Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine

Page created by Dave Navarro
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
         Pastor: Father Michal Osuch,C.R. (Congregation of the Resurrection)
             Deacon: Mike Juback, Secretary/Bookkeeper: Kelly Salbato
             Directors of Religious Education: Gigi Horan/ Shauna Smith
               Parish Office (909) 337-2333 | Office Fax (909) 337-5041
             Mailing Address: PO Box 1929, Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352
              27627 Rim of the World Drive, Lake Arrowhead, California
                        Office Hours Monday-Friday 9 am-3 pm
                         Website: www.olllakearrowhead.org
          Email: ollakelakearrowhead@sbdiocese.org Find us on Facebook

                                                         Mission Statement:
 As parishioners of Our Lady of the Lake, and as members of the Body of Christ, we will seek to love God with all our hearts, souls, and
   minds, through the liturgy and tradition of our Church, through fellow-ship with each other, and through communal and individual
prayer. Out of this love for God we will seek to love others by searching out and responding to the spiritual, emotional, and material needs
  of the members of our Parish and the community at large. We will offer a warm welcome to every parishioner. We will encourage each
                         member to share his or her God-given gifts and talents with the rest of our Parish Family.

                                                                                           MASS SCHEDULE

                                                                                  Saturday: 6:00 p.m. (English)
                                                                                      7:30 p.m. (Español)
                                                                                       Sunday: 9:00 a.m.
                                                                                    11:30 a.m. Family Mass

                                                                                     Mon.-Fri.: 8:00 a.m.
                                                                               Rosary following 8:00 a.m. Mass

                                                                                Mon.–Fri.: after 8:00 a.m. Mass.
                                                                                  Saturday: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

                                                                                          Holy Days
                                                                                See the bulletin for Mass times
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
October 17, 2021 | Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary time

 On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception 2020, Pope Francis                            RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND
 inaugurated the Year of St Joseph 2021, so that “every mem-                             SACRAMENT INFORMATION
 ber of the faithful, following his example, may strengthen their    RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
       life of faith daily in the complete fulfillment of God’s      Kinder - 5th grade: Scheduled 1st, & 3rd Sundays from 10am-
 will.” During this year, we Catholics are given many opportuni-     11:15am in the hall. Shauna Smith
 ties to earn indulgences--for ourselves or for the Holy Souls in    YOUTH MINISTRY
         Purgatory. The usual conditions are required to ob-
                                                                     High School B.A.S.I.C. (Grades 9-12): every other Tuesday 5:30-
 tain any indulgence, and that includes: sacramental confession,
  Eucharistic Communion, prayer for the pope's intentions, and       7:30, Gigi Horan
                   a complete detachment from sin.                   Middle School G.A.P. (Grades 6-8): every other Tuesday 5:30-7:30,
  To find out more about The Year of St. Joseph and the special      Gigi Horan
                     indulgences go to the website:                  SACRAMENTS
      https://sites.google.com/view/yearofstjoseph-dsb/home          First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation: This is a two-year
                                                                     program. The first year is consistent attendance in our Religious Edu-
                                                                     cation (RE) program. The second year is continued attendance in RE
           75th Anniversary Growing Tree Fundraiser                  program and enrollment in the Sacramental Preparation Program (SP).
Through your faithful contributions to the DDF, the sale of one      Confirmation: The Diocese of San Bernardino requires a two-year
of our cabins, private donations, and the Growing Tree Fund-         program and active membership in the RE program.
raiser, we have been able to replace the roof on three of our        Baptisms: Please call the parish office for information and scheduling.
buildings; the rectory, youth center, the church, the hall, class-   Godparents must be Confirmed and practicing Catholics. Baptisms in
rooms, and a cabin. Don’t miss out on having the chance to           English are celebrated on the last Sunday of the month during the
have your family legacy forever acknowledged on a leaf on            11:30am Mass.
                                                                     Clases Prebautismales: Para más informacion llame a la oficina.
Our Lady of the Lakes Growing Tree. Donations of $1,000 or
                                                                     Los Bautismos en espanol se celebrarán el último sábado de cada
more, which can be arranged in payments, will gratefully be
                                                                     mes durante la Misa en español.
acknowledged with your family name or that of someone liv-           Marriage: Arrangements should be made with Fr. Michal at least six
ing or deceased that you would like to honor. If you can par-        months before the marriage date. At least one must be an active mem-
ticipate in this fundraiser, please use the envelopes and            ber of the Catholic Church. Our church is available for other Catholics
pledge sheets that can be found under the Growing Tree or            from other parishes.
call the office for more information. 909337-2333

