Marina Bay Sands - Singapore Casino Makes Sure Bet on Harris Digital Signage - signD the content+technology of digital signage ...

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Marina Bay Sands - Singapore Casino Makes Sure Bet on Harris Digital Signage - signD the content+technology of digital signage ...
D                  sign
                                    VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 > SEPTEMBER 2010


                 the content+technology of digital signage

                   Marina Bay

Singapore Casino Makes Sure Bet
    on Harris Digital Signage

 Page 24   D-Signage in the House               Cool Sign!

Marina Bay Sands - Singapore Casino Makes Sure Bet on Harris Digital Signage - signD the content+technology of digital signage ...
D                                                       sign
                                                                                                                            D-SIGN Magazine                      Design & Layout: Crunch Design
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                                                    the content+technology of digital signage
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                                                                                                                                Also see D-SIGN in PDF at
                                                                                                                       VOLUME 3 > ISSUE 5

Marina Bay Sands - Singapore Casino Makes Sure Bet on Harris Digital Signage - signD the content+technology of digital signage ...
Editor’s Welcome

                                       What is This Thing Called                                                       D                          sign
                                                                                                                                                the content+technology of digital signage

                                       Digital Signage?
By Phil Sandberg

Welcome           to the first issue of D-Sign – the        are immediately in the publishing business, and just
Content+Technology of Digital Signage.                      as you would update your printed menus, catalogues
   So, what is Digital Signage? Over the last few
years, the subject of digital signage or D-Signage
                                                            or travel advisories, you have to keep your digital
                                                            signage fresh otherwise it becomes part of the
                                                                                                                      is the online
has generated equal measures hype, excitement               background noise.                                             destination covering the
and confusion. Like mobile phones, the iPhone,                 Overcoming that is the result of clear goals, clever
iPad, social networking or, indeed, the Internet itself,    content creation, scheduling, delivery and sometimes          Content+Technology of
Digital Signage has been seen by many from both             effective integration of a feedback loop. In short,           Digital Signage.
the vendor and end-user camps as an opportunity             workflow!
to magically increase revenues and boost flagging              Whether you take that on yourself or outsource it
business models through either re-purposing existing        to a professional services organisation, if the medium        With regularly updated
technology or selling ad space on your brand new            serves you and not the other way around, you will
D-Signage network.                                          see the benefits from your D-Sign network.                    website, email newsletter
                                                               Of course, there is still no accounting for the
   Neither of these are reasons to push for investment                                                                    and in-depth E-magazine,
in digital signage because digital signage is not:          awareness and attention spans of human beings
                                                            – particularly when there’s something else on        provides you
                                                            their minds. While recently passing through the
• A network of visual displays;
                                                            International Terminal at Sydney’s Kingsford Smith
                                                                                                                          with timely and relevant
• The output of a media player;
• A series of triggered audio/visual events; or             Airport, I could not help but notice the wide array           information on all aspects
Television.                                                 of digital signage from sophisticated retail displays
                                                            such as that for Absolut Vodka (pictured) to the simpler
                                                                                                                          of the D-Signage market.
    Digital signage is an extension of your organisation.   installations giving directions to the massive two-
It is a medium which can help you better manage the         screen flight information display positioned high on
flow of people through your venue, can help to keep         the wall facing the main duty free area.
the public safe, can help raise brand awareness, can           One would think that would be enough to direct
                                                            passengers to their departure gates in a timely
                                                                                                                                 2010 Deadlines
increase your sales, can entertain and inform.
    But, to be most effective it has to fit in with your    fashion, but as the kind folk at the information desk
                                                            positioned below told me, “you’d be surprised how          September
objectives. It has to serve your goals, not make your
                                                            many people come to us for directions because they         2nd – Email Newsletter/E-Mag Published
organisation a slave to it.
                                                            don’t see it.” As they say, hidden in plain sight.         15th – Email Newsletter
    And, that is the other side of the digital signage
                                                               We hope you find this inaugural edition of the          29th – Email Newsletter
coin. Once you have installed a D-Sign network, you
                                                                                        D-SIGN E-magazine useful
                                                                                        and informative and that
                                                                                                                       13th - Email Newsletter
                                                                                        you’ll drop us a line as to
                                                                                                                       27th - Email Newsletter
                                                                                        how your organisation is
                                                                                        employing this emerging
                                                                                        medium to reach your
                                                                                                                       4th - Email Newsletter/E-Mag Published
                                                                                                                       10th - Email Newsletter
                                                                                        And, don’t forget to
                                                                                                                       24th - Email Newsletter
                                                                                        regularly check our website
                                                                                        for news and videos, as
                                                                                        well as our free email
                                                                                                                       8th - Email Newsletter
                                                                                        newsletter, all available
                                                                                                                       For more information, visit
                                                                                       Thanks for Reading
                                                                                                                       call +61-(0)2-9332 2221
                                                                                                                       or +61-(0)414 671 811.
                                                                                       Phil Sandberg
                                                                                                                       Sales enquiries: or
                                                                                                                       call +61-(0)410 880 557.
                                                                                       T: +61-(0)2-9332 2221

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      2 Editor’s Welcome
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     Audi Digital Media Goes Global
    As part of a comprehensive retail                                                                                                     team for use in the Audi digital
    showroom program, Audi has                                                                                                            showroom includes high-quality
    created a multimedia digital                                                                                                          advertorial films, Audi sporting

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Catch all the detail
    showroom designed to offer                                                                                                            and corporate events, Audi
    dealers around the world Audi-                                                                                                        news, and features on culture,
    certified products and services that                                                                                                  innovation and concepts. Content
    enhance the look and feel of their                                                                                                    is made available to dealers via a
    dealerships. It also enables the latest                                                                                               custom portal that enables dealers
    information to reach customers and                                                                                                    to download only the content they
    facilitate a controlled environment                                                                                                   require.
    for branded communication that                                                                                                           The portal provides an efficient
    offers local customisation.                                                                                                           content       management       and
       Audi’s global network of retail                                                                                                    distribution system between head
    showrooms differ in size, location,                                                                                                   office and the dealerships, which
    geography, language, currency                                                                                                         guarantees that the final content
    and time-zone, requiring local                                                                                                        presentation will be on-brand and
    customisation to reflect these                                                                                                        on-time, all the time.
    differences, including regional                                                                                                          “This system gives us the ability
    pricing and dealer-specific offers. Digital media        area, the screens show a mix of carefully crafted,        to assure high-quality content in every dealership
    allowed Audi to address these differences.               highly branded video material that is both visually       worldwide. At the same time the dealer has the
       “With Audi, we have created an internationally        exciting and customisable to each dealership.             opportunity to place his own local messaging within
    applicable communication system to reach customers           2) The Presentation Element uses model-related        the Audi-branded content,” says Liane Scheinert,
    and staff with high-quality, engaging, informative       films to showcase key features, benefits and uses.        Head of International Customer and Retail Marketing
    content at the point of sale. The intelligent content    These screens are located next to the vehicle to act      for Audi.
    creation by Sean Media and the application of            as a reference guide for customers. Audio maximises          “So far over 600 retail showrooms in more than
    Scala make it possible to distribute Audi-specific       the impact of the content to create a theatrical          70 countries across the world are using the Audi
    content with just one production in multiple languages   presentation.                                             digital showroom concept to help them engage
    worldwide, which saves Audi time and enormous                3) The Digital Info Element depicts dealer-specific   and educate customers from the moment they enter
    operating costs,” says Stefan Knoke, chief executive     content such as pricing, test drive, warranty and extra   the showroom to the point of closure with the sales
    of Sean Media.                                           services and packages, including financial services       advisors,” said Oscar Elizaga, VP Scala EMEA.
       While some of these digital media are standard,       and after-sales support. These units also contain         “I am delighted that Sean Media and Audi chose
    each dealership can purchase up to four different        paper brochures and other printed materials for           to use Scala to help manage and deliver their
    types of digital media directly from Audi that best      customers to take away.                                   audiovisual content in showrooms to guarantee
    matches their showroom type and budget.                      4) The Audi Configurator allows customers to          the quality and consistency of content presentation
       1) The Audi TV module comprises a large screen        select the type, style, colour and capacity of the        to Audi customers. We look forward to working
    built into customer-branded furniture that allows the    vehicle they’re interested in and specify a range of      closely with Audi in the future to help underpin
    screen to operate as a free-standing unit at any point   items to personalise their vehicles.                      their ‘leading through technology’ approach.”
    within the dealership. Often located in the waiting          Digital content created by Audi’s marketing           Visit

