NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum

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NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum

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NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum
M E T H O D O LO G Y                          THEMES

    The Forum was designed with an
    Appreciative Inquiry approach
    enabling participants to journey                                                                                    Methodology
    through four different stages:
                                                           Change the Economy
     • DISCOVERY, prior to the forum,                      to Change the World                                   06
       to learn about the different
       tracks and share the glimpses of
                                                      4                                  A journey
       the future already present.                                                       towards 2030
     • DREAM, right at the beginning, to
       imagine what is possible, with no

     • DESIGN, during a day and a half,
       to co-create the future we want              The Future of                                        Sovereignty
       to live in for food, textiles, urban                                      Urban &
       & housing, finance, resources &        Energy & Resources
       energy and work.
                                                                    20           Housing                                08
     • DO, a call to action to make real                                                      12
       what has been co-created.

    The co-creation of the roadmap
    to 2030 used a Three Horizons
    approach. Three Horizons offers a
    simple, intuitive way to encourage a
    conversation about the challenges in                                                   Sustainable
    the present, our aspirations for the                         The Future
    future and the kinds of innovation                                                     Textiles
    we might need in order to address                            of Finances        16
    both at the same time. It is designed                 24                                                           InternaTional
    to avoid participants jumping into
    incremental design suggestions
                                                                                                                       Festival of Social
    straight from the start. It helps guide
                                                                                                              33       Innovation - fiiS
    conversations about the current
    and desired future systems, before
    building a bridge between the two.

                                                    The Future                                Time for
                                                     of Work                                  Change
                                                                    28                   32
2       NESI FORUM 2019                                                                                                      NESI FORUM 2019   3
NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum
Change the Economy
                to Change the World

    Diego Isabel
    La Moneda
    Founder of the
    NESI Global Forum
    The future is uncertain;                                                     probably not do. For
    we are not stopping                                                         that reason, the time has
    climate change, we are                                                     come for citizens to lead
    killing our oceans, there are                                            the change towards a better
    growing inequalities, growing                                          future. The time has come to
    distrust in institutions by citizens                                be the masters of our future.
    and a lack of leadership.

    It is time for change. We need to change our        And we have already started to lead this change.
    lifestyle, our relations as human beings and        It is time to join the women´s movement and
    our relationship with nature. We need to move       create actual equality. It is time to join the
    from an extractive, anthropocentric system that     student’s movement and stop climate change.
    is destroying ecosystems and extinguishing          The time has come for movements to collaborate
    thousands of species, to a circular, biocentric     with each other because we all are part of the
    and regenerative one. We need to move from a        same family and live on the same home.

                                                                                                               A journey towards 2030
    competitive system to a collaborative one. We
    need to change the concept of success from an       It is time for change. It is time “to co-create a
    egocentric vision, where success is based on        new economy, an economy at the service of
    power and capital accumulation, to a vision where   people and the planet” (The NESI Charter). Only
    success is based on personal development,           by changing the economy will we be able to stop
    contribution to the community and the quality       climate change and create actual equality. Only        In April 2019, more than 700 entrepreneurs, business       sustainable textiles and renewable energy through
    and quantity of our human relations. We need        by democratising the economy will every citizen        leaders, academics, policy makers, activists and           the application of circular and collaborative economy.
    to move from political and economic power to        and future generations live free on a healthy          students came to the NESI Global Forum to be part of a     They identified the drivers of change to create a
    citizen and community power.                        planet.                                                very special journey. They came into a “time machine”      financial system that put people before profit. Finally,
                                                                                                               and traveled to the future. During three days, they        by asking the question, how will be the future of work?
    It is time for change. Our global leaders have      My friends.                                            were living in the “City 2030” in the year 2030, a place   They understood that the right question is, how do
    defined important goals; the Sustainable            It is time for change.                                 where humankind had achieved their global goals.           we want to live in the present and in the future?
    Development Goals and the Paris Agreement           It is time to take responsibility for each and every   They experienced a new economic system at the
    objectives. We have to achieve them. However,       one of your actions.                                   service of people and the planet. Through collective       This magazine, this report, was co-created by all of
    the political and economic powers are not doing     It is time to be the economy you want to see in        wisdom and the application of social innovation,           them during their journey. It contains their findings
    enough, they are not challenging the assumptions    the world.                                             they explored how to create a healthy and ecological       and the key factors to achieve our common global
    of our current economic system and they will        It is time to change the economy to change             food system and how to transform the housing &             goals. This magazine is a roadmap to a better world.
                                                        the world.                                             urban systems. They discovered how to produce              It is our responsibility to make it real.
4      NESI FORUM 2019                                                                                                                                                                                      NESI FORUM 2019      5
NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum
Co-creating a new economy
through social innovation
NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum
                          Food                                                                         t
                                                                                                         h e T
                                                                                                                   n s
                                                                                                                           i o n
                                                                                                                                                           We need
                                                                                                                                                           and chec
                                                                                                                                                                     a new min
                                                                                                                                                                    k of our v
                                                                                                                                                                                 dset, men

