Page created by Carlos Hammond
                                Monday, November 2, 2020, 6:30 p.m.
                                        Zoom Teleconference
        Dial in at 1-312-626-6799 and enter meeting ID # 867 7840 9990 and Passcode: 921328

PLEASE NOTE: In-person attendance by members of the public temporarily prohibited due to COVID-19
physical distancing protocols pursuant to the Rock County Health Departments Reopening Phased Plan, dated
May 21, 2020, which discourages public gatherings. Members of the public may monitor this meeting

Any person who is unable to access the meeting via the internet link may call 1(312) 626-6799 and enter
Meeting ID: 867 7840 9990 to monitor the meeting via telephone.

  1. Call to Order
   2. Approval of Agenda
   3. Approval of Minutes: October 5, 2020
   4. Approval of Expenditures for October 2020
   5. Director’s Report
   6. Report on ALS activities
   7. TAB President’s Report
   8. New Business
           a. Discussion and possible action: 2021 Preliminary Budget
           b. Review and discussion of 2020-2024 Milton Public Library Strategic Plan
   9. General Items
           a. Story Gardens update
   10. Next meeting: Monday, December 7, at 6:30
   11. Motion to Adjourn
   12. Adjournment
                                      MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                        BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                           October 5, 2020

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:31p.m. by President Annette Smith. Present: Rusch,
Stricker, Smith, Director Kunkel, Dean, Schuetz, Collins, Tupper and TAB President Emily M. Absent: None

Approval of Agenda: Stricker moved approval of the agenda, seconded by Rusch. Motion
passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes: Stricker moved approval of the minutes of the meeting on September, 2020 as
distributed, seconded by Collins. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Expenditures: Kunkel noted the elevator inspection this month, renewal of the Raffle license,
and SoundCloud storage purchase to continue podcasting. Rusch moved approval; Collins seconded. Motion
passed unanimously.

Director’s Report: Kunkel reported the tween programming hire has a lot of experience - didn’t need a lot of
training. “New Ashley” starting this week. The library is open now on Wednesdays as well. Kunkel attended a
virtual conference on rural and small libraries. Circulation continues to climb, but around ½ of what it was last
year; 1,500 curbside pickups. Jayme is conducting virtual visits to 4k and K. Marijke (tween programming) is
connecting with NIS teachers to do virtual visits as well.

Arrowhead Library System Report: Smith - The ALS meeting included a discussion on circulation and
delivery – other ALS libraries experiencing similar numbers as to what MPL is seeing.

TAB President’s Report: MPL Board welcomed Emily M. as the new TAB President. TAB is working on
updating bylaws and discussing ways they can be helpful for the community.

New Business

Discussion and possible action: 2021 Preliminary Budget: Kunkel will come back in November with some
changes to a 2021 preliminary budget for the MPL to review.

General Items:
Story Gardens Update: Connie Bier donated a Bee mosaic to the Story Garden. The MPL thanks her for her
generosity. Plans for outdoor programming space (gazebo) have been purchased.

Motion to Adjourn: Collins moved adjournment at 7:11 pm, seconded by Stricker. Motion approved

Next meeting: Monday, November 2, at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Dean
Library Expenditures
                                     October 2020

Amazon:                                                 $269.21
Books & AV & Office Supplies

Baker & Taylor                                          $1,640.17
Books & AV

Corporate Business Services                             $74.89

American Promotions and Awards                          $61.90
Book spine engraving/install

Arrowhead Library System                                $373.00
SWANK Movie Licensing

Promotions                                              $6.00

Gazette Subscription                                    $24.50

HomeGoods                                               $9.47
Board Books

Demco                                                   $139.70
Book Covers/Processing
                                        DETAIL REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET
                                         FOR THE 10 MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 2020

                                                FUND 225 - LIBRARY FUND

                                                                   PERIOD                        BUDGET                                  % OF
                                                                   ACTUAL         YTD ACTUAL     AMOUNT              VARIANCE        BUDGET

                        INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES

            225-43570   ROCK COUNTY LIBRARY AID                             .00      93,332.21     93,312.00                 20.21         100.02
            225-43720   OTHER COUNTY AID                               243.04         4,023.66      4,023.00                   .66         100.02
            225-43730   GRANTS/REIMBURSEMENTS                        6,097.90         6,152.41            .00           6,152.41                .00

                        TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES             6,340.94       103,508.28     97,335.00            6,173.28           106.34

