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Journal of Breath Research


Nucleic acid detection and quantitative analysis of influenza virus using
exhaled breath condensate
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J. Breath Res. 15 (2021) 026001                                                  

                              Journal of Breath Research


                              Nucleic acid detection and quantitative analysis of influenza virus
                              using exhaled breath condensate
14 September 2020             Xiaoguang Li1,3, Minfei Wang2,3, Jing Chen1, Fei Lin1 and Wei Wang1
REVISED                       1
30 November 2020                  Department of Infectious Diseases, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, People’s Republic of China
                                  State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,
                                  Peking University, Beijing 100871, People’s Republic of China
7 December 2020               3
                                  These authors contributed equally.
11 January 2021               E-mail:

                              Keywords: influenza, exhaled breath condensate, nucleic acid test, virus
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Any further distribution      Exhaled breath condensate (EBC) is increasingly being used as a non-invasive method for disease
of this work must
maintain attribution to
                              diagnosis and environmental exposure assessment. We previously detected the nucleic acids of
the author(s) and the title   bacterial pathogens in EBC. Influenza viruses can be transmitted through aerosols during
of the work, journal
citation and DOI.             coughing and exhaling. Existing detection methods for influenza have various limitations. The
                              EBC collection method is convenient, non-invasive, and reduces the risk of exposure. We
                              investigated the detection of influenza virus in EBC using a sensitive nucleic acid testing method
                              and performed quantitative analysis to evaluate the present and content of influenza virus in the
                              breath. We evaluated 30 patients with respiratory tract infection during the 2019 influenza season.
                              The clinical data and samples of nasal swabs were collected for rapid influenza diagnostic (antigen)
                              tests. Pharyngeal swab and EBC samples were used for influenza virus nucleic acid detection. Each
                              EBC sample was assessed twice as well as at one-month follow-up of the patients. The nucleic acid
                              test in the EBC of 30 cases revealed 20 and two cases of influenza A and B, respectively, giving a
                              detection rate of 73.3%. The rapid influenza diagnostic (antigen) tests revealed four and 12 cases of
                              influenza A and B, respectively, with a detection rate of 53.3%. All pharyngeal swab samples
                              evaluated by the nucleic acid test were influenza-positive; 12 cases were positive for both influenza
                              A and B and 18 cases were positive for influenza B alone. The influenza viral load in the EBC was
                              103 –107 copies ml−1 . Among the 16 patients followed-up after 1 month, 4 were positive (25%) in
                              EBC samples and 10 were positive (62.5%) in pharyngeal swab samples. It was preliminary
                              exploration that influenza virus could be detected in EBC. EBC is one of the sample types that
                              would be used for molecular diagnosis of influenza.

                              1. Introduction                                                       coughing and exhaling [4]. Viable influenza A virus
                                                                                                    was detected more often in cough aerosol particles
                              Exhaled breath condensate (EBC) is a promising                        than in exhalation aerosol particles but the difference
                              source of biomarkers of lung disease [1]. Since the                   was small because individuals’ breath more often than
                              year 2000, EBC has been used to detect several lung                   they cough. Xie et al reported that air sampling, as a
                              diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmon-                  surveillance tool for monitoring influenza activity in
                              ary disease, and lung cancer. Moreover, respiratory                   public locations, might provide early detection signals
                              monitoring devices are constantly being updated [2]                   of influenza viruses circulating in the community [5].
                              and the metabolomics of EBC shows the potential for                   Zhao et al reported that airborne transmission might
                              early disease diagnosis [3].                                          have played a role in the spread of the 2015 highly
                                  Influenza is a common respiratory infectious dis-                 pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in the United
                              ease that can be transmitted by respiratory droplets                  States [6]. In addition, during the influenza season,
                              between people. Lindsley et al reported that influenza                health facilities are crowded, increasing the risk of
                              viruses can be transmitted through aerosols when                      influenza transmission.

