On the ability of monolingual models to learn language-agnostic representations

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On the ability of monolingual models to learn language-agnostic
                                                     Leandro Rodrigues de Souza,1 Rodrigo Nogueira,1,2,3 Roberto Lotufo1,2
                                                 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
                                                                            NeuralMind Inteligência Artificial
                                                         David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

                                                               Abstract                           ies and benchmarks reporting high transfer perfor-
                                                                                                  mance (Pires et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2020). At first,
                                             Pretrained multilingual models have become a
                                             de facto default approach for zero-shot cross-       it has been speculated that a shared vocabulary with
                                             lingual transfer. Previous work has shown            common terms between languages would result in
arXiv:2109.01942v2 [cs.CL] 25 Oct 2021

                                             that these models are able to achieve cross-         a shared input representation space, making it pos-
                                             lingual representations when pretrained on two       sible for the model to attain similar representations
                                             or more languages with shared parameters. In         across languages (Pires et al., 2019). However,
                                             this work, we provide evidence that a model          more recent work has shown that having a shared
                                             can achieve language-agnostic representations
                                                                                                  vocabulary is not critical for cross-lingual transfer
                                             even when pretrained on a single language.
                                             That is, we find that monolingual models pre-
                                                                                                  (Artetxe et al., 2020; Conneau et al., 2020).
                                             trained and finetuned on different languages             Conneau et al. (2020) have released a large study
                                             achieve competitive performance compared to          on bilingual models to identify the most important
                                             the ones that use the same target language. Sur-     characteristics that enable cross-lingual transfer.
                                             prisingly, the models show a similar perfor-         The authors found that a shared vocabulary with
                                             mance on a same task regardless of the pre-          anchor points (common terms in both languages)
                                             training language. For example, models pre-
                                                                                                  plays a minor role. Sharing the Transformers’ pa-
                                             trained on distant languages such as German
                                             and Portuguese perform similarly on English          rameters when training on datasets from two lan-
                                             tasks.                                               guages seems to be critical. They also found an
                                                                                                  interesting property in monolingual models: they
                                         1   Introduction                                         have similar representations in the first layers of
                                         Pretrained language models, such as BERT (Devlin         the network that can be aligned with a simple or-
                                         et al., 2019) and T5 (Raffel et al., 2020), still rely   thogonal mapping function.
                                         on high quality labeled datasets for achieving good          Similar findings have been presented by Artetxe
                                         results in NLP tasks. Since creating such datasets       et al. (2020). They developed a procedure to learn
                                         can be challenging (Biswas et al., 2009; Sabou           representations for a specific language (i.e., word
                                         et al., 2012), many resource-lean languages suffer       embedding layer) aligned with pretrained English
                                         from the lack of data for training.                      layers of a Transformer model. This enables the
                                            Multilingual pretraining has been developed           model to transfer knowledge between languages by
                                         to overcome this issue, giving rise to multilin-         only swapping its lexicon.
                                         gual models like mBERT (Devlin et al., 2019),                As it becomes clearer that models trained on
                                         XLM (Conneau et al., 2018a, 2019) and mT5 (Xue           different languages achieve similar representations
                                         et al., 2021). Differently from monolingual models,      and cross-lingual transfer can be reached with quite
                                         they are pretrained with mixed batches from a wide       simple methods, we raise the following question:
                                         range of languages. The resulting model finetuned        Would monolingual models be able to learn
                                         on a task in a high-resource language often per-         from labeled datasets in a foreign language (i.e.,
                                         forms well on the same task in a different language      a different language from its pretraining) with-
                                         never seen during finetuning. Such models thus ex-       out any adjustments at all?
