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MagicPai at SemEval-2021 Task 7: Method for Detecting and Rating
            Humor Based on Multi-Task Adversarial Training
                          Jian Ma, Shuyi Xie, Haiqin Yang§ , Lianxin Jiang,
                              Mengyuan Zhou, Xiaoyi Ruan, Yang Mo
                                    Ping An Life Insurance, Ltd.
                                Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China
                                      the corresponding author, email:

                      Abstract                                   The SemEval 2021 Task 7, HaHackathon: De-
                                                              tecting and Rating Humor and Offense, consists of
    This paper describes MagicPai’s system for Se-            four subtasks: Subtask 1 simulates the previous hu-
    mEval 2021 Task 7, HaHackathon: Detecting                 mor detection task, in which all scores are averaged
    and Rating Humor and Offense. This task                   to provide an average classification score. Subtask
    aims to detect whether the text is humorous               1a is a binary classification task to detect whether
    and how humorous it is. There are four sub-
                                                              the text is humorous. Subtask 1b is a regression
    tasks in the competition. In this paper, we
    mainly present our solution, a multi-task learn-          task to predict how humorous it is for ordinary
    ing model based on adversarial examples, for              users in a value range from 0 to 5. Subtask 1c is
    task 1a and 1b. More specifically, we first vec-          also a binary classification task to predict whether
    torize the cleaned dataset and add the pertur-            the humor grade causes controversy if the text is
    bation to obtain more robust embedding rep-               classified as humorous. Subtask 2 aims to predict
    resentations. We then correct the loss via the            how offensive text for an ordinary user is in an
    confidence level. Finally, we perform interac-
                                                              integral value range from 0 and 5.
    tive joint learning on multiple tasks to capture
    the relationship between whether the text is hu-             Due to the highly subjective nature of humor
    morous and how humorous it is. The final re-              detection, the data is labeled by people with differ-
    sult shows the effectiveness of our system.               ent profile in gender, age group, political position,
                                                              income level, social status, etc. The tasks are ex-
1   Introduction                                              tremely challenging because they lack a unified
                                                              standard to define humor.
Humor is the tendency of experiences to provoke                  To tackle the tasks, we first preprocess the text,
laughter and provide amusement. Regardless of                 including stemming, acronym reduction, etc. We
gender, age or cultural background, it is a special           then apply the pre-trained language model to get
way of language expression to provide an active               the representation of each subword in the text as
atmosphere or resolve embarrassment in life while             the model input. Meanwhile, we add a perturbation
being an important medium for maintaining mental              to the embedding layer and design an optimization
health (Lefcourt and Martin, 1986). Recently, with            goal that maximizes the perturbation of the loss
the rapid development of artificial intelligence, it          function. After that, we perform interactive multi-
becomes one of the most hot research topics in nat-           task learning on judging whether humor exists and
ural language processing to recognize humor (Ni-              predicting how humorous it is. That is, based on
jholt et al., 2003). The task of humor recognition            maximizing the likelihood estimation under the
consists of two subtasks: whether the text contains           Gaussian distribution with the same variance, we
humorous and what level of the humor it is. Early             construct a multi-task loss function and automati-
humor recognition methods tackle this task mainly             cally select different loss weights in the learning to
by designing heuristic humor-specific features on             improve the accuracy of each task.
classification models (Khodak et al., 2018) and
have proved that this automatic way can attain sat-           2    Related Work
isfactory performance. Nowadays, researchers try
to resolve this task by statistical machine learning          The early stages of humor recognition are based on
or deep learning technologies.                                statistical machine learning methods. For example,

       Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021), pages 1153–1159
           Bangkok, Thailand (online), August 5–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
Taylor and Mazlack (2004) try to learn statistical     ment Inference BERT (EI-BERT) that performs
patterns of text in N-grams and provide a heuris-      well in sentence classification. Fan et al. (2020)
tic focus for a location of where wordplay may or      propose an internal and external attention neural
may not occur. Mihalcea and Strapparava (2005)         network (IEANN) Attention mechanism (Fan et al.,
show that automatic classification techniques can      2020; Jiao et al., 2019) has been applied and show
be effectively deploy to distinguish between humor-    good model performance. The existing work can
ous and non-humorous texts and obtain significant      be borrowed or inspired our proposal in this paper.
improvement over the Apriori algorithm, a well-
known baseline. In addition, three human-centric       3     Overview
features are designed for recognizing humor in the
                                                       In the following, we present the implementation of
curated one-liner dataset. Mikolov et al. (2011) ap-
                                                       our system for the competition.
ply SVM models for humor recognition as a binary
classification task and prove that the technique of    3.1    Virtual Adversarial Training Based on
metaphorical mapping can be generalized to iden-              Loss Correction
tify other types of double entendre and other forms
of humor. Kiddon and Brun (2011) present sev-          Recently, adversarial examples (Szegedy et al.,
eral modifications of the original recurrent neural    2014) have been generated to increase the robust-
network language model to solve the humor recog-       ness of training deep learning models (Pan et al.,
nition task. Castro et al. (2016) collect a crowd-     2019; Lei et al., 2020). This work is motivated
sourced corpus for humor classification from Span-     by the significant discontinuities between the input-
ish tweets and conduct extensive experiments to        output mappings of deep neural networks. When an
compare various machine learning models, such          imperceptible perturbation is added to the input, it
as Support Vector Machine (SVM), a Multinomial         may make the original normal network misclassify
version of Naı̈ve Bayes (MNB), Decision Trees          the result. The characteristics of these perturbations
(DT), k Nearest Neighbors (kNN), and a Gaussian        are not random artifacts of learning generated by
version of Naı̈ve Bayes (GNB). Yan and Peder-          the network during the learning process, because
sen (2017) observe that bigram language models         the same perturbation will cause different networks
performed slightly better than trigram models and      trained on different data sets to produce the same
there is some evidence that neural network models      classification errors. Adversarial examples are sam-
can outperform standard back-off N-gram mod-           ples that significantly improve the loss of the model
els. Chen and Soo (2018) extend the techniques         by adding small perturbations to the input samples.
of automatic humor recognition to different types          The adversarial training (Miyato et al., 2017) is
of humor as well as different languages in both        a training process that can effectively identify the
English and Chinese and proposed a deep learning       original sample and the adversarial sample model.
CNN architecture with high way networks that can       Usually, the adversarial training requires labeled
learn to distinguish between humorous and nonhu-       samples to provide supervision loss because the
morous texts based on a large scale of balanced        perturbation is designed to increase the model loss
positive and negative dataset.                         function. Virtual adversarial training (Liu et al.,
                                                       2020) extends the adversarial training to semi-
   With the rapid development of deep learning         supervised mode by adding regularization to the
technology, various pre-training models have made      model so that the output distribution of a sample
great progress in the field of natural language pro-   is the same as the output distribution after pertur-
cessing (Yang and Shen, 2021; Wang et al., 2021;       bation while attaining good performance in both
Yang et al., 2021). Liu et al. (2018) propose to       supervised and unsupervised tasks. When the train-
model sentiment association between elementary         ing sample is mixed with noise, it is easy to overfit
discourse units and compare various CNN methods        the model and learn wrong information. Therefore,
of humor recognition. Weller and Seppi (2019) em-      it is necessary to interfere to control the influence
ploy a Transformer architecture for its advantages     of noise.
in learning from sentence context and demonstrate          Figure 1(a) illustrates the perturbation in our im-
the effectiveness of this approach and show results    plementation. For a word with a sequence length
that are comparable to human performance. Ma           of n, we let wi denote the i-th subword, where
et al. (2020) propose a new algorithm Enhance-         i = 1, . . . , n. The representation of wi is then

(a) Perturbation embeddings                        (b) Interactive multi-task learning

                          Figure 1: The main implementation of our proposed system.

computed by the sum of token embedding, seg-             function is defined as follows:
mentation embedding, position embedding, and                         N
perturbation embedding, an additional embedding.               L=−          ((1 − wi )yi + wi ỹi ) log(li )   (2)
This makes it slightly different from the existing                    i=1
pre-trained language models, e.g., BERT.
                                                         where yi is the true label, ỹi is the predicted label,
  The virtual adversarial training can be unified by     and li is the predicted probability distribution. wi is
the following objective:                                 a hyperparameter to control the trade-off between
                                                         true label and predicted label. By minimizing the
  min E(x,y)∼D [α maxL(f (x + β; θ), f (x; θ))           loss defined in Eq. (2), we can reduce the attention
    θ                 β                                  to noise points by adding the model’s own predic-
                          + L(f (x; θ), y)],      (1)    tions to the true labels and the prediction to the
                                                         noise point.

