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United States ............................ 2-3
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World.............................................. 7-9
Europe......................................... 9-10
Stanford Studies on Central
and Eastern Europe ..................10
Stanford Studies in Jewish
History and Culture............... 10-11
Middle East ............................. 12-16
Cultural and
Intellectual History ............. 19-22                   The American Yawp
                                                           A Massively Collaborative Open U.S. History Textbook
Digital Publishing
Initiative ......................................... 23    Edited by Joseph L. Locke and Ben Wright
                                                           “I too am not a bit tamed—I too am untranslatable / I sound my barbaric
O RDER ING                                                 yawp over the roofs of the world.”
Use code S19HIST to receive a                                                         —Walt Whitman, “Song of Myself,” Leaves of Grass
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in this catalog. Visit sup.org to                          The American Yawp is a free, online, collaboratively built American history
order online. Visit sup.org/help/                          textbook. Over 300 historians joined together to create the book they
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                                                           Without losing sight of politics and power, The American Yawp
                                                           incorporates transnational perspectives, integrates diverse voices, recovers
                                                           narratives of resistance, and explores the complex process of cultural
        @stanfordpress                                     creation. It looks for America in crowded slave cabins, bustling markets,
                                                           congested tenements, and marbled halls. It navigates between maternity
                                                           wards, prisons, streets, bars, and boardrooms. The Yawp highlights the
                                                           dynamism and conflict inherent in the history of the United States, while
        Blog: stanfordpress.                               also looking for the common threads that help us make sense of the past.
                                                           As part of a new publishing strand in U.S. history, Stanford University
                                                           Press is issuing a fully peer-reviewed and updated edition of The
                                                           American Yawp for the 2018–2019 academic year. The American Yawp is
                                                           accessible online as an open educational resource and will be available as
                                                           a low-cost print textbook, published in two volumes.
                                                           Learn more at americanyawp.com.
                                                           “A thorough, compelling introduction to American history that can be
                                                           used in virtually any course.”
                                                                                                      —Dan Cohen, Northeastern University
                                                           Volume 1, To 1877: 9781503606715, 456 pages
                                                           Volume 2, Since 1877: 9781503606883, 464 pages
                                                           January 2019, Paper $24.95, each $19.96 sale
2           UNITED STATES
Housing the City by the Bay              Black Power and Palestine                   The Chinese and the Iron Road
Tenant Activism, Civil Rights, and       Transnational Countries of Color            Building the Transcontinental
Class Politics in San Francisco          Michael R. Fischbach                        Railroad
John Baranski                            The 1967 Arab–Israeli War rocketed          Edited by Gordon H. Chang and
San Francisco has always had             the question of Israel and Palestine        Shelley Fisher Fishkin
an affordable housing problem.           onto the front pages of American            The completion of the transcontinental
Starting in the aftermath of the 1906    newspapers. Black Power activists           railroad in May 1869 is usually told
earthquake and ending with the           saw Palestinians as a kindred               as a story of national triumph and a
dot-com boom, Housing the City by        people of color, waging the same            key moment for American “manifest
the Bay considers the history of         struggle for freedom and justice as         destiny.” But while the transcontinental
one proposed answer to the city’s        themselves. Soon concerns over the          has often been celebrated in national
ongoing housing crisis: public           Arab–Israeli conflict spread across         memory, little attention has been paid
housing. John Baranski follows the       mainstream black politics and               to the Chinese workers who made up
ebbs and flows of San Francisco’s        into the heart of the civil rights          90 percent of the workforce on the
public housing program—the               movement itself. Black Power and            Western portion of the line.
Progressive Era and New Deal             Palestine uncovers why so many
reforms that led to the creation of      African Americans—notably Martin            The railroad could not have been built
the San Francisco Housing Authority      Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and            without Chinese labor, but the lives of
in 1938, conflicts over urban renewal    Muhammad Ali, among others—                 Chinese railroad workers themselves
and desegregation, and the federal       came to support the Palestinians or         have remained largely invisible. This
and local efforts to privatize           felt the need to respond to those who       landmark volume shines new light
government housing at the turn of        did. The book reveals how American          on these workers and their enduring
the twenty-first century. Baranski       peoples of color create political           importance, illuminating more fully
advances the idea that public            strategies, a sense of self, and a place    than ever before how immigration
housing remains a vital part of          within U.S. and global communities.         across the Pacific changed both China
the social and political landscape,                                                  and the U.S., the dynamics of the
                                         “Original and timely, Black Power           racism the workers encountered, the
intimately connected to the              and Palestine offers fascinating
struggle for economic rights in                                                      conditions under which they labored,
                                         insight into a vital issue in the self-
urban America.                           definition of the African American          and their role in shaping both the
                                         community.”                                 history of the railroad and the
“A monumental contribution to the                                                    development of the American West.
national discussion around housing                                —Rashid Khalidi,
                                                               Columbia University   528 pages, April 2019
and neighborhoods.”
                                                                                     9781503609242 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale
                      —James Tracy,      STANFORD STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE
     co-founder of the San Francisco     RACE AND ETHNICITY
             Community Land Trust        296 pages, 2018
                                         9781503607385 Paper $25.95 $20.76 sale
312 pages, February 2019
9781503607613 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale

                                                                                                    ASIAN AMERICA             3
Nisei Naysayer                             Contraceptive Diplomacy                     Mandarin Brazil
    The Memoir of Militant Japanese            Reproductive Politics and                   Race, Representation, and Memory
    American Journalist Jimmie Omura           Imperial Ambitions in the                   Ana Paulina Lee
    James Matsumoto Omura                      United States and Japan
                                                                                           In Mandarin Brazil, Ana Paulina Lee
    Edited by Arthur A. Hansen                 Aiko Takeuchi-Demirci                       explores the centrality of Chinese
    Among the fiercest opponents of            This book turns to the history of           exclusion to the Brazilian nation-
    the mass incarceration of Japanese         the birth control movement in               building project, tracing the role of
    Americans during World War II was          the United States and Japan to              cultural representation in producing
    James “Jimmie” Matsumoto Omura,            interpret the struggle for hegemony         racialized national categories. She
    a newspaper editor who fearlessly          in the Pacific through the lens             considers depictions of Chineseness
    called out leaders in the Nikkei           of transnational feminism. Aiko             in Brazilian popular music, literature,
    community for what he saw as their         Takeuchi-Demirci follows the                and visual culture, as well as archival
    complicity with the U.S. government’s      relationship between two iconic             documents and Brazilian and Qing
    unjust and unconstitutional policies.      birth control activists, Margaret           dynasty diplomatic correspondence.