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The next standard in professional LCD video monitors
     PumpTV Supports Safety Campaign                                                                                   Digital Signage World Asia                                                                                    is giving you even more choice.
      PumpTV, Australia’s first digital petrol station       operations in November 2009. We were looking              The inaugural Digital Signage World Asia will be held
      TV network, partnered with Victoria’s Transport        to align ourselves with an issue that is very relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Designed for demanding broadcast and production applications in HD or SD, the LUMA
                                                                                                                       9 – 10 November 2010 at the Suntec Singapore
      Accident Commission (TAC) to run a pro-bono            to the community and to PumpTV - hence the                                                                                                       family now includes 17” and 42” models, further pushing the boundaries for professional flat
                                                                                                                       International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Level 4.
      road safety campaign on its network of screens in      decision to partner with TAC,” said David Parker,            The event is an exhibition of the world’s leading
                                                                                                                                                                                                              screen video monitors. Incorporating the superb uniformity of ChromaTRU™ colour matching,
      Melbourne prior to and through the Easter period.      CEO of PumpTV.                                            solutions providers, as well as an applications-                                       super-precise 10-bit processing and advanced input options. Versatile features include waveform
         Timed to reiterate the message of road safety          “In the lead up to Easter, we are highlighting the     focused conference.                                                                    monitoring, audio level metering and picture-in-picture display, all integrated into a space-saving
      during the long Easter weekend – a period when         message that if you act irresponsibly on our roads           It is co-located with Kiosk Self Service World                                      one-piece design. Plus Ethernet remote control for up to 32 monitors - another Sony first. For more
      the risk of crashes increases, as more people are      you will be caught. PumpTV’s platform provided            Asia 2010 which brings you the most up-to-date                                         information call 1800 017 669 or visit
      travelling longer distances, TAC broadcast its TVC’s   an opportunity to communicate directly with our           and in-depth self-service implementation stories from                                                                                                                                   BACK TO CONTENTS PAGE
      on PumpTV screens in Coles Express/Shell, United       audience as they were on the roads over Easter,”          industry leaders globally. Kiosk Self Service World
      Petroleum and BP, Caltex petrol stations across        said the TAC’s Head of Community Relations, Philip        Asia 2010 covers all the important business and

      Melbourne. With an estimated reach of over one         Reed.                                                     technological issues and is the only event that brings
      million people, the PumpTV sponsorship added              PumpTV, through its exclusive content partners         together senior level executives from across a broad
      another dimension to TAC’s Easter efforts.             Seven Network and Yahoo!7, broadcasts news,               range of industry sectors to learn the benefits of
         “Road safety is a serious matter and we wanted      sport and weather updates and gives advertisers           self-service technologies, source solutions and form
      to support TAC in spreading the message across         the choice of TVC or digital ‘wrap’ format                important partnerships.
      to a wider captive audience at petrol pumps. This      advertisements.                                           Visit and
      was our first community campaign since we started      Visit                         
                                                                                                                                                                                                   42”/LMD-4250W                24”/LMD-2450W              20”/LMD-2050W       20”/LMD-2030W       17”/LMD-1750W
                                                                                                                                                                                              Ideal for multiview – full HD   Fully featured – full HD      Fully featured –     Entry-level –      Fully featured –
                                                                                                                                                      BACK TO CONTENTS PAGE                                                                              rack/stand mounting   with HDMI input   rack/stand mounting
          4 Digital Signage
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     Next-Gen Kiosk for Qantas Check-In
    Qantas says it has been working                                                                                                               provide both visual and audible
    closely with Qantas Creative                                                                                                                  recognition of successful check-in.
    Director Marc Newson in the                                                                                                                      All customers travelling with
    design of its new Next Generation                                                                                                             bags will be able to use the
    Check-in experience, which will                                                                                                               new Bag Drop service at Next
    launch in Perth during July 2010.                                                                                                             Generation Check-in airports.
       Qantas Executive Manager                                                                                                                   The Bag Drop injector has been
    Customer Experience, Ms Alison                                                                                                                designed to ensure the Bag Drop
    Webster, said the Next Generation                                                                                                             process is simple and quick for
    Check-in elements had been                                                                                                                    all customers and will eliminate
    developed with Marc Newson,                                                                                                                   queuing for those travelling with
    who provided creative direction                                                                                                               bags.
    on each of the components,                                                                                                                       The new Kiosks with enhanced
    including design and aesthetics.                                                                                                              functionality will be customised
       “Next Generation Check-in                                                                                                                  in colour and trim by Marc
    has been designed to deliver an                                                                                                               Newson.
    enhanced check-in experience for                                                                                                                 The Q Bag Tag features
    our customers – providing greater                             Qantas by Marc Newson.”                                                         world first enhanced baggage
    speed and ease through the airport terminal by                   The new Qantas Frequent Flyer Card features an           technology and Qantas is the first airline in the
    eliminating airport queuing,” Ms Webster said.                “intelligent Q” smart chip and will act as a permanent      world to introduce this technology. The tag was
       “With this in mind, careful consideration has been         boarding pass, replacing eligible customers’ existing       exclusively designed by Marc Newson for Qantas,
    given to the functionality, aesthetics, and ease of use       Frequent Flyer cards. The card will be used at various      and will be introduced later in 2010.
    for both our customers and airport employees.                 points throughout the experience, including at check-          Throughout the Perth trial of Next Generation
       “The Next Generation Check-in experience will              in, at bag drop, and to board the aircraft.                 Check-in, construction and training will continue
    feature product elements developed for Qantas by                 Customers arriving at the airport who have not yet       in Sydney, which will be ready to launch later in
    Blue Sky Design Group in conjunction with Marc                checked in online or via their mobile device, will be       2010, followed by Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide
    Newson, including a new Qantas Frequent Flyer                 able to simply touch their card at an all-new Q Card        and Canberra in 2011. The program is scheduled
    Card, Q Card Reader and Bag Drop facility. The Q              Reader located throughout the check-in hall. The            for completion in the second half of 2011.
    Bag Tag, a world first, was designed exclusively for          simple and clean design of the Q Card Reader will           Visit

       A College Degree in Digital Signage
       Texas State Technical College (TSTC) West Texas               Students will use Scala software to create content       students to create, schedule and manage the
       has launched what it says is the United States’            and manage playlists, as well as learn how to               transmissions of multimedia content to more than
       first digital signage technology program as an             identify audiences and measure and track digital            50 digital signage displays from any Internet-
       associate degree.                                          marketing results.                                          connected computer. Students will also learn how
           TSTC’s two-year degree is offered completely              Scala Designer will allow students to quickly            to develop a single, master playlist that can be
       online in a virtual classroom environment and              design dynamic content for digital signage in an            broken out into individual sections and scheduled
       includes courses on digital marketing, design and          attention-grabbing environment using ScalaScript.           to play in different locations at different times
       scheduling. This is the first time a college is pairing    Students enjoy creative control over their content          using Scala.
       a graphic design degree with marketing strategy            and can make real-time edits. Combined with Scala           Visit and
       and applying it to the digital signage medium.             Content Manager and Player, this will allow TSTC  