                        PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICE

            225-46710   LIBRARY FINES                                  815.68         5,463.06     12,000.00     (      6,536.94)           45.53
            225-46720   RENT PAYMENT                                 1,166.67        11,666.70     14,000.00     (      2,333.30)           83.33

                        TOTAL PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICE             1,982.35        17,129.76     26,000.00     (      8,870.24)           65.88

                        SOURCE 48

            225-48520   LIBRARY DONATIONS                                   .00       2,591.38            .00           2,591.38                .00
            225-48535   GIFTS FROM FOUNDATION                          390.00         7,790.00            .00           7,790.00                .00
            225-48540   TAB -TEEN ADVISE BOARD DONATIO                  56.70           842.91            .00             842.91                .00
            225-48550   BUILDING DONATIONS                          18,451.77        45,405.55            .00          45,405.55                .00
            225-48570   BOOK SALES                                          .00         973.76            .00             973.76                .00

                        TOTAL SOURCE 48                             18,898.47        57,603.60            .00          57,603.60                .00

                        SOURCE 49

            225-49200   TRANSFER FROM GEN FUND                              .00     296,314.00    296,314.00                   .00         100.00

                        TOTAL SOURCE 49                                     .00     296,314.00    296,314.00                   .00         100.00

                        TOTAL FUND REVENUE                          27,221.76       474,555.64    419,649.00           54,906.64           113.08

FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY                       83 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED                           10/29/2020     11:35AM     PAGE: 1
                                      DETAIL EXPENDITURES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET
                                         FOR THE 10 MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 2020

                                                     FUND 225 - LIBRARY FUND

                                                                     PERIOD                        BUDGET                                  % OF
                                                                     ACTUAL         YTD ACTUAL     AMOUNT              VARIANCE        BUDGET


         225-55110-110   SALARIES                                     12,474.87        84,571.22    116,477.00           31,905.78            72.61
         225-55110-120   HOURLY WAGES                                  9,947.83        87,428.82    114,065.00           26,636.18            76.65
         225-55110-150   FICA                                          1,707.75        13,245.16     17,638.00            4,392.84            75.09
         225-55110-151   RETIREMENT                                    1,467.01        11,606.29     15,269.00            3,662.71            76.01
         225-55110-152   HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE                              839.44        19,682.32     29,043.00            9,360.68            67.77
         225-55110-190   TRAINING                                             .00          79.00        700.00              621.00            11.29
         225-55110-211   POSTAGE                                              .00         100.37        200.00                 99.63          50.19
         225-55110-240   EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE                                .00       6,068.65      5,082.00     (       986.65)           119.41
         225-55110-241   COMPUTER SERVICES                                    .00       1,721.99      2,500.00              778.01            68.88
         225-55110-242   ARROWHEAD LIBRARY                                    .00      15,745.92     15,746.00                   .08         100.00
         225-55110-310   OFFICE SUPPLIES                                      .00       3,438.63      3,800.00              361.37            90.49
         225-55110-313   PROMOTIONS                                           .00         113.50      1,500.00            1,386.50                7.57
         225-55110-320   MEMBERSHIPS/SUBSCRIPTIONS                            .00         783.48        400.00     (       383.48)           195.87
         225-55110-324   LIBRARY MATERIALS                                    .00      16,775.14     20,500.00            3,724.86            81.83
         225-55110-328   LIBRARY MATERIALS - AV                          373.00         3,662.57     11,500.00            7,837.43            31.85
         225-55110-330   VEHICLE OPERATION & MAINT                            .00            .00        150.00              150.00                 .00
         225-55110-355   DONATION PURCHASES                                   .00       7,403.89            .00    (      7,403.89)                .00
         225-55110-360   PROG SUPPLYS -BOOK SALE PROCDS                       .00       2,010.52      1,500.00     (       510.52)           134.03
         225-55110-370   TAB (TEEN ADVISORY BOARD)                            .00          65.00            .00    (        65.00)                 .00
         225-55110-811   OFFICE EQUIPMENT                                 61.90         2,567.28      4,750.00            2,182.72            54.05

                         TOTAL LIBRARY                                26,871.80       277,069.75    360,820.00           83,750.25            76.79