    In 1944, Omura was indicted,               Sanger in the United States and             The book begins during the second
    arrested, jailed, and forced to stand      Ishimoto Shizue in Japan, as well           half of the nineteenth century,
    trial for unlawful conspiracy to           as other intellectuals and policy-          during the transitional period when
    counsel, aid, and abet violations of the   makers, to make sense of the                enslaved labor became unfree labor—
    military draft. He was among the first     complex transnational exchanges             an era when black slavery shifted to
    Nikkei to seek governmental redress        occurring around contraception.             “yellow labor” and racial anxieties
    and reparations for wartime violations     By telling this story in a transnational    surged. By considering why Chinese
    of civil liberties and human rights.       context, Takeuchi-Demirci draws             laborers were excluded from Brazilian
    Edited and with an introduction            connections between birth control           nation-building efforts while Japanese
    by Arthur A. Hansen, Omura’s               activism and the history of eugenics,       migrants were welcomed, Lee
    memoir provides a firsthand                racism, and imperialism.                    interrogates how Chinese and Japanese
    account of Japanese American                                                           imperial ambitions and Asian ethnic
                                               “A fascinating study of transnational
    wartime resistance.                        feminism and international policy           supremacy reinforced Brazil’s
                                               that yields an exciting new frontier        “whitening” project.
    “Offering new insight into Omura’s
    controversial sedition trial, Nisei        for transnational histories.”               “A must-read for anyone studying
    Naysayer reveals the depth of Omura’s                            —Barbara Molony,      Brazil, Latin America, Chinese
    commitment to constitutionalism and                           Santa Clara University   diaspora, and Asians in the Americas.”
    freedom of the press.”                     336 pages, 2018                                                           —Lok Siu,
                 —Lane Ryo Hirabayashi,        9781503604407 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale            University of California, Berkeley
     University of California, Los Angeles
                                                                                           256 pages, 2018
    424 pages, 2018                                                                        9781503606012 Paper $25.95 $20.76 sale
    9781503606111 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale

4            ASIAN AMERICA
From the Grounds Up                         To Belong in Buenos Aires                  In Service of Two Masters
Building an Export Economy in               Germans, Argentines, and the Rise          The Missionaries of Ocopa,
Southern Mexico                             of a Pluralist Society                     Indigenous Resistance, and Spanish
Casey Marina Lurtz                          Benjamin Bryce                             Governance in Bourbon Peru
In the late nineteenth century, Latin       In the late nineteenth and early           Cameron D. Jones
American exports boomed. From               twentieth centuries, a massive wave        This book follows the Franciscan
Chihuahua to Patagonia, producers           of immigration transformed the             mission of Santa Rosa de Ocopa in
sent industrial fibers, tropical fruits,    cultural landscape of Argentina.           the Peruvian Amazon through the
and staple goods across oceans to           Alongside other immigrants to              eighteenth and early nineteenth
satisfy the ever-increasing demand          Buenos Aires, German speakers              centuries, a period marked by events
from foreign markets. In southern           strove to carve out a place for            such as the indigenous Juan Santos
Mexico’s Soconusco district, the            themselves as Argentines without           Atahualpa Rebellion and the 1746
coffee trade would transform rural          fully relinquishing their German           Lima earthquake. Caught between
life. Alongside plantation owners           language and identity. Their story         the directives of the Spanish crown
and foreign investors, a dense but          sheds light on how pluralistic societies   and the challenges of missionary
little-explored web of small-time           take shape and how immigrants              work on the Amazon frontier,
producers, shopowners, and laborers         negotiate citizenship and belonging.       the missionaries of Ocopa found
played key roles in the rapid expansion     Focusing on social welfare, education,     themselves at the center of a
of export production. A regional            religion, language, and the                struggle over the nature of colonial
history of the Soconusco as well as         importance of children, Benjamin           governance. Cameron D. Jones
a study in commodity capitalism,            Bryce examines the formation               reveals the changes that Spain’s
From the Grounds Up places                  of a distinct German-Argentine             far-flung empire experienced from
indigenous and mestizo villagers,           identity. Drawing parallels to other       borderland Franciscan missions in
migrant workers, and local politicians      immigrant groups, Bryce contributes        Peru to the court of the Bourbon
at the center of our understanding of       new perspectives on the history of         monarchy in Madrid, arguing
the development of Latin America’s          migration to Latin America—and             that the Bourbon clerical reforms
export-driven economy during the            on the complex interconnections            that broadly sought to bring the
first era of globalization.                 between cultural pluralism and the         empire under greater crown control
“A remarkable contribution to our           emergence of national cultures.            were shaped in turn by groups
understanding of capitalist                 “Bryce deftly explores immigrant           throughout the Americas, including
development in Mexico through               history in new ways and sheds light        Ocopa friars, the Amerindians and
the last 150 years.”                        on a community that, while small in        Africans in their missions, and
                      —John Womack, Jr.,    number, had an outsize influence on        bureaucrats in Lima and Madrid.
                       Harvard University   Argentine history.”
                                                                                       COPUBLISHED WITH THE ACADEMY OF
328 pages, April 2019                        —Donna Guy, Ohio State University         AMERICAN FRANCISCAN HISTORY
9781503603899 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale                                                 352 pages, 2018
                                            248 pages, 2018                            9781503604315 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale
                                            9781503601536 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale
                                                                                                      LATIN AMERICA             5
Alone at the Altar                         An Economic and                               To Sin No More
    Single Women and Devotion in               Demographic History of                        Franciscans and Conversion in the
    Guatemala, 1670-1870                       São Paulo, 1850-1950                          Hispanic World, 1683-1830
    Brianna Leavitt-Alcántara                  Francisco Vidal Luna                          David Rex Galindo
    By 1700, Guatemala’s capital was a         and Herbert S. Klein                          For 300 years, Franciscans were
    mixed-race “city of women.” Labor          This volume explores the                      at the forefront of the spread of
    and migration patterns in Guatemala        transformation of São Paulo, the              Catholicism in the New World.
    produced an urban female majority          most populated state in Brazil,               In the late seventeenth century,
    and high numbers of single women,          through an economic lens. Francisco           the Franciscan Order developed a
    widows, and female household               Vidal Luna and Herbert S. Klein               far-reaching, systematic missionary
    heads. In this history of religious        provide a synthetic overview of the           program in Spain and the Americas.
