Page created by Andrea Barton
Open Door
        Spring 2022

 For the Tenants & Leaseholders of Cambridge City Council
Contents                                                         Welcome to this edition of Open Door.

                                                                 With Spring ahead and the Covid-19 crisis hopefully
                                                                 winding down, this edition brings you lots of resources
                                                                                                                                          Your own housing account online
Council services online          3
                                                                 and support that will help you make the most of the finer
Your housing account online      3                               months ahead.                                                                                                       order a new rent payment card, and                               to benches or bus shelters, play areas
Covid-19 vaccination and help    3                                                                                                                                                   much more. If you need any help with                             or public toilets. And you will be able
                                                                 The Tenant and Leaseholder Satisfaction Survey in 2020                                                              getting started at using your online                             to track the response online, seeing
                                                                 showed us that you wanted better, easier communication                                                              housing account or other online services,                        when the action you requested will be
Repairs & maintenance           4                                with the City Council and its services. We have been                                                                just book an appointment at Mandela                              completed.
                                                                 working on those improvements.                                                                                      House by phoning 01223-457070.
Two kinds of maintenance         4   David Greening                                                                                                                                                                                                   Accessing your council services
Obligatory safety checks         4   Head of Housing Services
                                                              More and more of our services are now available 24/7                                                                   Other services on your
                                                              online, and the next edition of Open Door will introduce                                                               MyCambridge portal                                               To deliver council services in the most
Acting on your feedback          5                                                                                                                                                                                                                    efficient way possible, face to face
                                                              you to the new telephony system that we are about to
                                                                                                                                                                                     Over 8,000 Cambridge residents are                               meetings with council staff are by
                                     launch, to make it even easier for you to contact us.
                                                                                                                                                                                     already using their MyCambridge portal                           appointment only. If you are thinking
Your housing staff              6                                                                                                       Have you started using your online           to manage the council services that they                         of contacting them, please check first
                                     Meanwhile, a double spread on pages 4 and 5 of this edition gives you a clear                      MyCambridge portal yet? Lots of              use, or want to request. On there, as                            whether you can get the service or
The Customer Service Centre      6   overview of your repairs and maintenance service - exactly what they do, how to                    residents have registered now to use it to   well as your housing account, you can                            information you need more quickly and
Your housing services            6   get the most from their services, the response times you can expect from them,                     access the Council’s services, at the top    also manage your Council Tax account,                            easily online. But if you have an essential
                                     and the improvements they have made in response to your survey feedback.                           right-hand corner of the Council’s website   claim benefits, notify about a change of                         need to meet staff in person, phone
Who to contact                   7
                                     Pages 6 and 7 go on to introduce the staff teams that help with every other aspect                 at                      circumstances or request a new bin.                              01223-457000.
Standards you can expect         7   of your tenancy. You will see the different services they provide, how best to
                                     contact them, and the service guarantees that they offer you.                                      Your housing account online                  You can use the portal to quickly and                            You can make payments to the Council
                                                                                                                                        As a council tenant or leaseholder, it       easily report issues you see while you’re                        online or by phone, or at locations like
 Homes & estates                8
                                     Page 9 highlights services which can help you deal with anti-social behaviour                      means you can then also register to have     out and about - from litter to fly-tipping,                      the Post Office. For more information,
                                     and neighbour nuisances, such as noise or bonfire smoke. Page 15 provides                          24/7 access to your own private housing      fallen branches to graffiti. You can even                        visit
Clearing communal areas          8   clarity about the Council’s services for leaseholders. And on page 8 you will see                                                               show the exact location: your report
                                                                                                                                        account online. It’s a confidential space
Actions for zero tolerance       8   the progress made on the Council’s commitment to keep all communal areas on                        dedicated to your personal housing           goes straight to council staff out in the                        Those without internet access can still
                                     estates totally clear, to ensure fire safety for all.                                              information.                                 community, ready to deal with it.                                contact the Council by phoning 01223-
Report anti-social behaviour     9                                                                                                                                                                                                                    457000. For service updates relating
Noise and smoke complaints       9                                                                                                      Once logged in to your account, you          Or why not use the portal to claim a free                        to Covid-19, visit www. https://www.
                                     The rest of this edition is about you. It is full of free services and offers that will
                                                                                                                                        can use it to book your own repairs and      tree to commemorate your new baby’s                    
                                     help residents to bounce back post-Covid. Page 10 promotes ways to get active
                                                                                                                                        appointments, check and print out the        birth? Or to request a tree protection                           to-our-services
Help for communities            10   and fitter. A feature on your local library shows all the free ways the library can                                                             order on a special tree in the city?
                                     keep you connected, informed, and warmly supported by your community. Page                         current status of your rent account, or
                                                                                                                                        view your past rent payments and any         New services are constantly being added                          To be notified of updates to the Council’s
Easy ways to get fitter         10   11 highlights funds and grants for those aged 16-30, to help with training or new                                                               in to the portal. Soon you will be able                          website, register at
                                                                                                                                        rent or arrears that are due. You can
                                     jobs, while page 13 brings free loans of computer tablets, and a free grass-cutting                                                             to use it to report things like damage                           uk/subscribe-for-emailalerts
Connected and well informed     10                                                                                                      update your personal information,
                                     service for those who need it.
Tackling domestic abuse         11
Grants for residents in need    11   Finally, page 12 provides an overview of the amazing amount that has been
                                     achieved through tenants’ and leaseholders’ involvement in the past year: they
                                     have actively shaped and influenced no fewer than 47 different council services,                     Covid-19 vaccinations and support
Residents’ involvement 12            from the design of new housing developments to the choice of communal cleaning
                                     contractor on your estates. We look forward to your ongoing collaboration and                                                                   Free transport to your vaccination -                             Test and Trace Support Payments
                                     feedback as our services continue to evolve.                                                         It’s never too late to get vaccinated
What residents have achieved    12                                                                                                                                                   the Vaxi Taxi Scheme
                                                                                                                                          against Covid-19.
47 services they influenced     12                                                                                                                                                                                                                    At the time of going to print, the final
                                     With best wishes,                                                                                                                               If you would struggle to get to and from                         Test & Trace Support Payments were
Enter the Garden Competition    13                                                                                                        Walk-in any day, 8.30am-4pm:
                                     David Greening                                                                                       • at the Grafton Centre, CB1 1PS           a vaccine appointment, the County                                being awarded by the City Council to
Free offers for residents       13                                                                                                                                                   Council can provide free transport to                            eligible people who suffered loss of
                                                                                                                                          Later walk-in, 4pm-7.30pm on               vaccinations for those who need it.                              income due to being told by the NHS to
                                                                                                                                          Wednesdays:                                                                                                 self-isolate with Covid-19. You must have
 Actions for our climate 14                                                                                                                                                          For phone numbers of local participating                         been told to self-isolate on or before
                                                                                                                                          • at the Grafton Centre, CB1 1PS
                                                    Receive Open Door electronically                                                                                                 taxi-firms, visit                        23-2-2022. And you must apply within
Recycle electrical items        14                                                                                                        Pre-booked vaccinations:                   uk/covid (If you don’t have access to                            42 days of the first date of your self-
                                                                                                                                          • At Boots, Newmarket Road, Welfare        the internet, 01223-971611 and 01223-                            isolation.
Save money on water bills       14                 Why not receive Open Door by email instead of on paper? It’s easy to
                                                                                                                                          Pharmacy, Trumpington or Chesterton        715715 are among the Cambridge city
                                                   read on any device with wifi, at the same time saving on paper and
                                                                                                                                          Indoor Bowls Club, Chesterton              taxi-numbers participating.)                                     You must have tested positive after a
                                                   carbon footprint. To receive it by email instead of post, visit https://
 Leaseholders                   15       
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PCR test or an assisted rapid lateral flow
                                                                                                                                          To find a vaccination centre near you,     First, ensure you have booked your                               test. A positive lateral flow test done at
Legalities of subletting        15    One copy of Open Door is sent to each council home. If you’d like to request                        visit or          appointment, or if it is at a walk-in clinic,                    home by yourself isn’t enough. You must
                                      another copy for a joint tenant, please email                             phone the NHS booking line at 119.         check when your nearest centre is open                           also have taken a PCR test to confirm
Services for leaseholders       15                                                                                                                                                   before booking the time of your taxi.                            you were positive, and show a reference
                                      An editorial panel of council tenants and leaseholders help to select and edit the                                                                                                                              number confirming you uploaded your
                                      content of every edition of Open Door, to ensure it continues to reflect residents’                 To book a specific time-slot for a
                                                                                                                                          vaccination or a Covid-19 test, visit      Phone the taxi-firm to book your                                 details to the NHS Test and Trace
You need to know                16    needs and interests. To get involved, email                                                                          transport. They will ask you to confirm                          website at To
                                                                                                                                          the NHS website at
                                                                                                                                          conditions/coronavirus-covid-19            details of the appointment when you                              see eligibility and applications, visit
Sources of financial help       16                                                                                                                                                   book your journey.                                     
How to contact services         16                                                                                                        Pop-up vaccination events are also
                                                                                                                                          taking place regularly: for their          They can also pick you up to take you
                                                                                                                                          additional dates and venues, check         home, so long as your journey home                               If you have difficulty accessing food
                                         All information was correct when going to print, but could change quickly due to Covid-19                                                   starts no more than an hour after                                while ill with Covid-19, visit https://
                                                                                                  All main photos are by Emily Downey
                                                                                                                                                                                     your appointment.                                      
                                                                              Cover photo shows a wildflower meadow on Parker’s Piece
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and-info-covid-19 *