                              © 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd
J. Breath Res. 15 (2021) 026001                                                                           X Li et al

     We previously conducted several studies of expir-     out in accordance with the principles outlined in
atory condensate. Nanotechnology-based approaches          the journal’s policy. Particularly, all investigations
such as gold nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, and          involving humans were conducted in accordance with
silicon nanowires (SiNWs) have emerged as general          the principles of Declaration of Helsinki.
platforms for label-free and ultrasensitive virus detec-
tion. Among these technologies, the SiNW field effect      2.2. Research methods
transistor, when chemically modified using an anti-        2.2.1. Specimen collection
body, was shown to selectively detect single influ- Nasal swab collection
enza viruses in liquids. We explored whether SiNW          Keeping the head still, secretions were removed from
sensors can be used to detect EBC H1N1 influenza           the surface of the anterior nasal orifices. We gently
virus [7]. Experimental data revealed that bacteria        inserted the swab through the nasal cavity to the
and viruses in EBC can be rapidly collected using          nasopharynx, held the swab for a few seconds, rotated
our developed method with an observed efficiency           it gently, removed the swab, and placed it in phos-
of 100 µl EBC within 1 min. Culturing, DNA stain-          phate buffer.
ing, scanning electron microscopy, and quantitative
PCR methods all detected high bacterial concentra- Pharyngeal swab collection
tions up to 7000 CFU m−3 in EBC, including both            The tongue was gently pressed with a tongue
viable and dead cells of various types. Influenza A        depressor and the secretion of the palatine arch,
H3N2 virus was also detected in one EBC sample             pharyngeal, and tonsil was quickly wiped on both
[8].We used a newly developed protocol of integrat-        sides of the mouth of the patient with a pharyn-
ing an EBC collection device (PKU BioScreen) and           geal swab while avoiding touching other parts of the
loop-mediated isothermal amplification to investig-        mouth. The swab was quickly placed in the collec-
ate which bacterial pathogens are exhaled by humans,       tion tube containing virus storage solution. The swab
such as Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas aer-           rod was broke off near the top, and the tube cover
uginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and      was tightened for sealing. The samples were stored at
methicillin-resistant S. aureus [9]. We also studied       −70 ◦ C until testing.
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in EBC, and the
differences in exhaled VOCs in patients with upper Collection of EBC
respiratory tract infection and healthy individuals        The patient was asked to exhale for 5 min. Approxim-
[10]. In this study, we focused on influenza virus in      ately 500 µl EBC was collected using the breath con-
the EBC.                                                   densate collection device developed by the bioaerosol
     Non-invasive and convenient testing methods are       research group of Peking University [8].
needed to detect respiratory viruses, such as influenza        The collection steps were as follows: (a) The cus-
virus. The EBC is non-invasive and easy sampling           tomised icebox was wiped with alcohol-soaked cot-
option for children, the elderly, and people unable        ton for disinfection and subjected to ultra-low tem-
to tolerate other sampling methods. However, few           perature treatment (−70 ◦ C). (b) A layer of sterile
studies have examined whether influenza viruses can        ultra-hydrophobic membrane, also treated at ultra-
be detected in EBC. In this study, we investigated         low temperature, was placed on the sterile icebox, the
whether EBC can be used to detect influenza virus          top cover was placed on the sampling box, and a sterile
using quantitative analysis.                               blowing pipe was inserted into the exhalation inlet.
                                                           The subjects were asked to exhale steadily and slowly
2. Methods                                                 at a normal breathing rate for 5 min. (c) After collec-
                                                           tion, the super hydrophobic membrane was removed
2.1. Research objectives                                   in a sterile environment. The exhaled condensate
In the 2019 spring influenza season (from 5 March          beads on the membrane surface were dragged back
to 8 April 2019), 31 patients were chosen from the         and forth with the sterile gun head and transferred
Department of Infectious Diseases, Peking University       to a sterile centrifuge tube to complete the collec-
Third Hospital; one patient was omitted because of         tion process. The samples were stored at −20 ◦ C until
a lack of clinical data. Thus, 30 patients were finally    testing.
enrolled in the study. The inclusion criteria were
(a) fever > 37.2 ◦ C; (b) cough and/or sore throat;        2.2.2. Reagents and testing method
and (c) age range of 18–65 years. After one month, Rapid detection of influenza virus antigen
all patients underwent follow-up assessment, and 16        We used an influenza A/B antigen detection kit
patients agreed to the collection and re-testing of EBC    (colloidal gold method) from Guangzhou Wanfu Bio-
and pharyngeal swabs.                                      technology Co., Ltd (Guangzhou city, Guangdong
     All study participants provided informed consent,     Province, China). The principle is that the specific
and the study design was approved by the Peking Uni-       antibody is first fixed in a certain zone of the nitro-
versity Third Hospital Medical Science Research Eth-       cellulose film; when one end of the dried nitrocellu-
ics Committee 2017 (011-02). The study was carried         lose is immersed in the sample, the sample will move

