MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress

Page created by Rene Saunders
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
MAGAZINE   October 2016

                          The changing face of
                          Student Services at
                          Page 05
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
                 03                            27                    OLD BOYS’ NEWS
  The Headmaster’s Update             The Art House Tour                         33
                 04                            28                       The AGSOBA
    Report from the Board        Giving back to Grammar               President’s Report
                 05                            31                                34
    The changing face of              Celebrating 150 years         2016 Augusta Awards
Student Services at Grammar

                                                                                                                             The Headmaster’s Update
                                               32                                36
                 09                         Notices            AGSOBA Leadership Awards
    Tuatahi tau o Te Reo
Te Reo’s first year at Grammar
                                                                        Old Boys’ Sport
                                                                                                                 AS YOU ENJOY READING THIS PUBLICATION OF AD AUGUSTA, OUR SENIOR
                                                                                 38                           STUDENTS WILL HAVE SAT THEIR END OF YEAR INTERNAL EX AMINATIONS, AND
      The Number 3 field
                                                                  International Gatherings                    MAN Y ARE SITTING THEIR FIRST CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EX AMINATIONS.
       gets a makeover
                                                                   The Grammar Archives
           Academia                                                                                         Examinations are synonymous with the            that we truly define ourselves and find     into manhood is at its most visible for
                                                                                 42                         ethos of our School and the maintenance         out the most about our character. So,       each young man. We see this as both a
                 14                                                                                         of our meritocracy. Annually, they also         rather than excusing Lochte’s behaviour,    process and a destination.”
                                                               Fulbright and Raising Funds
                Sport            11                                                                         provide an independent appraisal of our
                                                                                                            students’ performances and the quality of
                                                                                                                                                            or finding it abhorrent, we can use it as
                                                                                                                                                            an opportunity to remind young men
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Teaching rigorous academic programmes
                                                                                 43                                                                                                                     has been our primary aim from time
                 18                                                                                         our teaching.                                   about their level of accountability; to
                                                              Calendar of Upcoming Events                                                                   themselves, their families, their School
                                                                                                                                                                                                        immemorial and will remain so. However,
        Arts and Culture                                                                                    Alongside our academic performance, The                                                     at a time when the number of disruptions
                                                                                                                                                            and each other.
                                                                                 44                         Grammar Way has defined who we are as                                                       and influences are growing, our renewed
                 22                                                                                         a School and has helped shape the lives         When considering this behaviour, there      emphasis on young men earning a
                                                                       News of Old Boys
Grammar students giving back                                                                                of young men who have left our gates.           is even more cause to maintain our focus    recognised qualification while embracing
                                                                                 46                         The importance of The Grammar Way in            on implementing The Grammar Way. It is      The Grammar Way will be a point of
                 23                                                                                         the quality of education we provide was         timely for us to formalise our approach,    difference that will help them fulfil their
                                                                       The Eady Family
Celebrating Fukuoka Day with                                                                                brought home to me during the Olympics          as this will provide an independent         dreams and aspirations, whatever they
                                                                                                            through Ryan Lochte’s performance.              appraisal of our students’ behaviour, and   may be.
    our exchange students                                                        48
                                                                                                                                                            attitudes, and reinforce the type of men
                                                                           Obituaries                       Journalist Paul Lewis wrote about this                                                      Our congratulations are extended to the
                 24              18                                                                         Olympian, who excelled in the pool,
                                                                                                                                                            they may be, beyond our gates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        young men whom we recognise in this
The Education Review Office’s                                                                               but failed miserably away from it. He           Part of our definition of The Grammar       edition of Ad Augusta, and the hundreds
                                                              Editor: Amanda Harkness                       reminded us of the influence such               Way reads, “At its heart, The Grammar       of other young men who have exhibited
   thoughts on Grammar                                                    athletes have on our young when he said,        Way is our approach or guide for boys,      our values, while working to their
                                                              Ph 09 623 5400 (ext 576)
                 25                                                                                         “The problem with the likes of Lochte is        helping them to develop into good men.      potential.
                                                              Thanks to Amanda Booth, Paul Paton, Jono      the cult of the celebrity. It’s the new altar   The Grammar Way sets the tone for daily
                Staff                                         Norton and the Grammar Media Group, and       of celebrity, wanting to be famous for          School life and it is most visible in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Per Angusta Ad Augusta.

                                                              George Marshall ‘38 (for his proofreading).   being famous.”                                  actions and deeds of our young men.
                                                              Cover image: Form 7 students Carlos           As a School, we want to teach young             The foundation of The Grammar Way
    A stunning Gala Dinner                                    Aguilera-Cortes, Byung Hoon Cho and Max       men how to perform in a variety of              is built on the School’s values and a set   Tim O’Connor
                                                              Langenkamp discuss university options with    circumstances; when competing –                 of cultural practices that are associated
                                                              Form 7 Dean Mr Frank Haszard and Head of                                                                                                  Headmaster
                                                                                                            winning or losing – and how to act in their     with them. As these are received, lived
                                 22                           Student Services, Mr Terry McKain.
                                                              Designed and produced by gardyneHOLT.
                                                                                                            personal time when they think no one is
                                                                                                            watching. It is often in these moments
                                                                                                                                                            and passed on to others by our students,
                                                                                                                                                            the process of maturation and growth
02 AD AUGUSTA                                                                              OCTOBER 2016     OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                           AD AUGUSTA 03
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
The changing face of
                                                                                                                                                           Student Services
                        Report from the Board                                                                                                                at Grammar
  JUNE, AND I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THE OPPORTUNIT Y TO UPDATE YOU ON THE                                                                                     FROM R ATHER HUMBLE BEGINNINGS WORKING
              BOARD’S COMPOSITION FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS.                                                                                               OUT OF THE TR ACTOR SHED ON D FLOOR, TO AN
                                                                                                                                                           INTEGR ATED STUDENT-FOCUSED DEPARTMENT
Mark Sandelin has been elected as Deputy     is Chief Financial Officer at SkyCity        Edward Moody is concluding his term as
                                                                                                                                                         ENSURING THE OVER ALL CARE AND WELL-BEING OF
Chair. A Board member since 2009, Mark       Entertainment Group.                         the Student Trustee, and will be replaced
is Chair of the Development Committee                                                     by Jacob Lerner.
                                                                                                                                                            GR AMMAR’S YOUNG MEN, STUDENT SERVICES
                                             The newly-elected Staff Trustee, Frances
and the Discipline Committee. Mark is a                                                                                                                         HAS COME A LONG WAY SINCE 2002.
                                             Hay-MacKenzie, has taught Latin and          All administrative requirements and
Senior Partner at the legal firm of Minter
                                             Classical Studies at the School since 2004   obligations of the Board are undertaken by                    AND PL ANS ARE IN PL ACE TO EVOLVE EVEN FURTHER.
Ellison Rudd Watts.
                                             and is HOD of Classical Studies.             Patrick Gargiulo as Board Secretary.
Tom Bassett has been a member of the
                                             We welcome Gita Jayaraam as a new            All of the Board members have a
Board since 2012. He is a Partner in the
                                             member of the Board, with her sons           connection with the School through their
engineering firm of Tonkin & Taylor and is
                                             due to commence in 2017. She has had         sons. They bring to the Board a wide
Chair of the Property Committee.
                                             previous Trustee experience at primary       range of skills and disciplines that gives
A Trustee since 2007, John Chisholm          school level and operates her own Human      assurance to the Grammar community
was recently President of the Old Boys’      Resources consultancy.                       that the governance of the School is in
Association. He is Managing Director and                                                  very capable hands. Further, each of them
                                             Stuart Lobb is the other nominee of the
a major shareholder of New Zealand’s                                                      has a huge passion for Grammar and a
                                             Old Boys’ Association, having joined
leading educational resource provider. He                                                 desire to ensure that we achieve and
                                             the Board in 2014. He serves on the
chairs the Tibbs House Committee.                                                         maintain our vision of pre-eminence in
                                             Tibbs House, Education and Finance
                                                                                          boys’ secondary education.
Appointed to the Board in 2012 as the        Committees and is also a member of the
University of Auckland representative,       Independent Investment Advisory Board.       It is a privilege to be the Chair of a group
Adrienne Cleland continues in that role,     Stuart is the CFO for the YMCA.              of such talented and committed people
bringing expertise in the administrative,                                                 who are making an immense contribution
                                             Ken Lotu-I’iga was first elected to the
IT and property areas as the Director of                                                  to our School.
                                             Board in 2013 and is a member of
Administration at the University.
                                             the Property, Finance, Enrolment and         Thank you for your continued support and,
Grant Graham joined the Board in 2015        Discipline Committees. He is General         as always, we welcome input from the
and is Chair of the Finance Committee. A     Manager of Fletcher Residential.             School community.
partner in accountancy firm KordaMentha,
                                             Mark Malpass has joined the Board as the     Per Angusta Ad Augusta.
Grant is one of the nominees to the Board
                                             Headmaster’s Council nominee. He sits on
of the Old Boys’ Association.
                                             the Property, Education and Development
Rob Hamilton was appointed to the            Committees, and has been involved in the
Board in 2015 and is a member of             planning of the 150th celebrations. Mark
the Finance, Property, Education and         is Group Executive-Strategy and Corporate    Jeff Blackburn ‘67
Internationalisation Committees. He          Development at Fulton Hogan.                 Chairman, Board of Trustees

