Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association

Page created by Willard Cohen
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
Nebraska Dental                                                  ®
                   A SS O C I AT I O N
 A publication of the Nebraska Dental Association            April / May / June 2021

 NDA Health Insurance Launches July 1st - p. 3

In this issue
 2021 Legislation - p. 3 				          Summer of Freedom - p. 5

 Star of the North Meeting - p. 8			   Prepaid Dues - p. 9
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
President’s Message
                        I am very         There were doubters and people               The annual session next year will
                        humbled to        against reopening too soon but               be April 7 and 8, 2022 at the
                        be writing this   the Governor supported the NDA’s             Embassy Suites in LaVista. This
                        message.          decisions and never wavered on his           meeting will be live and in person.
                        There is a        support of reopening.                        The current list of speakers includes
                        great respect                                                  Dr. Ed McClumphy who will speak
                                          The CDC has continued to change
                        and pride that                                                 on prosthodontics and implant
                                          the recommendations and set                  restorations. Dr. Kimberly Harms
Dr. Monte Zysset        I have for the
                                          forth further guidelines. They
                        NDA and the                                                    who will speak on office harmony,
                                          have emphasized to follow the
past presidents and board members                                                      stress reduction, and mental health.
                                          recommendations and mandates in
that have given us the opportunity to                                                  In conjunction with the NDAA, two
                                          your local area. Patients come into the
be in the position that we are today.                                                  speakers from the University of
                                          office and do not remember that we
The NDA staff and board members,                                                       Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha
                                          have always wore masks and have
as well as various volunteers, stepped                                                 will be providing continuation
                                          always had sterilization protocols, but      education. Sarah Stream MPH,
up to make sure that everyone could
                                          now have questions about if this has
start seeing patients and continue to                                                  CDA, will be speaking on “OSHA
                                          changed how the practice of dentistry        Bloodborne Pathogen” and Sharon
practice safely during the pandemic.
                                          is performed. So stay safe and stay          Medcalf, PhD, will be presenting
This plan produced a confidence and
                                          informed. The NDA will keep updating
calming effect for the care of patients                                                “Lessons Learned from Disasters in
                                          the website with the current CDC
and the protection of our staff. As                                                    the Last 20 years”. Hope to see all of
the mandates and recommendations                                                       you at the 2022 annual session.
have changed the continued guidance       The ADA is planning for a live and in        As always, everybody continues to
asked of the NDA has continued to         person meeting in Las Vegas October          express the need for NDA members
be progressive and in alignment with      11-13, 2021. The NDA’s delegates             to step up and serve in positions in
patient safety.                           to the meeting will be Dr. Mark              the NDA. This is a worthy cause and
                                          Hinrichs, Dr. Tom Alexander, and
Initially, when the Governor asked for                                                 helps to keep dentistry strong in the
                                          Dr. Deb West. Dr. Scott Morrison
a plan to again start seeing patients,                                                 State of Nebraska. There are always
                                          will represent the 10th District as
this was supplied by the NDA                                                           legislative issues and problems to be
                                          the Trustee. If you are planning on
executive board and committee on                                                       solved and this requires organization
                                          attending that ADA meeting, stop by
reopening. This plan was developed                                                     and people with ideas. The time
                                          and say hi to everyone.
on common sense and what limited                                                       commitment is not great and the
science there was. This was at a time     Dr. Jessica Meeske is chairing               interaction with other dentists from
when dentistry, anesthesiology, and       a major committee for the ADA.               around the State is very rewarding.
otolaryngology were thought to be the     Dr. Meeske is now the Chair of               So, get involved and help out.
most dangerous specialties in regards     Council on Advocacy for Access               Sitting on the sidelines will not help
to infections produced by the COVID       and Prevention for the ADA. This             this organization to stay strong and
virus. This plan was adopted and also     Council is to serve the public and           continue to function at a high level.
used by several states across the         the profession by developing and             The hardest thing I think that I have
country to reopen. The ADA and the        advocating strategies to promote             had to do while being involved in the
CDC initially did not have this type      optimal oral health for all through          NDA is to write this message.
of plan. The Governor accepted this       access and prevention. Dr. Meeske
plan and recommended dentistry            is a pediatric dentist practicing in
to reopen in the State of Nebraska.       Hastings, Nebraska.                          Monte

2                                                                                Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
NDA Health Insurance
   Launches July 1st
In the last newsletter, the NDA reached the 1,500 “interested lives” to proceed to phase 2, which required employees in each
office to fill out health information in order to receive a quote from BCBS for health insurance.

