National Ice Cream Retailers Association

Page created by Danny Shaw
National Ice Cream Retailers Association
MARCH 2018 - $15.00

National Ice Cream Retailers Association
SUPPLIER MEMBER                                                    IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                   Avoid Brain Freeze: How to Choose the Right Vanilla
                                                                           by Zach Burton, Nielsen Massey Vanilla...............1
AVOID BRAIN FREEZE:                                                Butter Prices.......................................................................2
HOW TO CHOOSE THE                                                  NICRA Members Only Facebook Page..............................3
RIGHT VANILLA                                                      Adding Free Agents to Your Team
                                                                           by Corey Ferger, Sugar Creek Foods.....................4
by Zach Burton                                                     Cherry Farm Sets New Record for Charity........................5
Nielsen Massey Vanilla                                             New Active and Supplier Members...................................6
                                                                   Video Training Program Announced.................................6
As any true ice cream lover knows, vanilla isn’t an insult. In-    New Association Mission Statement and Goals................7
stead of being synonymous with plain, to us, the word vanilla      Linda Warren, Four Seas Ice Cream, Passed Away...........7
invokes a complex range of flavors. Have you ever tasted the       Eight Mistakes Leaders Make...........................................7
difference between single-origin vanillas? There’s nothing         2018 Officers, Board Members, Supplier Officers..........10
plain about it.

We recently conducted a vanilla taste test at the Winter Fancy
Food Show, asking visitors to the Nielsen-Massey Vanillas         Mexican Vanilla
booth to try their hand or, taste buds, at comparing Mada-        The historic birthplace of vanilla, Mexico continues to
gascar Bourbon, Mexican and Tahitian vanilla extracts. We         produce one of the world’s most exceptional vanillas. A rich
started with the same ice cream base and altered only the         marriage of sweet and woody notes, the flavor profile has a
vanilla used in each batch, allowing the flavors of each indi-    deep, creamy, spicy-sweet character, similar to clove or nut-
vidual extract to shine through. The three vanillas all impart    meg. Mexican vanilla extract’s unique flavor profile means it
their own unique influence on ice cream. We also conducted        pairs exceptionally well with chocolate, citrus fruits, cinna-
a taste test with two versions of chocolate ice cream—one         mon and other warm spices.
containing vanilla extract and one without—in order to
demonstrate the power of vanilla as a flavor enhancer. The        Tahitian Vanilla
ice cream that contained vanilla was described as creamier,       Tahitian Vanilla is a favorite of pastry chefs around the
richer and smoother. Read on to learn about the differences in    world. Tahitian vanilla’s complex flavor is highly susceptible
flavor profiles and growing regions.                              to heat, making it a natural fit for ice cream. It has a delicate,
                                                                  aromatic, floral, fruity and cherry-like flavor, pairing espe-
Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla                                        cially well with fruit ice creams, sorbets and gelatos.
Madagascar is the world’s leading supplier of the highest
quality vanilla. Located just east of the southern portion of     The Vanilla Growing Process
Africa, the area known as the Bourbon Islands includes the        The differences in flavors of vanilla are a result of the varia-
islands of Réunion, Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoro and             tions in species of orchid, growing and curing process and
Seychelles. Hence, when we refer to Madagascar Bourbon,           terroir. Just like fine wine and coffee, vanilla is affected by
we’re referring to the region and not the liquor. Madagascar      the soil and climate where it is grown.
Bourbon vanilla has a full, sweet, creamy and mellow flavor
profile with velvety after-tones. It is the perfect all-purpose   Mexican and Madagascar Bourbon vanilla extract is made
vanilla for use in any flavor of ice cream.                       from the vanilla orchid Vanilla planifolia Andrews, which

originated in Mexico. Mexico remained the sole growing            Choosing the Right Vanilla
region for vanilla beans for years, because of the symbiotic      Choosing the right vanilla doesn’t have to be a blind guessing
relationship between the vanilla orchid and an indigenous         game. Now that you know more about the growing regions
tiny bee called the Melipona. This Mexican bee is the only        and flavor profiles, all that’s left to do is to try the different
insect evolved to pollinate the vanilla orchid flower.            vanillas yourself. Whipped cream and, of course, ice cream,
Vanilla beans grow green on the vine and are harvested when       are our recommended ways to taste the complex differences
the tip begins to turn yellow. The curing process is what gives   and find the perfect vanilla for your application.
the beans their characteristic brown color as well as their
flavor and aroma.                                                 Besides the single-origins listed above, it’s also possible to
                                                                  find a blend that offers a unique flavor profile and combines
Mexican Curing Process                                            the best attributes of vanilla from two growing regions. The
In Mexico, the curing process involves wrapping beans in          best vanilla for you is the one that makes your customers
blankets and straw mats and then placing them in ovens for        reach for more!
24 to 48 hours. From this point on, the beans are spread in the
sun each day to absorb heat and then placed in large wooden
boxes overnight to sweat.
                                                                  BUTTER PRICES