    and spiritual life in the Guatemalan       growth of São Paulo from 1850 to              After founding the first college of
    capital, Brianna Leavitt-Alcántara         1950, analyzing statistical data on           propaganda fide in the Mexican city
    focuses on the sizeable population         demographics, agriculture, finance,           of Querétaro, the Franciscans
    of ordinary, non-elite women               trade, and infrastructure. Quantitative       established six additional colleges in
    living outside of both marriage and        analysis of primary sources offers            New Spain, ten in South America,
    convent. Through an analysis of over       granular insight into state building,         and twelve in Spain. From these
    500 wills, hagiographies, religious        federalism, the coffee economy, early         colleges, Franciscans proselytized
    chronicles, and ecclesiastical records,    industrialization, urbanization, and          Indians in frontier territories as well
    Alone at the Altar examines how            demographic shifts. Luna and Klein            as Catholics in Spain and Spanish
    laboring women forged complex              compare São Paulo’s transformation            America. To Sin No More is the first
    alliances with Catholic priests and        to other regions from the same period,        book to study these colleges, their
    missionaries and how those alliances       making this an essential reference for        missionaries, and their multifaceted,
    significantly shaped local religion,       understanding the impact of early             sweeping missionary programs.
    the spiritual economy, and late            periods of economic growth.                   By focusing on the recruitment of
    colonial reform efforts.                                                                 non-Catholics to Catholicism as
                                               “Weaving together rich scholarship,           well as the deepening of religious
    “This intriguing and impeccably            original research, and extensive
    researched book offers a highly                                                          fervor among Catholics, David Rex
                                               historical data, Luna and Klein
    readable narrative of difficult archival   offer a sorely-needed synthesis of            Galindo shows how the Franciscan
    and primary sources for historians         the facets that contributed to                colleges expanded and shaped
    of Latin America.”                         São Paulo’s evolution.”                       popular Catholicism in the
                    —Nicole von Germeten,                                  —Anne Hanley,
                                                                                             eighteenth-century Spanish
                    Oregon State University                   Northern Illinois University   Atlantic world.
    312 pages, 2018                            SOCIAL SCIENCE HISTORY                        COPUBLISHED WITH THE ACADEMY OF
    9781503603684 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale     480 pages, 2018                               AMERICAN FRANCISCAN HISTORY
                                               9781503602007 Cloth $75.00 $60.00 sale        348 pages, 2018
                                                                                             9781503603264 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

6            LATIN AMERICA
Enlightened Immunity                       Revolution in the Terra do Sol           Between Containment
Mexico’s Experiments with Disease          The Cold War in Brazil                   and Rollback
Prevention in the Age of Reason            Sarah Sarzynski                          The United States and the
Paul Ramírez                                                                        Cold War in Germany
                                           Sarah Sarzynski’s cultural history of
A history of epidemics and disease         Cold War–era Brazil examines the         Christian Ostermann
management in eighteenth- and early        influence of revolutionary social        In the aftermath of World War II,
nineteenth-century Mexico, this book       movements in Northeastern Brazil         American diplomats and policymakers
reconstructs the cultural, ritual, and     during the lead-up to the 1964           turned to the task of rebuilding
political background of Mexico’s early     coup that would bring the military       Europe while keeping Communism at
experiments with childhood vaccines.       to power for twenty-one years.           bay, confronting a divided Germany.
Paul Ramírez considers how the             Turning to sources including             Based on recently declassified
public health response to epidemic         Cinema Novo films, biographies,          documents from American, Russian,
disease was thoroughly enmeshed            chapbook literature, and materials       and German archives, this book tells
with religion and the church, the          from U.S. and Brazilian government       the story of U.S. policy toward East
spread of Enlightenment ideas about        archives, Sarzynski shows how            Germany from 1945 to 1953. As the
medicine and the body, and the             representations of the Northeast         American approach shifted between
customs and healing practices of           depended on persistent stereotypes       the policy of “containment” and
indigenous villages. It was not only       depicting the region as backward,        more active “rollback” of Communist
educated urban elites—doctors and          impoverished, and violent. By late       power, the Truman and Eisenhower
men of science—whose response to           March 1964, Brazilian Armed              administrations worked to undermine
outbreaks of disease mattered. Rather,     Forces faced little resistance when      Soviet-backed Communist rule
the cast of protagonists crossed           overthrowing democratically elected      without compromising economic
ethnic, gender, and class lines: local     leaders in part because of the widely    and nation-building interests in West
officials who decided if and how           held belief that the violence and        Germany. There was a darker side to
to execute plans from Mexico City,         chaos in the “backward” Northeast        American policy in East Germany:
rural priests who influenced local         threatened the modern Brazilian          covert operations, propaganda,
practices, and parents who decided         nation. Sarzynski’s cultural history     and psychological warfare. This
if they would allow their children         recasts conventional narratives of       international history tracks relations
to be handed over to vaccinators.          the Cold War in Brazil, showing          between East German and Soviet
Enlightened Immunity explores              how local struggles over land reform     Communists, providing new
fundamental questions about trust,         and rural workers’ rights were part      perspectives on U.S. foreign policy
uncertainty, and the role of religion in   of broader ideological debates           as Cold War tensions coalesced.
a moment of discovery and innovation.      over capitalism and communism,
                                                                                    COLD WAR INTERNATIONAL
376 pages, August 2018                     Third World independence, and            HISTORY PROJECT
9781503604339 Cloth $70.00 $56.00 sale     modernization on a global scale.         416 pages, July 2019
                                           352 pages, 2018                          9781503606784 Cloth $45.00 $36.00 sale
                                           9781503603691 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

                                                                                                                WORLD        7
The Deepest Border                           Partitions                                     Letters to the Contrary
    The Strait of Gibraltar and the              A Transnational History                        A Curated History of the UNESCO
    Making of the Modern                         of Twentieth-Century                           Human Rights Survey
    Hispano-African Borderland                   Territorial Separatism                         Edited and Introduced by
    Sasha D. Pack                                Edited by Arie M. Dubnov                       Mark Goodale,
    The Deepest Border tells the story of        and Laura Robson                               Foreword by Samuel Moyn
    how a borderland society formed              Partition—the physical division of             The Universal Declaration of
    around the Strait of Gibraltar, bringing     territory along ethno-religious lines          Human Rights (UDHR) has long
    historical perspective to one of the         into separate nation-states—is often           served as the foundation for the
    contemporary world’s critical border         presented as a political “solution”            protection of human rights around
    zones. In conceptualizing the Strait         to ethnic conflict. In the twentieth           the world. Historians and human
    of Gibraltar region as a borderland,         century, new nation-states—the Irish           rights scholars have claimed that
    Sasha D. Pack reconsiders the                Free State, the Dominions (later               the UDHR was influenced by
    region’s major tensions and conflicts,       Republics) of India and Pakistan,              UNESCO’s 1947–48 global survey
    including the Rif Rebellion, the             and the State of Israel—emerged as             of intellectuals, theologians, and
    Spanish Civil War, the European              the result of partition, all in contexts       cultural and political leaders, a survey
    phase of World War II, the colonization      of extreme violence. This volume               that supposedly revealed a universal
    and decolonization of Morocco, and           offers the first collective history of         consensus on human rights.
