Neogene sapropels in the Mediterranean: a review

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ELSEVIER                                         Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28

                     Neogene sapropels in the Mediterranean: a review
                                           Adrian Cramp Ł , Gerard O’Sullivan
                               Department of Earth Sciences, University of Wales, Cardiff, CF1 3YE, UK
                                                        Received 15 May 1997


    For 50 years the existence of sapropels (organic-carbon-rich sediments) deposited within Plio–Pleistocene sediments
of the Mediterranean Sea has been known. Initially, research concentrated on material recovered in relatively short
gravity=piston cores taken from the eastern basins where sequences were found to be well developed=preserved and had
extensive spatial coverage. In the main, previous studies concentrated upon establishing a workable stratigraphy, spatial
correlation of individual layers and determining the probable depositional mechanisms. However, despite a plethora of
research papers, some issues still remain unresolved. This is in part due to a lack of agreement between investigators;
sampling and analytical short comings, restricted sample size and the fact that, in many instances, like was not being
compared with like. Recently, the limit of sapropels in the western basin has been further extended. As a result, the
palaeoceanographic=palaeoclimate models which had previously been developed for deposition of sapropels in the eastern
basin have been modified. Most recently, strong links have been established between astronomical cyclicity and sapropel
formation. This review paper provides a summary of sapropel research to date, and ongoing sapropel research in the
Mediterranean, some of which appears in this thematic issue of Marine Geology. It is fitting that this thematic issue of
Marine Geology be dedicated to the memory of Colette Vergnaud-Grazzini and Rob Kidd who in many ways helped to
initiate the resurgence in sapropel studies in the 1970s in the Mediterranean —perhaps in 50 more years we will know all
of the answers!  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Neogene; sapropels; astronomical cyclicity; climate amelioration; Mediterranean

1. Introduction                                                       deposited within semi-enclosed marine basins. The
                                                                      latter form the basis of this contribution.
    Despite an ever increasing literature, the depo-                      To date, the majority of sapropel studies have at-
sitional processes and climatic amelioration which                    tempted to propose prerequisites required to preserve
have resulted in the deposition and=or preservation                   enhanced levels of carbon at or near the seafloor. In
of organic-carbon-rich sediments through geological                   the main, these studies have used a wide variety of
time remain, in many instances, unconvincingly re-                    analytical techniques on a wide range of samples to
solved. Organic-carbon-rich deposits are relatively                   determine whether or not depleted oxygen and=or
common within marine sedimentary sequences, the                       primary productivity are the key factors determining
most notable being the Black Shales of the Creta-                     elevated organic-carbon preservation. Whilst this ap-
ceous, and the much cited Plio–Pleistocene sapropels                  proach has produced a plethora of papers, many key
                                                                      areas we believe have, and to a certain extent, still
Ł Corresponding   author. E-mail:                 remain unresolved.

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12                              A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28

