Page created by Darrell Lewis
These guidelines have been compiled to assist the photographer in entering MPI’s – International
Image Challenge – 2019. Please contact MPI at 403‐273‐6762 / 1‐844‐273‐6762 or email us at if you have any questions or concerns.
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
MPI 2019 INTERNATIONAL IMAGE CHALLENGE ................................................................................................................... 2
   ELIGIBILITY FOR MPI – INTERNATIONAL IMAGE CHALLENGE 2019: ........................................................................................................ 2
      Member Eligibility: .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
       OPEN CHALLENGE Eligibility:............................................................................................................................................... 3
   SCORING CRITERIA:....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
     1.    Impact: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
       2.      Presentation: .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
       3.      Creativity: ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
       4.      Centre of Interest: ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
       5.      Composition: .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
       6.      Lighting: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
       7.      Technique: .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
       8.      STORY Telling: ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
       9.      Image Capture: .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
       10.     Post Production: ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
   SUBMISSIONS: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
     Scoring of Individual Images: .............................................................................................................................................. 5
   MPI’S – INTERNATIONAL IMAGE CHALLENGE – WINNERS BREAKDOWN.................................................................................................. 5
     MPI’s Members Only Awards: ............................................................................................................................................. 5
       MPI’s Open Challenge – Winning Breakdown:.................................................................................................................... 6
       Competition Categories AND CLASS REQUIREMENTS: ........................................................................................................ 6
       Categories and Classes: ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
   IMAGE ENTRY SPECIFICATIONS: ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
     Entry Samples FOR IMAGE NAMING: .................................................................................................................................. 7
       CALL FOR ENTRIES: .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
       EARLY BIRD ENTRIES: ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
       Deadline for entries: ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
       Fees:. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
       Member Pricing: .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
       Non- Member Pricing: ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
       Payments for the MPI 2019 IIC are via paypal: .................................................................................................................... 8

                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 1
 Registered Members of the Master Photographers International Organization are eligible to enter the MPI
 2019 International Image Challenge for all benefits towards MPI’s Educational Program and the IIC
 Distinguishing Trophies and Sealed Images.
 The MPI 2019 International OPEN Image Challenge is open to all. Winners of the MPI 2019 Open Challenge are
 for the TOP Award Trophy and Digital Certificates only.

  1.    Entrant must be a full member of the Master Photographers International Organization,
  2.    Member’s membership must be in good standing within the organization,
  3.    All original images must be captured and exposed by the entrant,
  4.    Entries will NOT be eligible if they have been produced under the supervision of an instructor or class
  5.    No two entries of the same images are to be submitted in the same or different class,
  6.    No images of the same setting are to be entered in the same year.
  7.    The entrant’s name must not be visible anywhere on the image If name is included anywhere on the
        image, image will be disqualified.
  8.    A maximum of 4 entries per category may be submitted. (4) Commercial, (4) Digital Illustration, (4)
        Fine Art, (4) Nature, (4) Portrait or (4) Wedding. Up to a total submission of 24 images may be submitted
        for this annual challenge. To be eligible for POY, please ensure you follow the rules for each specific
  9.    Up to (1) Album (see breakdown below) may be submitted for this challenge,
  10.   Entries are to be in digital jpeg format,
  11.   Entries placing in a Prestige Award or higher in any previous MPI Competitions are not allowed to be
        resubmitted. Any Achievement Award images that have been re‐processed may be resubmitted,
  12.   Images that are captured and produced from an existing photograph, movie banner, video banner
        cover or art work of another photographer or artist and created to look as the existing photograph or
        art work; will be disqualified from the competition. This will constitute plagiarism,
  13.   Entries that may violate copyright, trademark or other applicable laws, will be disqualified. If you are
        entering a photo of a person, please ensure you have a model release as images WILL be in the public
        eye and on social media,
  14.   Images created by another photographer and used as your own will not only disqualify the member
        from the competition but there may also be consequences on membership,
  15.   Smart phone and/or tablet device images will NOT be accepted in the MPI’s – International Image
  16.   MPI Registered Members not be eligible for the MPI – Open Challenge Awards
  17.   Winners of more than (1) Photographer of the Year in Category, will be eligible to a maximum of 2
        Photographer of the Year in Category in the current year entering. Highest Scoring Categories will be
  18.   You agree and understand that all entries into any MPI IIC, may be used for promoting the winners, for
        promoting the MPI IIC, for Video announcement and for web display.
  19.   MPI Members that have not completed their Entry Placement (Qualifications) will be eligible for the
        Master Program Points. Un-Qualified Members will not be eligible for Award Trophies or Sealed Display
  20.   Class Awards must have achieved an 80% or higher.