J. Breath Res. 15 (2021) 026001                                                                                X Li et al

          Table 1. Standard point concentration table.       2.3. Clinical data collection
                                  Copy number of plasmids    Demographic data of the patients such as gender and
Standard substance                (copies ml−1 )             age, clinical data, blood routine, and influenza virus
                                                             antigen test results were collected.
E8                                1.0 × 108
E7                                1.0 × 107
                                                             2.4. Statistical analysis
E6                                1.0 × 106
E5                                1.0 × 105                  Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version
E4                                1.0 × 104                  17software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Data are
E3                                1.0 × 103                  expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (x̄ ± s).
Calculations were based on the standard curve equation.      Quantities are expressed as percentages.
FAM channel: Y = −3.760865 log(X) + 48.225266
VIC channel: Y = −4.033391 log(X) + 51.186398                2.5. Safety precautions
                                                             Medical staff should adopt standard protection and
                                                             wear N95 masks, hats, isolation gowns and gloves to
forward along the film via capillary action. When            ensure safety. Collecting sample is in separate rooms.
moving to the antibody region, the antigen in the            There are ultraviolet disinfection devices and air puri-
sample reacts with the membrane antibody, causing            fiers in the room. Medical staff should do air disinfec-
the immunocolloidal gold stain to react and develop          tion after patient sampling. Laboratory staffs do the
the colour. The detailed method is as follows: nasal         influenza virus nucleic acid detection in PCR labor-
swabs are collected from patients and placed into            atory to ensure biosafety during test operations.
0.4 ml virus preservation solution, after which 80 µl
is removed and added to the sample chamber in the            3. Results
test card. The colour change results can be observed
within 15–20 min.                                            3.1. Clinical data of 30 patients
                                                             The patients’ age ranged from 18 to 57 years, with Influenza virus nucleic acid detection              a median age of 23 years. There were 15 males and
Each pharyngeal swab sample was tested once,                 15 females (1:1 male-female ratio). The mean body
whereas each EBC sample was tested twice using an            temperature was 38.5 ± 0.6 ◦ C (37.5–39.5 ◦ C). The
influenza A/B virus RNA detection kit (Suzhou Tian-          results of blood routine examination were as follows:
long Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Suzhou city, Jiangsu            white blood cell count 7.38 ± 4.49 × 109 l−1 , normal
Province, China) (the kit is referred to in this article     in 26 cases, increased in two cases, decreased in one
as Tianlong).                                                case, and absent in one case. The neutrophil percent-
                                                             age was 66.8 ± 11.9%, which was increased in nine
                                                             cases, decreased in two cases, and was absent in one Detection method                                    case (table 2). Tianlong
The RNA of influenza A/B virus was detected using a          3.2. Pathogenic detection using nasal swab
fluorescence PCR method; 8 µl of EBC was directly            and pharyngeal swab sample
added to 32 µl reaction solution and detected with           The rapid influenza virus antigen detection test (col-
an ABI7500 fluorescence PCR instrument (Applied              loidal gold method) using nasal swab revealed four
Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Negative and pos-         cases of influenza A, 12 cases of influenza B, and 14
itive results were determined by analysing the cycle         negative cases. The influenza virus nucleic acid detec-
threshold (Ct) value. FAM and VIC were used as the           tion using pharyngeal swab sample showed that 12
fluorescent channels for the influenza A and B probes,       cases were positive for co-infection of influenza A and
respectively. The FAM channel, when the Ct ⩽37.0,            influenza B and 18 cases were positive for influenza B
indicated that the influenza A virus RNA was positive,       alone (table 2).
whereas the VIC channel, when the Ct ⩽37.0, indic-
ated that the influenza B virus RNA was positive.            3.3. Pathogenic detection and quantitative analysis
                                                             of influenza virus using EBC sample Determination of quantitative value               EBC nucleic acid detection was performed in 30
of the Tianlong kit                                          patients. Each sample was assessed twice with Tian-
Influenza A/B plasmid was diluted to 1.0 × 109 .             long reagent. The first test results showed that 15
Thereafter, it was diluted by ten-fold to six concen-        cases were positive for influenza A and two positive
trations named as E8–E3, and F8–E3. These samples            for influenza B. The second test results showed that
were used as standards. Table 1 shows the specific           18 cases were positive for influenza A; thus, 13 cases
concentrations. Fluorescence PCR was conducted to            were positive for influenza A in both tests. A nucleic
detect the linear relationship between the Ct value          acid test result that was positive once was defined as
and logarithm of the plasmid copy number, after              positive. A total of 22 cases were positive, with 20 cases
which the sample concentration was determined.               of influenza A and two cases of influenza B (table 2).