    In recent years, the advances made in coring tech-         virtually continuous Holocene–Pliocene sequences
niques in association with the rapid development               recovered across entire basins, has it been possible
of analytical systems and predictive modelling tech-           to prove the dramatic lack of spatial and tempo-
niques, has meant that the value of sapropel-related           ral continuity of sapropels (cf. Emeis et al., 1996).
studies is rapidly being re-addressed. Data now be-            However, we are now in a better position to produce
ing generated from Neogene sequences provide high-             meaningful correlations on both individual horizons
resolution information with regard to the history of           and between basins. In addition, continuous long
climate change and water mass circulation in semi-             core recovery enables more realistic analogies to be
enclosed marine basins (for example, the Mediter-              drawn between the marine record, and comparable
ranean and Sea of Japan) which appear to be sensitive          land sequences (Emeis et al., 1996).
to climatic amelioration. In turn, this high-resolution           In recent years, strong links have been estab-
palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic information              lished between sedimentary cycles and astronomical
will enable more accurate forecasts to be made in ar-          time scales. Data sets acquired from both marine
eas of high population where subtle changes in climate         and land-based sediments have provided excellent
and water circulation appear to have tipped a sensitive        accuracy and resolution, especially over the last 15
oceanographic balance in the recent geological past.           million years (Shackleton et al., 1995). These tech-
    The current state of understanding is still far from       niques have been very successfully applied to land
complete. This in part is due to the fact that previous        sections in the Mediterranean which contain sapro-
studies have not, in all cases, compared like with             pel sequences (Hilgen, 1991a; Lourens et al., 1996;
like. There appears to have been confusion in the              Hilgen et al., 1997). Continuing work is extending
past when attempting to compare marine sapropel                these innovative land-based studies to the relatively
sequences in both time and space since, until re-              long continuous marine sequences recovered in 1995
cently, it was not realised that there was considerable        by the Ocean Drilling Program (Lourens, 1998).
temporal and spatial variation in the occurrence and              This contribution provides a brief history of mul-
preservation of sapropel sequences. For example, the           tidisciplinary sapropel research carried out to date in
most widely cited stratigraphic correlation of eastern         the Mediterranean.
Mediterranean sapropels provided 25 years ago by
McCoy (1974) has undoubtedly been misinterpreted               2. Sapropel nomenclature
when incomplete and=or diagenetically altered se-
quences have been used, and misleading correlations                In describing organic-carbon-rich sediments, the
and analyses have resulted. Despite the fact that              term sapropel, originating from the Greek sapros
initial deposition of sapropels, in most instances, ap-        (rotten) and pelos (soil), was widely cited follow-
pears to be a basin-wide phenomenon (though not                ing the work of the German chemist Wasmund who
all synchronous cf. Strohle and Kron, 1997), se-               qualitatively described the composition of sapropel,
quences recovered do not always contain complete               gyttja (a freshwater decomposition of plant material)
chronological=stratigraphical successions.                     and bitumen from lacustrine sediments (Wasmund,
    The lack of complete sequences appears, in many            1930). Eight years later, Bradley hypothesised that
cases, to be the result of redeposition and=or post-           organic-rich sediments could have been deposited in
depositional geochemical alteration processes (redox           the Mediterranean as a result of fluctuations in Pleis-
in the main) which either visually remove completely           tocene sea levels (Bradley, 1938). Sapropels were
or alter the nature and composition of individual or           first recovered from the Mediterranean during the
groups of sapropels in some geographical areas (cf.            Swedish Expedition to the area in 1947 (Kullen-
Higgs et al., 1994). Only very recently, with the use          berg, 1952). Olausson (1961) later introduced the
of long and continuous multicoring (for example, the           term sapropelitic rather than sapropel, to describe a
ODP Advanced Piston Coring system —APC) used                   suite of late Quaternary organic-carbon-rich marine
in association with continuous multi-sensor data               sediments recovered from the eastern Mediterranean.
(p-wave, gamma-ray and spectral information) and                   The term remained mostly qualitative until 1978
high-resolution geochemical analyses carried out on            when Kidd et al. first proposed a quantitative defini-
A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28                           13

tion of sapropels. The widely adopted nomenclature               and sapropelic-containing cores have been recovered
originated from sequences recovered during Leg 42A               from the area. In addition, five drilling legs have oc-
of the Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP —the first                cupied sites within the semi-enclosed basin; Legs 13
successful academic drilling of Holocene–Miocene                 and 42A of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and
sequences in the Mediterranean) defines sapropels                Legs 107, 160 and 161 of the Ocean Drilling Program
as being: “A discrete layer, greater than 1 cm in                (ODP). These drilling legs have recovered sapropels
thickness, set in open marine pelagic sediments con-             from a total of 28 sites (Fig. 4). To date, the sapro-
taining greater than 2% organic carbon (Corg ) by                pels recovered, in the main, date back to the Early
weight” (Fig. 1). Kidd et al. (1978) further defined             Pliocene, though the earliest reported occurrence is
sapropelic sequences (in the past included within the            from the Middle Miocene (Kidd et al., 1978) and are
entire suite of organic-carbon-rich sediments) as be-            intercalated within and below evaporite sequences.
ing similar marine deposits containing “between 0.5                  The highest levels of organic matter preservation
and 2% Corg by weight” (Figs. 2 and 3).                          within sapropels appear to be limited to the area
    Whilst the Kidd and co-investigators nomenclature            to the east of the Sicilian Sill. Until recently, only
provided a useful and, at the time, usable starting point        two geographical areas had yielded cores containing
for many workers, with advancing techniques, espe-               sapropel sequences in the western basin: the Balearic
cially within the field of palaeoceanography, it became          Rise (Ryan, 1972) and the Tyrrhenian Sea (Kidd et
of limited use in that it failed to take into account depo-      al., 1978). In 1986, ODP Leg 107 recovered more
sitional conditions and=or post-depositional processes           complete Plio–Pleistocene sapropels sequences from
which may have significantly reduced=enhanced the                the Tyrrhenian Sea (Emeis et al., 1990; Emeis et
carbon content of the sediments. The recognition or              al., 1991). ODP drilling across the Mediterranean in
lack thereof of carbon preservation has become in-               1995 (Legs 160 and 161) recovered the most com-
creasingly important to many workers.                            plete sapropel sequences to date (Emeis et al., 1996;
    The early 1990s saw a resurgence in sapropel re-             Comas et al., 1996; Fig. 5), and has further proven
search and in 1991 Hilgen (1991a) proposed a less                their existence and geographical distribution in the
restrictive definition in describing the term sapropel.          western basin (in the western basin sapropels and
Hilgen’s definition states that sapropels are simply             sapropelic layers were termed organic-rich layers;
“brownish, often laminated interbeds.” This defi-                ORLs —sensu Comas et al., 1996).
nition in many cases is less restrictive than that                   To date, sapropels (sensu Kidd et al., 1978) have
originally proposed by Kidd et al. (1978). However,              not been recovered from areas which have a pre-
Hilgen’s definition cannot be applied to many Plio–              sent-day water depth of less than 500 m, whereas
Pleistocene sapropels; in fact, the majority of Plio–            sapropelic sediments have been recovered from wa-
Pleistocene sapropels recovered during the recent                ter depths as shallow as 125 m (Cramp et al., 1988;
ODP legs displayed no lamination, the most notable               Perissoratis and Piper, 1992).
exception being the widely reported S5 (12) where                    Tectonic activity and bathymetric configuration
it appears that in some instances rapid burial in                have resulted in a high degree of temporal and spa-
small anoxic basins, in some instances not undersat-             tial variability in the distribution of sediments within
urated in silica, may have preserved seasonal-scale              the Mediterranean. This is particularly true for sapro-
mass siliceous (rhizosolenid-laminae) sedimentation              pels and sapropelic sediments where a large degree
(Pearce et al., 1998). As sapropel research continues            of spatial and temporal variability exists. For ex-
post-ODP cruises, it may well be that the sapropel               ample, within depositional basins at the distal end
nomenclature issue will have to be re-addressed.                 of sediment transport pathways extended sapropel
                                                                 sequences, some in excess of 4-m-thick, have been
3. Marine sapropel sequences                                     recovered (in the main thought to be due to re-sed-
                                                                 imentation through gravitational processes). By way
   Sapropels were first described in gravity cores               of comparison, undisturbed sapropels and=or ORLs
recovered from the Mediterranean in 1947 (Kullen-                recovered from bathymetric highs vary in thickness
berg, 1952). Since then, in excess of 1500 sapropel-             between approximately 2 and 25 cm (Figs. 1–3).
14                                    A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28

