Module #2 CONNECT 2020 - Wavelength

Page created by Gilbert Weber
Module #2 CONNECT 2020 - Wavelength

Module #2
27th – 30th APRIL   UK & DENMARK
CONNECT 2020               BEHIND THE BRAND                2

MODULE #2 27th – 30th APRIL UK & DENMARK

                      In 2003, LEGO was on                                   The John Lewis                                                  DPD is the second-
                      the verge of bankruptcy.                               Partnership & Waitrose                                          largest parcel delivery
                      Faced with growing                                     Partnership model                                               network in Europe.
competition from video games and the                   is a visionary and successful way of doing                     Everyday DPD’s 75,000 experts deliver
internet, and plagued by an internal fear that         business, boldly putting the happiness of                      more than 5.2 million parcels worldwide
LEGO was perceived as old-fashioned, the               Partners at the centre of everything it does.                  and in 2018 they saw a turnover of £7.3
company had been making a series of huge               All 83,000 permanent staff are Partners who own the            billion. This was up from £350 million just
errors which brought it to the edge. Jørgen            51 John Lewis shops across the UK, 392 Waitrose                6 years earlier. A remarkable achievement
Vig Knudstorp, former CEO, was responsible             supermarkets an online and catalogue business,                 through an innovative people and service
for the brand rediscovering its purpose and  , a production unit and a farm. The               focussed strategy. No aquisition, no external
innovating its way to highly profitable world          business has annual gross sales of over £10bn.                 investment – all while being owned by the
dominance.                                             Partners share in the benefits and profits of a business       French Post Office!
Amazing creativity has been applied to everything      that puts them first.                                          They are renowned for their brilliant customer
from managing vendors, designing new products,         John Lewis and Waitrose have gained a reputation for           experience and their ambition is to be the best
engaging with customers and how they design            service excellence and employee engagement and                 delivery partner to work with. In 2019 they won
and use their workspace to support agile and           their plans for the future of retail in a digital world are    the Customer Experience & Loyalty Award at the
collaborative working. Their Innovation team’s         ambitious. We will visit their flagship John Lewis store at    National Business Awards.
mission is to “invent the future of play” and it has   Westfield, London where we will see their in-store and         We will visit their impressive depot in Stoke where
created and launched some of the most successful       digital innovations and meet their front-line partners and     we will hear all about this transformation from their
new products in LEGO’s recent history.                 leadership team. Like most retailers they have not been        CEO, Dwain McDonald, and get to visit the ‘shop
We will be hosted by David Gram, former head of        performing as well of late and the culture challenges this     floor’ distribution centre to witness first hand how it
LEGO Ventures, at the LEGO® House in Billund.          presents will be openly discussed.                             all works.

 THEMES:                                               THEMES:                                                        THEMES:
   Step-change Innovation                                 Employee Engagement                                            Service Excellence
   Sustainability                                         Service Excellence                                             Innovation
   Culture                                                Doing Business in a Multi-Channel World                        Transformation

CONNECT 2020   BEHIND THE BRAND               3


     MODULE #2

     STARTS                               ENDS
     14:00 Monday 27th April, 2020        16:00 Thursday
     LEGOLAND Hotel, Astvej 10,           30th April, 2020
     7190, Billund                        Stoke-On-Trent Station

        ravel to arrive at Legoland
       T                                 WILL ARRANGE
       Hotel, Billund for the opening        ransfers from Billund airport
       session. Suggested flights           on arrival to LEGOLAND Hotel
                                             otel accommodation
    – London City:                        for 3 nights in Billund, London
        09:45 – 12:15 BA8210                & Crewe
        London Stansted:
                                             ll group ground travel
        07:30 – 10:05 FR5178
                                            from the start point
                                            (LEGOLAND) until the end
        08:55 – 11:35 BA8246
                                            point (Stoke-On-Trent Station)
        light BA807
       from Billund – LHR
       on Tuesday 28th April
        ravel home from Stoke-On-
       Trent Station (closest station
       to DPD) – Please do not book
       a train before the 16:12

ALL MODULES: Wavelength has booked all meals and accommodation on your
behalf (you do not need to contact hotels) and this will be charged on at cost.
CONNECT 2020                        BEHIND THE BRAND                      4