04 AD AUGUSTA                                                                                                            OCTOBER 2016    OCTOBER 2016                                                      AD AUGUSTA 05
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
Above left, Victoria University staff visit a group of Form 7 students and right, advisors from Lincoln University in Christchurch talk through their
Above: Harvard University’s Mr Max Dikkers speaks with Jia Hao Liu 7A and Mr Terry McKain about scholarship and entrance opportunities.      Commerce degree with students. Below left, Logan Leeuw spends a day on building experience and right, students considering joining the
                                                                                                                                             Police Force inspect the Police helicopter on its visit to the top field.
Head of Faculty, Student Services, Mr           encouraging thing is that more than             which enables up to 35 students to
Terry McKain, was appointed as the              half are self-referred. There’s no stigma       access vocational pathways through job
School’s first counsellor 14 years ago,         associated with coming to Student               experience during the school term.
to “look out for boys who needed extra          Services – we’re here to help in whatever
                                                                                                Meanwhile the School’s Enrichment
support.” Today he heads a team offering        way we can.”
                                                                                                programme ranges from first-year
a fully holistic service – a one-stop-
                                                Careers counsellor, Mr Graeme Martin,           university papers in Psychology and
shop for every type of student support,
                                                says his work starts as early as Form 4,        Mathematics to IT and barista courses.
be it career development, university
                                                with advising students on option choices.
applications, scholarship advice,                                                               Headmaster, Mr Tim O’Connor, points out
                                                He also works closely with the subject
counselling, enrichment, transition or                                                          that the new direction of Student Services
                                                teachers at all levels to ensure they are
extension programmes.                                                                           is relevant to a young man’s all-round
                                                up-to-date with the ever-evolving career
                                                                                                development and will be poignant to the
The previously separate guidance and            opportunities available to their students
                                                                                                character education research the School
counselling teams were integrated at            post-secondary school.
                                                                                                has commissioned this year. “As we move
the start of this year to form Student
                                                He points out that next year’s move to          closer to 2019, our focus is on continuing
Services, and this team now works
                                                offer six subjects in Form 5 will really help   to better student services and create a
closely with the deans, masters, Health
                                                in giving students the opportunity to keep      facility where key aspects of The Grammar
Centre and Learning Support staff.
                                                folllowing their interests.                     Way can be reinforced and taught – the
Mr McKain and three other full-time                                                             progress this team of staff have made this
                                                “The other exciting thing is our work with
counsellors now cross over careers,                                                             year is a glimpse into our future.”
                                                Grammar Old Boys,” says Mr Martin,
academic and pastoral counselling.
                                                “in terms of creating an umbrella group         “Our proposed 150th Project for 2019
“In deliberate fashion, we cover the            of Old Boys who will offer guidance and         is centred around the provision of better
needs of the whole person,” says Mr             mentoring about careers. We see this            student services and creating a facility
McKain. “Within our faculty, you have           as a huge benefit to our students and           where we can enhance and reinforce the
careers, student vocational pathways and        we’re looking forward to the Old Boys’          key aspects of what character education
guidance all under the one umbrella. They       involvement.”                                   is going to be at the School.”
are obviously interconnected – sharing
                                                Mr Graham Edwards is responsible for            As we encourage our young men to
information between them, so you have
                                                Student Pathways and Career Studies,            develop a real curiosity in their future
the best outcomes for the young men.”
                                                catering largely for those transitioning        careers and take ownership of the
“Over the years, we’ve seen an increase         straight into the workforce from school.        outcomes, the Student Services team will     Above left, students discuss university options with staff and right, an architect’s impression of the proposed 150th Project building, which
in the number of young men seeking              He has a number of programmes in                be there to support them all the way.        would be home to Student Services. Pictured on page 5, the Student Services team: from left, Mr Graham Edwards, Ms Meena Nathoo, Mr
support,” says Mr McKain, “and the              place to facilitate this, including Gateway,                                                 Terry McKain, Mrs Karen Osborne, Mrs Marie Richardson, Mr Graeme Martin, Mrs Gillys Miller, Mrs Alexandra Green and Mr Mika Taito.
06 AD AUGUSTA                                                                                                                OCTOBER 2016    OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                                        AD AUGUSTA 07
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
Te tau tuatahi o Te Reo Māori
                                       Te Reo’s first year at Grammar
                                    THIS YEAR SAW THE INTRODUCTION OF TE REO MĀORI FOR ALL FORM 3

