO Public Safety Telecommunicator
     If the exciting culinary field is a hobby you                Level 1 Certification. Get a jump start on an incredibly
would like to turn into a career, call Portage Lakes              rewarding career where you can take pride in what you
Career Center today.                                              do and make a difference in your community.

  TU ITION $3,495                                                   T UI T I O N $3,495
  T-W-TH I 5pm - 9pm I 9/13/22 - 3/22/23                            Days TBD I 5pm - 9pm I Call for schedule

                       P L C C Affordable. Convenient. Respected.

                     CALL TODAY                                                 $1000 SCHOLARSHIP
            330.896.8102                                                           OPPORTUNITY
                                                                                      See page 1 for details                   8
               FINANCIAL AID
                                                    FINANCIAL AID &
Registration is easy!                               PAY M E N T P L A N S
                                                    Contact: Kim Robinson at 330.896.8123 or

       1    Submit Online                           Full-Time Programs (600 hours or
STEP                                                more) Are Eligible For Financial Aid!
            Application                             Many of our students apply for financial aid to
            Visit to                   complete full-time programs. Financial Aid is
            complete the online                     available through a variety of sources for qualified
            application. Contact PLCC at
                                                    individuals. PLCC is an approved institution for the
            330.896.8102 with
                                                    following types of financial aid:
            questions about your
            program of interest.                     • Pell Grants –
                                                     • Federal Direct Loan Program –

                                                     • Veteran’s Administration Education Benefits
STEP        Steps
                                                     • Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR)
                                                     • Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA)
            Practical Nursing Students ONLY          • Trade Adjustment Act (TAA & TRA)
            1. Contact our Adult Ed                  • One-time $1000 scholarship for alumni of PLCC’s
            Admissions Department                      four partner districts as well as veterans
            to discuss and schedule
            pre-admission testing at                How To Apply For Financial Aid
            330.896.8102.                           1.Complete the Free Application for Federal Student
            2. Interview with Practical             Aid (FAFSA) on-line at
            Nursing Coordinator                     2.PLCC’s school code for the Free Application for FAFSA
            3. Must have COVID vaccination          is: 016994
                                                    3.Contact our Financial Aid Department at 330.896.8123

                                                    if you need assistance completing the FAFSA, securing
STEP        Schedule                                financial aid and setting up payment plans.
            Pre-Admission                           Paying For Part-Time Courses
            Appointment                             PLCC courses with fewer than 600 hours are generally
            Please bring a photo ID,                not eligible for Federal Pell Grants or student loans.
            deposit of $60, & arrange to            Here are some other financial aid options for part-time
            have your official HS transcript        courses:
            or GED sent to PLCC.                     • Some local scholarships
                                                     • PLCC payment plans for tuition

                                                     • Ohio Means Jobs Summit & Stark County Centers
STEP        Schedule                                 • Employer Sponsored Funding
            Appointment With                         • One-time $250 scholarship for alumni of PLCC’s
                                                       four partner districts as well as veterans.
            Financial Aid
            Contact our Financial                   I MP O RTAN T N OT E R EG AR D I N G C OST
            Aid Coordinator at                      Cost for all classes and services is subject to change without
            330.896.8123 to complete                notice. While every effort is made to provide accurate and
            financial paperwork.                    up-to-date information, PLCC reserves the right to change,
                                                    without notice, statements in the course catalog. Without
                                                    sufficient enrollment, classes may be canceled. Alumni of

       5    Background Check                        PLCC’s four partner districts as well as veterans, can
STEP        A background check is                   apply for a one-time $1000 scholarship toward full-time
                                                    program enrollment or a one-time $250 scholarship toward
            required for all programs.
                                                    part-time program enrollment. Contact PLCC for
            Background checks will be
                                                    scholarship details. Programs and services are available
            completed at PLCC.
                                                    without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age
                                                    or disability.

              Tuition includes: class fee, textbooks, supplies, uniform where required,
            certification, licensing and exam fees. Please call PLCC for more information.

