New Entrant Induction Information 2022/23

Page created by Derrick Carpenter
New Entrant Induction Information 2022/23
New Entrant Induction Information 2022/23
New Entrant Induction Information 2022/23
Reward & Recognition
At The Burgess Hill Academy we use Class Charts. Class Charts is
an online system which teachers use to track achievement and          Students are expected to bring the following equipment to
behaviour throughout the school day. Each child and parent            school each day:
have a unique code to access the system and track progress. You
will be able to use Class Charts to keep track of your child’s        Pen x2
behaviour, view attendance records, access their weekly               Pencil x2
timetable, view assigned homework tasks and track scheduled           Pencil sharpener
detentions.                                                           Ruler (30cm)
At the Academy we strongly believe that praise is the key to the      Compass
success of every student’s well‐being. Our aim is to increase self‐   Protractor or angle measure
esteem and raise achievement by rewarding adherence to the            Scientific calculator, with Sine, Cosine and Tangent (we highly
Academy’s minimum standards of behaviour. We recognise and            recommend the Casio Fx83ms (exam approved) for
promote good and improved behaviour by students through a             Mathematics, Science and Technology)
system of recognition and rewards.                                    Oxford English Dictionary
                                                                      A French/Spanish dictionary ‐ Students may find it useful to
Positive behaviour will be rewarded with:                             have a dictionary to use at home or they can use an online
                                                                      dictionary such as
•         Praise
•         Class Chart points                                          Art Equipment
•         Letters or phone calls home to parents                      A set of sketching pencils (eg 2H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B) available
•         Rewards in the rewards store on Class Charts                from WH Smith, Tesco, Asda etc for £2‐£3.

All staff are able to issue achievement points using our Class        Students can use their achievement points from Class Charts
Charts software to recognise a wide number of areas of                to purchase items of stationery.
achievement including: active and positive participation in
lessons; sustained effort; solid academic progress; outstanding       Lockers
attendance; supporting the community; involvement in                  KS3 students will have the chance of having a locker * in
fundraising efforts; taking part in wider activities, for example     which to store books, folders and equipment etc.
drama productions and sporting clubs. To keep up to date,
parents and students are able to access their own Class Charts        *dependent on demand
account via the web or the app. More information will follow at
the start of the academic year.
                                                                      Great Learners
Classroom Expectations
                                                                      At The Burgess Hill Academy we have the expectation that all
Beginning of the lesson                                               students are Great Learners and to achieve this students are
Arrive on time.                                                       expected to:
Enter the room quietly.
Sit where you are asked to sit.                                       •         Behave in an orderly and self‐controlled way
Equipment on the desk, ready for the first activity.                  •         Show respect to members of staff and each
Register is taken in silence.                                                   other
Uniform and equipment checks completed.                               •         In class, make it possible for all students to
During the lesson                                                     •         Move quietly around the school
Follow instructions given by staff immediately.                       •         Treat the school buildings and school property
Listen when others are talking.                                                 with respect
Respect the opinions of others and be polite.                         •         Wear the correct uniform at all times
Stay on task.                                                         •         Accept sanctions when given
Complete all work to the best of your ability.                        •         Refrain from behaving in a way that brings the
Participate actively and be positive.                                           school into disrepute, including when outside
At the end of the lesson
Ensure the classroom is tidy.
Wait for the teacher to dismiss the class.
                                                                      Independent Learning
New Entrant Induction Information 2022/23
Independent Learning is an integral part of learning at The             Independent Learning in the same way as they would for
Burgess Hill Academy. It is a powerful learning tool for                a good piece of class work or coursework;
extending the range and depth of a student’s knowledge and
understanding as well as encouraging the independent                •   expect Independent Learning tasks to challenge their
learning and self‐motivation they will require for their futures.       learning skills whilst developing and consolidating their
Independent Learning refers to any learning task which a
student is asked to do outside the classroom. Where possible        •   know that their teachers will impose a sanction if they do
it should be differentiated for student ability. Examples may           not complete their Independent Learning tasks.
include, but are not restricted to:
                                                                    •   use the Independent Learning clubs in the library if
•         Preparation for the next lesson;                              needed, to support them with a piece of work;
•         Completion of past examination questions;
•         Coursework;                                               •   expect their Independent Learning to be marked and
•         Practising skills learned in the classroom;                   returned within a reasonable time period;
•         Drafting and writing essays;
•         Learning/revising for tests or examinations;              •   hand in work on the day specified by the teacher,
•         Answering questions to develop and test                       speaking to their teacher prior to the due date if they
          understanding;                                                have difficulty understanding or completing a piece of
•         Extending learning from the classroom;                        work;
•         Projects;
•         Investigative/research work;                              •   present the work neatly and following presentation
•         Reading;                                                      guidelines (pencil for diagrams, underlining, etc.).
•         Planning and evaluating work;
•         Speaking and Listening practice.                          Role of the Parents/Carers
                                                                    Learning is a partnership between home and the school. All
Aims and Objectives                                                 parents/carers are encouraged to:
•     To promote effective independent working
      across all years.                                             •   check Class Charts website using their log‐ins (at least
•     To raise the standards of attainment and achievement              once a week) and keep informed about their child's
by enhancing the quality of the            Independent                  independent learning tasks.
Working/Independent            Learning/Homework tasks set.
•     To engage parents and carers in the learning                  •   provide a quiet, private space for study at home
      process.                                                          (students need space for reflective learning and
•     To support students in working independently and                  concentration);
help to improve students’      attitude to out of school
learning.                                                           •   encourage their child to use the Learning Resource
•     To develop students’ skills in lifelong learning.                 Centre in the school if a working space at home is not
•     To help students become responsible for their own                 possible;
•     To prepare students for GCSE and Advanced Level               •   help their child plan time effectively so that all
      coursework and study beyond this.                                 Independent Learning is completed and          handed in
•     To develop the skills required to become a resourceful            for marking by the given date;
and independent student.
                                                                    •   help their child to organise their time planning
Role of the Student                                                     independent work so that other interests can fit around
Independent Learning is an integral part of learning.                   it;

