Mon.-Thurs., June 27-June 30 - Hill County Campus - Hill College

Page created by Jim Reid
Mon.-Thurs., June 27-June 30 - Hill County Campus - Hill College

                         Hill County Campus

Mon.-Thurs., June 27-June 30
       • All-day camp: $100 per student (8 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.)
       • Half-day camp: $55 per student
              • Morning session: 8 a.m. - noon, or
              • Afternoon session: 12:45 - 4:45 p.m.
       • Grades: 1st-8th (entry grade for August 2022)
       • Lunch provided for the all-day camp
       • Enrollment limited to 200 students
 For registration information, please contact: Hill College Continuing Education
                                               817.760.5820 |

                                      What will you discover?
Mon.-Thurs., June 27-June 30 - Hill County Campus - Hill College
Art of Art (1st-8th)                                Kids Choir (1st-8th) **Afternoon Only**                    Tennis (1st-8th)
Do your kids like to express their creative side?   Good physical exercises for singing and                    This course is designed to teach kids the rules
This course will encourage each student to          vocalizing. Sing children’s songs in different             and techniques of tennis. Kids should wear
explore his/her own unique, artistic style with     musical styles and genres with 2 or 4 vocal parts.         comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. Students
age appropriate projects. Students will have a                                                                 may be playing outside, please provide adequate
chance to explore a variety of art. Wear clothes    Math Blasts (1st-8th)                                      sun screen and hats/visors. Bring a tennis
you can get messy in!                               This is a unique and fun learning opportunity for          racquet if you have one!
                                                    children to explore, to question, to reason and
Baseball Basics (1st-8th)                           to discuss sound mathematical topics suited to             Think like a Scientist (1st-8th)
This course is designed to teach kids the           each grade level and student interests.                    This course is designed to teach kids the
fundamentals of baseball with key emphasis on                                                                  meaning of Science through the world around
throwing, fielding, hitting & base running. Kids    Mini Fire Academy (1st-8th)                                us. Some of the activities include engineering
should wear comfortable clothes and tennis          Kids can learn what it’s like to be a firefighter          through a candy structure, creating a secret
shoes and bring a glove and bat. Students will be   (without the danger) trying out real firefighting          message through chemical change, learning
playing outside, please provide sunscreen and a     equipment like fire hoses, fire extinguishers,             about the four seasons, dancing sprinkles,
hat/visor.                                          seeing fire trucks up close and learning how               marshmallow catapult, and the stars/
                                                    they work, experiencing first-hand some of the             constellations that are visible at any given night.
Basketball Bombers (1st-8th)                        other firefighter/EMT duties, and playing fun
This course is designed to teach kids rules and     firefighting games.                                        Volleyball (1st-8th)
techniques of the game including shooting,                                                                     This course is designed to teach kids the rules
dribbling and passing. Kids should wear             Needlecraft Arts (1st-8th)                                 and techniques of volleyball. Kids should wear
comfortable clothes and tennis shoes.               Students will learn a variety of needlecraft skills.       comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. Students
                                                    We will cover basic hand sewing and embroidery             may be playing outside, please provide adequate
Cosmetology in Action (6th-8th) **Afternoon         skills. Putting these skills to practice in the            sun screen and hats/visors.
Only**                                              creation of puppets, pillows and beyond.
Explore the cosmos of cosmetology, including                                                                   Welcome to the Real World! (6th-8th)
hairstyles and manicures. Learn the latest          Permian Playground (1st-8th)                               **Morning Only**
creative design techniques and work with            This course is designed to teach kids how to pick          This class will lead students to think about the
current Hill College CHI Cosmetology students.      through Permian-aged gravel for amphibian/                 real world by covering content such as: careers,
You’ll get sample products to practice with at      reptile fossils. If you can find fossils in this gravel,   advantages of working hard while in school (and
home.                                               then there should not be many fossils that can             graduating), important things to know about
                                                    escape your future hunts. The fossils from this            college including dual credit opportunities,
Cyber Kids (1st-8th)                                gravel were deposited during the Permian period            information on personal budgeting, and
Come learn about cybersecurity safety and           and are estimated to be around 300 million years           discussion on debt versus savings, and
