Mesothelin-targeted CAR-T cells for adoptive cell therapy of solid tumors

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State of the art paper

Mesothelin-targeted CAR-T cells for adoptive cell
therapy of solid tumors

Gui-Zhen Zhang1, Tian-Fang Li2, Shuang-Yin Han1

 Key Laboratory of Kidney Disease Immunization in Henan Province, People’s Hospital
                                                                                                                        Corresponding author:
 of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China                                                                              Dr. Shuang-Yin Han
 Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, The First Affiliated Hospital of
                                                                                                                        Key Laboratory
 Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China                                                                                 of Kidney Disease
                                                                                                                        Immunization in
Submitted: 21 January 2019; Accepted: 10 April 2019                                                                     Henan Province
Online publication: 8 May 2019                                                                                          People’s Hospital
                                                                                                                        of Zhengzhou University
Arch Med Sci 2021; 17 (5): 1213–1220                                                                                    Zhengzhou, China
DOI:                                                                            Phone: +86 13203710057
Copyright © 2019 Termedia & Banach                                                                                      E-mail:

Significant progresses have been made in adoptive cell therapy with CAR-T
cells for cancers, especially for hematological malignancies. However, the
treatment of solid tumors still poses a tremendous challenge and remains
an unmet medical need. Several factors are held responsible for the inade-
quate responses: tumor heterogeneity, inefficient homing of T cells to tumor
tissues, immunosuppressive microenvironment and the shortage of specific
antigens shortage. Mesothelin is a cell-surface glycoprotein highly expressed
in many types of solid tumors. As such, it has attracted much attention as
a molecular target in cancer immunotherapy. Here, we delineate the barriers
imposed by solid tumors on CARs, outline the rationale of mesothelin as
a target for immunotherapy, summarize the preclinical and clinical results
of mesothelin-targeted therapies, and extrapolate the expected results of
CAR-T cells directed against mesothelin for solid tumors.

Key words: mesothelin, adoptive cell therapy, chimeric antigen receptor,
solid tumors.

   Malignant tumors, especially the solid ones, are the leading cause of
mortality. Surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are still
the mainstay treatment modalities for solid tumors. The endeavors to
improve clinical outcomes turned out to be disappointing. Even with
standard treatments, it is very frequent that cancers become resistant
with relapses and severe side effects. Numerous factors cause the de-
layed diagnoses in the large majority of the cancer patients, and optimal
treatments are not applicable for those at the advanced stages. For the
patients with distal metastasis, the treatments of choice are palliative.
The results after analyzing 36 different types of tumors in 185 countries
revealed approximately 18.1 million new cancer cases and 9.6 million
cancer-related death worldwide in 2018. The top 10 different types of
solid tumors account for over 65% of newly diagnosed cases and mortal-
ity [1]. The high lethality of solid tumors pose a great threat to patients
and has become an enormous burden globally. Therefore, it is imperative
to find new and more effective treatments to cure them.

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Gui-Zhen Zhang, Tian-Fang Li, Shuang-Yin Han