Fig. 1. Sapropels (dark-coloured intervals, 4.12–7.10% Corg ) recovered from a ridge site to the north of the Eratosthenes Seamount in the
eastern Mediterranean. The interval (75.8–85.3 m below seafloor) contains well developed middle to Late Pliocene sapropels intercalated
with oxygenated sediments (light-coloured). Bioturbation, mainly Chondrites and Planolites, is evident in most sapropels, and is usually
indicative of reduced oxygen conditions.
A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28                                        15

Fig. 2. Early Pleistocene sapropelic layers (dark-coloured intervals, 1.3% Corg ) recovered from the Gela Basin on the Sicilian Sill. The
interval (162.5–170.5 m below seafloor) contains two sapropelic layers (section 3, 50–80 cm and section 5, 45–115 cm). Both sapropelic
layers have been extensively burrowed by Chondrites and Zoophycos.
16                                  A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28

Fig. 3. Pleistocene sapropelic layers (organic-rich layers, ORLs, 1.52–1.71% Corg ) recovered from the Menorca Rise on the South
Balearic Margin in the western Mediterranean. Some bioturbation (Chondrites) is evident in the sapropelic layer in section 2, 112–120
A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28                                      17

Fig. 4. Mediterranean basin showing the location of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites (circles), and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
sites (dots).

4. Correlation and stratigraphy                                       through to the oldest recovered (at that time) sapro-
                                                                      pel S12 (dated at approximately 400,000 BP).
    Until relatively recently, with the introduction and                 Sapropel S1 has been recorded within the sedi-
refinement of the astronomical time scale in relation                 ments recovered in most gravity and piston cores col-
to sedimentation, attempting to provide a workable                    lected from extensive areas of the eastern basin. The
correlation=stratigraphy of marine sapropel-contain-                  horizon correlates with an interval of oxygen isotope
ing sequences was solely based upon traditional                       Stage 1, and is up to 20-cm-thick (Stanley and Mal-
dating techniques. Despite the fact that Kidd et al.                  donado, 1977). S1 has an organic-carbon (Corg ) con-
(1978) had reported on the possible presence of                       tent of approximately 2% (Cita et al., 1982). Sapropel
sapropel sequences of Miocene age, much research                      S2 is generally less than 5-cm-thick, and is frequently
concentrated on the sequences which had been de-                      missing and=or is not visible in the sedimentary se-
posited in the last 400,000 years (Table 1).                          quences. Deposition of S2 occurred during a phase
    From this work it appeared that most periods                      of oxygen isotope Stage 3. Sapropels S3 , S4 and S5
of sapropel formation corresponded with warming                       are closely related in time, all being deposited dur-
phases of climate and, as such, many workers used                     ing oxygen isotope Stage 5. Sapropel S5 , in many
the oxygen isotope record as a guide for correlation                  cases is=was the most visually striking of the origi-
purposes.                                                             nal limited sequence, usually being devoid of biotur-
    The first substantial contribution in attempting                  bation, commonly containing micrometre-scale lami-
to correlate sapropels was presented by McCoy in                      nae. This sapropel is dominated by a warm water car-
1974. Using sedimentological and micropalaeonto-                      bonate microfossil assemblage (Globigerinoides ru-
logical data generated for sapropels recovered from                   ber), and it has been widely reported that the deposi-
gravity and piston cores, McCoy provided a corre-                     tion of this sapropel coincided with oxygen isotope
lation which assigned the most recently deposited                     sub-Stage 5e (approximately 125,000 BP). Sapro-
sapropel as S1 (dated at between 6 and 12,000 BP)                     pels S3 and S4 are approximately 10–15-cm-thick,
18                                  A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28