Students are expected to take this on board and to:                 •   acting as a resource if their child requires help/support
                                                                        but not completing work for them (it is very helpful to
•    take responsibility for any materials distributed in class;        inform the teacher if support was required so every
                                                                        effort can be made for work to be set at the
•    use the Class Charts website to check details of the work          appropriate level);
     set – this can be done in the library at break time, lunch
     time and after school if not at home;                          •   make sure their child takes their appropriate books to
                                                                        school each day.
•    set up a timetable for completion of Independent
     Learning using their Class Charts website home page;

•    complete the Independent Learning task to a high
     standard (undertaking research if necessary) by the date

•    expect to be praised for a piece of outstanding
Learning Development                                                Flute                   Trumpet
                                                                    French Horn             Viola
Department                                                          Kit drumming            Violin
The Learning Development Department monitors and
supports students who have a special educational need,
                                                                   There are different schemes and pricing structures for the
disability or other barrier to learning. The department consists
                                                                   various instruments. We are also delighted to be able to offer
of a dedicated team of HLTAs (Higher Level Teaching
                                                                   a bursary for some students.
Assistants), LSAs (Learning Support Assistants) an Inclusion Co‐
ordinator/Parent Liaison and a SENCo, who are trained to
work with students with a variety of needs including autistic      For further information please email
spectrum conditions, ADHD and dyslexia.                  

                                                                   Instrumental loan scheme
During Year 6 the team liaise with all the local primary schools
                                                                   As part of the new development, the Music Department has
to identify the students we will be supporting and agree any
                                                                   purchased a set of saxophones, oboes and brass instruments
actions needed to help those students settle into Year 7.
                                                                   to be loaned to students who wish to learn them (depending
                                                                   on current availability). In other cases instruments may be
Full details of how we support students with Special               hired from most reputable music shops. If your child would
Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) can be found             like to learn an instrument at the academy, please obtain a
on the academy website.                                            form from the Music Department or from the school website.

If you wish to discuss anything or have any questions, please
do not hesitate to contact the department.                         Religious Education
                                                                   Religious Education is taught within Citizenship from Year 7 to
Learning Resource Centre                                           10. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from any
                                                                   of the RE based lessons. They also have the right to withdraw
The Learning Resource Centre is open throughout the day for        them from assemblies, though the nature of these is of a
students and staff, offering an exciting range of fiction and      broad, inclusive character that should show the value of
non‐fiction titles to support reading for pleasure and the         beliefs, be they religious or not as they emphasise important
curriculum. A computer area is housed within the LRC and           qualities such as tolerance, understanding and the rights of
teachers regularly book classes in for lessons.                    others.

Students are welcome to search for and borrow books for
personal reading via the Eclipse library management system.
However, they remain responsible for the safekeeping and           Relationships, Sex & Health
return of any resources. Whilst we do not charge fines for
overdue items, charges will be incurred for lost or damaged        Education (RSHE)
books. A team of student librarians works at break and
lunchtimes, issuing books and recommending titles.
                                                                   From this coming term, all schools are required by the
There is a dedicated quiet reading area in the Learning            Government to teach relationships and health education;
Resource Centre, the ‘Rebecca Pearson Reading Area’, in            having been delayed from the previous year due to the Covid‐
memory of a well‐respected member of staff.                        19 pandemic. Relationships education is designed to help
                                                                   children have safe and positive relationships with family,
                                                                   friends and online. Health education will help children to
Learning an instrument                                             make good decisions about their health and wellbeing and
                                                                   enable them to know how to seek support if any health issues
                                                                   arise for themselves or others.
New opportunities . . .
. . . which might completely change the rest of your life          Although it was not previously mandatory, we have been
                                                                   delivering Relationships and Health education within our
For those students who show the enthusiasm and aptitude for        Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) for many years.
learning an instrument there are considerable opportunities        We are in the process of reviewing our curriculum to make
at The Burgess Hill Academy.                                       sure that these meet the requirements that the Government
                                                                   have set out for relationships and health education.
Instrument lessons are available for:
 Baritone                Piano
 Bassoon                 Saxophone
 Cello                   Singing
 Clarinet                Trombone
Attending school regularly is vitally important if your child is to
                                                                get the very best from their time at school.
The box above shows what a period on your timetable will
look like.                                                      A student’s absence during term time can seriously disrupt
                                                                their learning. Not only do they miss learning on the days
What you need to know about your timetable:                     they are absent but they are also less prepared for the lessons
                                                                that follow on their return.
Ma: The subject to be taught that lesson is abbreviated to a
two letter code. Ma is Maths.                                   Children are expected to attend school for the full 190 days of
                                                                the academic year, unless there is a good reason for absence.
                                                                If your child is absent, you should contact the school each day
7x/Ma: The year half (x) and code number for that
                                                                before 9am to report their absence via the 24 hour answer
particular subject and class.
                                                                phone or e‐mail as below.

