March 2018 - Clifton Forge Presbyterian Church

Page created by Terry Delgado
March 2018 - Clifton Forge Presbyterian Church
                              CLIFTON FORGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
                               544 Church St., Clifton Forge, VA 24422 # 540-862-577

                                                 From the PASTOR
                                            The Faith of a Foreign Woman
          This curious account of an Israelite widow and her Moabite Daughter-In-Law highlights an emerging theme in the
       story of the Bible: God’s saving purpose in not for Israel alone. Surely God has been particular. He called a particular
       man, Abraham, out of the surrounding culture to follow and obey. He called a particular nation his “firstborn son”
       (Ex.4:22) and gave them his laws and ordinances to govern life and worship. But his purposes, ultimately, are much
       broader than the success of a single nation. God has picked his particular people to be heralds of the universal offer.
           We saw this theme already developing back in the story of Rahab, a prostitute from Jericho and an ancestor of
       Jesus. And here we see in once again. Ruth, a Moabite, steps out of her pagan past and into the covenant community.
       But there is even more to the story. This descendant of Lot’s incestuous union will one day be the great grandmother
       of Israel’s greatest king. Like Rahab, she will stand in direct relationship to Jesus.
          This snapshot of two women struggling to survive and a faithful man committed to doing the right thing is even
       more stunning when it is set and examined in its historical context. The events described take place during the time of
       the judges. The book of Judges closes with two stories, each focused on unfaithful Levites. In one a levite lives as a
       prominent idol worshiper. In the second a Levite gives his concubine to be raped and murdered by fellow Israelites
       intent on sodomizing him. The message of these concluding stories is clear: Israel is in a bad state. And the irony of
       ironies: a Moabite woman knows how to live for the Lord even when Israelites do not!
          This is just a brief look into what we are learning on Monday night in bible study. The Story is opening up
       scripture for us in a way we can learn and discuss how God’s upper Story and our lower story are connected. If you
       are not a part of the study we invite you to join us. We are having a wonderful time or learning not just about God but
       each other. This is our story, this is my story, this is the greatest story ever told. This is God’s story.
       (This comes from Exploring the story, Adam T. Barr)

                                                                      May Christ be with us,
                                                                          Pastor Paul
March 2018 - Clifton Forge Presbyterian Church
March 2018

       March 4, 2018                                                                   March 18, 2018
       The Battle Begins                                                               New Command & Covenant
       Joshua 1:1-11                                                                   Exodus 19:1-6
       Joshua 23:1-16                                                                  Exodus 20:1-2

       March 11, 2018                                                                  March 25, 2018
       A Few Good Women & Men                                                          Standing Tall, Falling Hard
       Judges 2:1-5                                                                    1 Samuel 2:1-10
       Judges 15:1- 20                                                                 1 Samuel 8:1-18

       Every Sunday Morning                                                            Every Monday
       9:30 – Sunday school for all ages                                               “Walk Through the Bible”
       10:30- Coffee Fellowship                                                        Nettie Paul Room 6:30 pm
       11:00 – Nursery Opens
       11:00 – Worship
                                                                                       Every Tuesday
       Every Wed. Morning – 6:30 am                                                    Boy Scouts @ 7:00
       Men’s Prayer Breakfast @ Dairy Queen

                              Information for April Tidings is March 16, 2018
                                                   Snooper Sez.

    O Boy! Spring is almost here and we are so excited to see the flowers peek above the ground and the birds
    are already singing in the trees. Happy and fun days are just around the corner!
                                          “The Church Mouse”

                                                    BIBLE QUIZ
       According to the book of Acts, Jesus spent some
       days with his friends after he was raised from the dead. During that time “he presented himself alive to them by many
       convincing proofs, appearing to them during _________ days and speaking about the kingdom of God.”
       How many days did Jesus appear?
       A. Three
       B. Seven
       C. Thirty
       D. Forty
       Hint: The correct answer can be found in Acts 1:3.                                                        Answer: D


MEMBERS AT HOME - Virginia McDowell, Barbara Rice, Isaac Vest, Robert Brown.

BRIAN CENTER - Peggy Knick.

MISSION/WITNESS NEWS – Mission Connections Newsletter - from Mark & Miriam Adams our missionaries is posted on the bulletin
board across from the Church Office, for your information.

               CLIFTON FORGE FOOD PANTRY - Whether you said a prayer, gave food, clothing or household items, or monetary gifts,
we at the Clifton Forge Food Pantry would like to say thank you. For the month of January 2018, we served 360 individuals representing
1,102 family members. Without your help this wouldn’t have been possible. We are still collecting food items here at the Church. We
especially need boxed mac & cheese and boxed spaghetti dinners. Please donate what you can. Thank you
Food Pantry – We are in great need of smooth or crunchy Peanut Butter. Any help you can give.

            LUNCH TIME) 11:30 – 12:00 JESUS SAID “FEED MY SHEEP.”
Meals-on-Wheels – Thank You Chuck & Carol Almarez, Amanda Tomasek, Ed & Carol Jones, Sandra Porter, Jenny Harlow, for
delivering Meals-On-Wheels, February 19 - 23. Please volunteer, one day a week, one week a month. No Holidays deliveries.

                   COMMITTEE’S - Bill Hardbarger – Building & Grounds, Glenn Mays – Music & Worship, Jenny Irvine – Clerk of
Session, Sam Clark – Stewardship/Personnel, Gordon James – Fellowship, Amanda Tomasek - Christian Ed/Youth, Jenny Harlow –
Mission & Witness.