                         LIBRARY BUILDING

         225-55120-110   SALARIES                                         44.83            89.66      1,166.00            1,076.34                7.69
         225-55120-120   HOURLY WAGES                                  2,514.74        18,701.33     22,811.00            4,109.67            81.98
         225-55120-125   OVERTIME WAGES                                       .00            .00        400.00              400.00                 .00
         225-55120-126   SEASONAL LABOR                                       .00            .00        400.00              400.00                 .00
         225-55120-150   FICA                                            192.20         1,435.49      1,866.00              430.51            76.93
         225-55120-151   RETIREMENT                                       67.45           465.26        560.00                 94.74          83.08
         225-55120-152   HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE                              457.66         1,812.34      1,493.00     (       319.34)           121.39
         225-55120-220   UTILITIES                                            .00      20,629.28     24,000.00            3,370.72            85.96
         225-55120-230   STORMWATER UTILITY                                   .00         310.24        233.00     (        77.24)           133.15
         225-55120-240   EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE                                .00       1,503.08      2,500.00              996.92            60.12
         225-55120-314   CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE                             .00         459.79      1,500.00            1,040.21            30.65
         225-55120-350   REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES                        .00         893.35      1,900.00            1,006.65            47.02

                         TOTAL LIBRARY BUILDING                        3,276.88        46,299.82     58,829.00           12,529.18            78.70

                         TOTAL FUND EXPENDITURES                      30,148.68       323,369.57    419,649.00           96,279.43            77.06

                         NET REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES          (     2,926.92)      151,186.07            .00         151,186.07

FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY                        83 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED                            10/29/2020     11:35AM     PAGE: 2
Director’s Report

We’re just steadily operating in our new normal and continuing to connect with our patrons virtually. No changes have
been made concerning in-library operations in that the toys are still put away as is most of the furniture.

We have changed our quarantined times for returned materials and delivery items. Previously we were quarantining for 96
hours. This number was based off of the REALM report:

However, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Department of Public Instruction now recommend 24 hours
based off of research done in Oregon and a deeper look at the REALM study. Please see the email below. The ALS
Directors did vote to go to 24 hours. Here at MPL, we will check in items from delivery after 24 hours; those items have
already quarantined at whatever library they have come from. Because of staff comfort, and the fact that Wisconsin is
struggling, we will check in return items after 48 hours and still follow handwashing guidelines. Notices and postings will
say that items will be quarantined for at least 24 hours.
WE VALUE                                                    SO WE STRIVE

                                                                  To be recognized as an asset and engage with
    Community Engagement                                           others to work towards improving Milton and
                                                                                 our service area.

                                       THROUGH THESE
   TO DO SO, WE WILL                                                 RESPONSIBILITY             TIMEFRAME

Be visible and show our Assess current marketing                  Director and Public
                        strategies and create a                                             DECEMBER 2021
worth                                                             Information Coordinator
                        marketing plan
                                    Conduct an annual survey
                                    on library services,
                                    effectiveness of              Director w/ Staff         JANUARY 2022
                                    marketing, and community

                                    Identify opportunities to     Director and Assistant
                                    reach non-library users       Director

                                    Enhance social media
                                                                  Director and Public
                                    presence and library's                                  ONGOING
                                                                  Information Coordinator

                                    Continue to frequently
                                    communicate the library's
                                                                  Staff                     ONGOING
                                    relevance, importance, and

                                     Continue to work with
Maintain and create                  community organizations
                                     and businesses to share
community                                                         Director w/ Staff         ONGOING
                                     resources and knowledge
connections                          to bring programs of local
Milton Public Library Strategic      interest
                                  Plan, 1     to the library
Make it a priority to be
                                  involved in events in the      Director and Assistant
                                  City of Milton and             Director
                                  surrounding communities

                                  Maintain communications
                                                                 Director                     ONGOING
                                  with city administration

                                  Have library representation
                                  of community coalitions,    Staff                           ONGOING
                                  groups, and initiatives

                                  Create an interactive          Public Information
Be a community hub                                                                            JUNE 2021
                                  community space                Coordinator
                                  Develop a bigger
                                  relationship with the Milton
                                  Preservation Society to
                                  make archives more             Director and Adult Services
                                                                                             DECEMBER 2022
                                  discoverable and to            Coordinator
                                  provide a more permanent
                                  space for the college's

                                  Encourage use of
                                  Community Room and
                                  collaborative spaces by        Director                     ONGOING
                                  local organizations and

                                  Create a strong volunteer
                                  program for youth and          Director, Children's
                                                                                              JUNE 2022
                                  through the Friends of         Librarian, Tween Librarian
                                  Milton Public Library

Milton Public Library Strategic Plan, 2
WE VALUE                                                SO WE STRIVE

                                                                   To enhance our level of service to ensure a
            Patron Experience                                      fulfilling and welcoming experience for all.