We are happy to report that we have received more than enough interested groups to move on to the final phase with BCBS
for a July 1st effective date. At the end of May, the final list of groups was sent in to BCBS so they could confirm and
finalize all rates for all groups. BCBS confirmed the rate tables on June 10th and offices were notified of their final rates, which
are good through 2022. Offices are now choosing plans and networks.

Lisa Daniels from North Risk Partners held a final phase Zoom call
on June 3rd to discuss options in detail for anyone that is interested in
learning more about what is being offered. The Zoom call discussed
the differences between the plan options and networks, as well as the
timeline for the next steps.

The Zoom call recording and all other BCBS health insurance information is located on the Health Insurance Alliance page
on the NDA website. NDA offices that missed the July 1st launch and are interested in obtaining health insurance through
the Alliance can still contact North Risk Partners at - 402-592-7777.

2021 Legislation
Requires recognition of out of state credentials for
occupations governed by the Uniform Credentialing Act.
Applicants must have had a credential for at least one
year. As amended it does not apply to physicians and
the bill requires the applicant to establish residency in
Nebraska within 180 days.

Amends the Nebraska Telehealth Act to allow for
a patient to have the option to give verbal consent
during the initial telehealth consultation if a signed statement will be collected within ten days. The bill would also allow the
patient to sign the consent statement via electronic signature. As amended the bill also exapnds the definition of telehealth
to also include audio-only services for the delivery of individual behavioral health services for an established patient, when
appropriate, or crisis management and intervention for an established patient as allowed by federal law.”

Requires prescriptions for controlled substances to be electronic by January 1, 2022 with a few listed exceptions. As
amended the bill delays the requirement for dentists until 2024. Amended out of the introduced copy is language requiring the
prescription information to also be shared with statewide health information exchange.

Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021                                                                                 3
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
Annual Session
    Courtyard Marriott - Lincoln

Meeting in person for the 2021
Annual Session was a casualty of
COVID, as the NDA CE Speakers
were again virtual.

___ NDA members took advantage
of the South Dakota Dental
Association free CE offer May 13-
15 in Sioux Falls.

The NDA Board of Trustees met in
person at the Courtyard Marriott
the morning of April 22nd in Lincoln
and several Delegates attended
live for the afternoon House of
Delegates meeting.

Above Right: Dr. Scott Morrison,
ADA 10th District Trustee swears in
the 2021-2022 NDA Officers. Right
to left: Drs Gene Gaspard, Deb
West, Liz Papineau, Monte Zysset,
Melanie Steckelberg and Gene
Giles. Dr. Carolyn Taggart-Burns
atteded via Zoom.

Middle Right: Members of the
NDA Board of Trustees with their
“Maskerade” themed masks.

Bottom Right: NDA Board of Trustees, left to right: Drs. Scott Morrison, Gene Giles, Michael Kotopka, Jody Cameron,
Carolyn Taggart-Burns, Sam Jacoby, Liz Papineau, Melanie Steckelberg, Deb West, Ken Tusha, Monte Zysset, Gene
Gaspard, Jenna Hatfield-Waite, Bruce Kennedy, Tom Nelsen and Fritz Craft.