    Barco Acquires D-Signage Specialist
    Barco, the developer of LED display solutions, has            solutions to the high and mid-range markets via             reputation in the digital signage and professional
    signed an agreement to acquire Belgium-based                  partnerships with leading distributors and resellers.       mobile solutions markets. Its products and solutions are
    digital signage solutions company dZine. Through              By joining forces, both our companies will be able to       widely acclaimed and have been installed in more
    this acquisition, Barco significantly broadens its            open up new sales opportunities, which will strengthen      than 55 countries around the globe. As proof of its
    current offering of digital visualization products with       our position in the digital signage market for years to     capabilities, the company recently won the ‘Best Digital
    the addition of advanced software tools for content           come,” stated Paul Matthijs, Vice President of Barco’s      Signage’ Award from a global trade association for
    creation and management.                                      Video and Lighting Solutions Division.                      marketing at retail, POPAI, for a multi-display digital
        The total acquisition cost for Barco at the time of the      “Bringing Barco’s exceptional hardware know-             escalator project. As of today, dZine’s core team,
    transaction is less than 1 time annual sales of dZine         how and dZine’s extensive content creation and              based in Kortrijk, Belgium, will function as Barco’s
    excluding an earn-out provision over the next two and         management software expertise together under one            center of competence for digital signage technology.
    a half years. Barco says its acquisition of dZine fits        roof will offer customers the benefits of a ‘one stop’         Luc Deconinck, General Manager of dZine, stated
    within the company’s broader strategy to position itself      solution for their entire digital signage project needs,    “We are excited to join the big Barco family. Teaming
    as a total value-added solutions provider in the digital      be it indoor or outdoor,” comments Filip Pintelon, Senior   up with a globally recognized brand such as Barco
    signage market.                                               Vice President Barco and President Business Group           will permit us to increase our reach and to extend our
        “Barco and dZine have a common philosophy of              Media, Entertainment and Simulation.                        existing sales, marketing, and service capabilities.”
    bringing innovative, customer-centric digital signage            Founded in 1992, dZine has gained a solid                Visit and

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    D-Signage with Interactive Edge
    Malaysia-based digital signage provider and network                                                                      including the Web, databases and the audience
    manager, Be Digital has launched TehTarik.TV Channel                                                                     themselves. TehTarik.TV plays diversified rich-media
    (TTTV) in more than 12 chains of popular Mamak                                                                           content that ranges from daily news, advertisements,
    restaurants in over 40 locations across the Klang Valley                                                                 community messages and informative trivia, entertaining
    area of Malaysia.                                                                                                        video clips, forums and blog submissions to real-time
       “We wanted a different digital signage network –                                                                      short message services. The content is updated with live
    one that’s engaging, useful and fun to watch,” said Mr.                                                                  daily RSS newsfeeds from The Star, Malaysia’s leading
    Ahmed Balfaqih, Technology Director of Be Digital.                                                                       English-language publication.
    “We did not want it to be like other digital signage                                                                        TehTarik.TV also acts as a digital menu board for
    networks where the traffic or content comes only from                                                                    some mamak restaurants. The flexibility of the system
    one direction, that is, from the owners to the audience.                                                                 enables restaurant owners to adjust pricing or food
                                                                                                                                                                                                  SDI to Analog                           Analog to SDI                        SDI to Audio                          Audio to SDI
    We wanted TehTarik.TV’s audience to participate and        discuss specific subjects. The dynamic integration also       offers immediately, driving better sales by adapting the
    engage in the content creation”.                           allows audiences to participate through short message         menu content to suit different customer demographics at              $615                                    $615                                 $615                                  $615
       The network is designed with two unique features.       services (SMS) in various contests or through advertising     different times of the day.
    The first feature highlights a fusion of Web, mobile and   of products and services. Tehtarik.TV integrates with a          Be Digital says it chose Scala as the tool for TehTarik.
    digital signage tools into one platform, which allows      Web portal,, which enables viewers to         TV because it was a highly content-driven network, and
    a free flow of content among them. This combined           check content shown in the screens or to follow up on         Scala’s technology provided the ideal solution with
    platform enables designers from Be Digital to create       their SMS interaction online.                                 extensive built-in scripting capabilities and support for
    content using Scala and other software, as well as            The second unique feature highlights the content           other scripting languages that allowed the programmers
    create a base for bloggers and forum members to            aggregation and creation that comes from all sources,         to customize it for specific use. Visit

        Val Morgan Launches Superscreens                                                                                                                                                          SDI to HDMI                             HDMI to SDI                          Optical Fiber                         Sync Generator
        Late last year saw Val Morgan Retail Media launch      format outdoor advertising experience indoors,” Val           the digital superscreens. The first superscreen                      $615                                    $615                                 $615                                  $369
        digital “Superscreens” in shopping centres across      Morgan Retail Media Managing Director Anthony                 will be installed at Sydney’s Centro Bankstown,
        Australia using newly-developed technology to          Deeble said. The superscreens are installed in strategic      followed closely by The Glen in Melbourne.
        create four metre displays.                            locations in shopping centres to capture dwell time               Val Morgan Retail Media reaches a fortnightly
           Telstra has signed on as one of five foundation     opportunities and maximize thoroughfare shopper               audience of 20 million shoppers nationally. The
        advertisers who will use the superscreens to
        dominate the retail space.
                                                               traffic in high transit positions. Along with Telstra,
                                                               American Express, 20th Century Fox, Webjet and
                                                                                                                             company has been at the forefront of digital
                                                                                                                             technology within the shopping centre media
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The most advanced 3 Gb/s converters for SD and HD
           “The superscreens use new full HD commercial
        grade LCDs with ultra-thin bezels to create four
                                                               Goodman Fielder brand Veri Deli have all signed
                                                               agreements to be the foundation advertisers.
                                                                                                                             segment, and was the first to introduce a digital
                                                                                                                             signage network and other innovations including
                                                                                                                                                                                                       that include AES/EBU and analog audio!
        metre displays. The introduction of the superscreen       Val Morgan is working with a number of shopping            digital panels with directional sound.
        innovation means that we’re bringing the large         centre companies including Centro and AMP to install          Visit
                                                                                                                                                                                               Build your studio with the world’s most advanced converters. Only                               3 Gb/s SDI Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                               Mini Converters include auto SD/HD switching, redundant input, AES/                           Mini Converters include the latest 3 Gb/s SDI
        D-Signs Make Splash with School Water Coolers                                                                                                                                          EBU and analog audio on 1/4 inch jack connections, plus advanced                              technology, so you’re always future proofed! 3 Gb/s
        An initiative between local water companies and                                                                      opportunity to explore new applications.                          3 Gb/s SDI! There are 8 great models to choose from depending on                              SDI is also fully compatible with all your existing
        health organizations in the Netherlands has led to                                                                      “We knew that TENQ would continue                              the conversion you need!                                                      standard definition and high definition SDI equipment.
        the installation of multimedia-enabled water coolers                                                                 expanding over time, and we needed software that
        across hundreds of schools. Through a program                                                                        would grow with the program. Scala also gave us                                       Auto Switching SD and HD                                  Broadcast Quality
        called TENQ (“tank”), water coolers featuring built-                                                                 the flexibility we needed to make content specific to                             Mini Converters instantly switch between all SD               Mini Converters are built to the highest quality standards with low SDI
        in display screens are available to secondary and                                                                    each school,” Trossèl said.                                                       and HD formats, including NTSC, PAL, 1080i/59.94,             jitter, so you get the longest SDI cable lengths combined with ultra
        vocational schools across the country.                                                                                  TENQ is now expanding to elementary schools                                    1080i/50, 1080PsF/23.98, 1080PsF/24, 720p/59.94,              low noise broadcast quality analog video and audio. Mini Converters
           Powered by Scala software, TENQ’s 365 water                                                                       with a special version called TENQY for children                  720p/50. Updates can be loaded via USB.                                       are the world's first converters to include 3 Gb/s SDI on all models!
        coolers currently play educational programming,                                                                      ages 4 to 12. TENQY features a built-in flatscreen
                                                                                                                                                                                               Redundant SDI Input                                                           Eight Exciting Models
        controlled advertising and user-generated content                                                                    and programming that is tailored for a younger
        on built-in 19-inch LCD screens. Students can                                                                        audience.                                                         Most Mini Converters feature a redundant input and loop through               Mini Converters include more new technologies than other
        upload personal videos and pictures via www.           Director of TENQ. “We realized that if students could            TENQ water coolers are available upon request                  SDI output. Connect a redundant SDI cable to the second input, and if         converters, while every model is an affordable $615. The Sync or their “my tenq” account. This content can   contribute content, they would be more likely to view         by any school, and a local water company installs                 the main SDI input is lost, Mini Converters will automatically switch over    Generator model is only $369!
        be viewed by other students on the Web site, and       the screens and pay attention longer.”                        and maintains the coolers. Funding for the water                  in an instant. That’s great for mission critical tasks such as live events.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mini Converters
        some of the content plays on the TENQ screens              Working with Scala, TENQ can provide each                 can come directly from the schools, or students can               Pro Analog and AES/EBU Audio
        at their own school. When students use a TENQ          school access to the network. School administrators can       purchase their own servings of water. A percentage
                                                                                                                                                                                               Standard 1/4 inch jacks are built in to most Mini Converters for
        cooler, they can select to view content uploaded       log in to their own Web portal and input information          of proceeds of water sales from TENQ are donated                                                                                                                                           Sync Generator
                                                                                                                                                                                               professional balanced audio that switches between AES/EBU or
        by someone at their school.
           “When we envisioned the concept of TENQ,
                                                               that is visible on the screen through a ticker bar. Through
                                                               this site, they can also power the screens on or off, as
                                                                                                                             to Aqua for All, a Dutch non-profit organization
                                                                                                                             committed to provided clean drinking water to
                                                                                                                                                                                               analog. Unlike other converters you don’t need expensive custom                                                          $369
                                                                                                                                                                                               audio cables.
        we saw an opportunity to build a community for         well as control the audio content.                            developing countries in need.
        participating schools,” said Fine Trossèl, Managing        Scala’s flexibility and scalability has given TENQ the    Visit and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Learn more today at