                                                                                                                                                                                     * All the information in this article was correct at time of going to print, but may change rapidly.
            Twitter:                                                                                                                                                                                                                            3
            @camcitco                         cambridgecitycouncil                                opendoor
Your repairs and maintenance service

     Two kinds of maintenance                                                                   Acting on your feedback
    What is planned maintenance?                  structure and covering after 50 years.       Your feedback on repairs and maintenance in the 2020 Tenants’ and Leaseholders’ Satisfaction Survey was mostly positive.
                                                  Repair and painting of previously painted    Nonetheless, the service has taken specific actions to improve on any areas of low satisfaction. Below is your 2020 feedback,
    The Council’s planned, preventive             surfaces (like external masonry, wooden      along with the specific actions the service has taken since then, to improve these customer satisfaction rates.
    maintenance is done on a cyclical basis.      doors, windows, soffit and fascias) are
    It helps keep your property in good           currently done on a 7-year cycle. The        Happy with your repair?                                                Were you given an appointment?
    condition and prevents problems. It is        Council is also investing in energy
    a proactive approach to maintenance,          efficiency improvements in some trial
    designed to avoid failures, breakages,        locations, including loft, cavity and                                                                                                                                 75%                       4% 15% 6%
    unexpected maintenance costs and
    unplanned repairs.
                                                  external wall insulation, photovoltaic
                                                  panel arrays and renewable technologies.
                                                                                                                                8%                                         Yes,
                                                                                                                                                                    Yes, and myand my appointment
                                                                                                                                                                                appointment        was kept
                                                                                                                                                                                            was kept                        Yes,appointment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Yes, but my   but my appointment  was not ke
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            was not kept
                                                                                                                                 Neither                            No, I was
                                                                                                                                                                           No,not given
                                                                                                                                                                               I was notan appointment
                                                                                                                                                                                         given an appointment      Don't know / can't
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Don't know remember
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        / can't remember
    It is usually carried out at the same time    What is a responsive repair?
    on properties in one geographical area,
                                                                                                                                                                        The Council is improving this by:
    and is usually non-urgent. To ensure          By contrast, responsive repairs are minor     The Council is improving on this by:                                    • giving all future repairs, apart from emergencies, an
    value for money, it can be done as part       repairs or routine maintenance that the       • doing follow-up satisfaction surveys, to see why 16% are                 appointment
    of a large programme. Residents can           Council does in response to a tenant’s          dissatisfied, and what could improve their satisfaction               • letting tenants now book their own appointments online,
    be kept fully informed, including on the      request. If non-urgent, this work may be      • piloting a new ‘MOT’ type service for repairs                            with a choice of date and time
    extent of the works and their timescales.     ‘batched’ so jobs can be done together.
                                                  It includes repairs to vacated properties
    Examples of planned maintenance               before they are re-let.                                                                                              Happy  with any planned
    include programmes to replace
                                                                                               Happy with aspects of your repair job?                                     The arrangements for access to works?
                                                                                                                                                                                          your home
    building components such as kitchens,         The Council’s in-house team deliver this
                                                                                                       Keeping dirt and mess to a                                                      The arrangements for access to
    bathrooms, windows and roofs,                 service, doing about 16,000 repairs per                                                    82%           13%                                   your home
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      84%             10% 6%
    according to the average life span of         year, as well as repairs to about 340                        minimum                                                         The time taken to complete the
    these components as dictated by the           vacated properties before re-letting.                                                                                                     works
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       93%                      5%
                                                                                                                                                                                      The time taken to complete the
    government’s Decent Homes Standard.                                                           The speed of completion of the                                                                                                      80%            11% 9%
                                                                                                                                            72%          12% 15%                                   works
                                                  There are 3 categories of responsive                                                                                            The information provided to
    The Decent Homes Standard says                repairs, with different target times for                                                                                            youThe information
                                                                                                                                                                                          about          provided to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       93%                      8%
    kitchens should be replaced after 25          completion which you can see at the                                                                                                        you about the works
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      80%            11% 9%
                                                                                                   The overall quality of the work          71%          15% 14%
    years; bathrooms after 40 years;              bottom of the page opposite. For contact
    windows after 40 years; and roof              details to request a repair, see page 7.                                                                                      The overall qualityquality
                                                                                                                                                                                                    of theofwork                       90%
                                                                                                                                                                                       The overall          the work                  76%            13% 11%7%
                                                                                                 Being kept informed throughout
                                                                                                           the process
                                                                                                                                           69%           18% 13%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Satisfied     Neither      Dissatisfied

