Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO

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Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
White Paper

                                    Motorized Turbochargers
                               Much More Than Energy Recovery


Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC                
Offices in USA, Singapore and Dubai                   
Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
Reverse Osmosis Pumps and ERDs The Right Choice for Off-shore Platforms and Marine Service

     Executive Summary                                              focus on motorized turbocharged ERDs - the Hydraulic
                                                                    Energy Management Integration or HEMI.
     Energy Recovery Devices (ERDs) are widely used in
     seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) systems with turbo-
                                                                    Flow Control and RO Systems
     chargers and rotary ceramic isobaric chambers or CICs
     dominating the market. The White Paper ERD Efficiency          To better understand the HEMI, consider that the per-
     – What Systems Builders and Consultants Need to Know           formance of a given membrane array depends on feed
     explores in detail ERD potential to reduce SWRO energy         salinity, feed temperature, flux rates and fouling levels.
     consumption in realistic field conditions with a focus         Feed flow and pressure are adjusted to accommodate
     on mega-scale systems. The results show that both              changing membrane performance through one of these
     types of ERDs are approximately equal in the potential         means:
     to reduce net energy consumption.                              Feed Control Valve - The simplest means but requires
                                                                    a high-pressure pump (HPP) and motor sized for the
     This paper will focus on the motorized turbocharger ERD        highest-pressure membrane condition (a combination
     or HEMI (Hydraulic Energy Management Integration) for          of fouling, high salinity and low feed temperature).
     SWRO applications. The HEMI can often have the lowest          The control valve throttles excess pressure (and wastes
     SEC value any commercially available ERD. However, its         energy) at all other duty conditions. Motor control is
     most unique and advantageous features are the ability          provided by a direct online (DOL) starter. Please refer to
     to provide complete control of feed flow and pressure          Figure 1.
     and brine flow and pressure. In short, the HEMI pro-
     vides RO membrane control as well as effective energy          Variable Frequency Drive on the HPP – A VFD controls
     recovery in a compact and relatively low-cost package.         HPP speed to regulate membrane pressure without
                                                                    wasteful throttling. Please refer to Figure 2.
     The HEMI reduces CAPEX by eliminating the multiple mega-
     watt variable frequency drive (VFD) on the high-pres-          Jockey Pump with VFD – To mitigate the very high
     sure pump (HPP) and reducing the size and cost of the          VFD CAPEX on the HPP, a smaller “jockey” pump may be
     HPP, motor and power supply system. These savings can          placed in series with the HPP. Using a relatively small
     pay for the cost of the entire HEMI installation in many       VFD, the jockey pump provides variable pressure to
     cases. A low net CAPEX and superior energy savings             meet membrane requirements with the bulk of the total
     means a significant reduction in the cost of permeate.         pressurization from an HPP operating at constant speed
                                                                    and ∆P using a low cost DOL starter. A feed throttle
     Reverse osmosis (RO) systems reject a portion of the           valve may still be required to better regulate pressure
     high pressure (HP) feed as HP brine. Energy Recovery           during systems startup and shutdown.
     Devices (ERDs) recover brine hydraulic energy there-
     by reducing net energy consumption. This paper will

      Figure 1 RO with Feed Control Valve      Figure 2 RO with Variable Frequency       Figure 3 RO with Jockey Pump and VFD
                                               Drive on HPP

Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC                                                                   
Offices in USA, Singapore and Dubai                                                                      
Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
Motorized Turbochargers — Much More Than Energy Recovery