                               When this first year of Te Reo students          “Māori being introduced at Auckland            While it seems clear that the students are
                               continue to Form 4 next year, the subject        Grammar has been extremely positive so         enjoying the new subject, the Education
                               will be offered as an option, in addition to     far because it allows the junior students      Review Office (ERO) has also made
                               the core subjects of English, Mathematics,       to communicate with each other with            favourable mention of the fact that our
                               Science and Social Studies. In 2018 it           basic language,” says Teina. “Since Māori      Strategic Plan for 2016 has “clear goals to
                               will be available as an option to Form 5         has been added, it may also encourage          steadily develop the school’s capacity to
                               students and by 2020, Te Reo will be             more Māori families to consider sending        promote success for Māori as Māori.”
                               available at all levels within the curriculum.   their sons to Grammar and the School will
                                                                                                                               The latest ERO report, published in May
                                                                                become even more multi-cultural.”
                               Head of Department, Mr Neitana Lobb,                                                            this year, pointed out that links to Ngāti
                               says the course is about giving Grammar          Fellow student, Finlay Harford, has also       Whātua are being made culturally through
                               students cultural competency. “The               enjoyed the course. “This year all boys        the recent appointment of a Head of
                               reason for its inclusion in the curriculum       in Form 3 learnt Te Reo Māori,” says           Department Te Reo Māori. “There is now
                               is for every student to have a background        Finlay. “I really enjoyed this experience as   a stronger likelihood that Te Reo will have
                               in Te Reo Māori, a basic foundation,” he         I believe New Zealand’s natural language       numbers to sustain future classes in the
                               says. “We want our young men to take             should be preserved. The course was            senior school. Whakatauki (proverbs)
                               away things that will help them in later         very interactive, and also helped the boys     are being adopted by school leadership
                               life, like a knowledge of Māori tikanga          with their public speaking.”                   to instil values and respect at school
                               (protocol) and the ability to perform a mihi                                                    assemblies.”
                                                                                Thomas Jackson says it means a lot
                               (a greeting or thank you).”
                                                                                to him to have had the chance to learn         With the introduction of this subject, Te
                               Mr Lobb says he has been surprised by            Māori and practise the traditional mihi        Reo is now becoming part of the culture
                               the level of knowledge of Te Reo many of         greeting. “I enjoyed the course because I      of the School and we are seeing the
                               his Form 3 students already have. “They          got to experience learning a language that     students’ knowledge and respect for
                               all come from different schools and some         is part of New Zealand,” he says.              Māori growing with each day. As Mr Lobb
                               know a lot more than others,” he says.                                                          points out: “This appreciation seems to
                                                                                Meanwhile Fawad Uddin particularly
                               He points out that some are so fluent,                                                          transcend the many other cultures that
                                                                                liked the teaching techniques: “We learnt
                               they are already at NCEA level.                                                                 exist at Grammar, so it’s been a very
                                                                                how to say our mihi, numbers and family
                                                                                                                               positive experience all round.”
                               One such student is Teina Watling, one           members’ names through an interactive
                               of the few Form 3 boys who have come             approach, which was different from our
                                                                                                                               Opposite: Mr Neitana Lobb teaches a
                               from a Kura Kaupapa (total immersion)            other language classes.”
                                                                                                                               Form 3 class and inset, Max Dudson
                               Māori school.
                                                                                                                               offers his mihi to the rest of his class.

08 AD AUGUSTA   OCTOBER 2016   OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                                AD AUGUSTA 09
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
The Number 3 field gets
                                                           a makeover
                                           O’ MICE AN’ MEN, GANG AFT A-GLEY (OFTEN GO AWRY).”

                               Such was the case when construction               also give the School extended options           Thinking to the future, the School is
                               began on the international-standard artificial    and additional income.                          looking at a potential Stage 4 and 5,
                               turf on the School’s Number 3 field at the                                                        to create a truly international-standard
                                                                                 “There’s a huge demand for it
                               corner of Clive and Normanby Roads.                                                               sporting complex.
                                                                                 already,” says Mr Hunt. “Because it’s a
                               The discovery of asbestos in soil samples         multipurpose turf at a 65mm long pile,          “We already have international hockey on
                               last November soon put paid to the                it will be used predominantly for rugby         site and this new field will be a FIFA and
                               original plans to complete the turf by            and football, but also for lacrosse, disc       IRB-approved field, so international teams
                               March this year, in readiness for the             ultimate and a number of other sports.”         will use it for practice,” says Mr Hunt.
                               winter sports season. Instead, after the
                                                                                 With a price tag at over $2 million,            Those of you who may have passed the
                               removal of up to 650 cubic metres of
                                                                                 this significant investment required            field and thought it appeared unusually
                               potentially contaminated soil, work did
                                                                                 community funding from the Auckland             large would be right. The unique thing
                               not commence until mid-February, and
                                                                                 Council’s Facilities Partnership                about the Grammar Number 3 field is
                               was halted over much of the winter due
                                                                                 Programme, the NZCT (New Zealand                that every other artificial sports turf
                               to bad weather.
                                                                                 Charitable Trust) and the Lion Foundation.      in the country is fenced in, firstly by a
                               The artificial turf was laid at the end of        The remainder was funded by the                 metre-high fence for the spectators and a
                               September and the field will be ready for         School’s Board of Trustees.                     2-metre concrete footpath, and then by a
                               play at the end of October. For Grammar’s                                                         very tall fence to catch the balls. Without
                                                                                 In winter, the field will be dedicated for
                               Director of Property Services, Mr Dave                                                            fencing and with the help of some natural
                                                                                 school use from 6am to 5.30pm, after
                               Hunt, that’s not a moment too soon. “We                                                           boundaries, our space is bigger and the
                                                                                 which time it will be made available for
                               currently have about 45 hours’ demand                                                             flow better. And while the “best laid”
                                                                                 public use. In summer, the School’s use
                               on our existing fields each week,” he                                                             plans may have gone awry at the start of
                                                                                 of the facility is likely to be less frequent
                               says, “when recommended industry                                                                  this project, there’s no denying that this
                                                                                 in Terms 1 and 4.
                               standards are 15-20 hours per week. This                                                          stunning new pitch is now truly best laid.
                               obviously causes significant issues with          Once this first stage of the project
                                                                                                                                 Pictured from top left: With the asbestos
                               our grass fields.”                                is completed at the end of October,
                                                                                                                                 removed, earthworks continue as the
                                                                                 funds will be sought for Stages 2 and 3,
                               In comparison, an artificial turf will take                                                       field sub-base is laid; the artificial turf
                                                                                 which will see the addition of dedicated
                               as many hours as you put on it. It just                                                           being laid; Mr Dave Hunt.
                                                                                 changing and toilet facilities and extended
                               shortens the life of the turf. While the
                                                                                 car parking, followed by the construction
                               new turf will ease pressure on the grass
                                                                                 of a pavilion.
                               fields, the fact that it is a lit facility will

10 AD AUGUSTA   OCTOBER 2016   OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                                   AD AUGUSTA 11
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
ACADEMIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ACADEMIA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGY
 INTERNATIONAL YOUNG PHYSICISTS’                                                                                                             PUBLIC SPEAKING                                                                   OLYMPIAD
                                                                                                                                           In mid-August, 13 students and three adjudicators gathered in the Vaughan
                                                                                                                                           Jones Room of the Library for an entertaining four periods, listening to some
                                                                                                                                           very different speeches in the annual Victor Macky and Martin Sullivan speech

                                                                                                                                           There were, finally, five participants in the Victor Macky competition. This
                                                                                                                                           competition is open to anyone in the School, and this year the contestants
                                                                                                                                           comprised two Form 3 students, a Form 4 student and two Form 7 students.
                                                                                                                                           The result was a clear win for our Deputy Head Prefect, Edward Moody, who
                                                                                                                                           spoke, rather appropriately, on ‘Why oratory skills matter’. The speech was
                                                                                                                                           compelling – Edward engaged the audience, had an excellent sense of timing
                                                                                                                                           and pace and a clear, modulated voice. He used language effectively, and
                                                                                                                                           punctuated his speech with understated humour.