                                      THROUGH THESE
   TO DO SO, WE WILL                                                RESPONSIBILITY               TIMEFRAME
Support and grow a
                                  Create new-employee and
creative and                                                     Director, Assistant Director DECEMBER 2021
                                  current staff training plans
knowledgeable team
                                  Create a yearly
                                  performance review
                                                                 Director                  MAY 2021
                                  procedure for all
                                  Work with the City of Milton
                                  and Library Board to retain
                                  staff and increase staff     Director                    ONGOING
                                  coverage in response to
                                  the community's growth

                                  Work with the Friends of
                                  Milton Public Library to       Director                  ONGOING
                                  fund training opportunities
                                  accomplishments and
                                                                 Director, Assistant Director ONGOING
                                  recognize staff for their
                                  Schedule staff outings         Director, Assistant Director AT LEAST ONE A YEAR

                                  Find a balance between
                                  providing comfortable and
                                  quiet spaces for groups
Create welcoming
                                  and individuals while also     Director, Assistant Director DECEMBER 2022
places and spaces                 having interactive and
                                  collaborative spaces for

Milton Public Library Strategic Plan, 3
Seek out solutions to
                                  create more collaborative
                                  group and individual study     Director                    JUNE 2023
                                  spaces to alleviate the
                                  current demand

                                  Incorporate local art inside   Director and Adult Services ONGOING (at least one new
                                  and outside the library        Coordinator                 piece a year)

                                  Continue the development Director and Assistant            PHASE 1 - DECEMBER
                                  of the Story Gardens     Director                          2022
                                  Evaluate library security
                                  and emergency                  Director                    YEARLY
                                  Review all library policies    Director w/ Staff           YEARLY

Be available,                     Complete DPI's Inclusive
                                                                 Director and Assistant      DECEMBER 2021 (REVIEW
accessible, and                   Services and Assessment
                                                                 Director                    YEARLY)
inclusive                         Guide

                                  Explore possible funding
                                  alternatives to support a
                                                                 Director                    DECEMBER 2021
                                  fine-free or partially fine-
                                  free initiative
                                  Evaluate website for           Public Information
                                  accessibility                  Coordinator

                                  Review collections for
                                                                 Director, Assistant
                                  representation, inclusion,                                 YEARLY
                                                                 Director, Tween Librarian
                                  and diversity

                                  Require relevant staff
                                                                 Director                    YEARLY
                                  Evaluate the effectiveness
                                                             Director                        DECEMBER 2021
                                  of library hours
                                  Research the possibility
                                  and efficiency of a west-      Director                    DECEMBER 2022
                                  side drop box
                                  Explore online chat options Public Information
                                                                                             JANUARY 2022
                                  for reference               Coordinator

Milton Public Library Strategic Plan, 4
Explore a permanent
                                                          Director   DECEMBER 2021
                                  curbside option
                                  Ensure that desks are
                                                          Staff      ONGOING
                                  adequately covered

Milton Public Library Strategic Plan, 5
WE VALUE                                                         SO WE STRIVE

      Life-Long Learning and                                          To give community members the access to
                                                                     opportunities and tools to learn, grow, explore,
             Discovery                                                                and create.

                                       THROUGH THESE
   TO DO SO, WE WILL                                                   RESPONSIBILITY                  TIMEFRAME
                                    Work with Blackhawk
Expand and create                   Technical College, UW-
                                    Whitewater, School District
strong learning                                                 Director w/ Staff                 ONGOING
                                    of Milton, and other
partnerships                        learning institutions to
                                    share resources and ideas

                                    Work with businesses and
                                    the Friends of Milton Public
                                                                 Director                         AT LEAST ONE A YEAR
                                    Library to sponsor bigger
                                    educational events

                                    Work with other libraries       Director w/ Staff             ONGOING
                                    Work with organizations
                                    that highlight Milton's         Director w/ Staff             ONGOING
                                    Create a partnership with
                                                                    Director, Assistant Director,
                                    the homeschooling                                             MAY 2022
                                                                    Tween Librarian
                                    Provide parents with the
Continue to instill the             tools to explore early
                                                                    Children's Librarian          DECEMBER 2022
joy of reading                      literacy and one-on-one
                                    reading at home
                                    Create reading initiatives in   Children's Librarian, Tween
                                    addition to the Summer          Librarian, Teen Librarian,    ONGOING
                                    Learning Program                Adult Services Coordinator

