MLCapsule: Guarded Offline Deployment of Machine Learning as a Service

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MLCapsule: Guarded Offline Deployment of Machine Learning as a Service
MLCapsule: Guarded Offline Deployment of
                           Machine Learning as a Service

                         Lucjan Hanzlik1 , Yang Zhang1 , Kathrin Grosse2 ,
              Ahmed Salem1 , Maximilian Augustin3 , Michael Backes1 , and Mario Fritz1
                         CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
                                {hanzlik, zhang, ahmed.salem, backes, fritz}
                                                    University of Cagliari
                                                University of Tuebingen

                      Abstract                                    for a user/client to make use of the model in various
   Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) is a pop-
ular and convenient way to access a trained machine                  While MLaaS is convenient for the user, it also
learning (ML) model trough an API. However, if the                comes with several limitations. First, the user has
user’s input is sensitive, sending it to the server is not        to trust the service provider with the input data.
an option. Equally, the service provider does not want            Typically, there are no means of ensuring data pri-
to share the model by sending it to the client for pro-           vacy and recently proposed encryption mechanisms [6]
tecting its intellectual property and pay-per-query busi-         come at substantial computational overhead especially
ness model. As a solution, we propose MLCapsule, a                for state-of-the-art deep learning models. Moreover,
guarded offline deployment of MLaaS. MLCapsule exe-               MLaaS requires data transfer over the network which
cutes the machine learning model locally on the user’s            constitutes high volume communication and provides a
client and therefore the data never leaves the client.            new attack surface [20, 24]. This motivates us to come
Meanwhile, we show that MLCapsule is able to offer the            up with a client-side solution such that perfect data
service provider the same level of control and security           privacy and offline computation can be achieved.
of its model as the commonly used server-side execu-
tion. Beyond protecting against direct model access, we
                                                                     Yet, this (seemingly) comes with a loss of control of
demonstrate that MLCapsule allows for implementing
                                                                  the service provider. Running the ML model on the
defenses against advanced attacks on machine learning
                                                                  client’s machine raises concerns about revealing details
models such as model stealing, reverse engineering and
                                                                  of the model, damaging the intellectual property of the
membership inference.
                                                                  service provider. Further, granting unrestricted/unre-
                                                                  vocable access to the user breaks the commonly en-
                                                                  forced pay-per-query business model. Moreover, there
1. Introduction                                                   is a plethora of attacks on machine learning mod-
   Machine learning as a service (MLaaS) has become               els that raise severe concerns about security and pri-
increasingly popular during the past five years. Lead-            vacy [26]. A series of recent papers have shown different
ing Internet companies, such as Google,1 Amazon,2                 attacks on MLaaS that can lead to reverse engineering
and Microsoft3 deploy their own MLaaS. It offers a                [35, 22] and training data leakage [12, 11, 29, 38, 28].
convenient way for a service provider to deploy a ma-             Many of these threats are facilitated by repeated prob-
chine learning (ML) model and equally an instant way              ing of the ML model. Therefore, we need a mechanism
                                                                  to enforce that the service provider remains in control
  2                              of the model access as well as provide ways to deploy
   3          detection and defense mechanisms in order to protect
learning-studio/                                                  the model.