                  In order to meet our financial obligations,
                  we need to collect $7,150.00 each week.
                  This past weekend we received
                  $5,065.15 As Catholics, we are raised to
                  be good stewards. We want to be good
                  examples to our children so they can be
good stewards as well. Our Lady of the Lake and Fatima
Shrine depends on your consistent contributions. During
this past winter due to inclement weather attendance was
down, yet our church had to be maintained. The money
you contribute to our parish each week makes ministry
happen. Your donations help pay for utilities, equipment,
maintenance, and materials. Programs and services which
benefit all members of our parish family come from your
generosity. An alternate means of support for our parish is
the WeShare program. This program collects monthly con-
tributions straight from your checking, savings, or credit
card account. WeShare allows you to plan your giving in
the same way you budget your other financial commit-
ments. You no longer have to be concerned about catch-
ing up on missed offertory donations when you might miss
Mass because of illness, inclement weather, on vacation,
etc. Please consider secure electronic giving through
WeShare for your donations. Olllakearrowhead.org
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
October 17, 2021 | Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  Welcome to Our Lady of the Lake Parish faith community and Fatima Shrine. Dispensation lifted. Effective July 1st,
  2021, the current general dispensation Decree from the Sunday Mass and Holy Day of Obligation that we have had
since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 will be lifted. On July 1st, we invite all the Catholic Faithful to return
 to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation in order to fulfill their Sunday obligation to attend Mass. Those who
cannot attend Mass because of age (65 years and older), sickness, or disability will continue to be excused and are en-
         couraged to make Sundays holy through personal prayer or viewing the televised Mass on our website
  olllakearrowhead.org. We hope to see everybody at Mass where we can celebrate the Body and Blood of our Lord
                             Jesus Christ together again. Blessings to you and your family.

                   Come Let Us Worship!
                                                                                          JOIN US FOR BINGO
For those who can not attend Mass. Join Father Mike as he
celebrates Mass online. Sunday mornings at 11:00 am We                              1st & 3rd Friday of the month
    would like to thank Glenn, Grace, and Christopher                                    doors open at 4:30 PM
                                                                                                                                  OUR LADY OF THE LAKE
Kozuma for their dedication every weekend to make Mass                                   Food and Fun 5:00 PM
  accessible to those at home. Tune in to olllakearrow-                                                                          Presented by your Knights of
       head.org to view the Mass with Father Mike.                                                                                 Columbus, Council 7950

                 2021 DDF Second Collection this weekend
        As part of the larger Church, the DDF is our contribution to the                            PUT YOUR COSTUMES ON FOR A NIGHT OF
      Diocese of San Bernardino. The funds are for the education and                                            FAMILY FUN.
formation of seminarians; education and formation of lay ministers; care of the                      PLEASE JOIN US FOR TRUNK OR TREAT
             poor and needy; Catholic School Education, and the
                       purchase of land for new churches.                                          FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 4-6.
                        Thank you for your generosity.                                 WE ALSO NEED VOLUNTEERS TO OPEN THEIR TRUNKS AND
                                                                                                     PASS OUT THE TREATS.