                                                                                             INTERNATIONAL BR AIN                          The second competition was for the Martin Sullivan trophy. This is open only
                                                                                                                                           to senior students (Forms 5-7) and usually embraces more serious issues.
                                                                                             BEE COMPETITION
                                                                                                                                           Ultimately, two Form 7 students, three Form 6 students and one Form 5
                                                                                             Matthew Fulton 5A represented New             student participated. Although there were some exceptionally good speeches
                                                                                             Zealand in the 18th International Brain       delivered, it was David Zhu of Form 5 who won. This result, as in the Victor
                                                                                             Bee Competition held in Copenhagen,           Macky competition, was a unanimous decision by the three adjudicators. David
                                                                                             Denmark over the holiday period.              spoke on ‘Why the world is fascinated by the US Presidential election’. He
                                                                                             Matthew competed against National             delivered his clearly structured speech confidently, with animation, great use of
                                                                                             Champions from 25 different countries,        language and with not a note in sight for the 6 minute, 45 second duration of       Max Langenkamp 7A was selected for the four-
Pictured above; Members of New Zealand’s five-man IYPT team, all of 7A. From left:
                                                                                             with students being questioned                the speech.                                                                         person New Zealand team to compete at the 27th
Carlos Aguilera-Cortes, Byung Hoon Cho (captain) and Sang Wook Kim.
                                                                                             and assessed on five neuroscience             Thanks to all those students who participated and put in so much hard work          International Biology Olympiad in Hanoi, Vietnam this
Byung Hoon Cho, Carlos Aguilera-Cortes and Sang Wook Kim all of 7A gained selection to       challenges. After several days of extensive                                                                                       year.
                                                                                                                                           and also to Mr Rice, Mrs McCormick and Miss Forster.
the New Zealand five-man team that competed at the 2016 International Young Physicists’      competition, Matthew received the trophy                                                                                          Selection started with a two-hour entrance
Tournament – otherwise known as the World Cup of Physics – held in Yekaterinburg, Russia     for being placed third in the world.                                                                                              examination sat by hundreds of students throughout
at the end of Term 2. The Grammar students scored well for their team against teams from
                                                                                             Pictured above; Matthew Fulton.                                                                                                   New Zealand. Following this examination, 120
29 countries, which resulted in their being awarded Silver medals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               students were selected to enter a Tutorial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Programme, and from this, a Camp Selection
RESERVE BANK MONETARY POLICY                                                                                                                                                                                                   Examination was held to select 15-20 students who
CHALLENGE                                                                                                                                                                                                                      then attended nine days of intensive practical and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               theoretical assessment at various universities. After
This year we entered a team into the Reserve Bank Monetary                                                                                                                                                                     this camp, the final team was selected.
Policy Challenge for the first time. The team, all Economics
students, were Ajay Shanmuganathan 7A, Tianmeng Tie 7B, Chris                                                                                                                                                                  At the Biology Olympiad itself, the syllabus is diverse
Vroegop 7A, Matthew Watt 7B and Alfred Wu 7A.                                                                                                                                                                                  and extends beyond the International Baccalaureate,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Advanced Placement, NCEA and CIE courses.
The purpose was to give the boys the rare opportunity to analyse                                                                                                                                                               Successful candidates possess an extensive
the role of a central banker, conduct research and evaluate the                                                                                                                                                                theoretical knowledge, considerable practical
impacts of monetary policy on the New Zealand economy. The                                                                                                                                                                     experience, a passion for biology, inventiveness and
Reserve Bank reviews the Official Cash Rate eight times a year and                                                                                                                                                             remarkable perseverance.
issues Monetary Policy Statements having wide ranging impacts
on the macro-economy. Students taking part in the Monetary                                                                                                                                                                     The competition comprised 12 hours of examinations,
Policy Challenge consider the same information as Reserve Bank                                                                                                                                                                 divided equally into theoretical and practical sections,
economists, and recommend whether the Official Cash Rate              From left: Ajay Shanmuganathan, Tianmeng Tie, Chris Vroegop,                                                                                             which included a variety of tasks ranging from
should go up, down, or stay the same.                                 Matthew Watt and Alfred Wu.                                                                                                                              human DNA analysis to flower identification and an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               earthworm dissection.
The team was selected as one of six finalists out of 45 schools       and analysis into the various impacts of an OCR change. They
to compete for the national title in Wellington, presenting their     found the challenge hugely rewarding and represented Grammar                                                                                             Max Langenkamp, pictured above, competed against
research in person to the RBNZ. The students received a High          with pride, as they competed against some of the country’s top                                                                                           top students from 70 other countries, and was
                                                                                                                                           Martin Sullivan prize winner David Zhu (left) with Victor Macky prize winner
Distinction award from the judges for the extent of their enquiry     academic students in this field of study.                                                                                                                awarded a Bronze medal.
                                                                                                                                           Edward Moody.
12 AD AUGUSTA                                                                                                              OCTOBER 2016    OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                                AD AUGUSTA 13
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
SPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SPORT

 CYCLING                                                                                                                                         TABLE TENNIS                                                           SQUASH

                                                                                                                                               Grammar’s top two Premier Table Tennis teams competed at the
                                                                                                                                               National Secondary Schools Championship in Palmerston North.

                                                                                                                                               In the A Grade competition, the top four teams of Auckland
                                                                                                                                               Grammar 1, Westlake Boys’ High School, Macleans College and
                                                                                                                                               Palmerston North Boys’ High School played in the semi-finals.
                                                                                                                                               Grammar won convincingly against Palmerston North Boys’ High
                                                                                                                                               and faced Westlake in the final. In the first finals match, Grammar’s
                                                                                                                                               Tiger Shi was defeated by Westlake’s number 2 player in an
                                                                                                                                               unlucky draw, but captain Dean Shu then evened the score in a
                                                                                                                                               fiercely contested clash with Westlake captain Victor Ma, winning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       From left, Ben Tomlinson, Elijah Thomas, Josh Hawkesby-Lyne,
                                                                                                                                               3-1. But then a shock loss for Grammar number 2 Kevin Lin in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Michael Shelton-Agar (Captain), Thomas Judd, Liam Batts and
                                                                                                                                               third match left the final hanging on the doubles, in which Shu and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jackson Hawkesby-Lyne.
                                                                                                                                               Lin played brilliantly to turn the tide against the Westlake team.
                                                                                                                                               After one more singles win each to Lin and Shu, the final went to       The National Secondary Schools Squash Championship was
                                                                                                                                               Grammar by a margin of 4-3, enabling Grammar to take the national       held in August in Palmerston North, with 36 teams in the boys’
                                                                                                                                               title from Westlake for the first time since 2011.                      section. The Grammar Premier 1 team was seeded third.