    the ongoing controversies over the           the concept of partition, tracing
    exclaves of Gibraltar, Ceuta, and                                                           Based on meticulous archival
                                                 its emergence in the aftermath of
    Melilla. Integrating these threads                                                          research, Letters to the Contrary
                                                 the First World War and locating
    into a long history of the region,                                                          revises and enlarges the conventional
                                                 its genealogy in the politics of
    The Deepest Border speaks to broad                                                          understanding of UNESCO’s
                                                 twentieth-century empire and
    questions about the functioning of                                                          human rights survey. Mark Goodale
    sovereignty on the “periphery,” the                                                         uncovers a historical record filled
                                                 “Tracing the movement of partition             with letters and responses that
    maintenance and construction of              theories and practices across multiple
    borders, and the enduring legacies of                                                       were omitted, polite refusals to
                                                 colonial spaces, this volume resists           respond, and outright rejections of
    imperialism and colonialism.                 both functional explanations and
                                                 the balance-sheet approach in favor            the universal human rights ideal. In
    “Sasha D. Pack’s highly original                                                            collecting, annotating, and analyzing
    study of this critical Mediterranean         of a deeply historicized account of
                                                 partition’s multiple lives and afterlives      these responses, Goodale reveals an
    chokepoint represents a masterpiece
    in the field of border studies.”             across the twentieth century                   alternative history deeply connected
                                                 and beyond.”                                   to the ongoing life of human rights
                         —Julia Clancy-Smith,
                         University of Arizona                        —Antoinette Burton,       in the twenty-first century.
                                                                       University of Illinois
                                                                                                STANFORD STUDIES IN HUMAN RIGHTS
    368 pages, January 2019
    9781503606678 Cloth $70.00 $56.00 sale       400 pages, January 2019                        376 pages, 2018
                                                 9781503607675 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale         9781503605343 Paper $27.95 $22.36 sale

8            WORLD
What Is a Border?                        Risky Shores                              The Everyday Nationalism
Manlio Graziano                          Savagery and Colonialism in the           of Workers
                                         Western Pacific                           A Social History of Modern Belgium
The fall of the Berlin Wall, symbol of
the bipolar order that emerged after     George Behlmer                            Maarten Van Ginderachter
World War II, seemed to inaugurate       Spanning three centuries—from             In this book, Maarten Van
an age of ever fewer borders. The        Captain James Cook’s death on a           Ginderachter upends assumptions
liberalization and integration of        Hawaiian beach in 1779 to the end         about how European nationalism is
markets, the creation of vast free-      of World War II in 1945—this book         lived and experienced by ordinary
trade zones, and the birth of a new      considers the category of “the savage”    people—and the bottom-up impact
political and monetary union in          in the context of British Empire in       these “everyday” expressions of
Europe, for instance, all appeared to    the Western Pacific, reassessing the      nationalism exert on institutionalized
point in that direction. Only thirty     conduct of Islanders and the English-     nationalism writ large. Drawing on
years later, though, boundaries and      speaking strangers who encountered        sources from the major urban and
borders are expanding in number          them. Sensationalized depictions of       working-class centers of Belgium,
and being reintroduced in places         Melanesian “savages” as cannibals         Van Ginderachter uncovers the
where they had virtually been            and headhunters created a unifying        everyday nationalism of the rank-
abolished. Is this an out-of-step,       sense of Britishness during the           and-file of the socialist Belgian
deceptive last gasp of national          nineteenth and early twentieth            Workers Party between 1880 and
sovereignty or the victory of the        centuries. George Behlmer argues          World War I, a period in which
weight of history over the power of      that Britain’s early visitors to the      Europe experienced the concurrent
place? The fact that borders have        Pacific wielded the notion of savagery    rise of nationalism and socialism as
made a comeback, warns Manlio            to justify their own interests, and       mass movements. Analyzing sources
Graziano, does not mean that they        suggests that British representations     from—not just about—ordinary
will resolve any problems. His           of savagery were not merely               workers, Van Ginderachter reveals
geopolitical history and analysis        straightforward expressions of            the limits of nation-building from
draws our attention to the ground        colonial power, but also belied           above and the potential of agency
shifting under our feet in the present   homegrown fears of social disorder.       from below. With a rich and diverse
and allows us to speculate on what                                                 base of sources, the book covers
                                         “George Behlmer has produced a
might happen in the future.              formidable work of scholarship, drawing   a variety of experiences of, and
STANFORD BRIEFS                          on a daunting array of sources and        responses to, nationhood—showing
112 pages, 2018                          a career’s worth of writing on British    all the complexity of socialist workers’
9781503605398 Paper $12.99 $10.39 sale   social and intellectual history.”         ambivalent attitudes towards and
                                                             —Dane Kennedy,        engagement with nationhood,
                                                  George Washington University
                                                                                   patriotism, ethnicity, and language.
                                         360 pages, 2018                           288 pages, July 2019
                                         9781503605947 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale    9781503609051 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale

                                                                                                              EUROPE          9
Vichy France and the Jews                 Risen from Ruins                          The Plunder
 Second Edition                            The Cultural Politics of Rebuilding       The 1898 Anti-Jewish Riots in
 Michael R. Marrus and                     East Berlin                               Habsburg Galicia
 Robert O. Paxton                          Paul Stangl                               Daniel Unowsky
 When Vichy France and the Jews was        This book combines political              In the spring of 1898, thousands of
 first published in France in 1981, the    analysis with spatial and                 peasants and townspeople in Galicia
 reaction was explosive. Before the        architectural history to examine          rioted against their Jewish neighbors.
 appearance of this groundbreaking         the urban landscape of East Berlin        Attacks took place in more than 400
 book, the question of the Vichy           from the end of World War II until        communities in this northwestern
 regime’s cooperation with the             the construction of the Berlin Wall.      province of the Habsburg Monarchy,
 Third Reich had been suppressed.          Following the destruction of the          in present-day Poland and Ukraine.
 Michael R. Marrus and Robert O.           war, decision makers balanced             Jewish-owned homes and businesses
 Paxton were the first to access closed    historic preservation against the         were ransacked and looted, and
 archives that revealed the extent         opportunity to model the Socialist        Jews were assaulted, threatened, and
 of Vichy’s complicity in the Nazi         future and reject the example of the      humiliated, though not killed. Seeking
 effort to eliminate the Jews. Since the   Nazi dictatorship through architecture    to make sense of this violence and
 book’s original publication, additional   and urban design. The political and       its aftermath, The Plunder examines
 archives have been opened, and the        ideological agenda of East German         the circulation of antisemitic ideas
 role of the French state in the           elites and the ruling Socialist           within Galicia, offering new insights
 deportation of Jews to the Nazi death     Unity Party (SED) had a profound          into the upsurge of antisemitism that
 factories is now openly acknowledged.     effect on the built environment.          accompanied the emergence of mass
 This updated edition integrates over      Paul Stangl’s analysis expands our        politics in Europe at the turn of the
 thirty years of subsequent scholarship,   understanding of urban planning,          twentieth century.
 and incorporates research on French       historic preservation, and Socialist      “A monumental study of the
 public opinion and the diversity          Realism in East Berlin.                   normalization of low-level violence
 of responses by French civilians to       “A comprehensive analysis of the          against Jews at the turn of the
 the campaign of persecution they          politics of urban space in East Berlin.   twentieth century. This is a timely,
 witnessed around them. This classic       A book of great breadth and depth,        troubling, and compelling account
 account remains central to the            it deserves a wide readership among       of how the rule of law can be
 historiography of France and the          scholars of memory, urban space, and      undermined by bigotry.”