                                                                                                          Page 2
  1. All original images must be captured and exposed by the entrant,
  2. Entries will NOT be eligible if they have been produced under the supervision of an instructor or class
  3. No two entries of the same images are to be submitted in the same or different class,
  4. The entrant’s name must not be visible anywhere upon the image including the image properties /
      metadata. If name is included anywhere on the image, image will be disqualified.
  5. A maximum of 4 entries per category may be submitted. (4) Commercial, (4) Digital Illustration, (4)
      Fine Art, (4) Nature, (4) Portrait or (4) Wedding.
  6. To be eligible for TOP OPEN Challenge Winner, you must have submitted (4) images of the 6 categories,
  7. Images that are captured and produced from an existing photograph, movie banner, video banner
      cover or art work of another photographer or artist and created to look as the existing photograph or
      art work; will be disqualified from the competition. This will constitute plagiarism,
  8. Entries that may violate copyright, trademark or other applicable laws, will be disqualified. If you are
      entering a photo of a person, please ensure you have a model release as images may be in public and
      on social media,
  9. Images created by another photographer and used as your own will not only disqualify the member
      from the competition but there may also be consequences on membership.
  10. Smart phone and/or tablet device images will NOT be accepted in the MPI’s – International Image
  11. Non‐Members are only eligible for the MPI – Open Challenge Awards
  12. You agree and understand that all entries into any MPI IIC, may be used for promoting the winners, for
      promoting the MPI IIC, for Video announcement and for web display.

  All received images will be scored upon the following 10 criteria’s,

  1.   IMPACT:
       The initial things the judges are looking for is IMPACT and a STRONG first impression. If the image is
       forgettable, then it will most likely not be rewarded well. If the image slaps the judges in their faces so
       that they will never forget it, then chances are you are well on your way to a good score. The impact
       and originality of the image creates the WOW factor for the judges. Your everyday work may be
       consistent and salable but may not do well in competition. What might win the hearts of your clients
       may not necessarily win the hearts of the judges. Originality with great execution is highly rewarded.
       Perhaps an entry has been created well but its impact is lessened because it has been seen before and
       arguably created more effectively. Make the judges ask themselves, “Why didn’t I think of that?”
       How you present and name your image is as important as how you capture them. Canvases and borders
       can be used to enhance your image however this may not be necessary as a strong image may stand out
       by itself.
       How you express your imagination in the concept you want to communicate with your photo is called
       creativity. Does your image demonstrate an original idea, message or vision that you did more than just
       copy some other photographer’s style? Does it have a fresh style and not something seen repeatedly? Is
       the background different or unique? Is your posing creative? Does your image show a unique perspective
       or a different angle? Creativity is what separates us from other photographers or artist.

                                                                                                           Page 3
     The center of interest is that part of the image which attracts the mind. The focal point is that area of
     an image that attracts the eye. An example: The Rule of Thirds is a geometric method used to help find
     the most interesting area of the composition. Using the Rule of Thirds to create a center of interest will
     help in producing a successful image. Of course, the rule of thirds is not always necessary when creating a
     powerful image, however is used most frequently for many successful images. Other techniques can be
     applied to enhance your images… How you bring the viewer’s attention to the desired area of the image
     is paramount. Remember, the brightest part of the image should be the artist’s desired point of interest.
     Composition, cropping and point of interest of an image are ways that you can elevate your entry from
     ordinary to extraordinary. Composition is important when designing or preparing the image. Bringing an
     image together with all its visual elements, helps prompt the viewer to look where the maker intended.
     Effective composition can help tell the story.

     Accomplishing perfect exposure whether you are using artificial or natural light is extremely important
     when it comes to crafting detail and depth of field which expresses an image. Lighting is the key to
     creating images with the mood you intended them for. Proper use of lighting helps enhance your photo.
     Understanding quality of light can help you arrange your natural light capture during the best time for
     natural light conditions. If using studio or controlled lighting, understanding quality of light and what you
     can accomplish with the equipment you have, is a tool that can help take your image to the next level.
     Not using light source to its fullest potential can hurt images in that they may washed out or too dark or
     flat and without the depth of field needed to create a strong image. Proper lighting also facilitates the
     noise issue which many digital photographers may struggle with.
     The method used to create the image is called the technic. Show the judges your artistic eye and what
     you can do with the technic or technics chosen for your image. Be aware of what elements you can use
     to create your vision.
     Emotion, Story and Communication: Remember that every element in your image should help convey
     the desired message and story of the subject matter to the viewer of your image. Is the story apparent
     or does it have just enough mystery to inspire the judges to draw their own unique conclusion?
     Photography is an art, right? Art is defined as a form of communication. So, the more effective you
     communicate your message to the viewer, your art is more understood and therefore rewarded.
     In camera focus and exposure: These steps celebrate the craft the photographer executed “in camera”
     from elementary things as desired focus to correct exposure to the difficulty of achieving the desired
     result “in camera.”
     Poor post production is usually the first negative thing judges notice. This includes lack of detail in
     highlights and shadows, flat black tones, over sharpening, unreal HDR, poor color, poor skin retouching,
     etc... “Invisible Photoshop” is usually the best approach, meaning that evidence of what you have done
     in post‐production is not apparent.