D2: The classroom in which the lesson is to be taught.          Absence Line:    01444 241691
AJS : The Teacher’s initials.
Lessons at the academy are spread over a two week cycle.
                                                                Studybugs is a more efficient and secure system for reporting
Each cycle consists of 50 periods (25 each week) and during
                                                                your child’s absence due to illness.
this, students will have the following number of lessons in
year 7:
                                                                Please get the free Studybugs app, or register on the
                                                                Studybugs website, and use it to tell us whenever your child’s
English 7                                                       ill and unable to attend school.
Maths 7                                                         Get the app or register now
Science 6                                             
History 3
Geography 3                                                     Examples of unauthorised absence include keeping a child off
Citizenship 2                                                   school because it is their birthday, shopping trips, family days
French 3             Modern Languages – 6 French and Spanish    out, looking after siblings.
Spanish 3            are taught in these lessons
PE 4                                                            Illness, medical appointments, school Interviews (for Year 11
Food/IT/Technology/Textiles 4 (carousel of lessons rotated 5    students), funerals and religious observance are normally the
times per year)                                                 only circumstances considered acceptable grounds for
Music 2                                                         authorised absence. Students should collect an exit form
Art 2                                                           from Reception or Mrs Funnell for any appointments, such as
Drama 2                                                         doctor, dentist etc, when being taken out during school day.
Healthy Lifestyles 2
                                                                Health professionals would expect most children to have at
Over the two weeks, lessons are distributed as evenly as        least 92% attendance, which is no more than 15 days absence
possible given the constraints of the timetable.                from school due to illness in any school year. It is accepted
                                                                that some children suffer from certain medical conditions and
Remember:                                                       we may ask for a letter from your doctor to confirm this if the
There is limited time between lessons to move from one          condition is likely to have an impact on their school
classroom to the next so it is important to work out where      attendance.
you are going and not to waste time.
A Block Music, Drama, PE and Learning Development               Recent changes to Government legislation advise that
B Block Science, MFL and English                                students whose percentage attendance falls below 90%,
C Block English, History and Geography                          which equates to 19 school days, are regarded as "Persistently
D Block Maths, MFL                                              Absent" from school and this will be addressed with
T Block Business & Art, ICT, RE and Technology                  parents/carers and students on an individual basis by school
If you are allowed to enter your class without a teacher, get   staff.
out your writing equipment, books and homework. Sit down
quietly and wait for instructions.                              Term‐time Holidays
                                                                Please note that since September 2013, schools have not
                                                                been allowed to grant a leave of absence unless there are
                                                                exceptional circumstances. “If an exceptional circumstance
                                                                occurs, parents are asked to put their request in writing
                                                                addressed to the Principal at the school. In these
Pastoral & Support                                              circumstances the Principal must be satisfied that the
                                                                circumstances warrant the granting of the leave.” (DfE
Absence                                                         regulations)
Lateness                                                             •         Keep the environment clean and litter free
Students who are late are disrupting not only their own
education but also that of others. The warning bell for              •         Only eat in designated areas
registration sounds at 8:25am. Students are expected to arrive
                                                                     •         Show respect by not bullying, fighting or causing
at their tutorial bases by no later than 8:30am. Students
                                                                               offence to others
arriving after 8:30 should go to the Reception desk to “sign in”
late.                                                                •         Use technology appropriately so that is doesn’t
                                                                               interrupt learning
Students signing in will be given a “Late” slip and are expected
to attend a 15 minute break time detention on the same day           •         Use appropriate language
unless they have a genuine reason for their lateness.
                                                                     •         Refrain from behaving in a way that brings the
Genuine reasons include bus/train delays (when confirmed by                    school into disrepute, including when outside
staff who also travel this way) and medical appointments.                      school

Poor reasons include alarm clock did not go off, clothes were        •         Believe in yourself.
not dry, taking siblings to school, windscreen iced‐up.              Classroom incidents are initially dealt with by the class teacher
                                                                     who will record the incident and details on Class Charts.
Behaviour                                                            Incidents of a slightly more serious nature will be dealt with by
                                                                     the Pastoral Hub team and students could be removed from
All adults and students should adhere to the principle that at all   lessons. Again, the incident will be recorded centrally and details
times within the school, and when travelling to and from school,     of any sanction issued will be on Class Charts. Please note we
everyone will act with courtesy, consideration, helpfulness and      operate same day detentions within the Academy and Class
respect towards other students, staff and members of the             Charts will email parents/carers when these are set. If you need
community.                                                           longer notice for detentions then please contact the Pastoral
                                                                     Team, this needs to be a prior arrangement and not on the same
To this effect students are expected to;                             day as the detention. More serious incidents are referred to the
•         Focus on the learning at all times                         Standards Lead or the Behaviour Support Manager and an
                                                                     escalating scale of sanctions will apply.
•         Listen to others without interrupting them
                                                                     Incidents related to a lesson or subject area will be dealt with
•         Respect yourself the community and each other              by the Subject Leader for the subject in which the incident
                                                                     occurs. Again, the incident will be recorded centrally and
•        Look after the Academy using resources safely         and   details of any sanction issued will be noted. More serious
responsibly                                                          incidents are referred the student’s Pastoral Lead or the
                                                                     Behaviour Support Manager and an escalating scale of
•         Treat others in the way you would like to be               sanctions will apply as follows:
                                                                     •         Break or lunch time detentions.
•         Arrive on time, ready to learn and fully equipped