                                                                                                  5% INCREASE IN
                                     Increase reading among
                                                                    Teen Librarian                CIRCULATION BY DEC.
Milton Public Library Strategic      young
                                  Plan, 6   adults
Create unique ways to         Director, Children's
                                   improve accessibility and     Librarian, and Tween          DECEMBER 2022
                                   browsibility of collections   Librarian

                                   Expand Book Clubs in a Bag Children's Librarian, Tween
                                   and explore other book kit Librarian, Teen Librarian,       DECEMBER 2021
                                   collections                Adult Services Coordinator

                                                                 Children's Librarian, Tween
                                   Create specialized book
                                                                 Librarian, Teen Librarian,    AS NEEDED
                                                                 Adult Services Coordinator

                                   Work with the Friends of
                                   Milton Public Library to
                                                                 Director                      DECEMBER 2023
                                   improve current book sale
                                   space and operation

                                                                 Children's Librarian, Tween
                                   Maintain collections that
                                                                 Librarian, Teen Librarian,
                                   reflect community needs                                     ONGOING
                                                                 Technical Services
                                   and demands

Continue to emphasize
programming for skill   Develop a peer-to-peer
                                                                 Director, Adult Services
discovery, learning,    learning program (learning                                             SUMMER 2022
growth, and fun for all circles)

                                   Create programs that          Children's Librarian, Tween
                                   incorporate the mission of    Librarian, Teen Librarian,    ONGOING
                                   Story Gardens                 Adult Services Coordinator

                                   Create programs that          Children's Librarian, Tween
                                   incorporate Milton's          Librarian, Teen Librarian,    ONGOING
                                   agricultural roots            Adult Services Coordinator

                                   Incorporate virtual           Children's Librarian, Tween
                                   programs with regular in-     Librarian, Teen Librarian,    ONGOING
                                   person programming            Adult Services Coordinator

Milton Public Library Strategic Plan, 7
Promote relevant books        Children's Librarian, Tween
                                   and extension activities to   Librarian, Teen Librarian,    ONGOING
                                   program participants          Adult Services Coordinator

                                   Encourage community
                                                                 Children's Librarian, Tween
                                   members to share their
                                                                 Librarian, Teen Librarian,    0NGOING
                                   time, knowledge, and
                                                                 Adult Services Coordinator

                                   Evaluate programs through Children's Librarian, Tween
                                   surveys and patron        Librarian, Teen Librarian,        YEARLY
                                   feedback                  Adult Services Coordinator

Milton Public Library Strategic Plan, 8
WE VALUE                                                     SO WE STRIVE

                                                                        To never settle and always seek out
                     Innovation                                      opportunities to better serve our community

                                      THROUGH THESE
   TO DO SO, WE WILL                                                  RESPONSIBILITY                  TIMEFRAME
                                   Create a more interactive,
                                   self-driven environment
Grow The SPARK                     that encourages library         Director w/ Staff              SUMMER 2022
                                   patrons to explore on their
                                   Create a lasting Artist in
                                   Residence program that          Director, Adult Services
                                                                                                  SUMMER 2022
                                   highlights and supPorts         Coordinator
                                   local artists

                                   Seek out ways to fund
                                   technology and materials        Director, Public Information
                                                                                                  DECEMBER 2021
                                   for individual and group        Coordinator

Embrance technology                Continue to utilize
                                   technology partnership
for improved services                                              Director, Assistant Director   ONGOING
                                   with the School District of
and access                         Milton

                                   Maintain a Technology Plan
                                   that positions the library to
                                                                   Director                       REVIEW YEARLY
                                   meet our patrons' evolving
                                   technology needs

                                   Ensure all staff members
                                   are trained and familiar with Director W/ STAFF                ONGOING

                                   Explore the feasibility of      Director, Board,
                                                                                                  DECEMBER 2023
                                   solar panels                    Foundation, City

Milton Public Library Strategic Plan, 9
Research a hotspot lending
                                                               Director                        JUNE 2021
                                                               Director, Adult Services
                                  Digitize and make available
                                                               Coordinator, Technical          DECEMBER 2022
                                  the library's history
                                                               Services Assistant
                                  Create a video and audio
                                  recording space for staff    Director, Assistant Director    DECEMBER 2021
                                  and public
                                                               Director, Assistant Director,
Provide nontraditional                                         Tween Librarian, Adult
                                  Expand the library's Library
                                                               Services Coordinator,           0NGOING
services                          of Things collection
                                                               Public Information
                                  Explore online options       Director, Assistant Director,
                                  beyond learning platforms    Public Information              DECEMBER 2021
                                  and digital books            Coordinator
                                  Explore additional services
                                  (i.e., faxing, passport
                                                               Director w/ Staff               0NGOING
                                  renewals, notary, color
                                  copies, etc.)