Table 2. Nucleic acid test results of influenza virus in EBC of 30 patients.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Pharyngeal          Pharyngeal        Pharyngeal
                                                                                                               EBC Ct              EBC                   EBC Ct         EBC                swab FAM            swab VIC          swab
    No.        Sex          Age           T.          WBC 109 L−1                N%             RIDT           value 1             results 1             value 2        results 2          Ct value             Ct value         results

    1           M          24            37.5               5.73                59               —             25.62                FluA                  27.58          FluA                                     25.98           FluB
    2           F          29            39                 9.13                78.2             —             29.34                FluA                  30.42          FluA                                     28.34           FluB
    4           F          23            39                 5.42                65.7             —             24.24                FluA                  30.72          FluA               25.23                 17.66           FluA/B
    5           F          57            37.5              27.45                92               —             28.32                FluA                                 —                  31.96                 25.80           FluA/B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 J. Breath Res. 15 (2021) 026001

    6           F          38            38.7               5.65                62.5             FluA                               —                     32.61          FluA                                     27.68           FluB
    7           M          26            38.8               9.18                77.2             —             27.94                FluA                                 —                                        25.19           FluB
    8           M          23            38.7               5.48                65.8             FluB          27.48                FluA                  29.29          FluA               26.86                 15.09           FluA/B
    9           M          23            39.1               7.8                 70.9             —                                  —                                    —                                        25.60           FluB
    10          M          20            37.5               7.26                67.5             —             21.70                FluA                  22.91          FluA               25.85                 17.55           FluA/B
    11          F          22            38.7               3.22                39.1             FluB                               —                                    —                  31.56                 22.77           FluA/B
    12          F          20            38.6               4.36                62.8             FluB          19.48                FluA                  22.48          FluA               28.22                 19.04           FluA/B
    13          M          25            39.5               4.48                58.5             —             20.53                FluA                  23.34          FluA                                     23.60           FluB

    14          F          20            39.3               6.9                 81.7             FluA          28.43                FluA                  23.32          FluA               18.55                 26.14           FluA/B
    15          M          23            39.5               6.2                 75.7             —                                  —                                    —                  25.42                 16.77           FluA/B
    16          M          23            39.3               9.17                80.1             FluB          29.57                FluA                  30.01          FluA                                     25.97           FluB
    17          F          24            38.5               5.8                 72.4             FluB          35.13a               FluB                                 —                  30.46                 22.19           FluA/B
    18          M          20            38.6              14.41                78               —                                  —                     25.03          FluA                                     26.13           FluB
    19          M          25            39                 4.86                62.7             FluB                               —                                    —                                        25.05           FluB
    20          M          19            38.5               —                    —               FluB          25.39                FluA                  25.10          FluA                                     26.23           FluB
    21          F          22            38.5               9                   76.1             —             28.58                FluA                  27.54          FluA                                     24.65           FluB
    22          M          24            38                 7.5                  —               FluB                               —                                    —                  27.44                 19.05           FluA/B
    23          F          18            38.5               5.59                55.5             —             30.44                FluA                  27.17          FluA               34.08                 32.06           FluA/B
    24          F          23            38                 4.7                 55.8             FluB                               —                                    —                                        26.49           FluB
    25          F          19            39                 6.97                53.5             FluB                               —                     33.07          FluA                                     19.78           FluB
    26          M          31            38.3               4.32                49.6             FluA                               —                     31.72          FluA                                     21.57           FluB
    27          F          24            38.2               9.13                83.7             —             21.14                FluA                  22.44          FluA                                     25.31           FluB
    28          F          21            38.5               5.88                59.4             FluA                               —                     28.30          FluA                                     21.32           FluB
    29          F          18            37.8               8.06                71.9             FluB                               —                                    —                                        22.10           FluB
    30          M          21            37.7               3.58                55.5             —                                  —                                    —                                        36.16           FluB
    31          M          26            38.3               6.89                58.6             FluB          33.32a               FluB                                 —                  26.18                 17.74           FluA/B
    No. 1–31; No. 3 was not included in the study because of a lack of data.
    FAM and VIC: reporter fluorescent channels labelled with influenza A and B probes, respectively.
      Ct values, FAM/VIC channel tests were performed on all samples; only Ct positive data are recorded in the table. Except for No.17 and 31, the Ct value of EBC first test was positive for the VIC channel, indicating influenza B, while
    the other Ct values were positive for the FAM channel, indicating influenza A.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 X Li et al