•         Participate and enjoy learning                             •         After school detentions
                                                                               (same day unless by prior arrangement with
•         Support each other                                                   parent/carer).
•         Demonstrate pride by always producing the
          highest quality work                                       •         Isolation
                                                                               A student will be withdrawn from an agreed number
•         Be inquisitive and face challenges with a positive                   of lessons, according to the severity of the incident
          attitude                                                             and work will be provided for them for the lessons
                                                                               from which they are removed.
•         Complete homework on time and revise at home.

•         Allow others to learn without disruption or                •         11 – 5 Internal Exclusion (10 – 4 when evenings are
          distraction.                                                         darker)
                                                                               A student will be asked to attend at 11.00am and
•         Attend every day on time.                                            their school day will end at 5.00pm. and Work will
                                                                               be provided for them for the lessons from which
•         Ask questions to deepen their understanding                          they are removed.
•         Move calmly and sensibly around the Academy
                                                                     •         Fixed term Exclusion
•         Wear the correct uniform with pride
                                                                               This is a formal response from the academy to poor
•         Show restraint by not taking things that do not                      behaviour which is recorded on school records. At
          belong to you                                                        the end of the exclusion a readmission meeting will
                                                                               be held with the student and their parent/carer.
Summer. (Tennis balls only in the school playground.)
         Permanent Exclusion                                          •   Never drop litter. Always keep the school site, canteens,
          The most serious sanction which can be imposed by                halls, classrooms and corridors tidy.
          the school, which is only imposed on rare occasions.         •   The possession or use of cigarettes, e‐cigarettes, alcohol,
                                                                           and illegal substances is strictly forbidden. Dangerous
The Pastoral Hub team operate an on‐call service which is                  items such as matches, lighters, knives and aerosols must
managed by Mrs Simmons and deals with all incidents of poor                not be brought onto the school site.
behaviour both in and out of school in addition to supporting          •   Electronic equipment such as iPads, iPods, etc. are not to
both staff and students in addressing behaviour issues.                    be used on the school site unless a teacher instructs for
                                                                           use within a lesson and a permission slip has been
                                                                           signed. If electronic equipment or mobiles phones are
Academy Rules                                                              seen or heard, they may be confiscated if usage is not
                                                                           considered appropriate in school.
                                                                       •   The use of mobile phones on the school site during the
Teaching areas                                                             normal hours of the school day (8.30am to 3.00pm
On arrival for a lesson, students should line up quietly until given       including breaks and lunchtime) is forbidden. If families
permission to enter the classroom. On entering the class                   feel that it is necessary for students to carry mobile
students should sit at their desks preparing equipment and                 phones, such phones must be kept securely hidden in
books quietly. Bags must be placed on the floor.                           bags or pockets and must be switched off. Any breach of
                                                                           this rule will lead to the confiscation of the phone until
•   It is the students’ responsibility to be properly equipped
                                                                           the end of the school day. Any further breach of the rule
    for the lesson.
                                                                           will lead to a further confiscation, disciplinary action and
•   Students should stop talking when they are directed to
                                                                           the requirement for a parent, guardian or carer to collect
    by a teacher and not talk while the teacher or another
                                                                           the phone from school. Phones should not be used
    student is speaking.
                                                                           whilst walking along the school drive when arriving for or
•   Anyone arriving after the teacher has started the lesson
                                                                           leaving school.
    should be acknowledged by that teacher before they sit
                                                                       •   No food should be taken out of the Hall, with the
    down. They should, where and when appropriate,
                                                                           exception of food being taken to the designated picnic
    explain the reason for their lateness.
                                                                           areas, which must not be hot food or drink.
•   Uniform should be worn correctly at all times. Coats
    should not be worn in the classroom during registration
                                                                       Travelling to and from school
    or lessons, and bags should not be left on tables.
                                                                       Students are ambassadors to the school when travelling to
•   Any student wishing to answer a question or attract the
                                                                       and from school and therefore will behave themselves in a
    teacher’s attention should raise his/her hand and wait to
                                                                       way which upholds and does not harm the good reputation of
    be asked to speak.
                                                                       the school.
•   Eating and drinking in school is restricted to the
    designated areas within the school. Details of these
                                                                          Full uniform without additional items such as
    eating areas and the year groups allowed to use them are
                                                                           hoodies/trainers must be worn on the way to and from
    published at the start of each year. Eating is not allowed
                                                                           school, unless inclement weather results in a statement
    in class. Chewing gum is not allowed in school.
                                                                           from the school for students to be permitted to wear
•   At the end of a lesson, students should not make any
                                                                           more appropriate clothing. A coat may be worn over
    move to pack away or leave until the teacher has given
                                                                           blazers as necessary.
    permission. There should be no litter on the desks or
    floor, and tables and chairs should be left in their correct          Smoking – Smoking is not permitted on the way to or
    places.                                                                from School, or on the school site.
•   If the class is the last timetabled lesson of the day in that         Public Transport – when waiting for a bus or train,
    classroom, then, where appropriate, chairs must be                     students should queue sensibly. Whilst travelling they
    placed neatly on tables. Students should wait quietly                  must behave sensibly and show courtesy towards public
    when they have packed away and, when dismissed by                      transport staff and members of the public.
    their teacher, leave the classroom in an ordered and                  Local Pathways – all members of the public and school
    sensible manner.                                                       community should be able to use the local pathways
Around the school site                                                     without feeling uncomfortable or intimidated. Students
•   Students must move around the school in a sensible,                    must avoid gathering in large groups and causing
    calm, courteous and appropriate manner. They should                    restricted access.
    keep to the left in the corridors and stairways and keep              Local Shops – sensible behaviour is expected both inside
    moving, following the one‐way system, so that an                       and outside local shops, as is appropriate courtesy
    efficient flow of traffic is achieved. Students should not             towards other customers and the shop owners.
    run indoors, and shouting and loud whistling are not                  Cycling/Walking – sensible use of roadways and
    permitted.                                                             pavements is expected and ensures safer journeys.
•   If there are visitors in school, students should be polite            Language – the use of loud and bad language is
    and helpful.                                                           unacceptable.
•   Students should keep off grassed areas and flower beds.
•   Students are expected to respect the rights of others to           Students must always be aware of other members of the
    use the playgrounds. Ball games may only be played on              school community and members of the public. We will
    the school playground, 3G or on the fields in the                  respond seriously in school to any complaint received about
unreasonable behaviour.
                                                                  If a student has any personal problems at school or home,
Other Important School Rules                                      referrals can be made to see the school Counsellor via their
   Explain politely any reasons for lateness.                    Pastoral Lead who will decide whether a formal referral
   It is your responsibility to go to the toilet and take        should be made. Drop‐in sessions are welcomed on set days
    refreshments at break or lunch times, therefore               without the need for a formal referral.
    permission to leave a lesson will not be granted unless
    deemed an emergency.
   Students are encouraged to drink water (only)                 Uniform Expectations
    throughout the day and may do so in lessons if
    permission is granted. (With the exception of science         The Burgess Hill Academy blazer*
    laboratories and near computers).                             The Burgess Hill Academy navy jumper* (optional)
   The school will not take responsibility for the loss, theft   Plain white shirt
    or damage to mobile phones or other electrical                The Burgess Hill Academy grey trousers* or skirt*
    equipment.                                                    The Burgess Hill Academy Tie*
   Students are not allowed to chew gum in school.               Plain black footwear (no other colour on the footwear
   Possession of alcohol, tobacco and any illegal substances     including logos and laces should be black)
    as well as offensive weapons will be dealt with severely.
                                                                  PE Kit
   Inappropriate use of school computers or the internet
                                                                  The Burgess Hill Academy navy blue sweatshirt OR navy
    will not be tolerated.
                                                                  blue 1/4 Zip top*
   The school uniform code must be adhered to at all times.      The Burgess Hill Academy white polo shirt*
   The use of bad, homophobic or racist language is              Navy short or skort
    unacceptable.                                                 Sports Trainers
   Tennis balls only may be used on the playground.              Navy/black tracksuit bottoms (optional)
                                                                  Navy socks (optional)
                                                                  Black/navy sports leggings (optional)
Pastoral                                                          Base layers (optional)
                                                                  The Burgess Hill Academy shower jacket (optional)*