                                                                                                                                               Other highlights of the tournament included a win by the Grammar        In the first three rounds, Grammar played Francis Douglas
The Cycling squad has completed an excellent season, with the          history of the event. In road races, Jacob Rackham finished third       number 2 team of Jason Wu, Matthew Wu and Kadin Su in the B             Memorial College, Christchurch Boys’ and Liston College,
Senior A team winning the Auckland Team Time Trial series in a         in Under 14, Lachie Dickson first in Under 16, Aaron Wyllie third       grade competition against Westlake 2, and Dean Shu’s silver medal       recording 5 wins. The semi-final opponent, second seed St Paul’s
clean sweep. The team set the course record at the Pukekohe            and Harris Fogelberg first in the Under 20. Points races saw            performance in the Under 19 individuals championship.                   Collegiate, proved too strong for Grammar, winning the tie 5-0.
Raceway three times. The Junior A team improved their results          Oliver Grave third in the Under 15 event. The Grammar cycling                                                                                   The fifth and final round was a play-off for third and fouth against
throughout the year, finishing in third place overall. The Under 14    squad was second best boys’ school overall.                                                                                                     Palmerston North. After the disappointment of losing the semi-
team won their series.                                                                                                                                                                                                 final, the Grammar players produced their best squash of the
                                                                       Pictured above, the Senior A Cycling team on the start line for the
At the Nationals, the Senior A team finished an agonisingly close      2016 New Zealand Secondary Schools Cycling Championships in                                                                                     tournament, delivering under considerable pressure. Thomas
second, just 500th of a second behind Palmerston North Boys’           Palmerston North.                                                                                                                               Judd and Jackson and Josh Hawkesby-Lyne comprehensively
High School in what is probably the closest finish in the 49-year                                                                                                                                                      outplayed their opponents, each winning 3-0. Form 3 player, Elijah
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Thomas, played a superb match, coming back from two games
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       down to beat his opponent 3-2. At 0-2 down, Captain Michael
BASKETBALL                                                                                                                                                                                                             Shelton-Agar produced some excellent squash to outplay his ‘A’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       grade opponent, completely dominating him in the fifth and final
The Premier Basketball team finished third in the Auckland Secondary                                                                                                                                                   game, sealing the result at 5-0 against Palmerston North and
Schools Premiership and second in the Regional Tournament,                                                                                                                                                             securing third place in New Zealand.
qualifying for the National Tournament in Palmerston North. They
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Elijah Thomas was named in the New Zealand Secondary
made the semi-finals for the first time since 2011 and came fourth
                                                                                                                                               The A1 Table Tennis team, from left: Dean Shu (captain), Kevin Lin,     Schools’ Junior Squash team to play Australia, and Josh
overall. Led by captain Taki Fahrensohn and vice-captain Conor
                                                                                                                                               Tiger Shi and Edward Qiu.                                               Hawkesby-Lyne was chosen as a reserve.
Flanagan, players were under the guidance of coach Manu Hoque.
Fahrensohn, Flanagan, Thomas Whyte and Samson Aruwa gained
selection in Regional representative teams. Fahrensohn and Aruwa                                                                               FENCING
were also selected in the Junior Tall Blacks and Fahrensohn and
Whyte were part of the Breakers Academy.                                                                                                       Our fencers competed in the National Secondary Schools
                                                                       Forty-one social basketball teams played in a school-run competition.   competitions in September for both foil and sabre.
The Under 19 team, coached by Ben Anderson, competed
                                                                       The junior division was won by Form 5 team, D4NNY against Form
successfully in the Central Zone competition, winning all but one of                                                                           Ching Nam Ng won the trophy in foil for the National Individual
                                                                       4 team, Assist Rozans. The final of the senior division was won by
their games. The Under 17A team, coached by Tane de Silva, finished                                                                            event for the fourth consecutive year. The foil A team, consisting
                                                                       Ole Buckets against last year’s winners, Jabaris. The staff team,
third equal in the Central Zone A grade. The Under 17B and Under                                                                               of Ng, Edward Lu, Ethan Fish, Darcy Black and Finnbar Grieve
                                                                       Dribblers, displayed passion and enthusiasm, securing several fine
17C teams were coached by Adam Felix to finish second and twelth                                                                               were placed first, earning the National Secondary Schools title.
                                                                       wins through the season.
respectively in the B Grade. The Under 15A team, coached by Regan                                                                              The Sabre A team, consisting of Sean Thomson, Owain Lloyd-
Harvey, finished fourth in the Central Zone A Grade competition,       Pictured, the Grammar Premier Basketball team after having placed       Davies, Daniel Leigh and Lu came a respectable third.
while the Under 15B and Under 15C teams, coached by Colin              fourth in the Secondary Schools National Basketball Championships.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The National Secondary Schools Under 18 foil team champions with
Vowles, finished ninth and tenth respectively in the B Grade.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Manager, Mrs Gillys Miller.

14 AD AUGUSTA                                                                                                                  OCTOBER 2016    OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                                 AD AUGUSTA 15
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
SPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SPORT

                                                                                    HOCKEY                                                                                                                          RUGBY
 FOOTBALL                                                                                                                                       SKIING

The 1st XI Football team with former Grammar headmaster, Sir John Graham,           The 1st XI Hockey team after their SuperCity final        Bryn Davies, Fastest Male Skier at the recent North Island            The Grammar Under 15 team after winning their National title.
next to his grandson, goalie and Prefect Fergus Connolly (in green).                against Kristin School.                                   Championships.

The 1st XI Football team had a successful season, improving as the year went        The 1st XI Hockey team had an outstanding season,         For the first time in the history of the North Island Secondary       The 1st XV season began with some enterprising play shown by
on. After early season defeats against Mount Albert Grammar School and              being unbeaten in both the Auckland competition           School Skiing Championships, a team has won four straight             a young team, securing wins against traditional rivals Manurewa
Mt Roskill Grammar School, the team put together a strong run of results            and the SuperCity competition, with victories against     championships. The Grammar A team not only took home the              High School, Palmerston North Boys’ High, Tauranga Boys’ High
to finish the first round of the league in fourth place, qualifying for the Lotto   King’s College (3-2) and Kristin School (6-1).            trophy this year, but also six of the top ten senior mens’ times      and New Plymouth Boys’ High.
Premier Tournament.                                                                                                                           at Mt Ruapehu in September. Only Kristin, King’s and St Paul’s
                                                                                    In the Rankin Cup games, Grammar started with                                                                                   The Auckland 1A season saw three early round victories but, as
                                                                                                                                              Collegiate have won three championships in a row.
The team continued to make progress in the Knockout Cup competition,                a narrow defeat against last year’s finalists, St                                                                               the season continued, the team struggled to capitalise on long
beating Pinehurst, Albany Senior High and Westlake Boys’ High School.               Andrew’s, and then had two comfortable wins in pool       The event had entries from 125 schools, and the runners up,           periods of possession, whilst being guilty of making errors that on
The semi-final saw them play Mt Roskill Grammar, making a great start to            play. This took the team to the knockout phase of the     Diocesan School for Girls, Auckland, took fourth place, in front of   regular occasions opponents were able to draw points from.
the match and scoring after five minutes. Midway through the second half            competition. Grammar dominated against Wairarapa          the Grammar B team.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The annual King’s fixture saw the team play good rugby in the
and reduced to 10 men, they showed resilience and a desire to see out               College and were comfortably in the lead at half time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    first half, led by an excellent performance from prop and ‘Players’
the victory and make a second Knockout Cup final in two years. This match           (3-1). In the second half, Wairarapa managed to draw
                                                                                                                                              L ACROSSE                                                             Player of the Year’, Kaynan Siteine-Tua, however, the end result
would be played as the season finale. In the league, the 1st XI were unbeaten       level at full time. In extra time, with only one minute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    was a King’s victory for the first time since 2001.
throughout the second round, finishing the season with a 3-1 victory over           remaining, Wairarapa claimed the winning goal. That
Sacred Heart.                                                                       left Grammar playing for ninth to sixteenth place, and                                                                          The season will be remembered for performances that, whilst
                                                                                    the team won its remaining games convincingly to                                                                                not lacking in effort and desire, were ultimately inaccurate in
Hopes were high of a strong showing at National Tournament. However, a
                                                                                    be placed ninth overall. This is an improvement on                                                                              execution at crucial moments in several games. A highlight was
3-0 loss first up to Westlake saw the team do things the hard way. Playing
                                                                                    previous years, and the team should be pleased with                                                                             the regular contribution of captain and ‘Best player in the 1st
knockout football from day one, the team beat Tawa College, Hamilton Boys’
                                                                                    the quality and attacking style of their play.                                                                                  XV’ Sione Havili, who has since gone on to be selected in the
and Mt Roskill Grammar before bowing out at the semi-final stage to St
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    New Zealand Secondary Schools rugby team. The team and
Kentigern College. The team then played Westlake Boys’ High School and              The Under 15 A team had an excellent season.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    management were extremely appreciative of the School and
win the third placed playoff game on penalties.                                     Entered in the Open competition and playing mainly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Old Boy community who consistently showed their presence
                                                                                    against the 1st XI teams of other Auckland schools,
The final match of the season saw the team again face St Kentigern College                                                                                                                                          and active support throughout what was a tough season, full of
                                                                                    they came a creditable fourth. This set them up for a
in the knockout cup final. The players put in their best performance of the                                                                                                                                         learning and experience-building.
                                                                                    chance at the Tanner Cup, a national competition for
season to play some excellent football and, despite controlling the match
                                                                                    Under 15 teams, where they encountered some very                                                                                The Grammar Under 15 Rugby team won the Under 15 National
for long spells, they were not able to recover from conceding an early goal,
                                                                                    strong opposition from Tauranga Boys’ High School,                                                                              invitational tournament played at Moire Park in West Auckland,
eventually going down by two goals to one.                                                                                                    The Premier Lacrosse team and the development squad.
                                                                                    Westlake Boys’ High School and Wellington College.                                                                              with 16 of the country’s top rugby schools taking part.
The 1st XI grew into a talented and competitive team during the season, and         They won all their games convincingly to become
                                                                                                                                              This year Grammar won the annual six-aside Lacrosse                   Grammar topped their pool, beating Palmerston North Boys’ High
with a strong Form 5 and 6 contingent, next season promises to be another           national champions, with a record of: played 5, won 5,
                                                                                                                                              competition hosted by St Peter’s College, winning all of their        School 15-6, St Bede’s College 18-6 and Massey High School 66-
positive one.                                                                       goals for 32, goals against 2.
                                                                                                                                              games (vs Orewa College, St Peter’s College, Mount Albert             0. The team went on to beat Tauranga Boys’ in the quarter final
Former Grammar headmaster, Sir John Graham, extended his congratulations            This very good year for Grammar hockey bodes well         Grammar and Michael Park School) and the final against Mount          39-19, and then Otago Boys’ High School 15-12 in the semi-final.
to the team for its success at the National Tournament. “Seldom has a               for the future. Many thanks to all the coaches and        Roskill Grammar 3-0.                                                  Grammar met Hamilton Boys’ High School in the final, started
Grammar team played so well. To be in the top four nationally is a splendid         managers involved.                                                                                                              well and went on to win in a convincing fashion 39-12. The
                                                                                                                                              Although disappointed to finish fourth in the Auckland
result,” he said. “Throughout the year, the team played with commitment and                                                                                                                                         players performed consistently throughout the tournament and
                                                                                                                                              Championships, the team came within one goal of making the
considerable skill and never gave up. They gave everyone great pleasure.”                                                                                                                                           backed themselves with great team spirit and personal fitness.
                                                                                                                                              final and only lost by one goal to both finalists.