     Safety checks on your home                                                                  The repair being done 'right first
                                                                                                                                           66%          14% 21%
                                                                                                                                                                         The Council is improving this by:
                                                                                                                                                                         • surveying the satisfaction of everyone who receives
                                                                                                                                                                           planned maintenance work
                                                                                                                                                                         • following up on every report of low satisfaction, to
    Fines for not keeping                         Win £100                                      The Council is improving this by:                                          remedy them promptly
    gas check appointments                                                                      • keeping tenants informed with a text message before
                                                  Keeping your first gas service                   their appointment
    ‘Compliance servicing’ and testing are        appointment enters you into a monthly         • letting tenants see online the status of their repair job,           Turnaround times you can expect
    required to ensure the Council complies       draw to win £100. If the appointment             and letting them book future appointments
    with all the laws surrounding buildings       isn’t suitable, please phone Freephone        • monitoring why certain repairs aren’t completed first
    and premises. It includes gas servicing,      0333-207-0766 to rearrange.                      time, to reduce these numbers                                           Emergency repairs - within 24 hours
                                                                                                • examining specific causes of dissatisfaction with speed or               • 31 Oct-1 May: no central heating; or no hot water
    electrical inspections, fire risk
                                                  Or pay £100 penalty...                           quality, and giving staff training and equipment to remedy it             for bathing
    assessments, inspection of smoke
                                                                                                                                                                           • Uncontrollable leaks in pipes, tank or cistern
    alarms, etc. It ensures that gas and                                                                                                                                   • Broken windows; or insecure external doors or windows
    electrical installations in your home are     But if you fail to be at home and allow
                                                  entry for a third inspection appointment                                                                                 • Loss of electrical power; or smoke alarms sounding
    safe and working properly. It is usually                                                   Happy with appointment times?                                               • Toilet not flushing, if the only toilet in the home
    carried out at fixed intervals that are set   booked with you, the Council has legal
    out in law.                                   powers to gain entry to your home to                                                                                     Urgent repairs - within 3 days
                                                  carry out these safety checks that are                              3:30pm - 4pm                            54%          • 1 May-31 Oct: no central heating (temporary heaters
    Your Tenancy Agreement states that you        required by law.                                                                                                           will be delivered); or no hot water for bathing
    must allow access to your home so that                                                                                4pm - 5pm                 39%                    • Repairs to lighting, switches and electrical sockets
    council gas appliances or central heating     You will be charged for this. Costs are                                                                                  • Sink and bath waste blockages
                                                  currently £50 if we arrive on the day                                   5pm - 6pm                                        • Leaking pipework (if in heating pipes, phone Mears at
    can receive an annual service and                                                                                                             31%
                                                  of the service and you are at home to                                                                                      03332-070-766)
    inspection. This is for the safety of your
                                                  let us in. (The Council will have already                                                                                • Temporary roofing repairs
    own household and your neighbours.                                                                                    6pm - 7pm         22%                            • Repairs to toilet pan or cistern
                                                  incurred this cost by bringing a locksmith
                                                  to the appointment.) But if you are not at                           7pm onwards                                         Routine repairs - within 28 days
    Even if you don’t have gas appliances or                                                                                               17%
    mains, you must still allow the Council’s     home and the locksmith has to intervene                                                                                  •   Kitchen units and extractor fans
    contractor, Mears, access to your home        to gain entry to the property, you will be                                                                               •   External doors and windows, and internal joinery
                                                                                                           Saturday appointments                        45%
    to verify it is safe. Gas appliances not      charged £100.                                                                                                            •   Roofs and guttering
    owned by the Council are not serviced                                                                                                                                  •   Plastering and wall tiling
                                                                                                The Council is improving these by:
    - we strongly advise that you get them        For more information, visit www.                                                                                         •   Fencing and external paving
                                                                                                • trialling adding appointments for after 5pm and on
    serviced annually to ensure safety.  or             Saturdays, later this year
                                                                                                                                                                           •   Communal gates and fencing
                                                  phone 01223-457070.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5
Your housing staff - what you can expect

    Speak to the Customer Service Centre first                                                                                             Who to contact
              Recently, a minority of           Centre can get resolved for you when                                                     To pay your rent                             • the City Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour
              tenants have been misusing        you phone 01223-457070 for housing               customer services for you               You can pay your rent:                         Team
              the Council’s Customer            services, or 01223-457060 for                                                            • online at        • the Council’s Environmental Health
              Service Centre. They insist       repairs                                     In the Satisfaction Survey of                  your-housing-rent                            Team
              on being put through to                                                       Cambridge City Council tenants and           • over the phone at 01223-457779             • the police
              a Housing Officer, even         Your Housing services online                  leaseholders in 2020, the Council as a       • at any Post Office, or anywhere that
              though staff answering their                                                  landlord was considered easy to deal           displays the PayPoint sign                 Remember that criminal offences like the
              call are qualified to deal      Remember that you can now access                                                                                                        following must be reported directly to the
                                                                                            with by:
              with their issue.               many of our housing services                                                               To request a repair                          police, as explained on page 9:
                                              through self-service online, using                                                         To request a repair for your home:           • assaults or threats of violence
                                                                                            • 73% of general council tenants
This wastes staff time, reducing other        the MyCambridge customer portal on                                                         • log on to your Housing Account on the      • drug dealing or smells of drugs
                                                                                            • 82% of tenants in sheltered
tenants’ access to staff they need. You       the City Council’s website at https://                                                        Council’s website at https://housing.     • threats on social media
must first discuss your issue with the                                                                 
                                                                                            • 55% of council leaseholders
Customer Service Centre: if you refuse,                                                                                                     dashboard                                 But please note that the following issues
they will not be able to progress your        There, you can request, report or check                                                    • or phone 01223-457060                      cannot be addressed by council staff or
                                                                                            The Council is about to launch a new,
call.                                         many housing issues without needing to                                                     • outside office hours, phone the            police, and need to be resolved between
                                                                                            improved telephony system that
                                              speak to staff. You can check your rent                                                       Out-of-Hours emergency line at 0300-      neighbours as part of day to day living:
                                                                                            should now make it much easier for
Customer Service Centre staff are fully       account, print a statement, update your                                                       303-8389                                  • sounds of babies crying
                                                                                            you to contact the staff members you
trained on all the housing issues listed in   personal information, and much more.                                                       See page 5 of this edition for the           • sounds of children playing, closing
                                                                                            need. This new telephony system
the article below. They are only allowed      You’ll also find links to our online forms                                                 response times that you can expect for         doors, running up and down stairs, etc.
                                                                                            aims to improve all the customer
to pass your call on to Housing Officers’     and systems on the relevant webpages.                                                      emergency, urgent and routine repairs,       • disputes between children
                                                                                            satisfaction rates above.
teams if they are unable to deal with it                                                                                                 respectively.
themselves. They cannot just transfer         So register now, and sign in at any time                                                                                                To exchange your council home
                                                                                            The next edition of Open Door will
it at your request. By accepting this,        to check on your service requests. Some                                                    To report anti-social behaviour              To exchange homes with another
                                                                                            introduce you to the new contact
you help staff provide a quicker, more        of them can send you progress reports                                                      To report anti-social behaviour or a         council tenant, start by visiting www.
                                                                                            system. And it will explain the other
efficient service for all.                    by email.                                                                                  dispute with neighbours, see the contact or www.
                                                                                            service improvements that are also
                                                                                            being made by your housing staff in          details for the Council’s Anti-Social
These two pages give a reminder of:           And if you can’t find what you want on                                                     Behaviour Team overleaf on page 9 of         Your Tenancy Management team (article
                                                                                            direct response to your feedback from
• the housing-related services you can        the Council’s website, there are contact                                                   this edition. That information shows you     on page opposite, below) will process
                                                                                            last year’s survey.
  now access at any time online               details on each webpage so you can                                                         which issues to report to:                   your application if you decide to proceed.
• the issues the Customer Service             email or phone the relevant staff.