awareness. Students will learn how to use           old. You will be finding fossils from early reptiles,      knowing the difference in wants versus
the Internet safely with fun and simple games       amphibians, and fresh water sharks. They were              needs. Discussions on setting goals, choosing
in addition to basic programming logic and          excavated from Archer County, TX. Permian                  friends wisely, and importance of making good
teamwork. Cybersecurity concepts will include       fossils are ranked as some of the hardest fossils          decisions will be covered. Students will have the
email safety, password basics, social media         to find. Let’s see what you can do!                        opportunity to calculate potential earnings for
awareness, ethics, and more!                                                                                   their future career and see how that will affect
                                                    Power It Up! (1st-8th)                                     their lifestyle. The future is coming and this
History Made Fun (3rd) **Morning Only**             In this course, students will express creativity           course has been created to help today’s older
Students will enjoy history by viewing the movie    through the use of computers. Students will                students prepare for it.
“Sgt. Stubby an American Hero,” Based on a          have the opportunity to work on power point
true story, SGT. STUBBY: AN AMERICAN HERO           presentations.                                             Wildlife Adventure/Science (1st-8th)
chronicles how a plucky Boston Terrier ends                                                                    Come Walk on the Wild Side. We will explore
up working himself into the 102nd Infantry          Reading Enrichment (1st-8th)                               nature through fun activities like making
Regiment’s training grounds in New Haven,           This class will motivate your child to read by             wildflower seed balls, making frog calls, and
Connecticut, in 1917. The charming stray            teaching them it can be fun. Students will work            learning about tracks as we explore wildflowers,
is named Stubby by his new human, young             cooperatively to accomplish many projects                  insects, birds, mammals and amphibians.
Corporal Robert Conroy who’s a member of the        related to books. These activities will enrich your
Army’s 26th (aka “Yankee”) Division. Stubby is      child’s mind and will have a strong emphasis on            Youth Photo Adventure (5th-8th) **Morning
quickly adopted into the division and becomes       concepts such as characters, setting and problem           Only**
its mascot. When the Yankees are deployed           solving.                                                   Young students will learn a bit of the history of
to the western front, Stubby hides on the                                                                      photography and how the art of picture-taking
ship with Robert, who’s allowed to keep him         Rodeo Roundup (1st-8th)                                    works. They will learn composition for best
during active duty in France. While overseas,       This beginning class will cover the fundamentals           photos indoors and outdoors. They will also
Stubby accompanies Corporal Conroy and              of roping techniques. Students will have the               perform the self-portrait, as a tribute to their
an older French infantryman named Gaston            opportunity to learn on a bucking barrel and               learning. Photography will positively impact their
Baptiste to the front, eventually becoming an       learn goat tying. Students will need to wear               appreciation of all art forms. Please bring digital
honorary sergeant for his service (Note: Movie      tennis shoes and comfortable clothes. Students             cameras (adjustable or point-and-shoot) and
is an animated rated PG). Students will also        will be playing outside, please provide sunscreen          journal.
participate in building and flying airplanes.       and hat/visor.
Intro to Piano Keybording (1st - 8th) **Limited     Soccer (1st-8th)
Seats**                                             This course is for beginners! Students will
Students will learn beginning piano skills          concentrate on learning soccer basics such as
including correct hand positioning, technique       rules of the game, trapping, the soccer field,
and note values focusing on the right hand          passing, basic positioning, kicking, conditioning,
C-major scale. They will learn to play basic        stretching and dribbling. Students will be playing
melodies and songs with the goal of not looking     outside, please provide sunscreen and a hat/
down at the keyboard and practice other             visor. Kids should wear comfortable clothes and
rhythms in order to continue to build on that       tennis shoes.
foundation if they desire to after the completion                                                                                2022
of this course. A combination of instructor         Softball Superstars (1st-8th)
modeling the examples on a piano and digital/       This course is designed to teach kids rules
screen methods will be used. Musician quality       and techniques of softball. Kids should wear
electronic keyboards as well as headphones          comfortable clothes and tennis shoes and bring
will be provided for students to use during class   a glove and bat. Bring a ball and a helmet if you
sessions.                                           have them. Students will be playing outside,
                                                    please provide sunscreen and a hat/visor.
2022                               Enrollment limited to
                                                                                      200 students


