Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018

Page created by Wanda May
Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018
ICNMD 2018          July 6 - 10, 2018 | Vienna, Austria

› Onsite Program

www.icnmd2018.org   icnmd2018 #icnmd2018
Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018
ww.icnmd2018.org       July 6 - 10, 2018 Vienna, Austria




Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018

01 WELCOME MESSAGE       2      PRE-CONGRESS TEACHING COURSES                                 10

02 COMMITTEES            4           FRIDAY JULY 6, 2018                                      10

                                CONGRESS PROGRAM                                              14
                                     SATURDAY JULY 7, 2018                                    14
                                     SUNDAY JULY 8, 2018                                      17

                                     MONDAY JULY 9, 2018                                      20

                                     TUESDAY JULY 10, 2018                                    23

                                08 CONGRESS INFORMATION                                       27

                                     FLOORPLAN                                                28

                                     GENERAL INFORMATION FROM A-Z                             30

                                09 OFFICIAL NETWORKING EVENTS                                 36

                                10 POSTER SESSIONS                                            38

                                11 INDUSTRY-SUPPORTED SEMINARS                                70

                                12 EXHIBITION INFORMATION                                     76

                         15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   1
Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018

                  WELCOME MESSAGE

                  Message from the ICNMD President

                                                                            Dear Colleagues,

                                                                            I am very pleased to invite you to the Interna-
                                                                            tional Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases
                                                                            (ICNMD 2018), which will take place in Vienna,
                                                                            Austria, from July 6 – 10, 2018.

                                                                             The ICNMD is organized on behalf of the
                                                                            Applied Research Group on Neuromuscular
                                                                            Disorders of the World Federation of Neurol-
                                                                            ogy. Since 2014, the Congress has taken place
                        Professor Dr. Wolfgang Grisold                      in two-year cycles. This will be the 15th Inter-
                                                                            national Congress, following upon previous
                        › PRESIDENT,
                           15TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS                      meetings in Nice (2014) and Toronto (2016). Fu-
                           ON NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES
                                                                            ture ICNMD meetings are expected to change
                                                                            continually between the continents.

                                                                            The aim of the Congress is to present a wide
                                                                            spectrum of neuromuscular diseases from the
                                                                            perspectives of advances in research, diagnosis
                                                                            and treatment. The main scientific topics will

                                                                            •    Muscle disease
                                                                            •    Peripheral nerves / Neuropathies
                                                                            •    Neuromuscular junction disorders
                                                                            •    Autonomic system
                                                                            •    Mononeuropathies
                                                                            •    Cranial nerves
                                                                            •    Nerve regeneration
                                                                            •    General diseases and neuromuscular ­
                                                                            •    Cancer and the peripheral nervous system
                                                                            •    Patient related topics
                                                                            •    Pain
                                                                            •    History
                                                                            •    Neuromuscular disorders worldwide
                                                                            •    Palliative

           2      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG
Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018

                                                                                                                 WELCOME MESSAGE
The format will follow the previous successful
ICNMD meetings and consist of scientific ses-
sions including plenary lectures and scientific
teaching courses, workshop and poster pre-
sentations. The Congress will also offer Virtual
Conferences and of course there will also be
time for attendees to interact and exchange
knowledge and ideas with their esteemed col-
The expected aim of the Congress is that the
attendees will gain an updated view on neuro-
muscular disorders and that the networking
opportunities will increase their international
experience and collaborations. The scientific
and program committee have been invited from
all continents around the world to enable this
wide spectrum.
Vienna is an excellent and highly successful
Congress city in Europe, which is easily acces-
sible and provides a rich structure of culture
and ambience serving to foster informal com-
The Local Organizing Committee along with the
Austrian Society of Neurology and the Ludwig
Boltzmann Institute are delighted to host the
ICNMD 2018 and look forward to meeting you in

Professor Dr. Wolfgang Grisold

ICNMD 2018 Congress President
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental
and Clinical Traumatology
Vienna, Austria

                                       15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG    3
Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018


             PRESIDENT                                     INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC              Juan Jesús Vílchez Padilla, Medical
                                                           COMMITTEE MEMBERS                     Research Institute Hospital La Fe,

             Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Grisold,                                                         Chongbo Zhao, Huashan Hospital,
             Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for                Vera Bril, University Health Net-     Fudan University, China
             Experimental and Clinical Trauma-             work University of Toronto, Canada
                                                           John England, LSUHSC School of
             Vienna, Austria                               Medicine, USA                         INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM
                                                                                                 COMMITTEE MEMBERS
                                                           Marianne de Visser, Academic Med-
                                                           ical Centre, The Netherlands
                                                           Eva L. Feldman, University of Mich-   Anthony A. Amato, Brigham and
                                                           igan, USA                             Women’s Hospital, Dep. Of Neuro­
                                                                                                 logy, United States
             Friedrich Zimprich, Medical                    Bruno Giometto, Universita die
             ­University of Vienna, Austria                ­Padova, Italy                        Corrado Angelini, Foundation San
                                                                                                 Camillo Hospital IRCCS, Italy
             Wolfgang Löscher, Medical                     Riadh Gouider, Razi Hospital,
             ­University of Innsbruck, Austria             Tunesia                               Zohar Argov, Hadassah University
                                                                                                 Hospital, Israel
             Heinz Redl, Ludwig Boltzmann                  Ryuji Kaji, Tokushima University
             ­Institute for Experimental and Clin-         Graduate School of Medicine, Japan    Michaela Auer Grumbach, Medical
              ical Traumatology, Vienna, Austria                                                 University of Vienna, Austria
                                                           Satish V. Khadilkar, Bombay Hos-
                                                           pital and Medical Research Centre,    Richard Barohn, University of
                                                           India                                 ­K ansas Medical Center, United
                                                           Matthew Kiernan, University of
                                                           New South Wales, Australia            David Bennett, University of Oxford/
                                                                                                 Nuffield Dep. Of Clinical Neurosci-
                                                           Jean-Marc Léger, University           ences, United Kingdom
                                                           ­Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrièr, France
                                                                                                  Günther Bernert, Sozialmedi­
                                                           Brylev Lev, Moscow City Hospital,      zinisches Zentrum Süd –
                                                           Russia                                ­K aiser-Franz-Josef-Spital mit
                                                                                                  Gottfried von Preyer’schem Kinder-
                                                           Albert C. Ludolph, Universitäts­       spital, Austria
                                                           klinikum Ulm, Germany
                                                                                                 Nazha Birouk, Neurophysiology
                                                           Carlos Navarrete Maldonado,           Unit, University Hospital Ibn Sina,
                                                           ­Clinica Davila, Chile                Rabat, Morocco

                                                           Davide Pareyson, Istituto Neuro­      Saeed A. Bohlega, Saudi Neurology
                                                           logico Carlo Besta, Italy             Society, Saudi Arabia

                                                            Mary Reilly, University College      Chiara Briani, University of Padova,
                                                           ­London, UK                           Dep. Of Neurosciences, Italy

                                                           Andreas Steck, University of Basel,   Vera Bril, University of Toronto,
                                                           Switzerland                           Canada

                                                           Jung-Joon Sung, Seoul National        Kristl Claeys, ZU Leuven, Depart-
                                                           University Hospital, Korea            ment of Neurology, Belgium

       4     15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG
Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018

Claude Desnuelle, Centre Hospi-         Matthew Kiernan, Univeristy of              Luis Querol Gutierrez, Hospital de
talier Universitaire de Nice, France    New South Wales, Australia                  la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Neuro-
                                                                                    muscular Diseases Unit, Spain
Marianne de Visser, Department          Giuseppe Lauria, IRCCS Founda-
of Neurology, Academic Medical          tion “Carlo Besta” Neurological             Mary Reilly, University College
­Centre, The Netherlands                Institute, Italy                            London, United Kingdom

James Dowling, Hospital for Sick        Steven Lewis, Rush University               James Russell, Univeristy of Mary-
Children (SickKids), Canada             ­Medical Center, USA                        land School of Medicine, United
 P. James B. Dyck, Mayo Clinic,         Hanns Lochmüller, Institute of
­United States                          Genetic Medicin, Newcastle Uni­             Gordon Smith, University of Utah,
                                        versity, International Centre for           United States
Eva L. Feldman, University of
                                        Life, United Kingdom
­Michigan, United States                                                            Claudia Sommer, Universitäts­
                                                                                    klinikum Würzburg, Neurologische
                                        Albert. C. Ludolph, Universitätsk-
Davis Fursdon, NHS Oxford, UK                                                       Klinik und Poliklinik, Germany
                                        linikum Ulm, Germany
Nils E. Gilhus, University of Bergen,                                               Nathan Staff, Mayo Clinic, United
Norway                                  Andrew Mammen, NIAMS/NIH,                   States
                                        United States
Bruno Giometto, Universita die                                                      Volker Straub, Institute of Human
­Padova, Italy                          Michelle L. Mauermann, Mayo                 Genetics Newcastle, University of
                                        ­Clinic, United States                      Newcastle upon Tyne, International
Hans Hilmar Goebel, Universitäts-                                                   Centre for Life, United Kingdom
medizin Mainz, Germany                  Justin McArthur, The Johns
                                        ­Hopkins Hospital, Dep. Of Neuro­           Walter Struhal, Kepler Universitäts­
Riadh Gouider, Razi Hospital,            logy, United States                        klinikum Linz, Abt. Neurologie 2,
­Tunesia                                                                            Austria
                                        Stefan Meng, University of Vienna,
Wolfgang Grisold, Ludwig Boltz-         Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology,        Antonio Toscano, University of
mann Institute for Experimental         Austria                                     ­Messina, Italy
und Clinical Traumatology, Austria
                                        Eduardo Nobile Orazio, Humanita             Pieter van Doorn, Erasmus MC, Uni-
Thomas Hausner, Lorenz Böhler           Research Hospital, Neurology Unit,          versity Medical Center Rotterdam,
Hospital, Austria                       Italy                                       Center for Lysosomal and Metabolic
                                                                                    Diseases,The Netherlands
Max-Josef Hilz, Universitätsklini-      David Oliver, University of Kent,
kum Erlangen, Germany                   United Kingdom                              Jan Verschuuren, Leiden University
                                                                                    Medical Center, Dep. Of Neurology,
Monika Hofer, Neuropathology and                                                    The Netherlands
                                        George W. Padberg, Radboud
Ocular Pathology, Oxford University
                                        University Medical Center, Dep. Of
Hospital, United Kingdom                                                            Angela Vincent, University of
                                        Neurology, The Netherlands
                                                                                    Oxford, Nuffield Dep. Of Clinical
Romana Höftberger, Medical                                                          Neuroscience, United Kingdom
                                        Davide Pareyson, Istituto Neuro­
University of Vienna, Institute of
                                        logicao Carlo Besta, Italy
Neurology, Austria                                                                  Hugh Willison, University of
                                                                                    Glasgow, Institute of Infection,
Sonja Horn, University of Vienna,       Tatjana Paternostro-Sluga,
                                                                                    ­Ummunity and Inflammation, United
Austria                                 Donauspital Wien, Sozial-
                                        medizisches Zentrum Ost, Austria
Isabel Illa, Hospital santa Creu                                                    Anthony J. Windebank, Mayo Clinic,
i Sant Pau (HSCSP), Universitá          Amanda C. Peltier, Vanderbilt
                                                                                    United States
Autònoma de Barcelona, Dep. Of          University Medical Center, Dep. Of
Neuromuscular Diseases, Spain           Neurology, United States                    Gil I. Wolfe, University of Buffalo,
                                                                                    SUNY, United States
Ryujii Kaji, Tokushima University       Alan Pestronk, Washington Uni­
Graduate School of Medicine, Dep.       versity School of Medicine, Neuro-          Chongbo Zhao, Huashan Hospital,
Of Neurology, Japan                     muscular Clinic, United States              Fudan University, China