                                                                                                                                 cies to regulate
                                                                                                                 Implement poli                      l
                                                                                                                                  ising and contro        Promote local production &
                                                                                                                 lobbying, advert                    st
                                                                                                                                   including full co      consumption, bring value to local
                                                                                                                  of food systems
                                                                                                                                  andard impact           producers, urban farms and
                                                                                                                  accounting & st
                                                                                                                                    human and             reconnect to agriculture.
                                                                                                                  assessments on
                                                                                                                  ecological syste

                      on local production, informed consumers
                                                                                                                         RECOMMENDATIONS FOR...
                    up                                               an e
          tem b                                                          con
                                                                                                                    l i c y m a k e r s B u s i n e ss e s
  oo d sys                                                                    y in
                                                                                                                 Po                                       • Start implementing full
                                                                                        ny                        • Standardize reporting,                  cost accounting on what
                                                                                                                    standardize impact
                                                                                                                                                            actually is social and


                                                                                                                                                            environmental impact of

                                                                                                                                                            food from producer to

                                                                                                                  • Create regulations

                                                                                                                    around lobbying,                        consumer
                                                                                                                    mainstream agriculture,

                                                                                                                    production                            • Create businesses that

                                                                                                                                                            move beyond only seeking
                                                                                                                  • Value local production                  profit, but ones that also
                                                                                                                    through laws and                        need to have a social and
                                                                                                                    regulation                              environmental impact

                                                                                                                     i t i z e n s
                                                                                                                           •   Be curious about food and what you are eating
                                                                                                                           •   Ask questions
                                                                                                                           •   Connect with local producers
                                                                                                                           •   Start growing your own food

                                                                                                                                                                                  NESI FORUM 2019   9
NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum
NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum
         Urban &                                                        Driv
                                                                          e T
                                                                                  n s
                                                                                          i o n
                                                                                                               Plan spac
                                                                                                               the peop
                                                                                                                         es for the
                                                                                                                        le, not th
                                                                                                                                     end user
                                                                                                                                   e machin

                                                                      t h
                                                                                           tive options to   Educate people to be able to
                                                                           Explore alterna
                                                                                            for people and   participate in urban & housing
                                                                           road transport,
                                                                                                             decision making processes.

             m leadership to drive citizens and
                                                busin                            RECOMMENDATIONS FOR...
         -ter                                        ess e
     Lon                                                  nga
                                                             gem            l i c y m a k e r s B u s i n e ss e s
                                                                ent      Po                                  • Incorporate a sense of
                                                                          • Introduce adequate tax
                                                                            incentives for companies
                                                                                                               responsibility for public
                                                                            that engage employees              spaces.
                                                                            on alternative kinds of          • Prioritize bio construction
                                                                            transportation.                    including renewable use
                                                                          • Generate intersection              and production of sources,
                                                                            between different sectors          such as energy and water.
                                                                            through better use of
                                                                            research.                        • Spatial planning for new
                                                                          • Value local production             factories setting offices to
                                                                            through laws and regulation        take it out of city centers.

                                                                            i t i z e n s
                                                                           C • Citizens to take ownership of public spaces and
                                                                                     get involved in decision making processes.
                                                                                  • People need to understand the origin of the
                                                                                    energy and other sources they use.
                                                                                  • Citizens to be responsible of their choices for
                                                                                    transport and the consequences.