MLCapsule: Guarded Offline Deployment of Machine Learning as a Service
1.1. Our Contributions                                           the client side naively, i.e., providing the trained model
                                                                 to the user as a white box, harms the service provider
   We propose MLCapsule, a guarded offline deploy-
                                                                 in the following two perspectives.
ment of machine learning as a service. MLCapsule
follows the popular MLaaS paradigm, but allows for                 • Intellectual Property: Training an effective ma-
client-side execution where model and computation re-                chine learning model is challenging, the MLaaS
main secret. MLCapsule protects intellectual property                provider needs to get suitable training data and
and maintains the business model for the provider.                   spend many resources on training and tuning
Meanwhile, the user gains offline execution and thereby              hyper-parameters [36]. All these certainly belong
perfect privacy, as the data never leaves the client’s ma-           to the intellectual property of the service provider.
   MLCapsule uses an Isolated Execution Environment                • Pay-per-query: Most MLaaS providers implement
(IEE) to provide a secure enclave to run an ML model.                a pay-per-query business model. For example,
IEE provides means to prove execution of code, and                   Google’s vision API charges 1.5 USD per 1,000
only the enclave can decrypt the received data. This                 queries.4
keeps the intellectual property of the service provider
secure from other processes running on the client’s plat-           To mitigate all these potential damages to the ser-
form.                                                            vice provider, MLCapsule needs to provide guarantees
   We also contribute by a proof-of-concept of our so-           that it (1) protects intellectual property and (2) en-
lution. Due to its simplicity and availability, we imple-        ables the pay-per-query business model. In general, we
mented our prototype on a platform with Intel SGX                aim for a client-side deployment being indistinguish-
(yet, the current generation should not be used due to           able from the current server-side deployment.
devastating attacks for example [8]). Our solution can           Protection against Advanced Attacks. Orthogo-
be used on any IEE platform. In more details, in our             nal to the previous properties, an adversary can per-
solution we design so called MLCapsule layers, which             form multiple attacks against MLaaS by solely query-
encapsulate standard ML layers and are executed in-              ing its API (black-box access). Attacks of such kind in-
side the IEE. Those layers are able to decrypt (unseal)          clude model stealing [35, 36], reverse engineering [22],
the secret weight provisioned by the service provider            and membership inference [29, 28]. In particular,
and perform the computation in isolation. This modu-             MLaaS is vulnerable to these attacks, too [35, 29, 22,
lar approach makes it easy to combine layers and form            36]. We consider mitigating the above threats as re-
large networks. We further evaluate the overhead of              quirements of MLCapsule as well.
entire networks (VGG-16 [31] and MobileNet [14]) and
individual (dense and convolutional) layers.                     3. Background
   MLCapsule is also able to integrate advanced defense
                                                                    In this section, we recall the properties of Intel’s
mechanisms for attacks against machine learning mod-
                                                                 Software Guard Extensions (SGX). Although our pro-
els. For demonstration, we propose two defense mecha-
                                                                 totype is implemented using SGX, any IEE with simi-
nisms against reverse engineering [22] and membership
                                                                 lar properties implementing the formal model proposed
inference [29, 27] respectively, and utilize a recent pro-
                                                                 by Fish et al. [10] can be used as a building block
posed defense [17] for model stealing attacks [35]. We
                                                                 of MLCapsule.
show that these mechanisms can be seamlessly incor-
porated into MLCapsule, with a negligible computation            3.1. SGX
                                                                    SGX is a set of commands included in Intel’s x86
                                                                 processor design that allows to create isolated execu-
2. Requirements and Threat Model                                 tion environments called enclaves. According to Intel’s
   In this section, we introduce the requirements we             threat model, enclaves are designed to trustworthily
want to achieve in MLCapsule.                                    execute programs and handle secrets even under a mal-
User Side. MLCapsule deploys MLaaS locally, provid-              icous host system and an untrusted system’s memory.
ing a strong privacy guarantee to the user, as her data          Properties. There are three main properties of Intel
never leaves her devices. Local execution also avoids            SGX:
the Internet communication between the user and the
                                                                   • Isolation: Code and data inside the enclave’s pro-
MLaaS provider and eliminates possible attack surfaces
                                                                     tected memory cannot be read or modified by any
due to network communication [20, 24].
Server Side. Deploying a machine learning model on                 4