    WBC: white blood cell, N%: neutrophil percentage, RIDT: rapid influenza diagnostic (antigen) test, FluA: influenza A, FluB: influenza B.
J. Breath Res. 15 (2021) 026001                                                                               X Li et al

     As each EBC sample was tested twice, there were         16 EBC tests, 12 were negative and 4 were positive.
two Ct values with similar results; we chose the Ct          The positive detection rate was reduced from an ini-
value of the first test only for further quantitative ana-   tial 75% to 25% (table 5).
lysis to describe the range of concentrations at which            The follow-up results of the nucleic acid test
influenza viruses can be detected in EBC. Based on the       showed that among 16 pharyngeal swabs that were
results of the first test with Tianlong reagent and the      initially positive, 10 were positive at follow-up. The
standard curve, quantitative detection revealed that         positive detection rate decreased to 62.5%. Compar-
the influenza virus load in the EBC was 103 –107 cop-        ison of the initial and follow-up results showed that
ies ml−1 (table 3).                                          for six cases of co-infection influenza A and B at the
                                                             initial stage, one case became negative and five cases
3.4. Comparison of EBC, pharyngeal swabs,                    still tested positive for influenza B. For 10 cases of
and nasal swabs detection methods (table 4)                  influenza B at the initial stage, five became negative
The gold standard is the pharyngeal swab nucleic acid        and five still showed influenza B (table 5).
test, which was compared with the nasal swab col-
loidal gold method and breath condensate nucleic             4. Discussion
acid test. The positive detection rate of influenza A/B
was 100% in the pharyngeal swab nucleic acid test,           Using EBC as a sample type for influenza virus detec-
53.3% in nasal swab RIDTs, and 73.3% in the EBC              tion and quantitative analysis is a novel approach.
nucleic acid test.                                           In this study, we confirmed that influenza virus was
    We next analysed the consistency between the             detected in the EBC with viral loads of 103 –107 cop-
EBC and pharyngeal swabs nucleic acid test. For influ-       ies ml−1 .
enza (including influenza A or B) detected by the two            The EBC collection device can efficiently col-
methods, the coincidence rate was 73.3% (22/30). For         lect bacteria and virus particles in exhaled breath
influenza A alone, the two methods were identical            through impact and condensation, which can greatly
with seven positive cases and five negative cases, with      reduce cross-contamination by using a disposable
a consistency rate of 40.0% (12/30). For influenza B         super-hydrophobic membrane and exhalation tube.
alone, the two methods were identical and showed             In addition, compared with commonly used exhala-
positive results in two cases, with a consistency rate       tion condensers, such as the EcoScreen condenser and
of 6.7% (2/30).                                              tube collection system, the device is less costly, simple
    The consistency between the nasal swab colloidal         to operate, and enables rapid testing. Thus, exhaled
gold and pharyngeal swab nucleic acid tests was              condensate samples can be obtained from large num-
examined. For influenza (including influenza A or            bers of patients during an influenza outbreak. This
B), the two methods showed a coincidence rate of             technology has obtained a national invention patent,
53.3% (16/30). For influenza A and influenza B alone,        and previous research showed that this method could
the coincidence rates of the two methods were 53.3%          collect approximately 100 µl of EBC in 1–2 min.
(16/30) and 40% (12/30), respectively.                           In this study, we collected EBC in a safe and
    In analysis of the consistency between the nasal         patient-friendly manner. We did not require patients
swab colloidal gold and EBC nucleic acid tests, for          to open their mouths widely to directly access the
influenza (including influenza A or B), the two meth-        pharynx for sampling, avoiding nausea or even
ods showed identical results with 11 positive cases          spillage. Therefore, the EBC collection method is
and three negative cases, giving a consistency rate          convenient, non-invasive, repeatable, and reduces
of 46.7% (14/30). For influenza A alone, the two             the risk of exposure. Furthermore, the EBC method
methods showed identical results, with four positive         reduces the exposure of medical staff to patients dur-
cases and 10negative cases, giving a consistency rate of     ing pharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swab collection
46.75 (14/30). For influenza B alone, the two methods        and bronchoscope operations; in addition, it reduces
were identical with two positive cases and 18 negative       patient exposure to the environment by eliminat-
cases, with a consistency rate of 66.7%.                     ing the need for open-mouth sampling in hospitals
                                                             and medical institutions. The sample type is a liquid,
3.5. Results of EBC in 16 patients who were                  which can be stored directly and relatively homogen-
followed up                                                  ized.
The results showed that 16 of the 30 patients with               This study showed that the nucleic acid test res-
no symptoms were followed up 1 month later and               ults of pharyngeal swabs were all positive. Whether
their EBC was collected. Comparison of the initial           nucleic acid detection is too sensitive for accurate
and follow-up results showed that among the 10               detection remains unclear. The detected virus frag-
patients with influenza A, two cases were still pos-         ments did not necessarily reflect pathogenicity and
itive and eight cases had become negative. The two           infectivity. There was also a risk of false-positive
cases showing initial positive results for influenza B       results. However, there is currently gold standard
had become positive for influenza A. Four patients           method, and thus it is clinically important to develop
with a negative initial test were still negative. Of the     viral detection methods.