                                                        15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   5
Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018
03                   PROGRAM AT A GLANCE

                                                                FRIDAY                                                                                                                    SATURDAY
                                                              July 6, 2018                                                                                                                July 7, 2018



                                                        TEACHING COURSES                                                                                                          PLENARY SESSION
                       9:00                                    1-5                                                                                                                    MUSCLE
                                                           08:00 - 09:50                                                                                                            08:00 - 10:00

                                                                                             HANDS-ON ULTRASOUND COURSE ON VOLUNTEERS AND ANATOMICAL SPECIMENS

                                                                                                 OFFSITE TEACHING COURSE: ULTRASOUND OF NERVES AND MUSCLES
                      10:00                    NETWORKING BREAK 09:50–10:10
                                                                                                                                                                        NETWORKING BREAK 10:00 - 10:45
                                                        TEACHING COURSES
                      11:00                                    1-5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF AUTONOMIC SOCIETIES
                                                           10:10 - 12:00                                                                                                         SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS
                      11:30                                                                                                                                                          10:45 - 12:15

                                                                                                                         08:00 - 17:00

                                                       NETWORKING BREAK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (EFAS MEETING 2018)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        08:00 - 18:30
                                                                                                                                                                    LUNCH / INDUSTRY-SUPPORTED SEMINARS
                      13:00                                                                                                                                                      12:15 - 13:45

                      14:00                 6-9
                                                          13:00 - 14:50                                                                                                              SCIENTIFIC         OVERARCHING
                                        13:00 - 14:50                                                                                                            WORKSHOPS
                      14:30                                                                                                                                      13:45 - 15:15
                                                                                                                                                                                      SESSIONS            SESSION
                                                                                                                                                                                     13:45 - 15:15       13:45 - 15:15
                                                                             PATIENT DAY
                      15:00           NETWORKING BREAK 14:50–15:10
                                                                             13:00 - 17:00

                      15:30                                                                                                                                             NETWORKING BREAK 15:15 - 15:45
                                        TEACHING                 EFAS
                      16:00             COURSES                SCHOOL
                                           6-9               15:10 - 17:00                                                                                                                           SCIENTIFIC
                      16:30            15:10 - 17:00
                                                                                                                                                                     15:45 - 17:15
                                                                                                                                                                                                     15:45 - 17:15

                                                                                                                                                                             GUIDED POSTER SESSION
                      18:00                                                                                                                                                       17:15 - 18:30

                                                        OPENING CEREMONY 18:30 - 19:00

                                                       OPENING NETWORKING RECEPTION
                      20:00                                     19:00 - 21:00





               6      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG
Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018

                                                                                                                                                                 PROGRAM AT A GLANCE
                       SUNDAY                                                MONDAY                                       TUESDAY
                     JULY 8, 2018                                           JULY 9, 2018                                JULY 10, 2018
                  07:00 - 08:00                                           07:00 - 08:00


               PLENARY SESSION                                         PLENARY SESSION                                 PLENARY SESSION
          NEUROPATHY (Joint ICNMD-PNS)                              MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE                          NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION               9:00
                 08:00 - 10:00                                           08:00 - 10:00                                   08:00 - 10:00

         NETWORKING BREAK 10:00 - 10:45                          NETWORKING BREAK 10:00 - 10:45                  NETWORKING BREAK 10:00 - 10:45

                 SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS                                   SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS                            SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS
                     10:45 - 12:15                                         10:45 - 12:15                                  10:45 - 12:15                 11:30


                                                                                                                  LUNCH / INDUSTRY-SUPPORTED
                  12:15 - 13:45                                          12:15 - 13:45
                                                                                                                            SEMINARS                    13:00
                                                                                                                           12:15 - 13:45

                      SCIENTIFIC        OVERARCHING                           SCIENTIFIC      OVERARCHING                           SCIENTIFIC
 WORKSHOPS                                                  WORKSHOPS                                            WORKSHOPS
 13:45 - 15:15
                       SESSIONS           SESSION
                                                            13:45 - 15:15
                                                                               SESSIONS         SESSION
                                                                                                                 13:45 - 15:15
                                                                                                                                     SESSIONS           14:30
                      13:45 - 15:15      13:45 - 15:15                        13:45 - 15:15    13:45 - 15:15                        13:45 - 15:15
         NETWORKING BREAK 15:15 - 15:45                          NETWORKING BREAK 15:15 - 15:45                  NETWORKING BREAK 15:15 - 15:45         15:30

                SCIENTIFIC       ENMC         VIRTUAL                                     SCIENTIFIC
   SHOPS                                                       WORKSHOPS                                         WORKSHOPS          SCIENTIFIC
15:45 - 17:15
                                                               15:45 - 17:15
                                                                                                                 15:45 - 17:15       SESSIONS           16:30
                15:45 - 17:15 15:45 - 17:15 15:45 – 17:15                                 15:45 - 17:15
                                                                                                                                    15:45 - 17:15
                                                                                                                       CLOSING CEREMONY
                                                                                                                          17:15 - 18:15                 17:30
                GUIDED POSTER SESSION                                GUIDED POSTER SESSION
                     17:15 - 18:30                                        17:15 - 18:30                                                                 18:00



         Industry-Supported                         Overarching Sessions                                                                                20:00
         Seminars                                                                             Networking Breaks                  Opening / Closing
                                                    Workshops                                 Virtual Meeting                    EFAS                   20:30
         Plenary Sessions
                                                    Guided Poster Session                     Teaching Courses                   Patient Day            21:00
         Scientific Sessions


                                                                                       15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG    7
Onsite Program - ICNMD 2018
04                            PLENARY SESSIONS

                                › SATURDAY, JULY 7, 2018                                                 › MONDAY, JULY 9, 2018

                               08:00 - 10:00		 PLENARY SESSION PL 1.0                                    08:00 - 10:00		 PLENARY SESSION PL 3.0
                                               MUSCLE                                                                    MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE

                               		 ROOM: Park Congress 1 - 2                                              		 ROOM: Park Congress 1 - 2

                               › CHAIRS: Wolfgang Grisold, AT & John England, US                         › CHAIRS: Vera Bril, CA & Claude Desnuelle, FR

                               08:00            PL 1.1: PATHOMECHANISMS                                  08:00         PL 3.1: EMERGING THERAPIES FOR MOTOR
                                                › Volker Straub, GB                                                    NEURONE DISEASES
                                                                                                                       › Peter Andersen, SE

                               08:40            PL 1.2: INFLAMMATORY MECHANISMS
                                                › Andrew Mammen, US                                      08:40         PL 3.2: CLINICAL CONCEPT OF ALS
                                                                                                                       › Leonard Van Den Berg, NL

                               09:20            PL 1.3: GENETICS / EPIGENETICS
                                                › Hanns Lochmüller, DE                                   09:20         PL 3.3: ETHICAL ISSUES
                                                                                                                       › David Oliver, GB

                               › SUNDAY, JULY 8, 2018                                                     › TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018

                               08:00 - 10:00		 PLENARY SESSION PL 2.0                                    08:00 - 10:00		 PLENARY SESSION PL 4.0
                                               NEUROPATHY                                                                NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION

                               		 ROOM: Park Congress 1 - 2                                              		 ROOM: Park Congress 1 - 2

                               › CHAIRS: Eva Feldman, USA & Mary Reilly, GB                              › CHAIRS: Julia Wanschitz, AT & Juan Jesús Vílchez
                                                                                                                        Padilla, ES
                               08:00            PL 2.1: INHERITED NEUROPATHIES: FROM
                                                GENES TO CLINICAL PHENOTYPE                              08:00         PL 4.1: PHYSIOLOGY AND STRUCTURE
                                                › Mary Reilly, GB                                                      › Steve Burden, US

                               08:40            PL 2.2: IMMUNE MEDIATED NEUROPATHIES:                    08:40         PL 4.2: CONGENITAL MYASTHENIC SYN-
                                                AN EXPANDING FIELD OF TREATABLE NEU-                                   DROMES - NEW GENES AND BETTER TREAT-
                                                ROPATHIES                                                              MENTS / ANTIBODIES
                                                › Pieter Van Doorn, NL                                                 › Kinji Ohno, JP

                               09:20            PL 2.3: ADVANCES IN THE TREATMENT OF
                                                                                                         09:20         PL 4.3: AUTOIMMUNITY
                                                PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY
                                                › David Cornblath, US                                                  › Angela Vincent, GB

                      8        15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG

                                                                                                                                   GENERAL CONGRESS INFORMATION


Schnitzler Room on the Mezzanine Floor is the designated Speaker Ready

                             OPENING HOURS

  THURSDAY, JULY 5                                           13:00 – 18:00

  FRIDAY, JULY 6                                             07:00 – 18:00

  SATURDAY, JULY 7                                           07:00 – 17:00

  SUNDAY, JULY 8                                             07:00 – 17:00

  MONDAY, JULY 9                                             07:00 – 17:00

  TUESDAY, JULY 10                                           07:00 – 17:00

		      Important Information for Speakers

If you do not submit your presentation in advance, you are asked to bring it to
the Speaker Ready Room to ensure the quality of your presentation(s) including
fonts, bullets, outlines, animations, etc.