     What ERDs Do                                                    Turbos come in all sizes – from 8 m3/h to the largest
                                                                     RO ERD in the world rated to over 3,000 m3/h (shown
     ERDs transfer hydraulic energy from the brine stream
                                                                     in Figure 7).
     to the feed stream. Some ERDs are fully integrated in a
     single unit such as turbochargers. Others ERDs such as
                                                                     Feedback Effect
     isobaric chambers and Pelton turbines consist of multi-
     ple interconnected components.                                  Turbochargers transfer brine hydraulic energy to pres-
                                                                     sure energy in the feed. When more brine energy is
     ERD performance is explored in the White Paper ERD              available then there is more boost in the feed.
     Efficiency – What System Builders and Consultants Need
     to Know.                                                        Why this is good – if feed TDS increases or feed tem-
                                                                     perature decreases, recovery decreases. However, the
     What Turbochargers Do                                           resulting higher brine flow and pressure generates a
     Turbos convert brine hydraulic energy to mechanical             greater pressure boost in the feed thereby minimizing
     energy and then back to hydraulic energy in the feed            the change in recovery. The converse is true as well.
     stream within a single casing. The separation of flu-
     id energy transfers permits the Turbo to handle brine           In some cases, hydraulic feedback eliminates the need
     and feed flows that differ in pressures and flow rates.         for all flow control devices such as feed control valves
     The Turbo boosts feed pressure between the HPP and              or VFDs on the HPP. To be clear, recovery will vary but
     membranes per Figure 4. Figure 5 shows the HEMI (mo-            less so than without a Turbo ERD. For applications with
     torized turbo). The versality of the Turbo is illustrated       relatively stable salinity and temperature, the Turbo
     in Figure 6 where one Turbo provides pressure boosting          may provide sufficient recovery control.
     between membrane stages and a HEMI recovers remain-
     ing brine energy and provides 1st stage flow control.           Adding a Motor Changes Everything
     This particular arrangement, the Multi Stage Multi Turbo        Recalling that the Turbo converts brine hydraulic energy
     (MSMT), allows 60% recovery in seawater applications            into mechanical energy (RPM and torque), mechanical
     and is the subject of the White Paper MSMT – A Major            energy can be easily added by attaching a motor to the
     Process Improvement for SWRO.                                   Turbo shaft. To motorize the Turbo involves extending
                                                                     the Turbo shaft through the brine discharge coupled to
                                                                     the motor. As will be explained later, the HEMI:
                                                                     • Eliminates the feed control valve and VFD on the HPP
                                                                     • Provides control of feed flow and pressure
                                                                     • Reduces the size of HPP and motor
     Figure 4 Turbo as Feed Pressure   Figure 5 Motorized Turbo as
                                                                     • Provides control of brine flow
     Booster                           feed presssure booster
                                                                     • Provides highly efficient brine energy recovery.

                                                                     Thus, the HEMI provides all control functionality
                                                                     required for operation and brine energy recovery of the
                                                                     membrane array.

     Figure 6 Turbo as feed and as interstage pressure booster,
     MSMT arrangement

Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC                                                                    
Offices in USA, Singapore and Dubai                                                                       
Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
Motorized Turbochargers — Much More Than Energy Recovery

     Brackish Water Applications                                     Figure 8 shows a smaller HEMI installation at a BWRO
                                                                     facility in the United States.
     Brackish water RO systems (BWRO) use brine stag-
     ing with interstage pressure boosting to improve flux
                                                                     Seawater RO
     balance between stages. Flux balance minimizes fouling
     and as well as reduces transmembrane pressure resulting         Turbochargers are also used for interstage boosting in
     in pumping energy savings.                                      SWRO systems. Figure 9 shows a large scale turbocharger
                                                                     in a desal plant with total capacity 1,282,000 m3/day.
     Turbochargers are well-suited for interstage boosting           In SWRO applications, HEMI advantages include superior
     as the boost function is combined with brine energy             SEC, reduced CAPEX, simplified operation and increased
     recovery and brine flow control. The resulting package          reliability.
     provides a significant CAPEX and OPEX savings com-
     pared with separate components. Several hundred BWRO
     installations use interstage Turbos.

     The HEMI provides a broader operating range than
     Turbos as the boost pressure can be greater than the
     available brine energy would otherwise permit.