J. Breath Res. 15 (2021) 026001                                                                                                 X Li et al

                                  Table 3. Quantitative detection of influenza virus in EBC of 30 patients.

No.             FAM Ct                VIC Ct         Internal control Ct          Results          FAM virus load       VIC virus load

1                 25.62                                          23.66            FluA             1.0 × 106
2                 29.34                                          23.73            FluA             1.0 × 105
4                 24.24                                          23.34            FluA             2.4 × 106
5                 28.32                                          23.58            FluA             2.0 × 105
6                                                                23.99            —
7                 27.94                                          23.89            FluA             2.5 × 105
8                 27.48                                          24.44            FluA             3.3 × 105
9                                                                24.70            —
10                21.70                                          24.31            FluA             1.1 × 107
11                                                               24.33            —
12                19.48                                          24.52            FluA             4.4 × 107
13                20.53                                          23.68            FluA             2.3 × 107
14                28.43                                          24.28            FluA             1.8 × 105
15                                                               23.70            —
16                29.57                                          23.47            FluA             9.1 × 104
17                                     35.13                     24.13            FluB                                      9.6 × 103
18                                                               24.25            —
19                                                               24.25            —
20                25.39                                          24.02            FluA             1.2 × 106
21                28.58                                          24.01            FluA             1.7 × 105
22                                                               24.39            —
23                30.44                                          23.75            FluA             5.4 × 104
24                                                               23.62            —
25                                                               23.83            —
26                                                               24.43            —
27                21.14                                          24.04            FluA             1.6 × 107
28                                                               24.31            —
29                                                               24.22            —
30                                                               24.64            —
31                                     33.32                     23.65            FluB                                      2.7 × 104
Based on the results of the EBC first test with Tianlong reagent and the standard curve FluA: influenza A, FluB: influenza B.

                  Table 4. Comparison of EBC, pharyngeal swabs, and nasal swabs detection methods in 30 patients.