Once properly cured, the beans are stored on racks and in         February 2, 2018– Grade AA Butter finished at $2.1150. The
conditioning boxes to further develop and mellow the flavor.      weekly average was $2.1305. (2017 price was $2.2075)
The entire curing process takes three to six months, making it
a very labor-intensive endeavor.                                  February 9, 2018 - Grade AA Butter finished at $2.0275. The
                                                                  weekly average was $2.0675. (2017 price was $2.1550)
Madagascar Curing Process
In Madagascar, the curing process is similar to that of Mexico    February 16, 2018 – Grade AA Butter finished at $2.1000.
with one slight difference; the farmers initiate the curing       The weekly average was $2.0955. (2017 price was $2.1410)
process by immersing the green vanilla beans in hot water for
a short time. The farmers then store the beans in sweat boxes     February 23, 2017 – Grade AA Butter finished at $2.1725.
before beginning the routine of spreading beans in the sun        The weekly average was $2.16563. (2017 price was
and packing them away at night. This unique curing process,       $2.12938)
along with the rich soil and growing conditions, helps create
the unique, rich, and highly complex flavor profile Madagas-      March 2, 2018 - Grade AA Butter finished at $2.2000. The
car vanilla is known for.                                         weekly average was $2.1930. (2017 price was $2.1795)

Tahitian Curing Process                                           Support prices for butter start at $1.05. Butter prices are re-
Tahiti, an island which is part of a southern Pacific island      ported from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange every Friday.
chain, has a tropical climate that makes it an ideal location     The Merc is considered a spot market for butter. Merc prices
for growing vanilla. The plump Tahitian vanilla beans we          are important to dairy farmers because the value of the fat
know today are skillfully crossbreed over several decades of      and fat differentials in raw milk are established from the
Vanilla aromatica and Vanilla fragrans, resulting in Vanilla      prices quoted from the Exchange, and Merc prices are used in
tahitensis.                                                       the BFP update.

Tahitian vanilla is cured differently than vanilla grown in       NICRA MEMBERS ONLY
Madagascar or Mexico. Mature beans are stacked in a cool          FACEBOOK PAGE
place for five to ten days until they are completely brown.
They are then rinsed in clear water, a process unique to Tahi-    NICRA now has a members only Facebook page, just for
ti. For the next month, growers expose the beans to the gentle    members to post photos and videos of your store, ask ques-
morning sun for three-to-four hours a day. In the afternoon,      tions of fellow ice cream store owners, exchange ideas. Share
they wrap the beans in cloth and store them in crates until the   promotions, get and give advice.
next morning, to promote transpiration.
                                                                  It is quick and easy to sign up. Go to https://www.facebook.
Little by little, the water evaporates, causing the beans to      com/groups/710619052438670. Tell us who you are and the
shrink. Throughout this phase, the bean pods are smoothed         name of your store and we will add you to the discussion.
and flattened by hand between the thumb and index fin-
ger. After a month, when the vanilla has received its fill of     We will no longer be using the NICRA News group. If you
sunlight, the beans are left for 40 days to dry in a shaded and   are a member of the news group, sign up for the Facebook
ventilated spot, which reduces their moisture content.            page instead.

2                                                                               NICRA March 2018

      Please join us for
NICRA’s 85th Annual Meeting
       & Trade Show
 Cheyenne Mountain Resort
 Colorado Springs, Colorado
     November 6-8, 2018
NICRA March 2018              3