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Case Study                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Case Study

D-Signage in the House
                   Installing technology around Australia’s
                   most iconic building without disturbing its aesthetic
                   character is no light undertaking. So, when it came
                   to modernising signage around the Sydney Opera
                   House, the administering Trust turned to Sony and
                   a solution that would blend in with the existing

                       According to Les Boros, Product Marketing
                   Manager Display Technologies with Sony Australia,

                   the Opera House management wanted to replace
                   static posters, menu and information signs with
                   dynamic displays, as well as provide monitors for
                   views of theatre performances during ‘lock-out’
                       In terms of the posters, Boros says “the idea was
                   that they would replace a number of their static posters
                   with the more dynamic signage. Given that it allows
                   them to be a lot more dynamic with their messaging,
                   they can change things, they can customise it, they
                   can tailor it to tours
                       Adjacent to the entries at the Opera House, there
                   is a dynamic sign located, near the main entrance,
                   another near escalators up from the Opera Bar and
                   a series in a passageway off the Opera Bar leading
                   to public lifts.
                       “The idea of this particular product is that it’s a
                   ruggedized product, so it’s a bit unique to us,” says
                   Boros. “It’s designed so that there are no ventilation             In the Western foyer of the Opera House, no less         to schedule content and have it come on whenever           native resolution of 1920 by 1080, for one screen.
                   holes, it’s completely internally cooled. The advantage         than 14 screens are used for the ticketing, cafe and        you need it, and switch off is also very important.”       So, if you’ve got a wall of it, it’s pretty amazing.”
                   of that is that it can be used in environments that             bar areas.                                                     The Ziris system also has the ability to address        Visit
                   are exposed to dust or moisture, without obviously                 “It’s basically information display as well as           screens on an individual basis.
                   ingesting any of that and doing any damage to the               advertising events that are happening and public               “Ziris is essentially a product that was developed
                   electricals. The other advantage it’s got toughened             direction as well,” says Les Boros. “So, it’s something     by Sony in Europe,” says Les Boros. “As of last year,
                   glass. It’s been installed in an Opera House casing             that this establishment hasn’t done electronically in the   Sony Corporation sanctioned the product for use,
                   and that’s for the aesthetic, that’s so that it stays in with   past, and they’re finding that it hasn’t done anything      globally, for marketing globally. Ziris Professional 5
                   the aesthetic look of the static posters here.                  to ruin the aesthetic of the establishment.                 is being used at the Opera House. That essentially
                       “The panel itself has a ruggedized aluminium                   “Obviously, it’s quite an old building and a historic    allows you to utilise up to 10 layers of content on
                   frame, so it’s designed to take a fair amount of                building but integrating technology into it has its         the screen, including sophisticated distribution and
                   punishment. It’s a fairly rigid rugged type panel,              own challenges and we’ve been able to do that               management and scheduling of all of that content,
                   designed for environments where you wouldn’t                    successfully and also utilise the benefits of up-to-date    so it’s powerful.
                   ordinarily put a display device.                                technology that can help streamline their business             “It is essentially a digital signage product, but
                       “The other thing with this product, having the              and make sure that the customers that come through          being a software based product, has its advantages,
                   internal cooling, is the advantage it has when you put          here get better value for experience - and possibly         because then you can integrate it with existing
                   it in portrait mode. Generally with most panels, the            even sell some shows as well.”                              hardware infrastructure. So if your environment has
                   ventilation system goes from the bottom to top when                Content for the Opera House D-Signage network is         existing hardware infrastructure, this product will suit
                   they’re in landscape mode. If you’ve got a normal               controlled via an IP-link to Sony’s Ziris software-based    you quite nicely. And, it’s scalable, so you know you
                   panel facing in portrait mode, the airflow is going to          content management system running on a server at            can have quite a number of different sites utilising the
                   be fairly restricted. If it’s subjected to high humidity or     nearby Customs House (across from the south side of         product.”
                   any instance where there might be a build up of heat,           Circular Quay).                                                A cut-down version, Ziris Lite, is also available.
                   then you know you’ll find that the fans will be working            Content management is template-based and any                “The other part of the Ziris family is Ziris Canvas”
                   overtime and it may even shut down.                             element can be changed instantly.                           says Boros. “Ziris Canvas is essentially a video wall
                       “That’s not the case with this product, because it             “If you’ve got a mistake on the screen,” says            system, so again it’s a software based product, so it’s
                   doesn’t have any external ventilation whatsoever, so            Boros, “that can be changed. If they know what’s            based on the Ziris Professional system but it utilises
                   it’s completely internally cooled and it uses heat sinks        happening in advance, it can be set up, even for a          the PlayStation 3 hardware to deliver the content to
                   to draw heat out of the back of the panel, to keep that         weekend, scheduled, and then it just happens. The           screens and the advantage there is, you’ve got the
                   optimum temperature. So whether you put it in this              system knows when to start, when to stop and then if        powerful cell processor in the PS3 and also the high
                   mode or whether you put it in that mode, it’s going to          you want to get in and change anything, you can do          resolution graphics, so you’re talking one PlayStation
                   operate the same life expectancy.”                              that, adds to the dynamic nature of it, but the ability     3 console attached to a screen, you’re looking at a

