PARENT INFORMATION HANDBOOK - 2018-2019 École Howden R2J 1L3 150 Howden Road Winnipeg, Manitoba - Louis Riel School ...

Page created by Jared Molina
PARENT INFORMATION HANDBOOK - 2018-2019 École Howden R2J 1L3 150 Howden Road Winnipeg, Manitoba - Louis Riel School ...

               École Howden
                    150 Howden Road
                    Winnipeg, Manitoba
                           R2J 1L3
                  Phone: (204) 257-0656
                    Fax: (204) 257-324
                  Twitter: @howdenLRSD
   Principal: Ron Cadez • Vice-Principal: Julie Robertson
PARENT INFORMATION HANDBOOK - 2018-2019 École Howden R2J 1L3 150 Howden Road Winnipeg, Manitoba - Louis Riel School ...
Table of Contents
Message from the Administration........................................................................................................................... 4
Louis Riel School Division ..................................................................................................................................... 5
   Contact Information ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Vision & Mission of the Louis Riel School Division ............................................................................................. 6
French Immersion Schools in the Louis Riel School Division ............................................................................... 6
École Howden’s Mission, Vision and Collective Commitments............................................................................ 4
Staff Assignments for the 2018-19 School Year .................................................................................................... 5
Information About École Howden .......................................................................................................................... 6
   Le français ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
   Late Arrivals ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
   Visitors to the School .......................................................................................................................................... 7
   Communication ................................................................................................................................................... 7
   Telephone ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
   Student Illness ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
   Nut /Peanut-Safe School and Other Food Allergens .......................................................................................... 9
   Medication .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
   Cell Phones and Electronic Equipment............................................................................................................... 9
   Dress Code .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
   Student Injuries ................................................................................................................................................. 10
   Fire and Evacuation Drills ................................................................................................................................ 10
   Recess ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
   Skateboards, Scooters, Bicycles and Roller Blades .......................................................................................... 10
Lunch Information ................................................................................................................................................ 11
   Lunch Program.................................................................................................................................................. 11
   Milk Program .................................................................................................................................................... 11
   Lunch Rules for Students .................................................................................................................................. 11
Parent Resources ................................................................................................................................................... 12
   École Howden Parent Advisory Council .......................................................................................................... 12
   Canadian Parents for French ............................................................................................................................. 12
Library and Media Services .................................................................................................................................. 13
Technology ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Physical Education ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Music Program ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
PARENT INFORMATION HANDBOOK - 2018-2019 École Howden R2J 1L3 150 Howden Road Winnipeg, Manitoba - Louis Riel School ...
Student Services .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Clinical Services Unit ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Homework Resources ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Code of Conduct ................................................................................................................................................... 18
2017-2018 École Howden School Calendar ..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Message from the Administration

Dear Parents and Students,

On behalf of the community of École Howden, we welcome you to our school! This handbook
provides an overview of our programs, services and policies. École Howden offers students the
opportunity to learn in a safe and caring environment. We are committed to providing a quality
education by providing a learning environment that fosters intellectual, social, emotional and
physical growth and development. We strive to work closely with our families to attain our goals
and encourage parents to become closely involved in their child’s educational journey.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by phone, e-mail,
or in person. Furthermore, please feel free to communicate with your child’s teacher to obtain
information on his/her achievement and well-being at school.

The staff at École Howden looks forward to working collaboratively with parents. We truly hope
that your time at École Howden will be stimulating, enriching and enjoyable. We thank you for
choosing École Howden for your child’s education.


Ron Cadez                                   Julie Robertson
Principal                                   Vice-Principal

Louis Riel School Division
Contact Information
900 St. Mary's Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2M 3R3
Telephone:     204-257-7827
Fax:           204-256-8553

The school Trustees of the Louis Riel School Board are:
          Louise Johnston
          Chris Sigurdson
          Cindy Turner
          Sandy Nemeth
          Tom Parker
          Dave Richardson
          Josie Landry
          Hugh Coburn
          Robert Page

Superintendent of schools: Duane Brothers

Assistant Superintendent responsible for École Howden: Christian Michalik

Vision & Mission of the Louis Riel School Division

                       The Louis Riel School Division aspires to develop

                               caring, literate and capable people

                      who value learning and strive to reach their potential

                                as they pursue the common good.