Fig. 5. Schematic time scale diagram illustrating the location of drill sites across the Mediterranean. The main periods of sapropel=
sapropelic deposition are represented by the dark shading on the core logs.
A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28                                     19

Table 1
Sapropel sequences deposited in the last 400 ka

Sapropel                                    Age (ka)                                    Author code              Oxygen isotope stage
                                            14 C
McCoy–Hilgen             (i-cycle)                               astronomical
S1                         2                  6.3–8.3                                    1, 11, 12                1
                                              6.4–9.2                                    2, 11, 12                1
                                              6.6–8.2                                    3, 11, 12                1
                                              8–9                                        4, 11, 12                1
                                              7.9–11.8                                   5, 11, 12                1
S2                         6                 23–25                                       3, 11, 12                3
                                             52                                          6, 11, 12                3
S3                         8                 38–40                                       4, 11, 12                5a
                                             81–78                                       6, 11, 12                5a
                                             80                                          7, 11, 12                5a
                                             84–80                                       8, 11, 12                5a
S4                       10                 100–98                                       6, 11, 12                5c
                                            100                                          7, 11, 12                5c
S5                       12                 125                                          6, 8, 11, 12             5e
                                                                                         7, 9, 11, 12             5e
S6                       16                                                              7, 10, 11, 12            7
S7                       18                                      195                     7, 11, 12                7a
S8                       20                                      217                     7, 10, 11, 12            7d
S9                       22                                      240                    10, 11, 12                7e
S10                      30                                      331                    10, 11, 12                9
S11                      38                                      407                    10, 11, 12               11
S12                      46                                      461                    10, 11, 12               11

1 D Jorissen et al. (1993); 2 D Perissoratis and Piper (1992); 3 D Maldonado and Stanley (1978); 4 D Olausson (1961); 5 D
Rossignol-Strick et al. (1982); 6 D Muerdter et al. (1984); 7 D Oggioni and Zandini (1987); 8 D Parisi (1987); 9 D Cita et al. (1982);
10 D Cita et al. (1977); 11 D Hilgen (1991a,b); 12 D Lourens et al. (1996).

and have Corg contents of approximately 2%, whereas                       Until the early 1990s, the nomenclature and cor-
sapropel S5 is up to 22-cm-thick, and has a Corg content               relation proposed by McCoy was adopted by most
of approximately 7% (Oggioni and Zandini, 1987).                       workers; however, with innovative work being car-
    Sapropels S6 (Stage 6) and sapropels S7 and S8                     ried out on the refinement of the astronomical time
(Stage 7) are closely related in time. The absence of                  scale signal as reflected in marine sediments, it be-
warm water foraminiferal faunas such as G. ruber and                   came increasingly apparent that the McCoy scheme
the presence of a cold climate faunal assemblage indi-                 when applied to Mediterranean sapropels was inac-
cates that sapropel S6 is anomalous to other sapropels                 curate and inflexible. In the late 1980s and early
in that it was deposited during a cooler period (Cita                  1990s work carried out by a group based in Utrecht
et al., 1982). Corg levels of up to 5% have been re-                   provided an alternate to the McCoy nomenclature.
ported for both sapropels S6 and S7 . Sapropel S7 has                  The Utrecht group based their stratigraphy upon the
a faunal assemblage indicative of a warm climate,                      astronomical time scale. Initially, Hilgen (1991a) in-
whereas sapropel S8 has a faunal assemblage similar                    troduced an astronomical calibration of Gauss to
to sapropel S6 suggesting a cooler climate and perhaps                 Matuyama sapropels in the Mediterranean area (fig.
a low-salinity surface layer (Cita et al., 1977).                      6 of Hilgen, 1991a) and later extended this cali-
    Sapropels S9 to S12 have only been recorded in                     bration to the Miocene=Pliocene boundary (Hilgen,
the longest and most complete piston cores and are                     1991b). Subsequently, Lourens et al. (1996) refined
usually thin in extent (1–2-cm-thick). These sapro-                    and evaluated these time scales. These studies ap-
pels in the main are extensively bioturbated (Cita et                  pear to have been very successful in explaining the
al., 1982).                                                            timing and occurrence of individual sapropels and
20                              A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28