Staff – Student Team                                              Uniform is available from the following suppliers:

                                                                  All uniform (including all branded items) for The Burgess
The following arrangements have yet to be confirmed:
                                                                  Hill Academy is available from Broadbridges, Lynnem
                                                                  House, 1 Victoria Way, Burgess Hill RH15 9NF 01444
Pastoral Lead Yr 7 TBC                                            242682, or GR Teamwear
Pastoral Lead Yr 8 Helen Crouch                         
Pastoral Lead Yr 9 Emma Flin                                      students
Pastoral Lead Yr 10 Nicola D'Costa
Pastoral Lead Yr 11 Wendy Howell                                  Branded jumpers and blazer are also available from
Mr T Pownceby       Assistant Principal                 
Ms McGeough         Assistant Principal & Designated
                                                                  *In the interests of consistency and ensuring that the
Safeguarding Lead
                                                                  appearance of the uniform remains one of smartness rather
                                                                  than fashion, these items will have The Burgess Hill
Mrs D Simmons      Pastoral Hub & Behaviour                       Academy Logo and will only be available through our
                   Manager/DSL                                    registered suppliers.

Mrs L Dorgan        Careers and Work Experience                   Hair
                    Co‐ordinator                                  •        Hair should be worn in a tidy manner. Hair
Mrs Funnell         Attendance Lead                                        should be tied back as appropriate for various
Mrs B Morley/       Pastoral Medical Assistants                            lessons and activities such as PE and science       for
Mrs D Kells                                                       health and safety reasons.