external process. Enclaves are stored in a hard-             to split the network as to prevent the user’s input to
    ware guarded memory called Enclave Page Cache                be reconstructed. In contrast, we focus on protecting
    (EPC). Untrusted applications can use enclaves as            the model.
    external libraries that are defined by call functions.       Homomorphic Encryption and ML Models. Ho-
  • Sealing: Data in the unstrusted host system is en-           momorphic encryption keeps both input and result pri-
    crypted and authenticated by a hardware-resident             vate from an executing server [3, 6]. In contrast to our
    key. From the processors Root Seal key, the en-              approach, homomorphic encryption lacks efficiency, es-
    clave’s Seal key is derived (or recovered). Other            pecially for large deep learning models. Moreover, it
    enclaves can not obtain this key.                            does not allow for implementing transparent mecha-
                                                                 nisms to defend attacks on the ML model: detecting
  • Attestation: Attestation provides an unforgeable             an attack contradicts with the guaranteed privacy in
    report attesting to code, static/meta data of an             this encryption scheme.
    enclave, as well as the output of the computation.           Watermarking serves to claim ownership of an ML
Side-channel Attacks. Intel SGX is prone to side-                model. Watermarking as a passive defense mechanism,
channel attacks. Intel does not claim that SGX defends           where A model is trained to yield a particular output
against physical attacks (e.g., power analysis), but suc-        on a set of points [1], or to produce a specified out-
cessful attacks have not yet been demonstrated. How-             put when meaningful content is added to samples [39].
ever, several software attacks have been demonstrated            Instead, MLCapsule deployed on the client-side is indis-
in numerous papers [18, 37, 7]. The attacks usually              tinguishable from the server-side deployment. Further,
target flawed implementations. A knowledgeable pro-              MLCapsule allows us to deploy defense mechanisms to
grammer can write the code in a data-oblivious way,              actively mitigate advanced attacks against ML mod-
i.e., the software does not have memory access pat-              els.
terns or control flow branches that depend on secret
data. In particular, those attacks are not inherent to           5. MLCapsule
SGX-like systems, as shown by Costan et al. [9].                    In this section we introduce MLCapsule. We start
Rollback. The formal model described in the next                 with an overview of the participants and then intro-
subsection assumes that the state of the hardware is             duce the different execution phases. We then argue
hidden from the users platform. SGX enclaves store en-           that and how MLCapsule fulfills our requirements. We
cryptions of the enclave’s state in the untrusted part of        focus for the rest of the paper on deep networks, as
the platform. Those encryptions are protected with a             they have recently drawn attention due to their good
hardware-generated secret key, yet this data is provided         performance. Additionally, their size makes both im-
to the enclave by an untrusted application. There-               plementation and design a challenge. Yet, MLCapsule
fore, SGX does not provide any guarantees about fresh-           generalizes to other linear models, as well as decision
ness of the state and is vulnerable to rollback attacks.         tress and boosting, as these can be expressed as neural
Fortunately, there exist hardware solutions relying on           networks, too.
counters [33] and distributed software-based strategies
                                                                 Participants. In MLCapsule, we distinguish two par-
[19] to prevent rollback attacks.
                                                                 ticipants of the system. On the one hand, we have the
                                                                 service provider (SP) that possesses private training
4. Related Work
                                                                 data (e.g. images, genomic data, etc.) that it uses to
   In this section, we review related works. We first            train an ML model. The service provider’s objective is
discuss cryptography and ML, focusing on SGX and                 to protect the trained weights and biases, as we assume
homomorphic encryption. We then turn to watermark-               the design of the network to be public. On the other
ing.                                                             hand, we have users that want to use the pre-trained
SGX for ML. Ohrimenko et al. [23] investigated obliv-            model as discussed in Section 2.
ious data access patterns for a range of ML algorithms           Approach. We assume that all users have a plat-
applied in SGX. Tramèr et al. [34], Hynes et al. [16],          form with an isolated execution environment. This is
and Hunt et al. [15] used SGX for ML – however in                a viable assumption: Intel introduced SGX with the
the context of training convolutional neural network             Skylake processor line. The latest Kaby Lake genera-
models. Our work instead focuses on the test-time de-            tion of processors also supports SGX. It is reasonable
ployment of ML models. To the best of our knowledge,             to assume that Intel provides SGX support with ev-
only Gu et al. [13] consider convolutional neural net-           ery new processor generation and over time every Intel
works and SGX at test time. The core of their work is            processor will have SGX.