SUPPLIER MEMBER                                                  puzzle that will keep you on the forefront of the industry and
                                                                 ensure that when your customers think Frozen Dessert, they
SPOTLIGHT                                                        think of your shop. The great American Inventor, Engineer
                                                                 and Businessman, Charles F. Kettering said it best, “The
ADDING FREE AGENTS                                               World hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought
TO YOUR TEAM: HOW TO                                             progress.”
BUILD A CHAMPIONSHIP                                             Another oft overlooked reason and value for adding free
(ROSTER) MENU                                                    agents to our team (menu) is, it prevents our competition
                                                                 from winning. Back to the Baseball analogy: If I sign a new
By Corey Ferger                                                  player, that means my competition does not get to sign that
Sugar Creek Foods/Honey Hill Farms                               player. If I am making the right roster move, not only does
                                                                 my team get better, but my competition’s team gets weaker
Spring is in the air and like nearly every Spring, since the     by not being able to get better. Let me use an example. This
turn of the 20th Century, our favorite Major League Baseball     offseason the Chicago Cubs signed star pitcher, Yu Darvish.
teams are reporting for Spring Training. Each Spring begins      The other 4-5 teams in the running to sign him and fill in the
with the Rite of Passage that is Spring Training. As our         holes of their needs, now were unable to improve their roster
favorite teams practice, train and shake the winter rust off,    in this manner. This does not mean the other teams could
us fans shake off the disappointment that was the previous       not still improve, but it means they have to go back to the
season with an unwavering hope, that this will be OUR            drawing board. So, not only did the Cubs improve their team,
YEAR. Cubs fans said “Next Year” 108 times before winning        but they prevented their opponents from improving in the
in 2016. Red Sox fans muttered it 86 times before busting the    process, as well. If you have your community’s best Custard,
“Curse of the Bambino” in 2004. And Cleveland fans have          that means your competition can not make that claim.
been looking forward to next year without winning the last
game of their season since 1948.                                 Who Do We Add to the Team?
                                                                 The successful franchises are very cunning and strategic in
So, how does all this relate to your business and the frozen     their offseason moves. This type of planning and execution
dessert industry? Much of the hope for a successful new          is what helps contribute to Championships and sustained
season comes from the changes made in the offseason; a           success.
new coach, new ownership or new additions to the team,
such as Free Agents. As sports fans, much of our excitement      Teams look to add players (flavors/products) that will bring
and passion for the new season comes from the hope that          further value to their organizations. The Los Angeles Angels
changes made this offseason will be exactly what pushes the      of Anaheim have one of the best Center Fielders in all of
team to a Championship this coming year. And your shop           baseball (2014 & 2016 MVP). With money (capital) being
is no different. Your fans (customers) will find a renewed       a finite resource, it would not be the best use of resources
excitement this season based on the changes you make to          to sign another great Center Fielder. He would likely sit
your roster (menu) this offseason.                               on the bench behind Mr. Trout. Instead, the Angels went
                                                                 out and signed one of the most coveted, available pitchers
We are going to take a look at 3 main components to this         from Japan; Shohei Ohtani to dramatically improve upon a
concept and how it will help foster passion in your fanbase:     weakness that was their pitching staff.
Why do we add to the Team, Who do we add to the Team
and How do we Market those new additions to our Fans.            How do we apply this principal to your shops and your
                                                                 business? Maybe you have an incredible scooped ice cream
Why Do We Add to the Team?                                       product that your customers love. Let’s call this Mike Trout.
Let’s address this right off the bat; teams do not necessarily   Well, you do NOT need to replace Mike Trout. But just like
make changes because things are broken! Veering away from        the Angels, they needed to find pieces to complement the
the baseball analogy and jumping into basketball, the Golden     best player in baseball, Mike Trout. How do you compliment
State Warriors added Kevin Durant, one of the best players       your top-level product? You add pieces around the menu
in the league, AFTER WINNING THE MOST GAMES IN                   that help support your star-player (product). If you have a
NBA HISTORY! Clearly, the formula for success was not            great scooped ice cream product, maybe you add a dairy-free
flawed, but management saw a way to continue to improve          product to your menu that customers will want.
their team (think: brand) and made the move to do just that.
                                                                 It is important to denote the difference between adding for
Often, we think that the only time a change is needed is when    the sake of adding as compared to making an addition that
things are broke or failing. This is not only a myth, but can    will help take you to the Championship. The Angels did not
be harmful to the sustainability and growth of your brand.       just add any pitcher, they added a GREAT pitcher. Don’t just
Additions, Subtractions and Changes are all pieces of the        add any dairy-free product, add a GREAT one!

