New Years birding in the sunshine state - USA

Page created by Dwight Lowe
New Years birding in the sunshine state - USA

New Years birding
in the sunshine state
Florida is widely known as the sunshine state with year round good weather and a
reputation for excellent winter birding. During December many birds visit the
varied habitats of the state including several species of warblers and sparrows.
Several resident species are of interest to visiting birders notably Snail Kite,
Short-tailed Hawk, Limpkin, Red-cockaded Woodpecker, White-crowned Pigeon
and Florida Scrub Jay. The following itinerary takes in all the major wintering sites
for birds including a day visit to the Dry Tortugas off Key West.

Day 1: Fly to Orlando in Florida and trans-
fer to Cocoa Beach. On the way to our             Dates
base we should connect with the com-
moner species of Florida - Mourning Dove,         Wednesday December 27th 2023 –
Killdeer, Northern Mockingbird, Laughing          Tuesday January 9th 2024
Gull, Boat-tailed Grackle and the shore-          Leader: Mark Finn
loving Fish Crow. Two nights stay in Cocoa        Birds: 170-200
Beach.                                            Group size: 8

Day 2: Today we head for Merritt Island
near the city of Titusville where the various   and Prairie Warblers, Broad-winged and
lagoons, shore, marshes and pinewoods           Cooper's Hawk and resident Pileated
attract a wide-range of species. Herons,        Woodpeckers. Transfer to Coral Springs
egrets and ibis occur in high numbers.          for the night.
Wintering ducks from further north include
Lesser Scaup, Canvasback, Bufflehead,           Day 4: Today we continue our travels
Common Goldeneye and Hooded                     towards the sprawling city of Miami and
Mergansers. Shorebirds include American         make a visit to Matheson Country Park and
Avocet, Marbled Godwit, Hudsonian               Kendall. Along the beach groups of
Whimbrel and Black-necked Stilt. Patches        Semipalmated Plover, Least Sandpiper,
of scrub often have Wild Turkey, Florida        and Ruddy Turnstones are likely along with
Scrub Jay and Smooth-billed Ani. Later in       visiting Ring-billed Gulls. Wintertime brings
the day, we check a campground for win-         warblers,        vireos,     Ruby-throated
tering Yellow Warblers.                         Hummingbird, Summer Tanager, Painted
                                                Bunting, Baltimore Oriole, and Great
Day 3: Travel south to visit the Viera          Crested Flycatcher plus a chance of
Wetlands. Crested Caracara is often seen        Pileated Woodpeckers in the older trees.
in the sable palms and pines. A check of        Transfer to Homestead, our base for the
the lagoons may reveal American Coot,           next three nights.
Wood Duck, Northern Pintail and Hooded
Merganser and scarcer species - Least           Day 5: Homestead is a handy base having
Bittern, King Rail, Limpkin, Glossy Ibis,       almost been totally rebuilt since the hurri-
Roseate Spoonbill, Black-necked Stilt and       canes in the late 1990s. Before we reach
American Purple Gallinule. Raptors using        Key Largo, we visit Castellow Hammock
the area include Bald Eagle, Northern           Park where the feeders regularly attract
Harrier and Cooper’s Hawk. In the after-        Painted Buntings and White-winged Dove.
noon, we visit two parks where we should        Once on Key Largo, we check the beaches
find Snail Kite, and in stands of oaks, win-    for Reddish Egret, Sandwich and Royal
tering Northern Parula and Black and White      Terns and Wilson's Plover. In the remaining

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New Years birding in the sunshine state - USA

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher Photo: Alan Kydd

forest patches we may find White-crowned      records of recent sightings. At low tide we
Pigeon and wintering warblers with regular    may see American White and Brown
sightings of Ovenbird and Black-throated      Pelicans, shorebirds, waders and Black
Blue Warblers. On our return to Homestead,    Skimmers. In December we may see
a check of roadside wires may produce         Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and Western
sightings of Red-shouldered Hawk and,         Kingbird. Eco Pond hosts large numbers of
with luck, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers.        wading birds in winter including Wood
                                              Stork and Black-necked Stilt.
Day 6: Everglades National Park is a
world famous destination. A walk along the    Day 7: Today we journey down the keys to
Old Ingraham Highway can have Limpkin,        Key West birding along the way. Big Pine
Snail Kite, Mottled Duck, shorebirds and      Key often has wintering warblers with
waders and, occasionally, the scarce          recent visits producing Black-and-White,
White-tailed Kite. The Long Pine Key area     Orange-crowned, Cape May, Black-
offers us Eastern Bluebird, Brown-headed      throated Green, Prairie, Palm and Yellow-
Nuthatch, Pine Warbler, owls and wood-        rumped Warblers, American Redstart and
peckers. Walking along the boardwalk at       Northern Waterthrush. There are many
Mahogany Hammock we should see the            areas to stop at along the route to Key
resident Barred Owls and the possibility of   West, our base for two nights.
wintering Blue-headed and Yellow-throated
Warblers. West Lake has waterfowl and         Day 8: An early start today as we travel by
warblers along the boardwalk trail. The       a fast catamaran to the Dry Tortugas and
Flamingo Visitor Centre lies at the end of    the remote national monument of Fort
the road where we can catch up with           Jefferson. The crumbling fort and its gar-