                   The Mission of the Louis Riel School Division is to foster

                        safe, inviting and inclusive learning environments

            and to develop responsible global citizens through respectful partnerships

                             between home, school and community.

        French Immersion Schools in the Louis Riel School Division

The Louis Riel School Division offers a French Immersion program which provides the
opportunity for students who possess little or no knowledge of the French language, upon entry
into the program. The program is designed for students whose families do not speak French, but
who want their children to learn French as a second language. Its goals are to help young people
proudly interact in French independently and spontaneously, and to see themselves as part of the
Francophone community. Additionally, French Immersion empowers young people to engage as
Canadian citizens in both official languages, thereby increasing their access to other languages
and cultures.

The French Immersion Program begins in Kindergarten and continues to Grade 12. The
academic content of the program is designed to be parallel to the English Language Program.
Instruction in Kindergarten & Grade 1 is entirely in French while in Grades 2 to 8 instruction is
75% in French and 25% in English. All communication between home and school is in English.

Nurturing curious minds . . . Dream, Discover, Inspire

École Howden provides a safe, inclusive and engaging learning environment. Through mutual respect and a
passion for learning, staff, parents and the school community work together to fulfill our commitment to high
levels of success for all of our children, as they grow and learn in our French milieu.

Guided by our mission, École Howden is committed to being a caring community where students, staff and
parents work collaboratively towards maximizing the full potential of each child. Our students will be engaged,
respectful and active learners, equipped with strong self-management skills, and driven by a clear sense of
social responsibility. They will become confident citizens who proudly and effectively learn and communicate
in French and English.

In order to fulfill our commitment to high levels of success for every child:
     School staff will work interdependently to engage all students and promote sustainable learning through
       innovative, systematic and research-based practices.

    Parents will partner with staff to provide authentic learning experiences for their children, both at home
     and through involvement in school life.

                                      Collective Commitments
In order to achieve the shared vision of our school, École Howden’s staff has made the following collective
    1. Model the French language and promote French-Canadian culture.

   2. Work collaboratively as equal participants to develop, implement and analyze school-based, common
      assessment tools to guide our practice.

   3. Apply assessment and instructional strategies that are based on sound research and promote academic

   4. Differentiate our practice in order to respond to the needs of the whole learner.

   5. Engage students in authentic tasks that connect them to their school, their community and beyond.

   6. Provide parents with resources, strategies and information to help their children succeed.

Staff Assignments for the 2018-19 School Year

Principal                                 Ron Cadez
Vice-Principal                            Julie Robertson
Kindergarten                Rms 1 & 2     Kim Eisner-Chao/Kristen McDowell
Grade 1                     Rm 5          Christa Banman/Kristen McDowell
Grade 1                     Rm 17         Jocelyne Buissé
Grade 1                     Rm 15         Karen Desender
Grade 2/3                   Rm 6          Courtney Lofto
Grade 2/3                   Rm 7          Michelle Lavallée-Poirier
Grade 2/3                   Rm 8          Alex Dzioba
Grade 2/3                   Rm 10         Jennifer Okun
Grade 4                     Rm 21         Jenelle Gagné
Grade 4                     Rm 19         Brittanie Kecman
Grade 4                     Rm 22         Scott Bodner
Grade 5/6                   Portable 1    Riley Curle
Grade 5/6                   Rm 23         Stephanie Wreszko
Grade 5/6                   Rm 24         Jonathan Shand/Kristyn Artibise
Administrative Secretary                  Julie Bonneau
Secretary                                 Susan Greco
Physical Education                        Paul Robidoux /Matt Gagné
Teacher Librarian                         Michelle Follows
Library Technician                        Monique Kiene
Music                       Rms 18 & 20   Linda Mandziuk
IPL                         Rm 4          Michelle Follows
Student Services                          Nicole Neveux, Kim Eisner-Chao, Julie Robertson
Educational Assistants                    Jo-Anne Bruneau, Mamadou Drabo, Joelyne Halipchuk
Custodians                                Dan Hébert, Charlie Sutherland, Gérald Syrenne

Information About École Howden

Le français
   • It is expected that students will speak in French to staff members in the school, on school
       outings and on the playground.
   • It is expected that students will speak to each other in French during all classes with the
       exception of English classes.
   • School assemblies will be primarily in French, however, portions may be in English in order
       to facilitate parental participation or non-French speaking presenters.