     All Presenters (Invited Speakers and Free Communication Session Pre-
senters) are required to submit and/or preview their slides at least 24 hours
prior to their scheduled presentation to ensure compatibility with the Congress
AV Equipment. Priority will be given to speakers who are presenting the next

Technical staff at the Speaker Ready Room will be available to assist with any
audio-visual needs you may have in order to finalise your presentation. A tech-
nical specialist will upload your presentation to a server. Please do not bring
your own laptop or attempt to upload your presentations in your presentation

The organisers cannot guarantee projection of presentation handed in later
than 24 hours prior to the scheduled session.

                                                         15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG     9
FRIDAY | JULY 6, 2018

                                PRE-CONGRESS TEACHING COURSES › FRIDAY JULY 6, 2018

                                                 All Teaching Course Sessions are located at the Hilton Vienna Am Stadtpark, Austria except
                                                 TC 11.0 – ‘Ultrasound of nerves and muscles: Hands-on ultrasound course on volunteers and ana­tomical
                                                 specimens’ which is located at Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical University of Vienna,
                                                 Austria (Off-site)

                                8:00 - 12:00     TC 1.0 - HyperCKemia                                 09:50         NETWORKING BREAK
                                                 ROOM      Park Congress 1                           10:10          TC 2.3: PRESYNAPTIC RECEPTORS AND
                                                                                                                    NEUROMUSCULAR TRANSMISSION
                                                 Chairs: Corrado Angelini, IT & Marianne De                         Ana Sebastião, PT
                                                 Visser, NL
                                                                                                     11:05          TC 2.4: DISEASES INVOLVING
                                08:00            TC 1.1: CLINICAL PHENOTYPES AND                                    IMPAIRMENT AND LOSS OF
                                                 HOW TO MANAGE PATIENTS WITH HIGH                                   NEUROMUSCULAR CONNECTIONS
                                                 HYPERCKEMIA, STATIN MYOPATHY                                       Hanns Lochmüller, DE
                                                 Marianne De Visser, NL
                                                                                                     8:00 - 12:00   TC 3.0 - Didactic TC on genetic
                                08:55            TC 1.2: HOW TO DIAGNOSE A PATIENT
                                                 WITH HYPERCKEMIA
                                                 Sabrina Sacconi, FR                                                ROOM    Park Congress 3
                                                                                                                    Chairs: Michaela Auer-Grumbach, AT &
                                09:50            NETWORKING BREAK                                                   Davide Pareyson, IT
                                10:10            TC 1.3: HYPERCKEMIA IN MUSCULAR                     08:00          TC 3.1: CMT NEUROPATHIES IN THE
                                                 DISTROPHIES AND METABOLIC                                          ELDERLY
                                                 MYOPATHIES                                                         Michaela Auer-Grumbach, AT
                                                 Corrado Angelini, IT
                                                                                                     08:55          TC 3.2: ESSENTIAL CLUES TO
                                11:05            TC 1.4: DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH AND                                    EARLY RECOGNITION OF AMYLOID
                                                 GUIDELINES FOR OLIGOSYMPTOMATIC                                    NEUROPATHIES
                                                 HYPERCKEMIA                                                        Davide Pareyson, IT
                                                 Theodore Kyriakides, CY
                                                                                                      09:50         NETWORKING BREAK
                                8:00 - 12:00     TC 2.0 - "Basic Course":
                                                 Neuromuscular structure,                            10:10          TC 3.3: SENSORY AND AUTONOMIC
                                                                                                                    HEREDITARY NEUROPATHIES
                                                 transmission and the diseases that                                 Max Hilz, DE
                                                 affect it
                                                 ROOM Park Congress 2                                11:05–12:00    TC 3.4: NEUROPATHIC MANIFESTATIONS
                                                                                                                    IN PORPHYRIA
                                                 Chairs: William Phillips, AU & Hanns                               P. James Dyck, US
                                                 Lochmüller, DE
                                                                                                     8:00 - 12:00   TC 4.0 - Floppy infant syndrome:
                                08:00            TC 2.1: INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURE                                  clinical assessment and decisions
                                                 & FUNCTION, MECHANISMS OF NMJ                                      ROOM Klimt 1
                                                 DEVELOPMENT AND EFFECTS OF
                                                 AUTOANTIBODIES                                                     Chairs: Gunther Bernert, AT & James
                                                 William Phillips, AU                                               Dowling, CA
                                08:55            TC 2.2: NEUROPHYSIOLOGY                             08:00          TC 4.1: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND
                                                 Clarke Slater, GB
                                                                                                                    DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
                                                                                                                    Guenther Bernert, AT

                      10        15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG
08:55          TC 4.2: CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND                     15:10             TC 6.3: GENETIC APPROACH TO MUSCLE
               MUSCLE IMAGING: TECHNIQUES AND                                        DISORDERS
               PITFALLS                                                              Tahseen Mozaffar, US                                06
               Eugenio Mercuri, IT
                                                                   16:05             TC 6.4: APPROACH TO TRANSLATIONAL
                                                                                     RESEARCH AND CLINICAL TRIALS IN

                                                                                                                                         FRIDAY | JULY 6, 2018
09:50          NETWORKING BREAK                                                      MUSCLE DISEASE
                                                                                     Michael Hanna, GB
               THE ROLE OF “NEXT GEN”
               James Dowling, CA
                                                                   13:00–17:00       TC 7.0 - Diagnostics and treatment of
11:05          TC 4.4: WHAT YOU MAY MISS WITHOUT                                     ALS and MND
               Matthew Pitt, GB                                                      ROOM Zweig
                                                                                     Chairs: Albert Ludolph, DE & Dorothée
                                                                                     Lulé, DE

                                                                                                                                         PRE-CONGRESS TEACHING COURSES
8:00 - 12:00   TC 5.0 - Electrodiagnostic and                      13:00             TC 7.1: HOW DO WE DISCUSS THE
               sonographic evaluation of entrapment                                  GENETIC IMPLICATIONS WITH ALS
               mononeuropathies (Hands-On)                                           Ryuji Kaji, JP
               ROOM     Berg
                                                                   13:55             TC 7.2: COGNITIVE CHANGE –
               Machine in-kind donation by                                           RECOGNITION AND MANAGEMENT
                                                                                     Albert Ludolph, DE

                                                                    14:50            NETWORKING BREAK
               Note: There is a variety of different similar
               products that can be used beyond the ones           15:10             TC 7.3: BREAKING THE NEWS OF THE
               showcased in this session.                                            DIAGNOSIS
                                                                                     Dorothée Lulé, DE
               Chairs: Wolfgang Löscher, AT & Nens Van
               Alfen, NL                                           16:05–17:00       TC 7.4: THE ROLE OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY
                                                                                     CARE IN ALS
08:00          TC 5.1: ENTRAPMENT SYNDROMES                                          Christopher McDermott, US
               IN THE UPPER EXTREMITY –
               ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY                                   13:00–17:00       TC 8.0 - New way to diagnose and
               Christian Bischoff, DE                                                assess neuropathies
                                                                                     ROOM Park Congress 2
08:55          TC 5.2: ENTRAPMENT SYNDROMES IN
               THE UPPER EXTREMITY – SONOGRAPHY                                      Chairs: Peter Van Den Bergh, BE & Ingemar
               Nens Van Alfen, NL                                                    Merkies, NL
09:50          NETWORKING BREAK                                    13:00             TC 8.1: MRI AND US IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF
10:10          TC 5.3: ENTRAPMENT SYNDROMES                                          Stephan Goedee, NL
               IN THE LOWER EXTREMITY –                            13:55             TC 8.2: SKIN BIOPSY: NOT JUST FOR
               ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY                                                     DIAGNOSIS
               Simon Podnar, SI                                                      Grazia Devigili, IT
11:05          TC 5.4: ENTRAPMENT SYNDROMES IN
               THE LOWER EXTREMITY                                  14:50            NETWORKING BREAK
               Alexander Grimm, DE                                 15:10             TC 8.3: OUTCOME MEASURES IN
12:00–13:00    NETWORKING BREAK                                                      Ingemar Merkies, NL
               ROOM Bruckner - Strauss & Klimt 2 - 3
                                                                   16:05             TC 8.4: ROLE OF ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY
                                                                                     IN THE CHARACTERIZATION AND
                                                                                     DIAGNOSIS OF NEUROPATHIES: NEW
13:00–17:00    TC 6.0 - Clinical: from pattern                                       INSIGHTS
               recognition towards clinical diagnosis                                Peter Van den Bergh, BE
               ROOM Berg
                                                                   13:00–17:00       TC 9.0 - Understanding the drug
               Chairs: Richard Barohn, US & Mazen                                    development process for rare
               Dimachkie, US                                                         neuromuscular diseases
                                                                                     ROOM Klimt 1
13:00          TC 6.1: A PATTERN RECOGNITION
               APPROACH TO PATIENTS WITH A                                           Chairs: Volker Straub, GB & Kanneboyina
               SUSPECTED MYOPATHY                                                    Nagaraju, US & Raffaella Willmann, CH
               Richard Barohn, US                                  13:00             Introduction
13:55          TC 6.2: LABORATORY APPROACH TO                                        Volker Straub
               MUSCLE DISORDERS
               Mazen Dimachkie, US                                 Session 1: Drug design
                                                                   13:10             TC 9.1: REQUIREMENTS AND PITFALLS
14:50          NETWORKING BREAK                                                      FOR SMALL MOLECULES
                                                                                     Mike Kelly, US

                                                               15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   11
FRIDAY | JULY 6, 2018