                                                                                                                                     NESI FORUM 2019   13
NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum
NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum
     Sustainable                                                   Driv  e r s
                                                                             n s
                                                                                     i o n
                                                                                                           Fashion t
                                                                                                           beauty an
                                                                                                                     hat embo
                                                                                                                              dies the
                                                                                                                     d care for
                                                                                                                                our plane

                                                                 t h e T r a
                                                                                        d with ethical
                                                                       Textiles produce                  Clothing expresses our
                                                                                      ions and fairly
                                                                       working condit                    personality and we are all aware
                                                                       priced.                           of its origins and characteristics.

            able and fairly priced textiles are
                                                fashi                       RECOMMENDATIONS FOR...
       stain                                         on(
     Su                                                 able
                                                            )!         l i c y m a k e r s B u s i n e ss e s
                                                                                                         • Address sustainability,
                                                                     • National and international          fair working conditions
                                                                       standard legislation &
                                                                                                           and meet the needs of an
                                                                       certification to regulate
                                                                                                           emancipated consumer in
                                                                       the textile industry.
                                                                                                           your business strategies.
                                                                     • Stimulate local enterprises
                                                                                                         • Fully transparent supply
                                                                       and launch awareness
                                                                                                           chain and certified

                                                                        i t i z e n s
                                                                           • Know the origin and characteristics of your clothes,
                                                                             be aware of sustainable alternatives and of the
                                                                             peculiarities of fashion.

                                                                           • Educate children to be conscious consumers.

                                                                                                                                 NESI FORUM 2019   17
NESI Global 2019 Forum - A road - (NESI) Forum
Sustainable Textiles
04             The Future of                                                                        s  f o r                             Self-cons

                                                                                          Driv  e r                                     point for
                                                                                                                                                           as t
                                                                                                                                                  a clean an he starting

                                                                                              T r a n s i t i o n                       transition          d civic en

                                                                                        t h e
                                                                                                                    arency and
                                                                                             Improve transp
                                                                                                                      duction and      We must preserve water and

                                                                                             ethics in the pro
                                                                                                 m m e rc ia li za ti on of products   sanitation resources and
                                                                                                                     enable eco-       guarantee universal access
                                                                                              and services to

              r sustainability, universal access and d
                                                      emoc                                         RECOMMENDATIONS FOR...
          y fo                                            ratic
     conom                                                      man
                                                                                              l i c y m a k e r s B u s i n e ss e s
  w e                                                                 me
                                                                              res           • Develop a tax/regulation                 • Rethink the purpose/
                                                                                              that rewards the sustainable               reason of existence

                                                                                              design of products/services.

                                                                                                                                       • The business value of

                                                                                            • Integrate the cost of                      transparency as a long-
                                                                                              externalities in the final                 term competitive strategy
                                                                                              price of energy and
                                                                                              resources.                               • Overcome profit
                                                                                                                                         maximization as the
                                                                                            • Remove water management
                                                                                              administrative barriers to
                                                                                                                                         sole driver of businesses
                                                                                              deliver SDG #6                             activity

                                                                                              i t i z e n s
                                                                                             C • Rethink our resources needs
                                                                                                    • Citizens’ self-organization to lead the economy for
                                                                                                    • Promote water re-use before water leaves houses
                                                                                                    • Promote water re-use in the home

                                                                                                                                                             NESI FORUM 2019   21
The Future of Energy &Resources
     The Future of                          Driv  e r s
                                                              i o n
                                                                                   Make ban
                                                                                   for every
                                                                                              king serv
                                                                                                        ices avail

                                          t h e T r a n
                                                              tization of        • Inclusiveness
                                               • The democra                     • Best of both worlds from
                                                 funds managers
                                                               g social values     traditional banking services
                                               • Values: addin
                                                                   lues            and new innovations from
                                                 and ecological va
                                                                                   technological companies. Access

          ge finance, to finance chan                RECOMMENDATIONS FOR...
      Chan                           ge
                                                l i c y m a k e r s B u s i n e ss e s
                                                                                  • Does your business
                                              • Be ambitious, hold,
                                                                                    money/capital work for
                                                                                    good in the world?
                                              • Act well-being orientated.
                                                                                  • Put people first.
                                              • Focus on long term results
                                                (not just on short terms).        • Circular (not linear)
                                              • Social add value: do policies       business.
                                                that support society.

