March 20, 2022 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish

Page created by Ethel Lawson
March 20, 2022 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
March 20, 2022
  Together In Faith Led By Christ
Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo
March 20, 2022 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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March 20, 2022 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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               Mass Intentions: March 19 - 27                           Readings of the Week / Lecturas de la Semana
          Intenciones de la Misa del 19 al 27 de marzo
                                                                      Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4;
         Saturday, March 19th: St. Joseph, Spouse of the              Lk 4:24-30
                        Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00AM: Stephen & Daniel Terzo                                        Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc, 8-9;
5:00PM: Margaret Jordan Hobin, Stanislaw Spyrka,                      Mt 18:21-35
Laurie Wenzel Kowaleski, Jay Di John, Henry & Lorie Geisen,           Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16,
Dennis Szafran, Bob Pitts, Andy Markelonis
                                                                      19-20; Mt 5:17-19
           Sunday, March 20th: Third Sunday of Lent                   Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23
8:00AM: Joseph &Violet Brdecka, Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka OSF,
Bob Duffey
                                                                      Friday: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10;
10:00AM: John Grady                                                   Lk 1:26-38
12:00PM: Silvia Valdivia, Angelina Felix, Jenny Perez, Betito Perez   Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14
            Monday, March 21st: Lenten Weekday
                                                                      Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21;
8:00AM: Kaz Meiszanek                                                 Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
                                                                      Alternate readings (Year A):
            Tuesday, March 22nd: Lenten Weekday
8:00AM: People of St. Colette                                         1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6;
                                                                      Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]
          Wednesday, March 23rd: Lenten Weekday;
                    St. Turibius of Mogrovejo
8:00AM: People of St. Colette                                                       Prayer List/Lista de Oracion
                                                                      Please remember the following people in your prayers.
    Thursday, March 24th: Lenten Weekday; St. Oscar Romero            Por favor recuerden estas personas en sus oraciones.
8:00AM: People of St. Colette
                                                                      Michele Adamski                Sara Pawlak
      Friday, March 25th: The Annunciation of the Lord                Mary Gallagher                 George Wenzel
8:00AM: People of St. Colette                                         Erasmo Guillen                 Wanda Olsen
                                                                      Helen Lipski                   Brian Goeske
            Saturday, March 26th: Lenten Weekday
8:00AM: Stephen & Daniel Terzo                                        Richard Miguel                 Shania Beale Ludington
5:00PM: Donald Lee Andersson                                          Susan Schuett                  Mary Olson
                                                                      Stephen Terzo                  Guadalupe Menchaca
           Sunday, March 27th: Fourth Sunday of Lent                  Anna Schwartz                  Mark Martell
8:00AM: Joseph &Violet Brdecka, Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka OSF,               Angela Heimgartner             Julie Christopher
Dolores L. Ventura                                                    Curt Taras
10:00AM: John Grady, Robert Orchell
12:00PM: Silvia Valdivia

                     Mass Intentions
 If you have any mass intentions, contact us through our
 parish website or call our parish
 office at 847-394-8100 and a parish staff member will
 be happy to assist you.

                 Intenciones de la Misa
 Si tiene intenciones de la misa, contáctenos a través de
 nuestro sitio web parroquial o llame
 a nuestra oficina parroquial al 847-394-8100 y un
 miembro del personal parroquial estara feliz de poder

                     Ministry of Care
If you are sick or recovering from an operation, the
Ministry of Care at St. Colette would like to bring
communion to you. Please call the Parish House at
(847) 394-8100 to make an appointment.
March 20, 2022 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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 Mary was about to be stoned for the crime of adultery, although it is unclear if she is guilty of
 this. She could have been a victim of assault. In those days it was unimaginable for an unmarried
 woman to be out and about without a family escort.

 She was made to stand before Jesus, who was teaching in the Temple area. Shaming Mary in front
 of Jesus may have been because they were trying to see if Jesus would judge and condemn her. As
 it turned out, he had mercy on her and rebuked those wanting to stone her by saying, “Let the one
 among you who is without sin cast a stone at her.” Jesus does not condone adultery. He also does
 not condone sins of self-righteousness, deceitfulness, and the violation of human dignity.

 In our days today with social media, we see these sins often. People are anonymous to an extent
 and feel free to judge, degrade, and make fun of others the do (or do not) know. So many hateful
 words, opinions, and ridicules without any facts. Regardless of the facts, we as Christians are to
 have mercy and compassion towards our brothers and sisters. We are all sinners and should take a
 good examination of ourselves without shaming others. Let’s bring about peace on Earth; so need-
 ed in this time.