                                         hibit the so called zero-shot cross-lingual transfer         We ground our hypothesis on the fact that
                                         ability.                                                 masked language modeling has demonstrated to
                                            This approach has become the de facto default         achieve strong representations even in different do-
                                         language transfer paradigm, with multiple stud-          mains (Lu et al., 2021; Zügner et al., 2021). To
the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to     an English BERT model’s lexicon in a target lan-
experiment on monolingual models learning from          guage dataset: only word embeddings are trainable.
a dataset in a different language.                      The authors, then, have transferred knowledge by
   Based on these observations, we design an exper-     taking a BERT model finetuned on English and
iment to test if monolingual models can leverage        swapping its lexicon to the desired language. They
concepts acquired during pretraining and learn a        obtained results similar to those obtained by Pires
new language and a new task from finetuning only.       et al. (2019). Therefore, they confirmed the hypoth-
We pretrain a model on a source language and fine-      esis that the model can learn representations that
tune it on a different language. We also evaluate       are language-agnostic and that do not depend on a
models without pretraining, as a control experi-        shared vocabulary nor joint pretraining.
ment, to discard the hypothesis that the model is          Conneau et al. (2020) have also demonstrated
learning patterns only from the finetuning dataset.     that a shared vocabulary with anchor points con-
Main contribution. We demonstrate that monolin-         tributes little to language transfer. In their experi-
gual models can learn a task in a foreign language.     ments, the authors carried out an extensive analysis
Our results show that, despite those models have        on the results of bilingual models to identify the
inferior performance when compared to the stan-         factors that contribute most to language transfer.
dard approach (i.e., pretraining and finetuning a       The results indicate that the main component is re-
model on the same language), they can still learn       lated to the sharing of model parameters, achieving
representations for a downstream task and perform       good results even in the absence of parallel corpus
well when compared to models without pretraining.       or shared vocabulary. They also found that mono-
This raises the hypothesis that MLM pretraining         lingual models pretrained on MLM have similar
provides the model some language-agnostic proper-       representations, that could be aligned with a simple
ties that can be leveraged regardless of the language   orthogonal mapping.
of the task.                                               Zhao et al. (2020) observed that having a cross-
   In contrast to the current literature, the mono-     lingual training objective contributes to the model
lingual models used in this work do not rely on         learning cross-lingual representations, while mono-
shared parameters during pretraining with multi-        lingual objectives resulted in language-specific sub-
lingual datasets. They are pretrained, instead, on      spaces. These results indicate that there is a nega-
a single language corpus and finetuned on a task        tive correlation between the universality of a model
in a different (foreign) language. The results raise    and its ability to retain language-specific informa-
questions about language-agnostic representations       tion, regardless of the architecture. Our experi-
during MLM pretraining and contribute to future         ments show that a single language pretraining still
directions in cross-lingual knowledge transfer re-      enables the model to achieve competitive perfor-
search.                                                 mance in other languages via finetuning (on super-
                                                        vised data) only.
2   Related Work                                           Libovickỳ et al. (2019) found that mBERT word
Multilingual pretraining has been widely adopted        embeddings are more similar for languages of the
as a cross-lingual knowledge transfer paradigm          same family, resulting in specific language spaces
(Devlin et al., 2019; Conneau and Lample, 2019;         that cannot be directly used for zero-shot cross-
Conneau et al., 2019; Xue et al., 2021). Such mod-      lingual tasks. They also have shown that good
els are pretrained on a multilingual corpus using       cross-lingual representations can be achieved with
masked language modeling objectives. The result-        a small parallel dataset. We show, however, that a
ing models can be finetuned on high-resource lan-       monolingual model can achieve competitive perfor-
guages and evaluated on a wide set of languages         mance in a different language, without parallel cor-
without additional training.                            pora, suggesting that it contains language-agnostic
   Pires et al. (2019) first speculated that the gen-   properties.