The email addresses of staff can be found on the school           Make‐up
website                                                           •        Light, discreet and natural looking make‐up in      all               year groups.
                                                                  •        No false nails or eyelashes, nail extensions.
Form Tutors
There will be different registration forms, each with their own   Jewellery
tutor.                                                            •          Any piercings should be studs only (hoops or       other
                                                                  piercings are not acceptable for health and         safety reasons,
Form Tutors are a very important part of the pastoral system.     they will be confiscated).
                                                                  •          Piercings will be asked to be removed for
Students see their Form Tutor every morning.                                 various lessons and activities such as PE.
Form Tutors will help students to settle in and get organised.               Students must remove piercings and not tape or
request to keep them in due to 6 weeks             waiting period   Valuables
when requested. If you fail to           follow this instruction    •         MP3 players, iPods/iPads, personal stereos,
sanctions will be set.                                                        cameras and computer games should not be
•         Jewellery is not to be worn in the academy this                     brought into the Academy or they will be
          includes rings, bracelets and necklaces this is     for             confiscated.
health and safety reasons.                                          •         Mobile phones are not allowed to be used
                                                                              during the school day, unless directed to bystaff to
Other                                                               support learning. If mobile phones are seen,      then they will
•         Coats and fashion sweatshirts should not be      worn     be confiscated.
          inside the Academy and if seen will be confiscated.
•         Skirts must not be rolled up.

•        Smoking is not allowed on the Academy
         premises or while travelling to and from the
•        No cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, lighters or
         matches should be brought to the Academy.
•        No intoxicating substances should be brought        into
the Academy.
•        There should be no aerosols in the Academy.
•        There should be no chewing gum in the
•        Canned drinks/energy drinks should not be
         brought in to the Academy.
Basic Expectations
Below are the basic expectations that we have for all students.

 Non Negotiable                   Explanation                                   Sanction
 Uniform                          Uniform checks are the responsibility of      Logged on Class Charts and negative points
                                  tutors. During form time send students        given.
                                  to the Pastoral Hub where necessary for
                                  the correct attire. Coats are not allowed     Persistent issues will result in a detention.
                                  to be worn in the building. If a student
                                  arrives to a lesson inappropriately
                                  dressed please challenge the student.
 Ready to Learn                   Students are expected to arrive on time,      Logged on Class Charts and negative points
                                  fully equipped and ready to learn for         given.
                                  each lesson. Equipment checks are the
                                  responsibility of Tutors. Students can
                                  buy equipment on Class Charts with
                                  their points. Tutors should encourage
                                  this (where possible) when students do
                                  not have the correct equipment. If a
                                  student arrives to a lesson without
                                  equipment, please provide equipment
                                  and record on Class Charts.
 Punctuality                      Students should be on time for lessons.       Logged on Class Charts and negative points
                                  Lateness should always be recorded on         given.
                                  Class Charts                                  Persistent issues with punctuality will
                                                                                result in punctuality report.
 Presentation of work             Work should be presented in a manner          Warnings given by the class teacher.
                                  which reflects the best of a student’s        Logged on Class Charts and negative points
                                  ability.                                      given.
 Homework                         Students will complete their homework         30 min same day detention after school.
                                  on time and should be rewarded for            Logged on Class Charts and negative points
                                  doing so.                                     given.
 Food and Drink                   Inside the building, food and drink           Logged on Class Charts and negative points
                                  (other than water) should only be             given.
                                  consumed in designated eating areas           Persistent issues will result in a detention
                                  (Hall & area outside the Hall).               at break or lunchtime.
                                  Students may not take hot food from
                                  the Hall.
                                  All staff should challenge students
                                  eating outside of designated areas.
 Mobile Phones,                   Students will not use a mobile device         Confiscation.
 headphones/air pods and          inside the school. Mobile devices should      Logged on Class Charts and negative points
 hoodies/sweaters.                be switched off and in bags unless being      given.
                                  used in lessons as part of a planned
                                  activity. If a student uses their mobile
                                  phone during the school day it will be
                                  confiscated and placed in the Pastoral
                                  Headphone and hoodies/sweaters are
                                  not allowed in school. If they are seen
                                  they will be confiscated.
                                  Refusal to follow an instruction
                                  regarding a mobile phone, headphones
                                  or hoodies/sweaters should be treated
                                  as defiance – If this is the case, the item
                                  should be confiscated and placed in the
                                  Pastoral Hub until an agreed time and
                                  collected by the student at the end of
                                  the day. Persistent or repeat offenders
                                  could have further sanctions.
You may also have a confidential discussion with the
Supplementary Information                                    West Sussex School Meals team on 01243 752835 or
                                                             you can email them on