4                                                                            NICRA March 2018

The other reason we add to the team is because the team is         Maybe have a few posters printed and hung at the local Little
in bad shape and desperately needs a jumpstart. Often times        League fields or a community park announcing your new
this addition is not only a spark for the team on the field, but   Tiger’s Blood Italian Ice. Maybe offer face painting for kids
will help ignite a dormant passion and fire in the fanbase.        who come in to try your new Tiger’s Blood product. It is a
Maybe you are a Frozen Yogurt shop and you have seen sales         great way to drive folks back to your shop to see all the new
continue to dip over the past few years. Maybe you have seen       and exciting changes you have made for the 2018 season!
your scooped ice cream sales decline due to new competition
in town. Or maybe you have just seen an overall dip in sales,      To bring the discussion full-circle, I would like to leave you
as a whole. What do you do?                                        with this thought; how will you use your Spring Training
                                                                   to awake the passion within your fanbase this season?
If you are the 2017 World Series Champion, Houston Astros,         Remember, you do not need to wait until things break to
you pick-up All-Star Pitcher Justin Verlander and add him          make improvements, make changes that will add-value to
to your roster. That’s not to say that was the only change         your fanbase (customers) and help educate them around the
the Astros made to go from worst to first, as they made            changes that they should be excited about. Execute on these
organizational shifts and operational changes (a discussion        key concepts and there is little doubt that your fans will be
for a different article), but it was a significant addition that   excited for a successful 2018 season!
paid extraordinary dividends, as Mr. Verlander went on to
win the ALCS MVP award for the Astros on their way to              “I see great things in baseball.”
the World Series championship. How do you overhaul your            ― Walt Whitman
roster and go from worst to first? Add an All-Star! If you
are serving Frozen Yogurt, dedicate one of the machines to
serve to Gelato. If you have multiple machines, serve Gelato,
Italian Ice and Frozen Yogurt. If you do not have a soft serve
program currently, add one. There are so many options in           CHERRY FARM SETS NEW RECORD
the marketplace for great machines that would allow you to         RAISED FOR CHARITY WITH ICE
stick your (figurative) toe in the water. Bring in that All-Star   CREAM FOR BREAKFAST EVENT
Pitcher that will help take your struggling team from the
basement to the toast of the town!
                                                                   Cherry Farm, Danvers, Mass. ice cream breakfast set a new
                                                                   record and raised $4,500 for Boston Children’s Hospital
How Do We Market Those New Additions?
                                                                   Concussion Prevention Research Center according to co-
Adding new players to your team, alone, does not create buzz
                                                                   owner Tom Jones.
and excitement throughout a fanbase. I mean, if they do not
know about the additions or who they are, how can they be
                                                                   Through the event the ice cream stand on Conant Street is
excited, right?! Teams will almost ALWAYS announce the
                                                                   able to raise a little more money each year toward a charity
signing of a prized free-agent (new menu item) with a big
                                                                   of its choosing. In 2017, the annual breakfast raised about
Press Conference and Marketing Blitz. This is not done to
                                                                   $4,200 for research at Boston Children’s Hospital.
simply make an announcement, but to drive that excitement
and stoke the fires of the team’s fans. Your roster additions
                                                                   In its ninth year hosting the event, the family-owned business
(new products) should be no different!
                                                                   served up more than 27 dozen waffles, 33 dozen donuts, 11
                                                                   dozen muffins and 300 gallons of ice cream to more than
It is not a surprise that each year some of the highest-selling
                                                                   1,500 customers in four hours.
baseball jerseys are those of team’s new player. The Top-
Selling Jersey of 2017? The New York Yankees’ Rookie
                                                                   “It averaged out to serving a person a minute,” Jones said.
(first-year/new player) Aaron Judge. Fans want to get excited
                                                                   “People waited in line, which we’re grateful for, but it moved
about a winner and they want everyone to know that they
                                                                   as fast as possible. Jones said the event has supported seven
are a fan! I will stop short of saying sell jerseys with your
                                                                   different causes since it first began hosting the annual event.
new products’ name on the back, but the concept itself
does not change. Allow people to take pride in your brand
                                                                   “This was the first year we chose a similar one from the year
and the products you are serving that help you win your
                                                                   before,” Jones said. “We felt it reached and affected so many
                                                                   people locally.”
New player additions come with commercials and billboards.
                                                                   The event is celebrated every year on the first Saturday of
How do you advertise new products and market excitement
                                                                   February. This year happened to be a particularly cold day,
around changes? I am guessing you do not have a billboard
                                                                   with temperatures below freezing. People still came out.
like the Atlanta Braves have here in my new adopted town,
but again, it should not stop you from driving excitement.

NICRA March 2018                                                                                      5

NEW ACTIVE MEMBERS                                  Pike Kitchen
                                                    11403 Cedar Ridge Dr.
Ava’s Ice Cream & Water Ice LLC                     Potomac, MD 20854
517 W. Germantown Pike                              301/922-1585
Norristown, PA 19403                                James Park
610/277-9787                                        FD, FD
Don Blest
Elizabeth Blest                                     Scott Strawberry & Tomato Farms, Inc.
DD, II                                              650 Scott Rd
                                                    Unicoi, TN 37692
Fisk Consulting                                     423/743-7511
18312 Creeks Bend Dr.                               Steve Scott
Minnetonka, MN 55345                                Fran Scott
612/600-7242                                        DD, O
Katy Fisk
DD                                                  Strickler’s Ice Co.
                                                    P. O. Box 256
Hodgies Too Ice Cream                               Huntingdon, PA 16652
25 Portsmouth Rd.                                   814/643-2770
Amesbury, MA 01913                                  Ryan Stickler
978/609-7175                                        Stephanie Stickler
Derek Dore                                          Ed Stickler
Macauley Moscato                                    MP, DD
                                                    NEW SUPPLIER MEMBERS
Ice Cream Shop
311 N. 8th St., Suite 10                            Por-shun, Inc.
Lincoln, NE 68521                                   P. O. Box 423
402/314-1354                                        Wilmington, MA 01887
Tyler Mannix                                        978/658-4114
DD                                                  Fax: 978/658-0060
                                                    James Mahoney
Kamaela’s Kreamery                                  Dairy
17223 W. Brimfield Jubilee Rd.
Brimfield, IL 61517                                 Sugar Creek Foods International, Inc.
309/713-6621                                        P. O. Box 747
Kami Stahl                                          Russellville, AR 72811
Mikaela Endress                                     800-445-2715
DD                                                  Corey Ferger