where D is a training dataset consisting of input-       3.2   Interactive Multi-task Training
output pairs (x, y), α is a hyperparameter to con-       According to the description of the first two tasks,
trol the trade-off between the standard error and        task 1a is a binary classification task to predict
the robust error. β is the adversarial perturbation,     if the text would be considered humorous for an
y represents the true label, θ is the model param-       average user while task 1b is a regression task to
eter, L is the loss function. x + β quantifies the       determine how humorous it is for an average user
perturbation β injecting into x. The goal of β is        when the text is classed as humorous, where the
to maximize the difference between the two deci-         values vary between 0 and 5. In order to capture the
sion function values, f (x + β; θ) and f (x; θ), i.e.,   relationship between whether text is humorous and
to make the prediction of the existing model as          how humorous it is, we designed the network struc-
incorrect as possible. To make β meet a certain          ture shown in Fig. 1(b). The input, as illustrated
constraint, a conventional setting is to let kβk ≤ ,    in Fig. 1(a), is the sum of the token embedding,
where  is a constant. After constructing an adver-      position embedding, segment embedding, and per-
sarial sample x + β for each sample, Eq. (1) tries       turbation embedding. The sum of four embeddings
to seek the model parameter θ by minimizing the          is sent to a pre=trained language model (PLM) to
prediction loss.                                         yield an input for a BiLSTM model. After that, a
    Since the training samples are mixed with noise,     Softmax layer is placed to recognize whether the
it is easy for the model to overfit and learn wrong      text is humor. Meanwhile, the output of the PLM
information (Reed et al., 2015), interference is         and the output of the Softmax layer are concate-
adopted to control the influence of noise. The loss      nated together and sent to another BiSLTM model

to predict how humorous it is. In Fig. 1(b), the          equivalent to minimizing the following objective:
notation ⊕ represents the concatenation operation.
Because two tasks have different noise patterns,               L(W, σ1 , σ2 )                                    (6)
learning two tasks simultaneously can make fea-                                    W
                                                            = − log p(y1, y2|f (x))
tures interact in the tasks. For task 1a, it is easy to     = − log Sof tmax(f W (x), σ1 ) · G(f W (x), σ2 )
learn some important features while for task 1b, it
                                                              1            1
is difficult to extract them. The reason may come           ∝ 2 L1 (W ) + 2 L2 (W ) + log σ1 + log σ2
from the following facts: the interaction between            σ1           2σ2
task 1b and the features may be too complicated,          where L1 = − log Sof tmax(f W (x), y1 ) defines
or some other features may hinder the learning pro-       the cross entropy loss between the prediction and
cedure (Xia and Ding, 2019). Hence, by deploying          y1 . L2 = ky2 − f W (x)k2 defines the Euclidean
interactive multi-task learning, we can get a more        loss between the prediction and y2 . By minimizing
generalized representation.                               the above objective, we can learn the parameters of
   Since different loss functions have different          W , σ1 , and σ2 accordingly.
scales, loss functions with a larger scale will signif-
icantly dominate the loss functions with a smaller                       Train            Dev             Test
scale (Liang et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020). There-                No. R. L.     No.    R.    L.    No. R.    L.
fore, a weighted summation of the loss function is            1a     8000 7:3 20   1000    5:3   19   1000 *     23
required to make balance on the loss functions.               1b     4935 * 19     1000     *    19   1000 *     23
Motivating by (Kendall et al., 2017) that model-              1c     4935 1:1 19   1000    1:1   19   1000 *     23
ing is based on task-dependent and homoscedastic               2     8000 * 20     1000     *    19   1000 *     23
aleatoric uncertainty, i.e., for a certain sample, the
model not only predicting its label but also estimat-     Table 1: Data Statistics. R.: The ratio of positive and
ing the task-dependent homoscedastic uncertainty,         negative samples. L.: the average length. * indicates
                                                          the data is unavailable.
we present a multi-task loss function derived by
maximizing the Gaussian likelihood of the same
variance uncertainty. Suppose the input is X, the                     BERT      RoBERTa          XLNet    ERNIE
parameter matrix W is the model parameter for the               lr     2e-5       5e-6            5e-6     3e-5
output, f W (x). For the classification in task 1a,           nte        5         10              10       15
the Softmax likelihood can be defined by:                      bs       64         32              32       32
                                                              msl      128        100              80       80
   p(y1 |f W (x)) = Sof tmax(f W (x), σ1 ),        (3)        wp       0.05        0.1            0.05     0.05

where σ1 is the observed noise scalar for the classi-     Table 2: Parameters for different pre-trained language
                                                          models. lr: learning rate. nte: no. of training epochs.
fication model.
                                                          bs: batch size. msl: max. sequence length. wp:
   For the regression task in task 1b, we can define      warmup proportion.
its probability as the Gaussian likelihood by:

         p(y2 |f W (x)) = G(f W (x), σ2 ),         (4)    4        Experiments
                                                          In the following, we present the data, experimental
where σ2 is the observed noise scalar for the regres-     setup and analyze the results.
sion model.
   Here, to learn the models in the multi-task mode,      4.1        Data and Experimental Setup
we define the multivariate probability by                 The data is collected from the official release
                                                          in (Meaney et al., 2021). We preprocess the data
      p(y1, y2|f W (x))                            (5)    by spelling correction, stemming, handling special
             W                W                           symbols, and converting all letters to lowercase, etc.
    =p(y1 |f (x)) · p(y2 |f (x))
                                                          Finally, we obtain the data and report the statistics
    =Sof tmax(f W (x), σ1 ) · G(f W (x), σ2 ).            in Table 1.
                                                             In the experiment, we choose the large version
Maximizing the probability defined in Eq. (5) is          of four popular pre-training language models, i.e.,