eralization ability across languages is due to the         While multilingual models exhibit great perfor-
mapping of common word pieces to a shared space,        mance across languages (Hu et al., 2020), mono-
such as numbers and web addresses.                      lingual models still perform better in their main
   This hypothesis was tested by Artetxe et al.         language. For instance, Chi et al. (2020) distill
(2020). The experiment consisted of pretraining         a monolingual model into a multilingual one and
achieve good cross-lingual performance. We take           pretraining. However, the corpora used to pretrain
on a different approach by using the monolingual          our models have a very small amount of sentences
model itself instead of extracting knowledge from         in other languages. For instance, Portuguese pre-
it.                                                       training corpus has only 14,928 sentences (0.01%)
    Rust et al. (2020) compared multilingual and          in Vietnamese.
monolingual models on monolingual tasks (i.e., the
tasks whose language is the same as the mono-             Control experiment. To discard the hypothesis
lingual model). They found that both the size of          that the monolingual model can learn patterns from
pretraining data in the target language and vocabu-       the finetuning dataset, instead of relying on more
lary have a positive correlation with monolingual         general concepts from both finetuning and pretrain-
models’ performance. Based on our results, we             ing, we perform a control experiment. We train
hypothesize that a model pretrained with MLM              the models on the target language tasks without
using a large monolingual corpus develops both            any pretraining. If models with monolingual pre-
language-specific and language-agnostic proper-           training have significantly better results, we may
ties, being the latter predominant over the former.       conclude that it uses knowledge from its pretraining
                                                          instead of only learning patterns from finetuning
3     Methodology                                         data.

Our method consists of a pretrain-finetune ap-            Evaluation tasks. We follow a similar selection
proach that uses different languages for both. We         as in Artetxe et al. (2020) and use two downstream
call source language as the language used for pre-        types of tasks for evaluation: natural language in-
training our models. We refer to target language          ference (NLI) and question answering (QA). Even
as a second language, different from the one used         though a classification task highlights the model’s
for pretraining our model. We apply the following         ability to understand the relationship between sen-
steps:                                                    tences, it has been shown that the model may learn
                                                          some superficial cues to perform well (Gururangan
    1. Pretrain a monolingual model on the source         et al., 2018). Because of that, we also select ques-
       language with masked language modeling             tion answering, which requires natural language
       (MLM) objective using a large, unlabeled           understanding as well.

    2. Finetune and evaluate the model on a down-         4     Experiments
       stream task with a labeled dataset in the target
                                                          In this section, we outline the models, datasets and
                                                          tasks we use in our experiments.
   The novelty of our approach is to perform a
cross-lingual evaluation using monolingual models         4.1    Models
instead of bi-lingual or multi-lingual ones. We aim       We perform experiments with four base models,
to assess if the model is able to rely on its masked      highlighted in Table 1. The experiments run on the
language pretraining to achieve good representa-          Base versions of the BERT model (Devlin et al.,
tions for a task even when finetuned on a different       2019), with 12 layers, 768 hidden dimensions and
language. If successful, this would suggest that          12 attention heads. We use models initialized with
MLM pretraining provides the model with repre-            random weights. We also report the number of
sentations for more abstract concepts rather than         parameters (in millions) and the pretraining dataset
learning a specific language.                             sizes in Table 1.
Pretraining data. Our monolingual models are
                                                          4.2    Pretraining procedure
pretrained on a large unlabeled corpus, using a
source language’s vocabulary. Some high-resource          The selected models are pretrained from random
languages, such as English, have a high presence          weights using a monolingual tokenizer, created
in many datasets from other languages, often cre-         from data in their native language. We also select
ated from crawling web resources. This may influ-         models that have been pretrained using the Masked
ence the model’s transfer ability because it has seen     Language Modeling (MLM) objective as described
some examples from the foreign language during            by Devlin et al. (2019).
Model name                                  Initialization       Language         # of params.      Data size
 BERT-EN (Devlin et al., 2019)                 Random            English (en)             108 M        16 GB
 BERT-PT (ours)                                Random           Portuguese (pt)           108 M        16 GB
 BERT-DE (Chan et al., 2020)                   Random            German (de)              109 M        12 GB
 BERT-VI (Nguyen and Nguyen, 2020)             Random           Vietnamese (vi)           135 M        20 GB

                                 Table 1: Pretrained models used in this work.