__ 1ST		       MINI FIRE ACADEMY                   __ 5TH		     SOCCER
__ 1ST		       WILDLIFE ADVENTURE                  __ 6-8TH     POWER IT UP!
__ 1ST		       RODEO ROUNDUP                       __ 6-8TH     PERMIAN PLAYGROUND
__ 2ND		       POWER IT UP!                        __ 6-8TH     TENNIS
__ 2ND		       ART OF ART                          __ 6-8TH     YOUTH PHOTO
__ 2ND		       MATH BLASTS
__ 3RD		       PERMIAN PLAYGROUND                  11:45 to 12:45
__ 4TH		       THINK LIKE A SCIENTIST              1:00-2:00
__ 4TH		       SOFTBALL SUPERSTARS                 __ 1ST		     KIDS CHOIR
__ 4TH		       TENNIS                              __ 1ST		     INTRO TO PIANO KEYBOARDING
__ 5TH		       NEEDLECRAFT ARTS                    __ 1ST		     PERMIAN PLAYGROUND
__ 5TH		       BASEBALL BASICS                     __ 1ST		     SOCCER
__ 5TH		       INTRO TO PIANO KEYBOARDING          __ 2ND		     KIDS CHOIR
__ 6-8TH       CYBER KIDS                          __ 2ND		     TENNIS
__ 6-8TH       VOLLEYBALL                          __ 2ND		     MINI FIRE ACADEMY
__ 6-8TH       SOCCER                              __ 3RD		     KIDS CHOIR
                                                   __ 3RD		     MATH BLASTS
9:30-10:30                                         __ 3RD		     VOLLEYBALL
__ 1ST		       BASKETBALL BOMBERS                  __ 3RD		     NEEDLECRAFT ARTS
__ 1ST		       POWER IT UP!                        __ 4TH		     KIDS CHOIR
__ 1ST		       THINK LIKE A SCIENTIST              __ 4TH		     BASEBALL BASICS
__ 2ND		       READING ENRICHMENT                  __ 4TH		     READING ENRICHMENT
__ 2ND		       WILDLIFE ADVENTURE                  __ 4TH		     CYBER KIDS
__ 2ND		       BASEBALL BASICS                     __ 5TH		     BASKETBALL BOMBERS
__ 2ND		       SOCCER                              __ 5TH		     SOFTBALL SUPERSTARS
__ 3RD		       HISTORY MADE FUN                    __ 5TH		     THINK LIKE A SCIENTIST
__ 3RD		       INTRO TO PIANO KEYBOARDING          __ 5TH		     POWER IT UP!
__ 3RD		       TENNIS                              __ 6-8TH     COSMETOLOGY
__ 3RD         MINI FIRE ACADEMY                   __ 6-8TH     ART OF ART
__ 4TH		       PERMIAN PLAYGROUND                  __ 6-8TH     WILDLIFE ADVENTURE
__ 4TH		       RODEO ROUNDUP                       __ 6-8TH     RODEO ROUNDUP
__ 4TH		       ART OF ART
__ 5TH		       VOLLEYBALL                          2:15-3:15
__ 5TH		       CYBER KIDS                          __ 1ST		     BASEBALL BASICS
__ 5-6TH       YOUTH PHOTO                         __ 1ST		     NEEDLECRAFT ARTS
__ 6-8TH       WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!          __ 1ST		     SOFTBALL
__ 6-8TH       SOFTBALL SUPERSTARS                 __ 2ND		     PERMIAN PLAYGROUND
__ 6-8TH       NEEDLECRAFT ARTS                    __ 2ND		     VOLLEYBALL
__ 6-8TH       MATH BLASTS                         __ 2ND       CYBER KIDS
                                                   __ 3RD		     POWER IT UP!
10:45-11:45                                        __ 3RD		     ART OF ART
__ 1ST		       MATH BLASTS                         __ 3RD		     RODEO ROUNDUP
__ 1ST		       READING ENRICHMENT                  __ 4TH		     MINI FIRE ACADEMY
__ 1ST		       ART OF ART                          __ 4TH		     WILDLIFE ADVENTURE
__ 2ND		       SOFTBALL SUPERSTARS                 __ 4TH		     SOCCER
__ 2ND		       BASKETBALL BOMBERS                  __ 5TH		     KIDS CHOIR
__ 2ND		       THINK LIKE A SCIENTIST              __ 5TH		     MATH BLASTS
__ 3RD		       BASEBALL BASICS                     __ 5TH		     TENNIS
__ 3RD		       CYBER KIDS                          __ 5TH		     READING ENRICHMENT
__ 3RD		       WILDLIFE ADVERNTURES                __ 6-8TH     KIDS CHOIR
__ 4TH		       VOLLEYBALL                          __ 6-8TH     THINK LIKE A SCIENTIST
__ 4TH		       NEEDLECRAFT ARTS                    __ 6-8TH     INTRO TO PIANO KEKYBOARDING
__ 5TH		       RODEO ROUNDUP