    Services provided by your housing teams                                                                                                Our commitments to you
Any matters not listed here in this article   • misuse of parking                                    Services on estates                 Our Tenancy Management Service                     Your Tenancy Agreement
should be reported to the relevant council    • overgrown gardens                                                                        Standards have been developed with
                                                                                                                                                                                       This clarifies what the tenant remains
department, not to your housing service.      • evictions                                   Grass-cutting and maintenance of             the involvement of your resident
                                                                                                                                                                                       responsible for, which includes:
                                                                                            shrub beds is done by the Council’s          representatives. When you request a
                                                                                                                                                                                       • keeping communal areas clear, to
Income Management                             Caring for homes                              Streets and Open Spaces Team. The            service from your housing staff, we aim
                                                                                                                                                                                         ensure fire safety for all
• Rent payment and rent arrears               • Authorising alterations to your home        Council also provides caretaking             wherever possible to:
                                                                                                                                                                                       • keeping your home in good repair,
• budgetting advice and support               • inspections of homes                        services to some of its estates.
                                                                                                                                                                                         fixing any damage caused by you
• assistance applying for benefits or         • forced entry for gas safety checks                                                       • phone you back within 24 hours for
                                                                                                                                                                                       • keeping your garden tidy, and
   grants, where necessary                    • handling vacated properties (except         Communal building cleaning is done              emergencies
                                                                                                                                                                                         pruning its trees and bushes
• issuing vouchers                               on redevelopment sites)                    weekly by a contractor. (Future              • phone you back within 5 working days
                                                                                                                                                                                       • quietening and cleaning up after
                                                                                            editions will give contact details for the      for non-emergencies
                                                                                                                                                                                         your pets
Tenancy Management                            Caring for vulnerable tenants                 new contract starting on April 1st.)         • if a disclosure of Domestic Abuse has
                                                                                                                                                                                       • allowing access to your property for
• applications for new tenancies              • Safeguarding concerns                                                                       been made, phone you back within
                                                                                                                                                                                         necessary repairs and inspections,
• queries about your Tenancy Agreement        • supporting victims of domestic abuse        Residents who pay for communal                  24 hours, arranging a meeting within 5
                                                                                                                                                                                         after verifying visitors’ identity
• adding someone to your tenancy              • hoarding                                    window cleaning receive it from                 working days
                                                                                                                                                                                       • parking considerately so you don’t
• deaths, succession, survivorship or         • liaising with other agencies, from police   contractor Hi-Spec three times a year        • reply to letters and emails within 7
                                                                                                                                                                                         block access to neighbours’ vehicles
  name change requests for your tenancy          to social care                             in April, August and December.                  working days
                                                                                                                                                                                         or property, or damage grass verges
• advice on exchanging your home for                                                                                                     • if you request a visit, phone you back
                                                                                                                                                                                       • being responsible for the behaviour
  another council home                        Tenancy Management staff cover                All these estate services are delivered         within 5 working days to arrange one
                                                                                                                                                                                         of everyone (including children)
• abandonned, under-occupied, over-           geographical ‘patches’, handling complex      to the Caretaking and Cleaning               • investigate all reports of tenancy
                                                                                                                                                                                         who lives in or visits your home,
  occupied or sub-let tenancies               aspects of the issues above that have         Standards of independent quality                abandonment and non-occupation
                                                                                                                                                                                         inside or outside
• renting of garages and parking spaces       been referred on to them by the               agency Housemark. They are                      within 10 working days
                                                                                                                                                                                       • getting council permission before
• pursuing former tenants’ arrears            Customer Service Centre.                      monitored by housing staff, and by           • if you apply to exchange your home for
                                                                                                                                                                                         making alterations to your home
• tenancy audits (from later this year)                                                     trained resident representatives known          another, give a decision within 42 days
                                                                                                                                                                                       • arranging home contents insurance,
                                              These Tenancy Management staff may            as Green Inspectors.
                                                                                                                                                                                         as the Council isn’t liable for theft of
Neighbour problems                            occasionally visit homes unannounced,                                                      If you wish to make a complaint about
                                                                                            Estate Management staff also oversee                                                         or damage to your possessions
• Enforcing tenancy rules                     and will always carry identity badges.                                                     services, please visit www.cambridge.
• neighbour disputes                          But if you are ever unsure whether such       the Estate Improvement Scheme, a                   See your Tenancy Agreement for
• animal-related nuisance                     a visitor is genuine, always phone the        £5 million project to improve your           andsuggestions                                more details on your responsibilities
• misuse of communal areas                    Council at 01223-457070 to confirm.           estates.
                                                                                                                                                                                       and rights.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7
Help for homes and estates

      Keep communal areas safe                                                                     Report anti-social behaviour and crime
    For fire safety, residents are not allowed     Examples of left items found there have       Cambridge City Council works in
    to leave or store anything in communal         been bikes, pushchairs, prams, buggies,       partnership with the police and other         To report anti-social behaviour, eg:        To report racial harassment:
    areas. Your Housing Service now has            shopping trolleys, cabinets, rubbish bags     agencies to help tackle and resolve anti-     • rowdy or inconsiderate behaviour          Phone 01223-457967 or 07973-883-261
    a Zero Tolerance Policy on this,               and wheeled bins. Some communal areas         social behaviour and crime.                   • nuisance neighbours                       Email
    with powers to remove items, charge            were also obstructed with toys, carpets,                                                    • any activity causing harassment, alarm
    offenders for costs, and get fines             plant-pots, post and newspapers.              They share information as appropriate           or distress                               Further information at www.cambridge.
    imposed.                                                                                     under data protection law.                    Phone 01223-457950                ; type ‘racial’ in the search box
                                                   Larger items awaiting disposal, like                                                        Email
    Jamie Lambert is the Council’s new             washing machines, fridges or mattresses,      Listed on the right are the type of           Report online at       To report environmental issues, eg:
    Engagement, Education & Enforcement            must never be left in communal areas.         complaints that you can report to the         by typing ‘report asb’ in the search box    • graffiti
    Officer, working with residents to achieve     And fire doors to escape routes must          City Council. Crime, however, must                                                        • fly tipping or littering
    zero items in communal areas.                  never be wedged open.                         always be reported to the police.             To report noise nuisance, eg:               • abandoned shopping trolleys, bicycles,
                                                                                                                                               • noise from within a property, including      or vehicles
    Through visits and responding to               Bicycles, mopeds or motorbikes are            Most residents report anti-social                loud music or shouting, that causes a    • illegal advertising
    complaints, Jamie has already inspected        not allowed to be serviced or stored in       behaviour to the Council online, though it       disturbance to others                    Phone 01223-458282
    over 80% of estates’ communal areas.           communal areas, unless in designated          is also possible to report it by phone.       • inconsiderate busking                     Search at by
    In places, he found blocked doors and          stores provided by the Council. And                                                         • misfiring alarms                          typing ‘street park maintenance’ in
    entrances, or motor vehicles stored            mobility scooters must always be stored       If you do not have internet access            Phone 01223-457900                          the search box
    in communal areas! These are real              either inside the resident’s home or away     yourself, you can use the internet for free   Email
    dangers to all, both as fire hazards and       from communal areas.                          at your local library or community centre.    Further information at www.cambridge.       For lost or stray dogs, and dog fouling,
    as obstacles that can block emergency                                                                                             by typing ‘report noise’ or          phone 01223-457900
    services from accessing residents’ homes       As well as investing in creating a new        Whatever method you choose for                ‘pollution noise’ in the search box
    when needed.                                   post to ensure this, the Council is also      reporting it, please remember that                                                        To report crime and criminal
                                                   collaborating closely with residents to       any information you provide about             To report needle finds and drug             activities:
    Areas that must be kept completely clear       achieve clear communal areas for all.         anti-social behaviour is given in             paraphernalia:                              Phone the police at 101
    of private possessions and dumped items                                                      confidence, and you also have the             Phone 01223-458282                          Or report online at
    include communal walkways, staircases,         See below the list of actions the Council     option of reporting it anonymously.           Search or report at      In an emergency, always phone 999
    balconies, storage areas, access paths,        is taking - and the list of things you can                                                  uk by typing ‘needles’ in the search box
    gardens and drying areas.                      do yourself to be part of the solution.