                                                             Medical Room
Our Café is managed by Chartwells, for more
information https://www.compass‐‐
the‐family/education‐chartwells/                             If a student feels unwell while in school they can ask to go
                                                             to the Medical Room where our trained staff can assess
The Café operates a cashless catering system. There are      their condition.
many benefits to this system including discouraging the
misuse of lunch money through spending in shops, and         We ask that you keep our Medical Room staff informed of
alleviating the associated problems of the use of cash
                                                             any conditions which your son/daughter may have, to
in schools.
                                                             enable them to deal with any emergencies which may
The system operates by you topping up your child’s
account online. At the till point, your child places their
thumb on the biometric scanner and the operator will         Medicines – Prescribed
deduct the chosen items from your child’s account. You       Parents are encouraged to request that the prescribed
will be able to view transactions on the website, see        dosage fits around the school day. If not possible, staff in
what has been purchased and check the balance.               the academy Medical Room can administer any
                                                             prescribed medication. Forms MM2 and MM3 need to be
On‐line Payments                                             completed by parents/carers and brought in to the
Payments can be made into your child's cashless              academy with any medicines that have been prescribed
catering account through ParentPay, either online or
                                                             for your child for long or short term medical conditions.
with cash in PayPoint stores. Full details about
ParentPay, including log in details for your account, will   Medicines must be in their original packaging and
be sent to you by the 2nd September.                         including dosage information. Students using inhalers
                                                             should have their inhaler about their person at all times,
Biometric Scanning                                           in addition to a spare held within the Medical Room. New
Biometric scanning takes measurements of various             parental consent will be required for a change in pattern
points on the thumb print and uses this information to       or dosage of medication. Dosage administered must be
create a pin code. It cannot be used by other
                                                             according to prescriber’s instructions. For students
organisations and cannot be used to reproduce the
image of the print. However, for data protection, we do      carrying their own medicines, parents will need to
need your permission to scan your child’s thumb. For         complete form MM4.
most students Biometric scanning will take place on
your child’s first day at The Burgess Hill Academy.
                                                             Due to changes in the Human Medicines Act schools
                                                             from October 1st 2017, schools have been able to
Free School Meal
                                                             purchase an adrenaline auto‐injector for emergency
Students entitled to a Free School Meal use the system
                                                             use in certain circumstances. Further details are
in exactly the same way as non‐FSM students and it is
                                                             included in Policy H8 – First Aid and Medical Policy
not possible for any other student or staff member in
the canteen to tell who receives free school meals and
                                                             cies. Parental consent must be received to administer
who does not.
                                                             adrenaline auto‐injector using form MM6.
The daily allowance of £2.34 is transferred by the
Finance Team direct to the student’s account.
                                                             The academy Medical Room also has an emergency
The only limitation with free school meals is that the
                                                             inhaler for asthma sufferers and may be used by
money may only be spent at lunchtime. Any student
                                                             students who have been diagnosed as asthmatic by a
who wishes to purchase food during the mid‐morning
                                                             medical doctor and their prescribed inhaler is not
break time will need to top up the account using the
                                                             present. Parents/guardians must provide consent for
academy system.
                                                             their child to use the emergency inhaler using form
                                                             MM5. Parents will also be notified in writing the day
If your child currently receives a free school meal at       that the inhaler is used.
their primary school then this entitlement will transfer
with your child to us, you do not need to apply again.       Medicines ‐ non‐prescribed
If you think your child may be entitled to a Free School     If an academy student is unwell during a lesson s/he
Meal, you can obtain the application forms from\             will be encouraged to wait until the next break before
Reception or online at                                       reporting to first aid staff. All non‐prescribed‐children‐            medicines that parents wish to be administered will
and‐families/schools‐and‐Schools/free‐school‐meals/          need to be provided by parents/carers, in original
                                                             packaging. Parents/carers will need to complete form
MM1. Non‐prescribed medicines include paracetamol,
ibuprofen and antihistamine. Only one non‐
prescription medication will be administered at a time.
If a student returns to the Medical Room for more than
48 hrs with the same symptoms, staff will advise
parents to contact their doctor. The school will not
administer non‐prescription pain‐relief medication for
more than 48 hrs.

Paracetamol – Academy staff must not provide pain
relief medication to students; they may administer pain
relief provided by parents/carers. New dosage
guidance states that children aged 10‐15 should be
given 1 tablet (No ‘plus’ medication or including
caffeine). The Medical Room staff will contact parents
before administering paracetamol to check if a
previous dose has been provided before school.
Parents are also asked to advise us of any previous
adverse reaction and keep us informed of any changes.
The academy will not administer paracetamol until 4
hrs has elapsed since the last dose (no more than 4
doses in 24 hrs). If paracetamol has been given at 8am
then one dose of paracetamol can be given in school
after 12.00.

Ibuprofen ‐ the school will not administer Ibuprofen at
all during the school day if it is confirmed that it has
been administered at home before school (Ibuprofen
lasts for 6 hrs). Requests for Ibuprofen after 12pm –
parents will be contacted to confirm that a dose has
not been administered before school. If the school
cannot confirm if pain relief was taken before school,
the school will refuse to administer pain relief.

Ibuprofen and paracetamol should only be given
alternatively when recommended by a medical

Medicine containing aspirin will not be administered
unless prescribed by the student’s GP.

Parents who completed and returned forms previously
will also need to complete and return the new forms.
Parents will be asked to collect medicines that are
date‐expired or no longer needed. The arrangements
above apply to both in school and off‐site activities
(including residential trips).