                                                                                                          Page 4
         Currently submissions are only in digital format; however, this may change in the future. Images may be
         added to a white canvas. We suggest that Images in Nature Category should not be included on canvas
         as this Category is more Natural. Images are to be a maximum of 3000 pixel on the longest side. You
         Understand that canvases are removed when preparing winning Sealed Certificates for both digital and
         ❖ 75% - 78.9%          -       Achievement Award (Below Average/beginners level)
         ❖ 79% - 84.9%          -       Prestige Award (Average)
         ❖ 85% - 90.9%          -       Award of Distinction (Above Average)
         ❖ 91% - 94.9%          -       Award of Excellence (Excellent)
         ❖ 95% - 100%           -       Pinnacle Award (Exceptional)

Note: Any images not receiving a minimum score of 75% will not be in consideration for the above awards. Only
images of Prestige Level and Higher are displayed. Only Images of Prestige Level or Higher earn a Digital
Certificate. Only Images of Award of Distinction or Higher earn a Printed Certificate.

Note: For MPI Members Only

         ❖ Master Photographer International’s – Photographer of the Year TOP Winner
         ❖ Commercial Photographer of the Year
         ❖ Digital Illustration Photographer of the Year
         ❖ Fine Art Photographer of the Year
         ❖ Nature Photographer of the Year
         ❖ Portrait Photographer of the Year
         ❖ Wedding Photographer of the Year
         ❖ Highest Scoring Master Image
         ❖ Highest Scoring Craftsman Image
         ❖ Highest Scoring Associate Image
         ❖ Various Best in Class Award Winners
         ❖ Best Album Winner
Best in Class Winners Must Score 80% of higher to be eligible for Class Winner Trophies.

                                                                                                         Page 5
IMPORTANT: For Non-Members Only (4 Images in a Category need to be entered to be eligible for Open
Challenge Top 3 winners)

           ❖ MPI Open Challenge – Winner
           ❖ MPI Open Challenge – First Runner Up
           ❖ MPI Open Challenge – Second Runner Up
           ❖ Winners and Runners up in the Open Challenge must have achieved at least 2 prestige awards.

Note: If you are submitting for Photographer of the Year (POY) in one of the six Master categories, you MUST
have 4 images submitted in that category. This includes if you are entering into the Open Challenge.

Class requirements for photographer of the year entries

COMMERCIAL                  - 3 or more Classes
DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION        - 2 or more Classes
FINE ART                    - 2 or more Classes
NATURE                      - 2 or more Classes
PORTRAIT                    - 3 or more Classes
WEDDING                     - 3 or more Classes

  COMMERCIAL:                              DIGITAL ART:                                  FINE ART:
    ➢ C1     Advertising                     ➢ D1    Digital Art – Commercial Use        ➢   F1 Abstract
    ➢ C2     Architecture                    ➢ D2    Digital Fine Art                    ➢   F2 Alternative Photographic Processes
    ➢ C3    Aerial or Drone                  ➢ D3    Digital Illustrative Storytelling   ➢   F3 Fine Art Architecture
    ➢ C4    Beauty and Fashion               ➢ D4    Digitally Altered Portrait          ➢   F4 Fine Art Aerial or Drone
                                             ➢ D5    Digital Abstract Art                ➢   F5 Black and White
    ➢ C5    Editorial or Press
                                                                                         ➢   F6 Cityscapes
    ➢ C6    Botanical or Microscopic                                                     ➢   F7 Cityscapes (Painterly or Artistic)
    ➢ C7    Food or Product                                                              ➢   F8 Cityscape (Panorama)
    ➢ C8    Industrial
                                                                                         ➢   F9 Fine Art Landscapes or Seascapes
    ➢ C9    Sports (Paid or Olympics)
    ➢ C10   Corporate Portrait                                                           ➢   F10 Fine Art Landscapes or Seascapes
                                                                                             (Painterly or Artistic)
    ➢ C11   Travel
                                                                                         ➢   F11 Fine Art Landscapes or Seascapes
                                                                                         ➢   F12 Nude or Figure Study
                                                                                         ➢   F13 Fine Art Floral
                                                                                         ➢   F14 Macro or Microscope
                                                                                         ➢   F15 Still Life
                                                                                          ➢  F16 Street Photography
                                                                                          ➢  F17 Fine Art Nature
 NATURE:                                   PORTRAIT:                                     WEDDING:
   ➢ N1 Birds and Birds of Prey               ➢ P1   Child Portrait                       ➢ W1     Bride’s Tale
   ➢ N2 Botanical                             ➢ P2   Child Portrait Story                 ➢ W2     Groom’s Tale
   ➢ N3 Natures Macro                         ➢ P3   Couples and Engagement               ➢ W3     Bridal Party