sapropel sequences or ‘bundles’ (see later). As a              5.2. Anoxia: the cause or a symptom of sapropel
result of the work carried out by Hilgen, Lourens              formation?
and others, the ages of individual sapropels was as-
signed based on a time-lag of 3 ka between sapropel               In water, conditions can be quantified as oxic if
formation and its correlative precession minimum               dissolved oxygen concentrations >5‰, while con-
(insolation index). A new nomenclature was pro-                centrations
A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28                           21

of climatic warming (Ryan, 1972). At such times, in-          the Mediterranean via increased Nile discharge and
creasing temperatures would cause the continental             increased activity in Mediterranean atmospheric de-
ice caps to the north of the Mediterranean region to          pressions. These depressions would interact to pro-
melt resulting in an influx of glacial meltwater into         duce a reduction, but not a complete reversal, in the
the Mediterranean Sea. The input produces a fresh-            present anti-estuarine circulation pattern which in
water cap and a strong density stratification which           turn, he attributed as a mechanism for sapropel de-
inhibits vertical mixing and thus the re-oxygenation          position. Rohling’s proposal is supported by isotopic
of bottom waters. The resultant bottom waters would           and faunal evidence from the Straits of Gibraltar and
become stagnant and anoxic (Ryan, 1972; Ryan and              Sicily which suggest anti-estuarine circulation dur-
Cita, 1977; Vergnaud-Grazzini et al., 1977, 1986;             ing sapropel deposition. Rohling further argued that
Williams et al., 1978; Mangini and Dominik, 1979;             the present-day oligotrophic conditions are anoma-
Williams and Thunell, 1979; Muerdter et al., 1984;            lous and that the Mediterranean in the past was more
Thunell and Williams, 1989).                                  productive. δ15 N evidence generated from a core
   Recent work carried out using the high-resolution          recovered from the Nile Cone indicates that sapro-
astronomical time-scale (Hilgen et al., 1997), conclu-        pel deposition took place at a time when surface
sively indicates that sapropel formation throughout           waters were enriched in nutrients whereas the or-
the late Neogene did not occur during periods of              ganic-poor marls were deposited in nutrient-depleted
deglaciation and as such the glacial meltwater theory         conditions similar to present-day oligotrophic con-
has now been rejected by most workers.                        dition (Calvert et al., 1992). Ongoing isotopic and
                                                              geochemical analyses resultant from ODP drilling
5.2.2. Large-scale fluvial inputs                             may substantiate these findings.
    The main exponents of this theory (Rossignol-
Strick et al., 1982; Rossignol-Strick, 1983, 1985,            5.3. Productivity: a factor in sapropel formation?
1987) argue that across the mid-latitudes, precipi-
tation greatly increased in the period prior to the               The alternative to water column anoxia as the
formation of S1 . This influx of freshwater issued            causal mechanism for organic-rich deposition is en-
into the Mediterranean from the African highlands             hanced water column productivity, i.e. there is an
via the River Nile and on arrival in the Mediter-             increase in the input rate of organic matter rather
ranean resulted in the low-salinity surface layer. The        than a decrease in the rate of degradation. Many
mechanism that caused the high levels of African              authors have supported the theory that increased
precipitation was attributed to fluctuations in the in-       primary productivity is the cause of sapropel for-
tensity of the African Monsoon season in response             mation (cf. Schrader and Matherne, 1981; Thunell
to changes in the Earth’s climate as a result of              and Williams, 1982; Ganssen and Troelstra, 1987;
variations in the Earth’s orbital cycle. The African          Parisi, 1987; Fontugne et al., 1989; Ten Haven et al.,
Monsoon was heaviest when the northern summer                 1991). Those who advocate water column productiv-
monsoon index, calculated by variation of insolation,         ity, mainly based on geochemical evidence, do not
reached maximum values. This occurred during all              necessarily dispute the presence of anoxia, but they
interglacials, and during two glacial periods (Rossig-        argue that anoxia by itself is not the cause of organic-
nol-Strick, 1983). Other advocates of the mechanism           rich deposition, merely a symptom (cf. Henrichs and
include Maldonado and Stanley (1978), Jenkins and             Reeburgh, 1987; Calvert, 1990; Pedersen and Calvert,
Williams (1983) and Parisi (1987) for the Nile re-            1990; Calvert and Pedersen, 1992). The Black Sea is
gion, and Cramp and Collins (1988), Cramp et al.              usually cited to support this theory since, although
(1988) and Perissoratis and Piper (1992) for the              at present it is the world’s largest anoxic water body
northern borderlands (Aegean area) of the eastern             (Ryan and Cita, 1977), organic-rich sediments are not
Mediterranean.                                                accumulating (Calvert and Fontugne, 1987). Some
    Rohling (1994), in an earlier review paper, fur-          support for the productivity theory comes from up-
ther argued that an increase in the intensity of the          welling areas where local hydrographic flow regimes
Indian Ocean summer monsoon would manifest in                 are neither stagnant nor anoxic (Calvert and Price,
22                            A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28