   Adoptive cell therapy (ACT) is carried out                       ficity and magnitude of T cell response, which helps
through ex vivo expansion, modification and                         maintain anti-cancer efficacy even if the expres-
transfer of immune cells to a recipient to elicit an                sion of MHC is down-regulated in malignancies.
anti-cancer effect [2]. A recently-developed ACT                    Secondly, CAR can recognize a wide array of anti-
approach is to generate tumor-specific T cells by                   gens expressed on the surface of tumor cells in-
introducing chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) into                    cluding proteins, carbohydrates and gangliosides.
T cells (CAR-T) [3]. CARs endow T cells enhanced                    Thirdly, the modification of intracellular signaling
tumor-specific cytotoxicity, capability to disrupt                  domains may compensate the down-regulation of
tumor immunosuppressive microenvironment                            co-stimulatory molecules induced by tumor cells.
and to survive in cancer patients persistently [4].                 Incorporation of costimulatory molecules such
The specificity of CAR-T cells rests on a single                    as CD28 and 4-1BB significantly enhances T-cell
chain antibody against a tumor specific/associ-                     expansion, survival, cytokine secretion and tumor
ated antigen (TSA/TAA). Thus, careful selection of                  lysis. Lastly, because of their ability to expand
the antigen targets is critical to successful imple-                ex vivo rapidly, CAR-T cells may become the pri-
mentation of the CAR-T cell therapy. Mesothelin                     mary candidate for future “off-the-shelf” therapy.
(MSLN), a membrane-bound surface glycoprotein                           CAR-T cell therapy has demonstrated satisfac-
expressed by various solid tumors, is emerging as                   tory efficacy for hematological malignancies in-
a potential target for mesothelin-expressing ma-                    cluding acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), chron-
lignancies due to its differential overexpression                   ic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and lymphoma in
and tumorigenic characteristics in the develop-                     multiple centers worldwide [9]. A meta-analysis
ment and progression of cancers [5, 6].                             of the efficacy of anti-CD19/CD20 CAR-T cells in
                                                                    relapsed or refractory B-cell malignancies demon-
CAR-T for cancer adoptive cell                                      strated that the rate of the pooled response,
immunotherapy                                                       6-month and 1-year progression-free survival
    CARs are synthetic receptors able to enhance                    (PFS) were 67%, 65.62% and 44.18%, respectively
the anti-tumor efficacy of T cells [7]. A regular                   [10]. Another multicenter study including 391 pa-
CAR consists of an extracellular single-chain vari-                 tients with anti-CD19 CAR-T demonstrated that
able fragment (scFv) of an antibody to recognize                    the pooled rate of complete response and partial
targets, a hinge region to provide flexibility for                  response were 55% and 25%, respectively [11].
the scFv, a transmembrane region, intracellular                     In accordance with findings, a systemic review of
co-stimulatory molecules and CD3z chain [8].                        16 studies including 195 patients with B-cell ma-
Upon specific binding of the scFv to TSAs/TAAs,                     lignancies showed an overall response rate of 61%
the signaling domains stimulate T-cell prolifera-                   with complete response being 42% and partial re-
tion, cytolysis and cytokine secretion, eventually                  sponse being 19% [12]. These results are encour-
eradicating target tumor cells (Figure 1).                          aging with regards to the treatment of relapsed/
    CAR-T cells have demonstrated several advan-                    refractory B lymphoma and leukemia, especially
tages in the context of adoptive cell therapy [3,                   in ALL patients. Better results have been report-
5]. Firstly, CARs recognize cell surface molecules in               ed by several groups showing a response rate of
a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-inde-                      over 80% in patients with relapsed and refractory
pendent manner without compromising the speci-                      B-ALL receiving anti-CD19 CAR-T cells [13, 14].


                                                                  scFV                   scFV               scFV

                                                              ITAM                CM1                   CM1
TCR complex
                  a b                                                             ITAM                  CM2
           g e           e d      ζ ζ

                                                               1st generation        2nd generation       3rd generation

    Figure 1. Schematic structure of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR). CAR consists of a single chain variable fragment
    (scFv), the hinge and transmembrane (TM) region, co-stimulatory molecules (CM) and human CD3z chain
    TCR complex – T cell receptor complex, ITAM – immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif.

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Mesothelin-targeted CAR-T cells for adoptive cell therapy of solid tumors

