Patuxent Ripple April 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203

Page created by Gene Patel
Patuxent Ripple April 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
April 2021                                     

                     Patuxent Ripple
                      Patuxent Council 2203 Knights of Columbus • Laurel, MD

Grand Knight’s Report by Kyle Hubbard
                        Greetings Worthy Brothers!          7,000 lbs. of food, valued at more than $9,600. The
                        He is Risen, Alleluia!              March distribution also marked a milestone: $1 mil-
                            As we reflect on this past      lion in food distributed during the 25 years Patuxent
                        Lenten Season and the cele-         Council has served as a SHARE Host Site. The event
                        bration of Easter, let us re-       received media coverage from ABC 7 and WTOP.
                        member that, as Knights of             Our Fish Fries, have come to an end for this year,
                        Columbus, we are called to          but were a huge success, raising in excess of $5600
                        be the bearers of the Good          for Council programs and the Parish. Thank you to
                        News of the Resurrection            all the volunteers that have supported the Drive-th-
                        through our lives of Charity,       ru Fundraiser throughout the year! We will look to
Unity, Fraternity, and self-sacrificing service.            continue this effort on a limited basis throughout
   The Founder’s Day Mass and Awards Ceremo-                the summer.
ny was held Sunday, March 21st at Our Lady of the              In addition to our spring/summer drive-thru
Fields Church in Millersville, MD. Several of our           fundraisers, other recently planned Council events
Council Community Award winners were recog-                 on the horizon include our annual Tootsie Roll
nized by the State Council for their service to the         Drive to support those with intellectual disabilities
St. Mary’s and Laurel community, including: Citi-           (April 17th - 18th; May 1st – 2nd), a concert to ben-
zen - Phyllis Williams, Healthcare Worker - Rober-          efit Christian Refugee Relief (May 22nd), and a Red
ta Patishnock, Catechist - Kristy Castonguay, Fire-         Cross-sponsored Blood Drive (June 26th). So be on
fighter/EMT - Kali Ducre, as well as our Family of          the lookout for further information on these and
the Year – the Williams’. Overall, Patuxent Council         other events!
took home five of the eight awards distributed by              As always, please recruit! All prospective mem-
the State, a very impressive showing. This level of         bers that register between now and 30 June will re-
recognition is remarkable, particularly given the           ceive a first-year membership for free! Simply have
unusual circumstances under which we have oper-             your recruit use the promo code MCGIVNEY2020
ated this past year.                                        at, and they will enjoy free
   The SHARE distribution on Saturday, March                membership for a full year.
27th was our largest monthly distribution ever.                Thanks, as always, for your unending support
More than 40 volunteers helped distribute over              and service to the Council!

Serving Others is Faith in Action
                            Council Meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m.
           Meeting Location: Kutzera Room of the Keesler Parish Center, 800 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707
                   Mailing Address: K of C Patuxent Council 2203, P.O. Box 95, Laurel, MD 20725
Patuxent Ripple April 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
SHARE Food Program by Jimmy Williams, PGK                                Lecturer Reflection
Council Distributes Over 7,000 Pounds of Food Through Easter
                                                                         by Gary Patishnock, PGK, PFN, Lecturer
SHARE; Drive-Thru Food Pantry                                            Let me apologize up front for the initial cynicism and sar-
On Saturday, March 27th, Brother Knights, family members, and            casm. “Why should Joe Catholic join the Knights of Colum-
friends of Patuxent Council distributed approximately 7,164 pounds       bus?” Would someone at Supreme talk about the need to
of food to those in need through our monthly SHARE Food program.         grow member numbers, service hours and other raw data?
About 4,100 pounds was distributed as part of our regular SHARE dis-     Would a State Deputy speak of membership quotas? A Grand
tribution, and another 3,000+ pounds was distributed during a special    Knight or Financial Secretary bemoan the need for dues, in-
drive-thru food pantry which was open to the public. As announced        surance members and making Star Council?
during the distribution, our Council also surpassed an estimated $1         By now you have figured out that these are neither reasons
million in food distributed during our 25 years as a SHARE Host Site.    to join nor reasons to remain Knights. Instead, think about
    Our SHARE Coordinators, Phyllis Williams, Jimmy Williams, and        the reasons Joe Catholic might give to join – or the reasons
Rick Askins, extend their thanks to the nearly 50 volunteers who par-    he would give if only he was aware of the personal, family and
ticipated throughout the day. Special thanks to Kay Decker for her       spiritual benefits. In many ways, a Knight recruiter is a sales-
amazing lunch spread, including sausage, roast beef, and Italian wraps   man – who and what sold you to be a Knight of Columbus?
plus COVID-safe individually prepared bags of fruit and other good-      More importantly, why do you remain active?
ies. We appreciate her keeping us fueled as we collectively put in 215      OK, I recognize that the end of the fraternal year will soon
volunteer hours over the course of the day.                              be upon us. Next month in my penultimate story I’ll tell you
    The event received excellent coverage in the media. ABC 7 came       a personal tale about achieving and surpassing goals and quo-
to the Keesler Center for a live interview with Phyllis during Good      tas. Here’s a hint: regardless of the product, what makes a
Morning Washington and ran a story during the 6 p.m. local news          good salesman become a great salesman – or recruiter?
featuring an interview with Jim Penrose. WTOP’s Dick Uliano
came out later in the day and wrote this article:
food-pantry/. WTOP also included the story in its news rotation in
the late afternoon/early evening.