__ 1ST		    CYBER KIDS
__ 1ST		    TENNIS
__ 3RD		    SOCCER
__ 4TH		    POWER IT UP!
__ 5TH		    ART OF ART

                                                                              2022 KIDS KOLLEGE
                                                                             REGISTRATION FORM

Name/Nombre: Last/Ultimo              First/Primera       Ml/Media           Date of Birth /Fecha de Nacimento       Social Security Number/Numero de Seguro Social (Required)

Mailing Address/Domicilio             City/Ciudad                   State/Estado              Zip Code           County/Condado            Child T-Shirt Size

E-mail address/correo de computer                         Home Phone Number/Humero del Telefono Hagar                     Cell Phone Number/ Humero del Telefono Cell

       Name of Course                      Start Date              Course Prefix        Course# Section#                                      Location                   Tuition
0 - Kids Kollege Morning                June 27, 2022              HCKK                 1001                Q4                    Hill County Campus                    $55
                                                                                        1002    02-HC  Quarter
0 - Kids Kollege Afternoon                                         HCKK                                                           Hillsboro                             $55
O - Kids Kollege All day                                           HCKK                 1003                                                                            $100
                                                                                                                                           Total Tuition and Fees

Ethnicity/Race:                                                                                   Sex:                       School Information:
□ White/Blanco                                □ Asian/Asiatico                                     □ Male/Hombre             Name of School/Nombre de la Escuela:
□ Black or African American/Negro             □ Alaskan Native/American Indian/Indio               □ Female/Mujer
□ Hispanic/Hispano                            Americana
□ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander         □ Multiracial                                                                  Grade in School/Grado en la Escuela _______
  liability Release: As the parent/legal guardian of the above named student, I release Hill College from all responsibility in case of an accident.
                   Como el guardian sobre nombrado estudiante, yo sue/to Hill College de toda responsabilidad en caso de un accidente.
  Signature/Su Firma: _________________________ Date: _________________

                                                            Complete the area below if using a credit card to register by mail.
  Check one:       I   □ VISA     I   □ MasterCard          I   □ Discover      □ American Express         I Exp. Date:                     I Amount charged:$

  Name on card:                                                                 Signature:

  Credit card number:                               Zip           eve           Please note that student will be responsible for payment if charge is declined.