MML, Inc.
406 Shafer St., Apt 904
                                                    NICRA ANNOUNCES NEW VIDEO
Richmond, VA 23220                                  TRAINING PROGRAM
Michael Wong                                        The Officers and Board of Directors of NICRA are very
WD, FD, YD, SS, GG, FC, II                          excited to tell you that during the 84th Annual Convention
                                                    recently held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the National
‘Nita Mae’s Scoop                                   Ice Cream Retailers Association announced its new video
916 – 221st Ave.                                    training program produced by Steve Christensen, Scoop
New Richmond, WI 54017                              School. The program is FREE for NICRA members. To
715/441-4187                                        access the videos:
Cheryl Arcand
Gordon Arcnad                                       • Log onto the Members Only page of the NICRA web site
DD                                                  • Enter your username and password
                                                    • Click on the video content you wish to access
                                                    • Create an account, user, and password which can be used
                                                    for all videos

6                                                              NICRA March 2018

• This only needs to be done the first time                        LINDA ANN WARREN, FOUR SEAS
• Click on the “Buy Now” button on the desired module
• At the check out page, enter the NICRA Member FREE
                                                                   ICE CREAM, PASSED AWAY
coupon code “virginia2017”,
                                                                   Linda Ann Warren of Centerville, Mass. died peacefully on
• Explore all of the video content
                                                                   February 5, 2018 after a long courageous battle with breast
                                                                   cancer. She was 71 years old.
You can also watch this six minute video explaining the
process of accessing the program:
                                                                   Linda was born on November 11,
                                                                   1946 in Laconia, N. H. the third
This link is also on the NICRA Members Only Facebook
                                                                   of seven children. She graduated
                                                                   from Laconia High School in
                                                                   1964. She worked several years
The video program includes:
                                                                   as a bookkeeper at Gunstock
Three Essential Elements to Frozen Dessert Success
                                                                   Recreation Area where she met
An Overview of Starting an Ice Cream Business
                                                                   her second husband, Richard.
Frozen Dessert Business Finance Essentials
                                                                   In 1954 they were married atop
Employee Hiring, Training and Motivation
                                                                   Gunstock Mountain
Batch Freezing and Scooped Ice Cream Fundamentals
Foodborne Illness, Health Department and Food Safety
                                                                   Upon moving to Cape Cod to join
Frozen Dessert Business Policy and Procedures
                                                                   Richard, Linda helped run the
10 Steps to Prepare for the Upcoming Season
                                                                   family business, Four Seas Ice Cream, until their retirement
Hosting 30 Promotions in 30 days
                                                                   in 2002 when the business was passed on to Richard’s son
Adding Specialty Shakes, Sundaes and More.
                                                                   and daughter-in-law, Douglas and Peggy Warren. Linda
Conducting a Sensory Audit of your Business
                                                                   mentored and loved all of the high school and college
Frozen Dessert Marketing Essentials
                                                                   students who forever became members of the Four Seas
                                                                   family. She enjoyed traveling and playing golf with her late
                                                                   husband, making Nantucket baskets and playing bridge.
NEW MISSION STATEMENT AND                                          A graveside service was held on February 17th at the
                                                                   Beechwood Cemetery in Centerville, Mass. A celebration
VISION/GOALS                                                       of life reception followed at Cummaquid Golf Club. In lieu
                                                                   of flowers, please send donations in Linda’s name to Hope
NICRA MISSION STATEMENT                                            Hospice, 765 Attucks Lane, Hyannis, MA 02601 or to the
NICRA is committed to being the association of choice              Randall Mark Warren Scholarship Fund, c/o TD Bank, 1708
for business owners in the ice cream and frozen dessert            Route 28, Centerville MA 02632.
industry. NICRA will make available cutting-edge
opportunities for its members to further their businesses or
careers through educational, technological and networking
platforms that are the best in the industry. NICRA will strive     EIGHT MISTAKES LEADERS MAKE
to continually grow its membership offerings and remain on         THAT KILL EMPLOYEE TRUST (AND
the forefront of our ever-changing industry.                       BLOCK SPEED, INNOVATION, AND
• To develop a shared purpose among our members and sup-           by Amanda Setili
plier partners and to share resources to support each other’s
goals                                                              Do people in your organization trust their leaders and
• To promote respectful, open communication within the             each other? If not, there’s a good chance you don’t have
organization                                                       the speed, agility, and adaptability you need to compete
• To establish solid and lasting alliances and partnerships that   in today’s volatile world. Amanda Setili lays out some
support recruitment and retention of our membership                common mistakes leaders make that squelch trust, generate
• To develop and maintain the highest quality professional         fear, and ultimately slow your company down.
and technical educational and training opportunities for our
membership                                                         We live and work in an age of disruption and relentless
• To earn and protect our reputation by adhering to the high-      change. Companies must be fast, adaptable, agile, and
est ethical standards and conduct                                  courageous to compete. This requires the presence of a