 Holocaust, and in its revised edition,    Soviet Communism.”                                          —Alison Frank Johnson,
                                                                                                            Harvard University
 is more important than ever for           —Michael Meng, Clemson University
 understanding the Vichy government’s      352 pages, 2018
                                                                                     264 pages, 2018
 role in the darkest atrocity of the                                                 9780804799829 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale
                                           9781503603202 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale
 twentieth century.
 394 pages, August 2019
 9781503609815, Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale
                                             A SERIES EDITED BY NORMAN NAIMARK AND LARRY WOLFF
Desert in the Promised Land                  Bad Rabbi                                Homes Away from Home
Yael Zerubavel                               And Other Strange but True               Jewish Belonging in
                                             Stories from the Yiddish Press           Twentieth-Century Paris, Berlin,
At once an ecological phenomenon                                                      and St. Petersburg
and a cultural construction, the             Eddy Portnoy
desert has varied associations within        An underground history of                Sarah Wobick-Segev
Zionist and Israeli culture. Yael            downwardly mobile Jews, Bad Rabbi        In pre-emancipation Europe, most
Zerubavel tells the story of the desert      exposes the seamy underbelly of          Jews followed Jewish law most of
from the early twentieth century             pre-WWII New York and Warsaw.            the time, but by the turn of the
to the present, shedding light on            With true stories plucked from the       twentieth century, a new secular
romantic-mythical associations,              pages of the Yiddish papers, Eddy        Jewish identity had begun to take
settlement and security concerns,            Portnoy introduces us to the drunks,     shape. Homes Away from Home tells
environmental sympathies, and the            thieves, murderers, wrestlers,           the story of Ashkenazi Jews as they
commodifying tourist gaze. Drawing           poets, and beauty queens whose           made their way in European society
on literary narratives, educational          misadventures were immortalized          in the late nineteenth and twentieth
texts, newspaper articles, tourist           in print. There’s the Polish rabbi       centuries, focusing on the Jewish
materials, films, popular songs,             blackmailed by an American widow,        communities of Paris, Berlin, and
posters, photographs, and cartoons,          mass brawls at weddings and funerals,    St. Petersburg. At a time of growing
Zerubavel reveals the complexities           a psychic who specialized in locating    political enfranchisement for Jews
and contradictions that mark Israeli         missing husbands, and violent gangs      within European nations, the contexts
society’s semiotics of space in relation     of Jewish mothers on the prowl—in        of Jewish life expanded beyond
to the Middle East, and the central          short, not quite the Jews you’d          the confines of “traditional” Jewish
role of the “besieged island” trope in       expect. One part Isaac Bashevis          spaces into sites of consumption
Israeli culture and politics.                Singer, one part Jerry Springer,         and leisure, fundamentally
“Written with passion, innovation,           this irreverent, unvarnished, and        reshaping Jewish community and
and clarity, Desert in the Promised          frequently hilarious compendium          redefining the boundaries of where
Land makes an original and                   of stories provides a window into an     Jewishness happened.
significant contribution towards             unknown Yiddish world that was.
understanding the deeper currents                                                     “Sarah Wobick-Segev’s brilliant
of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”        “Portnoy’s book is undomesticated        combination of spatial history with
                                             history; it is a time machine to an      how Jews felt about these spaces offers
                         —Tom Segev,         eradicated past; it is pure pleasure.”   readers an entirely new lens through
       author of 1949: The First Israelis
                                                  —Luc Sante, author of Low Life:
                                                                                      which to understand evolving Jewish
368 pages, 2018                                 Lures and Snares of Old New York      identities in Western, Central, and
9781503607590 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale                                                Eastern Europe.”
                                             280 pages, 2017
                                                                                                              —Marion Kaplan,
                                             9781503604117 Paper $19.95 $15.96 sale                         New York University

                                                                                      312 pages, 2018
                                                                                      9781503605145 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

                                                   STANFORD STUDIES IN JEWISH HISTORY AND CULTURE                                 11
                                            A SERIES EDITED BY DAVID BIALE AND SARAH ABREVAYA STEIN
Justice for Some                            Banking on the State                         Globalizing Morocco
 Law and the Question of Palestine           The Financial Foundations of                 Transnational Activism and the
 Noura Erakat                                Lebanon                                      Post-Colonial State
 Justice for Some offers a new               Hicham Safieddine                            David Stenner
 approach to understanding the               Banking on the State reveals how the         David Stenner tells the story of the
 Palestinian struggle for freedom,           financial foundations of Lebanon             Moroccan activists who swayed
 told through the power and control          were shaped by the standardization           world opinion against the French
 of international law. Focusing on           of economic practices and financial          and Spanish colonial authorities
 key junctures—from the Balfour              regimes within the decolonizing              to gain independence, and in so
 Declaration in 1917 to present-day          world. The system of central banking         doing, contributed to the formation
 wars in Gaza—Noura Erakat shows             that emerged was the product of a            of international relations during
 how the strategic deployment of law         complex interaction of war, economic         the early Cold War. The Moroccan
 has shaped current conditions. Over         policies, international financial            nationalist movement developed
 the past century, the law has done          regimes, post-colonial state-building,       social networks that spanned three
 more to advance Israel’s interests          global currents of technocratic              continents and engaged supporters
 than the Palestinians’. But, Erakat         knowledge, and private business              from CIA agents, British journalists,
 argues, this outcome was never              interests. It served rather than             and Asian diplomats to a Coca-Cola
 inevitable. Law is politics, and its        challenged the interests of an               manager and a former First Lady.
 meaning and application depend on           oligarchy of local bankers. As               Globalizing Morocco traces how these
 the political intervention of states        Hicham Safieddine shows, the set             networks helped the nationalists
 and people alike. Within the law,           of arrangements that governed the            achieve independence, and
 change is possible, and international       central bank thus was dictated by            illuminates the fissures in the global
 law can serve the cause of freedom          dynamics of political power and              order that allowed the peoples of
 when it is mobilized in support of a        financial profit more than market            Africa and Asia to influence a
 political movement.                         forces, national interest, or                hierarchical system whose main
 “A radical rethinking of the role of law    economic sovereignty.                        purpose had been to keep them at
 and legal advocacy in the struggle for      “A brilliant exploration of finance          the bottom.