     Figure 7 shows a BWRO HEMI (1 of 10) at a 228,000
     m3/day water recycle facility in Singapore. The HEMI
     provides pressure boosting between the first and second
     stages as well as brine energy recovery. The motor al-
     lows the optimal boost amount regardless of the avail-
     able brine energy. These unit have been operating since
     2012 without downtime or maintenance.
                                                                     Figure 9 Large Turbo in SWRO as interstage pressure booster

                                                                     Superior SEC – Based on realistic field conditions, the
                                                                     HEMI matches or is superior to isobaric performance
                                                                     as discussed in ERD Efficiency – What Every OEM and
                                                                     Consultant should Know.
                                                                     The key takeaways are that, in mega-scale systems, the
                                                                     HEMI has the same energy savings potential (expressed
                                                                     as Specific Energy Consumption or SEC) as isobaric
                                                                     chambers, with turbochargers also competitive. More-
                                                                     over, the CAPEX and OPEX advantages strongly favor
                          Pump Module                                both the Turbo and HEMI.

                                                                     The SWRO HEMI illustrated in Figure 10 is fully cus-
                                                                     tomized for each installation to achieve best efficiency
                                                                     point operation at the field duty point operating con-
                                                                     ditions. This involves an extensive computational fluid
    Figure 7 Large capacity                Figure 8 Small capacity
    motorized Turbo in Singapore.          motorized Turbo.          dynamics analysis (CFD) and advanced computer-aided

Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC                                                                    
Offices in USA, Singapore and Dubai                                                                       
Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
Motorized Turbochargers — Much More Than Energy Recovery

    manufacturing (CAM) with 5-axis milling machines to                provides programmable HPP speed control to allow grad-
    produce optimized flow path components.                            ual pressure ramps. These units are more compact than
                                                                       VFDs, more robust and with a cost from 25% to 33% of
                 Motor        Brine out
                                                                       a VFD of equivalent rating. Once up to speed, the sol-
                                                  Feed out
                                                                       id-state control is electrically by-passed thus providing
                                       Brine in
                                                                       lossless power flow to the HPP motor free of electrical
                                                                       harmonics typical of VFDs.

                                                                       The HEMI motor requires a VFD of about 10-15% of the
                                                             Feed in   rating of the HPP motor. This VFD is low voltage and
                                                                       may be located adjacent to the HEMI or in a separate
                                                                       enclosure. Figure 11 compares a medium voltage VFD
                                                                       otherwise needed for the HPP and a low voltage VFD
                     Nozzle actuator                                   suitable for the HEMI.
    Figure 10 HP-HEMI or SWRO motorized turbocharger

    Per Table 1, the HEMI has the lowest SEC (largest en-
    ergy savings) yet also has the lowest published effi-
    ciency. Published efficiency claims, when no industry
    standard for “ERD efficiency” exists, are worthless and
    should not be used in ERD selection.

                                                                       Figure 11 Medium voltage VFD compared to low voltage VFD

                                                                       HPP and Motor Size – The HPP and motor is sized to
                                                                       handle the worst-case membrane pressure requirements.
                                                                       For example, if the expected feed pressure range is
                                                                       from 64 to 70 bar, the HPP must be sized for the 70 bar
    Table 1 ERD SEC comparison
                                                                       With the HEMI, the HPP and motor are sized for the
    HPP Motor Drive – A medium voltage VFD in the mega-                lowest pressure condition. From the above example, it
    watt class is an expensive beast – climate-controlled              would be 64 bar; about a 10% reduction in size. Note
    motor control room, large floor space, special cabling             that HEMI takes care of pressures above the minimum.
    and line reactors plus the VFD itself can exceed 250,000
    USD per train.                                                     Field Installation – The HEMI is factory tested at full
                                                                       power conditions prior to shipment on a test loop rated
    The HEMI entirely regulates feed flow and pressure                 to 2.7 megawatts. A complete performance map cover-
    during operation thereby allowing the HPP to oper-                 ing all duty points is generated as well as SEC calcula-
    ate at constant speed. To accommodate the need for                 tions – thus no surprises during field commissioning.
    slow pressure ramps at system startup and shutdown,                The HEMI is plug-and-play. Make pipe joints for feed
    a solid-state soft starter is recommended. This starter            and brine, bring power to the HEMI VFD, check motor

Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC                                                                     
Offices in USA, Singapore and Dubai                                                                        
Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
Motorized Turbochargers — Much More Than Energy Recovery

alignment and make a connection to the plant SCADA.
Installation and commissioning can be completed in
just a few days.