The core idea of MLCapsule is to leverage the prop-           user’s account information. A malicious user can cre-
erties of the IEE to ensure that the user has to attest          ate a fresh enclave to reset this counter. However, in
that the code is running in isolation before it is pro-          such a case the SP will not provision this new enclave
vided the secrets by the SP. This step is called the setup       with the model’s weights and the adversary will not
phase. Afterwards, the client can use the enclave for            gain any advantage.
the classification task. This step is called the inference       Intellectual Property. MLCapsule protects the service
phase. The isolation of the enclave ensures that the             provider’s intellectual property as the user gains no ad-
user is not able to infer more information about the             ditional advantage in stealing the intellectual property
model than given API access to a server-side model.              in comparison to an access to the model through an
Figure 1 shows both phases which we now describe in              server-side API.
more detail.
Setup phase: The user downloads the code of the en-              6. SGX Implementation and Evaluation
clave provided by the SP and a service application to
setup the enclave. This service app can be provided by              In the setup phase, MLCapsule attests the execution
the SP but also by the user or a trusted third party.            of the enclave and decrypts the data sent by the service
After the user’s platform attests that an enclave in-            provider. Both tasks are standard and supported by
stance is running, the SP provides the enclave with              Intel’s crypto library [2]. Thus, in the evaluation we
secret data. The enclave’s attestation can be part of            mainly focused on the inference phase and the overhead
a larger authentication structure including additional           the IEE introduces.
login or SP specific account information allowing only              We used an Intel SGX enabled PC with Intel(R)
users that paid or are authorized to use the model.              Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz and Ubuntu 18.04.
Finally, the enclave seals all secrets and the service ap-       The implementation uses C++ and is based on Slalom
plication stores it for further use. The sealing hides           [34], which uses a custom lightweight C++ library for
this data form other processes on the user’s platform.           feed-forward networks based on Eigen. Porting well-
                                                                 known ML frameworks, such as TensorFlow, to SGX
Inference phase: To perform classification, the user ex-
                                                                 is not feasible because enclave code cannot access OS-
ecutes the service app and provides the test data as
                                                                 provided features. If not stated otherwise, we used the
input. The service app restores the enclave. Since the
                                                                 -O3 compiler optimization and C++11 standard.
enclave requires the model parameters, the service app
                                                                    In MLCapsule, we wrap standard layers to create
loads the sealed data stored during the setup phase.
                                                                 MLCapsule layers. Those layers take the standard in-
Before classification, the enclave can also perform an
                                                                 put of the model layer but the weights are given in
access control procedure based on the sealed data. Due
                                                                 sealed form. Inside the enclave, the secret data is un-
to some limitations (e.g. limited memory of the IEE),
                                                                 sealed and forwarded to the standard layer function.
the enclave must implement classification layer wise,
                                                                 MLCapsule layers are designed to be executed inside
i.e. the service app provides sealed data for each layer
                                                                 the enclave by providing ECALL’s. See Figure 2 for
of the network separately. Finally, the enclave outputs
                                                                 more details. This approach provides means to build
the result to the service app.
                                                                 MLCapsule secure neural networks in a modular way.
Requirements.         We now briefly discuss how
MLCapsule fulfills the requirements.
                                                                    Since the sealed data is provided from outside the
User Input Privacy. MLCapsule is executed locally, en-           enclave, it has to be first copied to the enclave be-
suring her privacy and preventing communication with             fore unsealing. We measured the execution time of
the SP. The user can further inspect the code, in par-           MLCapsule layers as the time it takes to (1) allocate
ticular checking for any communication with the SP.              all required local memory, (2) copy the sealed data to
Pay-per-query.       To enforce the pay-per-query                the inside of the enclave, (3) unseal the data, (4) per-
paradigm, the enclave is set up with a threshold. If the         form the actual computation and finally (5) free the
threshold is exceeded, and the user exceeds their paid           allocated memory.
budget, an error is returned. This corresponds to the               Applications are limited to 90 MB of memory, be-
current, rough grained pay-per query model (batches of           cause there is currently no SGX support for memory
1,000 queries in case of Google’s vision API). The key           swapping. This is visible in our results for a dense layer
point here is that a given user will only be provisioned         with weight matrix of size 4096 × 4096. In this case,
once by the SP. Note that during the setup phase the             we allocate 4 × 4096 × 4096 = 64 MB for the matrix
SP will check if the user’s platform is running the cor-         and a temporary array of the same size for the sealed
rect enclave (via attestation) and it also can check the         data. Thus, we exceed the 90 MB limit, which leads