4                                                                             Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
ADA 10th District Trustee
                            I have been           have not seen them in fourteen months      Care beginning in 2013 until he was
                            having                because you may have not. Take the         appointed Dean in 2015.
                            dreams of             kids and/or grandkids somewhere
                            attending             even if it is just for the weekend.        Dr. Cohlmia has been an active
                            large social                                                     leader in organized dentistry at
                            gatherings;           Or perhaps, just perhaps, you could        the local, state and national levels;
                            strange yes,          join myself and your colleagues            having served as President of his
                            but true.             at SmileCon 2021, October 11               local society and state association in
                            Those are             through 13, 2021 in Las Vegas and          Oklahoma. He has served on many
                            my thoughts;          find out if my suits still fit. SmileCon   ADA Councils and Committees over
                            however, and          2021 is your re-branded and re-            the years, including the New Dentist
 Dr. Scott Morrison         perhaps they          imagined annual meeting; taking            Committee, Council on Membership,
                            are reflective        place in always sunny Las Vegas at         Council on Annual Sessions, Council
of the shadow of restrictions we have             the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.        on Dental Benefits and the American
all lived under for the past year.                Registration for SmileCon 2021 will        Dental Political Action Committee;
                                                  open June 23rd. SmileCon 2021              culminating in his position on the ADA
I have also been wondering about                  will be your opportunity to take time      Board of Trustees from 2015 through
how soon I will return to looking my              for your own smile, restoring it, and      2019. Dr. Cohlmia earned his dental
colleagues in the eye and not looking             heightening your ability to restore the    degree in 1988 from the University of
at the little white light at the top of my        smiles of others. Recharge your dental     Oklahoma College of Dentistry.
computer screen on my Zoom calls                  batteries at SmileCon 2021; we all
as I discuss the past, present and                know they are running low on energy.       With a new Executive Director coming
future of our profession. As you can              Come see the reinvented exhibit hall;      on board, the other must leave. Let us
tell I have been eagerly awaiting the             enjoy expert speakers, participate in      not forget the debt of gratitude we owe
collegiality and camaraderie we all               evening events, join new innovative        to Dr. Kathleen T. O’Loughlin for
experience at local, state and national           learning communities and engage in         12 years of exemplary service to the
dental meetings.                                  a brand new networking platform to         ADA and the profession of dentistry;
                                                  connect with your peers. Leave your        a debt that she will never claim, but a
In preparing to return to in person               virus concerns at home as there will be    debt owed nonetheless. Her last year
meetings, I readied my suits for the              increased protocols for the health and     of service perhaps her most difficult
occasion; pulled them out of the closet           safety of all SmileCon 2021 attendees.     for dentistry and the world. We most
still wrapped in the plastic from the dry                                                    humbly say thank you and good luck.
cleaners. My ever efficient wife had              In addition to a newly christened
taken my suits to the cleaners after              annual meeting, there will be a newly      Finally, and I hate to end this address on
our last ADA meeting in 2019 in San               selected Executive Director of the         a negative note, we need to encourage
Francisco. The date on the receipt                American Dental Association; effective     our patients who have not been
stapled to the plastic read September             November 15th. Dr. Raymond A.              vaccinated for the Covid-19 virus to get
17, 2019. It had been nearly 20                   Cohlmia was selected by the Board          vaccinated. Most of the States within
months since I had last attended an               of Trustees after an extensive search      the 10th District are hovering around
official in person ADA dental function. It        process that began after Dr. Kathleen      40 percent for full vaccination. I do not
is not that I am overly fond of wearing           O’Loughlin, current ADA Executive          believe that we will see much in the way
suits, I am however fond of returning             Director, announced she would retire       of changes in CDC guidance for dental
to a more normal function of life and             in 2021. Dr. Cohlmia joins the ADA         settings until herd immunity levels are
for me that includes in person dental             after having run a successful dental       met. The ADA continues to urge the
meetings. The burning question was                practice for 26 years. He most recently    CDC to update their guidance for dental
would my suits still fit?                         has been part of the University of         settings as they can. Stay tuned.
                                                  Oklahoma College of Dentistry where
So, with all this being said, with eternal                                                   Respectfully submitted,
                                                  he became faculty in 2009; serving
hope, I am declaring the summer of                                                           Scott L. Morrison DDS, MS
                                                  in a variety of leadership positions
2021 as the Summer of Freedom.                                                               10th District Trustee
                                                  including Assistant Dean for Patient
Re-engage with your family like you

Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021                                                                                   5
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
From the Trenches
                        In September        At the end of our Zoom call, I was still
                        of 2020, it         discouraged at all of the hurdles in
                        was clear           front of us, but Lisa and BCBS were
                        that Harry          willing to try and they laid out a plan
                        A Koch was          with milestones that the NDA needed
                        not interested      to achieve to move forward.
                        in pursuing
                                            I was looking for cheerleaders
                        a health
                                            . . . some of your staff to call other
David J. O’Doherty insurance                offices in your district to remind them
                        plan with the
NDA . . . not a surprise with COVID         to fill out the survey for their office. This     available. Of 150 NDA offices that
in full upswing. This was following the     was an “all hands on deck” time for               submitted health information, over
crashed attempt to launch a health          this to succeed. Many cheerleaders                60 offices received Table 1 rates. 14
insurance plan with AON in 2019,            answered the call and we achieved the             offices in Table 2 and 11 offices in
who was in the process of dismantling       1,500 “interested” lives mark.                    Table 3.
their health insurance presence in          Fortunately, the vaccine came out                 Final paperwork will be going out to
Nebraska while we were trying to            in January, COVID cases began                     offices in mid-June with an effective
launch the NDA plan.                        to drop and life slowly began to                  date of July 1, 2021.
I must say that I was quite discouraged     return to normal. During this time,
in the fall of 2020, not only with COVID,   NDA member offices continued to
but our members desire to access            express the need to launch the health
group health insurance not fully realized   insurance plan.

                                                                                                        In Memory
due to two different, but equally fatal     Creating a NDA health plan has been
circumstances.                              a benefit our members have been
I recalled that the Nebraska State          asking for since I arrived 16 years ago
Bar Association also had to switch          . . . so now was the time to step up                 The NDA would like
                                            and participate! It was not going to
to a different insurance agency due                                                              to extend its sincere
to the AON departure. I checked             happen without you.
                                                                                                 sympathy to the family
the NSBA website and found Lisa             In the last push, Jody and I began
Daniels contact information for                                                                  of Dr. William Zieg
                                            calling offices that North Risk Partners
North Risk Partners and asked if            had not heard from if their staff
                                                                                                 who passed away on
she would be interested in helping          wanted to purchase insurance after                   March 23, 2021;
the NDA. Lisa said yes and we               receiving quotes from BCBS. At the
scheduled a Zoom meeting.                   deadline date, we had surpased the
                                                                                                 Dr. Vernon Rinne who
Not surprisingly, COVID was an              number of “lives” needed to create the
                                            NDA health insurance group!!                         passed away on April
ongoing concern. As you can see by
the chart at the top, Nebraska was                                                               23, 2021; and
                                            BCBS not only rated the NDA “lives”
still peaking with a seven day average      as a group, but also the “lives” within
of over 2,300 cases per day. Many
                                                                                                 Dr. Lonnie Kennel
                                            each dental office and issued quotes
patients were still not comfortable         for different plans based on six Tables
                                                                                                 who passed away on
returning to dental offices. The key        of rates.                                            May 20, 2021.
number for BCBS was achieving 250
insurable “lives” to create a group.        Table 1 rates were the lowest quotes

6                                                                                       Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
Dentist Migration Across State Lines

     ABOUT 1 IN 13 DENTISTS (7.7%) moved to a different state between 2015 and 2020. Among dentists aged 40 or younger, about
     1 in 6 (15.8%) migrated across state lines during this period, compared to 12.6% of younger dentists between 2011 and 2016.
     DENTISTS OF ALL AGES                                                            DENTISTS 40 AND UNDER
                                                    0%                                                                                       0%
                            Montana                                   11.4%                                 Delaware                                                 20.2%
                            Delaware                                10.1%                                   Montana                                                  19.9%
                                Idaho                              8.5%                                         Idaho                                              17.8%
                                  Utah                          5.2%                                         Vermont                                          12.7%
                      North Carolina                           4.9%                                 New Hampshire                                            11.4%
                    New Hampshire                              4.4%                                               Utah                                      10.3%
                         Washington                           3.9%                                    North Carolina                                        10.2%
                       South Dakota                           3.9%                                       Washington                                       8.2%
                              Arizona                        3.1%                                      South Dakota                                      7.2%
                           Tennessee                         2.6%                  NET GAINS               Tennessee                                     6.8%
                             Vermont                         2.5%                                           Colorado                                    5.9%