School Hours

                      The typical school day unfolds as follows:

                      First bell - Students enter           8:32
                      National anthem and announcements     8:42
                      Morning classes begin                 8:45
                      Morning recess                        10:15-10:30

                      Lunch                                 11:30-12:25
                      First bell - Students enter           12:25
                      Classes resume                        12:30
                      Afternoon recess                      2:00-2:15
                      Dismissal                             3:15

School office hours are from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

The Louis Riel School Division uses the six-day cycle. Please refer to the 2017-18 school year
calendar at the end of this handbook.

Reporting Absences
If for any reason your child will be absent or late for school, please phone the school at 204-257-
0656 or leave a message on the answering machine. If you do not report your absence prior to
the start of the school day, we will contact you at one of the phone numbers you have provided.
Please notify the school in advance if you expect your child to be absent from school for an
extended period of time.

Parents who prefer to notify the school of absences via email may do so by sending an email to
BOTH secretaries at the following addresses: and

Late Arrivals
A student who arrives after 8:42 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. must report directly to the office and receive
a late slip. Parents and guardians will be notified if their child is habitually late.

Visitors to the School
All parents/guardians or visitors must report to the office upon arrival. When picking up a child
for an appointment, or upon returning your child to school, please report to the office.

Parents are asked to meet their children outside or near the office. It is distracting for
students to see their parents waiting in the halls or around the classroom doors. This can also
create a safety concern.

Direct communication between home and school is essential to your child’s healthy education.
Teachers and the school administration will send out emails to parents on a regular basis to keep
parents informed. Our school also uses an automatic telephone system which will leave messages
regarding some school activities during the school year.

Parents are encouraged to keep in contact with their child’s teachers to keep apprised of their
child’s progress and any challenges that he/she may be facing. It is important for parents to
establish an efficient method of communication with the classroom teacher so that concerns can
be addressed in an efficient and timely manner.

In some cases, miscommunications occur and can be causes of concern. Whenever parents have
a concern, they should contact the person with whom they have the concern directly. If after
speaking with that person the concern remains unresolved, it would be appropriate to contact the
person’s immediate supervisor, as per the school division’s communication protocol. For
example, a concern with a child in the classroom should first be directed to the classroom
teacher. If that conversation does not resolve the concern, then the administration should be

Please refer to the divisional protocol for the resolution of concerns on the following page for
guidelines regarding communication and resolving any concerns parents may have.

Louis Riel School Division Protocol for the Resolution of Concerns
The Louis Riel School Division Protocol for resolving concerns or conflicts strives to maintain
positive, honest and respectful relationships to address misunderstandings that may occur
between members of its school community. When such misunderstandings occur, the central
priorities must be:
    • the best interests of students who may be affected by the misunderstanding;
    • providing opportunities for the person(s) most closely involved in the misunderstanding
         to resolve it promptly and conclusively.
Differences of opinion are a normal part of human relationships and offer opportunities for
communication, new learning and improved relationships.

In all cases, clear, timely and direct communication assists effective resolution of
    • When you have a concern regarding a matter involving your young person(s) and
        another student, beginning with your young person's classroom teacher may help. S/he
        may direct the inquiry further to another classroom teacher or the administration.
        However, you may believe the situation is more appropriately addressed by the
        administration team. If whomever you decide to consult about a conflict between students
        is not immediately available, leave phone numbers and times when the
        teacher/administrator can return your call.
    • If you have a concern involving a staff member, please contact that person as your
        first step. Again, if that person is not immediately available, leave information that will
        assist him/her to contact you. Once in contact with the staff member, state your concern
        as clearly and calmly as is possible. This is an opportunity to ensure that any missing
        information is provided to resolve the concern. Most, if not all, differences can be
        resolved satisfactorily at this level.
In either instance, if your concern is not satisfactorily resolved your next step is to speak with the
Principal or Vice-Principal at the school after informing the staff member that you intend to
do so. This action supports honest working relationships between parents/guardians and staff

The majority of concerns are resolved at the school level. However, if your concern remains
unresolved after discussion with the Principal or Vice-Principal, again after informing him/her
of your wish to do so, contacting the Superintendent's Department is appropriate.