   Despite this success, CAR-T cell therapy does        tumor tissues [25]. These factors may cause poor
have some limitations. The recognition of CAR-T         trafficking of CAR-T cells to solid tumors. Inten-
cells solely depends on the cell surface antigen,       sive and extensive studies have been performed
while T cell receptor (TCR) is able to interrogate      to tackle these problems and these include engi-
the intracellular proteome of tumor cells. In addi-     neering T cells with chemokine receptors (such as
tion, adverse effects have been reported in differ-     CXCR2, CCR2b, CXCR4), incorporation of hepara-
ent clinical studies with CAR-T cell therapy such       nase to degrade the extracellular matrix (ECM),
as on-target/off-tumor toxicities, cytokine release     and regional delivery of CAR-T cells [26–28].
syndrome (CRS), tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), mac-           Even after translocation into tumor sites, the
rophage activation syndrome (MAS), neurological         CAR-T cells are in a hostile environment with nu-
damage, etc. More comprehensive studies are             merous immunosuppressive factors that impair
warranted to tackle these safety issues, possibly       their anti-cancer functions by deactivation of T
by selecting optimal target antigens, controlling       cells [29]. For example, some intrinsic pathways
the cells through integrating gene switch, etc.         upregulate the expression of inhibitory molecules
[15, 16]. Furthermore, the results of the CAR-T cell    such as PD-1, CTLA-4 and TGF-β [30, 31]. In ad-
therapy are disappointing because of the inherent       dition, aberrant metabolism is common in solid
features of solid tumors.                               tumors and may affect the biological behaviors of
                                                        T cells. Further, T cells are difficult to survive due
Challenges for CAR-T of solid tumors                    to the lack of arginine or tryptophan, hypoxia, and
                                                        the acidified extracellular matrix because of hy-
   The success in the treatment of hematologi-
                                                        poxia. Finally, a dysregulated cytokine profile (e.g.
cal malignancies raises a great interest to utilize
                                                        IL-15) in tumor may change the fate of the infil-
CAR-T cells to treat solid tumors with CAR-T cells.
                                                        trated T cells [32]. To complicate the matters, tu-
However, several obstacles must be tackled before
                                                        mor stromal cells also produce molecules such as
its successful use [16, 17]. The heterogeneity of
                                                        TGF-β, IL-10, and indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase,
solid tumors is an important factor limiting CAR-T
                                                        leading to suppression of the effector functions
cell immunotherapy. It has been noticed spatial-
                                                        of T cells. Numerous strategies such as addition-
ly and temporally at the genetic, transcriptomic,
                                                        al modification of CAR-T cells and combinatorial
proteomic and cellular levels [18, 19]. Spatial het-
                                                        approaches have been tested to surmount these
erogeneity can be detected in a single tumor at
                                                        barriers and enhance CAR-T cells efficacy. These
the primary and metastatic sites. In addition, it
                                                        include engineering CAR-T cells expressing dom-
can also be found in different tumors in the same
                                                        inant negative PD-1 receptors or anti-PD-1/PD-L1
patient. Even worse, cancer cells may decrease or
                                                        agents, engineering CAR to target stromal cells,
change the expression of surface antigens during
                                                        addition of the oncolytic virus or inhibitors of neg-
treatment and tumor progression, causing the re-
                                                        ative regulators [29].
currence of cancer with poor prognosis [20]. An
improved understanding of tumor heterogeneity
                                                        MSLN, a tumor associated antigen in various
in primary and metastatic tumors may help devel-
                                                        solid tumors
op a quick and comprehensive approach to identi-
fy the tumor phenotypes for efficient and target-          The MSLN gene is located on human chromo-
ed therapies by virtue of longitudinal analyses of      some 16p13.3 and composed of 17 exons occupy-
the potential tumor evolution through the disease       ing 8kb of the human genome. Its cDNA is 2138
courses at different stages and the changes of bio-     bp with an open reading frame of 1884 bp, and
logical features of tumors over time [21–23].           encodes a 69-kDa precursor protein (628 amino
   Efficient migration of CAR-T cells to tumor sites    acids) [33, 34]. After cleavage by the furin pro-
is pivotal to optimal antitumor efficacy, especially,   tease, a 40-kDa C-terminal fragment referred to
for solid tumors [16]. Circulating B cells in hema-     as MSLN still attaches to the membrane, while
tological malignancies help intravenously infused       a soluble 32-kDa N-terminal fragment is released
engineered T cells to travel to tumor sites. On the     into the plasma (Figure 2). This soluble molecule
contrary, special physical barriers in solid tumors     is named a megakaryocyte potentiating factor
make such movement more difficult and these in-         (MPF) due to its capability of inducing megakaryo-
clude higher intensity of blood vessels, wider gap      cyte proliferation in vitro [35]. MSLN, a commonly
of vessel walls, extensive vascular leakage, extra-     membrane-bound, glycosylphosphatidylinositol
cellular matrix proteins, etc. [17, 24]. In addition,   (GPI)-linked protein, has 2 variants. Variant-1 with
T cell migration to tumor sites requires integrins,     an 8 amino acid insertion is membrane bound,
chemokines, and chemokine receptors. However,           whereas Variant-2 is shed from membrane-bound
genetic modification of the cell cultured in vitro      MSLN and becomes soluble due to the lack of
may cause the loss of chemokine receptors, hin-         GPI-anchor signal sequence [36]. The soluble form
dering accurate localization of CAR-T cells to the      (also known as soluble MSLN-related peptide,