                                                                     Pharyngeal swabs RT-PCR
                                               Flu A/B                             Flu A                            Flu B
                                          +                  –               +                 –                +               –

Nasal swabs            +                 16                  0               1                3                12               0
RIDT (n)               –                 14                  0              11               15                18               0
EBC                    +                 22                  0               7               13                 2               0
RT-PCR (n)             –                  8                  0               5                5                28               0

    EBC can contain pathogens from throughout the                        type A (251 studies), and 9266 influenza type B
respiratory tract. Interestingly, in this study, EBC was                 patients (47 studies). The abnormal chest radiology
mainly positive for influenza A and pharyngeal swabs                     rates in COVID-19, influenza A, and influenza B were
were mainly positive for influenza B when the same                       84%, 57%, and 33%, respectively, revealing signific-
qPCR method was used. The influenza virus was                            ant differences.
early onset in the upper respiratory tract and showed                        Interestingly, we also found that all 16 patients
downward invasion as the disease worsened. Influ-                        were followed up one month later with no symp-
enza A was more likely to invade the lower respir-                       toms, whereas10 cases (62.5%) of pharyngeal swabs
atory tract and lead to severe pneumonia. In some                        tested positive for influenza virus. Four cases (25%)
patients, pharyngeal swabs of the upper respiratory                      were positive in the EBC. During influenza season,
tract were negative, whereas the alveolar lavage fluid                   the virus detected during follow-up may have been
was positive. Influenza B was relatively mild and more                   permanently colonized in the respiratory tract, mak-
abundant in the upper respiratory tract. A recent                        ing the patient persistently asymptomatic, or a new
study by Pormohammad et al [11] supports this view.                      re-infection may have occurred. This suggests that the
They evaluated 540 articles which included 75 164                        virus is also present in pharyngeal swabs and EBC
cases of COVID-19 (157 studies), 113 818 influenza                       in asymptomatic people recovering from infection.

J. Breath Res. 15 (2021) 026001

                                                  Table 5. EBC nucleic acid test of16follow-up patients.

          Initial EBC                  Follow-up EBC                                      Initial pharyngeal swabs             Follow-up pharyngeal swabs
    No.   FAM/VIC Ct value   Results   FAM/VIC Ct value              Results              FAM/VIC Ct value           Results   FAM/VIC Ct value             Results

    4     24.24/              FluA                                     —                  25.23/17.66                FluA/B                                 —
    7                          —                                       —                  /25.19                     FluB      /28.23                       FluB

    9                          —                                       —                  /25.60                     FluB                                   —
    12    19.48/              FluA     25.51/                         FluA                28.22/19.04                FluA/B    /29.10                       FluB
    13    20.53/              FluA                                     —                  /23.60                     FluB      34.04                        FluA
    14    28.43/              FluA                                     —                  18.55/26.14                FluA/B    /27.09                       FluB
    17                         —       29.97/                         FluA                30.46/22.19                FluA/B    /29.23                       FluB
    18    25.03/              FluA                                     —                  /26.13                     FluB                                   —
    21    28.58/              FluA     21.71/                         FluA                /24.65                     FluB                                   —
    22                         —                                       —                  27.44/19.05                FluA/B    /29.98                       FluB
    24                         —                                       —                  /26.49                     FluB      /29.63                       FluB
    25                         —                                       —                  /19.78                     FluB      /30.72                       FluB
    26                         —                                       —                  /21.57                     FluB                                   —
    27    21.14/              FluA                                     —                  /25.31                     FluB                                   —
    29                         —                                       —                  /22.10                     FluB      /27.45                       FluB
    31    /33.32              FluB     18.28/                         FluA                26.18/17.74                FluA/B    /37.28                       FluB
                                                                                                                                                                      X Li et al
J. Breath Res. 15 (2021) 026001                                                                             X Li et al