                               Florida                      2.4%                                              Oregon                                    5.8%
                              Georgia                       2.4%                                              Georgia                                  4.8%
                              Oregon                        2.3%                                               Florida                                4.2%
                District of Columbia                       2.0%                                               Arizona                                3.4%
                                Maine                      2.0%                                                 Texas                               2.6%
                            Colorado                       2.0%                                            Wisconsin                               2.1%
                                Texas                      1.9%                                               Virginia                             2.1%
                           Wisconsin                       1.7%                                             California                             1.9%
                      South Carolina                      1.1%                                                Indiana                             1.3%
                              Nevada                      0.9%                                                    Iowa                            0.9%
                            California                    0.5%                                              Arkansas                              0.6%
                             Alabama                     0.3%                                                 Nevada                      -0.2%
                               Hawaii                    0.3%                                                  Hawaii                    -0.4%
                              Virginia                   0.2%                                                Alabama                     -0.5%
                                  Iowa                   0.1%                                              Minnesota                     -0.7%
                        New Mexico                  0%                                                      Michigan                     -1.0%
                            Wyoming                 0%                                                       Missouri                   -1.5%
                              Indiana           -0.1%                                                  North Dakota                     -1.6%
                            Arkansas            -0.3%                                                           Maine                   -1.6%
                             Missouri           -0.3%                                                          Alaska                  -1.8%
                            Michigan           -0.6%                                                        Maryland                   -2.1%
                               Kansas           -1.1%                                           District of Columbia                  -2.3%
                                  Ohio         -1.5%                                                           Kansas                -2.7%
                            Maryland          -1.6%                                                   South Carolina                 -2.8%
                                                                                   NET LOSSES

                          New Jersey          -1.6%                                                     New Mexico                   -2.9%

                            Nebraska          -1.6%                                                         Nebraska                 -3.2%
                           Minnesota          -1.8%                                                               Ohio              -4.1%
                               Alaska         -1.8%                                                     Rhode Island               -4.4%
                            Louisiana        -2.4%                                                          Wyoming                -5.2%
                        Pennsylvania        -2.5%                                                           Louisiana              -5.3%
                           Oklahoma         -2.6%                                                         New Jersey              -5.8%
                       North Dakota         -2.9%                                                          Oklahoma               -6.1%
                            Kentucky        -3.1%                                                      West Virginia             -6.6%
                       West Virginia       -3.3%                                                          Mississippi            -6.7%
                            New York       -3.4%                                                         Connecticut             -7.0%
                               Illinois    -3.5%                                                               Illinois         -7.5%
                        Rhode Island      -3.7%                                                         Pennsylvania            -7.6%
                          Mississippi     -3.8%                                                             New York            -7.7%
                         Connecticut      -3.9%                                                             Kentucky           -8.6%
                     Massachusetts        -4.1%                                                      Massachusetts          -11.0%

     Note: Percentages in the figures refer to net migration of practicing dentists between December 2015                 Download the detailed data on the number
     and December 2020 (i.e., the number of dentists who entered the state minus number of dentists who left
     the state) divided by the number of practicing dentists in the state in December 2015. Age is calculated as          of dentists migrating from each state to all
     of December 2015. Sample includes all dentists in the United States who were practicing in both December             49 other states.
     2015 and December 2020. Based on HPI analysis of the ADA masterfile.

Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021                                                                                                                          7
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
Star of the North Meeting
    August 12 – 14, 2021
The Minnesota Dental Association invites you to join us this    (virtual meeting
summer for the “hybrid” Star of the North Meeting. It’s been    ends on October
a long wait to meet back in person and we are excited to        12, 2021). The
offer an event experience designed to meet the different        virtual exhibit hall
needs of our attendees in this unique time. We will have        will showcase
both in-person and virtual options – YOU decide how you         our virtual
want to participate. We’re offering a special discount to our   exhibitors where
Midwest neighbors – member dentists can register for $75        you can chat
(that’s a 50% savings). Use the registration category “AMW”     with reps, view
or Midwest Neighbor when you sign up.                           product videos,
                                                                and see show
In-person attendees have access to live lectures and            specials. You can
hands-on workshops with nationally recognized speakers.         also watch the Keynote Session on-demand and chat with
We’ll feature a 2-day exhibit hall so you can have those        our other virtual attendees.
face-to-face conversations with your reps and discover
new products and services. You can attend the Keynote           We look forward to welcoming you to Saint Paul this
Session, grab a drink at our popular Exhibit Hall Happy         summer. Don’t forget to use registration code “AMW” to
Hour, and network with your dental colleagues.                  take advantage of this special offer for Nebraska dentists!
                                                                Registration is open now. Click here to learn more about the
Virtual attendees can choose from a selection of (28) CE        2021 “Hybrid” Star of the North Meeting and to get signed
lectures which will be available on-demand for 60 days          up today at

8                                                                              Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
Prepaid Dues
The NDA is pleased to once again offer you the ability to prepay your 2022 membership dues in
five installments. These installments are based on the projected 2022 membership rates. Payments
will begin in July of 2021 and continue in five equal monthly installments (July 2021, August 2021,
September 2021, October 2021, and November 2021) until fully paid. Any difference in dues as a result
of increases will be billed in December of 2021.

If you would like to participate in the prepaid option for your 2022 membership dues, using the five
monthly installments beginning in July, please complete and return the enrollment form available on
the website on or before July 5, 2021, by faxing to the NDA office at 402-476-2641, or emailing to: Please contact the NDA office with any questions.

Or if you prefer, wait until the 2022 dues statements come out later this year and pay the invoice in full at
that time, or choose to pay in several installments.

Thank you in advance for your continued membership in the Nebraska Dental Association.

                                                                                                                               LET US
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         about us                                                                               contact us
         As a partner with the Nebraska Dental Association,                                                  Marilyn Diers
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Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021                                                                                         9
Nebraska Dental - Nebraska Dental Association
                                                                to communicate effectively and positively, a commitment
                                                                to high quality dental care, and a love of snacks (we
                                                                have many). If you’d like to discuss how you can make
                                              ON YOUR TERMS
                                                                a difference in small town Nebraska, please contact me,
                                              WITH DDSMATCH
                                                                Kristen Hermansen-Ryan at 308-946-3059. I would suggest
                                                                that you googlestalk (urban dictionary says this is one word)
           PRACTICE          SALES,      SUCCESSION             me before calling. Please know that if I wasn’t drowning in
       PLANNING,          ASSOCIATE           PLACEMENT,
                                                                teeth, my website would be better.
        FORMULATION               OF   PARTNERSHIPS,