NICRA March 2018                                                                                    7

deeply important quality: trust. While trust has always been          decisions and had given them the flexibility to do what’s right
an essential element in business, Amanda Setili says it’s more        for the customer, the incident may have been avoided,” notes
important now than ever before. Why? Because without                  Setili. “Plus, focusing on the end goal provides employees
trust, you will never create the deep engagement and sense of         more leeway to adapt in an agile way to changing business
safety people need to take risks, disagree, and innovate.             conditions.”

“An organization without trust is inefficient and is often            Mistake #3: Keeping your weaknesses a secret. It’s
stagnant,” says Setili, author of Fearless Growth: The New            tempting (and human) to try to cover up or at least minimize
Rules to Stay Competitive, Foster Innovation, and Dominate            our own shortcomings and mistakes. Yet Setili says we
Your Markets. “It experiences many stops and starts, as               should be doing the exact opposite. The best leaders are
people wait for the approvals they need and verify that others        those who realize—and are willing to admit—that they
have done what they said they were going to do. People fear           don’t know it all and aren’t “the best” at everything. Plus,
being the one to bring the ‘bad news.’ Problems fester and            people appreciate vulnerability. Not only does revealing our
grow, rather than being promptly addressed. Leaders fear              weaknesses make people like and trust you more, it lets them
taking the risk to move to something new.                             know upfront what to expect, so they can act accordingly.

“All of this results in a sluggish pace and an unhealthy              “I was once on a team with a man who confessed that
attachment to old business models that can kill a company in          while he was superb at ideation and a master of marketing,
today’s economy,” she adds.                                           the operational side of things was not his strength,” said
                                                                      Setili. “He built trust by revealing his weaknesses. Plus, his
Trust, essentially, is the willingness to put oneself at risk         revelation made the team stronger, because we all knew how
based on another individual’s actions. Employees must be              to make the best use of his skills.”
able to trust leaders—and vice versa—as well as each other.
Trust must permeate the entire culture. And because trust             Mistake #4: Not asking for help. When things go wrong,
begins with leaders, Setili says it’s important to make sure          your impulse may be to keep information to yourself, hoping
we’re not inadvertently doing things to squelch its presence.         the problem will go away. This not only damages trust, it
                                                                      vastly reduces the chances that the problem will be resolved
Below, she offers eight common trust-squashing mistakes               quickly, since problems swept under the rug tend to get
leaders make.                                                         worse, not better. Better to tell it like it is. Just say, “I’ve got
                                                                      some bad news to share.” (You may actually feel a surge of
Mistake #1: Avoiding conflict. In all areas of life, conflict         relief just to have said the words.) Then explain what the
happens. In any organization, people are going to disagree            problem is and suggest two or more alternative actions that
on the best way to do things. Tough decisions must be                 might be taken to address it.
made, which, inevitably, will make some people happy and
others unhappy. From time to time “bad apples” will crop              Jack, the manager of a customer support center, noticed that
up that need to be dealt with. If you’re a leader who avoids          post-call survey results had plummeted. He knew that several
conflict at all costs, transparent communication can’t occur,         important customer accounts were at risk of defecting. Rather
productivity falters as decisions take forever to be made, high       than trying to fix the problem on his own, he brought it up
performers get fed up and leave, and in general you’re seen           with his peers at the management meeting the next day.
as weak or wishy-washy.                                               “We’ve got a problem,” he said, “but I think it’s isolated
                                                                      to customers calling in about our newest product. The
“Trust can’t flourish in a workplace where leaders perpetually        procedures for setup and configuration are incomprehensible
avoid conflict,” says Setili. “It’s important to come to the          to both reps and customers. I see two ways to resolve this.
understanding that conflict isn’t ‘bad.’ In fact, it’s an essential   We can either stay late the next few nights and rewrite the
component of innovation, problem-solving, and growth.”                procedures, or we can ask the product management team if
                                                                      they’d be willing to field calls about this product until they
Mistake #2: Focusing on compliance, rather than                       can get the procedures rewritten. I’m open to any other ideas
achieving shared goals. Earlier this year United Airlines             anyone has as well.”
aggressively removed a passenger from an aircraft, causing a
publicity and legal disaster, partly because United employees         The team appreciated Jack’s being upfront with them and
have been taught to follow the rules to the letter. Emphasis on       asking for help. They were happy to pitch in to fix the
rigid rule-following can be dangerous. Better to make the end         problem. And not only did his transparency on the issue
goal crystal clear to everyone and then trust employees to do         bolster their trust in him, it showed them that he trusted them
the right thing.                                                      as well and valued their input.