Furuya-Kanamori et al [12] reported that influenza          and other viruses using EBC as one of the optional
infection manifested as a wide spectrum of severity,        sample types.
including symptomless pathogen carriers. A system-              Techniques for EBC collection and detection
atic review and meta-analysis of 55 studies revealed        are improving. McDevitt et al [19] reported the
the proportional representation of these asympto-           development and performance evaluation of an
matic infected persons. The prevalence of asympto-          exhaled breath bioaerosol collector for influenza
matic carriage (total absence of symptoms) ranged           and evaluated its protective measures. Furthermore,
from 5.2% to 35.5% and subclinical cases (illness           Fabian et al [20] optimised the detection of influ-
that did not meet the criteria for acute respiratory or     enza viruses and rhinoviruses in exhaled and airborne
influenza-like illness) ranged from 25.4% to 61.8%.         environments. These authors found that performing
     In follow-up tests, more pharyngeal swabs than         Trizol-chloroform extraction and MultiScribe™ RT
EBC samples were positive, suggesting that the col-         increased virus detection by ten-fold.
onized virus was present in the pharyngeal swabs                Although EBC can be used for virus detec-
or upper respiratory tract. Wang et al [13] reported        tion, there are no well-developed kits, methods,
an asymptomatic couple with COVID-19; the male              and gold standards, and the detection technical
patient is an intercity bus driver but did not cause        indicators require further investigation. In addi-
confirmed infection of his 188 passengers. Asympto-         tion, matched comparisons with other sample types
matic patients carrying viruses may only have nucleic       are lacking. Thus, it is necessary to expand the
acid fragments, low pathogenicity, and low infectiv-        sample size and further compare sample types to
ity. Further analysis is needed to examine these            improve the detection technology. Moreover, the
points.                                                     relationship between the influenza viral load and pro-
     To date, few studies have examined sing breath         gnosis can be analysed according to the patients’ dis-
condensate testing for influenza viruses. George et al      ease course, illness condition, and repeated detec-
[14] reported that in 19 influenza-like illnesses, influ-   tion. The detection sample type used in this study
enza virus RNA was detected in nasopharyngeal               showed that detection was possible for influenza
swabs and EBC with 12 positive cases in nasopharyn-         and can provide a reference for studying the novel
geal swabs and one positive case in EBC. Moreover,          coronavirus.
Fabian et al [15] reported four cases of influenza virus
RNA in the EBC (three were influenza A virus and            5. Conclusion
one was influenza B virus in 12 cases influenza-like ill-
nesses). Houspie et al [16] screened for 14 respiratory     This preliminary exploration revealed that influenza
viruses in EBC samples from 102 upper respiratory-          virus could be detected and quantified in EBC. EBC
infected people and detected six rhinoviruses and one       is a useful sample type for molecular diagnosis of
influenza B virus. Costa et al [17] reported the detec-     influenza. This study can serve as a helpful reference
tion of respiratory herpes virus DNA in the EBC with        for further studies of other respiratory infectious dis-
only one of the 24 samples showing positive results.        eases, particularly novel severe acute respiratory syn-
However, the detection rates in previous studies were       drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
low because of the low concentration of EBC virus.
The viral load levels found in the EBC were similar         Data availability statement
to those found by traditional techniques. Granados
et al reported the use of RT-PCR for evaluation of 774      The data supporting the findings of this study are
nasopharyngeal swabs to determine the mean viral            available upon reasonable request from the authors.
load (log10 copies ml−1 ) of influenza A/H3N2 (6.94)
and influenza B (4.96).This indicates that EBC is a         Acknowledgments
suitable sample type for influenza detection.
     Influenza detection methods such as rapid detec-       The authors thank Weiwei Li and Ju Wang from
tion of influenza virus antigens have low sensitivity       Shanghai Xingyao Medical Technology Development
and detection accuracy. Yarbrough et al [18] reported       Co., Ltd for their support with the experiment tech-
that the sensitivity of rapid influenza diagnostic (anti-   nology. The authors thank Maosheng Yao from State
gen) tests varies by up to 50%, whereas that for influ-     Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation
enza B viruses is lower. The Food and Drug Admin-           and Pollution Control, College of Environmental Sci-
istration reclassified rapid influenza testing devices      ences and Engineering, Peking University, for his sup-
from Class I to Class II devices in 2018, requiring that    port and suggestions about the study.
they must fulfil the lowest performance requirements
and comply with additional controls. However, rapid         Author contributions
molecular detection technology is needed, particu-
larly for detecting nucleic acids. Further studies will     Xiaoguang Li was the principal clinical investigator,
lead the development of more sensitive tests, which         research designer, and thesis writer; Minfei Wang per-
can be used for influenza virus, novel coronavirus,         formed experiments and collected the EBC; Jing Chen

J. Breath Res. 15 (2021) 026001                                                                                               X Li et al

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