      Actions for zero tolerance                                                                   Complaints of neighbour noise or smoke
    How is the Council tackling this?              What you can do...                            We all have to be aware of our impact                    Bonfires and smoke                          Open fires and
                                                                                                 on others. If you can hear your music                                                             wood-burning stoves
    The Council has the following procedure        Report left items or flytipping in internal   or TV in another room, your neighbours          Bonfires are not environmentally
    for removing items left in communal            communal areas: email Jamie.Lambert@          are probably hearing it too. If you are         friendly. Their smoke and smuts can       These have risen in popularity in recent
    areas:                                or phone 01223-              disturbed by neighbour noise, try asking        prevent neighbours from enjoying their    years. But smoke from neighbour’s
    • Items are tagged with a deadline for         457070.                                       them to reduce it, if you feel able. They       gardens, opening windows or hanging       chimneys is the cause of many
      the resident to remove them.                                                               may not be aware it is a problem. If this       out washing. They can reduce visibility   complaints to local authorities.
    • Otherwise, the Council will remove           For flytipping in external communal
                                                                                                 doesn’t work, try the Neighbourhood             in the neighbourhood and on local
      them, charging the resident (or all the      areas of estates, report online at www.
                                                                                                 Resolution Panel Scheme (email                  roads. Allotment-holders can also cause   This smoke can be reduced by using
      block’s residents) for the cost of this. or
                                                                                        or            problems if persistently burning waste    better quality fuel, and by burning it
    • Complaints are investigated to identify      phone 01223-458282.
                                                                                                 phone 01223-457950).                            near homes. Instead, use compost bins     more efficiently. This protects both
      who is littering or fly-tipping: fines for   To complain about communal                                                                    that also save money on soil improvers.   health and the environment. For useful
      offenders are up to £400.                    building cleaning: email helppoint@           If this is unsuccessful, contact the City       Garden cuttings from lawns, hedges        tips on burning efficiently, visit www.
                                                                  Council’s Environmental Health Team             and flower beds can be recycled in your
    The Council is closing off some under-         The Council will also see those               (email,             green bin or brown sack.
    stairs areas to prevent fly-tipping. It        complaints.                                   phone 01223-457900). There are some                                                       Note that Cambridge city has three
    provides a Bulky Waste Collection service                                                    types of noise they can’t act on, but they      Household waste should not be burned      Smoke Control Areas. If you live in one
    that disposes of large items for £30, plus     Arrange a Bulky Waste Collection at           will help if they can. They may ask you         on a bonfire. Much of it can go in your   of these, you can only burn smokeless
    £5 per additional item. And the Council’s         to keep a diary of the noise, or to record      recycling bin. Large items like beds or   fuel. Or if you want to burn coal or
    Neighbourhood Clean-Up Events enable           waste-collection or by phoning 01223-         it on their Noise App. They can contact         sofas should be taken to Milton           wood in these areas, you must install
    residents to dispose of items for free: see    458282.                                       the offender, which often resolves the          Household Waste Recycling Centre for      an exempt heating appliance that burns                                                          issue. In persistent cases, they can visit      free disposal. Or they can be collected   off its own smoke.
                                                   Become a Resident Inspector,
    clean-up-events for dates near you.                                                          to assess the noise or install recording        for a small fee by phoning 01223-
                                                   reporting estate problems to the City
                                                   Council: to sign up, email resident-          equipment. And they can serve a                 458282.                                   Even if you don’t live in a Smoke
    Where the Council has installed bike                                                         statutory notice on offenders.                                                            Control Area, please do minimise your
                                          or phone
    racks on estates, please do use them                                                                                                         Information on the rules around           emissions by burning smokeless fuel or
    rather than locking your bike to railings                                                    If noise persists, enforcement action may       bonfires is available at www.cambridge.   installing an exempt heating appliance.
    and having it removed by the Council.                                                        be taken, for instance with prosecution If, however, you are      For further information, visit www.
                                                   See the Council’s Zero Tolerance
                                                   Policy at               and seizure of stereo equipment.                experiencing smoke or smells from
    New types of bike stores are also being                                                                                                      illegal drug-use, you can phone the
    trialled on the estates, to find out which                                                   For more information, visit www.                police at 101.
    work best.                                                                         

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9
Help for communities this Spring

     Free, easy ways to feel better                                                                                                     Tackling domestic abuse
Join the Movement is a free public             Walk Before You Run                                    Wellbeing Walks                 Up to one in four women and one in six        Specialist support
service providing online tips and              This very successful online course                                                     men will experience domestic abuse in
resources for keeping active in and            supports you to improve your walking          These short, friendly community          the course of their lifetime. The City        Unfortunately, deaf women are twice
around your own home. Have a look at           fitness over four weeks, before later         walks help you stay more active          Council is accredited for excellence in       as likely to experience domestic abuse.
their free activities at www.sportengland.     starting a beginners’ running programme       and connected. Led by trained            dealing with domestic abuse. Your             Cambridgeshire Deaf Association
org/jointhemovement                            if you wish.                                  volunteers, they are free to join and    housing staff are trained to tackle           supports deaf victims of any gender.
                                                                                             everybody is welcome. Connect with       the problem and support victims               Their staff are fluent in Sign Language,
NHS online workouts                            Each week it guides you through 3             others and with nature, for physical     appropriately. So for support and action,     both British and international. And they
The NHS Fitness Studio website has             walking sessions and a 15-minute              and mental wellbeing.                    tell your housing officer about it in         have dedicated over £21,000 to funding
10-minute workouts that fit easily into        strength workout. You do the sessions                                                  confidence by phoning 01223-457070.           an advocate supporting deaf victims of
                                                                                             Friendly walks - just turn up!                                                         domestic abuse, including through Sign
your daily schedule at home. Visit www.        at a time, place and pace that suit you.           Visit     • At 10am on the fourth Thursday         Or for more information:                      Language.
                                               courses/walk-before-you-run                   of the month at Nightingale              • visit
Return To Fitness online                                                                     Community Garden, Nightingale            • phone Cambridge Women’s Aid at              Deaf victims contact them through email,
To get more active with a choice of            Relax & Unwind Workout @ Home                 Avenue, CB1 8SQ. Join Walk Leader          01223-361214                                text messaging, online video calls and
different exercise classes, sign up for        Six sessions of yoga, meditation, self-       David for a friendly, inclusive,         • phone the National Domestic Abuse           face to face meetings. So their support
the City Council’s Return To Fitness           massage and calm breathing. Follow            gently-paced walk in Nightingale           Helpline at 0808-2000-247                   is reaching out into the local deaf
programme, online with Cambridge-              them at your own pace, in your own            Park. Meet at the seating area in                                                      community. For more information, visit
based fitness instructors.                     time. They are at https://getmovingcam.       the Community Garden inside the          Free Spirit Cambs is another local  
                                             park. David will support you to walk     support community for victims of
When you register, you’ll receive access                                                     at a pace suitable for you, with rest    domestic abuse. They support all              • Men’s Advice Line - Supports males
to 8 different video workouts and healthy      Wellbeing Yoga Workout @ Home                 stops as needed.                         regardless of age, gender or sexuality.       experiencing domestic abuse, tel. 0808-
lifestyle tips, that you can work through      This four-session programme helps keep        • Or join a walk at 2pm every            Providing tools for healing and recovery,     801-0327
at your own pace.                              you flexible. No previous yoga experience     Wednesday outside Abbey Leisure          they also spread awareness about the          • GALOP supports LGBTQ people
                                               needed. You can either do the sessions        Complex, Whitehill Road, CB5 8NT.        lasting effects of domestic abuse.            experiencing domestic abuse, tel. 0800-
Start any time, taking part when and           in order, or in any order you choose. Visit                                                                                          999-5428
where it suits you, at www.cambridge.           For more information, visit www.         For more information about them and           • RESPECT supports perpetrators of               courses/wellbeing-yoga                       their services, visit www.freespiritcambs.    domestic abuse who want to stop and
                                                                                                                                                                     change, tel. 0808-802-4040