BERT, XLNet, RoBERTa, and ERNIE. The hyper-               teractive multi-task training strategy on RoBERTa.
parameters of each model are tuned based on our           MT+WL denotes that the weighted hyperparam-
experience and shown in Table 2. To train a good          eters in the loss function are adjusted based on
classifier, we deliver the following procedure: 1)        uncertainty, determined by the learned σ1 ’s and
conducting five-fold cross-validation on the train-       σ2 , during interactive multi-task training to scale
ing set and obtaining 20 models; 2) applying the          the output the loss function of each task in a sim-
20 models to get the pseudo-labels of the data in         ilar range. Results reported Table 4 show that the
the test set and extracting the data with high con-       multi-task joint training mechanism can reduce the
fidence, i.e., the predicted label score greater than     RMSE of the regression task (i.e., 1b) significantly
0.95 or smaller than 0.05, as new training data; 3)       while adjusting the loss weight can further decrease
the pseudo label data from the test set are mixed         the error.
with the original training set to train new models.          Finally, we attain the F1 score of 0.9570 and the
Finally, 892 pseudo label data are selected and           accuracy of 0.9653 on task 1a, respectively. The
mixed with the training set to train the final models.    RMSE on task 1b is 0.5572. The RMSE on task 2
The regression model is jointly trained with the          is 0.446.
classification models. The models that performed
well in cross-validation are selected and averaged        5   Conclusion and Future Work
by the weighted fusion based on the confidence.
                                                          This paper presents our system for SemEval-2021
       Models       AT         LC      AT + LC            task 7. Several techniques, such as interactive
       BERT       0.9459     0.9490     0.9534            multi-task joint training, adversarial training, and
      RoBERTa     0.9480     0.9482     0.9569            loss correction, are applied to tackle the task. More
       XLNet      0.9462     0.9487     0.9470            specifically, the perturbation is first added to the
       ERNIE      0.9491     0.9499     0.9512            input embedding layer and the predicted labels are
                                                          also added with the real labels to reduce the loss
Table 3: The performance (accuracy) of task 1a with       of the noise point data. Next, the output of task 1a
different training strategies.
                                                          by the Softmax is concatenated with the input of
                                                          the task 1b to perform joint training on both tasks.
                                                          Meanwhile, the uncertainty weighting scheme on
      Models 1a (Acc.)     1a (F1) 1b (RMSE)
                                                          the loss allows the simple task to have a higher
        ST    0.9569       0.9470    0.6059
                                                          weight. Finally, multiple models are ensembled
       MT     0.9577       0.9480    0.5823
                                                          to yield the final prediction results. Our system
      MT+WL 0.9637         0.9550    0.5701
                                                          attains the first place in the competition.
Table 4: Comparison of different strategies. ST: single      In the future, we can explore and verify three
task. MT: multi-task. WL: weigh loss.                     other effective strategies. The first strategy is the
                                                          task-adaptive funetuning on the pre-trained lan-
                                                          guage models. Relevant sentences can be contin-
4.2    Results                                            uously fed into the pre-trained language models
In order to prove the effectiveness of adversarial        to improve the model performance. The second
training (AT) and loss correction (LC), we verify         strategy is to build a graph neural network (GNN)
task 1a on four pre-training models. AT denotes           model to exploit all vocabulary for text classifica-
the models through adversarial training by adding         tion. Because BERT is relatively limited to cap-
perturbations in the embedding layer. LC denotes          ture the global information from a larger language
the strategy to make correction on the classifica-        vocabulary, it is promising to facilitate the GNN,
tion cross entropy to interfere with the influence of     which captures the global information, with the in-
noise on the model. AT+LC means to apply both             depth interaction of BERT’s middle layers, which
strategies in the training. Results reported in Ta-       embed sufficient local information. We will further
ble 4 show that by employing individual strategy,         investigate discourse structures (Lei et al., 2017,
the models can attain good performance on task            2018) for humor detection. Because, both BERT
1a while employing both strategies can gain better        and GNN models information from word relations,
accuracy in BERT, RoBERTa, and ERNIE.                     it is necessary to involve the study of discourse
   Moreover, we verify the effectiveness of the in-       structures, which describe how two sentences are

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