Provider                                                                                                                                   Untrusted
                                                                                     IEE (secure)     1               Service App

   IEE (secure)                            3                         Untrusted
                         2                     Service App                                3                                 Code

                                                                                                     2, 5

                                                                                                       1 - Initialize Service App
                                                                                                       2 - Load encrypted model
               1 - Initialize Service App                                                              3 - User sends image to App
               2 - Request model from provider                                                         4 - Return classification result to user
               3 - Store encrypted model in local machine                                              5 - Store model and counter

                                     Figure 1: Initialization (left) and inference (right) phase of MLCapsule.

       MLCapsule Layer                            Standard Layer
                                                                                       lution layers, the execution time of MLCapsule layers
                              w …w
                              . . .                                                    is comparable with a standard layer. In fact, in this
                              w…w                                  w …w
                                                                   . . .               case, the difference is almost not noticeable for smaller
     IEE                                                                               input sizes. Applying additional activation functions
                                   w … w
                                   . . .
                                   w … w
                                                                                       or/and pooling after the convolution layer did not sig-
                                                                                       nificantly influence the execution time. Dense layers,
                                                                                       however, show a larger overhead. For all the kernel
           input             weights              input            weights             dimension the overhead is not larger than 25 times.
                     f                                      f
                                                                                       We also evaluated dense layers without -O3 optimiza-
                                                                                       tion. The results show that in such a case the overhead
                                                                                       of MLCapsule is around the factor of 3. We suspect
                                                                                       that the compiler is able to more efficiently optimize
                   output                                 output                       the source code not using SGX specific library calls.
                                                                                       Hence, the increase in performance is due to the opti-
Figure 2: Difference between MLCapsule and standard                                    mized compilation.

to a decrease in performance. In particular, the execu-                                7. Advanced Defenses
tion of such a layer took 1s and after optimization, the
execution time decreased to 0.097ms.
                                                                                          Recently, researchers have proposed multiple attacks
   We overcome this problem by encrypting the data                                     against MLaaS: reverse engineering [22], model steal-
in chunks of 2 MB. This way the only large data ar-                                    ing [35, 36], and membership inference [29, 28]. As
ray allocated inside the MLCapsule layer is the mem-                                   mentioned in Section 2, these attacks only require
ory for the weight matrix. Using 2 MB chunks the                                       the black-box access (API) to the target ML model,
MLCapsule layers require only around 2 × 2 MB more                                     therefore, their attack surface is orthogonal to the one
memory than implementations of standard ML layers.                                     caused by providing the model’s white-box access to
We implemented this optimization only for data that                                    an adversary. As shown in the literature, real-world
requires more than 48 MB, e.g. in case of a VGG-16                                     MLaaS suffers from these attacks [35, 29, 36, 28].
network we used it for the first and second dense layer.
Comparisons between MLCapsule and standard layers                                         In this section, we propose two new defense mecha-
are given in Table 1 and Table 2. From the former, we                                  nisms against reverse engineering and membership in-
see that the overhead for convolutional layers averages                                ference. Both mechanisms, together with a proposed
around 1.2, with a peak to 2.3 in case of inputs of size                               defense for model stealing, can be seamlessly integrated
512 × 14 × 14. In case of depthwise separable convo-                                   into MLCapsule.

Table 1: Average dense layer overhead for 100 executions. This comparison includes two ways of compiling the
code, i.e. with (marked by ∗ ) and without the g++ optimization parameter -O3.