1983; Muller et al., 1983; Pedersen, 1983; Sarnthein         of the most recently deposited organic-carbon-rich
et al., 1988; Zahn and Pedersen, 1991). There is also        layer resulted in sapropelic rather than sapropels
geochemical evidence to suggest that the Holocene            sensu Kidd et al. (1978).
sapropel in the Black Sea was deposited within oxic
conditions as a response to enhanced photic zone pro-        5.4. Other mechanisms?
ductivity (Calvert, 1990).
    Sancetta (1994) proposed a mat-sedimentation                It has also been proposed that the dissolution of
model to explain ‘pulses’ in productivity in the             exposed Messinian evaporite sequences could have
Mediterranean. Her original suggestion proposed              been another mechanism capable of enhancing the
that diatom mats in the Mediterranean may repre-             preservation of organic matter, either by inducing
sent the deep chlorophyll maximum, inferred to have          anoxia within the bottom waters or bringing about
existed during periods of sapropel formation and             changes in early diagenetic processes (cf. Klinkham-
documented by foraminiferal and nannofossil stud-            mer and Lambert, 1989). Proponents advocated that
ies. The mat-sedimentation model for the deposition          the dissolution produces very high bottom water
of sapropels is consistent with both the presence of         salinities of up to 380‰ (De Lange et al., 1990)
stratified conditions in which nutrients trapped at          leading to density stratification in the bottom waters,
depth can be exploited by vertically migrating mats          resulting in the development of anoxic conditions.
and is also consistent with the evidence for high            This hypothesis received additional interest follow-
export production that occurred by massive sedimen-          ing the discovery of similar conditions within a
tation of mats following the intermittent breakdown          number of small, isolated deep water basins in the
of stratification. More recent work carried out by           eastern Mediterranean in the late 1980s. At present
Pearce et al. (1998) on the siliceous assemblage             the Tyro (De Lange and Ten Haven, 1983; Jongsma
preserved in S5 samples recovered during ODP leg             et al., 1983; Camerlenghi and Cita, 1987), Bannock
160, builds upon the innovative techniques and find-         (Aghib et al., 1991), Poseidon, Urania, Discovery
ings of Kemp and Baldauf (1993) and substantiates            and Atlante basins are anoxic. It is believed that
the original hypotheses of Sancetta (1994). Silica           prior to 3.5 ka BP the Kreathus basin was anoxic
preservation is rare in the Mediterranean due to the         though at present the basin is oxic (Camerlenghi and
fact that most waters of the Mediterranean are silica        Cita, 1987; Ten Haven et al., 1991).
under-saturated.                                                There are major drawbacks with the dissolution
    Canfield (1994) argued for a balanced approach to        theory, not least of all being able to expose suffi-
the anoxia versus productivity argument and muted            cient evaporite to induce anoxia on the scale required
a third scenario where the Corg in the sediments is          to produce basin-wide sapropel deposition. In addi-
the product of the balance of the Corg flux and the          tion, high-resolution geochemical work carried out
diluting clastic input. He argues that in the absence        on the sediment deposited beneath hypersaline water
of a clastic input a high Corg flux will result in           masses within the small basins (cf. Cita et al., 1991,
organic-rich sediments being deposited irrespective          and papers therein) indicates that the organic-car-
of the redox state of the water. Canfield’s approach         bon-rich sediments deposited in these basins have
to the problem is novel though has received lit-             significantly different geochemical signatures than
tle support as a mechanism to induce basin-wide              sapropels sensu stricto.
sapropel formation. S1 sapropelic evidence from the
NW Aegean would argue against Canfield’s sug-                6. Cyclicity, atmospheric circulation and
gestion where there is an increase of terrigenous            organic-carbon-rich sedimentation
flux (clastic and organic detritus) during formation
(Cramp et al., 1988). Similar evidence also exists               The astronomical theory of orbital forcing, ini-
from proximal basins of the eastern Mediterranean            tially proposed by Croll in the nineteenth century,
(Shaw and Evans, 1984). Conversely, it could well be         and elaborated upon by Milankovitch (1930), sug-
that enhanced clastic input to the proximal basins of        gests that variations in the Earth’s orbit can be
the northeastern Mediterranean during the formation          manifested as (1) eccentricity around the Sun on a
A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28                            23