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Vendor Bender                                                                                                                                                            Digital Signage                                                                                                                          Vendor Bender

Cool Signage
                                                                                                                                                                         cost of deploying hard infrastructure and you’re          keeping track of stock numbers?
                                                                                                                                                                         going to want to take advantage of wireless, so           LG: “Very much so. Too many times the marketing
                                                                                                                                                                         we deal really well with heterogenous networks            folks who are excited about signage treat IT in
                                                                                                                                                                         because again that’s going to be critical.                an adversarial capacity because the IT guys have
                                                                                                                                                                            “We’ve satellite in the United States where            very high expectations about what a technology
                                                                                                                                                                         they do satellite deployment but, of course, in a         system should look like and traditionally most
                                                                                                                                                                         downtown area you might have building shadows             vendors of digital signage, their systems are not
                                                                                                                                                                         where you can’t see the bird and then you have            up to par with IT standards.
                                                                                                                                                                         to deploy a DSL or something else in its stead               “Something we’ve focused on is making sure
                                                                                                                                                                         to get the connectivity there and you have to be          that is possible, to give them the tools that they
                                                                                                                                                                         able to handle again multiple transport types on a        feel are up to enterprise standards and, in fact,
                                                                                                                                                                         single network so this is something that we’ve really     with a system like Coolsign, and there are others
                                                                                                                                                                         focused on to make sure that we can do.                   in the marketplace as well, it’s actually quite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   straightforward to create interfaces with things
                                                                                                                                                                         C+T: As well as fixed displays, is there a role for       like e-pos and to very simply create relationships
                                                                                                                                                                         mobile, solar or other powered devices?                   where a product on the screen is shown or not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Lou Giacalone, Founder and
                                                                                                                                                                         LG: “I definitely think so. That’s still kind of in       shown based on its stock level at that particular         President of Coolsign.
                                                                                                                                                                         its infancy but we’ve seen battery-powered                store.
A spin-off            of US D-signage network                                                                                                                            deployments where they just recharge them at                 “The thing that you hear about as well is that if
provider Adspace, Coolsign has focused on                                                                                                                                night. I think fuel cell technology is really going       the outside temperature at a location is in excess
creating an ecosystem of partners to solve the                                                                                                                           to be the way to go ‘cause when you think about           of 20 degrees you show t-shirts and if it’s below
technological challenges of digital signage.                                                                                                                             something like a signage kiosk you’ve got a sign          20 degrees then you show sweaters and that stuff
Using Coolsign technology, Adspace has
created the largest out of home media network
                                                                                                                                                                         which you’re putting at eye level and then you’ve         is do-able today with the existing technology, with                      It’s not the tip
                                                                                                                                                                         got a footprint below it which is basically just          really relatively straightforward integration and
in shopping malls in the world with in excess of                                                                                                                         structural. Well, imagine if you would some type          this is again why we think it’s incredibly important          of the iceberg, it’s the tip
120 US shopping malls running 1400 screens.
But Coolsign has taken its ecosystem idea further
                                                                                                                                                                         of safe fuel reserve that’s actually powering that        to do more outreach and evangelism into the IT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   community ‘cause again we do see this being a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of the tip of the iceberg.
                                                                                                                                                                         through a fuel cell technology which is, of course,
with deployments in Denmark, the Pentagon, Nike                                                                                                                          a very green power mechanism. That could                  part of the IT ecosystem.”                                    Most people think about
Worldwide and numerous others.
   For Lou Giacalone, Founder and President of
                                                                                                                                                                         probably power that sign for numerous days, then
                                                                                                                                                                         you replace a fuel cartridge or fuel it up with some      C+T: So, what role does mobile digital signage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 signs as being big things
                                                       looked at scheduling, communication so we’re           addressed for dynamic content that is composite,
Coolsign, the company’s mission is to make sure        pushing towards having something this year             but for the base content formats we’re making a            recharge mechanism and then off it goes.                  have and how’s that different to broadcasting?                that are in big places, but
all the D-signage pieces come together with the                                                                                                                              “I see that being really a powerful                   LG: “I’m not sure there’s necessarily any
best practices to make it successful.
                                                       where playback devices could speak a common
                                                       language so that they would potentially be able
                                                                                                              clear recommendation to either use mpeg 2 or
                                                                                                              H264 as the base content format and we’ve got              transformational thing for the industry but, again,       correlation to broadcast but certainly signs will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 really what I see as the
                                                       to have one vendor’s playback device or more           recommended bit rates and sample test files that           it’s probably a little bit of ways away ‘cause the        be mobile. I mean, again, any kind of transit                 future is they can go a lot
C+T: You emphasise D-signage is not like TV or the     importantly like an embedded hardware playback         have been put forth in the community so that we            fuel cell guys right now have been really focused         vehicle is an excellent choice to deploy signage
web. So, how would you describe it?                    device that could speak a lingua franca signage        can all validate that for the given tests that we’re       on home energy and automobile.”                           ‘cause you generally have a captive audience                  of different places.
LG: “Really it’s media at a glance so it has the       and connect into a Coolsign server or a Scalar         able to play those. So, again, that’s the mean line                                                                  for some period of time and there’s no reason
flexibility and the motion of television and kind of   server and be a part of that network without having    recommendation for content - MPEG2 being the               C+T: In terms of the overall global market where          why you wouldn’t want to talk to them and again
the immediacy of the web in the sense that again       to recode so there is significant progress being       broadcast standard and H264 being the up and               do you see the opportunities for growth?                  traditional media businesses have made a good
you change stuff minute to minute, you can target      made at this time. And, we think that’s critical to    coming favourite within the broader multimedia             LG: “The opportunity is everywhere. It’s not the tip      living serving those audiences around the world
different messages to different audiences and it’s a   the success of the industry.”                          community and IPTV.                                        of the iceberg, it’s the tip of the tip of the iceberg.   for decades, so there’s no reason that mobile             it became less and less local and contextual to
rich media which again people tend to look at it                                                                 “We feel comfortable that support for those             Most people think about signs as being big things         wouldn’t be a part of it.                                 the point where it’s almost become irrelevant and
like a TV ‘cause it uses the similar screens to TVs    C+T: How much does that standardisation process        formats is the core of what we’re doing. So, in the        that are in big places, but really what I see as the          “Again, the technology is cool in the sense           certainly not cost effective or green deploying that.
in a lot of cases but again you just don’t have the    draw upon efforts in other industries like TV?         workflow for cut and production, as long as your           future is they can go a lot of different places. I        that leveraging GPS and technologies like that in            “Digital can turn that back around to be extremely
focused attention that you get in TV. That’s a very    LG: “We’ve looked at some of the broadcast             tool suites support IPTV and H264, that you’re able        see where there’ll be small signs at every table at       combination with the marketing medium, you’re             local, extremely contextual because again it’s got
different experience than being out and about and      transfer standards. Some of it is applicable,          to get those files out, that digital signage will adjust   every restaurant and certainly in every hotel room        now able to take it to a new level where you’re           the time element, can be changed day to day,
you have a purpose, you’re going somewhere,            some of it isn’t. We’ve drawn a lot from the Smil      those directly and be prepared to deal with them.”         in the world instead of those little cardboard things     moving through an urban environment and there’s           can tell you what’s going on tonight in your local
you’re doing something or you’re waiting for           Standard (Synchronized Multimedia Integration                                                                     sitting there talking about the restaurant or the         a new restaurant in this neighbourhood and that           venues and with your local merchants and local
something. The digital media is really something       Language) which is a multimedia standard that          C+T: You’ve emphasised this is a medium that               daily special at the restaurant. There’ll be a digital    restaurant over there has a dinner special tonight        restaurants and again that’s what people want. I
outside of what you’re there for so it really has      was more internet-focused. That seemed to have         functions on a network. Are there any problems             sign and just because it’s small and just because         and it’s $14.95 for a steak dinner, or a boutique         mean they’re living their lives and if signs can add
to grab your attention and make an impact and          a little bit more relevancy in terms of metaphors      using wireless as a component of this?                     it doesn’t do a lot doesn’t mean it’s not a powerful      opens here or there’s a play happening in this part       value to their lives they’ll pay attention to them and
then be prepared that you’re going to disengage        and scheduling that is relevant to digital signage.    LG: “This is something that we’ve worked really            network device delivering value to the business.          of town and that can change as you move through           if people are paying attention to them then you’ll
‘cause again you’re never going to have a focused      Television is a very long format so it has a very      long and hard on which is to make sure that                Again, you could see where there could literally be       the neighbourhood. So, I think it definitely will be      have an opportunity to squeeze some advertising
experience out in public like you do at home.”         different feel than the signage stuff which tends to   we’re compatible with just about any infrastructure        billions of these devices in the world and that’s the     transformative in terms of better connecting people       in there and take advantage of that audience but,
                                                       be shorter and more of a composite media, that         because IP is IP. That’s the beauty of it which is         future of the industry.                                   and the communities and this is the power where           again, it’s no different than television, you’ve got
C+T: Where is the industry in terms of                 you’re bringing a lot of stuff together. So, we’re     you’re insulated from the actual transport layer so            “So, today where we see deployments there’s           it’s the reverse of broadcast.                            to find the right balance between content – and,
standardisation?                                       definitely keeping an eye on the other standards       we with our product again are compatible with all          probably under a million signs deployed in the                “In the history of the industry, people tried to      again, I would argue that advertising local stuff
LG: “We’ve been helping push standardisation           because we understand that it is part of a bigger      the wired and wireless transports.                         world. We’re less than a fraction of a per cent of        coin the term narrowcast which I just felt was a          could be considered content ‘cause it’s relevant, it’s
with collaboration with the other software folks       media community.”                                         “We intrinsically support multicasting, we feel         penetration and so the future is all ahead of us and      horrifically ugly term but I talk about a local context   contextual – and then national brand advertisers
like Scalar and Harris and there’s a community of                                                             this is a critical thing because, again, with a            it’s all fantastic.”                                      and, in the old days, this is what the newspaper          can come along for the ride and enjoy the benefit
interest inside POPAI which is the Point Of Purchase   C+T: So when people are creating their                 network of scale you want to be able to get the                                                                      was, that it was a local thing that talked about          of the gaze on those screens.
Advertising Institute and there is a digital signage   deliverables for TV and here’s our web file and so     stuff out there efficiently, multicast being the most      C+T: What’s the potential for integration with other      what was happening in your immediate                         Coolsign is represented in Australia by Dynamic
technical standards group that we are very active      on, where do you see you guys fitting in?              efficient thing out there. But, of course, wireless is     types of systems, say, in a retail environment? Is it,    neighbourhood. But, of course, economies of               Visual Systems. Visit
in. So far we’ve addressed content, formats, we        LG: “There’s obviously a bigger issue to be            really important, too. I’ve spoken a lot about the         for instance, possible to link into a system that’s       scale forced everything to be aggregated and              and