     Staying connected and informed                                                                                                     Grants for residents
Cambridge has a wide network of                In your online library account, you can               Trades scams online              Help for households                           Help for young people
local libraries across the city - there is     see what you have on loan, renew items,
always one near you. They are warm,            and search the catalogue to reserve           Beware - scammers are using              Are you struggling to pay for food or         The Prince’s Trust Development Awards
welcoming spaces where you can join            specific titles. You can then pick up what    legitimate trade finder websites to      bills? Until March 31st, the Household        can give £175-£250 towards course fees
for free, to benefit from a lifetime of        you’ve reserved at the local library of       defraud the public in Cambridge.         Support Fund can provide short-term           or equipment, so younger people can
free services and community links. Visit       your choice.                                  Legitimate apps allow trades-people      funds to help pay for food, heating or        achieve their goals. Grants are paid to an                                                         to advertise services like plumbing,     utilities.                                    organisation, or you receive a voucher.
libraries-leisure-culture/libraries/visit-a-                                                 electrics, building work, etc.
                                               Libraries for health and wellbeing                                                     To be eligible, you must be receiving         ​​​​​​​Eligible people are aged 16 to 30,
library                                        Your local library is an inclusive,           But unsuspecting members of the          benefits or earning under £17,940 per                unemployed or working less than 16
                                               welcoming place where everyone can            public are contacting these apps - and   year. Visit               hours a week, or studying less than 14
As well as borrowing books, films              feel at home. By joining, you can meet
or music, you can use their public                                                           then being asked to pay in advance       household-support-fund where you can                 hours a week. The Awards can support:
                                               likeminded people, feel more a part of        for work requested. Unfortunately,       fill in the application form online. For      • accredited course fees up to Level 3
computers for free. They offer free wifi       your community, and get involved in
for your own devices too.                                                                    after they pay up, they never receive    information, phone 0345-045-5219.                       (A-level equivalent)
                                               networks and events, to boost wellbeing       the services they paid for.                                                            • tools, equipment, uniforms or job-
                                               and help you live a flourishing life.                                                  Help with heating                                       licence fees for a job or qualification
Many provide a Digital Buddies service,
where trained volunteers can give you                                                        So don’t pay in advance until                                                          • transport to a new job until your first
                                               Increasingly, libraries are kept running      requested work has been completed,       Are you struggling to afford to heat your               wages
one to one support for using computers         by community volunteers, as much as by        and you are satisfied with it. Genuine   home? Stay Well Heating Grants can
and the internet. Their Learn My Way           professional staff. For instance, you could   trades people will give you a quote,     offer help, with grants of up to £400 for     They can’t be used to pay for things like:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
programme lets you learn from scratch to       become a Digital Buddy or a Library           then send you an invoice once the        vulnerable households in extreme or           • living expenses, eg. rent or bills
use computers and the internet, at your        Events Supporter. You could be one of         job is complete. They will not ask       urgent crisis. (The grant can be paid once    • business start-up costs
own pace. Just ask about these resources       the Read A Little Aloud team, or deliver      for money up front. A site you can       every 6 months at most.)                      • items already paid for
at your local library.                         reading materials to someone who is           trust is Safe Local Trades, at www.                                                    • gap-year or overseas projects​​​​​​​
                                               housebound.                                               Your application has to be done by an         • Level 4 course fees or higher
Library services from home
                                                                                                                                      official organisation. So if you are a City
There is also a wide range of library          Or you could just spend a few hours           If you are scammed by rogue traders,     Council tenant, email incometeam@             A friendly volunteer can help you
services that you can access from home.        helping to keep your library spick and        report it to the police, either online Or if you are a City         complete the application form. For more
Once you have joined, you can borrow           span, engaging with customers and             at or by       Council leaseholder, phone the Council        information, visit
a huge variety of eBooks, eAudio books,        keeping shelves stocked. For more             phoning 0300-1232-040 or 101.            at 01223-457000. The Council can then         uk/help-for-young-people/get-funding-
eComics and eMagazines from home,              information, ask at your local library or     For more information, visit www.         apply for this help for you.                  train-learn
as well as accessing their business            email
resources and online events.                                                       

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11
What residents’ involvement achieved in the past year