16 AD AUGUSTA                                                                                                                  OCTOBER 2016   OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                              AD AUGUSTA 17
MAGAZINE October 2016 - Site construction in progress
ARTS AND CULTURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ARTS AND CULTURE

 WINTER CONCERTS AND MINISTER’S PL ATE COMPETITION                                                                                          KBB FESTIVAL

                                                                          Highlights from the Winter Concert II included our Big
                                                                          Band, under new Director, Mr E. Hare, our accomplished
                                                                          Pipe Band ably led by Form 6 student, Soul O’Reilly and
                                                                          the fiercely contested finals of the 2016 Minister’s Plate
                                                                          solo competition, one of the oldest secondary school solo
                                                                          competitions in New Zealand.

                                                                          Following performances of outstanding quality from the
                                                                          eight finalists, Conroy Hu was named as the Minister’s
                                                                          Plate Winner for 2016. Alongside the coveted award,
                                                                          Conroy was presented with a gift voucher courtesy of
                                                                          KBB Music. He was also recently recognised as one of the
                                                                          top six young pianists nationally as a finalist in the highly
                                                                          regarded Wallace Junior Piano Competition. Conroy crossed
                                                                          stage and performed Chopin’s ‘Scherzo No. 1’ on Monday,
Senior Minister’s Plate winner, Conroy Hu.                                12 September.

                                                                          This year’s winner of the competitive Junior Minister’s Plate
                                                                          competition is Elijah McPherson. McPherson has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 All Grammar groups performed with great skill and verve at the
                                                                          playing the electric guitar for three years and counts both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 annual KBB Music Festival. Their entertaining programmes were
                                                                          Jimi Hendrix and his own grandfather as major influences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 well received by the audiences, with the adjudication for the
                                                                          – indeed, he plays on his grandfather’s 40-year-old ‘Navarra
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Symphony Orchestra, Grammar Virtuosi and Premier Concert
                                                                          Custom’ guitar. Elijah crossed stage and performed ‘On
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Band all coming within one per cent of achieving the coveted
                                                                          Green Dolphin Street’ composed by Bronisław Kaper
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gold award.
                                                                          but popularised by the legendary Miles Davis. He was
                                                                          accompanied by David Taylor on drums, Elijah Wilson on                                                                                 Despite this disappointment, the Symphony Orchestra were
                                                                          piano and Harry Doyle on bass. McPherson was awarded a                                                                                 pleased to be placed in the top five school orchestras in Auckland.
                                                                          gift voucher courtesy of MusicWorks.                                                                                                   Overall, the Symphony Orchestra, Grammar Virtuosi, Concert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Band and Big Band all achieved creditable Silver awards: a
                                                                          Following the Minister’s Plate competition, adjudicator and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 consistent and encouraging foundation to build on for 2017.
                                                                          Old Boy Mr B. Hoadley selected Tianmeng Tie to receive an
                                                                          additional prize from the University of Auckland and a gift                                                                            Top: the Premier Concert Band, and below; the Grammar Big Band,
                                                                          voucher from MusicWorks recognising his artistic promise.                                                                              both competing at the 2016 KBB Music Festival.
Junior Minister’s Plate winner, Elijah McPherson.

This year’s Winter Concert I was again hosted in the glorious Holy
                                                                                                                                          L A NG L A NG NZ YOU TH PI A NO
Trinity Cathedral in Parnell. Five large ensembles presented a dazzling
programme in which New Zealand composers and arrangers featured
prominently. A highlight of the programme was the first performance of                                                                    Form 6 student Chenxiao Chen was awarded first prize in the annual
the revived Grammar Voices choir, in association with the Rezonation                                                                      NZ Youth Piano Competition by internationally acclaimed soloist,
Choir from St Cuthbert’s College. Their ‘Epic Disney Love Story’ was                                                                      Lang Lang and Form 7 student Conroy Hu was awarded third place.
arranged and directed by Director of Music at St Cuthbert’s College,
                                                                                                                                          Chen is one of the School’s most accomplished pianists. Many
Mr Stewart Allan. Other highlights included Robert Main’s ‘Clash’
                                                                                                                                          young musicians work towards gaining a Grade 8 before they
performed by the Premier Concert Band, and Mozart’s challenging
                                                                                                                                          leave school. Chen passed his, with distinction, aged 12. At 13
‘Adagio’ and ‘Fugue for Strings’, played by the Grammar Virtuosi
                                                                                                                                          he came top in New Zealand in the Advanced Certificate of Piano
Chamber Orchestra.
                                                                                                                                          Performance and at 14, was an LTCL diploma holder, with distinction.
Special mention must be made of the outstanding performance of
                                                                                                                                          His achievements and scholarship awards include a top six placing
Addinsell’s “Warsaw Concerto” by Form 7 student, Conroy Hu. Hu’s
                                                                                                                                          in the Wallace Junior National Piano Competition and a third place
professionalism and musicality brought the Cathedral’s beautiful
                                                                                                                                          in the Ronisch Piano Competition, making him one of the finest
Steinway grand piano to life in a truly exceptional performance,
                                                                                                                                          young pianists in New Zealand. Chen plays piano with the Premier
sensitively accompanied by our Symphony Orchestra. Conroy went on
                                                                                                                                          Concert Band and flute with the Orchestra. He crossed stage and
to perform this work later with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra to                                                                                                                                               Grammar’s Chenxiao Chen (third from left) and Conroy Hu (far left)
                                                                                                                                          performed Debussy’s ‘Fireworks’ at assembly on May 24.
significant acclaim.                                                      Violinist, Tianmeng Tie.                                                                                                               receive awards at the 2016 Lang Lang NZ Youth Piano Competition.

18 AD AUGUSTA                                                                                                             OCTOBER 2016    OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                              AD AUGUSTA 19
ARTS AND CULTURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ARTS AND CULTURE

                                                                                                                                                                                                               GR AMMAR COMPOSERS WIN
 KOREAN CULTUR AL EVENING                                                                                                                     BATTLE OF THE BANDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                               NATIONAL RECOGNITION

                                                                                                                                            A Riff in Space and Time performing at the Battle of the Bands.    Lachlan Grant in the APO ‘Our Voice’ composition competition.