                     Registration is still open for Religious                                           ATTENTION!!!
                     Education K-12, Confirmation, and First Holy                     Do you ever ask yourself, “What can I do to help my
                     Communion.                                                     church”. Well we have many ministries that would love
                     Oct. 17, Religious Ed, 10:00-11:15, Hall                        volunteers. We need counters, office help, Religious
                     Oct. 17, Confirmation, 12:45-2:30, YC
                                                                                     Ed. teachers, cleaners, gardeners, painters, outreach
                     Oct. 19, High School BASIC, 5:30-7:00, YC
                     Oct. 20, 5:30-7:00 First Holy Communion, Hall                     ministry, and many many more. If you feel you are
                                                                                     being called to share your time, talents, and treasure,
                                                                                                      please call the office.
Father Mike’s Catechism Corner For the next couple of weeks we
will be taking a spiritual journey through the Mass to help us really
understand the Liturgy, (the way we worship and our participation in
the Mass; standing kneeling, prayers, ect..) and our encounter with our
Lord. The Mass is divided into 3 parts; The Introductory Rites, The
                                                                                                     A gift for you from our parish!
Liturgy of the Word, And The Liturgy of the Eucharist. We have fin-
ished our journey with the Introductory Rites and the Liturgy of the                                        Watch - Study - Listen - Read
Word. Now it’s time to learn more about the Liturgy of the Eucharist.               Content for all ages! FORMED provides unlimited access to the best Catholic
The Eucharistic Prayer is divided into 6 parts; (1) the Preface, (2) the              audio talks, movies, ebooks, and video-based studies right at your finger-
Sanctus, (3) the Epiclesis, (4) the Words of Institution/Consecration,            tips! The content is from trusted providers like the Augustine Institute, Ignatius
(5) the “Mystery of Faith”, and (6) the Anamnesis, Offering, Interces-                  Press, Catholic Answers, Sophia Institute Press, and St. Paul Center.
sions, and Doxology. In the prayer called the Epiclesis (meaning
“invocation upon”), the priest prays that the Father will send the Holy                           ATTENTION STATER BROS. SHOPPERS!
Spirit so that the gifts of bread and wine will be changed into the Body           The Knights of Columbus will be selling Stater Bros. Scrip cards after
and Blood of our Lord. We are asking God to send his Holy Spirit upon                                   all the weekend Masses.
us as well – not in the same sacramental way as the priest at Epiclesis              Please make check payable to Knights of Columbus Council
– that we may be strengthened by his grace and may live our vocation                                              7950.
to become faithful disciples each day.                                                   All proceeds are shared with our mountain community
                                                                                                          parishes. Thank you!
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
First Reading: Isaiah 53: 10-11                         Gospel Mark 10: 35-45
The LORD was pleased to crush him in infirmity.         James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to
If he gives his life as an offering for sin, he shall   Jesus and said to him, "Teacher, we want you to
see his descendants in a long life, and the will of     do for us whatever we ask of you."
the LORD shall be accomplished through him.             He replied, "What do you wish me to do for you?"
Because of his affliction he shall see the light in     They answered him, "Grant that in your glory
fullness                                                we may sit one at your right and the other at your
of days; through his suffering, my servant shall jus-
tify many, and their guilt he shall bear.
Responsorial Psalm: 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22               Jesus said to them,
R. Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our       "You do not know what you are asking.
trust in you.                                           Can you drink the cup that I drink
Upright is the word of the LORD, and all his works      or be baptized with the baptism with which I am
are trustworthy.                                        baptized?"
He loves justice and right; of the kindness of the      They said to him, "We can."
LORD the earth is full.                                 Jesus said to them, "The cup that I drink, you will
R. Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our       drink, and with the baptism with which I am bap-
trust in you.                                           tized, you will be baptized;
See, the eyes of the LORD are upon those who fear       but to sit at my right or at my left is not mine to
upon those who hope for his kindness, To deliver
                                                        give but is for those for whom it has been pre-
them from death and preserve them in spite of fam-      pared."