“If the airline had trusted its own employees to make                 Mistake #5: Undercommunicating. In times of uncertainty,

8                                                                                     NICRA March 2018

it’s especially important to communicate. Don’t leave people        Mistake #8: Thinking that trust will occur on its own,
hanging. Where there is a communication void, people will           without deliberate efforts to cultivate it. Consider this
fill it with the worst possible scenario. It’s just human nature.   example: An office furniture company was experiencing sales
It’s always better to tell the truth—even when it’s bad news—       declines, and each team leader blamed the other functions for
than to be evasive or silent. (And the news almost certainly        the problem. So the leader had the group spend a morning
isn’t as bad as what they’re imagining.)                            conducting some simple trust-building exercises. Each team
                                                                    member shared a challenge from their childhood, and others
“Years ago, the manager of the Kimberly-Clark                       took turns sharing what they appreciated about each other,
manufacturing facility where I worked announced to all              and what behaviors were getting in the way of success.
employees that there was a risk of future layoffs,” said
Setili. “He explained that while the layoffs were not a sure        One team member was told, “You have an incredible level of
thing, there was a chance that there would be a workforce           creativity, and you always volunteer to help.” A few minutes
reduction. In the end, no layoff occurred, but he had done the      later, when someone shared some less-positive feedback—
right thing by revealing all that he knew. By being straight        ”You’re so eager to contribute that you overcommit and end
with people, he built trust and allowed them to make the best       up not doing everything you said you would”—he was able
choices for themselves and their families.”                         to understand why his teammates had often complained about
                                                                    him behind his back. Once the issues were out in the open,
Mistake #6. Not doing what you say you’re going to do.              everyone was able to work together much more productively,
This is basic, yet many leaders break their promises as a           and sales results got back on track.
matter of course. This can have a devastating effect on trust.
Trust builds slowly over time, and it takes only one broken         “This may seem like a simple, even frivolous exercise, but it
promise to lose all the ground you’ve gained.                       did wonders to build trust,” notes Setili. “The moral is simply
                                                                    that this company took action to break the cycle of finger-
“If you promise an employee you’ll provide the resources            pointing and distrust. Most companies just hope problems
she needs to get a project done, and then you leave her in          like this get resolved on their own. That seldom happens.”
the lurch, why should she work hard for you in the future?”
says Setili. “She won’t. Employees trust us when we act             Of course, leaders are only human and none of us are perfect.
predictably and consistently with what we promise. Think            You’re almost certainly going to recognize some of these
carefully before you make a promise, because it’s crucial that      mistakes in yourself—and that’s okay.
you fulfill it, or at least communicate why you are no longer
able to do so.”                                                     “We all need to become worthier of the trust of others,” she
                                                                    says. “Just as every company is on a growth journey, so is
Mistake #7: Believing lack of trust results from a                  every leader and every employee. We all have flaws, but the
character flaw. Because we all want people to trust us, we          good news is that when we make a deliberate choice to build
feel threatened and ashamed when there is evidence that they        trust, our company becomes more successful and a better
don’t. As a result, we avoid discussing the subject altogether.     place to work.”
We certainly don’t explore what we can do to build trust.
Setili says that lack of trust is not an indictment on your
character but rather a simple fact. If we can learn to see the      About the Author: Amanda Setili, author of Fearless
problem objectively, we can take steps to remedy it.                Growth: The New Rules to Stay Competitive, Foster
                                                                    Innovation, and Dominate Your Markets, is president
Setili says that Lisa, a product manager for a software firm,       of strategy consulting firm Setili & Associates. An
shared, “I’ll never forget the time a coworker, Ryan, said,         internationally acclaimed expert on strategic agility, she
‘I don’t trust you,’ to me. I felt terrible and wanted to slink     gives her clients—including Coca-Cola, Delta Air Lines,
away.” She took a deep breath and asked him to explain.             The Home Depot, UPS, and Walmart—unbiased and laser-
He said his trust had been damaged by the fact that she had         clear advice on how to respond quickly and intelligently to a
forwarded a report he had drafted on to the boss without            changing marketplace.
checking with him first. He was embarrassed because the
report had a few mistakes he had meant to correct. Lisa             A past employee of McKinsey & Company and Kimberly-
apologized and took steps to rectify the damage.                    Clark, Setili served as an executive with successful disruptive
                                                                    technology startups in the U.S. and Malaysia. She is a
“Once Lisa and Ryan were able to talk honestly and openly           graduate of Vanderbilt University and Harvard Business
about what was impeding trust, their relationship improved,”        School and has taught as an adjunct professor at Emory’s
notes Setili. “They now work together more fluidly and              Goizueta Business School. To learn more, please visit www.
efficiently and their joint projects are getting vastly improved