                                                                       The annual Korean Group Cultural Extravaganza, held over two
                                                                       nights at the Centennial Theatre at the start of Term 3, proved to
                                                                       be a great success. Students from Grammar and Epsom Girls’
                                                                       Grammar worked very hard during Term 2 and the July school
                                                                       holidays to ensure that the two full houses were entertained
                                                                       by a wide range of cultural items, including music, singing,
                                                                       modern dance, drama, nanta (drums) and the stunning fan dance.
Top: The nanta drums group; above, the entire Korean Group; and        Congratulations to the Grammar Korean leaders, Jaeho So and
                                                                                                                                            2016 Battle of the Bands winners Haphazard.                        Campbell MacKenzie, finalist in the ‘Play it Strange’ songwriting
above right, singer Minko Cho and the Korean Band.                     Taesoo Kim, for their part in this very special event.

                                                                                                                                            Our Battle of the Bands 2016 contest was stronger than ever        Form 6 student Lachlan Grant was awarded second place in
GR A MM A R STR ING QUA RTET                                           H A PH A Z A R D FOR HIR E                                           this year, with last year’s winners Vinyl up against seven other   a national competition for young composers by the Auckland
Bring a touch of Grammar excellence to your private event this         The winners of the 2016 Battle of the Bands Competition, 5-piece     Grammar Bands. These bands included Song of Time, A Riff In        Philharmonic Orchestra. His composition ‘A Moment for Flute and
summer!                                                                band Haphazard, went on to further success in the Auckland Jazz      Spacetime, Jello, Mr Sleep, Harsh Johnny and the Hot Knives,       Orchestra’ will be performed and recorded by the orchestra in
                                                                       and Blues Secondary School Competition, receiving one of only        Haphazard and Smokefree Rockquest regional finalists, Miracle.     their upcoming ‘Our Voice’ project. Further information is available
The Grammar String Quartet is available for hire for private
                                                                       three Platinum awards.                                                                                                                  on the APO website.
functions through Term 4 and the summer holidays at very                                                                                    The finale was held in the Centennial Theatre with New Zealand
competitive rates. Drawn from the ranks of our accomplished            This experienced band is available for hire for private functions    singer, Mr Michael Murphy, trombonist, Mr Jonathan Tan and         For the second consecutive year, a Grammar songwriter
Grammar Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, this experienced acoustic          through Term 4 and the summer holidays, and comes with               King’s School teacher, Mrs Emma Featherstone adjudicating.         has been named as a finalist in the national ‘Play It Strange’
group perform a variety of styles, from traditional music to lighter   glowing references. Haphazard has the skills and experience to       The night was a fantastic event that showcased not only the        songwriting competition. Form 6 student Campbell MacKenzie
jazz and popular favourites.                                           make any event a success, with an extensive repertoire, ranging      range of musicians at Grammar, but also the high calibre of the    has received a grant of up to $750 to create a professional
                                                                       from classic jazz standards to modern jazz and original jazz-        competition. Haphazard took out top honours with their mix of      recording of his song, which will then feature on the 2016 ‘Play
Please email your enquiry to Mr James Donaldson at
                                                                       influenced works.                                                    jazz and contemporary fusion music.                                It Strange’ compilation album.

20 AD AUGUSTA                                                                                                                OCTOBER 2016   OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                             AD AUGUSTA 21
Grammar students                                                                                   Celebrating Fukuoka Day with
                   giving back                                                                                         our exchange students
                 NUMBER OF CHARITABLE ORGANISATIONS.                                                                                    IN THE CELEBR ATIONS.

                              Their efforts provide practical        Prefects have raised over $1,000
                              support to those in need,              towards the cost of a $2,000
                              strengthen the School’s relationship   incubator and are working towards
                              with the wider community and,          raising the balance.
                              perhaps most importantly, are a
                                                                     The Prefect team also supported
                              means for students to appreciate
                                                                     the RSA at this year’s Poppy Day
                              that life should not just be about
                                                                     and the ANZAC Day Dawn Parade.
                              what you can acquire and gain, but
                                                                     The RSA presented Hogan Wang
                              also about what you can contribute
                                                                     with a certificate of appreciation
                              and give.
                                                                     and Wang said it was a pleasure
                              Charitable organisation ‘Duffy         and an honour to assist the RSA.
                              Books in Homes’ aims to promote
                                                                     Finally, the School’s Form 7
                              reading and improve literacy for
                                                                     Enrichment Programme offers
                              disadvantaged primary school                                                  The day involved a series of events held
                                                                     students the opportunity to work
                              students by providing books for                                               across Auckland, including a rugby match
                                                                     at a number of rest homes after
                              them in their homes. Grammar                                                  between Grammar and Seiryo High School,
                                                                     school, be an academic tutor at
                              Prefects have supported this charity                                          attended by the Mayor of Auckland and the
                                                                     the In-Zone Hostel, and work as a
                              for a number of years, and have                                               Mayor of Fukuoka, Japan.
                                                                     mentor to younger students. The
                              raised money through sausage
                                                                     uptake for these programmes has        This fixture marked the conclusion of a
                              sizzles and movie screenings. They
                                                                     been impressive, with more than        week-long exchange by Seiryo High School
                              have also donated a portion of the
                                                                     135 students from the Form 7           students who studied English at Grammar,
                              Prefects’ Ball income.
                                                                     cohort volunteering this year.         interacted with our students, received
                              Ray Avery’s ‘Keep Little Hearts                                               external coaching at the Auckland Rugby
                                                                     Associate Headmaster Senior
                              Beating’ Charitable Trust raises                                              Academy, and stayed with Grammar host
                                                                     School, Mr Damian Watson, says
                              funds for the purchase of                                                     families for a true New Zealand experience.
                                                                     many students comment that they
                              incubators to save the lives of
                                                                     have found their volunteer work        The programme was very successful for
                              premature babies in third world
                                                                     to be one of the most rewarding        students, hosts and staff alike in forging
                              countries. A group of Prefects
                                                                     aspects of their time at School, and   strong international relations. In turn, we
                              (led by Adam Clark and Nick
                                                                     that not only have they learnt about   plan to send a rugby development squad
                              Stankovich) volunteered to support
                                                                     others, but they have also learnt      to Fukuoka in December, 2017 to complete
                              the charity this year. Clark says it
                                                                     about themselves as a result.          the cycle of exchange. Fukuoka is Japan’s
                              was an opportunity to save lives in
                              countries where prematurely-born       Pictured from top: Prefects Mark       sixth largest city and one of the host cities
                              babies could die without access to     Simento and Jacob Johnson read         for the 2019 Rugby World Cup.
                              an incubator. “The fundraising has     to primary school students; Hogan      From top: both teams after the game;
                              been a very positive experience,”      Wang with Ms Lizzie Leuchars           Grammar won 15-10; the Mayor of
                              he says. “I hope what we’ve done       from SkyCity and Mr Mark Vella; a      Fukuoka with Headmaster, Mr Tim
                              challenges and inspires others to      sausage sizzle for the ‘Keep Little    O’Connor. (Top two photos taken by
                              get involved in charity work.” The     Hearts Beating’ Charitable Trust.      Andrew Huang ‘11).