 Palestinian rights. Brilliant, inspiring,   and banking. Hicham Safieddine               “David Stenner’s sophisticated study
 coldly realistic—and hopeful.”              rewrites the history of a misunderstood      innovates the conversation on modern
                       —Duncan Kennedy,      place. He challenges us to rethink           Middle Eastern and decolonization
                      Harvard Law School     sectarianism, exceptionalism, and            history. A great, well-argued read.”
                                             civil strife.”
 384 pages, April 2019                                                                                      —Cyrus Schayegh,
                                                                   —Sherene Seikaly,             The Graduate Institute, Geneva
 9780804798259 Cloth $30.00 $24.00 sale                       University of California,
                                                                       Santa Barbara      304 pages, May 2019
                                             304 pages, July 2019                         9781503608993 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale
                                             9781503609679 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale

12        MIDDLE EAST
For God or Empire                        City of Black Gold                        When the War Came Home
Sayyid Fadl and the                      Oil, Ethnicity, and the Making of         The Ottomans’ Great War and the
Indian Ocean World                       Modern Kirkuk                             Devastation of an Empire
Wilson Chacko Jacob                      Arbella Bet-Shlimon                       Yiğit Akin
Sayyid Fadl, a descendant of the         This book tells a story of oil,           The Ottoman Empire was unprepared
Prophet Muhammad, led a unique           urbanization, and colonialism in          for the massive conflict of World
life—one that spanned much of the        Kirkuk—and how these factors              War I. The empire’s statesmen placed
nineteenth century and connected         shaped the identities of Kirkuk’s         unprecedented hardships onto the
India, Arabia, and the Ottoman           citizens, forming the foundation of       shoulders of the Ottoman people:
Empire. For God or Empire tells          an ethnic conflict. In the early 1920s,   mass conscription, a state-controlled
his story, part biography and part       when the Iraqi state was formed           economy, widespread food shortages,
global history, as his life and legacy   under British administration,             and ethnic cleansing. When the War
afford a singular view on historical     group identities in Kirkuk were           Came Home reveals the catastrophic
shifts of power and sovereignty,         fluid. But as the oil industry fostered   impact of this global conflict on
religion and politics. Fadl’s travels    colonial power and Baghdad’s              ordinary Ottomans and shows how
in worlds seen and unseen made for       influence over Kirkuk, intercommunal      the horrors of war brought home,
a life that was both unsettled and       violence and competing claims             paired with the empire’s growing
unsettling. And through his life, at     to the city’s history took hold.          demands on its people, fundamentally
least two forms of sovereignty—          Arbella Bet-Shlimon reconstructs          reshaped interactions between
God and empire—become apparent           the twentieth-century history of          Ottoman civilians, the military, and
in intersecting global contexts          Kirkuk to question the assumptions        the state writ broadly. Ultimately,
of religion and modern state             about the past underpinning today’s       Yiğit Akin argues that even as the
formation. The life and afterlives of    ethnic divisions. She shows how           empire lost the war on the battlefield,
Sayyid Fadl—which takes us from          contentious politics in disputed          it was the destructiveness of the
eighteenth- and nineteenth-century       areas are not primordial traits of        Ottoman state’s wartime policies
Indian Ocean worlds to twenty-first      those regions, but are a modern           on the home front that led to the
century cyberspace—offer a more          phenomenon tightly bound to the           empire’s disintegration.
open-ended global history of             society and economics of urban life.      “A critical breakthrough in the study
sovereignty and a more capacious         “A masterful account of Kirkuk.           of the First World War. The book’s
conception of life.                      Blending smooth storytelling and          artful prose makes it an engaging
304 pages, July 2019                     sharp analysis, Arbella Bet-Shlimon       read for both students and scholars
9781503609631 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale   challenges readers to rethink much of     of the war.”
                                         what passes as conventional wisdom                               —Ryan Gingeras,
                                         about Iraq.”                                           Naval Postgraduate School
                                           —Toby C. Jones, Rutgers University      288 pages, 2018
                                         320 pages, May 2019                       9781503604902 Paper $27.95 $22.36 sale
                                         9781503609136 Paper $25.95 $20.76 sale
                                                                                                     MIDDLE EAST            13
The Holocaust and                        The Lived Nile                            Desert Borderland
 North Africa                             Environment, Disease, and Material        The Making of Modern Egypt
                                          Colonial Economy in Egypt                 and Libya
 Edited by Aomar Boum and
 Sarah Abrevaya Stein                     Jennifer L. Derr                          Matthew H. Ellis
 The Holocaust and North Africa           The Lived Nile follows the engineers,     Desert Borderland investigates the
 offers the first English-language        capitalists, political authorities, and   historical processes that transformed
 study of events in North Africa,         laborers who built a new Nile River       political identity in the easternmost
 pushing at the boundaries of             through the nineteenth and early          reaches of the Sahara Desert in the
 Holocaust Studies and North              twentieth centuries. The river helped     half century before World War I.
 African Studies, and suggesting,         to shape the future of technocratic       Throughout these decades, a
 powerfully, that neither is              knowledge, and the bodies of those        heightened awareness of distinctive
 complete without the other. The          who inhabited rural communities           Egyptian and Ottoman Libyan
 essays in this volume reconstruct        were transformed through the              territorial spheres developed despite
 the implementation of race               environmental intimacies of their         any clear-cut boundary markers
 laws and forced labor across the         daily lives. At the root of this          or cartographic evidence. National
 Maghreb during World War II              investigation lies the notion that        territoriality was not imposed; rather,
 and explore how the Holocaust            the Nile is not a singular entity, but    it developed through a complex and
 ruptured Muslim–Jewish relations,        a realm of practice and a set of          multilayered process of negotiation
 setting the stage for an entirely new    temporally, spatially, and materially     with local groups motivated by their
 post-war reality. Commentaries           specific relations that structured        own local conceptions of space,
 by leading scholars of Holocaust         experiences of colonial economy.          sovereignty, and political belonging.
 history reflect on why the history of    From the microscopic to the regional,     By the early twentieth century,
 the Holocaust and North Africa has       the local to the imperial, The Lived      distinctive “Egyptian” and “Libyan”
 been so widely ignored—and what          Nile recounts the history and             territorial domains emerged—what
 we have to gain by understanding it      centrality of the environment to          would ultimately become the modern
 in all its nuances.                      questions of politics, knowledge,         nation-states of Egypt and Libya.