If the concern cannot be resolved by contacting the Superintendent's Department, you may then
direct your concern, in writing, to the Louis Riel School Board. The School Board will respond,
usually following inquiries with the involved parties.

The School Board and the Superintendent's Department trust that this process will result in the
satisfactory resolution of those concerns which may, from time to time, arise between members
of our school community.

Your cooperation with this Protocol is helpful and appreciated. Communication is the key!

Contact:       Louis Riel School Board
Address:       900 St. Mary's Rd.
               Winnipeg, MB R2M 3R3

Students may use the telephone when a need arises. We would ask that this be limited to urgent
calls. Visits to friends’ home should be pre-arranged and parental permission obtained before
coming to school.

Student Illness
It is imperative that you notify the office if your child suffers from asthma, allergies or any other
special condition that could affect health or learning. Specific health forms must be filled out.

Nut /Peanut-Safe School and Other Food Allergens
Due to life threatening nut allergies for some students, nut products cannot be brought to
Classroom teachers who have students in their classes with life-threatening allergies to other
food products will inform all parents in the class which foods are prohibited at the beginning of
the school year. Our goal is to make the environment as safe as possible for everyone.

Provincial health regulations prohibit the administration of any medication without written
permission. Forms are available in the office. All medication must be stored in the office, and
administered according to an agreed-upon plan.

LRSD policy states that the first dosage of any new medication shall not be administered at
school. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure the first dosage of any medication has
been well tolerated before it will be administered at school. Students using Epipens must carry
their own Epipen at all times.

Personal Electronic Devices and Personal Property
Smartphones, laptops, iPads, tablets and other personal electronic devices can be great learning
tools. At École Howden, we only permit students to use their personal electronic devices in
Grades 5 and 6, and only for pedagogical purposes under the supervision of the classroom

Therefore, under all other circumstances and for all other students, personal electronic devices
are not to be brought to school. Furthermore, under all circumstances, students who bring any
personal property to school risk loss, damage and/or theft of their property. The school cannot
accept financial responsibility for such items.

Dress Code
Students are expected to dress appropriately. Short shorts, muscle shirts, spaghetti strap tops,
tank tops, cut-offs, beach wear and any questionable or offensive attire will not be permitted on
school premises. Clothing that exposes a student’s midriff or underwear is also not permitted at
school. Hats and toques must be removed upon entering the school. Appropriate attire gives the
message that learning is important and valued in our school. Should a student come to school
dressed inappropriately, parents will be advised the student will need to change clothing.

Student Injuries
If a student receives a minor injury such as a cut on the finger, the injury will be treated. If the
injury is more serious, parents or guardians will be contacted. It is very important to provide
the school with emergency contacts. Students who are recovering from an illness or major
injury may be allowed to stay in for recess for one day, provided they have a note. Otherwise it is
expected that if a child is well enough to be at school, he/she is also well enough to go out for

Fire and Evacuation Drills
All schools are required to hold 10 fire drills during the school year. These drills are for the
safety of children. The school floor plan with fire exits, alarm stations and extinguisher sites are
located throughout the school.

The Louis Riel School Division has established an evacuation policy to protect children in case
of an unforeseen emergency. The evacuation centre for École Howden students is CanadInns,
Windsor Park, 1034 Elizabeth Road. We practice an evacuation to CanadInns every September.
Parents will be notified in advance of this evacuation drill.

Each year, bus safety rules are reviewed with all students. Bus drivers are responsible for the
enforcement of these rules and we ask your cooperation in ensuring your child be respectful of
all safety rules.

The Louis Riel School Division recognizes that it is important for students to have outdoor
physical activity. However, the safety of students must be taken into account when dealing with
inclement weather.

Students may be allowed outside for a maximum of 15 minutes when the wind chill reaches -27.
Students will not be allowed outside for lunch or recess when the wind chill reaches -30.

Information will be taken from the Meteorological Station which is located at the airport. Current
weather information is available at

Skateboards, Scooters, Bicycles and Roller Blades
Skateboards, scooters and roller blades are not to be used on school property during school
hours. Students are responsible for bicycles or any other personal transportation they have
chosen to bring to school. Bicycles should be locked on the bike racks provided. Bicycles cannot
be brought into the school at any time.

Lunch Information
Lunch Program
All parents have the option of enrolling their sons and daughters in the lunch program. The cost
for this service is $75.00 per year per student. This fee is collected during the opening day
conferences at the beginning of the school year.