                                                i t i z e n s
                                               C • ”What is their money is doing at night?” Meaning;
                                                        what their money is used for?

                                                     • Learn how money is created?
                                                     • What is the purpose of money? What is the money
                                                       for? We should be active consumers

                                                                                                         NESI FORUM 2019   25
The Future of FINANCES
      The Future of                                                    Driv  e r s  f o r                       Human-c
                                                                                                                        entered v


                                                                           T r a n s i t i o n
                                                                     t h e
                                                                                         y to enhance
                                                                          Good technolog                  New generations values of
                                                                                          bs and work
                                                                          more humane jo                  environmental and social
                                                                          environments.                   consciousness.

            s toexpress our full human pote
                                           ntial                                RECOMMENDATIONS FOR...
       k job                                     and
 Rethin                                              pur
                                                                           l i c y m a k e r s B u s i n e ss e s
                                                             tw         Po
                                                               ork                                          • Experiment with new
                                                                         • Provide the infrastructure         forms of decision
                                                                           and an open legislative            making, through
                                                                           environment for new                open, horizontal and
                                                                           forms of organization.             participatory processes.

                                                                         • Orient technology towards       • Transparency as a
                                                                           social innovation.                change enabler inside
                                                                                                             the organization.

                                                                            i t i z e n s
                                                                                  • Lifelong learning

                                                                                  • Rethink our work mindset to connect with our
                                                                                    life purpose

                                                                                                                               NESI FORUM 2019   29
The Future of WORK
Commitments to catalyse the transition
NESI is an incubator of new initiatives. NESI Global Forum Participants identified
key projects and campaigns to achieve the Agenda 2030. In the closing session,
participants committed to co-lead and develop these projects in the coming months
and years.

The NESI Team also presented its new pledges, the creation of the NESI Local Hubs
network in Spain and Latin America, the network “CITIES FOR NEW ECONOMY” and
the NESI Academy.

       Local                          NETWORK
                                     “ Cities for a                       NESI
       HUBS                          new economy”                         Academy                   InternaTional festival of
 Would you like to co-create a      Nine Spanish pioneer cities,         NESI Academy is an         social Innovation - fiiS                               Inspiring
 new economy in your city or
                                   members of Kaleidos, made
                                    a declaration in March 2019
                                                                       innovative co-learning
                                                                     project to train leaders for
NESI Local Hubs are groups of       to develop the proposals of     the common good. Through
people and organisations that       the NESI “Local Guide for a        online and face-to-face
  come together to co-create       New Economy”. The network          courses participants will

                                                                                                    the change!                                                          Music for
  proposals to transform the        “Cities for a new economy”       learn and experience how
 local economy. They work as          include these cities and       to apply the new economy
 a network in Spain and Latin
   America that brings these
                                     is open to other cities. All
                                      of them will work closely
                                                                    models to different economic
                                                                     sectors as well as to public
proposals to municipalities as      with the NESI Local Hubs to            organisations.           On Friday 26th NESI Global Forum opened
well as to regional and national   exchange good practices and
                                                                                                    its doors to local citizens and celebrated the
         governments.               develop the new economy.
                                                                                                    “Festival Internacional de Innovación Social”, fiiS.
                                                                                                    After six years of success in more than 15 cities        Social
                                                                                                    in Latin America, fiiS Málaga was the first fiiS in
                                                                                                    Europe but not the last one.                           innovation
                                                                                                    In fiiS Málaga more than 2000 people came
                                                                                                    together to celebrate the transition towards a
                                                                                                    better world with music, dance, inspiring talks
                                                                                                    and social innovation workshops.
                                                                                                    We are ready to change the world!
              NESI Global Forum 2019 was possible thanks to the contribution of the NESI Co-organisers (Ayuntamiento de
              Málaga, Diputación de Málaga, Universidad de Málaga and Cifal Málaga), the collaboration of the Wellbeing
              Economy Alliance, the support of NESI partners, media partners and contributors, the inspiration of our
              speakers, facilitators and content leads as well as the outstanding contribution of the 700 NESI participants.