                                13:20            TC 9.2: REQUIREMENTS AND PITFALLS                   13:40          TC 10.3: CARDIOVASCULAR AUTONOMIC
                                                 FOR GENE THERAPY                                                   FUNCTION TESTS AND ABPM
                                                 Isabelle Richard, FR                                               Giovanna Calandra-Buonaura, IT
                                13:30            TC 9.3: REQUIREMENTS AND PITFALLS
                                                 FOR STEM CELLS                                      14:00          TC 10.4: NEUROENDOCRINE AND
                                                 Miranda Grounds, AU                                                NUCLEAR AUTONOMIC FUNCTION TESTS
                                                                                                                    Camilla Rocchi, IT
                                Session 2: Preclinical efficacy data
                                                                                                     14:20          TC 10.5: PRACTICAL SESSION: HOW
                                13:40            TC 9.4: PRECLINICAL TRIAL DESIGN                                   TO PERFORM A CARDIOVASCULAR
                                                 Annamaria De Luca, IT                                              AUTONOMIC FUNCTION TEST, PART I
                                13:50            TC 9.5: STATISTICAL POWER EVALUATION                               Walter Struhal, AT
                                                 Heather Gordish-Dressman, US
                                                                                                      14:50         NETWORKING BREAK
                                14:00            TC 9.6: DATA INTERPRETATION,
                                                 TRANSLATIONAL MEANING
                                                 Annamaria De Luca, IT                               15:10          TC 10.6: AUTONOMIC HISTORY TAKING:
                                                                                                                    YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU’RE
                                Session 3: Clinical trial design                                                    LOOKING FOR
                                                                                                                    Roland Thijs, NL
                                14:10            TC 9.7: REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS
                                                 Didier Caizergues, FR                               15:30          TC 10.7: SYNCOPE, PSEUDOSYNCOPE
                                                                                                                    AND OTHER ORTHOSTATIC INTOLERANCE
                                14:20            TC 9.8: CLINICAL TRIAL READINESS                                   SYNDROMES
                                                 Kathryn Wagner, US                                                 Anne Pavy-Le Traon, FR
                                14:30            TC 9.9: CARE ASPECTS IN CLINICAL TRIAL              15:50          TC 10.8: AUTONOMIC SYNDROMES: HOW
                                                 PLANNING                                                           TO PUT THE PIECES OF THE JIGSAW
                                                 Anna Mayhew, GB                                                    TOGETHER
                                14:40            TC 9.10: PATIENT PERSPECTIVE                                       Eva Lenzenweger, AT
                                                 Elizabeth Vroom, NL                                 16:10          TC 10.9: SYNCOPE AND PSEUDOSYNCOPE
                                14:50            TC 9.11: BUSINESS MODEL                                            J. Gert Van Dijk, NL
                                                 Cristina Csimma, US                                 16:30          TC 10.10: EBM TREATMENT OF
                                                                                                                    ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION AND
                                15:00            NETWORKING BREAK                                                   RELATED SYMPTOMS
                                                                                                                    Gregor K. Wenning, AT
                                15:30            TC 9.12: PLENARY SESSION: THE TACT
                                                 PROCEDURE BY MEANS OF A MOCK TACT                   16:50          TC 10.11: EVALUATION FORMS AND
                                                 APPLICATION                                                        CONCLUDING REMARKS
                                16:30            QUESTION & ANSWER                                    08:00–17:00   TC 11.0 - ULTRASOUND OF NERVES
                                                                                                                    AND MUSCLES HANDS-ON ULTRASOUND
                                13:00–17:00      TC 10.0 - EFAS School: Bed side                                    COURSE ON VOLUNTEERS AND
                                                 management and testing for clinical                                ANATOMICAL SPECIMENS
                                                 autonomic disorders
                                                 ROOM Park Congress 3                                               LOCATION CENTER FOR ANATOMY
                                                                                                                    AND CELL BIOLOGY, MEDICAL UNI-
                                                 Chairs: Walter Struhal, AT & Anne Pavy-Le                          VERSITY OF VIENNA, AUSTRIA (OFF-SITE)
                                                 Traon, FR
                                                                                                                    Machine in-kind donation by
                                13:00            TC 10.1: ANS: THE INTERFACE BETWEEN
                                                 OUTER AND INNER WORLD
                                                 Isabel Rocha, PT
                                                                                                                    Note: There is a variety of different similar
                                13:20            TC 10.2: AUTONOMIC DISORDERS: WHAT                                 products that can be used beyond the ones
                                                 GOES WRONG                                                         showcased in this session
                                                 Heinz Lahrmann, AT
                                                                                                                    Chair: Stefan Meng, AT

                      12        15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG

                                                                                                                                FRIDAY | JULY 6, 2018
                                                                                                                                PRE-CONGRESS TEACHING COURSES
08:00           WELCOME AND BASIC ANATOMY AND             15:20 - 15:40     "DIE EINGESCHLAFENE HAND“
                INTERVENTION TACTICS                                        Elisabeth Lindeck-Pozza, AT
                Stefan Meng, AT & Daniel Truong, US
                                                          15:40 - 16:00     ERKRANKUNGEN DES
08:30           NERVE PART 1.1: HANDS-ON                                    NEUROMUSKULAREN UBERGANGES
                ULTRASOUND ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL,                             (MYASTHENIA GRAVIS)
                PERINEURAL ANATOMY                                          Raffi Topakian, AT
                Stefan Meng, AT
                                                          16:00 - 16:20     AMYOTROPHE LATERAL SKLEROSE (ALS)
09:45           NERVE PART 1.2: ULTRASOUND GUIDED                           Heinz Lahrmann, AT
                                                          16:20-16:40       ERKRANKUNGEN DES AUTONOMEN
                Stefan Meng, AT
                                                                            Walter Struhal, AUT
11:00           NETWORKING BREAK

                BOTULINUM TOXIN INJECTION COURSE           18:30 - 21:00 OPENING CEREMONY
                Daniel Truong, US                                        ROOM PARK CONGRESS 1 – 2

                                                                            WELCOME RECEPTION
14:30           NETWORKING BREAK
                                                                            ROOM EXHIBITION &POSTERS AREA
15:00           NERVE PART 2.1: INSPECTIONS OF
                PART 1: ANATOMICAL TOPOLOGY,
                Stefan Meng, AT

16:30           NERVE PART 2.2: NEW NERVE

13:00–17:00     Public Patient Day
                ROOM Park Congress 1
                Chair: Wolfgang Grisold, AT

                ERKRANKUNGEN DES
                (MYASTHENIA GRAVIS)
                Evelyn Suritsch, AT

                NEUE THERAPIEN
                Guenther Bernert, AT

                Julia Wanschitz, AT

14:10 - 14:30   POLYNEUROPATHIEN
                Wolfgang Löscher, AT

                Eva Feldman, USA

                                                      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   13
07                        CONGRESS PROGRAM › SATURDAY JULY 7, 2018

                          07:00 -18:30     EFAS ANNUAL MEETING 2018                            Scientific Session II:
                                           ROOM Park Congress 3
                                                                                               12:00           SS 6: AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION IN THE
                                                                                                               INITIAL MOTOR STAGE OF PARKINSON’S
                          Plenary Session I) Peripheral autonomic                                              DISEASE: A 3-YEAR LONGITUDINAL
                                                                                                               Iva Stankovic, RS
                          08:00            PL 1: DIABETIC AUTONOMIC
                                           NEUROPATHY                                          12:05           SS 7: ACQUIRED IDIOPATHIC
                                           Roy Freeman, US                                                     GENERALIZED ANHIDROSIS IN A YOUNG
                                                                                                               AUSTRIAN PATIENT
                          08:30            PL 2: AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION IN GBS                                  Gerald Exler, AT
                                           Max Hilz, DE
                                                                                                12:10         NETWORKING BREAK
                          08:50            PL 3: ANS AND AMYLOID
                                           Isabel Rocha, PT
                                                                                                12:55         GUIDED POSTER WALK
                          Scientific Session I
                          09:10            SS 1: AUTOIMMUNE AUTONOMIC                          Plenary Session III) TLOC, Brain injury and ANS
                                           GANGLIONOPATHY: THE NATIONAL
                                           HOSPITAL FOR NEUROLOGY AND
                                           NEUROSURGERY, QUEEN SQUARE                          13:45           PL 8: DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
                                           EXPERIENCE                                                          J. Gert Van Dijk, NL
                                           Shiwen Koay, GB
                                                                                               14:05           PL 9: AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION IN
                          09:20            SS 2: MICRONEUROGRAPHIC EVIDENCE                                    EPILEPSY
                                           AGAINST BAROREFLEX BLUNTING WITH                                    Roland Thijs, NL
                                           PERIPHERAL CHEMOREFLEX ACTIVATION
                                           IN HUMANS                                           14:25           PL 10: STROKE AND ANS
                                           Karsten Heusser, DE                                                 Max Hilz, DE
                          09:30            SS 3: THE NATURAL HISTORY OF A                      14:45           PL 11: SYNCOPEDIA: TRAINING A NEW
                                           COHORT OF ISOLATED AUTONOMIC                                        GENERATION OF SYNCOPE SPECIALISTS
                                           FAILURE PATIENTS                                                    Jelle De Jong, NL
                                           Pietro Guaraldi, IT

                          09:35            SS 4: ORTHOSTATIC HYPERTENSION: A                   Scientific Session III:
                                           RARE KNOWN DYSAUTONOMIA
                                                                                               15:05           SS 8: MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE CRITERIA
                                           Alvaro Petersen, MX
                                                                                                               FOR NEUROGENIC ORTHOSTATIC
                          09:40            SS 5: HOW TO OVERCOME POST-                                         HYPOTENSION AND VASOVAGAL
                                           OPERATIVE ILEUS IN PERITONITS                                       SYNCOPE DURING TILT-TABLE TESTING
                                           PATIENS                                                             Maryam Ghariq, NL
                                           Peter Lechner, AT
                                                                                               15:10           SS 9: HEART RATE VARIABILITY IS
                                                                                                               ASSOCIATED WITH OUTCOME IN
                          09:50            NETWORKING BREAK
                                                                                                               SPONTANEOUS INTRACEREBRAL
                                                                                                               Marek Sykora, AT
                          Plenary Session II) Neurodegeneration & ANS
                          10:40            PL 4: PAF-MSA-PARKINSON HOW TO                       15:15         NETWORKING BREAK
                                           DIFFERENTIATE, HOW TO CONFUSE,
                                           SIMILARITIES AND SPECIFICS
                                           Gregor K. Wenning, AT                               Plenary Session IV) Autonomic Nervous system and
                                                                                                            Fatigue Background and Management
                          11:00            PL 5: LINKS FROM PERIPHERY TO THE
                                           BRAIN                                               15:45           PL 12: AUTONOMIC NERVOUS
                                           Alessandra Fanciulli, AT                                            SYSTEM IN SIMULATED AND REAL
                          11:20            PL 6: SLEEP DISORDERS & ANS                                         WEIGHTLESSNESS
                                           Pietro Guaraldi, IT                                                 Anne Pavy-Le Traon, FR

                          11:40            PL 7: AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION IN                      16:05           PL 13: PROGNOSTIC AUTONOMIC
                                           DEMENTIA                                                            BIOMARKERS
                                           Walter Struhal, AT                                                  Jean-Michel Senard, FR

                  14      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG
16:25           PL 14: FATIGUE AND AUTONOMIC                  11:45             SS 2.3: NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN
                NERVOUS SYSTEM DYSFUNCTION IN                                   CONDUITS
                PEOPLE WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS                                  David Hercher, AT                                    07
                Mario Habek, HR