22 AD AUGUSTA                                                                               OCTOBER 2016    OCTOBER 2016                                                       AD AUGUSTA 23

                                                                                                                                            ON EXTENDED LEAVE, MR MARK VELL A

       The Education Review Office’s                                                                                                        Associate Headmaster, Mr Mark Vella, has been granted two
                                                                                                                                            years’ leave to hold an Executive position at the Australian
                                                                                                                                            International School in Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam.

          thoughts on Grammar                                                                                                               Mark has very much influenced the School’s academic direction,
                                                                                                                                            standards and level of success during his tenure. He first taught
                                                                                                                                            History at Grammar, and was Form 4 Dean from 1985-1989. He
                                                                                                                                            then moved to Rutherford College on promotion to Head of Social
                                                                                                                                            Studies and History. He returned to Grammar in 1993 as Head of
            THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS ARE EXTR ACTS TAKEN FROM THE FULL                                                                        History and concluded an almost 23-year straight run of service,
                ERO REPORT ON AUCKL AND GR AMMAR SCHOOL, JUNE 2016.                                                                         accumulating a total of 28 years at the School.

                                                                                                                                            Mark taught history full time, at all levels, up until 1999. He also    2000, holding the Senior Master’s role, Director of Studies role
                                                                                                                                            headed the History marking panel, was an examiner for the Form          and Staff Representative’s role on the Board of Trustees from
                                                                                                                                            6 External Examinations pre-NCEA days, and filled the role of           1999-2002 and being the the Deputy Headmaster and Director
CONTEXT                                        Many older students are involved in            Old Boys are frequently involved in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of Studies from 2002-2014 and Associate Headmaster – Senior
                                               mentoring or tutoring junior boys to           School’s programmes through mentoring         Form 7 Dean.
The Board of Trustees and School leaders                                                                                                                                                                            School from 2015. In each of these positions, Mark’s influence on
                                               assist with their confidence-building,         and support initiatives, which bring          Mark has been an NZQA Bursary examination marker, a History
are committed to the School’s legacy,                                                                                                                                                                               the flagship status of academia at Grammar has been immense.
                                               achievement and self-esteem.                   expertise into the School from a variety of   Unit Standards Moderator, a member of the NCEA History
traditions and heritage. They are aware of                                                    backgrounds, experience and perspective.
                                               Within the School’s organisation there are                                                   Subject Expert Panel and an NCEA facilitator. In Cambridge              Mark has also been a great supporter of the extracurricular life of
relevant, future-focused trends in boys’
                                               processes for students to develop their        A very high proportion of students are        International Examinations, he was an examiner and marker               the School, coaching many rugby teams, managing junior tennis
education that emerge from national and
                                               own individual pathway to either university,   involved in a wide range of sporting          for AS NZ History, and he has been a member of the ACSNZ                teams and supporting Form 4 Camps, the Model United Nations
international research.
                                               further tertiary training or employment.       and cultural activities that help to build    Academic Panel, a group he chaired for 10 years.                        and the Headmaster’s Social Awareness Committee. We wish
Students identify strongly with the                                                           their sense of belonging to the School                                                                                him all the best in Vietnam.
                                               Students and teaching staff benefit from                                                     Mark has also been the NZQA Principal’s Nominee since 1999
School’s culture of high expectations,                                                        community. Numerous cultural activities
                                               learning relationships that are respectful                                                   and the Cambridge Examinations Officer for the School since             Pictured: Mr Mark Vella with his partner, Ms Rachel Candy.
success is underpinned by The Grammar                                                         and events, including many opportunities
Way, which emphasises the pursuit of           and reciprocal, and students at all levels
                                                                                              to learn and travel overseas, affirm boys’
academic excellence as a core value, the       of the School demonstrate a strong work
                                               ethic and a high level of engagement
                                                                                              identities and promote concepts of global     FAREWELL TO MR GR ANT HANSEN
School is very connected to its past and                                                      citizenship within the School’s ethos.
present community members, and the             with learning.                                                                               Grammar farewelled 25-year master, Mr Grant Hansen, at the end
School’s facilities and resources support
                                               CURRICULUM                                     EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS                           of August as he left the School to take up his new role as Deputy
high levels of student success.                                                               FOR MĀORI, AS MĀORI                           Headmaster at St Peter’s College.
                                               A positive School culture, an orderly
LEARNING                                       environment and an increasingly                The School continues to promote high          During his 25 years at Grammar, Grant made a hugely significant
                                               significant focus on student wellbeing         levels of educational success for Māori.      contribution to the School. Appointed by Headmaster John
Auckland Grammar School uses
                                               enhance the curriculum’s effectiveness.        Students are succeeding at comparable         Graham in 1989, Grant first joined us as an Assistant Physical
achievement information well to
                                               Curriculum plans in many departments           levels to the rest of the School in CIE and   Education master. He left in 1991 to teach and coach in Yorkshire
promote high levels of student progress
                                               are increasingly focused on critical and       NCEA qualifications.                          and returned in 1994 to become Master in Charge of Form 6 PE
and achievement.
                                                                                                                                            and Outdoor Education and Assistant Master at Tibbs House. In
There is a philosophical clarity about
                                               creative thinking and the use of digital       CONCLUSION                                    1996, Grant became Master in Charge of Cricket and Assistant
                                               technology to support and extend learning.
learning opportunities for all boys and this   New subjects are being introduced to           Auckland Grammar School continues             Sports Co-ordinator, before being appointed Head of Department
is a key expectation of School leaders         further expand the curriculum.                 to achieve high-quality educational           Physical Education in the same year. Between 2002-2006, Grant
and teachers. The extent to which this is                                                     outcomes for boys. High expectations          was Senior Housemaster, Tibbs House and Director of Rugby
realised is reflected in academic results      Boys initiate, participate in and                                                            coaching from 2003-2005. In 2006, he became Director of Sport,
                                                                                              for academic achievement are promoted
                                               contribute to a number of different                                                                                                                                  Grant was actively involved in the extracurricular life of Grammar.
for the senior school.                                                                        throughout the School. School leaders         a position he held for over 10 years. It was in this role and that of
                                               learning activities, pursuits and interests                                                                                                                          He coached the 1st XI Cricket for two seasons and coached
The School’s dual learning pathways cater                                                     are committed to the School’s legacy,         Acting Deputy Headmaster that many young men and staff relied
                                               inside and outside the classroom. The                                                                                                                                numerous rugby teams to Auckland Championships, including
well for the diversity of student strengths,                                                  traditions and heritage and also reference    on his extensive knowledge of secondary school sport.
                                               School has developed ways to facilitate                                                                                                                              the U15 team to National Champion status for three consecutive
interests and aspirations and a large                                                         national and international trends in
                                               many student-led interest areas that                                                         Grant was the staff representative on the Board of Trustees             years (1994-1996). Alongside these champion teams, he coached
majority of learners obtain qualifications                                                    boys’ education that lead to increased
                                               add enrichment to learning. Student                                                          from 2013 and was awarded the Headmaster’s Council Staff                Auckland age-grade teams and went on to coach the 1st XV from
and university entrance.                                                                      opportunity and pathways for success.
                                               voice is sought frequently for curriculum                                                    Scholarship in 1996, as well as many well-deserved sporting             1998-2005. This team became national semi-finalists in 2002.
The School continues to perform highly         changes, making learning more authentic        ERO is likely to carry out the next review    awards, including the ASB College Sport Award for Service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We thank Grant for his 25 years’ service to Auckland Grammar
in Scholarship examinations. In 2014, 157      and meaningful.                                in four-to-five years.                        to Sport, the NZSSC Award for Outstanding Service to New
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    School, and we wish him well in his new role.
scholarships were achieved and 140 were                                                                                                     Zealand School Sport and the Peter Sharp Sports Scholarship for
                                                                                                                                            Outstanding Service to Sport in 2013.                                   Pictured: Mr Grant Hansen speaks at his farewell.
gained in 2015.

24 AD AUGUSTA                                                                                                               OCTOBER 2016    OCTOBER 2016                                                                                                                AD AUGUSTA 25
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