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     12 Vendor Bender                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Vendor Bender 13
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Cover Story                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cover Story

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 informational, promotional content        InfoCaster is agnostic to hardware. If someone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 based, so they’re not selling third       wanted to just run the InfoCaster environment on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 party advertising on the screens at       PC that meets the specifications, that’s perfectly fine.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 this time. It’s where they would love     The heart and the value of the product applications

         Marina Bay Sands:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to get to at some point but right now     is in the software. And it’s three levels of software.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 we’re focusing on just getting them           “We have player software that runs on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 up and running, making sure the           hardware platform, whether it’s ours or whatever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 content looks okay, making sure all       hardware platform’s the platform of choice. And

         A Sure Bet for Digital Signage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the different zones of the building       we have varying degrees of graphics intensity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 are set up properly so they have only     capability based upon the types of hardware. If you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 hotel content in the hotel area, only     just wanted to do very simple graphics, you can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 meeting room content in the meeting       do that very simply with a Lite version, and then we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 room area, only casino content in         scale up from there, on the player zone.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the casino area, and making sure              “Then there is a network manager. A network
          By Phil Sandberg                                                                                                                                                                                                                       that that’s all configured and set up     manager is really the heart and the brains of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 properly.                                 operation. It’s going to be overseer, it knows where
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “And, the Harris solution allows       every single player is, it knows where every screen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 them to set up those types of zones       is, it knows what pieces of content are going where.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and configurations quite easily,          And, it’s what makes sure that everything’s up and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 quite flexibly. So, they can start with   running. “So, it monitors the health of all the players
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a simple deployment and then they         in the network, it reboots systems if it needs to, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 can grow. They could start to look        pings them to make sure screens are on, it does all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 at segmenting screen orientation,         the logging and reporting and it’s a very IT-centric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 resolution size, path of traffic and      network management system.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 type of content and only push to              “Above that is the marketing and creative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 those specific screens. The system’s      environment. It’s called the Creation Station and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 quite flexible.                           that’s where you sit down and define how your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           content’s going to look for the particular players that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Q: It’s quite a large complex.            you’re pushing the content to. So, you define your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What sort of scale are we talking about with the         live regions, your still regions, your ad content, your
                                                                                                                                                                      at what we had technology-wise, and then put out a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  network?                                                 RSS feeds, and so on. You pull all of your content
                                                                                                                                                                      pretty rigorous tender.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           assets together and you create an Infocast which is
                                                                                                                                                                          “We were almost at a disadvantage because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DENISE MACDONELL: “They purchased 270                    basically a play list.
                                                                                                                                                                      we had the facility in Macau simply because they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  players from us which are dual head players so               “That gets pushed down to the network manager
                                                                                                                                                                      wanted to make sure they were very objective and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  those 260 players can drive 540 screens as Phase         and network manager knows where it’s supposed to
                                                                                                                                                                      not just doing what another property had done. So,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  One. That Phase One includes
                                                                                                                                                                      even though we felt we had the best product, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  casino, hotel, restaurant signage,
                                                                                                                                                                      still had to really push and really work hard to win
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and the MICE convention centre.
                                                                                                                                                                      the business.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “Then they have a secondary
                                                                                                                                                                          “Now, the reason why at the end of the day they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  phase for the museum and the
                                                                                                                                                                      selected our products were for a number of reasons,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  retail shop environment which
                                                                                                                                                                      one of them being they’re a premier facility that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  we’ll be involved in. One of the
                                                                                                                                                                      really likes the fact that we have broadcast heritage,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  product capabilities that they
                                                                                                                                                                      that we knew how to produce, display, manage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  were very excited about and
                                                                                                                                                                      high quality video content. And, there’s not a lot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  wanted to have in the facility was
                                                                                                                                                                      of digital signage vendors in the market place that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a video wall.
A     striking           addition             to the    installation in the ASEAN region. It follows other      they have the signage display, that’s very similar,   have that unique characteristic like Harris. And, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “They had a couple of areas of
Singapore skyline, the Marina Bay Sands is set to       resort hotel and casino projects in which Harris        but the software infrastructure and the hardware      use our intellectual property, our technologies from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the building where they wanted
become one of Asia’s leading business, leisure and      solutions have been implemented, most notably           infrastructure is different in the two facilities.”   other graphics and broadcast areas of the business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to have a nice, big focal point,
entertainment destinations. It features convention      The Venetian Macau Resort-Hotel and Four Seasons                                                              in digital signage. So, it’s a very robust, very stable,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  like screens. So, they needed
and exhibition facilities, 2560 hotel rooms and         Hotel resort in Macau.                                  JOE KHODEIR: “I think the type of visitor             quality product set. So, that appealed to them.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  someone who could support
suites, the rooftop Sands SkyPark with outdoor             According to Denise MacDonell, Director and          engagements is going to be different as well. This        “The other thing was the flexibility that InfoCaster,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  video wall functionality and we
infinity pool some 200 metres above sea level, a        GM of Digital Signage Media and Workflow, and           one is far more of a consultative approach to the     which is our digital signage platform, gave them
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  worked with them to build that
shopping mall, restaurants, a casino, Paiza Club for    Joe Khodeir, Vice-President of Sales, with Harris       business model. There’s likely to be an advertising   both from a creative perspective, so they’re a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  capability in the product in the
premium players and an outdoor event plaza. It will     Broadcast Communications, the Marina Bay Sands          system attached to an Infocaster, to allow them to    graphics design and marketing organisation, they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  way that would meet their needs.
also have a museum and theatre.                         project encapsulates multiple uses of digital signage   effectively monetise the ad stream that’s going to    really like the tool set in our creative environment.
   Delivering visitor information throughout this       technology, providing content workflow models           be developed.                                             “And then, their IT guys really liked the flexibility
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Q: InfoCaster - how do you
complex mini-city is an extensive digital signage       that can be adapted by a variety of other industry         “That’s not in the current phase, however, so we   that the network management area provided. So
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  describe it to customers
network provided by Harris Corporation, a               sectors.                                                see this as much more of a partnership in the long    there’s multiple components to our system and they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  who don’t have a technical
company that has been able to leverage its                                                                      term rather than just an installation.”               really like the fact that they were all highly flexible
technology and experience in the areas of traditional   Q: How does Marina Bay Sands differ                                                                           and highly integrate-able, easy to learn, like could
communications, graphics, content management            from the Macao project?                                 DENISE MACDONELL: “The Venetian Macau                 grow.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DENISE          MACDONELL:
and television broadcasting.                                                                                    was the closest one that Marina Bay were looking          “They started their deployment in a way that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “InfoCaster is a software and
   The company’s solution at Marina Bay Sands is        DENISE MACDONELL: “Conceptually, in                     at as they began the process of evaluating vendors.   I think is the right way. They’re really walking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a     hardware    environment.
the largest Harris casino/resort Digital-Out-Of-Home    terms of how the facilities are set up and where        They came and toured the Venetian Macau, looked       before they run. So the screens right now are very
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The software environment of