                                                                                                                                    SATURDAY | JULY 7, 2018
16:45           PL 15: GASTRIC DYSFUNCTION                    10:45 - 12:15     Scientific Session SS 3.0 Paraneoplastic
                Heinz Zoller, AT                                                neuromuscular aspects
                                                                                ROOM Park Congress 2
Scientific Session IV:
                                                                                Chairs: Bruno Giometto, IT & Andrew
17:05           SS 10: UROFLOWMETRY SHOWS                                       Mammen, US
                BLADDER FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH             10:45             SS 3.1: THE ROLE OF HU PROTEINS IN THE
                RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE                                    DEVELOPMENT OF PARANEOPLASTIC
                SCLEROSIS                                                       NEUROPATHIES
                Ruihao Wang, DE                                                 Bruno Giometto, IT
                                                              11:07             SS 3.2: PHYSIOPATHOLOGY OF
                                                                                PARANEOPLASTIC GANGLIONOPATHIES
                                                                                Romana Hoeftberger, AT
8:00 - 10:00    Plenary Session PL 1.0 Muscle
                ROOM Park Congress 1 - 2                      11:29             SS 3.3: PARANEOPLASTIC MUSCLE
                Chairs: Wolfgang Grisold, AT & John
                                                                                Andrew Mammen, US
                England, US

08:00           PL 1.1: PATHOMECHANISMS                       11:51             SS 3.4: LAMBERT-EATON-SYNDROME
                Volker Straub, GB                                               (LEMS)
                                                                                Jan Verschuuren, NL
                Andrew Mammen, US                              12:15 - 13:45 LUNCH / INDUSTRY-SUPPORTED
09:20           PL 1.3: GENETICS / EPIGENETICS
                Hanns Lochmüller, DE                                         ROOMS PARK CONGRESS 1 / 2

10:00 - 10:45 NETWORKING BREAK
              ROOM Bruckner - Strauss & Klimt 2 - 3           13:45 - 15:15     Scientific Session SS 4.0
                                                                                New clinical entities
                                                                                ROOM Park Congress 1
10:45 - 12:15   Scientific Session SS 1.0 New therapies
                ROOM Park Congress 1                                            Chairs: Antonio Toscano, IT & Bjarne Udd, FI
                Chairs: Marianne De Visser, NL &
                                                              13:45             SS 4.1: UPDATE ON CLINICAL ASPECTS OF
                Kanneboyina Nagaraju, US
                                                                                GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISORDERS
10:45           SS 1.1: TREATMENT STRATEGIES IN GNE                             Antonio Toscano, IT
                Zohar Argov, IL                               14:15             SS 4.2: NOVEL ENTITIES IN CONGENITAL
                                                                                MYOPATHIES OF ADULT ONSET
11:15           SS 1.2: UPDATE OF RNA-BASED NMD                                 Baziel Van Engelen, NL
                Kanneboyina Nagaraju, US                      14:45             SS 4.3: NEW PHENOTYPES IN TITIN
11:45           SS 1.3: PROGRESS IN THE TREATMENT                               DEFECTS
                OF IDIOPATHIC INFLAMMATORY                                      Bjarne Udd, FI
                Marianne De Visser, NL                        13:45 - 15:15     Workshops WS 1.0
                                                                                Iatrogenic nerve lesions
10:45 - 12:15   Scientific Session SS 2.0 Nerve                                 ROOM Klimt 1
                ROOM Klimt 1                                                    Chairs: Tatjana Paternostro-Sluga, AT &
                                                                                Anthony Windebank, US
                Chairs: Anthony Windebank, US & Heinz
                Redl, AT                                      13:45             WS 1.1: CHEMOTHERAPY INDUCED PNP
10:45           SS 2.1: TISSUE ENGINEERING                                      Anthony Windebank, US
                PERIPHERAL NERVE                              14:15             WS 1.2: IATROGENIC
                Anthony Windebank, US                                           MONONEUROPATHIES AFTER SURGERY
                                                                                AND TRAUMA
11:15           SS 2.2: USE OF PHYSICAL METHODS IN                              Tatjana Paternostro-Sluga, AT
                NERVE REGENERATION
                Thomas Hausner, AT                            14:45             WS 1.3: CASE REPORT

                                                          15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   15
Chairs: George Padberg, NL & Nicol
                          13:45 - 15:15    Scientific Session SS 5.0                                            Voermans, NL
07                                         Pediatric Myology
                                           ROOM Berg                                           15:45            WS 2.1: DUX4, ITS ROLE IN
                                                                                                                DEVELOPMENT AND MUSCLE DISEASE

                                           Chairs: Gunther Bernert, AT & Eugenio                                Stephen J. Tapscott, US
                                           Mercuri, IT
                                                                                               16:15            WS 2.2: TRIALS READINESS IN FSHD:
                          13:45            SS 5.1: STANDARDS OF CARE: WHAT                                      CLINICAL, IMAGING AND BIOMARKERS
                                           WE HAVE LEARNED FROM LONG TERM-                                      Jeffrey M. Statland, US
                                           MANAGEMENT IN CHILDREN WITH NMD'S
                                                                                               16:45            WS 2.3: FSHD'S CHANGING LANDSCAPE
                                           Guenther Bernert, AT
                                                                                                                AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
                          14:07            SS 5.2: FUTURE OF AAV-BASED GENE                                     George Padberg, NL
                                           THERAPY APPROACHES FOR NMDS
                                           Thomas Voit, GB                                     15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 3.0
                                                                                                             Palliative care in NMD
                          14:29            SS 5.3: NEW TREATMENTS IN PAEDIATRIC                              ROOM Berg
                                           NMD'S: FAKE OR FACT?
                                           Eugenio Mercuri, IT                                                  Chairs: David Oliver, GB & Christopher
                                                                                                                McDermott, US
                          14:51            SS 5.4: TRANSITION FROM PEDIATRIC
                                           INTO ADULT CARE: A LONG WAY TO GO?                  15:45            WS 3.1: THE ROLE OF PALLIATIVE CARE
                                           Thomas Serjensen, SE                                                 – EARLY INVOLVEMENT OR END OF LIFE
                          13:45 - 15:15 Overarching Session OA 1.0                                              David Oliver, GB
                                        Stem cell in neuromuscular disorders                   16:07            WS 3.2: THE ROLE OF THE
                                        ROOM Park Congress 2                                                    MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM IN NMD – THE
                                           Chairs: Zohar Argov, IL & Mayana Zatz, BR                            EVIDENCE FROM ALS
                                                                                                                Christopher McDermott, US
                          13:45            OA 1.1: STEM CELLS AS TOOLS
                                           FOR RESEARCH AND THERAPY IN                         16:29            WS 3.3: THE RECOGNITION OF THE
                                           NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS                                              END OF LIFE PHASE IN NMD – THE
                                           Rita Perlingeiro, US                                                 SUPPORT OF PATIENTS, FAMILIES AND
                          14:15            OA 1.2: STEM CELLS IN MUSCULAR                                       Stefan Lorenzl, DE
                                           Mayana Zatz, BR                                     16:51            WS 3.4: INTEGRATING PALLIATIVE CARE
                                                                                                                INTO SERVICE FOR ALS PATIENTS: REAL-
                          14:45            OA 1.3: STEM CELLS IN ALS                                            LIFE EXPERIENCE
                                           Dimitrios Karussis, IL                                               Lev Brylev, RU

                          15:15 - 15:45 NETWORKING BREAK
                                                                                               15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 4.0
                                        ROOM Bruckner - Strauss & Klimt 2 - 3
                                                                                                             New diagnostic techniques/tools
                                                                                                             ROOM Park Congress 2

                          15:45 - 17:15 Scientific Session SS 6.0                                               Chairs: Anthony Amato, US & Jasper M.
                                        Basic principles of neuromuscular                                       Morrow, GB
                                        involvement in cancer                                  15:45            WS 4.1: UPDATE ON HISTOPATHOLOGICAL
                                        ROOM Klimt 1                                                            FEATURES OF INFLAMMATORY
                                           Chairs: Ahmet Hoke, US & Guido Cavaletti,                            MYOPATHIES
                                           IT                                                                   Anthony Amato, US

                          15:45            SS 6.1: GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND                      16:15            WS 4.2: UPDATE ON MYOSITIS SPECIFIC
                                           CLINICAL ASPECTS OF CIPN                                             AUTOANTIBODIES / DISCUSSION ON
                                           Nathan Staff, US                                                     UTILITY OF MSAS IN DIAGNOSIS AND
                          16:15            SS 6.2: BASIC MECHANISMS: AXONAL                                     Andrew Mammen, US
                                           DEGENERATION AND CHEMOTHERAPY-
                                           INDUCED PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY                       16:45            WS 4.3: UPDATE ON UTILITY OF
                                           Ahmet Hoke, US                                                       SKELETAL MUSCLE MRI AND
                          16:45            SS 6.3: ANIMAL MODELS OF                                             Jasper M. Morrow, GB
                                           CHEMOTHERAPY-INDUCED PERIPHERAL
                                           NEUROPATHY                                           17:15 - 18:30   POSTER SESSION PS1
                                           Guido Cavaletti, IT                                                  GUIDED POSTER SESSION
                                                                                                                ROOM MEZZANINE FLOOR GALLERY
                          15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 2.0                                                        AND FOYERS
                                        ROOM Park Congress 1

                  16      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG
CONGRESS PROGRAM › SUNDAY JULY 8, 2018                                                                                              07

                                                                                                                                   SUNDAY | JULY 8, 2018
                                                             11:29             SS 8.3: PAINFUL CRANIAL NERVE
               ROOM BERG                                                       Frank Thömke, DE

                                                             11:51             SS 8.4: PAROXYSMAL DYSFUNCTIONS
8:00 - 10:00   Plenary Session PL 2.0                                          Friedrich Zimprich, AT
               ROOM Park Congress 1 - 2                      10:45 - 12:15 Scientific Session SS 9.0
                                                                           Joint ICNMD - EFAS
               Chairs: Mary Reilly, GB                                     ROOM Park Congress 3
08:00          PL 2.1: INHERITED NEUROPATHIES: FROM                            Chairs: Walter Struhal, AT & John D.
               GENES TO CLINICAL PHENOTYPE                                     England, US
               Mary Reilly, GB
                                                             10:45             SS 9.1: PROTEINOPATHIES (THE
08:40          PL 2.2: IMMUNE MEDIATED                                         AUTONOMIC VIEW)
               NEUROPATHIES: AN EXPANDING FIELD                                Gregor K. Wenning, AT
               Pieter Van Doorn, NL                          11:00             SS 9.2: PROTEINOPATHIES (THE
                                                                               NEUROMUSCULAR VIEW)
09:20          PL 2.3: ADVANCES IN THE TREATMENT                               Walter Struhal, AT
               David Cornblath, US                           11:15             SS 9.3: HEREDITARY NEUROPATHIES (THE
                                                                               AUTONOMIC VIEW)
10:00 - 10:45 NETWORKING BREAK                                                 Max Hilz, DE
                                                             11:30             SS 9.4: HEREDITARY NEUROPATHIES (THE
                                                                               NEUROMUSCULAR VIEW)
                                                                               Michaela Auer-Grumbach, AT