ine.                                                    When the ten heard this, they became indignant
R. Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our       at James and John.
trust in you.                                           Jesus summoned them and said to them,
Our soul waits for the LORD, who is our help and our    "You know that those who are recognized as rul-
shield. May your kindness, O LORD, be upon us who       ers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their
have put our hope in you.                               great ones make their authority over them felt.
R. Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our       But it shall not be so among you.
trust in you.                                           Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you
Second Reading: Hebrews 4: 14-16                        will be your servant;
Brothers and sisters:
Since we have a great high priest who has passed
                                                        whoever wishes to be first among you will be the
through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us      slave of all.
hold fast to our confession.                            For the Son of Man did not come to be served
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to       but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for
sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has         many."
similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin.
So let us confidently approach the throne of grace
to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
Primera Lectura: Isaias 53: 10-11
El Señor quiso triturar a su siervo con el sufrimiento.      Evangelio: Marcos 10: 35-45
Cuando entregue su vida como expiación,                      En aquel tiempo, se acercaron a Jesús Santia-
verá a sus descendientes, prolongará sus años                go y Juan, los hijos de Zebedeo, y le dijeron:
y por medio de él prosperarán los designios del              “Maestro, queremos que nos concedas lo que
Señor.                                                       vamos a pedirte”. Él les dijo: “¿Qué es lo que
Por las fatigas de su alma, verá la luz y se saciará;
                                                             desean?” Le respondieron: “Concede que nos
con sus sufrimientos justificará mi siervo a muchos,
cargando con los crímenes de ellos.                          sentemos uno a tu derecha y otro a tu
                                                             izquierda, cuando estés en tu gloria”. Jesús
Salmo Responsorial: 32: 4-5, 18-19, 20 y 22                  les replicó: “No saben lo que piden. ¿Podrán
R. Que tu misericordia, Señor, venga sobre nosotros,         pasar la prueba que yo voy a pasar y recibir el
como lo esperamos de ti.                                     bautismo con que seré bautizado?” Le re-
La palabra del Señor es sincera y todas sus acciones son     spondieron: “Sí podemos”. Y Jesús les dijo:
leales; él ama la justicia y el derecho, y su misericordia   “Ciertamente pasarán la prueba que yo voy a
llena la tierra.                                             pasar y recibirán el bautismo con que yo seré
R. Que tu misericordia, Señor, venga sobre nosotros,
                                                             bautizado; pero eso de sentarse a mi derecha
como lo esperamos de ti.
Los ojos del Señor estan puestos en sus fieles, en los que
                                                             o a mi izquierda no me toca a mí concederlo;
esperan en su misericordia, para library sus vidas de la     eso es para quienes está reservado”.
muerte y reanimarlos en tiempo de hambre.                    Cuando los otros diez apóstoles oyeron esto,
R. Que tu misericordia, Señor, venga sobre nosotros,         se indignaron contra Santiago y Juan. Jesús
como lo esperamos de ti.
                                                             reunió entonces a los Doce y les dijo: “Ya sa-
Nosotros aguardamos al Señor: el es nuestro auxilio y
nuestro ascudo. Que tu misericordia, Señor, venga sobre      ben que los jefes de las naciones las go-
nosotros, como lo esperamos de ti.                           biernan como si fueran sus dueños y los po-
R. Que tu misericordia, Señor, venga sobre nosotros,         derosos las oprimen. Pero no debe ser así en-
como lo esperamos de ti.                                     tre ustedes. Al contrario: el que quiera ser
                                                             grande entre ustedes que sea su servidor, y el
Segundo Lectura: Hebreos 4: 14-16                            que quiera ser el primero, que sea el esclavo
Hermanos: Puesto que Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, es nues-        de todos, así como el Hijo del hombre, que no
tro sumo sacerdote, que ha entrado en el cielo, man-
tengamos firme la profesión de nuestra fe. En efecto,
                                                             ha venido a que lo sirvan, sino a servir y a dar
no tenemos un sumo sacerdote que no sea capaz de             su vida por la redención de todos”.
compadecerse de nuestros sufrimientos, puesto que él
mismo ha pasado por las mismas pruebas que no-
sotros, excepto el pecado.
Acerquémonos, por lo tanto, con plena confianza al
trono de la gracia, para recibir misericordia, hallar la
gracia y obtener ayuda en el momento oportuno.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
17 de Octubre de 2021                     Vigesimo Noveno Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