Arch Med Sci 5, August / 20211215
Gui-Zhen Zhang, Tian-Fang Li, Shuang-Yin Han

SMRP) was initially identified in the plasma of                 showed that MSLN was overexpressed in 68.8%
patients with ovarian carcinoma using the OV569                 of ovarian cancers and 24.2% of borderline-type
mAb.                                                            tumors [45]. The mechanisms underlying overex-
   The biological function of MSLN remains large-               pression of MSLN in different malignancies is not
ly unknown and seems nonessential for normal                    fully understood. Activation of the Wnt/β-catenin
tissues. MSLN-deficient mice grow and reproduce                 pathway and the methylation of the promoters
normally without a detectable phenotype [37].                   of certain genes may be involved in the process.
Nevertheless, it may be involved in cell migration              Clinical observations have demonstrated that an
and spreading, the promotion of proliferation,                  enhanced MSLN expression and elevated serum
inhibition of apoptosis and chemotherapy resis-                 SMRP level are associated with progressing tumor
tance in solid tumors. MSLN can act bidirection-                burden, increasing stage, and poor overall survival
ally: either interacting with its receptor CA125/               [46, 47]. Tumor cells with an invasive phenotype
MUC16, or directly activating intracellular path-               express high amounts of membranous MSLN. It
ways via its GPI domain. The interaction between                is overexpressed at lung adenocarcinoma (ADC)
mesothelin-CA125 induces a heterotypic cell ad-                 and correlates with tumor aggressiveness. Pa-
hesion resulting in the spreading of malignancies               tients with a high MSLN score had reduced OS
in the body cavities [38]. Overexpression of MSLN               and recurrence-free survival (RFS) compared with
enhances proliferation and migration of cells by                patients with a low MSLN score in multivariate
constitutive activating of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)            analyses [47].
and upregulating of MMP-7 and MMP-9 through
MAPK pathways [39–41]. Further, MSLN prevents                   MSLN as a target in cancer immunotherapy
the drug-induced release of pro-apoptotic TNF-α                     The high incidence of overexpression and onco-
by activating Akt/PI3K pathway, enhances the ex-                genic characteristic features make MSLN an ideal
pression of antiapoptotic genes such as Bcl-2 and               target for immunotherapy of solid tumors. A vari-
Mcl-1, and inhibits the expression of pro-apoptotic             ety of strategies targeting MSLN are currently un-
factors such as Bad and Bax [42]. However, much                 der intensive research and these include as vac-
needs to be done to unveil the exact function of                cines, a monoclonal antibody, the antibody-drug
MSLN in cancer development and progression.                     conjugation, immunotoxin and adoptive cellular
   A weak expression of MSLN has been found                     therapy (Figure 2).
in the mesothelial cells of the pleura, peritone-                   An MSLN-based vaccine, CRS-207, is a live-at-
um, and pericardium, fallopian tubes, trachea,                  tenuated Listeria monocytogenes strain engi-
cornea and tonsils. However, it is overexpressed                neered to express human MSLN. After secretion,
on various solid tumors including mesotheliomas,                it incites innate and adaptive immune responses
pancreatic adenocarcinomas, ovarian cancers,                    in antigen presenting cells (APC) to target MSLN
non-small lung cancers, etc. [5]. MSLN is over-                 [48]. Preclinical studies confirmed the ability of
expressed in 95% of malignant mesothelioma                      such vaccines to elicit an effective antitumor re-
(MM) patients of the epithelioid form. No over-                 sponse to MSLN-expressing tumors including
expression of MSLN is detected in the sarcoma-                  PDAC through both T-cell- and antibody-mediated
toid form, and the biphasic variant has a low to                immunity [48, 49]. In addition, CRS-207 was well
intermediate MSLN expression depending on the                   tolerated in a phase I clinical trial (NCT00585845).
percentage of epithelial components [43]. MSLN                  Immune induction and activation of MSLN-spe-
is detected in 80-85% of pancreatic ductal ade-                 cific T-cell responses were observed. Among 13
nocarcinoma (PDAC) but not in normal pancreas                   evaluable patients, four achieved stable dis-
and chronic pancreatitis [44]. A previous report                ease, 37% of patients were alive for more than

                                                 MSLN APC         T cell         Immunotoxin                    CAR-T
   MPF                                                                                          ADC
  MSLN                                  MSLN