       What residents achieved                                                                    Overviewing residents’ involvement
     Despite Covid-19, the involvement of          In this way, residents help to shape          The way the Council involves residents        There is a Residents’ Editorial Panel for   Your 6 elected resident reps
     tenants and leaseholders in shaping           council services at every stage, from         in services is updated as the needs of        Open Door. These council tenants and
     council services had an amazing positive      deciding which projects should be funded      residents and services change. The            leaseholders are closely involved in the    They champion your interests on
     impact on services over the past year.        or not, to designing the service before it    government’s 2020 Charter for Social          choice of information, tone and focus for   the Council’s Housing Scrutiny
     They influenced no less than 47 different     begins, to monitoring its performance.        Housing Residents sets the standards          each edition, to ensure that it continues   Committee. Decisions they debated
     service areas, as you can see below.                                                        for this work. And your local resident        to meet residents’ needs across each        or voted on at their January meeting
                                                   There are different groups and routes for     representatives here in Cambridge are         year.                                       included:
     Residents get involved in influencing         influencing different services, depending     fully involved too.                                                                       • the budget for the Housing Service
     services at the level that suits them. This   on a resident’s own interests. They can                                                     They do the same for the Resident             for 2022-23
     might be giving feedback online from          include for instance:                         Last year they helped to draw up the City     Involvement E-Newsletter that also goes     • the delivery of newly built council
     their own home, or doing ‘Walkabouts’                                                       Council’s Resident Involvement Strategy       out to council residents three times per      homes in the city
     on their estate inspecting the quality        • communities in new housing                  2021-2024, which guarantees the range         year. To sign up to receive this pithy,     • a report on Hanover and Princess
     of work done by the Council or its               developments                               and quality of involvement that elected       informative 2-page news bulletin by           Courts and Kingsway Flats
     contractors. Or it might go all the way       • sheltered tenants                           tenants and leaseholders can expect from      email, email resident-involvement@          • selecting contractors for energy-
     up to being elected onto the Council’s        • leaseholders                                the Housing Service. You can view the                              efficiency improvements to reduce
     Housing Scrutiny Committee, which             • residents’ groups on estates                full Resident Involvement Strategy 2021-                                                    carbon emissions from the city’s
     makes all the biggest decisions on the        • residents concerned about estate            2024 on the Council’s website at www.         Estate Improvement Schemes                    council housing
     city’s council housing.                          services                                                                             • approving the budget for the
                                                   • resident gardeners                          strategies-updates-and-reports                Meanwhile, out on the estates, the            ‘Streets to Home’ service, and
     A diverse network of resident scrutiny        • residents interested in digital inclusion                                                 Council has set aside £1 million per          grants for agencies preventing
     feeds through to this Committee via              and computers                              Part of the work of the Resident              year for hands-on improvement projects        homelessness
     channels like:                                • residents interested in environment         Involvement Service is to produce             suggested or approved by local residents.   • a licensing policy for Cambridge
                                                      and climate change                         Open Door magazine for residents three        From bike sheds to new gates, lighting or     City Caravan Site
     • estate Walkabouts critiquing the local                                                    times per year. As a window onto both         seating, this year’s Estate Improvement     • council services’ compliance with
       environment                                 To learn more or to get involved in a         the Housing Service and the dozens of         Schemes were all closely shaped by            government regulations
     • trained Resident Inspectors formally        way that suits your lifestyle, visit www.     free supports and services around town,       detailed consultation with residents on
       inspecting the quality of work done on,        it keeps all the Council’s tenants and        the estates receiving them.                 To contact your elected resident reps
       council homes and estates                   email resdent-involvement@cambridge.          leaseholders well informed about their        To suggest such an improvement for your     at any time, email hsc.residents@
     • performance monitoring data formally or phone 01223-458323.                 rights and opportunities.                     estate, email resident-involvement@ or phone 01223-458323 to
       shared with resident representatives                                                                                                                      leave them a message.

      47 service areas influenced                                                                   Free offers and prizes for residents
     The 47 housing-related council services       Homes Policy, and how the Council deals       Free Loans of Tablet Computers                Residents’ Garden Competition                Free Grass-
     influenced by residents’ input this year      with under-occupation of homes.                                                                                                          Cutting
     included, for example:                                                                      The City Council is continuing to offer       The gardens of the Council’s tenants
     • the overall budget for the Housing          Sheltered tenants inputted to their           free loans of wifi-enabled tablets to         and leaseholders are becoming an             An overgrown
       Service                                     services at the Independent Living            council tenants and leaseholders who are      ever-expanding haven for wildlife and        lawn can have a
     • the city’s Housing Strategy, and plans      Service, and leaseholders influenced the      receiving Housing Benefit or Universal        biodiversity. All council tenants and        negative impact
       for building new council homes and          Council’s Leasehold Services.                 Credit.                                       leaseholders are welcome to enter the        on your home,
       affordable housing                                                                                                                      Council’s annual Residents’ Garden           neighbours and
     • plans to boost biodiversity on council      When specific services are outsourced to      To be eligible, residents must also be        Competition, where natural gardens           locality.
       estates and land                            be delivered by a contractor, residents       without any access to computers or wifi       avoiding herbicides and pesticides are
     • strategies for reducing carbon              are closely involved in the selection and     at home, other than smart phones.             especially appreciated.                      The Council provides a free service for
       emissions across the Housing Service        hiring of that contractor, as they were                                                                                                  eligible council tenants over 18 who
                                                   this year for:                                The loaned tablet computer comes with         Whether you have a big garden, a veg         cannot cut their own grass. They can
     In terms of the day to day running of         • a maintenance contractor for estates        preloaded free data, and the loan is for      patch or just a few hanging baskets,         receive a free cut every month from
     council estates, residents advised and        • a communal cleaning contractor for          six months.                                   all are welcome: groups, kids, balcony-      April to October. Eligible tenants must:
     influenced on things like:                      estates                                                                                   gardeners, first-time gardeners... The
     • improvements to the Council’s               • a catering contractor for Ditchburn         This scheme is helping residents on           prizes, sponsored by local organisations     • have a disability for which you
        Customer Service Centre                      Place sheltered accommodation               benefits to improve their economic            like Scotsdales, the Botanic Gardens            receive some benefits
     • tenancy management, including the                                                         situation. For instance, using the internet   and Lubbe Bulbs, are worth hundreds of       • live alone, or with other people who
        basic 3 R’s of council housing - rents,    Whether delivered by the Council or by        can give you much better access to            pounds in gardening supplies.                   are also eligible
        repairs and re-lets                        its contractors, residents monitor the        employment and training opportunities.                                                     • have no family living within a 10-
     • managing residents’ car parking             flow of data that measures how well           You can also manage your budget               Application forms must be submitted by          mile radius who could do your grass-
     • estate services like communal cleaning,     each service is performing. They also         through online banking, or compare            Thursday 2nd June. A letter will let you        cutting, and are willing to do it
        window-cleaning and grass-cutting          review complaints about services, to see      the prices of utility providers and easily    know when the friendly judges will visit
     • the Estate Improvements Scheme              whether the Council has responded with        switch to better deals.                       your garden, most likely in mid-June.        To apply, phone 01223-458323 or
        that funds projects to improve estate      improvements.                                                                               And prize-giving is usually in October.      email resident-involvement@
        environments                                                                             To apply for this offer of a tablet           For an application form or information,
                                                   Interested in a particular service area?      computer loan, email resident-                visit
     Residents were also involved in updating      To have your say in a way that suits you, or phone         leaseholder-garden-competition Or            Above: one resident’s tidy garden in the
     the Council’s policies for running estates,   email resident-involvement@cambridge.         01223-458323.                                 email resident-involvement@ cambridge.       north of the city
     like the Lettings Policy and the Empty or phone 01223-458323.                                                      or phone 01223-458323.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 13
Actions for our climate                                                                                                                For leaseholders