Milton Public Library Strategic Plan, 10
2019 Community Survey Results

A         M     P      L                                   ,
receive feedback on current library services. Twenty-nine questions were created by staff and
approved by the Library Board. These are the results of that survey.
F                                                 , 58.7%                                      , 8.7%
               , 19.6%                                 , 21.7%                         /                ,
8.7% said the library hours were inconvenient.

When patrons do come to the library, this is what they typically do (121 responses).
      Check out materials and/or pick up holds (103)
      U        C                      (51)
      Bring their child/children to a program (42)
      Use the                  -fi (31)
      Attend a program (27)
      Use The SPARK (23)
      Meet friends and/or colleagues (20)
      Use a meeting/study room (19)
      Study and/or work (18)
      Get help from library staff (16)
      Use the public computers (15)
      Use the copy machine (13)
      Read the newspapers/magazines (11)
      Homeschooling (2)
Single responses included: stop by and say hi to the librarians, donate books/magazines, tutor, and to re-shelve
When asked how do respondents use The SPARK, out of 39 responses:
      23 said to play with the SPARK-its
      20 said to attend staff-led, scheduled programming
      11                                             /
      5 said to use the flight simulator
      1 said to use the iMacs for creative purposes.
When asked if there was anything else patrons would like to see and/or do in The SPARK:

    Neon lights
    More stuff for 2 year olds
    Never have tried spark
    More art programming for adults
    We love the SPARK activities!
    I                  T SPARK
    Nope! I love it!
    Not sure what SPARK is

I                                                         T     SPARK                 or efficiently.

The Library Online
                                      Use of the Library's online resources

         Library's website

     SHARE online catalog



            Gale Courses


          BookMyne App


                             0   10      20         30           40            50          60           70   80   90

                                              Use of the Library's online resources

There were zero (0) responses for BiblioBoard and Transparent Languages.
Which library social media accounts do you follow?
                                                            5    3


                                          29                                        85

                       Facebook    None        Instagram (library)   Instagram (teens)   Podcast   Youtube

The library has decided to launch a Twitter account as well in hopes of reaching more patrons and interacting
with other community organizations, such as the Milton School District.

Library Fines
It has been a recent library trend to remove library fines either partially or completely. In 2018, the library
collected $5,553          ,     $2,379                            . I 2019,                       $7,692
$3,699                            .A                                                                .
Question 1: Do you currently have library fines?
       32 yes
       76 no
       13 not sure
Question 2: Do library fines affect how you use the library?
       15 yes
       100 no
       3 not sure
Question 3: Are you okay with paying library fines, knowing the money goes towards the library?
       114 yes
       5 no
       1 not sure
Question 4: Do the possibility of fines encourage you to return your items early or on time?
       94 yes
       23 no
       4 not sure
Question 5: Is the staff accommodating if your account is blocked due to fines over $10.00?
       33 yes
       3 no
       76 not sure
Question 6: Would you check out more items if there were no library fines?
       20 yes
       87 no
       14 not sure

What type of physical library materials do you frequently check out? (119 responses)
Adult Fiction 81                                             Audiobooks 23
DVDs 64                                                      Teen nonfiction 14
C                  64                                        Teen graphic novels 14
Adult nonfiction 56                                          Kits 12
C                       43                                   C                     /               11
C                            24                              Magazines 5
Teen fiction 24                                              I                                    -2

There were additional responses with 1 each, including adult nonfiction audiobooks, graphic novels for
elementary age, DVDs, and cookbooks.

Respondents were asked to explain more if they indicated that a collection could be improved.
 A lot of older books which are all very similar in plot.
 The library could benefit from larger collections of middle grade and upper MG/YA books. My kids sometimes
 request going to Hedberg because they know they can find a wider range of titles there (for example, when
 looking at a specific author's section, MPL might only have a few of their titles, as opposed to most or all of
 them.) This is especially frustrating when they are hooked on a series, and only books #1, #4, and #6 are
 All is great!
 We'd love more selection of kids books, audio books and cds
 The tween fiction section is small. We often go to Hedberg for this because there's more selection... Same with
 graphic novels.
 For adult fiction, I sometimes request books from other libraries because Milton doesn't have them. I do like the
 new book selections though.
 More options for books as we have read the ones we like
I do not watch TV and have been using the library service the check out books. I am sad that I am now limited
to 6 books!
Always long holds for new books.
perhaps more copies of popular new releases
Just larger variety of DVDs
W             ,C
My daughter has a hard time finding books she likes and when she is looking for specific books they are either
checked out or we have to request them from a different library and wait for them to arrive
longer wait for a hold item, perhaps more responsive acquisitions
More current science, technology medical, if practical.
Cookbooks for new age appliances, professional cooks
More travel books outside US
Would love to see more in science-fiction/fantasy.
Would love to see more in science-fiction/fantasy.