   For Office Use Only
   Roster: _ _ _      _ Spreadsheet:_ _ Letter:_ _ _ _
                                      _               Name Tags:_                  __
                                                                                                            Registration deadline is June 13, 2022.
   Permission Form:_ _ _ _ _ _ T-shirt: _______         _
                                                                                                          El ultimo dia de registro es 13 de Junia de 2022.
                                   EMERGENCY/PERMISSION RELEASE FORM

My child/dependent, _______________________________, has my permission to participate
in the Kids Kollege program, which I have registered him/her for on the Continuing Education registration form.

I hereby authorize the following person or persons to pick up my child/dependent. I fully understand that all pick up
drivers may be asked daily to show their driver's license before a child/dependent is released into their custody. I
understand that under no circumstances will the child/dependent be released unattended onto the Hill College
campus. All children must be picked up by an authorized persona at the end of class days. Changes in pickup drivers
must be submitted in writing. Any child picked up late will be kept at the HCC Performing Arts Center for pick up by
the authorized person. If the responsible person for picking up the child is late two times, the child will not be allowed
to continue the courses and no refund will be given as there are no provisions for extended care during the Kids
Kollege program.

Pickup Driver Name: ___________ _______________
Home Phone: ______ Business Phone: ______ Cell Phone: ______

Pickup Driver Name:__________________
Home Phone:______ Business Phone:______Cell Phone:______

I hereby grant Hill College permission to use my child/dependent's likeness in a photograph or a video in any and all of its
publications, including outside billboards and websites, without payment or any other consideration.

I understand and agree that these materials and photographs are the property of Hill College.

I hereby irrevocably authorize Hill College to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photographs for
purposes of advertising, marketing, and publicizing Hill College's programs or for any other lawful purpose. In addition, I
waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written/physical or electronic copy, wherein my
child/dependent's likeness appears. I also waive any right to royalties or other compensation or considerations arising or
related to the use of these photographic materials.

I hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge Hill College from all claims, demands, and causes of action
which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other person acting on my behalf of my estate have
or may have in the future by reason of this authorization and release.

I hereby certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child/dependent named above, and I do hereby give my
consent without reservation or further consideration to the foregoing on behalf of this minor child.

                                                  Continued on next page

In case of emergency or if the Office of Continuing Education must contact me for any reason, I may be reached at the
following numbers:
Parent/Legal Guardian Name:______________ ____________
Home Phone:______ Business Phone:______Cell Phone: ______

If unable to contact me, please contact:__________________
Home Phone:______ Business Phone:______Cell Phone:______

In the event of a medical emergency for my child and I cannot be reached, have my child transported to the closest
hospital/doctor for treatment. My child's medical information:
Doctor's Name:

Doctor's Phone Number:

Hospital Name:

Hospital Phone Number:----------------- --------------­
Is your child currently on any medications? __ yes __ no
If so what:

Does your child have any medication allergies? __ yes __ no
Any known allergies or significant medical history (please list and explain):_____

I, the parent/legal guardian of the above listed minor participant, acknowledge and fully understand that each participant
will be engaging in activities which may result in injury which might result not only from their own actions, inactions or
negligence, but action, inaction or negligence of others, rules of play, or the condition of the premises or of any equipment
used and further, that there may be other unknown risks not reasonably foreseeable at this time, assume all the foregoing
risk and accept personal responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability or death, hereby
release, discharge, covenants to indemnify and not to sue Hill College, its sponsors, coaches, employees and associated
personnel used to conduct the program from any and all liability as a result of the applicant's participation in the Kids
Kollege program. I hereby give my consent for Hill College personnel to provide the participant with medical assistance
and/or treatment as necessary and agree to be financially responsible for the cost of such assistance and/or treatment.

I have read all the information provided to me upon registration of my child into Kids Kollege, and I fully understand and
will abide by the rules and regulations set forth by Hill College. If for any reason my child is dismissed from the Kids
Kollege program for disciplinary reasons, I understand that no refund will be given.

        Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian                                                Date

        Printed Name of parent/Legal Guardian

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