Mesothelin precursor       Mature mesothelin            Vaccine                     Antibody                     CAR-T
    Figure 2. Mesothelin structure and strategies of immunotherapy. Mature mesothelin (40 kDa) is attached to the
    surface of the cell membrane after cleavage of the mesothelin precursor by furin protease, while a soluble 32-kDa
    N-terminal fragment (megakaryocyte potentiating factor, MPF) is released into the plasma
    MSLN – mesothelin, APC – antigen presenting cells, ADC – antibody-drug conjugation, mAb – monoclonal antibody, CAR-T –
    chimeric antigen receptor-engineered T cells.

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Mesothelin-targeted CAR-T cells for adoptive cell therapy of solid tumors

15 months [50]. With these data, CRS-207 was            to treat pancreatic (NCT03023722) and lung can-
combined with GVAX (GM-CSF gene modified tu-            cers (NCT02839681). DMOT4039A is a humanized
mor vaccine) and low dose cyclophosphamide (Cy)         MSLN mAb conjugated to the antimitotic agent
for clinical evaluation. In a phase II clinical trial   monomethyl auristatin E [60]. A phase I clini-
(NCT01417000), Cy/GVAX combination with CRS-            cal trial (NCT01469793) evaluated DMOT4039A
207 improved OS of previously treated metastatic        in 40 PDAC and 31 ovarian cancer patients. The
PDAC patients compared to Cy/GVAX alone (6.1            dose limiting toxicities (DLTs) were grade 3 hyper-
vs. 3.9 months) [51]. Notably, no toxicities were       glycemia and grade 3 hypophosphatemia in the
observed in these patients. Besides, a cell-based       q3w schedule. Six patients had partial response
vaccine (Meso-VAX), in which a secreted MSLN            at 2.4–2.8 mg/kg every 3 weeks. Some other ADCs
anchored at the cell membrane, elicits antigen          targeting MSLN such as BMS-986148 and MDX-
specific immunity and potent antitumor effects in       1204 are under investigation.
mice by combining with IL-12 immunomodulator                SS1P is a recombinant protein drug consisting
[52]. MSLN-specific DNA vaccine are also under          of the anti-MSLN Fv SS1 fused to PE38, a portion
investigation. CTGF/MSLN DNA with anti-CD40Ab           of the Pseudomonas exotoxin A [61]. When in-
and poly(I:C) vaccinated mice demonstrated ro-          ternalized to the cytoplasm, it irreversibly modi-
bust anti-tumor effects with longer survival and        fied elongation factor-2 to halt protein synthesis
less tumor volumes [53].                                and induced apoptosis. Given its safety and tol-
    Amatuximab (MORAb-009) is a humanized               erability in phase I monotherapy study, SS1P was
monoclonal antibody (mAb) against MSLN [54].            combined with pemetrexed and cisplatin for the
In preclinical studies, this mAb causes the death       treatment of chemotherapy-naive patients with
of the MSLN expressing cell lines by antibody de-       unresectable MPM (NCT01445392) [62]. This
pendent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), and          combinatorial therapy resulted in an objective
inhibits the interaction between MSLN and               response rate of 77% without overlapping toxic-
CA-125. Two phase I studies were conducted              ity. However, the efficacy of SS1P is compromised
to investigate in vivo distribution and safety of       due to the formation of the antidrug antibody. As
   In-amatuximab in MSLN-expressing tumors              such, SS1P is now being administered together
(NCT01521325, NCT01413451), and the dosime-             with a lymphocyte-depleting conditioning regi-
try profile confirmed a significant uptake of the       men of pentostatin and cyclophosphamide. This
mAb in both primary and metastatic tumors [55].         combination prevents anti-SS1P antibody forma-
Another phase I study (NCT00325494) in 24 pa-           tion and demonstrates a remarkable antitumor
tients with advanced MSLN-expressing cancers            effect in mesothelioma both in vitro and in vivo.
showed a good tolerance with mild drug-related          LMB-100 (previously named RG7787) is a de-im-
hypersensitivity reaction and dose-dependent im-        munized RIT containing a humanized anti-MSLN
munogenicity [56]. Although no objective partial        Fab fused to PE24 [63]. Given its reduced toxic-
tumor responses were reported in these studies,         ity and significant antitumor effect in preclinical
stable disease was achieved in a phase I clinical       studies, initial phase I-II studies are recruiting pa-
trial (NCT01018784). A subsequent phase II study        tients with MM (NCT02798536, NCT034367321)
(NCT00738582) in 89 patients with unresectable          and PDAC (NCT02810418). Taken together, these
malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) has been           results demonstrate the safety and feasibility of
conducted with Amatuximab alone or combina-             MSLN as a target for CAR-T cells immunotherapy.
tion with pemetrexed and cisplatin. Objective re-
sponse and stable disease were achieved in 40%          MSLN CAR-T cells for solid tumors
and 51% of patients, respectively [57].                 immunotherapy
    Anetumab ravtansine (BAY94-9343) is an an-             To date, significant progresses have been made
tibody drug conjugated to DM4 (a tubulin poly-          in the preclinical models using CAR-T cells target-
merase inhibitor) [58]. When the drug is bound          ing MSLN (CARTmeso). T cells transduced with
and internalized by MSLN-expressing tumor cells,        anti-MSLN CAR (CD28-4-1BB-CD3ζ) using lenti-
DM4 metabolites cause cell-cycle arrest and apop-       viral vectors were evaluated for efficacy against
tosis. In a phase I trial (NCT02485119), it was well    MSLN-expressing tumor xenografts in NOD/scid/
tolerated with an acceptable toxicity profile when      IL2rγ(–/–) mice [64]. Both intratumoral and intrave-
intravenously infused every 3 weeks. Another            nous administration of CARTmeso cells resulted
phase I trial (NCT01439152) showed that par-            in significant shrinkage of tumors. In addition,
tial responses (PR) and stable disease (SD) were        intratumoral injection of RNA CAR-electroporat-
19% and 47%, respectively [59]. Currently, some         ed (4-1BB-CD3ζ) T cells caused regression of dis-
phase I and II trials testing BAY 94-9343 alone or      seminated human mesothelioma xenografts [65].
in combination with chemotherapy are being car-         Further, a fully humanized MSLN-specific P4CAR-T
ried out. It has reached phase II as a single agent     (CD28-CD3ζ) cell was tested in vitro and these