     Recycling and saving on electrical items                                                                                          Legalities of subletting
At recycling points around the city, such   And why not really look after the                Free of chemical weedkillers?
                                                                                                                                     Your Lease Agreement explains the legal              property. There is no compensation for
as at Fawcett Road, Glebe Farm Drive,       equipment you have, cleaning and              In 2019, Cambridge City Council            agreement between you and the City                   you if this happens, and you would lose
Hawkey Road or Osprey Drive, you can        servicing it so it lasts much longer? For     declared a Biodiversity Emergency.         Council. As a leaseholder you have the               all rights to the property.
now recycle small electrical items that     instance, vacuum cleaners dropped off at      Actions included reducing chemical         option to sublet your flat. But there are a
have a plug or battery. To find recycling   Recycling Centres often only need their       herbicides on its footpaths and            number of requirements involved.                     If you decide to go ahead, any sublet
points, visit    bag emptying, which could have saved          verges. A first trial stopped using                                                             must be formally registered with the City
a-recycling-point                           the owner hundreds!                           them on council estates in the Abbey       If you choose to sublet, the Council                 Council’s Leasehold Team, on the form
                                                                                          area, to protect both wildlife and         recommends you first get a solicitor to              provided. (This is separate from any
From mobile phones to toasters,             If a device works but you no longer           humans in the outdoor environment.         check your lease. Ask them to make sure              other contact you may have about your
Cambridge was dumping 320 tonnes of         want it, it’s so easy now to sell or                                                     that your proposed tenants and your                  leashold with other council departments,
electrical items each year. But they leak   donate it online. Websites like Facebook      The Council’s Biodiversity Strategy        Tenancy Agreement with them comply                   eg. about Council Tax.) Registering a
hazardous substances into our land          Marketplace or Gumtree let you quickly        covers City Council-owned land. But        with your lease.                                     sublet incurs a £75 administration fee,
and water. Now a specialist company is      sell or donate to locals. Mobile phone        there is an opportunity now to                                                                  and you can download the necessary
sorting each one for re-use, repair or      providers offer take-back schemes, and        collaborate with the County Council        Your Leashold Agreement stipulates that              form at
recycling. Many screens and power units,    charity shops often accept small clean        to stop herbicides on all the city’s       you must ‘use and occupy the flat solely             leaseholders
for instance, can simply be re-used.        electrical appliances.                        public ground in the year ahead.           and exclusively as a self-contained flat in
                                                                                          There is a proposal to start with a        one family occupation only’. This means              Note that you are responsible for
But the best place to start saving money    Even if an item isn’t working, it can often   trial of two wards in the city.            that you can only sublet the flat to one             ensuring your tenants always comply
and recycling is actually before you buy.   be repaired. First check YouTube videos:                                                 person or one family - not to a group of             with the responsibilities of living in
Do you really need that new gadget or       it might just need a new fuse! Or take it     These trials can offer residents, their    individuals who are flat-sharing, and not            a council leasehold property. Even if
upgraded smartphone? Could you just         to a repair shop or one of Cambridge’s        children and pets, as well as wildlife,    as a holiday let.                                    renting via an agency, your tenants must
keep your existing one for another year,    free Repair Cafes: find them at www.          protection from herbicide chemicals.                                                            be fully briefed on all the rules on issues
saving yourself hundreds of pounds?                         Local signage and social media             If you breach the conditions of your                 like number of occupants, noise, visitors,
                                                                                          postings will explain the trials. But      lease, the consequences can be very                  keeping communal areas clear, parking,
You don’t have to go without. Instead       If it really is beyond repair or re-use,      residents’ feedback will be crucial        serious. The City Council has in the past            bins, recycling and so on.
of buying a gadget new, could you use       drop it off at a recycling point or take      too. Would you like your street to be      taken legal action against leaseholders
or repair something you already have?       bulky items like fridges to the Household     free of herbicides? To get involved,       who ignored this clause in their lease.              For more information, visit www.
Perhaps you could borrow one, or buy it     Recycling Centre in Milton. See all the       email                                                    , email
second-hand, or even find one for free on   city’s recycling points at www.cambridge.     uk or phone 01223-458084.                  The Council can apply to the courts         or
websites like                                                                 to end your lease and repossess your                 phone the Council at 01223-457835.

 Ways to save water, money and your bike!                                                                                             Your leasehold services
Unfortunately, here in the South East we    6. Sign up at             Save Our Cycles campaign              A small team of staff at the City Council                         Have your say
use more water per head than anywhere       to receive free gadgets that help you                                                    manage the Council’s Leasehold Services
else in the UK. This water is taken from    reduce the amount of water you waste.                                                    for you. Their services include:                       The next meeting of the Leaseholders’
                                                                                          A rise in cycle crime has brought
our local environment, including our                                                                                                                                                        Forum will be on Tuesday 24th May,
                                            7. Air your clothes to get another wear       the City Council, police and other
precious chalk streams. So Affinity Water                                                                                            • producing Welcome Packs for new                      12.30-2pm, online via Microsoft Teams
                                            from them before washing.                     agencies together in a Save Our Cycles
has launched the campaign Save Our                                                                                                      leaseholders                                        as usual.
                                                                                          campaign. The campaign reminds you
Streams. Here are 10 super-easy tips to                                                   to:                                        • maintaining database information on
                                            8. Always fully load your washing                                                                                                               Leaseholders find these lively meetings
start saving water and money.                                                             • record your bike’s frame number and         properties and their leaseholders
                                            machine and dishwasher - half-empty,                                                                                                            informative and productive. To request
                                                                                            description                              • leasehold name changes
1. Get a water meter. Those with one use    they use just as much water.                                                                                                                    the link to attend, email resident-
                                                                                          • register it on,     • lease extensions
on average 129 litres per person per day,   9. Fit an eco shower-head. It can save                                                   • solicitors’ enquiries for sales and         or
compared to 171 for those without.                                                          helping the police to return stolen
                                            a whopping 7,000 litres of water a                                                          extensions                                          phone 01223-458323. If you want to
                                            year. And shower rather than bathing                                                     • quarterly invoicing for service charges              see what they’re like first, recordings
2. Fix leaky loos or taps, saving up to                                                   • always lock it securely to a fixed
                                            whenever possible.                                                                       • pursuing service charge arrears                      of previous meetings are available at
5,500 litres a year off your water bills!                                                   object, even if just for a few minutes
                                                                                                                                     • gas safety certificates                    
Book a free home water-efficiency check     10. If washing up by hand, use a bowl                                                                                                           consultation-meetings
                                                                                          The city’s cycle stands have been          • administration of subletting
at                 or the stoppered sink. This saves 22
                                                                                          audited to improve security and safety.    • leaseholders’ alterations to properties
                                            litres each time, compared to washing up                                                 • breaches of leases                                   As well as answering questions from
3. Instead of a hose, use watering cans                                                   And the police are using CCTV and
                                            under a running tap.                                                                     • issuing Section 20 Notices about future              leaseholders, these meetings give
for your garden and a bucket and sponge                                                   data on theft trends to tackle bike-
                                                                                                                                        planned works by the Council                        updates and briefings from a range
for your car. One hour on a hose uses as    So how much water do you use, and             theft hot spots.
                                                                                                                                     • maintaining information for                          of council staff, on issues relevant to
much water as a family of four use in a     how much can you save? Take the quick
                                                                                                                                        leaseholders at                  leaseholders. These can range from
day and a half.                             survey at to         So always report bike crime, either
                                                                                                                                         uk/leaseholders                                    future planned works to building
                                            find out. And watch your bills to see just    online at                                                             cleaning, from subletting to the
4. Cut your shower by two minutes                                                                                                    • liaising with leaseholders’ elected
                                            how much these ten tiny changes will          Report-Shared/Report-a-crime                                                                      Council’s ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’ on
to save £135 a year. Sing along to a                                                                                                    representative
                                            save you in money and water every year.       or by phoning 101. For more                                                                       items left in communal areas. Your
4-minute song while in the shower: it’s                                                                                              • running the meetings of the
                                                                                          information on the Save Our Cycles                                                                elected leaseholder representative,
the ideal length for a shower that saves                                                                                                Leaseholders’ Forum
                                            At, claim            campaign and other resources                                                                      Diane Best, is also present to answer
both water and money.
                                            your free water-saving devices. And their     supporting cycling in Cambridge, visit     Email                questions and update you on leasehold
5. Turn off the tap while brushing your     website enables you to monitor your own             uk or phone 01223-457835.                              issues.
teeth, to save a further 6,500 litres a     water-saving progress as you go along.        cycletheft
year off your water bill!
                                                                                                                                     Pictured, right: Spring planting at East Road council homes
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