                                                    ∗                                ∗
                         Dimension      MLCapsule       MLCapsule       Standard          Standard
                         256×256            0.401ms          0.234ms       0.164ms         0.020ms
                         512×512            1.521ms          0.865ms       0.637ms         0.062ms
                         1024×1024          6.596ms          4.035ms       2.522ms         0.244ms
                         2048×2048         37.107ms         26.940ms      10.155ms         1.090ms
                         4096×4096        128.390ms         96.823ms      40.773ms         4.648ms

Table 2: Average convolution and depthwise separable (denoted † ) convolution layer overhead for 100 executions
and 3 × 3 filters.

                                                                                 †                  †            †
             Size             MLCapsule      Standard       Factor   MLCapsule           Standard       Factor
             64×224×224              80ms        66ms         1.21           41ms             27ms         1.52
             128×112×112             70ms        63ms         1.11           18ms             16ms        1.125
             256×56×56               55ms        54ms         1.02            9ms              9ms         1.00
             512×28×28               61ms        51ms         1.20            7ms              7ms         1.00
             512×14×14               30ms        13ms         2.31            2ms              2ms         1.00

7.1. Detecting Reverse Engineering of Neural Net-                ularization. We use a cross-entropy loss to train the
      work Models                                                network with the ADAM optimizer.
                                                                    Evaluation. We compose a test set of additional
    Oh et al. have shown that a wide variety of model
                                                                 500 malicious input samples and 500 benign MNIST
specifics can be inferred using black-box querying [22].
                                                                 samples that are disjoint from the training set. The ac-
This includes network topology, training procedure as
                                                                 curacy of this classifier is 100%: it detects each attack
well as type of non-linearities and filter sizes, endan-
                                                                 on the first malicious example. Meanwhile, no benign
gering the safety of intellectual property and increasing
                                                                 sample leads to a denied service. This is a very effec-
the attack surface.
                                                                 tive protection mechanism that seamlessly integrates
    Methodology. No defense has been proposed so
                                                                 into our deployment model and only adds 0.832 ms to
far for this type of attack. The most effective method
                                                                 the overall computation time. While we are able to
proposed by Oh et al. [22] relies on crafted input pat-
                                                                 show very strong performance on this MNIST setup,
terns that are distinct from benign input. Therefore,
                                                                 it has to be noted that the kennen-io method is not
we propose to train a classifier that detects such mali-
                                                                 designed to be “stealthy” and future improvements of
cious inputs. Once a malicious input is recognized, ser-
                                                                 the attack can be conceived that make detection sub-
vice can be immediately denied which stops the model
                                                                 stantially more difficult.
from leaking further information, without even com-
municating with the server.                                      7.2. Detecting Model Stealing
    We focus on the kennen-io method by Oh et al. [22],
or the strongest attack. We duplicate the test setup                Model stealing attack aims at obtaining a copy from
on the MNIST dataset.5 In order to train a classi-               an MLaaS model [35, 25]. The attacker aims to train
fier to detect such malicious inputs, we generate 4500           a substitute on samples rated by the victim model, re-
crafted input images with the kennen-io method and               sulting in a model with similar behavior and/or accu-
train a classifier against 4500 benign MNIST images.             racy, violating the service provider’s intellectual prop-
The classifier has two convolutional layers with 5 × 5           erty. To show how seamlessly a defense can be inte-
filters, 10 in the first, 20 in the second layer. Each           grated into MLCapsule, we integrate Juuti el al.’s [17]
convolutional layer is followed by a 2 × 2 max pooling           defense against model stealing. This defense, Prada,
layer. A fully connected layer with 50 neurons follows           maintains a growing set of user-submitted queries.
before the final softmax output. In addition, the net-           Whether a query is appended to this growing set de-
work uses ReLU non-linearties and drop-out for reg-              pends on the minimum distance to previous queries and
                                                                 a user set threshold. Benign queries lead to a constant
  5                            growing set, whereas Juuti et al. show that malicious