              The NESI experience and its innovative approach was co-created by the NESI Team in collaboration with wonderful
              people who contributed with their positive energy, knowledge, inspiration and love.

              Julio Andrade               Juan del Río                Maria Lorente                Ruth Sarabia
              Ana Amo                     Pablo Farfán                Daniel Merino                Juan Carlos Tójar
              Pablo Bedoya                Javier Goikoetxea           Jose Molina                  Rafael Ventura
              Marcos Castro               Resurrección Hernández      Valle Molina                 Michael Weatherhead
              Jose Miguel Cisneros        Valeria Hiraldo             Julio Pastor
              Sacha Bernal Coates         Carlos Isabel               Rebeca Pastor
              Iván del Caz                Inés Isabel                 Pepi Reyes

              TEXTIL TRACK
                                                   WORK TRACK
                                                                                         TRANSVERSAL TRACK
                                                                                         Women’s empowerment

DEVELOPMENT   Track Facilitators                   Track Facilitators                    Almudena de la Pena
              Daniel Hires                         Daniel Truran                         Doha Smile

              Jesús Salgado                        Mira Bangel                           Henry Leveson-Gower
              Content Contributors                 Content Contributors                  Lisa Hough-Stewart
              Lars Mortensen                       Peter Holbrook                        Maria Jose Perez Dorao
              Luca Coscieme                        Marco Antonio Robledo Camacho         Marta Perez Doreo
              Carol Blazquez (ECOALF)              Albert Canigueral                     Alliance building
              Mikel Feijoo (SKFK)                  Marai Kiele                           Katherine Trebeck
                                                   Fabian Wallace-Stephens               Sarah McKinley
              COLLABORATOR                                                               Steven Vasconcellos-Sharpe
                                                                                         Wendy Ellyatt
              FINANCES TRACK                       COLLABORATOR                          Conscious Consumption
              Track Facilitators                   HOUSING/URBAN TRACK                   Leire Iriarte
              Donnie Maclurcan                     Track Facilitators                    Nuria Fernández Muñiz
              Juan Manual Vivir Gargallo           Tomás de Lara                         Amaya Apesteguia
              Content Contributors                 Content Contributors                  Carlos Trías
              Marcos Eguiguren                     Jonathan Schifferes                   Cristian Figuero
              Benoit Lalemand                      Inaki Alonso
              Susana Martín Belmonte Marijana      Pablo Farfan                          MAGAZINE TEAM
              Donati                               Jose Carlos
              Gerdien Van Binsbergen                                                     Harvesting team
                                                   Liz Zeidler
              Dirk van Roest                                                             Willy Diddens
              Vincent Schotte                                                            Elosie Stancioff
                                                   COLLABORATOR                          Antonela Ferraro
              COLLABORATOR                         ENERGY TRACK                          Leire Iriarte.
              FOOD TRACK                                                                 Angela Costa da Souza
                                                    Track Facilitators
                                                                                         Sara Cuesta
              Track Facilitators                    Borja Izaiola
                                                                                         Belén González
              Ana Huertas                           Ehab Elia
                                                                                         Design and illustation
              Johnny Azpilicueta                    Content Contributors
                                                                                         Marina Calvo
              Content Contributors                  Nicola Cerantola
                                                                                         Diana Cuéllar
              Soledad Valdés                        Gustavo Calero
                                                                                         Marina Roa
              Drazen Simlesa                        Mario Sanchez Herrero
              Sergi Caballero                       Genoveva Lopez (ecooo)
Be the economy
you want to see
in the world!
#NESIForum                                                    Festival Internacional
                                                              de Innovación Social, fiiS


   @nesiforum                                                                                   fiis_es

Contributors & local co-organisers


Partners                  Media partners

     Co-created by all participants of Nesi forum 2019, designed by SenseTribe Consulting (,
                             illustrated by Marina Roa and photography by Belén González
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