Rosario de Fátima: el día 13 de cada mes Todos están invita-           Segunda colección del DDF 2021 este fin de semana
dos, 13 de octubre a las 6 de la tarde, mientras rezamos el            Como parte de la Iglesia más grande, el DDF es nues-
Santo Rosario por la conversión del mundo, la remisión de los
                                                                       tra contribución a la Diócesis de San Bernardino. Los
pecados y la paz mundial. Nos reuniremos para rezar el Rosario
el 13 de cada mes hasta el 13 de octubre de 2021. Nos re-              fondos son para la educación y formación de seminar-
uniremos en Our Lady of the Lake en el altar del Santuario de la       istas; educación y formación de ministros laicos;
Peregrina de Fátima detrás de la iglesia puntualmente a las            cuidado de los pobres y necesitados; Educación en
6PM. Por favor traiga a su familia, amigos, especialmente a sus        escuelas católicas y compra de terrenos para nuevas
hijos y nietos, y su rosario y únase a nosotros para pedir la inter-
                                                                       iglesias. Gracias por tu generosidad.
cesión de nuestra Santísima Madre.
                                                                                     PÓNGASE SUS TRAJES PARA UNA NOCHE DE
          Las inscripciones aún están abiertas para
                                                                                     DIVERSIÓN FAMILIAR. POR FAVOR ÚNASE A NO-
          Educación Religiosa K-12, Confirmación y
                                                                                     SOTROS PARA EL TRONCO O TRATAMIENTO EL
          Primera Comunión.
                                                                                     VIERNES, 31 DE OCTUBRE, 4-6. TAMBIÉN NECE-
          17 de octubre, Educación religiosa,
                                                                                     SITAMOS VOLUNTARIOS PARA ABRIR SUS TRON-
          10: 00-11: 15, Salón
                                                                                     COS Y DAR LOS REGALOS. LLAME A LA OFICINA
          17 de octubre, Confirmación, 12: 45-2: 30, YC
                                                                                     PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN.
19 de octubre, Básico de secundaria, 5: 30-7: 00, YC
20 de octubre, 5: 30-7: 00 Primera Comunión, Salón                     l rincón del catecismo del padre Mike Durante las
                                                                       próximas dos semanas, realizaremos un viaje espiritual a
                                                                       través de la Misa para ayudarnos a comprender realmen-
                                                                       te la Liturgia, (la forma en que adoramos y nuestra partic-
                                                                       ipación en la Misa; arrodillados, oraciones, etc.) y nuestro
                                                                       encuentro con nuestro Señor. La Misa se divide en 3
                                                                       partes; Los ritos introductorios, la liturgia de la Palabra y
                                                                       la liturgia de la Eucaristía. Hemos terminado nuestro
                                                                       camino con los Ritos Introductorios y la Liturgia de la
                                                                       Palabra. Ahora es el momento de aprender más sobre la
                                                                       Liturgia de la Eucaristía. La Plegaria Eucarística se divide
                                                                       en 6 partes; (1) el Prefacio, (2) el Sanctus, (3) la Epicle-
                                                                       sis, (4) las Palabras de Institución / Consagración, (5) el
                                                                       “Misterio de la Fe”, y (6) la Anamnesis, Ofrenda, Interce-
                                                                       sión y Doxología. En la oración llamada Epiclesis (que
                                                                       significa "invocación sobre"), el sacerdote ora para que el
                                                                       Padre envíe al Espíritu Santo para que los dones de pan
                                                                       y vino se conviertan en el Cuerpo y la Sangre de nuestro
                                                                       Señor. Le pedimos a Dios que también envíe su Espíritu
                                                                       Santo sobre nosotros, no de la misma manera sacramen-
                                                                       tal que el sacerdote en Epiclesis, para que seamos fortal-
                                                                       ecidos por su gracia y podamos vivir nuestra vocación de
                                                                       convertirnos en discípulos fieles cada día.