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New Years birding in the sunshine state - USA

Cedar Waxwing Photo Jo Finn

dens often attract unusual birds even in the   Common Yellowthroat. Afterwards we head
middle of December. Offshore we have a         up the coast to visit Marco Island. Good
chance of Magnificent Frigatebird, Brown       numbers of waders and terns winter on the
and Masked Boobies and, perhaps, an            beaches including American Oystercatcher,
early returning Sooty Tern.                    Piping Plover, Willet, Western Sandpiper,
                                               Forster's Tern and Belted Kingfisher.
Day 9: Before leaving Key West we visit a      Predators include Merlin and Peregrine
habitat of tropical hardwood hammock and       Falcon. We finish the day at Eagle Lake, a
the only freshwater ponds on Key West          recently established reserve holding
and Stock Island. This reserve is a magnet     among others Black-bellied Whistling
for resident species such as White-crowned     Duck, American Bittern, Pine and Prairie
Pigeon and Black-whiskered Vireos. In the      Warblers, Savannah Sparrow and both
larger trees we may find wintering Eastern     Bronzed and Brown-headed Cowbirds.
and Western Kingbirds. Transfer to             Transfer to the coastal resort of Fort Myers
Homestead for the night.                       for three nights.

Day 10: Today we join the famous Tamiami       Day 11: Sanibel Island and Ding Darling
Trail and pass through the Everglades to       are the major attractions today offering
Fakahatchee. A boardwalk through the           some of the best winter birding in North
swamp      may     reveal    Red-bellied       America. A slow drive around Ding Darling
Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,          with stops at its various viewing platforms
Eastern Phoebe, Great Crested Flycatcher,      and boardwalks should reveal huge num-
Tufted Titmouse, Grey Catbird and              bers of wildfowl, herons, egrets and wad-

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                                                        Laughing Gull Photo: Jo Finn

ers including Short-billed Dowitcher. Stands
of mangrove and trees attract Common           Day 14: Our last full day in Florida con-
Ground Dove, Eastern Screech Owl, White-       centrating on the Three Lakes Management
eyed Vireo, Yellow-throated Warbler,           Area with further chances of Central
Eastern Towhee and Swamp Sparrow. In           Florida's pinewood species plus Brown
the afternoon we walk along the Bailey         Thrasher, Carolina Wren and, in the open
Tract, another hotspot of the area.            areas, White-tailed Kite. The wetlands hold
                                               many species including an introduced flock
Day 12: Corkscrew Swamp is one of the          of Whooping Cranes, Burrowing Owl,
premier reserves of the Audubon Society.       Loggerhead Shrike, Grasshopper Sparrow
Before reaching the reserve we check out       and Eastern Meadowlark.
the extensive grasslands for Crested
Caracara, Sandhill Crane, Loggerhead           Day 15: Transfer to Orlando airport for
Shrike and American Pipit. The feeders         flights back to the UK. Arrival is on the fol-
around the visitor centre often have           lowing morning.
Northern Bobwhite, Northern Cardinal,
Northern Flicker, White-throated Sparrow,
Indigo and Painted Buntings. We walk             Prices
   along the boardwalk which meanders            Ground Price: £4,595
through the swamp giving us possibilities        Single room: £450
of Limpkin, Wood Stork, King Rail and win-
tering Black-throated Green and Magnolia         Deposit: £500
Warblers and Northern Waterthrush.               Air Fare: £800

Day 13: An early departure to visit the          This holiday is fully inclusive of
Babcock-Webb WMA, an extensive area of           accommodation and meals, transport,
longleaf pines. We should see the three          boat trips, permit fees, guidance, tips
species of interest including the declining      and taxes.
Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Brown-
headed Nuthatch and Bachman's Sparrow.           Not included: drinks, insurance,
During our visit we may also see Eastern
Bluebird and Eastern Towhee. In the after-       baggage charges, items of a personal
noon, we visit Archbold Biological Station       nature.
and its extensive grounds. Here we have
further opportunities of woodpeckers, war-       *Please refer to our terms and
blers, sparrows and Florida Scrub Jay.           conditions relating to flights
Transfer to Orlando for two nights

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