  G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N
JOB PLACEMENT Portage Lakes Career Center provides job search assistance
for all graduates of our programs. Please contact 330.896.8278.
CAREER ASSESSMENT & COUNSELING PLCC’s individual career assessment
and counseling service is available to help you develop a career plan.
Occupations that match your interests, skills and work values will be
explored and linked to current labor market information and potential
training opportunities. FREE career assessments will be scheduled on an
individual basis. For more information, call 330.896.8278.
BOOKS AND SUPPLIES All course fees for full and part-time programs include
books and supplies. Students are required to be equipped with the necessary
protective clothing and safety glasses and to adhere to all school and shop
rules. Students may be required to provide their own hand tools/supplies in
some classes.
      PLCC adult students in financial aid eligible programs have the right to
purchase textbooks on their own. Textbook lists are posted by program. Pell
eligible students may be able to use Title IV funding to purchase books and
supplies. To qualify, financial aid must be scheduled and verification completed
at least 10 days prior to the start of the program. A student disbursement must
be awarded for tuition first.

STUDENT CONDUCT Adult students attending Portage Lakes Career
Center are expected to adhere to all regulations set forth by the PLCC
Board of Education and the PLCC Adult Student Handbook.
NON-SMOKING POLICY Portage Lakes Career Center is a tobacco-and-
nicotine-free campus.
CANCELLATION OF CLASSES The Adult Education Department of PLCC
reserves the right to cancel, postpone, discontinue or combine classes
before or during the first class meeting due to low enrollment. We
must cancel classes that do not meet a required minimum enrollment.
If a class is canceled for any of the above reasons, the student will
receive a full tuition refund less the deposit which is non-refundable.
Attempts are made to contact students whose class has been canceled.
Please be mindful of enrollment deadlines.

REFUND POLICY If a student withdraws from any program BEFORE
classes have begun, we will refund the tuition paid, less the deposit
which is non-refundable. If a student withdraws from any program
ONCE CLASSES HAVE BEGUN, the percentage of hours attended by the
student will be calculated based upon the total hours in the payment
period. The withdrawing
student will be billed for % of Hours Completed vs. % Amount Refunded
                              0 - 10%: 80% 11 - 20%: 70% 21 - 30%: 60%
the percentage of hours 31 - 40%: 50% 41 - 50%: 40% 51 - 100% 0%
completed. The deposit is
non-refundable. Refer to chart for refund percentages. Official with-
drawal is defined as the student’s last day of attendance.
SCHOOL CLOSING In the event of inclement weather, students will
                                                                                   The Portage Lakes Joint Vocational School
be contacted and an announcement will be posted on our website. DAY                District is an equal opportunity educational
SCHOOL CLOSING DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT EVENING ADULT                        institution. Employment and educational
CLASSES ARE CANCELED. CHECK OUR WEBSITE AFTER 2PM.                                 programs are offered without regard
                                                                                   to race, color, religion, national origin,
CLASS SCHEDULING If an adult education class is canceled due to an                 gender, disability, military status, ancestry,
emergency, weather condition, or teacher absence, a makeup class may               age, genetic information or any other
be scheduled at the discretion of PLCC.                                            legally protected characteristic and
                                                                                   provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and
CLASS CONFIRMATION You may assume that your class will be held unless              other designated youth groups. The district
you are notified that it has been canceled.                                        prohibits harassment of individuals in any
                                                                                   form. Any alleged act of discrimination or
COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS Students who successfully complete a
                                                                                   harassment should be referred to
full-time program will receive a Career Passport, which includes a Certificate     Mr. Gregg Clark, Title IX Coordinator,
of Completion, transcript, list of competencies learned and more. Completion       Portage Lakes Career Center, 4401 Shriver
standards include a minimum of 90% attendance and a “C” average of 80%             Road, Uniontown, OH 44685, phone:
(requirements in some programs may be higher).                                     330-896-8200 or email:
4401 Shriver Road
Uniontown, OH 44685

                                                                                ADULT EDUCATION
                                                                                2022-2023 COURSES

NEW IN 2022: Part-Time Courses: Culinary & Hospitality and Emergency Dispatch
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