Tax receipts will be issued in February. Lunch fees apply to all students staying for lunch,
including bussed students. Occasional users will be charged $1.00 per child per day, payable
daily. This fee covers the costs of the supervisors required for the lunch program. Lunch
programs are not funded provincially and are not a mandated right.

Students registered in the lunch program must remain at school during lunch hour. If your child
needs to leave the school at lunch time for a special appointment, please send a note.

Students are expected to talk with their classmates in a soft speaking voice. Staff directives must
be obeyed at all times.

There are no kitchen facilities available for students. Therefore, students must bring lunches that
are ready to eat along with all necessary utensils.

Milk Program
A card containing 20 milk vouchers for $17.00 is exchangeable for white or chocolate milk. It is
recommended that milk cards be purchased in advance at the office.

Individual tickets may be purchased at lunch time at the cost of $1.00.

Lunch Rules for Students
  • Remain seated at their desk while they eat in the classroom
  • Use a “speaking voice” when talking to others during lunch time.
  • Raise their hand and ask a lunch supervisor for help if required.
  • Put their garbage in the garbage or recycling container upon leaving the room.
  • Listen to and co-operate with the lunch supervisors indoors and outdoors at all times.

Parent Resources
École Howden Parent Advisory Council
Communication between home and school is crucial to a healthy education. It is important that all
members of our school family have the opportunity to share their ideas, opinions and concerns
with the school. All parents are welcome to participate in all monthly Parent Council meetings.
Parents are welcome to contact the PAC by email at

Canadian Parents for French
The Louis Riel School Division community has a C.P.F. chapter. For further information, please
access their website at

Library and Media Services
The school library is an essential component of the education process. It is an extension of the
classroom and can promote independent learning skills and lifelong reading habits.

Book Exchange: Students will have the opportunity to exchange library books during class time.
All library materials are normally borrowed for a one-week period. All borrowed materials must
be well cared for and returned when due.

Overdue Items: Students will receive three notifications when books or other materials have not
been returned to the library by the due date. If the material is not returned, a bill will be sent to
the parents of the student. Any payment made by parents will be refunded if the item is returned.
Library privileges will be suspended until books or money are received.

Holidays: Students may sign out books one week prior to Winter and Spring breaks so they can
enjoy reading them during the holidays.

                              School-Provided Technology
Students have access to computers, iPads and other tools in class to use as a knowledge base and
research tool to extend their learning and as a communication and creation tool to express their
learning. Teachers schedule times for use the laptop computer cart or set of iPads for their
classes. All students using the Internet must have an Acceptable Use Document-Internet consent
form signed by a parent/guardian.

                                     Physical Education
Lifelong physical activity is essential to both physical and mental health and well-being.
Kindergarten to Grade 3 classes will focus on basic movement skills, while Grades 4 through 6 will
address skills needed for a variety of sports and activities. Games, fair play, and team-building are
strongly emphasized. Fitness activities which incorporate muscular strength, muscular endurance,
flexibility and cardiovascular fitness will also be taught. An appreciation for personal health will be
promoted, and students will develop an understanding of the benefits of regular physical activity.

Students in Grades 2 to 6 need gym clothing in a gym bag (t-shirt, shorts, socks and runners).
Students in Kindergarten to Grade 1 require runners only (no gym clothing required).

Music Program
Music lies at the core of every culture. One of the fundamental purposes of music education is to
transmit our culture to the next generation. Music is one of the most glorious manifestations of our
cultural heritage.

At École Howden, our music program is based on the following goals:
   • Help students develop their aesthetic potential;
   • Help students read, write, and understand music so that it may provide a lifelong source of
   • Foster creativity;
   • Develop aural, visual, listening and motor skills;
   • Encourage correct vocal production skills, and percussion instrumental technique;
   • Help students become acquainted with their own culture, as well as other cultures;
   • Encourage social development and practice teamwork;
   • Develop the ability to communicate in French through the medium of music.