Safety – Pipe joint failure is considered a prime safety
hazard in SWRO facilities. The HEMI has four (4) pipe
connections which may be groove-type pipe joints or
ANSI 600# flanges. Isobaric ERDs may involve up to one
hundred (100) pipe joints per train.

HEMI System Operation

The HEMI adjusts permeate flow via pressure boost in
the feed via adjustment of the Turbo shaft RPM. The          Figure 13 HEMI response during annual changing membrane
variable area turbine nozzle adjusts brine flow per sys-     conditions
tem requirements.
                                                             The HEMI control philosophy may be implemented in
Figure 12 provides a summary of the control philosophy.      the facility SCADA system or with a small PLC provided
Figure 13 illustrates how the HEMI responds annually         by FEDCO dedicated to HEMI operation. The PLC I/O and
to changing membrane conditions. Note that the HPP           functions include:
operates at a constant ∆P with the HEMI providing feed       • Input signals for run and stop and alarm outputs
pressure modulation. The power contribution by the
                                                             • Outputs to the HEMI VFD and turbine flow control
HEMI motor varies from near zero in summertime to a
maximum in winter conditions.                                  actuator
                                                             • Monitoring of vibration and motor temperatures
Main process inputs                                            (bearing and windings)
to PLC
• FM1 - Permeate
                                                             • Data logging.
• FM2 - Brine
• Set point values                                           The Complete Package
Main process inputs
to PLC                                                       The HEMI equipment and documentation package in-
• VFD reference Hz to Turbo                                  cludes:
• Turbine nozzle actuator
                                                             • Turbocharger custom designed to duty range conditions
                                                             • Compatible HEMI motor drive package
                                                             • Common baseplate
                                                             • Monitoring instrumentation
                                                             • PLC with programming for HEMI control and monitoring
Figure 12 HEMI control philosophy                            • Full power testing prior to shipment (may be witnessed)
                                                             • Quality and test documentation
                                                             • Field commissioning services.
Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
Motorized Turbochargers — Much More Than Energy Recovery

    HEMI Motor                                                      The HEMI takes further
                                                                    strides toward simplicity
    In small HEMIs, the rotor speed is up to about 10,000           by eliminating the multiple        HEMI
    RPM and larger HEMI; run at about 4,500 RPM. Evalu-                                                Motor
                                                                    megawatt medium voltage
    ating motor suppliers and performing motor endurance            VFDs. Centralization of all
    testing has taken several years. The selected motors            membrane and flow control
    are standard induction design, 380 to 460 volt power,           in a single compact device
    grease lubricated hybrid bearings and totally enclosed          move plant design toward
    using either fan or blower cooling. Motor maintenance/          the goal of design and oper-
    repair may be performed by any motor shop with EASA             ational simplicity.
    accreditation or equal.
                                                                    Simplicity also means reduc-
    Some Thoughts on Complexity                                                                                Turbo
                                                                    ing the number of vendors,
    Industry observers have noted that large scale RO sys-          negotiations, contracts,
                                                                                                  Figure 15 HEMI on test stand
    tems are becoming more complex and expensive. Much              warranty administration
    of that complexity and added expense is driven by ERD           overhead and general project
    selection.                                                      complexity. The HEMI, from a single supplier, replaces a
                                                                    multitude of suppliers, personnel training for operation
    Please refer to Figure 14 to gain a sense in the differ-        and maintenance as well as spare parts inventory.
    ence in complexity between an isobaric chamber ERD
    system and a Turbo. Both units are illustrated to scale,        Final Thoughts
    both have the same capacity and both have approxi-
    mately the same energy savings potential.                       The HEMI represents that next phase of RO equipment
                                                                    optimization – equipment specifically designed for RO
    Figure 15 shows a HEMI under test with feed and brine           service with hydraulic characteristics tailored to achieve
    piping placed horizontally for ease in testing. Such            lower cost permeate.
    flexibility of installation provides options for system de-
    signs in limited space such as offshore platforms. Note         Please contact FEDCO with comments, objections or
    that the pictured (figure 15) unit has approximately the        clarifications on any data or calculation presented in
    same capacity as the ERDs illustrated in Figure 14.             this paper.