10:45 - 12:15 Scientific Session SS 7.0                      11:45             SS 9.5: METABOLIC ANS DISEASE
              From bench to bedside: inherited                                 (DIABETES AND LIVER) (THE AUTONOMIC
              neuropathies                                                     VIEW)
              ROOM Park Congress 1                                             Roy Freeman, US

               Chairs: Vincent Timmerman, BE & Michael       12:00             SS 9.6: METABOLIC ANS DISEASE
               Sereda, DE                                                      (DIABETES AND LIVER) (THE
                                                                               NEUROMUSCULAR VIEW)
10:45          SS 7.1: NEW GENES AND NEW                                       Paola Sandroni, US
               NEUROPATHIES                                   12:15 - 13:45 LUNCH / INDUSTRY-SUPPORTED
               Vincent Timmerman, BE                                        SEMINARS
                                                                            ROOM PARK CONGRESS 1 / 2
               Michael Sereda, DE

11:45          SS 7.3: FAMILIAL AMYLOID                      13:45 - 15:15 Scientific Session SS 10.0
               NEUROPATHIES: A TREATABLE GENETIC                           Diabetic neuropathies
               NEUROPATHY                                                  ROOM Park Congress 3
               Davide Pareyson, IT
                                                                               Chairs: Eva Feldman, US & Vera Bril, CA

10:45 - 12:15 Scientific Session SS 8.0                      13:45             SS 10.1: 2017 ADA POSITION STATEMENT
              Cranial Nerves                                                   ON DIABETIC NEUROPATHY: DOES IT
              ROOM Park Congress 2                                             CHANGE YOUR PRACTICE?
                                                                               Vera Bril, CA
               Chairs: Wolfgang Grisold, AT & Nazha
               Birouk, MA                                    14:15             SS 10.2: SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY LEADS
                                                                               TO CLINICAL TRIALS IN DIABETIC
10:45          SS 8.1: CRANIAL NERVES: WITHIN AND                              NEUROPATHY
               OUT OF THE SKULL, INCL. ANGIOSOMA                               James Russell, US
               Wolfgang Grisold, AT
                                                             14:45             SS 10.3: PAINFUL DIABETIC
11:07          SS 8.2: INFECTIOUS AND INFLAMMATORY                             NEUROPATHY: A MANAGEMENT
               CRANIAL NERVE LESIONS                                           CENTERED APPROACH
               Nazha Birouk, MA                                                Eva Feldman, US

                                                         15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   17
SUNDAY | JULY 8, 2018

                        13:45 - 15:15 Workshops WS 5.0                                       13:45         SS 11.1: JAMES LIND ALLIANCE PRIORITY
                                      Advances in the treatment of immune                                  SETTING PARTNERSHIP IN NEURO-
                                                                                                           ONCOLOGY (RESEARCH PRIORITIES)
                                      mediated neuropathies
                                                                                                           Kathy Oliver, GB
                                      ROOM Park Congress 1
                                                                                             14:07         SS 11.2: HOW TO DO INVESTIGATOR-
                                         Chairs: Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, IT & Jean-
                                                                                                           INITIATED TRIALS: PCORI
                                         Marc Léger, FR
                                                                                                           Richard Barohn, US
                        13:45            WS 5.1: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF                  14:29         SS 11.3: THE PATIENT VOICE IN
                                         CIDP: LESSON FROM THE DATABASES                                   MYASTHENIA GRAVIS TRIALS- PCORI,
                                         Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, IT                                         CER, AND MORE ALPHABET SOUP
                        14:15            WS 5.2: PARAPROTEINEMIC                                           Pushpa Narayanaswami, US
                                         NEUROPATHIES: WHEN AND HOW TO                       14:51         SS 11.4: HOW CAN OUTCOMES OF
                                         TREAT                                                             CLINICAL STUDIES BE TRANSLATED FOR
                                         Jean-Marc Léger, FR                                               PATIENTS
                                                                                                           Angela Genge, CA
                        14:45            WS 5.3: POEMS SYNDROME: FROM
                                         DIAGNOSIS TO THERAPY
                                         Michelle Mauermann, US                              13:45 - 15:15 Overarching Session OA 2.0
                                                                                                           Dysphagia: a neglected field in
                        13:45 - 15:15 Workshops WS 6.0                                                     neuromuscular diseases
                                      Ultrasound in cranial nerves                                         ROOM Park Congress 2
                                      ROOM Berg                                                            Chairs: Zohar Argov, IL
                                         Chairs: Stefan Meng, AT & Chieh-Han Tzou,           13:45         OA 2.1: NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS
                                         AT                                                                WITH DYSPHAGIA: AN OUTLINE
                                                                                                           Marianne De Visser, NL
                        13:45            WS 6.1: ULTRASOUND IN CRANIAL
                                         NERVES                                              14:15         OA 2.2: HOW TO ASSESS AND MANAGE
                                         Stefan Meng, AT                                                   DYSPHAGIA
                                                                                                           Zohar Argov, IL
                        14:15            WS 6.2: CLINICAL AND MICROSURGICAL
                                         SIGNIFICANCE OF CRANIAL NERVE                       14:45         OA 2.3: ETHICAL ISSUES IN DYSPHAGIA
                                         VISUALIZATION                                                     TREATMENTS
                                         Andres Rodriguez, SE                                              David Oliver, GB

                        14:45            WS 6.3: HIGH RESOLUTION MRI OF                       15:15 - 15:45 NETWORKING BREAK
                                         CRANIAL NERVES                                                     ROOM BRUCKNER - STRAUSS & KLIMT
                                         Jennifer Kollmer, DE                                               2-3

                                         Machine in-kind donation by
                                                                                             15:45 - 17:15 Scientific Session SS 12.0
                                                                                                           From bench to bedside: inflammatory
                                         Note: There is a variety of different similar                     ROOM Park Congress 1
                                         products that can be used beyond the ones
                                         showcased in this session.                                        Chairs: Hugh Willison, GB
                                                                                             15:45         SS 12.1: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE NODE
                                                                                                           OF RANVIER
                        13:45 - 15:15 Scientific Session SS 11.0                                           Antonino Uncini, IT
                                      The Patient voice
                                      ROOM Klimt 1                                           16:15         SS 12.2: NEW PATHOGENETIC
                                                                                                           MECHANISMS UNDERLYING IMMUNE
                                         Chairs: Kathy Oliver, GB & Stefan                                 NEUROPATHIES
                                         Oberndorfer, AT                                                   Hugh Willison, GB

                18      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG

                                                                                                                             SUNDAY | JULY 8, 2018
16:45        SS 12.3: ANTIBODIES TO THE NODE           16:30             HIV-ASSOCIATED NEUROMUSCULAR
             THERAPY                                                     CAPE TOWN
             Luis Querol, ES                                             Jeannine Heckmann, ZA

15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 7.0
                                                       15:45 - 17:15 ENMC symposium
              Cachexia, myopathy and rehabilitation
                                                                     ROOM Klimt 1
              ROOM Berg
                                                                         Chairs: George Padberg, NL & Baziel van
             Chairs: Ioannis Gioulbasanis, GR &                          Engelen, NL
             Christine Marosi, AT
                                                       15:45             WHY OPT FOR AN ENMC WORKSHOP?
15:45        WS 7.1: CACHEXIA AND LATE EFFECTS                           Baziel Van Engelen, NL
                                                       16:00             THE IMPACT OF 25 YEARS ENMC
             Ioannis Gioulbasanis, GR
                                                                         Raffaella Willmann, CH
16:07        WS 7.2: SARCOPENIA                        16:15             CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE AT
             Alan Pestronk, US                                           ENMC WORKSHOPS
                                                                         Mary Reilly, GB
16:29        WS 7.3: OUTLINE ON MYOPATHIES /
             ASSOCIATED WITH CANCER, INCL.                               WORKSHOP
             STEROID MYOPATHY                                            Kanneboyina Nagaraju, US
             Anthony Amato, US                         16:45             AIRWAY CLEARANCE TECHNIQUES IN
                                                                         NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS: TIPS FOR
16:51        WS 7.4: CANCER REHABILITATION                               A SUCCESSFUL WORKSHOP
             Christine Marosi, AT                                        Michel Toussaint, BE

                                                       17:00             THE POSITION OF NEUROMUSCULAR
15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 8.0
                                                                         PATIENTS IN SHARED DECISION MAKING
              Paraprotein in neuropathies                                Anna Ambrosini, IT
              ROOM Park Congress 3
                                                        17:15 - 18:30    POSTER SESSION PS2
             Chairs: Andreas Steck, CH & Ingemar                         GUIDED POSTER SESSION
             Merkies, NL                                                 ROOM MEZZANINE FLOOR GALLERY
                                                                         AND FOYERS
15:45        WS 8.1: SPECTRUM OF
             Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, IT

16:15        WS 8.2: ANTI-MAG NEUROPATHY:
             Andreas Steck, CH

             Ingemar Merkies, NL

15:45 - 17:15 VIRTUAL MEETING
              ROOM PARK CONGRESS 2

             Riadh Gouider, TN

                                                   15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   19
MONDAY | JULY 9, 2018

                        CONGRESS PROGRAM › MONDAY JULY 9, 2018

                                                                                                           Chairs: Stefan Meng, AT & Udo Zifko, AT
                        7:00 - 8:00      INDUSTRY-SUPPORTED SEMINARS
                                         ROOMS Klimt 1/Berg                                  10:45         SS 14.1: MR NEUROGRAPHY: NEW
                                                                                                           APPROACHES AND TECHNIQUES FOR
                                                                                                           DIAGNOSING MONONEUROPATHIES
                        8:00 - 10:00     Plenary Session PL 3.0                                            Jennifer Kollmer, DE
                                         Motor Neurone Disease                               11:15         SS 14.2: NEW ULTRASENSITIVE
                                         ROOM Park Congress 1 - 2                                          ULTRASOUND METHODS
                                                                                                           Stefan Meng, AT
                                         Chairs: Vera Bril, CA & Claude Desnuelle,
                                         FR                                                  11:45         SS 14.3: OCT
                                                                                                           Wolfgang Drexler, AT
                        08:00            PL 3.1: EMERGING THERAPIES FOR
                                         MOTOR NEURONE DISEASES
                                         Albert Ludolph, DE                                  10:45 - 12:15 Scientific Session SS 15.0
                                                                                                           Pathogenesis of pain
                        08:40            PL 3.2: CLINICAL CONCEPT OF ALS                                   ROOM Park Congress 3
                                         Leonard Van Den Berg, NL
                                                                                                           Chairs: David Bennett, US & Claudia
                        09:20            PL 3.3: ETHICAL ISSUES                                            Sommer, DE
                                         David Oliver, GB
                                                                                             10:45         SS 15.1: CHANGES IN THE NODAL
                        10:00 - 10:45 Networking Break                                                     COMPLEX IN PAINFUL NEUROPATHY
                                      ROOM Bruckner - Strauss & Klimt 2 - 3                                Claudia Sommer, DE