                                      Student Services
The Student Services Program exists to provide students with equal opportunities to learn and
succeed. The Student Services staff functions as a support to the classroom teacher and, depending
on the student's needs, may develop a collaborative action plan to be applied in or out of the regular

Requests for assistance can be initiated by students, staff, parents, guardians or administration.
Following referrals, pertinent data on students may be collected through observations, student and
parent interviews, teacher conferences or analysis of student work, and testing. Action plans may be
developed by a team comprised of the student, parent(s), guardian(s) teacher(s), other specialists and

If you are experiencing health, family or personal issues that could affect your child(ren)'s
learning and behaviour, please contact your child’s teacher or the school administration.

Clinical Services Unit
The Louis Riel School Division is committed to fostering student success. The Clinical Services
Unit (CSU) is an essential component in that process. Its staff members provide additional
support and expertise for students, staff and families, and share their services among the
Division's schools.
   • School Psychology Services
   •   School Social Workers
   •   Speech-Language Pathologists
    • Therapy Services
Student success is the responsibility of all members of the divisional community. A student
referral to CSU may occur following a process of discussion and consultation which includes
parents, and the appropriate school personnel. As all services are voluntary, parents and
guardians must provide written consent. Referrals may stem from student progress reports and
conferences, parental concerns or classroom observations.

Parents are encouraged to support ongoing communication between the home and the school, as
these conversations help to identify student needs and are vital to successful student learning.

Homework Resources
Skills for School Success
Success in school is highly correlated to behavior, organization skills, and learning strategies.
                                           School Behaviors
             Before Class                    During Class                      After Class
             Arrive on time             Follow classroom rules            Take materials home
           Enter in a pleasant,             Listen carefully              Complete homework
              quiet manner                                                 Place in school bag
         Bring materials to class        Work during class                Bring homework back
         Get ready for learning          Ask for assistance
                                       Move quickly and quietly
                                           to new activity
                                        Organizational Skills
     • Organization of materials (e.g. use of binder and duo tangs)
     • Organization of time (e.g. use of agenda, scheduling work)
     • Organization of content on paper (e.g. headings, margins)
                                       Learning Strategies
 Gaining information – Strategies for:
    • Reading expository material (e.g. science/social studies-based, factual)
    • Reading narrative material (e.g. novels and stories)
    • Listening to presentations (lectures, demonstrations)
 Demonstrating knowledge or skills – Strategies for:
    • Completing daily assignments
    • Answering written questions
    • Writing a variety of texts
    • Preparing for and taking tests
    • Completing daily assignments
    • Answering written questions

* Taken from: Advanced Skills of School Success by Anita Archer, PhD and Mary Gleason, PhD.

Supporting Your Child in Completing His/Her Homework
If your child is in the primary grades:
    • At homework time, have your child go to his/her homework area.
    • Ask your child to show you any assignments that he/she needs to do.
    • Have the child explain the assignment or demonstrate one item.
    • If your child does not understand the assignment, read the directions to your child or with
        your child.
    • Ask your child to explain what he/she is to do.
    • You may wish to show your child how to do one item.
    • Check back occasionally.
    • Acknowledge your child’s efforts.
    • Answer your child’s questions.
    • At the end of homework time, examine the completed assignments.

If your child is in the intermediate grades:
    • At homework time, have your child go to his/her homework area.
    • Tell your child that you will be available to assist her/him if she/he requested that assistance.
    • Assist in creating a climate conducive to homework completion.

Common Questions
1. Should I sit with my child during the entire homework session?
No. Teachers do not expect parents to sit with their child during the entire length of time needed to
complete assignments. Help your child get started and check back with your child. Give assistance
as needed and/or requested.

2. What if my child cannot do the assignment?
First, read the directions and any explanatory material on the assignment. Next, explain the
assignment to your child and have him/her try an item. If the child still cannot do the assignment,
teach your child using the following steps:
   •   I DO IT (Do the first item.)
   •   WE DO IT (Do the second item with your child.)
   •   YOU DO IT (Child attempts on his/her own.)

Use the same vocabulary as the assignment explanations. If your child still cannot do an assignment,
write a note to the teacher asking him/her to review the assignment with your child.

3. My child says he/she has no homework.
That’s totally fine and should not be cause for concern. Research has shown that doing homework
just for homework’s sake is unproductive and does not increase learning. Homework that is targeted,
doable and that actually gets done has been proven to be most effective. On nights when there is no
homework, have your child read and use the free time to relax, participate in other activities and
spend time together as a family. All of those options are arguably as important as homework.