4.3     Finetuning procedure                                 Pretraining      Finetune and Evaluation
We use the AdamW optimizer (Loshchilov and                                   en      de     pt      vi
Hutter, 2019) and finetune for 3 epochs, saving a                  None     21.50 13.38 27.23 13.94
checkpoint after every epoch. Results are reported                   en     88.32 39.28 45.22 50.97
using the best checkpoint based on validation met-                   de     78.25 68.63 43.85 36.41
rics. The initial learning rate is 3e − 5, followed by               pt     79.31 44.28 59.28 55.99
a linear decay with no warm-up steps.                                vi     76.03 29.56 40.00 79.53
   For NLI, we use a maximum input length of 128         Table 2: Results (F1 score) for question answering
tokens and a batch size of 32. For QA, except for        tasks. Results highlighted in red are considered the up-
BERT-VI, our input sequence is restricted to 384         per bound, while blue is used for lower bound. Only
tokens with a document stride of 128 tokens and          cells of the same column are comparable since results
a batch size of 16. For BERT-VI, we use an input         belong to the same task.
sequence of 256 tokens and a document stride of 85.
This is due to the fact that BERT-VI was pretrained
                                                         (Nguyen et al., 2020).
on sequences of 256 tokens, resulting in positional
token embeddings limited to this size.                   Natural Language Inference. We use: MNLI5
   We have chosen this hyperparameter configura-         for English (Williams et al., 2018); ASSIN26 for
tion based on preliminary experiments with English       Portuguese (Real et al., 2020); and XNLI7 for both
and Portuguese models trained on question answer-        Vietnamese and German (Conneau et al., 2018b).
ing and natural language inference tasks in their
native languages. We do not perform any additional       5    Results
hyperparameter search.                                   Table 2 reports the results for the question answer-
   For the control experiments, we finetune the          ing experiments and Table 3 for natural language
models for 30 epochs using the same hyperparam-          inference. For every experiment, we provide a
eters, with a patience of 5 epochs over the main         characterization of the pretraining (source) and
validation metric. This longer training aims to dis-     finetune (target) languages we used. We also de-
card the hypothesis that the pretrained models have      note None as the models of our control experiment,
an initial weight distribution that is favorable com-    which are not pretrained.
pared to a random initialization, which could be            We use a color scheme for better visualization.
the main reason for better performance.                  Results highlighted in red are considered the up-
4.3.1    Finetuning tasks                                per bound (models pretrained and finetuned on
                                                         the same language); orange is used for models
Question Answering. We select the following              finetuned on a different language from pretraining;
tasks for finetuning: SQuAD v1.11 for English            blue is used for lower bound experiments (control
(Rajpurkar et al., 2016); FaQuAD2 for Portuguese         experiments).
(Sayama et al., 2019); GermanQuAD3 for Ger-
                                                         Models leverage pretraining, even when fine-
man (Chan et al., 2020); ViQuAD4 for Vietnamese
                                                         tuned on different languages. For all selected lan-
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/                   guages, models can take advantage of its pretrain-
  2                                                        5
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/                       https://cims.nyu.edu/~sbowman/
liafacom/faquad/master/data/                             multinli/
  3                                                        6
    https://www.deepset.ai/datasets                          https://sites.google.com/view/assin2/
  4                                                        7
    https://sites.google.com/uit.edu.vn/                     https://github.com/facebookresearch/
uit-nlp/datasets-projects                                XNLI
Pretraining        Finetune and Evaluation             task in any of the languages used during pretraining.
                      en      de     pt      vi            Our results show, however, that we can still achieve
           None      61.54 59.48 70.22 54.09               a good performance in a foreign language (i.e., a
             en      83.85 67.71 82.56 64.20               language not seen during pretraining).
             de      71.22 78.27 77.45 47.98                  Our experiments suggest that, during MLM pre-
             pt      75.56 65.06 86.56 63.15               training, the model learns language-agnostic repre-
             vi      72.05 66.63 80.64 76.25               sentations and that both language and task knowl-
      # of classes    3       3         2        3         edge can be acquired during finetuning only, with
                                                           smaller datasets compared to pretraining.