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      14 Cover Story                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cover Story 15
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Cover Story                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cover Story

go. So, that’s kind of how the system is put                                                                                   of sale or credit card purchases. But, we         player of the game, you have the ability to text in           “When you think about it, a lot of retailers want          partner in this part of the world is going to be
together, at a very simple level.                                                                                              do, we have the support staff, we have the        and actually see the player of the game statistics on      to make sure the content’s relevant for the audience          good for us. We’ve put a lot of effort to make
                                                                                                                               expertise, we have data centres. So, we           the digital signage network.                               and then eventually get down to how do I talk to a            sure that that’s very successful because, especially
Q: And it’s easily updatable or                                                                                                basically offered it as a fully outsourced           “We’ve also had a massive poster on a digital           smaller group of consumers or even a one to one               in Singapore, everyone’s going to be looking at
changeable?                                                                                                                    service, so the franchisee doesn’t do             screen of the sports team, key players of the team.        relationship.”                                                the Marina Bay Sands Resort and we want to be
                                                                                                                               anything.                                         And, you can take a picture of yourself with your                                                                        attached to that sort of success.”
DENISE MACDONELL: “It’s software                                                                                                  “As part of the service, we send installers    mobile phone, text it to the screen and then by using      Q: How do you then measure the success of that
based, so network manager knows when                                                                                           in to hang screens or replace the screens         your key pad, manipulate the image of your face            engagement?                                                   DENISE MACDONELL: “What’s nice about it is
there’s a software update. Whether it’s a                                                                                      or use the existing screens that are already      into a hole on the screen and then you can see                                                                           it touches upon all of the different types of networks
software update or whether it’s a content                                                                                      in the restaurant, cable anything up that         yourself as part of the team.                              DENISE MACDONELL: “We’ve done some test                       and different types of content. I think in digital
change, it’s very, very easy to do. We are                                                                                     needs to be cabled and then we manage                “You could also be sitting in a restaurant and dial     trials with integration with POS systems in being             signage networks, retail is a very strong opportunity,
a Store and Forward model, so we do                                                                                            all the content. Their content partners           a number and then you’re actually direct dialling          able to measure uplift on campaigns, and ROI by               the education market is a very strong opportunity, as
support a live stream model.                                                                                                   send all the content to us, we create the         into an infrastructure where you now can use your          the promotional ideas that we’ve done or third party          well as hospitality networks.
    “For example, in the sports arena, we                                                                                      Infocaster playlist for them, we give them        phone as a game controller and play a game.                advertising that was displayed.                                   “When you look at the Marina Bay Sands,
have the ability to have live game feeds                                                                                       back for approval, we get them back for              “So, different ways, whether it’s pushing                    “Did it really drive up? I can’t share our trial under   it actually has all of it. So you’ve got information
streamed to the set top box or the hardware                                                                                    playout, we push them through the network,        information to consumer from a signage network,            MDA, however, Wal-Mart’s been very open about                 networks that we’re supporting, you have hospitality
platform that the player’s running on and be                                                                                   we connect directly into the MacDonald’s          whether it’s a coupon or more information about            their Smart Network and they have seen up to 18%              networks that we’re supporting, they have retail
able to surround the live feed with the right                                                                                  again, and we play it out and give them a         something that you’ve indicated interest in, or            lift.”                                                        shops and then they’ll have ad funded networks
graphics and the right advertising content.                                                                                    report on a regular basis.                        whether it’s more you engaging with the sign directly                                                                    as well in the ball game. So it’s like a little mini
    “But, if you’re running in a static mode,                                                                                     “For some customers, they want to              - there’s multiple ways in which we’ve looked at           Q: Are you able to speak about upcoming projects              city almost in and of itself. And what’s really neat
it’s a Store and Forward model. So, the                                                                                        have control, like Marina Bay has their           integration.”                                              in this part of the world? What types of projects             about it is, you can pinpoint how digital signage
Infocasts get created, they get pushed to the                                                                                  own IT organisation, they have their own                                                                     might be coming up?                                           is used and all of the different ways it’s used. Then
network manager. The network manager                                                                                           infrastructure. That’s great, we can sell them    Q: And what about real-time content triggered                                                                            you would take that into an educational facility and
then pushes them to the player devices                                                                                         software and hardware to support it. In           from, say, a camera or other device?                       JOE KHODEIR: “I think around the retail sector is             say ‘this is how it would be done in a university
where they’re stored and then played and                                                                                       other cases they don’t want to manage that                                                                   probably an area we’re concentrating on. Unlike               or college’. But, you can use what’s been done at
the rotational schedule that’s been copied.                                                                                    themselves.”                                      DENISE MACDONELL: “We have a triggering                    the States, we don’t have the same opportunity at             Marina Bay as an example.”
    “InfoCaster is really the basis and the                                                                                                                                      mechanism, it’s built into the system. It’s actually one   sports arenas in this part of the world. But, retail,
foundation of a digital signage deployment.                                                                                 Q: As well as traditional TV and                     of the reasons why we were selected for the Orlando        banking, there are a number of opportunities at the
When you get to the point of a customer                   the agency business entirely to be able to create a               radio, Harris is also active in                      Magic sports stadium deployment over and above
                                                                                                                                                                                 the graphics capabilities. You can set business rules
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            moment and I think the important thing for us is to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            get some of the case material we’ve obviously been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DIGITAL SIGNAGE
wanting to have an ad funded environment, and             platform that’s truly relevant.”                            mobile broadcasting. Where does that
we see this a lot in retail and in sports facilities in                                                               meet digital signage?                                      and parameters to say if this information is received,     able to capitalise on in the States and bring it to
particular - anywhere where advertising is a medium                                                                                                                              then do this. So if there is a screen camera that knew     market.
                                                          JOE KHODEIR: “The other area is rights                                                                                                                                                                                                            According to Denise MacDonell of Harris
or very prevalent. We created a system for the                                                                        DENISE MACDONELL: “From a mobile                           that I was standing in front of the screen, it would          “Having Marina Bay Sands as effectively a
                                                          management as well. We do that for the                                                                                                                                                                                                            Broadcast Communications, “Sitting down
campaign management, reporting, traffic schedule                                                                      handheld standpoint, there’s a couple of things that       then trigger the system to
                                                          MacDonalds deployment in the Americas. We                                                                                                                                                                                                         and understanding why, in the first place,
and billing.                                                                                                          we’re doing. We’ve, as part of the Orlando Magic,          play the store content that’s
                                                          handle all of that including the rights management of                                                                                                                                                                                             you even want to have a digital signage
    “We do that very well in the broadcast area, so                                                                   which is a large sports stadium in the US that we          female related.
                                                          the content, which is a tremendous value-add for a                                                                                                                                                                                                environment is really important.
we took some of the technical intellectual property                                                                   are deploying to go live in a couple of months, they          “In a sports example, it