                                          and the lived experience of the           “Desert Borderland offers a compelling
 “This fascinating and original           human body itself.
 volume profoundly challenges                                                       challenge to conventional wisdom and
 inherited understandings of              240 pages, July 2019                      complicates common understandings
 the Holocaust as a purely                9781503609655 Paper $25.95 $20.76 sale    of the Egyptian nation-state.”
 European phenomenon.”                                                                                      —Khaled Fahmy,
                                                                                                    University of Cambridge
     —Joshua Schreier, Vassar College
                                                                                    280 pages, 2018
 360 pages, 2018
                                                                                    9781503605008 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale
 9781503607057 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale

14        MIDDLE EAST
The Proper Order of Things               Humanism in Ruins                           Familiar Futures
Language, Power, and Law in              Entangled Legacies of the         Time, Selfhood, and
Ottoman Administrative Discourses        Greek-Turkish Population Exchange Sovereignty in Iraq
Heather L. Ferguson                      Aslı Iğsız                                  Sara Pursley
The “natural order of the state”         The 1923 Greek–Turkish population           Iraq was an early laboratory of
was an early modern mania for            exchange forcibly relocated one and         development projects designed by
the Ottoman Empire: the ideals of        a half million people: Muslims in           Iraqi intellectuals, British colonial
proper order, stability, and social      Greece were resettled in Turkey,            officials, American modernization
harmony were integral to the             and Greek Orthodox Christians               theorists, and postwar international
legitimization of Ottoman power.         in Turkey were moved to Greece.             agencies. Familiar Futures considers
As Ottoman territory grew, so too        Strikingly, the exchange was                how such projects reshaped Iraqi
did its network of written texts used    purportedly enacted as a means to           everyday habits, desires, and
to define and supplement imperial        achieve peace. Humanism in Ruins            familial relations in the name of
authority in the empire’s disparate      maps the links between liberal              a developed future. Sara Pursley
provinces. With this book, Heather       discourses on peace and the legacies        investigates how Western and Iraqi
L. Ferguson studies how this textual     of this forced migration. Aslı Iğsız        policymakers promoted changes
empire created a unique vision of        weaves together past and present,           in schooling, land ownership, and
Ottoman legal and social order. The      making visible the effects of the           family law to better differentiate
Proper Order of Things offers the        1923 exchange across the ensuing            Iraq’s citizens by class, sex, and age.
story of an empire, told through         century. Liberal humanism has               Ultimately, the book shows how
the shifting written vocabularies        responded to segregative policies           certain goods—most obviously,
of power. Ferguson transcends the        by calling for coexistence and the          democratic ideals—were
question of what these documents         acceptance of cultural diversity.           repeatedly sacrificed in the name of
said, revealing instead how their        Yet, as Iğsız makes clear, liberal          the nation’s economic development
formulation of the “proper order of      humanism itself, with its ahistorical       in an ever-receding future.
things” configured the state itself.     emphasis on a shared humanity,              “In this brilliant work of imaginative
“The Proper Order of Things              fails to confront an underlying             scholarship and interdisciplinary
invites us to rethink Ottoman            racialized logic.                           theorization, Sara Pursley pushes us
empire-building with its capacity to     “A superb genealogy of cultural policy      to rethink the history of the modern
codify, categorize, and monopolize       and the politics of culture in Turkey.”     Middle East and the postcolonial
symbolic violence. A brilliant book.”                                                predicament more broadly.”
                                                                     —Yael Navaro,
  —Ali Yaycioglu, Stanford University                     University of Cambridge                       —Omnia El Shakry,
                                                                                             University of California, Davis
440 pages, 2018                          344 pages, 2018
9781503603561 Cloth $70.00 $56.00 sale   9781503606357 Cloth $90.00 $72.00 sale      328 pages, January 2019
                                                                                     9781503607484 Paper $27.95 $22.36 sale

                                                                                                        MIDDLE EAST            15
Mandatory Separation                        Between Iran and Zion                       A Vision of Yemen
 Religion, Education, and Mass               Jewish Histories of                         The Travels of a European
 Politics in Palestine                       Twentieth-Century Iran                      Orientalist and His Native Guide
 Suzanne Schneider                           Lior B. Sternfeld                           A Translation of Hayyim
                                                                                         Habshush’s Travelogue
 Mandatory Separation examines               Drawing on interviews, newspapers,
 how colonial, Zionist, and Palestinian-     family stories, autobiographies, and        Alan Verskin
 Muslim leaders developed competing          archives, Lior Sternfeld analyzes           In 1869, Hayyim Habshush, a
 views of religious education during         how Iranian Jews contributed to             Yemeni Jew, accompanied the
 the formative period of British rule.       Iranian nation-building projects.           European orientalist Joseph Halévy
 The British Mandatory government            He considers the shifting reactions         on his archaeological tour of Yemen.
 supported religious education as            to Zionism over time, in particular         Twenty years later, Habshush wrote
 a supposed antidote to nationalist          to religious Zionism in the early           A Vision of Yemen, a vivid account
 passions at the precise moment              1900s and political Zionism after           of daily life, religion, and politics.
 when the administrative, pedagogic,         the creation of the state of Israel.        More than a simple travelogue, it
 and curricular transformation of            And he investigates the various             is a work of trickster-tales, thick
 religious schooling rendered it a           groups that constituted the Iranian         anthropological descriptions, and
 vital tool for Zionist and Palestinian      Jewish community, notably the               reflections on Jewish–Muslim
 leaders. This study of their policies       Jewish communists who became                relations. This edition is the first
 and practices illuminates the               prominent activists in the left-wing        English translation and includes
 tensions, similarities, and differences     circles in the 1950s and the                a historical introduction to the
 among these diverse educational             revolutionary Jewish organization           work. The translation maintains
 and political philosophies, revealing       that participated in the 1979               Habshush’s gripping style and rich
 the lasting significance of these           Revolution. The result is a rich            portrayal of the diverse communities
 debates for thinking about religion         account of the vital role of Jews in        and cultures of Yemen, offering a
 and political identity in the modern        the social and political fabric of          potent mixture of artful storytelling
 Middle East.                                twentieth-century Iran.                     and cultural criticism, suffused
 “Brilliantly weaving together British,      “Lior Sternfeld unearths                    with humor and empathy.
 Zionist, and Palestinian Arab sources,      mesmerizing and previously untold           “A masterful translation of Hayyim
 Suzanne Schneider reveals the roots         stories to ask important questions          Habshush’s gripping account of his
 of national politics in the continuities,   about Jewish identities and offer hope      travels and a rare and intimate
 disjunctures, and struggles among           for a better future to the peoples of the   glimpse into Jewish and Muslim life
 educators and reformers.”                   region, Jews and Muslims alike.”            in the Arabian hinterlands.”