Code of Conduct
School Expectations
École Howden wishes to ensure that its school is a welcoming, safe and caring school
community – an environment where effective teaching and learning can occur. It is expected that
all students will conduct themselves appropriately at school as well as at divisional sponsored
activities in the larger community.

Attributes of appropriate behaviour include, but are not limited to:
    • respect for self and others;
    • empathy;
    • cooperation;
    • courtesy;
    • responsibility;
    • honesty.

Conflict is a natural part of the growth process. When issues arise they will be dealt with promptly
and fairly. Students will be expected to participate actively in the resolution of conflicts or problems.
Responses to behaviour occur with consideration for individual needs and circumstances.

Effective behaviour management strategies:
    • promote self-discipline;
    • are pro-active;
    • consider developmental differences;
    • are based on fair and equitable treatment;
    • support constructive behaviour change;
    • respect the findings of educational research;
    • consider the safety and welfare of the school community.

Adults have the responsibility to model for students those attributes and behaviours which support a
positive learning environment. Parents and Guardians play a significant role in shaping their child’s
behaviour and attitudes and therefore a constructive partnership with the home is crucial.

The following regulations are taken from the Public Schools Act:
   • Pupils and staff must behave in a respectful manner and comply with the code of conduct
   • Bullying, abusing physically, sexually or psychologically, orally, in writing, or otherwise, of
       any person, is unacceptable
   • Discriminating unreasonably on the basis of any characteristic set out in subsection 9 (2) of
       The Human Rights Code is unacceptable
   • Pupils and Staff must adhere to school policies respecting appropriate use of electronic mail
       and the Internet, including the prohibition of material that the school has determined to be

Interventions for behavioural problems are guided by the Louis Riel School Division’s Positive
Behaviour Support Administrative Guideline JK which can be found by following the link below:

2018-2019 École Howden School Calendar
September 2018
Monday       September 3          Labour Day – NO CLASSES
Tuesday      September 4          Administration Day and Opening Day Conferences – NO CLASSES
Wednesday    September 5          Opening Day Conferences – NO CLASSES
Thursday     September 6          First day of classes (Grades 1-6)                           Early
Monday       September 17         Professional Development Day – NO CLASSES                 Dismissal
                                                                                           (2:15 PM)
October 2018
Wednesday      October 3          1st dose Vaccinations (Gr.6 HPV)
Monday         October 8          Thanksgiving – NO CLASSES
Friday         October 19         SAGE Day – NO CLASSES
Monday         October 22         Picture Day                                            September 25
                                                                                          October 23
November 2018                                                                            November 27
Friday       November 2           Professional Development Day – NO CLASSES              December 21
Friday       November 9           Remembrance Day Assembly                                January 22
Tuesday      November 13          Picture Retakes (PM)                                    February 26
Friday       November 16          Report cards sent home                                   March 19
Wednesday    November 21          Student Progress Conferences                              April 23
Thursday     November 22          Student Progress Conferences
Friday       November 23          Divisional Professional Development Day – NO CLASSES
                                                                                            May 28
                                                                                            June 28
December 2018
Monday       December 10          Winter Concert I at ATC (Participating classes TBA)
Tuesday      December 11          Winter Concert II at ATC (Participating classes TBA)
Friday       December 21          Early Dismissal at 2:15 (Winter Break begins)

January 2019
Monday       January 7            Classes resume after Winter Break

February 2019
Friday        February 1          Professional Development Day – NO CLASSES
Monday        February 18         Louis Riel Day – NO CLASSES

March 2019
Friday         March 15           Professional Development Day – NO CLASSES
Wednesday      March 20           Student Portfolio Evening
Friday         March 22           Last day of school before Spring Break

April 2019
Monday         April 1            Classes resume after Spring Break
Friday         April 19           Good Friday – NO CLASSES
Wednesday      April 24           Senior’s Day
Friday         April 26           Divisional Professional Development Day – NO CLASSES

May 2019
Wednesday      May 1              2nd dose Vaccinations (Gr. 6 HPV)
Friday         May 10             Professional Development Day – NO CLASSES
Monday         May 20             Victoria Day – NO CLASSES

June 2019
Friday         June 14            Professional Development Day – NO CLASSES
Thursday       June 27            Report cards sent home
Friday         June 28            Early Dismissal at 2:15 (Last day of school)

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