                                                          retailer or a QSR who has no idea how to manage                                                                                                                                                                                                      “Sit down and have that consultative
but more importantly the people that built those                                                                      wanted to test how do they offer coupons to their          was what they call ‘moment
                                                          content rights management.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                       dialogue and understand ‘are you looking to
systems, and we created a similar platform for                                                                        most valued customers, if you will.                        of exclusivity’. So, they sell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            enhance the consumer experience, are you
digital signage.                                                                                                         “They viewed their most valued customers, at            the entire arena to a brand
                                                          DENISE MACDONELL: “In the MacDonald’s                                                                                                                                                                                                             looking to sell more of your own brands, are
    “It oversees the network, it allows you to see what                                                               least until the new facility goes live, as those that      at the end of the game or
                                                          case, an example would be they have a content                                                                                                                                                                                                     you looking to make money off a network?’
available inventory or sellable items are available,                                                                  follow them on tour. So, what we did was we                the last play of the game or
                                                          provider who goes out and creates customer                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Each of those are very different and they
it allows campaigns to be created with rates                                                                          had a Twitter campaign across the digital signage          half time, or whatever. You
                                                          content for the network, or they negotiate content                                                                                                                                                                                                help to guide not only what you do with the
and CPNs or GRPs or whatever the actual rating                                                                        networks in their current stadium, and enticed             have the ability to have
                                                          relationships with Discovery or ABC or whomever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  screens but the types of content you put on
mechanism in terms of the payment would be. Then                                                                      people to pay or go follow us on Twitter and get a         all your brands on every
                                                          They compile that content together and they hand                                                                                                                                                                                                  and where you place them, what size they
it maps that campaign and plots that out across                                                                       free offer. They would pull up Twitter on their mobile     single screen in the entire
                                                          it over to Harris. As part of the service we offer                                                                                                                                                                                                are. So we’ve seen a lot of people just put TV
the entire network. It pushes it down to the players,                                                                 device and ‘follow them’, then click a link and get        facility, and that’s all done
                                                          to MacDonald’s, we quality control all that content                                                                                                                                                                                               screens where there used to be papers signs
to the InfoCasters, then it gets played and then it’s                                                                 a coupon, and they then get a free hot dog and             by the triggering press of a
                                                          to ensure that if Michael Jackson appears in any                                                                                                                                                                                                  and there’s really not a lot of thought process
billed and reconciled so that you create an invoice.                                                                  soda, whatever.                                            button by an operator.
                                                          of that content, that MacDonald’s actually has the                                                                                                                                                                                                behind it.
    “You go back to your advertiser - here’s how                                                                         “So, the ability to, from a signage network, create        “In the case of the
                                                          distribution rights to show Michael Jackson content                                                                                                                                                                                                  “Understand the main objective. It could
many gross impressions you had, here’s how many                                                                       through integration of point of sales systems, SKUs        Orlando Magic, it’s 1100
                                                          without getting sued by the family.                                                                                                                                                                                                               be an informational network that just tells
plays that it had across the network, here are the                                                                    and coupons to push down to mobile subscribers is          screens all around the
                                                             “That’s an incredibly important service for them                                                                                                                                                                                               people about an educational facility or
areas of the network it played across - whether they                                                                  one thing that we’re doing from a mobile standpoint.       facility. So, they’re able to
                                                          because they don’t want to have content in their                                                                                                                                                                                                  in a hospitality area, where to go, how to
pick a particular region in a region of a country, or                                                                    “The other thing is interactivity. So, if I’m sitting   sell that as an advertising
                                                          restaurants that they would then get sued over. And                                                                                                                                                                                               find meeting rooms, directing them to places
they pick a ticket or a demographic based upon                                                                        somewhere in a bus shelter and I’m watching an ad          package. We’ve also
                                                          then, obviously, there’s the quality control of liquor or                                                                                                                                                                                         around the building. It could be used for your
information that the advertiser knows about the                                                                       that’s being played and bottom of the ad it says you       done triggers where based
                                                          cigarette advertising.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            own in-house commercial material, like the
network. Then you basically invoice and bill.                                                                         text 631 to take your test drive, it’s a BMW ad, so        upon an RSS feed of the
                                                             “So that’s something else that we offer as part                                                                                                                                                                                                Marina Bay, they use it to promote upcoming
    “So that’s very unique in the market right now in                                                                 you text in and that gets sent through the signage         weather, so if it’s a 25
                                                          of our digital solution. We’ve been focusing mostly                                                                                                                                                                                               theatre productions or the restaurants upstairs,
terms of the software platform. We were definitely                                                                    network to the advertiser or to the manager of the         degree Celsius, the content
                                                          in North America of this component being a fully                                                                                                                                                                                                  or promotions in the hotel. Then there are like
doing something that most of the other smaller                                                                        network and they compile the information and you’ll        that plays is related to heat,
                                                          managed service.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  purely ad-funded, third party ad networks.
signage vendors aren’t doing in that area. There’s                                                                    get phoned back with a call to book a test drive.          so sunscreen or water or
                                                             “The model with MacDonald’s that we went into                                                                                                                                                                                                  Some have a combination of all three, some
a lot of dialogue about advertising platforms but                                                                        “There’s also two-way interactivity that we have        whatever versus some
                                                          them was you don’t have the IT expertise or the staff                                                                                                                                                                                             tend to navigate towards one particular
we’re really the only company that knows intimately                                                                   where you could text a screen to vote. So, if you’re       sweaters. That’s all done
                                                          to manage a network that’s connecting 5000 sites                                                                                                                                                                                                  model.”
enough about traffic scheduling, billing and then                                                                     watching a football match and you want to vote for         by trigger in the business
                                                          across the US in a way that’s not related to point
                                                                                                                                                                                 rules in our system.

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