                      —Liora R. Halperin,    —Orit Bashkin, University of Chicago                         —Norman A. Stillman,
                University of Washington                                                                 University of Oklahoma
                                             208 pages, 2018
 280 pages, 2018                             9781503606142 Cloth $40.00 $32.00 sale      272 pages, 2018
 9781503604155 Paper $25.95 $20.76 sale                                                  9781503607736 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale

16        MIDDLE EAST
The Meiji Restoration                    The Hijacked War                         Poisonous Pandas
W. G. Beasley, with a new                The Story of Chinese POWs in             Chinese Cigarette Manufacturing
foreword by Michael R. Auslin            the Korean War                           in Critical Historical Perspectives
For Japan, the Meiji Restoration         David Cheng Chang                        Edited by Matthew Kohrman,
of 1868 has something of the             The Korean War lasted for three          Gan Quan, Liu Wennan, and
significance that the French             years, one month, and two days—          Robert N. Proctor
Revolution has for France: it is the     but armistice talks occupied more        Over the last fifty years, transnational
point from which modern history          than two of those years, as 14,000       tobacco companies and their allies
begins. In this now classic work of      Chinese prisoners of war refused         have fueled a tripling of the world’s
Japanese history, the late W. G.         to return to Communist China,            annual consumption of cigarettes.
Beasley offers a comprehensive           effectively hijacking the negotiations   At the forefront is the China
account of the origins, development,     of world leaders at a pivotal moment     National Tobacco Corporation,
and immediate aftermath of the           in Cold War history. In The Hijacked     now producing forty percent of
events that restored Imperial rule to    War, David Cheng Chang vividly           cigarettes sold globally. What has
Japan. He makes the case that the        portrays the experiences of Chinese      enabled the manufacturing of
origins of the Meiji Restoration are     prisoners in the dark, cold, and         cigarettes in China to flourish even
not found in economic distress or        damp tents of Koje and Cheju islands     amidst public condemnation of
class struggle, but in a growing sense   in Korea and how their decisions         smoking? In Poisonous Pandas, an
of national danger and national          derailed the high politics being         interdisciplinary group of scholars
pride spurred by Japan’s contacts        conducted in Washington, Moscow,         comes together to tell that story.
with the West. Nationalism provided      and Beijing. Drawing on newly            They offer novel portraits of people
the impetus for overthrowing the         declassified archival materials from     within the Chinese polity who
Tokugawa military government and         China, Taiwan, and the United States     have experimentally revamped the
reuniting Japan under the Emperor        and interviews with surviving Chinese    country’s pre-Communist cigarette
Meiji. Only when the Tokugawa            and North Korean prisoners of war,       supply chain and fitfully expanded
were gone did their successors           Chang depicts the struggle over          its political, economic, and cultural
turn, of necessity, to the making of     prisoner repatriation that dominated     influence. These portraits cut against
modern Japan, seeking strength and       the second half of the Korean War—       the grain of what contemporary
stability in new social patterns.        and changed the course of the Cold       tobacco-control experts typically
                                         War in East Asia—in the prisoners’       study, opening a vital new window
Originally published in 1972,
                                         own words.                               on the global tobacco industry.
this new paperback edition
contains a foreword written by           528 pages, May 2019                      STUDIES OF THE
                                         9781503604605 Cloth $40.00 $32.00 sale   WALTER H. SHORENSTEIN
Michael R. Auslin that celebrates                                                 ASIA-PACIFIC RESEARCH CENTER
Beasley’s legacy.                                                                 328 pages, 2018
536 pages, 2018                                                                   9781503604476 Paper $25.95 $20.76 sale
9781503608269 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale

                                                                                                                  ASIA     17
Elusive Lives                             A Genealogy of Dissent                     Violence and Order on the
 Gender, Autobiography, and the            The Progeny of Fallen Royals in            Chengdu Plain
 Self in Muslim South Asia                 Chosŏn Korea                               The Story of a Secret Brotherhood
 Siobhan Lambert-Hurley                    Eugene Y. Park                             in Rural China, 1939-1949
 Muslim South Asia is widely               In early modern Korea, the Chosŏn          Di Wang
 thought of as a culture that idealizes    state conducted an extermination           In 1939, residents of a rural village
 female anonymity. However,                campaign against the Kaesŏng               near Chengdu watched as Lei
 Siobhan Lambert-Hurley highlights         Wang, descendants of the preceding         Mingyuan, a member of a violent
 an elusive strand of female               Koryŏ dynasty. It was so thorough          secret society known as the Gowned
 autobiographical writings dating          that most of today’s descendants are       Brothers, executed his teenage
 back several centuries throughout         related to a single survivor. Before       daughter. Six years later, Shen
 the region to make a case against         long, however, the Chosŏn dynasty          Baoyuan, a sociology student at
 this common assumption. The               sought to bolster its legitimacy as the    Yenching University, arrived in the
 book is based on texts from the           successor of Koryŏ by rehabilitating       town to conduct fieldwork on the
 sixteenth century to the present,         the surviving Wangs—granting them          society. She got to know Lei
 drawing on materials from Muslim          patronage for performing ancestral         Mingyuan and his family, recording
 communities all over the Indian           rites and even allowing them to            many rare insights about the
 subcontinent. Drawing on well over        attain prestigious offices. As a result,   murder and the Gowned Brothers’
 200 original texts, Lambert-Hurley        Koryŏ descendants came to constitute       inner workings. Using the filicide
 uncovers patterns across time             elite lineages throughout Korea.           as a starting point to examine the
 and place to propose a theoretical        Eugene Y. Park draws on primary and        history, culture, and organization
 model for reading gender,                 secondary sources, interviews, and         of the Gowned Brothers, Di Wang
 autobiography, and the self in            site visits to tell their extraordinary    offers nuanced insights into the
 texts that have long-defied               story. In so doing, he traces Korea’s      structures of local power in 1940s
 Euro-American analysis.                   changing politics, society, and culture    rural Sichuan. Moreover, he
 “This is a wonderfully sensitive          for more than half a millennium.           examines the influence of Western
 account of the gendered self and          288 pages, 2018                            sociology and anthropology on the
 the subtle interleaving of individual     9781503602083 Cloth $60.00 $48.00 sale     way intellectuals in the Republic of
 identity and collective presence.”                                                   China perceived rural communities.
                         —David Arnold,                                               By studying the complex relationship
                   University of Warwick                                              between the Gowned Brothers and
 SOUTH ASIA IN MOTION                                                                 the Chinese Communist Party,
 296 pages, 2018                                                                      he offers a unique perspective on
 9781503606517 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale                                               China’s transition to socialism.
                                                                                      280 pages, 2018
                                                                                      9781503605305 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale

18        ASIA
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