NICRA March 2018                                                                                      9
2018 NICRA OFFICERS                                             Ice Cream Clinic Committee
President                                                       Pete Freund, Cliff’s Dairy Maid, Ledgewood, NJ
Jill Curran, Kimball Farm, Westford, MA                         Scholarship Committee
President Elect                                                 Cliff Freund, Cliff’s Dairy Maid, Ledgewood, NJ
David Deadman, Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream, Madison, WI
Vice President                                                  NICRA MISSION STATEMENT
George Xouris, Andia’s Homemade Ice Cream, Morrisville,         NICRA is committed to being the association of choice
NC                                                              for business owners in the ice cream and frozen dessert
Secretary/Treasurer                                             industry. NICRA will make available cutting-edge
Jeff Shain, Shain’s of Maine, Sanford, ME                       opportunities for its members to further their businesses or
Immediate Past President                                        careers through educational, technological and networking
Neil McWilliams, Spring Dipper, Mammoth Spring, AR              platforms that are the best in the industry. NICRA will strive
Executive Director                                              to continually grow its membership offerings and remain on
Lynda Utterback, Elk Grove Village, IL                          the forefront of our ever-changing industry.

Terms Ending Annual Meeting 2018                                VISION/GOALS FOR ORGANIZATION
Cliff Freund, Cliff’s Dairy Maid, Ledgewood, NJ
Vince Girodano, Sno Top, Manlius, NY
                                                                • To develop a shared purpose among our members and sup-
                                                                plier partners and to share resources to support each other’s
Bob Hearn, Hearn’s Ice Cream, St. Marys, ON, Canada
Juergen Kloo, Joy Cone Co., Hermitage, PA
                                                                • To promote respectful, open communication within the
Jason Mandler, Carmen’s Italian Ice, Rockville, MD
                                                                • To establish solid and lasting alliances and partnerships that
Terms Ending Annual Meeting 2019
                                                                support recruitment and retention of our membership
Mary Leopold, Leopold’s Ice Cream, Savannah, GA
                                                                • To develop and maintain the highest quality professional
Patti Otte, Sweet Firefly Ice Cream, Richardson, T
                                                                and technical educational and training opportunities for our
John Pitchford, JP’s Custard Cart, Albuquerque, NM
Nichole Theriault, Por-shun, Wilmington, MA
                                                                • To earn and protect our reputation by adhering to the high-
Dirk White, The Alaskan Creamery, Sitka, AK
                                                                est ethical standards and conduct
Terms Ending Annual Meeting 2020
Valerie Hoffman, Yummies, Warsaw, NY                            NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY
Sue Kloter, Kloter Ice Cream Barn, Ellington, CT                NICRA is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in
Donnie Montgomery, Homestead Creamery, Wirtz, VA                all of its endeavors. To that end, NICRA shall not tolerate
Stan Sitton, Green Mountain Flavors, Oswego, IL                 any words or acts of discrimination, harassment or any
Charlie Wilcox, Marrianne’s Santa Cruz, CA                      inappropriate behavior in general against any person
                                                                affiliated with NICRA, including its members and guests,
                                                                with regard to race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national
2018 SUPPLIER OFFICERS                                          origin, disability, marital status or sexual orientation.
Cherish Mathews, Forbes Chocolate, Broadview Hts., OH           This Bulletin is published by:
Vice President                                                  National Ice Cream Retailers Association
Kyle Cameron, Joy Cone Co., Hermitage, PA                       1030 West Devon Avenue
Secretary/Treasurer                                             Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-7226
Stephanie Grow, ConAgra, Chicago, IL                            Dave Deadman, Chairman Publications Committee
Chairman                                                        Lynda Utterback, Editor
George Dunlap, C. Nelson Mfg. Oak Harbor, OH                    ©2018 National Ice Cream Retailers Association
                                                                Vol. 39, No. 3
                                                                This issue of the NICRA Bulletin is now available online
CHAIRMAN                                                        at Click on the Members Only
Executive Committee                                             button and enter your Username and Password. If you
Jill Curran, Kimball Farm, Westford, MA                         cannot find your Username and Password, call the
Nominating Committee                                            NICRA office at 866-303-6960 or send an e-mail to info@
Neil McWilliams, Spring Dipper, Mammoth Spring, AR     requesting the information.
Convention Committee
Dave Deadman, Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream, Madison, WI
                                                                IMPORTANT NOTE: Please “LIKE” us on Facebook using
Membership Committee
                                                                your personal Facebook page not your business Facebook
George Xouris, Andia’s Homemade Ice Cream, Morrisville,
                                                                page, in order to receive our comments in your News Feed.
                                                                We post comments twice a week.

10                                                                           NICRA March 2018
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