                                                                                             11:15         SS 15.2: THE USE OF NERVE
                                                                                                           EXCITABILITY TESTING IN
                        10:45 - 12:15 Scientific Session SS 13.0
                                                                                                           UNDERSTANDING ION CHANNEL
                                      Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) - New
                                                                                                           DYSFUNCTION IN NEUROPATHY
                                      treatments                                                           Matthew Kiernan, AU
                                      ROOM Park Congress 1
                                                                                             11:45         SS 15.3: HUMAN PAIN
                                         Chairs: Peter Andersen, SE & Nathalie                             CHANNELOPATHIES
                                         Goemans, BE                                                       David Bennett, US
                        10:45            SS 13.1: OVERVIEW                                    12:15 - 13:45 LUNCH / INDUSTRY-SUPPORTED
                                         Janbernd Kirschner, DE
                        11:07            SS 13.2: TREATMENTS TO IMPROVE                                     ROOMS Park Congress 1 / 2
                                         SURVIVAL OF MOTOR NEURONS
                                         Anne-Marie Hübers, DE
                                                                                             13:45 - 15:15 Scientific Session SS 16.0
                        11:29            SS 13.3: SPLICING MODIFICATION FOR
                                                                                                           Care: Non-invasive ventilation and
                                         Nathalie Goemans, BE                                              nutritional aspects
                                                                                                           ROOM Park Congress 1
                        11:51            SS 13.4: GENE THERAPY FOR SMA
                                         Arthur Burghes, US                                                Chairs: Marianne De Visser, NL & Esther
                                                                                                           Hobson, GB
                        10:45 - 12:15 Scientific Session SS 14.0                             13:45         SS 16.1: NIV AND ALS
                                      Imaging in Peripheral Nerve (New                                     Marianne De Visser, NL
                                      Areas / New Techniques)
                                      ROOM Park Congress 2                                   14:15         SS 16.2: NUTRITION AND ALS
                                                                                                           Esther Hobson, GB

                20      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG

                                                                                                                                  MONDAY | JULY 9, 2018
14:45         SS 16.3: NUTRITION NIV AND COGNITION          14:15             SS 18.2: TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR
              IN ALS                                                          HEREDITARY ALS
              Vincenzo Silani, IT                                             Timothy Miller, US

13:45 - 15:15 Scientific Session SS 17.0                    14:45             SS 18.3: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF
                                                                              MOTOR NEUROPATHIES
              Peripheral nerve tumors
                                                                              Alan Pestronk, US
              ROOM Klimt 1

              Chairs: Wolfgang Grisold, AT & Michelle       13:45 - 15:15 Overarching Session OA 3.0
              Mauermann, US                                               Brain involvement in muscular
13:45         SS 17.1: NEUROFIBROMATOSIS
                                                                          ROOM Park Congress 2
              Katharina Wimmer, AT

14:07         SS 17.2: PERIPHERAL NERVE TUMORS                                Chairs: Zohar Argov, IL & Corrado Angelini,
              Gelareh Zadeh, CA                                               IT

14:29         SS 17.3: INTRANEURAL PERINEURIOMA:            13:45             OA 3.1: IMPACT AND EVOLUTION OF
              THE PATHOGENESIS                                                DYSTROPHIES
              Michelle Mauermann, US                                          Corrado Angelini, IT

14:51         SS 17.4: CANCER AND PERIPHERAL                14:15             OA 3.2: BRAIN IMAGING TECHNIQUES FOR
              NERVES                                                          THE NEUROMUSCULAR PATIENTS
              Wolfgang Grisold, AT                                            Nicola De Stefano, IT

13:45 - 15:15 Workshops WS 9.0                              14:45             OA 3.3: THE GAP BETWEEN COGNITIVE
              Peripheral nerve surgery &                                      ASSESSMENT AND BRAIN IMAGING:
                                                                              LESSONS FROM DMD
                                                                              Erik Niks, NL
              ROOM Berg

              Chairs: Thomas Hausner, AT & Brian             15:15 - 15:45 Networking Break
              Callaghan, US                                                ROOM Bruckner - Strauss & Klimt 2 - 3

                                                            15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 10.0
              Robert Schmidhammer, AT
                                                                          Hereditary ATTR amyloidosis and
14:15         WS 9.2: NERVE REGENERATION                                  treatment
              Ahmet Hoke, US                                              ROOM Park Congress 2

14:45         WS 9.3: BRAIN PLASTICITY IN NERVE                               Chairs: Davide Pareyson, IT & Teresa
              REGENERATION                                                    Coelho, PT
              Thomas Hausner, AT
                                                            15:45             WS 10.1: HOW TRANSTHYRETIN
13:45 - 15:15 Scientific Session SS 18.0                                      BECOMES TOXIC
                                                                              Laura Obici, IT
              Therapeutic landscape in MND
              ROOM Park Congress 3
                                                            16:15             WS 10.2: CHALLENGES IN DIAGNOSING
              Chairs: Matthew Kiernan, AU & Alan                              AND MONITORING ATTR AMYLOIDOSIS
              Pestronk, US                                                    Davide Pareyson, IT

13:45         SS 18.1: MND: THERAPEUTIC                     16:45             WS 10.3: THE NOVEL SCENARIO OF ATTR
              LANDSCAPES                                                      AMYLOIDOSIS TREATMENT
              Matthew Kiernan, AU                                             Teresa Coelho, PT

                                                        15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   21
MONDAY | JULY 9, 2018

                        15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 11.0                                      15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 13.0
                                      Vitamin deficiencies                                                 Neoplastic neuromuscular
                                      ROOM Park Congress 3                                                 involvement
                                                                                                           ROOM Berg
                                         Chairs: Steven Lewis, US & Nathan Staff,
                                         US                                                                   Chairs: Wolfgang Grisold, AT & P. James
                                                                                                              Dyck, US
                        15:45            WS 11.1: VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES AND
                                         NEUROPATHY                                          15:45            WS 13.1: CRANIAL NERVES
                                         Carrie Grouse, US                                                    Wolfgang Grisold, AT
                        16:15            WS 11.2: MINERAL DEFICIENCIES AND                   16:15            WS 13.2: PERIPHERAL NERVE LYMPHOMA
                                         NEUROPATHY                                                           P. James Dyck, US
                                         Steven Lewis, US
                                                                                             16:45            WS 13.3: CANCER-ASSOCIATED MYOSITIS
                        16:45            WS 11.3: VITAMIN AND MINERAL                                         Yves Allenbach, FR
                                         TOXICITIES AND NEUROPATHY
                                         Nathan Staff, US                                     17:15 - 18:30   Poster Session PS3
                                                                                                              Guided Poster Session
                        15:45 - 17:15 Scientific Session SS 19.0                                              ROOM Mezzanine Floor Gallery and
                                      Distal SMA                                              Foyers
                                      ROOM Park Congress 1
                                         Chairs: Wolfgang Löscher, AT
                        15:45            SS 19.1: DISTAL HEREDITARY MOTOR
                                         NEUROPATHIES (DHMN)
                                         Mary Reilly, GB
                        16:15            SS 19.2: DISTAL MYOPATHIES
                                         Anthony Amato, US
                        16:45            SS 19.3: ACQUIRED DISTAL MOTOR
                                         Matthew Kiernan, AU

                        15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 12.0
                                      Rehabilitation in ALS
                                      ROOM Klimt 1
                                         Chairs: Orla Hardiman, IE & Dana Boering,
                        15:45            WS 12.1: MULTIDISCIPLINARY CLINICS-
                                         WHAT IS THE EVIDENCE AND HOW CAN
                                         WE DO BETTER?
                                         Leonard Van Den Berg, NL
                        16:15            WS 12.2: MEASUREMENT OF DISEASE
                                         PROGRESSION, CAN WE DO BETTER?
                                         Orla Hardiman, IE
                        16:45            WS 12.3: REHABILITATION
                                         INTERVENTIONS THAT CHANGE
                                         OUTCOME IN ALS/MND
                                         Dana Boering, DE

                22      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG
CONGRESS PROGRAM › TUESDAY JULY 10, 2018                                                                                               07

                                                                                                                                      TUESDAY | JULY 10, 2018
8:00 - 10:00   Plenary Session PL 4.0                          10:45 - 12:15 Scientific Session SS 22.0
               Neuromuscular Junction                                        History
               ROOM Park Congress 1 - 2                                      ROOM Park Congress 3

               Chairs: Julia Wanschitz, AT & Juan Jesús                          Chairs: Sonja Horn, AT & Raad Shakir, GB
               Vílchez Padilla, ES
                                                               10:45             SS 22.1: THE HISTORY OF
08:00          PL 4.1: PHYSIOLOGY AND STRUCTURE                                  NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES AND THEIR
               Steve Burden, US                                                  TREATMENT IN HABSBURG COUNTRIES
08:40          PL 4.2: CONGENITAL MYASTHENIC                                     Sonja Horn, AT
                                                               11:15             SS 22.2: HISTORY ON NM DISEASE
                                                                                 Richard Barohn, US
               Kinji Ohno, JP

09:20          PL 4.3: AUTOIMMUNITY                            11:45             SS 22.3: ANDALUSIAN NEUROLOGY OVER
               Angela Vincent, GB                                                700 YEARS
                                                                                 Raad Shakir, GB
10:00 - 10:45 NETWORKING BREAK
              ROOMS BRUCKNER - STRAUSS & KLIMT                  12:15 - 13:45 LUNCH / INDUSTRY-SUPPORTED
              2-3                                                             SEMINARS
                                                                              ROOMS PARK CONGRESS 1 / 2

