Manchester Airport bounces back: Managing Director Karen Smart talks renewal and recovery

Page created by Jean Shelton
Manchester Airport bounces back: Managing Director Karen Smart talks renewal and recovery
Manchester Airport bounces back: Managing
Director Karen Smart talks renewal and recovery
UK. In this guest article, Manchester Airport Managing Director Karen Smart welcomes the partial lifting of
Government travel restrictions, the return of furloughed staff and key airlines and the launch of new routes as
trading conditions improve. She also shares her excitement about the recently-opened Terminal 2, which has
been significantly upgraded as part of the £1 billion transformation programme in the North of England’s
leading airport.

The last 18 months have been the toughest the aviation industry has faced in its entire history, with traffic levels
dropping to as low as 5% of usual volumes at the height of the pandemic, writes Manchester Airport Managing
Director Karen Smart.

It has been heartbreaking to see our once thriving terminals at a fraction of their capacity, and in some cases
mothballed completely.
Manchester Airport bounces back: Managing Director Karen Smart talks renewal and recovery
Inside the newly-upgraded Terminal 2 at Manchester Airport, one of the most exciting developments in UK commercial
aviation in recent history

It has been equally as heartbreaking to see travel return to something much closer to “normal” across the
continent, while we have felt stuck in first gear, despite the success of our vaccination programme and low
infection rates in the most popular destinations for our customers.

Inside the upgraded Terminal 2 at Manchester Airport, one of the most exciting developments in UK
commercial aviation in recent years

Prolonged restrictions on travel have undoubtedly held back our recovery to date, as customers found
themselves grappling with confusing guidance or requirements, and the associated cost of testing.
Manchester Airport bounces back: Managing Director Karen Smart talks renewal and recovery
Karen Smart says she is delighted to welcome
back furloughed colleagues

However, after recent changes to the Government’s travel restrictions, we are feeling a sense of excitement
about our airports starting to return to how we knew them before the pandemic.

Bookings have surged on the back of the simplification of the traffic light system, and again after it was
confirmed more destinations would move off the red list and that PCR tests will no longer be required for those
returning to the country by the end of the month.

And our excitement is two-fold, because we have been able to welcome back so many of our colleagues, who
have spent time on furlough over the past 18 months or so. Being able to bring them back just at the time we
will start to see travel resume in earnest feels extra special.

For so many families, it must have been hard to decide whether to holiday at home, or just to give up on the idea
of a trip away for another year. But, with all the positive developments I have referenced taking place, we are all
hopeful we will see a meaningful increase in passenger numbers during the upcoming October half-term – and
that it will be a springboard for bookings to continue to grow during winter and into 2022.

      “It will be at least until 2024 that we see a return to pre-COVID passenger
      numbers, but we are hoping for many more new routes in the weeks and months
      ahead, ensuring we continue to connect the North to key global destinations”
That is reflected by the confidence we are seeing from our airline partners, as they either return to the airport,
start new services from Manchester or increase frequency on existing routes.

A great example – and a sign of its confidence in the North – is Aer Lingus choosing Manchester as its first
transatlantic base in the UK, with flights starting on 20 October to Barbados. I look forward to December when
the Irish flag carrier starts further services to Orlando and New York, with the latter being a key trade route for
many businesses across the North.
Manchester Airport bounces back: Managing Director Karen Smart talks renewal and recovery
A strong retail offer features in the new Terminal 2, where a new World Duty Free store is now open for business

Other examples include the return of longstanding carriers such as Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific, both
of which connect the North with the Far East and beyond. Our Middle Eastern carriers have grown back at a
great pace as we recover, offering a range of options to the UAE, Doha and beyond, plus it’s great to have
Ethiopian Airlines back ensuring we are connected to Africa.

By the end of the year we will have a number of direct connections back to the USA. The States is one of our
most important markets, with more than 1.6m passengers from our catchment travelling there each year pre-
COVID from Manchester Airport. Not only are these links great from a leisure and tourism point of view, but
they are also vital as we connect the North to key global powerhouses for trade and investment opportunities.

I have to say one of the strangest experiences of the past 18 months was the opening of our new Terminal Two
extension. It was more than five years in the making, but due to the pandemic the launch was put on hold for
more than a year, and it finally opened on 14 July.

Those of you who followed the story of our transformation programme will be aware we were gearing up to
open the new terminal – the product of the largest investment we have made in our history – to much fanfare
and, naturally, wanted as many customers as possible to experience it.
Manchester Airport bounces back: Managing Director Karen Smart talks renewal and recovery
External view of the upgraded Terminal 2, which is set to stimulate a speedy recovery in the airport’s revenues and passe

The reality, in this strangest of all years, was far removed from that, with only three flights and a few hundred
passengers on the opening day. That, though, did not detract from our sense of pride, or from how momentous
an occasion it was for Manchester Airport.

And, in actual fact, it is really nice to know that when people start to fly through Manchester again after such a
tough period, the vast majority will get to sample this great new facility. It has the latest travel technology,
offering passengers a great experience the moment they arrive, and feedback so far has been great.

One thing that has of course been critical as we launched the new terminal – and across our site in general – is
COVID safety. We want customers to be excited to be travelling again but feeling safe at all times. That is why
we were one of the first airports to implement a range of safety measures including enhanced cleaning,
mandatory face coverings, Perspex screens and only travelling passengers allowed in the terminal.
A Sense of Place is prominent throughout the retail and extensive new food & beverage offer in Terminal 2

As we emerge from the pandemic and recovery ramps up, sustainability will be a key theme for the entire
industry. We’ve led the way in recent years at Manchester and at our other MAG airports, so it will be no
different post-COVID.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility report is due to be released in the coming weeks and will not only highlight
our successes in this arena, but it will detail our commitment to the green agenda for the future.

Looking ahead as we continue to recover, we can still go further, and so in the New Year we’ll be calling on the
government to further simplify the travel system, so that international travel can start to feel as it was before the

It will be at least until 2024 that we see a return to pre-COVID passenger numbers, but we are hoping for many
more new routes in the weeks and months ahead, ensuring we continue to connect the North to key global
destinations. The next stages of our transformation programme will continue too, with new baggage systems
being the next phase.
Finally, I’d like to thank all our customers and partners for their commitment and understanding during the
pandemic and would like to assure them that we have stringent safety measures in place, meaning they can
travel with peace of mind wherever they are jetting off to from Manchester Airport.

*MAG Airports Retail Director Ben Green and Senior Category Manager Food & Beverage Jane Nicholls told
the story behind the commercial development of the new Manchester Airport Terminal 2, and the transformed,
locally inspired food offer, during the FAB 2021 sessions at the Virtual Travel Retail Expo last week.
Registered delegates can access the session via our On Demand service on the Expo platform at this link.
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