0.7                                                 Algorithm 1: Noising mechanism to mitigate
                                                                        membership inference attack.
                                                                         Input: Posterior of a data point P , Noise posterior T
                    0.5                                                  Output: Noised posterior P 0
   Time (seconds)

                                                                          1: Calculate η(P ) # the entropy of P
                    0.4                                                                η(P )
                                                                          2: α = 1 − log |P | # the magnitude of the noise

                    0.3                                                   3: P 0 = (1 − cα)P + cαT
                                                                          4: return P 0

                    0.1                                                                                                          0.25         JSD(P, P 0)
                                                                                                                                              |Pδ − Pδ0|
                          10   20   30    40    50    60      70                                                                 0.15

                                    Data size (MB)                            0.7                                                0.10

                                                                              0.6                                                0.05

Figure 3: Overhead in seconds to load additional data
for a defense mechanism preventing model stealing,                            0.5
                                                                                    0.0   0.1   0.2
                                                                                                          0.3   0.4                     0.0     0.1         0.2
                                                                                                                                                                      0.3   0.4

namely Prada [17].
                                                                       Figure 4: The relation between c, the hyperparameter
                                                                       controlling noise magnitude, and left [higher is better]
samples generally do not increase set size. Hence, an                  membership prediction performance and right [lower
attack can be detected by the difference of the growth                 is better] target model utility. JSD(P, P 0 ) denotes the
of those sets. As detection is independent of the clas-                Jensen-Shannon divergence between the original poste-
sifier, it can be easily implemented in MLCapsule. The                 rior P and the noised P 0 , while |Pδ −Pδ0 | is the absolute
resulting computation overhead depends heavily on the                  difference between the correct class’s posterior (Pδ ) and
user submitted queries [17]. We thus measure the gen-                  the noised one (Pδ0 ).
eral overhead of first loading the data in the enclave
and second of further computations.
    Juuti et al. state that the data needed per client                 membership inference attack in our evaluation. How-
is 1-20MB. We plot the overhead with respect to the                    ever, our defense is general and can be applied to other
data size in Figure 3. The overhead for less than 45MB                 membership inference attacks as well.
is below 0.1s. Afterwards, there is a sharp increase, as
                                                                       Methodology. We define the posterior of an ML
the heap size of the enclave is 90MB: storing more data
                                                                       model predicting a certain data point as a vector
requires several additional memory operations. An ad-
                                                                       P , and each class i’s posterior is denoted by Pi .
ditional time factor is to compute a queries distance
                                                                       TheP entropy of the posterior is defined as η(P ) =
to all previous queries in the set. We assume a set
                                                                       − Pi ∈P Pi log Pi . This entropy allows, using a thresh-
size of 3, 000, corresponding to roughly 5, 000 benign
                                                                       old, to predict membership of a point [28].
queries. Further, a query on the GTSDB dataset6 is
                                                                           The principle of our defense is adding more (less)
delayed by almost 2s, or a factor of five. For datasets
                                                                       noise to a posterior with low (high) entropy, and pub-
with smaller samples such as CIFAR7 or MNIST, the
                                                                       lishing the noised posterior, as formalized in Algo-
delay is around 35ms, where the inference is delayed
                                                                       rithm 1. We calculate η(P ) (line 1) and derive from
by a factor of 4 (CIFAR) up to 13.5 (MNIST).
                                                                       it the magnitude of the noise, i.e., α = 1 − logηP|P | (line
7.3. Membership Inference                                              2). Here, logηP|P | is the normalized η(P ) which lies in
                                                                       the range between 0 and 1. Hence, lower entropy im-
   Breaching training data is a severe intellectual prop-
                                                                       plies higher α (i.e., larger noise) which implements the
erty leak. Shokri et al. are among the first to demon-
                                                                       intuition of our defense. However, directly using α gen-
strate that a trained model is more confident on a train-
                                                                       erates too much noise to P . Thus, we introduce a hy-
ing point. A novel attack by Salem et al. show mem-
                                                                       perparameter, c, to control the magnitude α: c is in the
bership inference attacks can be performed by only re-
                                                                       range between 0 and 1, its value is set following cross
lying on the posterior’s entropy [28]. We use it as the
                                                                       validation. We thus add noise T to P with cα as the
  6                                       weight (line 3). There are multiple ways to initialize
  7                                        T , in this work, we define it as the class distribution of