10:45 - 12:15 Scientific Session SS 20.0
              New therapies in myasthenia - clinical           13:45 - 15:15 Scientific Session SS 23.0
              session                                                        Issues regarding thymectomy in
              ROOM Park Congress 1                                           myasthenia
                                                                             ROOM Park Congress 1
               Chairs: Gil Wolfe, US & Wolfgang Löscher,
               AT                                                                Chairs: Richard Barohn, US & Alexander
                                                                                 Marx, DE
10:45          SS 20.1: EVOLUTION OF MONOCLONAL AB
               TREATMENT APPROACHES IN MG                      13:45             SS 23.1: THYMECTOMY FOR MYASTHENIA
               Gil Wolfe, US                                                     GRAVIS
11:15          SS 20.2: OTHER NOVEL TREATMENT                                    Richard Barohn, US
                                                               14:15             SS 23.2: RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED
               Anna Punga, SE
                                                                                 TRIAL OF THYMECTOMY: A DEEPER DIVE
11:45          SS 20.3: OVERVIEW OF TREATMENT                                    INTO DATA
               GUIDELINES: GOING FORWARD                                         Gil Wolfe, US
               Gil Wolfe, US
                                                               14:45             SS 23.3: PATHOLOGY OF THE THYMUS
                                                                                 GLAND IN MG
10:45 - 12:15 Scientific Session SS 21.0
                                                                                 Alexander Marx, DE
              Infectious neuropathies
              ROOM Park Congress 2
                                                               13:45 - 15:15 Workshops WS 14.0
               Chairs: John D. England, US & Gerard Said,                    Discussion on novel treatments and
               FR                                                            their mechanisms in different forms of
                                                                             NMJ disorders
               OF ZIKA VIRUS                                                 ROOM Park Congress 2
               John D. England, US
                                                                                 Chairs: Markus Rüegg, CH & David Beeson,
11:07          SS 21.2: LEPROUS NEUROPATHIES                                     GB
               Gerard Said, FR
                                                               13:45             WS 14.1: MOLECULAR MECHANISMS
11:29          SS 21.3: NEUROPATHIES IN INFECTIOUS                               AFFECTING NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION
               DISEASES                                                          DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE
               Nazha Birouk, MA                                                  Markus Rüegg, CH

11:51          SS 21.4: INFECTION RELATED                      14:15             WS 14.2: SALBUTAMOL AND DOK-7 AS
               NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS                                           POTENTIAL TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR
               (NEUROPATHIES AND MYOPATHIES)                                     NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS
               Chandrashekhar Meshram, IN                                        David Beeson, GB

                                                           15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   23
TUESDAY | JULY 10, 2018

                          14:45            WS 14.3: SYMPATHETIC INNERVATION
                                           OF THE NMJ; A POSSIBLE EXPLANATION                  13:45 - 15:15 Workshops WS 17.0
                                           FOR THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF                                     Miscellaneous diseases
                                           SYMPATHICOMIMETICS IN NMDS?                                       ROOM Klimt 1
                                           Rüdiger Rudolf, DE
                                                                                                            Chairs: Andreas Steck, CH & Hadi Manji, GB
                          13:45 - 15:15 Workshops WS 15.0
                                        Plectin & Plectinopathies: roots &                     13:45        WS 17.1: PRIMARY AND SECONDARY
                                        perspectives                                                        VASCULITIC NEUROPATHY
                                        ROOM Berg                                                           Gerard Said, FR

                                           Chairs: Rolf Schröder, DE & Gerhard Wiche,          14:15        WS 17.2: STATIN NEUROPATHIES
                                           AT                                                               Hadi Manji, GB

                          13:45            WS 15.1: PLECTIN: OVERVIEW AND
                                                                                               14:45        WS 17.3: MGUS ASSOCIATED
                                           LESSONS FROM MOUSE MODELS
                                                                                                            PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY: DIAGNOSIS
                                           Gerhard Wiche, AT
                                                                                                            AND TREATMENT
                                                                                                            Andreas Steck, CH
                          14:07            WS 15.2: HUMAN PLECTIN AND CLINICAL
                                           Rolf Schröder, DE                                    15:15 - 15:45 NETWORKING BREAK
                                                                                                              ROOMS BRUCKNER - STRAUSS & KLIMT
                          14:29            WS 15.3: PLECTIN AND MITOCHONDRIA
                                           (MICE AND MEN)                                                   2-3
                                           Lilli Winter, AT

                          14:51            WS 15.4: PLECTIN, CARDIOMYOPATHIES,                 15:45 - 17:15 Scientific Session SS 24.0
                                           AND THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES (MICE)                                 Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome
                                           Oliver Mueller, DE                                                (CMS)
                                                                                                             ROOM Park Congress 1
                          13:45 - 15:15 Workshops WS 16.0
                                        LGMD symposium                                                      Chairs: David Beeson, GB & Friedrich
                                        ROOM Park Congress 3                                                Zimprich, AT

                                           Chairs: Corrado Angelini, IT & Kristl Claeys,
                                                                                               15:45        SS 24.1: SYNAPTIC STABILITY IN CMS
                                                                                                            David Beeson, GB
                          13:45            WS 16.1: THE CLINICAL PHENOTYPES OF
                                           CALPAINOPATHY                                       16:07        SS 24.2: RECENT PROGRESS IN
                                           Andoni Urtizberea, FR                                            UNDERSTANDING PRESYNAPTIC
                                                                                                            CONGENITAL MYASTHENIC SYNDROMES
                          14:07            WS 16.2: MUSCLE PATHOLOGY OF LIMB-                               (CMS)
                                           GIRDLE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHIES                                      Hanns Lochmüller, DE
                                           Kristl Claeys, BE                                   16:29        SS 24.3: CLINICAL ASPECTS OF CMS
                                                                                                            Hakan Cetin, AT
                          14:29            WS 16.3: THE ADVENT OF NGS IN LGMD
                                                                                               16:51        SS 24.4: THERAPEUTIC STRATEGIES FOR
                                           Vincenzo Nigro, IT
                                                                                                            CONGENITAL MYASTHENIC SYNDROMES
                          14:51            WS 16.4: PERSPECTIVES IN CLINICAL                                Jacqueline Palace, GB
                                           TRIALS OF RECESSIVE AND DOMINANT
                                           Corrado Angelini, IT

                  24      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG

                                                                                                                                    TUESDAY | JULY 10, 2018
15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 18.0                              15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 20.0
              Biomarkers in myasthenia gravis                              Aspects of diabetes
              ROOM Park Congress 2                                         ROOM Klimt 1
             Chairs: Nils Erik Gilhus, NO & Anna Punga,                        Chairs: Eva Feldman US & Brian
             SE                                                                Christopher Callaghan, US
15:45        WS 18.1: AUTOANTIBODIES IN                      15:45             WS 20.1: DIABETIC CRANIAL
             MYASTHENIA GRAVIS                                                 NEUROPATHIES
             Nils Erik Gilhus, NO                                              Tudor Lupescu, RO
16:15        WS 18.2: CIRCULATING MICRO-RNA AS               16:07             WS 20.2: MUSCULOSKELETAL
             BIOMARKERS IN MYASTHENIA GRAVIS                                   COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES ARE
             Anna Punga, SE                                                    COMMON AND UNDERDIAGNOSED
16:45        WS 18.3: THYMUS BIOMARKERS AND                                    Anna Grisold, AT
             CLINICAL RELEVANCE                              16:29             WS 20.3: ATYPICAL NEUROPATHIES
             Alexander Marx, DE                                                IN DIABETES: DIAGNOSIS AND
15:45 - 17:15 Workshops WS 19.0                                                Amanda Peltier, US
              Muscle and nerve biopsies for
              neurologist                                    16:51             WS 20.4: TREATMENT INDUCED AND
                                                                               INFLAMMATORY NEUROPATHIES IN
              ROOM Park Congress 3
             Chairs: Rolf Schröder, DE & Monika Hofer,                         Brian Christopher Callaghan, US
                                                              17:15 - 18:15    CLOSING CEREMONY
15:45        WS 19.1: MUSCLE BIOPSIES                                          ROOM PARK CONGRESS 1 – 2
             Rolf Schröder, DE

16:15        WS 19.2: NERVE BIOPSIES: THERE IS
             P. James Dyck, US

16:45        WS 19.3: SKIN BIOPSIES
             Giuseppe Lauria, IT

                                                         15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   25
26   15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG

                                                                                 CONGRESS INFORMATION

       15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   27
08                     FLOORPLAN › Hilton Vienna

                                                                          GROUND FLOOR
                                                                              GROUND FLOOR

               28      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG

                                                                                                CONGRESS INFORMATION
                MEZZANINE FLOOR

                            KLIMT 1

                                             KLIMT 2+3

Breakout Room                              Meeting Rooms

Plenary Hall                               Board Room

Speaker Ready Room                         Exhibition & Poster Area

                      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG   29

                       GENERAL INFORMATION FROM A-Z

                       CAMERAS AND CELL PHONES                                              Snacks and Lunch

                       No video cameras are allowed at any event during ICNMD               Luncheon industry-supported seminars are offering
                       2018. As a courtesy to fellow attendees, please turn off             lunch. During lunch time light snacks will also be offered
                       cell phones during scientific sessions.                              within the exhibition and poster area.

                       CATERING ONSITE                                                      CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE

                       Networking Breaks                                                    To complete the session evaluation and obtain credits for
                                                                                            your attendance at ICNMD 2018, please use the online
                       Networking breaks will take place from Friday 6 to Tues-             evaluation link provided via email on the last day of the
                       day 10 July in the Exhibition & Poster Area, located on the          Congress.
                       Mezzanine Floor.
                                                                                            CHARGING LOUNGE

                       FRIDAY, JULY 6                                                       Charging stations will be available in the Exhibit Hall
                                                                                            (Rooms Bruckner - Strauss ) to allow you to take a break
                         09.50 – 10.10 AND 12.00-13.00 AND 14:50-15:10                      while powering your mobile devices.

                       SATURDAY, JULY 7 – TUESDAY, JULY 10                                  Supported by

                         10.00-10:30 AND 12:30 – 13:30 AND 15:15-15:45

               30      15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases WWW.ICNMD2018.ORG

                                                                                                                                   CONGRESS INFORMATION
CLOAK ROOM                                                   DELEGATE HELP DESK

The cloak room is located within the bag distribution area   If you require assistance or any information regarding the
in the Park Congress Foyer Area on the Ground Floor.         Congress, see the staff at the Delegate Help Desk located
                                                             in the registration area.
                                                             Supported by
The 15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Dis-
eases (ICNMD 2018) is accredited by the European Accred-
itation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EAC-
CME) to provide the following CME activity for medical
specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European    DELEGATE LOUNGES
Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), www.uems.net.
                                                             Delegate Lounges are available in the Exhibit Hall (Klimt
                                                             2+3) to allow you to take a break, network with colleagues
ICNMD 2018 will be accredited with 34 European CME           or check emails.
credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).                       Supported by

Through an agreement between the European Union of
Medical Specialists and the American Medical Asso-
ciation, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an
equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to
AMA credit can be found at www.ama-assn.org/go/ inter-

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