time scale of 96–100 ka C 400 ka, (2) obliquity of            glacio-eustatic sea-level lowering will isolate basins
the Earth’s orbit about its axis over a 42 ka period,         and lead to a totally different hydrographic regime.
and (3) precession of the equinoxes as a result of            This is undoubtedly the case in other areas (Japan
‘wobble’ in the Earth’s orbit over 21 ka. This cycle          Sea) where minimal falls in sea level would have
has two components, a 24 ka cycle and a 19 ka                 dramatic effects on the oceanographic regime of the
cycle, and these two components combine to give an            basin. The importance of Milankovitch cycles in this
overall effect of a 21 ka cycle (Hayes et al., 1976).         context is that it is possible to apply statistical anal-
    Spectral analysis of variations in the δ18 O con-         ysis to the sedimentary record of the study basins,
tent in planktonic foraminifera in the last 782 ka            to establish if there is a demonstrated relationship
give four concentrations of variance that are centred         between the hydrographic regime as reflected in the
at Milankovitch periodicities, periodicities which            sediments, and the cycles predicted by Milankovitch
are dominated by the 100 ka periodicity in the                theory.
Brunhes chron, by the 41 ka periodicity in the                   It is believed that the migration of the Inter Trop-
Matuyama chron, and the Gauss chron was a pe-                 ical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the upper atmo-
riod of virtually non-existent northern ice sheets            sphere is closely tied to the thermal characteristics of
(Ruddiman and Raymo, 1988). This change may be                both land and ocean. As such, there is an interactive
related to the rapid Plio–Pleistocene uplift of the           loop between global temperature and the movement
Himalayan–Tibetan plateau, and the Transverse and             and position of climate systems. It appears that the
Sierra Nevada ranges in the Western United States             palaeoceanographic regime of the western basin is
(Ruddiman and Raymo, 1988). Modelling suggests                sensitive to climatic ameloriations of the North At-
that the uplift of these mountains would dramatically         lantic, in particular the waxing and waning of glacial
enhance meridional waves in the stationary long               cycles. As such, the oceanographic regime of the
wave pattern of the Northern Hemisphere, thereby              western basin could have been influenced by the
increasing the meridionality of atmospheric circula-          growth and decay of ice sheets and the associated in-
tion in the Northern Hemisphere. This could have              flows of Atlantic water across the Gibraltar Sill. On
resulted in larger European ice sheets by two mech-           the other hand, the eastern basin appears to be very
anisms. Firstly, an increase in the ablation of snow          sensitive to climate change. In particular, the nature
and ice in orbitally driven glacial episodes as a             and volume of freshwater input (in particular issuing
result of deepening and moving south of the up-               from the northern borderlands and the Black Sea),
per air trough present in modern mean circulation,            productivity in the photic zone, and the formation of
thereby leading to greater and more prolonged in-             water masses.
vasion of Arctic air into the warmer climes in the               The present-day ‘Mediterranean-type’ climate is
summer months. This mechanism appears to be the               due to the position of the ITCZ in the upper atmo-
most important (Birchfield et al., 1981). Secondly,           sphere: its seasonal migration, and the influence that
the strengthening of the upper air ridge present              the ITCZ has upon more localised pressure systems
in modern circulation over the western Atlantic,              ( Fig. 6). The present-day pattern is characterised
enabling prevalence of south-southwesterly lower-             by the establishment of a very stable high-pressure
atmospheric winds to keep the oceans warm during              system across the Mediterranean through the sum-
ice growth, thus enabling a suitable moisture flux for        mer months resulting in hot dry conditions. As the
rapid ice growth in the high latitudes (Ruddimann             high-pressure system decays (movement of ITCZ)
and Kidd, 1986).                                              the passage of southwesterly depressions influences
    One of the important facets of ice sheet growth           the Mediterranean basin through the winter months.
is its inextricable link to sea level (Dean and Gard-         This period is associated with cooler and wetter
ner, 1986). An estimate of sea-level lowering as a            weather. The position of the ITCZ is critical in de-
response to ice growth is approximately 10 m of               termining this pattern. Movement of the ITCZ in the
sea lowering for each 0.01‰ depletion of δ18 O                Mediterranean area does produce distinct weather
recorded in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages              patterns at present. It seems likely that a more accen-
(Fairbanks and Mathews, 1978). In extreme cases,              tuated migration of the ITCZ could have large-scale
24                                  A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28