 Jesus has great mercy towards all of us sinners. He forgives us, he loves us. We are forgiven our
 sins as long as we reach out to him and ask for mercy. We need to be so grateful for the Sacrament
 of Reconciliation. This is a great gift. We are so lucky as Catholics to be able to go to confession,
 to be cleansed of our sins and renewed.

 I know people are embarrassed to confess their sins to a priest. Honestly though, haven’t they heard
 it all? Isn’t ten minutes of embarrassment worth saving yourself from an eternity of hell?

 The story of Mary Magdalene is so beautiful! Whether she was guilty or not, she experienced the
 mercy, love, and forgiveness of Jesus and ended up at the foot of the cross with The Blessed Virgin
 Mary and St. John at Jesus’ crucifixion. She ultimately was the first to witness his resurrection and
 is considered the “Apostle of the Apostles”.

 Mary Benson
March 20, 2022 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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 María estuvo a punto de ser lapidada por el delito de adulterio, aunque no está claro si es culpable
 de eso. Podría haber sido víctima de agresión. En aquellos días era inimaginable que una mujer
 soltera anduviera sin una acompañamiento familiar.

 La hicieron pararse delante de Jesús, que estaba enseñando en el área del Templo. Avergonzar a
 María frente a Jesús puede haber sido porque estaban tratando de ver si Jesús la juzgaría y
 condenaría. Resultó que él tuvo misericordia de ella y reprendió a los que querían apedrearla
 diciendo: “El que de nosostros esté libre de pecado, que le tire la piedra”. Jesús no aprueba el
 adulterio. Tampoco perdona los pecados de santurronería, el engaño y la violación de la dignidad

 En nuestros días de hoy con las redes sociales, vemos estos pecados a menudo. Las personas son
 anónimas hasta cierto punto y se sienten libres de juzgar, degradar y burlarse de otras personas que
 conocen (o no). Tantas palabras odiosas, opiniones y burlas sin hechos. Independientemente de los
 hechos, nosotros, como cristianos, debemos tener misericordia y compasión hacia nuestros
 hermanos y hermanas. Todos somos pecadores y debemos hacer un buen examen de nosotros
 mismos sin avergonzar a los demás. Traigamos la paz a la Tierra; tan necesario en este tiempo.

 Jesús tiene gran misericordia para con todos nosotros pecadores. Él nos perdona, nos ama. Nuestros
 pecados son perdonados siempre y cuando nos acerquemos a él y le pidamos misericordia.
 Necesitamos estar muy agradecidos por el Sacramento de la Reconciliación. Este es un gran regalo.
 Somos tan afortunados como católicos de poder confesarnos, de ser limpiados de nuestros pecados
 y renovados.

 Sé que la gente se avergüenza de confesar sus pecados a un sacerdote. Honestamente, ¿no lo han
 escuchado todo? ¿No vale la pena diez minutos de vergüenza para salvarse de una eternidad de

 ¡La historia de María Magdalena es tan hermosa! Ya sea que fuera culpable o no, experimentó la
 misericordia, el amor y el perdón de Jesús y terminó al pie de la cruz con la Santísima Virgen María
 y San Juan en la crucifixión de Jesús. Ella finalmente fue la primera en presenciar su resurrección y
 es considerada la "Apóstol de los Apóstoles".


 Mary Benson
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March 20, 2022 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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                St. Colette Church Rosary Garden

         We want to thank everyone who has donated so
         generously to this new prayer space, the Rosary
         Garden, these past few months.

         The current summer batch of engraved memorial
         bricks that have been purchased is now closed.
         New received orders will be for the fall season

         Please join in and purchase a memorial brick of
         thanksgiving or in memory of a loved one. You
         can pick up a form in the vestibule or the rectory.

         Jardín del Rosario de la Iglesia St. Colette

         Queremos agradecer a todos los que han donado
         tan generosamente a este nuevo espacio de
         oración, el Jardín del Rosario, estos últimos

         El pedido de ladrillos conmemorativos para este
         verano está cerrado. Los nuevos pedidos seran
         para el proximo otoño.

         Únase y compre un ladrillo conmemorativo de
         acción de gracias o en memoria de un ser querido.
         Puede recoger un formulario en el vestíbulo o en
         la rectoría.
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March 20, 2022 Together In Faith Led By Christ Juntos En La Fe Guiados Por Cristo - St. Colette Parish
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