                                                                                                                     Page 6
➢ N4    Natural Landscapes                 ➢   P4    Portrait (1 Person)                 ➢   W4    Wedding Couple
   ➢ N5    Natural Seascapes/Waterscapes      ➢   P5    Family Portrait                     ➢   W5    Wedding Ceremony
   ➢ N6    Sea life                           ➢   P6    Fine Art Portrait                   ➢   W6    Wedding Details
   ➢ N7    Wildlife                           ➢   P7    Traditional Portraiture             ➢   W7    Wedding Formals including Studio
                                              ➢   P8    Portrait Story (Non-Child)          ➢   W8    Wedding Creative
                                              ➢   P9    Maternity                           ➢   W9    Wedding Reception
                                              ➢   P10   Newborn                             ➢   W10   Trash the Dress
                                              ➢   P11   Pet Photography
                                              ➢   P12   Women’s Photography
                                              ➢   P13   Underwater Portrait Photography

 Albums are to be submitted in digital form. Pages should be no less than 7 double sides and up to 30 double sides and
 should be numbered and uploaded in a synchronized manner; only one album or book entry per entrant. Album
 double flat must be 4000 pixels on the longest side.

 NEW You may enter up to 3 images from album entered in current year you are entering the album.
 Albums can consist of;

          ➢ Events: This could be for organized social events, such as weddings, baptisms, bar mitzvahs,
          ➢ Non‐Events: This could be for family and child portrait, seniors, maternity and newborn, baby’s first
            year, women’s boudoir or child storytelling albums.
          ➢ Fine Art: This could be for fine art scenic, fine art nudes, storytelling, black and white, flowers
            etc... This style of album/book should have writing accompanying it as it would be displayed in
            a book.

 EVENT                                     NON-EVENT                           FINE ART
    ➢     A1 - Wedding                     ➢    A5 - Portrait                       ➢ A10 Travel
    ➢     A2 - Baptism                     ➢    A6 - Portrait Story                 ➢ A11 Fine Art Nudes or Figure Study
    ➢     A3 - Bar Mitzvah                 ➢    A7 - High School Senior             ➢ A12 Black and White
    ➢     A4 - Commercial Event            ➢    A8 - Portrait (Other)               ➢ A13 Floral
                                           ➢    A9 - Landscape or Nature            ➢ A14 Fine Art (Other)

Digital single image size must be sized to 3000 pixels on the longest side saved at the highest qualify, this includes
canvas if you are placing your image on a canvas, please use a White canvas. The image should not exceed 3.5 MB
when saved. Color Profile should be in Adobe RGB color space.
File Naming - Image name and file name must match. If they don’t match, it may not be captured for entry. It is
best to copy your file name and paste into your entry form. File Name should be (Class) (Image name) See
Sample Below
W5 (For Wedding Ceremony) The Kelly Wedding (Image Name)

                                                                                                                           Page 7
Example of Member Entry:                                 Example of a Non-Member entry:
 Class Image Name                                         Category Image Name
 W5 The Kelly Wedding                                     Wedding The Kelly Wedding
Do not separated the Image name with an underscore. Name MUST not be longer than 30 Characters including
spaces. Each Word should start with a capital.
Call for Entries is now opened.
Early bird entries close February 28th, 2019

All entries close Midnight, Sunday March 31st, 2019, MST
All entries MUST be submitted no later than March 31st, 2019 (11:59pm MST)
Fees are based on per image and time of submission basis.
$28.00 per image till February 28th, 2019 (11:59pm MST) ‐ Early
 Bird Price
$33.00 per image from March 1st to March 31st , 2019 (11:59pm MST) ‐ Regular Price
$89.00 Album Entry – 7 to 30 double sided pages
$30.00 per image till February 28th, 2019 (11:59pm MST) ‐ Early
 Bird Price
$33.00 per image from March 1st to March 31st, 2019 (11:59pm MST) ‐ Regular Price
Payments for the MPI 2019 IIC are via paypal:
Please have a valid credit card prior to completing your entry. (Visa or Mastercard)
Entries Entered in Wrong Classes or Categories Will Be Disqualified.
If you are not sure of which Class or Category to Enter an image in, please reach out to the MPI Administrator
Tula Edmunds at

                         Good Luck in the MPI 2019 International Image Challenge (IIC)
                      An International Educational Competition judged by Qualified Judges

                                                                                                          Page 8
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