P                                                   ,    1                                 5
                           1 (most)             2                3                  4                5 (least)
 Literacy/Reading     85               10                 10                 3                  5
 Recreational         39               42                 22                 6                  6
 Social Issues        17               24                 16                 18                 36
 Community Focus      25               30                 27                 22                 9
 Hands-on             50               31                 17                 11                 5


If you responded "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" in the question above about library staff, could you please
 Unaware what spark is
 Always helpful and willing to chat
 Positive: They always go out of the way to help us!

Please rate the importance of these library services from 1-5, with "1" being the most important and "5" being
the least important.

                                                               1 (most)     2         3          4       5 (least)
 Providing Materials                                              93        12        5          3            3
 Providing a wide-variety of technology                           29        29       29          9           18
 Offering a community gathering place                             34        35       24         16            8
 Hosting events and programs                                      35        29       21         18           12
 Promoting literacy among children and adults                     70        27       10          4            5

In your opinion, how can the library improve?
 I think the library needs to advertise themselves to middle school and high school students more.

We would love to see weekday homeschool get togethers, classes and programs. Currently, no area libraries
offer homeschool specific groups or programs! Clinton library is the closest, with limited offerings. This is a very
needed niche for the community, as the homeschool population grows each year. A few ideas might be: chess
club, minecraft or roblox, reading/literacy assistance with a librarian for younger children, coding classes, and
things catering to middle and high school homeschoolers...who are often not included in various programs.
Even more books!
Encourage users to respect our beautiful facility, especially the young mothers who let their undisciplined
All is well!

Neon lighting
MPL is so amazing, it's hard to think of an area of improvement. This is so very minor, but perhaps more exterior
work, like some landscaping or some security measures for the rear entrance (as noted in a previous response).
I love the Milton College collections. Maybe more Milton-specific historical exhibits? Love the ag programs for
kids too - maybe more of those?
I like the way it is
I would like to see more kid and pre-teen events during the weekend or evenings. A lot of the events are on
days off school but our kids (10 and 8) are in daycare because we still work on weekdays. I know my kids would
love to go to more of your programs, but they aren't during hours that we can get them there.
They are doing great over all

A brief library orientation for newcomers would be wonderful.
We would love it you opened at 9am instead of 10 even just a couple days a week. We don't get to spend as
much time at the library as we'd like in the mornings since I have little ones who need lunch and a nap!
Self checkout, secure after-hours return,
I think you're pretty innovative and have diverse offerings, so it's hard for me to think of ways to improve. I
definitely see your SPARK lab as unique. Does it get enough use? If not, increase use of it? The Hedberg is
great with programs in the community, i.e. off site story times, HPL Express at the mall, Bookmobile etc. Milton
could do more of that, if there is a need for it. But, I don't see there really being a need for it. Milton is a much
smaller community.
More kids activites around 5pm or 530pm. 630pm is too late. More kids events on weekends also before lunch
or after 4pm.
At this point, I am uncertain. My interaction with the library has primarily been for digital resources. I don't want
to presume something is or is not happening when I don't know.
Have more late night classes/events for parents to take kids to after work

Sunday hours 12-5
C                                                                  .I               MPL
parents and kids! :)
Open at 9 a.m. on weekdays.
I would prefer it if the young children did not have to pass the iPad table on their way to the books. iPads are
good tools but books are a necessity for little ones.
Open at 9am
Keep the food for fines option; keep up the wide variety of programs and please continue to try new things -
you are not limiting yourself or your attendees.
Increase # of books on hand. Have more than one copy of new release movies.

Fix the broken concrete step - it should be under warranty

A quiet area for public computers.
I am thankful to live in a small-town community that cares about its people. I would appreciate MPL providing
books that reflect our Judeo-Christian values and ethics.
better supply of popular titles
More things to help parents help kids to learn more. You already offer a lot with take home kits and the Spark
Explain what the "Friends of ..." is & involves.

 Maybe by getting a wider range of juvenile graphic novels?

 I like it the way it is, small and personable

 Increase adult science-fiction/fantasy options.

Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:
                                                            Strongly    Agree         Neutral       Disagree   Strongly
                                                             Agree                                             Disagree
 I have a positive opinion about MPL                           107        11             1
 MPL is an important part of the community                     107        12             1
 MPL is a fun place for children                                94        19            6
 The MPL building is clean                                     103        16             1
 I can find a quiet place at MPL                                83        27            6                         2
 I                           I      MPL                        68         37            12             3
 I feel safe and comfortable at MPL                            104        13             3
 MPL provides the resources/services I                         62         34            17             6
 get elsewhere
 I                                      MPL                   32          40            39             15         2
 MPL is keeping up with popular technology                    65          40            13

If you responded "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" in the question above for any service, could you please

 I                                                                                              .

 I have not really been to the library science the changes so I dont know what they have anymore.
 I find the young adult section confusing as it is set up by genre instead of alphabetically. I understand why, I
 just sometimes don't associate a book with that particular genre and therefore have a difficult time finding it.
 I                                                               !W      I      more time to explore them (SAHM with
 a 1 and 2 year old)
 I didn't indicate "disagree" but I do think the rear of the library building should be monitored more after hours.
 Once the library closes, there's lots of traffic in and out of the lot, and it concerns me as a resident of the
 I                                  I                   .

 Most books I would like to read have to come from another library
 I                                                                            .T                 I still have to
 To my own fault, I don't know much about what the Library offers. I don't go out of my way to find that
 information. However, I was there with my sister a while back and was very impressed by all they have to offer.
 We live in Janesville so hard to say what impact this library has on the community. We do love our weekly time
 Children should be taught to be quiet and respectful. Parents are not teaching to be quiet - no running. Other
 libraries enforce this. Edgerton has 1 person on duty who does this.
 I personally am not aware of all the services available.
 Too many people (including the staff) speaking in loud voices, including the computer area. Both upstairs and
 downstairs are noisy with children, cannot get away from them--even in the so-called quiet room.
 I                  SPARK !

 They don't have all the books I'm always looking for but I can almost always request from another library.

 I        I                                         .

 What is SPARK?

 I just don't know enough. What about a mailer with the water bill, like City Hall?
In comparison, the Hedberg library has more resources. Rightfully so. It is much larger and has a higher budget
 I'm sure.
 I just don't know all of what the library has to offer.

Are there additional services that could be offered at MPL?

 tutors? if that isn't already a thing

 I dont have any that come to mind.

 See above :)

 More casual programs

 Maybe some more programming for in-between aged kids (8-12), especially on school breaks and days off

 Not really

 Be open later during the week for more meeting times in the evening.

 More toddler actives in spark

 More tween programs please! Or extend some of the teen or children's programs to include the tween group.

 community movie nights, speakers, etc.

 We enjoy the library and tell others to visit!

 More adult programs

 Sign language classes
 I would be interested in visiting with community individuals unlike myself to learn about their attitudes and
 experiences. E.g. race, religion, immigrants, gays, etc.
 tudoring services for teens, or study groups

 Perhaps expand # computer terminals, larger terminals for Share access.

 A once a week volunteer taxi service for the house-bound who are e-illiterate?

 Not in my opinion.

 3D printer

 Children's evening programs are greatly appreciated.

How would you rate the Milton Public Library overall, with 1 being excellent and 5 being poor?
Any other comments?
The library has always been an important place for us and our kids...thank you for providing a beautiful one in
so many ways!
A great small-town library!

I should probably use my library more

We love our library! Thanks for all you do.
I work at Maddie Strong we do kids birthdays and we get lots of families with other kids from out of town. I
                                                            .Y                              ,
You are doing a great job. :)

I                                             F        M      P      Library opportunity.
Thanks for all your work and energy. The library is a wonderful place to go, especially the physical space. So
much natural light. Great job with the renovation.
You are fantastic, appreciated and a vital part of the community!!

Thank you for being open and welcoming us in every Tuesday

Fantastic children's area
I have a concern after reading that you can find bedbugs in the spines of books and in between the pages. Is
the MPL doing anything to detect the possibility of bedbugs in books there?
I love our library! You guys all do a wonderful job. For a small community it has so many services and programs.

Love Miss Jamie at Story Time

I love the book sales.

Material check-in practice much better than norm. Newpaper presentation also best! Keep up the good Work!

Have a great day!
Regarding "It's easy to find the books I want at MPL": It's easy to find items in the library, but the types of books
I look for are often not available
Very thankful for the resources @ MPL and the Arrowhead Library System
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