Para cumplir con nuestras obligaciones financieras, debemos cobrar $7,150.00 Cada semana. La colección de esta semana
fue de $5,074.75. El total de la colleccion de esta semana fue Como católicos, somos educados para ser buenos admin-
istradores. Queremos ser buenos ejemplos para nuestros hijos para que ellos también puedan ser buenos administra-
dores. Nuestra Señora del Lago y el Santuario de Fátima dependen de sus constantes contribuciones. Durante el invierno
pasado, debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, la asisencia se redujo, pero nuestra iglesia tuvo que mantenerse. El dinero
que usted contribuye a nuestra parroquia cada semana hace que el ministerio suceda. Sus donaciones ayudan a pagar los
servicios públicos, el equipo, el mantenimiento y los materiales. Los programas y servicios que benefician a todos los
miembros de nuestra familia parroquial provienen de su generosidad. Un medio alternativo de
apoyo para nuestra parroquia es el programa WeShare. Este programa cobra contribuciones
mensuales directamente de su cuenta de cheques, ahorros o tarjeta de crédito. We Share le per-
mite planificar sus donaciones de la misma manera que presupuestó sus otros compromisos
financieros. Ya no tiene que preocuparse por ponerse al día con las donaciones del ofertorio
perdido, ya que podría perder la Misa debido a una enfermedad, tiempo inclemente, en vaca-
ciones, etc. Por favor considere donaciones electrónicas seguras a través de We Share para
sus donaciones. Puede registrarse en olllakearowhead.org
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
PARISH MINISTRIES                                                         Pray for the return of good health for the fol-
Altar Server Training: Tony Godlewski                                     lowing: Parishioners and friends in immedi-
Annulment Advocate: Kelly Salbato                                         ate need: Justin Smith, Greg Pokorski,
Baptism Preparation in English: Jan Stein                                 Daniel Goodwin, Cheryl & Barry Robinson,
Baptism Preparation in Spanish: Raul Chairez,                             Cori Riley, Penny Galuszka, Rita Price, Eliz-
Miguel Andrade, Arturo Sifuentes                                          abeth Lee, Bernadette Fuller, Jenette Mar-
Bible Study: Deter Heuser, Kelly Salbato                 tinez, Bill Kisla, Ruleman family, Renee Caccavale Zambel,
Bingo: Knights of Columbus                               Rubia Luna, Josie Brito, Maureen Nunez, Elliotte Mumm,
Cenacle: Penny Galuszka                                  Jeanne Schroeder, Kimberly Kopsho, Chad Smith, Gaja
Church Environment: Shelley Smith                        Gorczynski, Lucy Gardynik, Rusty Miller, John & Dot Ber-
Columbiettes: Helen Seagull                              nardi, Paulette Gilbert, Teresa Hill, Owen Labou, Rem-
Dynamic Catholic Ministry: Margaret Mueller              my Labou, Terry Miller, Tina Guzik-Staros, Sheila Leahy,
Eucharist Minister Training:                             Ron Hittle, Sr. Kathleen Daly, Trevor Garus, Melanie Hop-
Fatima Shrine: Frank Hoeschler                           kins, Ricky Pesquera, Francine Coyne, Linda Taylor, Gabri-
Funeral Hospitality: Gigi Horan, Shauna Smith            el Garcia, Nancy & Bill Nolan, Philip Doan, Koa Pesquera,
Gift Shop: Kathy Howe                                    Jeff Jones, Kathleen Podhurst, Alan Reilly, Kent Jones,
Hispanic Liturgy: Jose Guadalupe Martinez                Laura Castillo, Hailey Sopko, Pat Peterson, Helen Despart,
Knights of Columbus: Peter Venturini                     Jeannette Dangleius, Steve Fox, Artie Pesquera, Maurine
Library:                                                 Gerrard, Vincent Ureno, Bill Witter, Sammy Miszklevitz,
Life, Dignity and Justice: Shauna Smith                  Sandy Ends, Fr. Paul Smith, Sarai Kiser, Adriane Hallek,
Marriage Prep Spanish: Esteban & Joanna Huidor           Lu Mastriano, Philip Tansey, Veda Godwin, Sebastian
Marriage Prep English:                                   Sandoval, Fr. Michal Osuch, Thanasi Miragias, Paul Coro-
Ministry to the Sick: Margaret Mueller                   na, Carlos Bacio, Kelly Johnson, Minnette Gregg, Ed Mo-
Ministry Schedule: Gigi Horan                            rey, Mary Livingston, Ana Christina O’Connor, Reece
Hispanic Choir: Manuel Castillo                          Holzer, Bill Menegatti, Sr. Cathy White S.P., Chunie Baca,
Music Minister: Steve Wilson                             Arturo Sifuentes, Kate Helfrich, Rose Roy, Ashley Witter
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Esteban Huidor                     In need of sustaining prayer (those with long term needs):
Parish Fundraising: Mary Kay Bachman, Margaret Mueller   Carolyn Davisson, Katie Lawrence, Erin Ashdown, John,
Prayer List Outreach: Judith Reilly                      Linda Budano, Barbara Yellen, Kurt Kauffman, Bob Buhrle,
Preventative Maintenance: Greg Morones                   Michelle Alvarez, Matthew Smith, Jon, Leo Sommers
Prevencion y Rescate: Joanna Huidor                      Parishioners and friends in Mountains Community extend-
Quinceañera: Maricela Moreno                             ed care: Kristine Welsh, Sergio Bacio, Mark Radovicic,
Restorative Justice: Tim Montgomery                      Joe Neilligan, Zee Salva and Karla Bevard.
RICA in Spanish: Christian Helguera
RCIA in English: Gigi Horan
Young Family Ministry:
PASTORAL COUNCIL                                         Saturday, October 16:
                                                         6:00pm +Martha Gonterek
Chair: Bridgett Johnstone                                7:30pm OPEN
Vice-Chair: Ben Lopez                                    Sunday, October 17:
Secretary: Maxine Beck                                   9:00am +James Czarnecki
                                                         11:30am OPEN
                                                         Monday, October 18:
                                                         8:00am +Don Sharer
                                                         Tuesday, October 19:
                                                         8:00am +Linda Elliott
                 Gone but never forgotten,               Wednesday, October 20:
                          Rest in Peace                  8:00am Elliott family
                                                         Thursday, October 21:
                         Jerry DuFour                    8:00am +John & Patricia Knowlton
                                                         Friday, October 22:
                                                         8:00am +Stella Kerkvliet
                          Linda Elliott
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
Our Lady of the Lake
27627 Rim of the World Dr.
Lake Arrowhead, Ca. 92352
Shauna Smith
Transmission time: 3:00 pm PST
Date of Publication: October 12, 2021
200 bulletins
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
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