Table 3: Results (accuracy) for Natural Language Infer-
ence in each language with different pretrainings. The     6.1   Monolingual models performance in
last row highlights the number of classes for each task.         foreign languages
                                                           The most interesting finding in this work is that a
ing even when finetuned on a different language. If        monolingual model can learn a different language
we compare, for instance, results on SQuAD (fine-          during a finetune procedure. Differently from the
tune and evaluation for English in Table 2), models        literature, we use a model pretrained on a single
pretrained in all languages outperform the control         language and targeted to a task in a different lan-
experiment by, at least, 50 points in F1 score. A          guage (English models learning Portuguese tasks
very similar observation can be drawn from the             and vice versa).
results in other languages.                                   We see that those models achieve good results
                                                           compared to models pretrained and finetuned on
For a specific task, models that were pretrained           the same language and largely outperform mod-
on a different language achieve similar results.           els without pretraining. This finding suggests that
An interesting observation is that results reported        MLM pretraining is not only about learning a lan-
in a foreign language are quite similar. Taking            guage model, but also concepts that can be applied
SQuAD results, for instance, when using models             to many languages. This had been explored in
pretrained on different languages, we see that F1          more recent work that leverages language models
scores are around 78. The same can be observed in          in different modalities (Lu et al., 2021).
FaQuAD (finetune and evaluation for Portuguese                It is also noteworthy that those models could
in Table 2), for which results are close a F1 score        learn a different language with a finetune procedure
of 43.                                                     even with small datasets (for instance, FaQuAD
                                                           contains only 837 training examples; German-
German-Vietnamese pairs have lower perfor-
                                                           QuAD has 11,518; and ViQuAD is comprised
mance compared to other language pairs. The
                                                           of 18,579). The English version of BERT could
intersection between German and Vietnamese con-
                                                           achieve a performance close to the upper bound
tains the lowest performance among models fine-
                                                           for Portuguese on both NLI (82.56% of accuracy)
tuned on a foreign language. For question answer-
                                                           and QA (45.22 F1 score) tasks with small datasets.
ing, we see that the Vietnamese model (BERT-VI)
                                                           This, together with the low performance of control
finetuned on German is 10 F1 points below the
                                                           models, shows that the model leverage most of its
English pretrained model. The BERT-DE model
                                                           pretraining for a task.
also scores about 14 points lower in the ViQuAD
task. One explanation is that German is a more             6.2   Similar performance regardless of the
distant language to Vietnamese than English or                   pretraining language
Portuguese. However, since there is not a strong
                                                           Another finding is that similar results were
consensus in the linguistic community about the
                                                           achieved by models pretrained on a different lan-
similarity of languages, it is not straightforward to
                                                           guage than the task’s. We can draw three different
test this hypothesis.
                                                           clusters from the results: the lower bound clus-
6    Discussion                                            ter, containing results for models without pretrain-
                                                           ing; the upper bound, with models pretrained on
Previous work has shown that using bi-lingual or           the same language as the task; and a third cluster,
multi-lingual pretrained models resulted in cross-         closer to the upper bound, with models pretrained
lingual representations, enabling a model to learn a       on a different language.
Since the models are comparable in pretraining        Acknowledgments
data size and number of parameters, we hypothe-
                                                         This research was funded by a grant from Fundação
size that this observation is related to the language-
                                                         de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
agnostic concepts learned during pretraining versus
                                                         (FAPESP) #2020/09753-5.
language-specific concepts. The performance gap
between the upper bound and third clusters may be
explained by the language-specific properties not        References
available to the latter group.
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