Arch Med Sci 5, August / 20211217
Gui-Zhen Zhang, Tian-Fang Li, Shuang-Yin Han

cells demonstrated potent cytolytic function when       has not gained momentum in solid tumors. Pre-
cultured with MSLN-expressing tumor cells at            clinical and clinical studies suggest that MSLN-tar-
least in part due to the production of proinflam-       geted CAR-T cell therapy is a promising strategy
matory cytokines and degranulation. Adoptive            due to its safety profile and potent antitumor ef-
transfer of P4CAR-T cells resulted in the regression    ficacy in MSLN-expressing malignancies. Because
of large, established tumor in a xenogeneic mod-        of the complexity of solid tumors, more sophisti-
el of human ovarian cancer [66]. A recent study         cated techniques are warranted to eradicate solid
with fully humanized CARTmeso cells confirmed           tumors with CARTmeso cells including modifying
their ability to kill MSLM-positive pancreatic cells,   the CAR to secrete chemokines or cytokines recep-
to penetrate into the tumor, and to significantly       tors, targeting the immunosuppressive tumor mi-
suppress the growth of pancreatic cancer PDX en-        croenvironment such as intervening the immune
grafted tumor [67].                                     checkpoint on T cells, incorporating suicide genes
   These promising results from preclinical mod-        to improve the safety, etc. We are optimistic that
els support the widespread clinical use of CART-        with intensive research, CARTmeso cells will be-
meso cells for the treatment of the MSLN-express-       come a potent and efficient treatment method for
ing solid tumors. Thus far, 25 clinical trials have     solid tumors in foreseeable future.
been registered on the, four of
which have been completed. In two initial clinical      Acknowledgments
studies, anti-MSLN CAR mRNA (4-1BB-CD3ζ) elec-
                                                           This work was supported by National Natural
troporated T cells demonstrated good tolerance
                                                        Science Foundation of China (No. 81772670).
and minimal on-target/off-tumor toxicity [68, 69].
These CARTmeso have shown potent antitumor
                                                        Conflict of interest
activity, the capability to infiltrate into solid tu-
mors and to induce humoral epitope spreading.              The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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