Fig. 6. The distribution of surface pressure, winds and precipitation levels for the Mediterranean and North Africa during January and
July. The average position of the Subtropical and Easterly Jet Streams (>), together with the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
and Mediterranean Front (MF), H denotes areas of high pressure, L, areas of low pressure. Figure compiled and adapted from Weather in
the Mediterranean Meteorological Office (1962) and Barry and Chorley (1976).
A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28                                      25

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram depicting climate and water mass circulation for the present-day Mediterranean basin during the summer.
WMDM D Western Mediterranean Deep Water; EMDW D Eastern Mediterranean Deep Water; MIW D Mediterranean Intermediate
Water; LIW D Levantine Intermediate Water. Values and isolines are salinity values (ppt). Figure is adapted from Wust (1961) and Emeis
et al. (1996).

effects on the regional climate and oceanographic                     across the sill of Gibraltar and a inflow of less saline
circulation.                                                          cooler Atlantic water above the outflow. In general,
    At present, an anti-estuarine water circulation ex-               fluvial inputs to the entire basin are minimal. Minor
ists within the Mediterranean (Fig. 7). This circula-                 shifts in the position of the ITCZ could provide the
tion pattern is driven by a number of interactive fac-                mechanism to tip what appears to be a very sen-
tors though the most important are the climate and                    sitive climatic=oceanographic system. As such, the
bathymetry of the region. Across the eastern basin                    scenario proposed by Rohling (1994) and others may
evaporation exceeds precipitation. This inequality                    provide, in part, the mechanism to enhance water
drives the flows across much of the basin and pro-                    column productivity in the eastern basin and enhance
duces an outflow of saline warm water at depth                        the resultant flux of carbon to the seafloor.
26                                  A. Cramp, G. O’Sullivan / Marine Geology 153 (1999) 11–28

7. Future research                                                 Bradley, W.H., 1938. Mediterranean sediments and Pleistocene
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related with similar events in the Japan Sea? Is there             Calvert, S.E., Fontugne, M.R., 1987. Stable carbon isotopic ev-
an over-riding astronomical ‘fingerprint’ which is                   idence for the marine origin of the organic matter in the
common to a number of basins? Many questions                         Holocene Black Sea Sapropel. Chem. Geol. 66, 315–322.
                                                                   Calvert, S.E., Pedersen, T.F., 1992. Organic carbon accumula-
remain unresolved and may remain that way for                        tion and preservation in marine sediments: how important is
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core material running for example, from the Aegean                   375.
to the Nile Cone— perhaps a fundamental area in                    Calvert, S.E., Nielsen, B., Fontugne, M.R., 1992. Evidence from
helping to resolve the formation problem once and                    nitrogen isotope ratios for enhanced productivity during for-
for all! Progress is undoubtedly being made and no                   mation of eastern Mediterranean sapropels. Nature 359, 223–
doubt we will increase in our understanding of de-
                                                                   Camerlenghi, A., Cita, M.B., 1987. Setting and tectonic evolution
positional processes and correlation as a result of the              of some eastern Mediterranean deep-sea basins. Mar. Geol. 75,
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                                                                     Ciaranfi, N., d’Onofri, S., 1977. Paleoclimatic record of a long
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   Adrian Cramp and Gerard O’Sullivan thank fel-                   Cita, M.B., Broglia, C., Maliverno, A., Spezzibottiani, G.,
low shipboard scientists and technicians on board                    Tomadin, L., Violanti, D., 1982. Late Quaternary pelagic
ODP legs 160 and 161, Captains A. Ribbens and                        sedimentation on the southern Calabrian Ridge and western
                                                                     Mediterranean Ridge, eastern Mediterranean. Mar. Micropale-
E.G. Oonk, drillers and crew for a professional                      ontol. 7, 135–162.
job well-done, and the Natural Environment Re-                     Cita, M.B., De Lange, G.J., Olausson, E., 1991. Anoxic basins
search Council (UK) for continuing financial sup-                    and sapropel deposition in the eastern Mediterranean: past and
port for UK participation in the ODP. The origi-                     present. Mar. Geol. 100, 1–4.
nal manuscript benefited from helpful, thorough and                Comas, M., Zahn, R., Klaus, A. et al., 1996. Proc. ODP Init.
                                                                     Results 161, 1023 pp.
constructive comments provided by Elisabetta Erba                  Comas, M., Zahn, R., Klaus, A. et al., 1998. Proc. ODP Sci.
and an anonymous reviewer. Jenny Pike provided ob-                   Results 161, in press.
jective comment on the use of commas and the final                 Cramp, A., Collins, M.B., 1988. A late Pleistocene–Holocene
review draft, and Tony Ramsay aided with printing.                   sapropel layer in the NW Aegean Sea, eastern Mediterranean.
                                                                     Geo-Mar. Lett. 8, 19–23.
                                                                   Cramp, A., Collins, M.B., West, R., 1988. Late Pleistocene–
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