      ERD System
                                                                                                               Isobaric Chamber
                                                                                                               ERD System

                    Figure 14 - Isobaric ERD and HEMI — same capacity and drawn to scale

Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC                                                                 
Offices in USA, Singapore and Dubai                                                                    
Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
Motorized Turbochargers — Much More Than Energy Recovery

                                                Addendum I - HEMI Performance
     The HEMI core is a turbocharger. The Turbocharger has a single stage centrifugal pump using a multi-vane diffuser on
     a common shaft with a single stage radial inflow turbine. A suitable motor under VFD control is coupled to the turbo
     shaft. The best efficiency points of the pump and turbine need to match, and power balance must be obtained.

     Advanced CFD, CAD and CAM are used to manufacture flow components from forgings and bar stock. Performance
     is validated on high precisions test systems at the FEDCO facility. As can be seen in the performance map below,
     pump efficiency exceeds 90% in this relatively small HEMI. In larger HEMI’s, pump efficiency can exceed 92%.
     Note that HEMI motor power is returned to the RO system through the HEMI pump thus providing a significantly
     higher energy return than provided by the HPP.

     The turbine section includes a variable area nozzle to maintain constant flow at variable pressure. The performance
     map below shows the pressure range at a fixed brine flow. Careful readers may note that the HEMI functions like a
     jockey pump, but a pump of unusually high efficiency driven by a high efficiency brine turbine that provides the
     bulk of the power input with a small motor and VFD for pressure boost adjustment.

     The shaded area below is defined by the available HEMI motor power. For this installation, a 100 hp motor input
     covers the high pressure condition. However, the motor and VFD are rated to 150 hp to provide a large safety
     margin in the event of unexpected membrane pressure requirements. The pump power input is mostly supplied by
     the turbine with the motor providing incremental power input as required (from zero to about 12% of the turbine
     power). If there is potential that the required pressure boost drops below the zero-motor power input, one of
     these options can be used:

     1. The HEMI VFD may include a regeneration function allowing the motor to act as a generator thus absorbing
        excess turbine power, reducing boost and returning electrical energy to the facility power supply;
     2. Install resistors on a standard VFD to burn off excess turbine power;
     3. Install a small brine bypass line to reduce brine flow through the turbine.

     The likelihood of the above is low in a well-designed system with a well understood operating environment.
     Option 1 is likely the lowest cost and highest energy efficiency if such precautions are judged necessary.

Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC                                                            
Offices in USA, Singapore and Dubai                                                               
Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
Motorized Turbochargers — Much More Than Energy Recovery

 About FEDCO
 Founded in 1997 as a pump and ERD development partnership with a large RO system builder, Fluid Equipment Devel-
 opment Company, LLC, evolved to a vertically integrated design, manufacturing and global sales/marketing company.
 FEDCO holds numerous patents in pump and turbine design and reverse osmosis system design. FEDCO is a privately held
 company with a proven commitment to its customers, suppliers, end users, its community and the environment.

    Manufacturing and Head Office - Monroe Michigan U.S.A.

Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC                                                       
Offices in USA, Singapore and Dubai                                                          
Motorized Turbochargers - Much More Than Energy Recovery White Paper - FEDCO
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