the training data. Larger cα will cause the final noised             low 0.25, indicating that our defense mechanism pre-
P 0 to be more similar to the prior, which reduces the               serve the target model’s utility to a large extent.
information provided by the ML model.                                   The overhead of this defense is only 0.026ms to the
   Our defense is the first one not modifying the orig-              whole computation. This indicates our defense can be
inal ML model’s structures and hyperparameters, i.e.,                very well integrated into MLCapsule.
it is a test-time defense. Previous works either rely
on increasing the “temperature” of the softmax func-                 8. Conclusion
tion [29], or implementing dropout on the neural net-
work model [28]. These defense mechanisms may affect                    We have presented a novel deployment mechanism
the model’s performance and (implicitly) treat all data              for ML models. It provably provides the same level of
points equally, even those that are very unlikely to be              security of the model and control over the model as con-
in the training data. In contrary, our defense adds dif-             ventional server-side MLaaS execution, but at the same
ferent noise based on the entropy of the posterior.                  time it provides perfect privacy of the user data as it
                                                                     never leaves the client. In addition, we show the exten-
Evaluation. We train VGG-16 on the CIFAR-100                         sibility of our approach and how it facilities a range of
dataset (divided in equal parts for training and test-               features from pay-per-view monetization to advanced
ing) and reproduce the experimental setup of previous                model protection mechanisms – including the very lat-
works [28]. We mirror the attack’s performance using                 est work on model stealing and reverse engineering.
the AUC score calculated on the entropy of the tar-                     We believe that this is an important step towards
get model’s posteriors. Figure 4 on the left shows the               the overall vision of data privacy in machine learning
result of our defense depending on c. Setting c to 0,                [26] as well as secure ML and AI [32]. Beyond the pre-
e.g., no noise, results in 0.97, a high AUC score. Thus              sented work and direct implications on data privacy
an attacker can determine the membership state of a                  and model security – this line of research implements
point with high certainty. The AUC score starts drop-                another line of defenses that in the future can help to
ping when increasing c, as expected. When the value                  tackle several problems in security related issues of ML
of c approaches 0.5 the AUC score drops to almost 0.5,               that the community has been struggling to make sus-
where the best an attacker can do is randomly guessing               tainable progress. For instance, a range of attacks from
the membership status of a point.                                    membership inference, reverse engineering to adversar-
   We study the utility of our defense, i.e., how added              ial perturbations rely on repeated queries to a model.
noise affects the performance of the target model. Al-               Our deployment mechanism provides a scenario that is
gorithm 1 shows that our defense mechanism only ad-                  compatible with a wide spread of ML models with the
justs the confidence values in a way that the predicted              ability of controlling or mediating access to the model
labels stay the same. This means the target model’s ac-              directly (securing the model) or indirectly (advanced
curacy, precision, and recall do not change. To perform              protection against inference attacks).
an in-depth and fair analysis, we report the amount
of noise added to the posterior. Concretely, we mea-                 Acknowledgments
sure the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the orig-
inal posterior (P ) and the noised one (P 0 ), denoted by               This work is partially funded by the Helmholtz As-
JSD(P, P 0 ), following previous works [21, 4]. Formally,            sociation within the project ”Trustworthy Federated
JSD(P, P 0 ) is defined as:                                          Data Analytics (TFDA)” (ZT-I-OO1 4) and partially
                                                                     by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
                        X                Pi          P0              Research (BMBF) through funding for CISPA and
       JSD(P, P 0 ) =           Pi log      + Pi0 log i
                                         Mi          Mi              the CISPA-Stanford Center for Cybersecurity (FKZ:
                        Pi ∈P
               P +P 0
where Mi = i 2 i . Moreover, we measure the abso-
lute difference between the correct class’s original pos-            References
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