 THE SMALL PRINT                                                  5. Members are responsible for organising their own transport to       9. A
                                                                                                                                              ny Connect members who do not hold a British or EU
                                                                      arrive at the beginning of their Behind the Brand module on day        member state passport and who are attending Behind
 1. If you would like any further information about any of           1, and also their own transport home at the end of the event.          the Brand module #2, travelling to Denmark, and Behind
     the locations or other details for the Behind the Brand          This applies to all of the Behind the Brand modules. Please            the Brand module #3, travelling to Belgium and The
     modules featured in this brochure then please let us know.       note that we do not accept any liability to Connect members if         Netherlands, should contact the appropriate consulate
 2. Connect members will be able to attend one of the four           they are unable to enjoy part or all of the event because of the       authorities in their country of nationality for full details of the
     Behind the Brand modules offered. We will do our best            delay or failure of transport that is not provided by us.              relevant visa or travel authorisation requirements, and any
     to ensure that every person is assigned to their first or                                                                               health requirements that apply for travel for the Behind the
                                                                  6. During each module, Wavelength will provide transfer between
     second choice of Behind the Brand module, but we                                                                                        Brand module they are attending. Connect members who
                                                                      venues, and to and from venues to hotels by private coach.
     cannot guarantee that this will be the case, and it is                                                                                  do not hold a British or EU member state passport should
     possible although unlikely that Connect members may be       7. Food: Wavelength will provide light refreshments and lunch             ensure that they have comprehensive medical insurance,
     assigned their fourth choice Behind the Brand module.            during the modules. Breakfasts and dinners will be covered by          which includes hospital treatment and medical evacuation.
                                                                      the Connect Member’s deposit as described in point 4.                  Connect members should seek medical advice before
 3. Wavelength will confirm Connect members’ Behind the
                                                                                                                                             travelling from their doctor, practice nurse or travel health
     Brand module in writing. Wavelength will provide hotel       8. Passport and Visa requirements: Connect members attending
                                                                                                                                             clinic, and ensure that all appropriate vaccinations are
     accommodation for members for the Behind the Brand               Behind the Behind module #2, travelling to Denmark, and
     module. Please note that none of the costs of the hotel          module #3, travelling to Belgium and The Netherlands, will
     accommodation and subsistence during the Behind the              need a valid passport for travel. You should take the necessary    10. T
                                                                                                                                              here is no minimum number of persons required for the
     Brand modules are included in the Connect membership             steps to meet the passport requirements which apply to you             event to take place.
     fee. Confirmation of Connect 2020 membership includes            at the earliest time. It takes at least six weeks to obtain a
                                                                      first British adult passport, and at least three weeks to renew    11. A
                                                                                                                                              s Connect members are responsible for their own
     a requested deposit to cover the estimated hotel and
                                                                      or replace a British passport (though fast-track services are          outward and homeward transport, no arrangements have
     subsistence costs for each member for their Behind the
                                                                      available). Non-British passport holders should contact the            been made by Wavelength in the event that those outward
     Brand module.
                                                                      appropriate consulate or embassy for advice well in advance of         or homeward journeys are delayed.
 4. The actual costs of Connect members’ accommodation               travel. Connect members attending Behind the Behind module         12. T
                                                                                                                                              he proportion of Connect members’ membership fee
     and subsistence may be more or less than the deposit             #2, travelling to Denmark, and module #3, travelling to Belgium        attributable to Behind the Brand will be held in a trust
     members provide. If this is the case then after the              and The Netherlands should also obtain a European Health               account.
     end of the Behind the Brand module we will issue the             Insurance Card (EHIC) before leaving the UK. The EHIC is not
     member with an invoice which either: (a) requires the                                                                               13. In exceptional circumstances Wavelength may need to
                                                                      a substitute for medical and travel insurance, but currently
     member to pay the additional money needed to cover the                                                                                   alter the details given in this brochure. If any changes to
                                                                      entitles holders to emergency medical treatment on the same
     accommodation and subsistence costs; or (b) returns any                                                                                  these details are required then Wavelength will make these
                                                                      terms as Danish, Belgian and Dutch nationals. Please note that
     unused balance from the deposit for the accommodation                                                                                    changes clear to Connect members.
                                                                      an EHIC does not provide cover for medical repatriation, on-
     and subsistence costs.                                           going medical treatment or treatment of a non-urgent nature.

Caroline Redding
t: +44 (0)7717 750 622

                    Designed by Mineral Creative
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