        PRACTICE          VALUATIONS               AND   MORE   TRANSITION PLANS? Seeking mentorship with an
                                                                experienced owner? Hoping for a turnkey practice?
                                                                Considering buying a practice with room to grow? Whether
 "He was always there when we needed him, and
     always provided high-end customer service,                 you prefer a highly profitable, well-established rural practice
          delivered with integrity. " K. D., DDS                or a bustling urban office, ADA Practice Transitions can
                                                                help. Your dedicated ADA Advisor will help you weigh
                                                                your options and navigate the entire process. Or are you
           DDSmatch         Great      Plains
                                                                ready to hire or sell? We’ll find the right dentist to deliver
                                                                the care your patients expect – someone who shares
                        (402) 677.6805
                                                                your approach and will fit right in. See sample available
                                                                practices, then create your free profile to find your match.
HYGIENIST: Looking for FT/PT Hygienist $39-$45 per hour
with benefits. Customize/flexible hours to meet your needs.
                                                                ASSOCIATE: Busy and fast paced general dentistry
Private office since 1987. Give us a call or stop by for an
                                                                office located in Grand Island, NE. Searching for a full time
interview. 402-291-3721.
                                                                associate to help accommodate an ever growing patient
ASSOCIATE: Seeking full time general dentist to join            base. We have an excellent team focused staff. We have
Summit Dental in Nebraska. Sign on bonus of $20,000.            a state of the art office with 10 operatories built 2 years
Summit Dental Health, a part of Mortenson Dental Partners       ago. Ideal individual would have 2+ years of professional
was born from hard work of many dental professionals, all       experience and be willing to work at least 4 days per week.
asking themselves, “How can we provide an outstanding           Must be committed to the highest quality of patient care
experience for our patients, while delivering great patient     with gentle hands and patient centered focus. Competitive
care?” The answer came in forming a partnership with one        compensation based on percentage pay methodologies
another. You may know us by our former names: Dundee            and retirement plans. Great opportunity in a thriving
Dental, Indian Hills Dental, Old Market Dental, Rainbow         community. Not a corporate office. Spanish speaking is
Dental, Siouxland Dental Health, and Towne Dental. While        a plus. Please submit resume and letter of interest to Dr.
our names have changed, you will still see familiar faces       Schuldt at
                                                                PRACTICE FOR SALE: 40 year old practice for sale in
MEMBERS. Please contact Jackie Guinn @ 502-500-0454.
                                                                Oakland, Nebraska. Seven town draw. One hour from
ASSOCIATE: Hi! I’m freaking busy and drowning in teeth          Omaha, Norfolk and Sioux City. Contact jbbrosnihan@gmail.
and am looking for an associate to throw me one of those        com or call 402-290-7960.
great donut shaped flotation devices! I have two busy,
                                                                FREE PRACTICE: High Tech rural practice in Missouri
growing, fee for service GP offices that are, in my humble
                                                                wants doctor. Unique opportunity! Start earning & building
opinion, fantastic. I am searching for an associate dentist
                                                                your skills. Now open P/T with gross revenues over $500k.
who would want to see patients anywhere from 2-4 days
                                                                Majority Fee-for Service patients. Dedicated, well versed
per week. I’d love for you to have a personality, a genuine
                                                                team. Serious inquires only. Email: /
appreciation for patients from all walks of life, an ability
                                                                Phone – 636-795-1675

10                                                                              Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021
PRACTICE FOR SALE: West Omaha: Great opportunity                                  Strong hygiene program. Owner willing to continue. For
in cheerful, well-equipped office with state-of-the-art                           details contact Rich Oberbeck, 913-915-2132, Richard.
technology featuring Dexis, Dentrix, and Digital Pan.                    #NE2462.
Practice has 3 Ops, a strong hygiene program, and a stable
                                                                                  NEED A FILL IN DENTIST? Ever need a dentist to help
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Nebraska Dental Association April / May / June 2021                                                                                               11
PUBLISHED BY                                                  Nebraska Dental Association
                                                                                                 PRSRT STD
The Nebraska Dental Association                               7160 S. 29th, Ste. 1              U.S. POSTAGE
7160 South 29th, Suite 1, Lincoln, NE. 68516                  Lincoln, NE 68516                      PAID
                                                                                            LINCOLN, NEBRASKA
(402) 476-1704 | 1-844-286-5777 | FAX (402) 476-2641
                                                                                               PERMIT NO. 643
Email: | Website:

Dr. Monte Zysset		         Dr. Melanie Steckelberg
President 		               Treasurer
Dr. Liz Papineau		         Dr. Deb West
President-Elect		          Immediate Past President
Dr. Carolyn Taggart-Burns Dr. Gene Giles
Vice President		          Secretary
Dr. Gene Gaspard
Speaker of the House

Dr. Dr. Gene Gaspard, Omaha
Dr. Danny Tylka, Lincoln
Dr. Bruce Kennedy, Southeast
Dr. Jenna Hatfield-Waite, Northeast
Dr. Tom Nelsen, Southwest
Dr. Sam Jacoby, West

David J. O’Doherty, Executive Director -
Jody Cameron, Executive Assistant -

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