For further information or guidance contact

All forms are available on the academy website
s                                                               Communication with the
Subject Issues                                                  We regularly communicate with parents in order to
                                                                 update our records. Please email
 For communication regarding subject based issues. e.g. with any change of
 progress, achievement, homework etc.                            information.
 Initially, please discuss any concerns with your child’s
                                                                 Adverse Weather/School Closure
 subject teacher and if an issue remains unresolved follow
 the steps shown below:                                          If the school is closed due to adverse weather
                                                                 conditions, the closure will be announced in the
                   Class/Subject Teacher                         following ways.
                       Subject Leader
                                                                 •   On the following radio stations BBC Sussex 104.5,
    Senior Leadership Team (Line Manager) responsible                 104.8 and 95.3 FM and More Radio (106.4)
                                                                 •   On the Academy website
                                                                 •   A message via Studybugs
                                                                 •   On Twitter @TBHAcademy @principalTBHA
 Pastoral Issues

 For communication regarding pastoral issues e.g. uniform,       Please do not use the school telephone number
 attendance etc.                                                 without having checked the above methods of
                                                                 communication first.
 Initially, please discuss any concerns with your child’s
 tutor and if an issue remains unresolved follow the steps
 shown below:
                                                                 Extra‐Curricular Activities
                                                                Once a term information is published about clubs
                        Pastoral Lead
                                                                 running at the school during lunchtimes and after the
                                                                end of the school day, such as Chess, Choir and Eco
                      Assistant Principal
                                                                 Clubs. There are many others available to students.
                                                                 The information is also available on the school website
 Local Board (Governors)
                                                                 Extra‐Curricular Musical Activities
 To communicate with the academy Local Board, please
                                                                 The Burgess Hill Academy is well known throughout
 either email via the link on the school website or in writing
 addressed to the Chair of the Local Board c/o the               Sussex for its excellence in extra‐curricular music
 academy.                                                        groups, some of which have toured in this country and

                                                                 The various activities enable students to extend
 Complaints regarding staff at the School                        themselves and enjoy corporate music making in a
                                                                 pleasant friendly environment. Those students who are
 Please direct any complaints regarding the conduct of a         in the early stages of musical development are helped
 member of staff at the school in writing to Mr A Snape,
                                                                 to develop their skills whilst the more able students
 Interim Principal at the school.
                                                                 receive up to Conservatoire level coaching.

                                                                 For the students who wish to experience the thrill of
Email addresses for our Pastoral and Subject staff can           stage work combining music and drama, The Burgess
be found on our website:                                         Hill Academy puts on musical productions. The              tradition for lavish professional standard
                                                                 entertainments goes back for over half a century.
Please allow two working days for a reply, due to
teaching commitments. If you have waited for a                   The last production by The Burgess Hill Academy Music
response from a member of our staff and feel that                Department was a sell‐out production of Annie. With
either the response has been untimely, or you are                over 100 students involved. It was a fantastic school
concerned that your communication may not have                   event.
been received, please contact the Principal’s PA on
01444 241691 or email                                            Music activities presently offered include:
                                                                 Academy Choir
                                                                 Year 7 Singers
E‐mail Communication                                             Concert Band
It is our intention to communicate with parents via email        ‘Singspiration’
rather than on paper as much as possible in the future.          Guitar and Ukulele Club
                                                                 Steel Pan Band (a small charge applies for this)
Bandlab Music Tech Club                                         information in our regular newsletters, or email
As well as these organised activities, many students
come along and use the rehearsal rooms at lunch times           If you would like to be more actively involved with the
to practise for exams and assessments, rehearse for             academy, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact
performances or just to enjoy making music with their

Extra‐Curricular Sporting Activities
The Burgess Hill Academy has a well‐established
programme which aims to cater for all students within
the school. There are many traditional sports which
cater for students of all abilities. Sports such as Netball,
Football, Basketball, Rugby, Cricket, Athletics and
Rounders have regular coaching sessions and matches
for school teams. These matches are not always for
elite players and often we can have three teams
playing for the school at the same time. The Burgess
Hill Academy regularly enters district and county
competitions which can lead to regional and national

There are many participation clubs which encourage
students to compete against their peers in a more
relaxed and social environment in sports such as
Badminton, Table Tennis and Trampolining.

The Burgess Hill Academy is also a member of Mid
Sussex Active (MSA) and working together we have
been able to increase the opportunities available to

The school links with local sports clubs and coaches
come in to deliver activities. These include Albion in
the Community, Burgess Hill Rugby Club, Mid‐Sussex
Golf Club, Heights Gym and Mid‐Sussex Martial Arts

The school develops its own sports leaders who work
with teachers and coaches to improve the range and
depth of activities provided. In addition to coaching
they also act as officials for the many intra school and
inter school competitions that take place.

Parental Involvement
The parent community is a vital part of our school life. We
welcome parental involvement and are in the process of
setting up a new PTA for the academy. This will help to
raise funds for interesting projects around the academy
and provide a social hub for parents and carers. For more

The Parent’s Forum is a group of parents who meets
regularly with Jon Francies, Principal, to discuss particular
issues, for example in the last year topics have included
reports to parents and homework. Attendance is not
required at every meeting. Please look out for
Interim Principal: Mr A Snape
The Burgess Hill Academy
Station Road
Burgess Hill
West Sussex, RH15 9EA
T: 01444 241691
Information contained in this publication is correct at the time of printing and does not form any part of a legal contract.
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