WOMEN OF THE CHURCH – the officers of The Women of the Church: Moderator - Virginia Harlow
Vice Moderator - Irene Booze Secretary - Carol Jones Treasurer – Virginia Irvine.

           CIRCLE – will meet Tuesday, March 13, 2018 @ 2:00 in the Nettie Paul Room.

                   SESSION – Will meet March 18, 2018 @ 5:45.

              CLOTHING CLOSET – Will be open on Wednesday, March 14 & 28 from 9:00 – 12:00.

           IRON GATE PRAYER MEETING - will be on Wednesday, March 21 @ The Community Church @ 7:00.

GODS’S COVERING – needs financial support and Volunteers for the Snack Pack Program. Please make checks payable to God’s
Covering noting on the for line of the check Snack Pack Program & mail to P.O. Box 429, Covington, VA. 24426. You may contact them @
965-3582 or 691-3212. They are a 501c3 organization. Their letter is posted on the Bulletin Board across from our Church Office.

One Great Hour of Sharing - Will be taken up on Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018 (You can be a channel through which God satisfies the
hungry, comforts the distressed, and brings hope to the poor and oppressed with your generous gift.
March                                                                 Nursery Workers
        3/1 – Jeffery Persinger                                                                March
        3/2 – Justin Morris                                                          3/4 -Brenda Bartocci
        3/4 – Isaac Vest                                                             3/18 - Jenny Harlow
        3/ 5 – Hattie Mae Tomasek                                                    3/11 - Melissa Fisher
        3/6 – Charlie Bartocci                                                       3 /25 - Brenda Bartocci
        3/9 - Eric Bartocci
               Paul Brokaw
        3/10 – Mary Carol Persinger
               Cindy Maccentelli
        3/11 – Debbie Mays
        3/12 – Kathy Perry
        3/14 – Jason Helmintoller
        3/15 – Kevin Stinespring
               Marilyn Bliss
        3/ 16 – Rachel Daria Persinger
        3/ 17 – Ethan Davis
               Damon Reynolds
               Sandra Porter
        3/18 – Kevin Stinespring
        3/19 – Jason Woods
        3/29 – Marissa Nicely
              Kathy Nicely

        3/9 – Kevin & Neva Persinger                                                               Greeters
                                                              3/5 - Robert & Cecille McDowell
                                                              3/12 - Irene Booze & Lewis Brinkley
                                                              3/19 - Sandra Porter & Tommy Vest
                                                              3/26 - Kevin& Loretha Stinespring

                                                     CFPC PRAYER CHAIN
                                          Cindy Brokaw………………………….960-1476
                                          Rene Clark……………………………..862-3395
                                          Virginia Harlow………………………..862-2492
                                          Barbara James…………………………784-3516
                                          Sandra Porter…………………………..862-5346
                                          Loretha Stinespring……………………862-4838
                               If you have need for prayer, please contact one of the members listed
                           The following people were called out for intercessory prayer in February 2018

   Jenny & Carl Brinkley, Marilyn Woods, Lisa Deisher, Katherine Cash, Kathy Nicey’s grandaughter. Broc Tomasek, Billy & Lucy Cahoon,
   Greg Ball. Gillespie Family, Phyllis Carter, Mutzie Tingler, Billy Cahoon. Martha Unroe’s Son, Stacey Gibson, Gertie Murray.
   Margaret Brown, Kimberly Clark. Family of Carl Mack, Family of George Mays, Bonnie Ryder. Annie Sizemore, Larry Holbrook, Tara
   Hatley, Douglas Bartley Family, Marion Nicely, Susan Baird, Hezekiah Spinner, Alisa Morgan, Doug Meeks, Mary McDaniel. Heather
                               CLOTHING CLOSET REPORT
                         September, October, November, December

People Served        91
Pieces Given Out     1,120
Shoes                 42 pairs
Socks                  54 pairs
Underwear             45 pairs
Coats                  51 Coats
Extras:             227 - Dishes, pots and pans, belts, plates’ hats, books, blankets, drinking glasses, pictures, plates,
30 bags of Sweaters to Golden Living Center.
18 bags of clothing given to the Salvation Army Thrift Shop in Covington.

New Things for Children:
Boys: 40 Pairs of socks and 30 pairs of Briefs.
Girls: 42 Pairs of socks and 36 pairs of underwear.

Workers – Kathie Helms, William Deisher, Mickey McMillion.
     Sunday        Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday          Thursday        Friday        Saturday

                                                              1                             3
                                                              EAMA 9:00


4             5             6               7                 8               9             10
Communion                                         M.P.B.
                                                  6:30 am
                   6:30          12:30
                            Boy Scouts            7:00

11            12            13             14                 15              16            17
Scouts                           Men of           6:30 am
Sunday                           Mission
                                 8:00 am          Choir
                   6:30                            7:00
                                  Circle    Clothing Closet
                                   2:00     9:00 – 12:00           Session
                              Boy Scouts                            5:45

18            19            20             21                 22              23            24
                              Boy Scouts          M.P.B.
                                7:00              6:30 am

                    6:30                        Choir 7:00

25            26            27             28                 29              30            31
                            Boy Scouts          6:30 am
                   6:30                         Choir7:00

                                           Clothing Closet
                                           9:00 – 12:00
Clifton Forge Presbyterian Church
544 Church Street
Clifton Forge VA. 24422


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