April SHARE:
April SHARE is Saturday, April 24th. Warehouse volunteers should
report for a 7:30 a.m. departure. All other volunteers, please arrive
to the Keesler Center by 8:45 a.m. Over the last several months,                               For our sick
the Warehouse team has been returning to the Keesler Center as ear-           We pray for the healing, comfort and consolation of
ly as 8:40 a.m. With the Saturday morning Mass no longer in the                         our sick, and their caretakers:
Keesler Center, we are able to get started right away and request your                           Pete Kutzera
presence 15 minutes sooner so we can pray, make announcements,                                  Sophie Hoover
and start offloading the food.                                                                   Karin Krause
                                                                                                 Grace Walker
October 2020 SHARE Video from the Supreme Council:                                                Steve Baker
For those of you who were at October 2020 SHARE, you will recall                                  Dean Turek
the Supreme Council sent a film crew to make a video about our                                  Ray Turek, Jr.
SHARE Program. Supreme has finally published that video! Check                                    Jane Turek
it out on Youtube:                                        Rosie McLeod
JcjIOAg                                                                                         Kathy Holden
                      or click here

                                                                                           For our deceased
                                                                                  We offer prayers for the repose of their souls.
                                                                                             May they rest in peace:
                                                                                                Theresa Higdon
                                                                                                  Carol Wise
                                                                                                Marie Simmons

Patuxent Ripple April 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
St. Mary Parish, Tambura
                                                                     Augustine B. Nwabueze, DGK
                                                                 This month we highlight photos taken by Rev.
                                                                 Fr. Leonard showing His Lordship Bishop
                                                                 Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of South Sudan
                                                                 working with his flocks as they mold blocks
                                                                 for building the School, Church and Rectory of
                                                                 their Parish.
                                                                 Also shown is their church where they hold
                                                                 Mass, Adoration and Benediction.
                                                                     These pictures come from Fr. Leonard in
                                                                 South Sudan, whose efforts to help build up
                                                                 the Church in Africa we have supported over
                                                                 the past few years. At our April 13 business
                                                                 meeting, we voted to donate $500 in Fish Fry
                                                                 proceeds to help fund the efforts to continue
                                                                 building this church in South Sudan.

Family of the Month March 2021
Patuxent Council No. 2203 is pleased to recognize the
Kudwa family – Bill, Pam, and their sons Jack (age 17),
Luke (16), & Matthew (11) – as its Family of the Month
for March 2021. As a family, the Kudwas regularly assist
with the Council’s monthly SHARE food distributions –
providing low cost or free food packages for food-insecure
parishioners and community members. Prior to the
CoViD pandemic, Bill, Jack, & Luke regularly worked the
University of Maryland concessions fundraisers, enabling
the Council to fund our many Faith in Action programs.
Jack also helped with our council’s barbeque-to-go drive-
through dinner fundraiser last summer. In support of
our parish, both Jack & Luke usher at Sunday Masses on
a weekly basis. Patuxent Council & St. Mary of the Mills
Parish are grateful for the Kudwa family’s dedication &
service to our parish & the greater Laurel community.

Patuxent Ripple April 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
Patuxent Council 2203 Calendar                       24     Rosary for Life
                                                            8:00pm – 8:30pm, VIRTUAL
(as of April 22, 2021)
All dates are tentative due to the COVID-19 crisis
                                                     26     SHARE Distribution
                                                            8:45am – 11:00am; Keesler Center
April                                                30     Elizabeth House
22    Rosary for Life                                       4pm – 5pm
      8:00pm – 8:30pm, VIRTUAL
24    SHARE Distribution
      9:00am – 11:00am, Keesler Center               April Birthdays
29    Rosary for Life                                James J. Fischetti                                    April 1
      8:00pm – 8:30pm, VIRTUAL                       Rev. Jacob C. George                                  April 3
                                                     Dante Antonioni                                       April 4
May                                                  Ronald W. Savoie                                      April 4
1     123rd Annual State Convention
      All Day Event; VIRTUAL                         Andrew T. Magno                                       April 6
                                                     Peter E. Monti                                        April 8
4     Planning Meeting
      7:30pm – 8:30pm; HYBRID                        Izuchukwu F. Nwadike                                  April 9
                                                     Erik K. Washam                                        April 10
6     Rosary for Life
      8:00pm – 8:30pm, VIRTUAL                       Joseph D. Dvorsky                                     April 12
                                                     Raoul T. Paez                                         April 13
9     Mother’s Day
                                                     Brian P. Switalski                                    April 14
10    Newsletter items Monthly Submission Deadline   Hon Habib A. Konate                                   April 15
11    Business Meeting                               Stephen D. Hubbard                                    April 19
      7:30pm-8:30pm, HYBRID                          Stephen J. Wallace                                    April 28
15    St. Mary’s Bull Roast; TBD                     Michael J. Keating                                    April 29
15    Little Sisters of the Poor                     Lawrence B. Krieger                                   April 29
      10:00am, Keesler Center                        Nick .J Bagileo                                       April 30
18    Social Meeting, Fraternal Benefits Night       Donald P. Kutzera Jr.                                 April 30
      7:30pm – 8:30pm, HYBRID
19    McNamara Chapter Meeting, Elections
      8:00pm, Dr. John Henry Griffin, Waldorf        Patuxent Council 2203 Officers
20    Rosary for Life                                Chaplain Fr. Larry Young                   
      8:00pm – 8:30pm, VIRTUAL                       Assoc. Chaplain Fr. Christian Huebner
22    SHARE Distribution                             Asst. Chaplain Deacon Bob Gignilliat          
      8:45am – 11:00am; Keesler Center               Asst. Chaplain Deacon Jim Munno          
27    Rosary for Life                                GK Kyle S Hubbard                     
      8:00pm – 8:30pm, VIRTUAL                       DGK Augustine Nwabueze             
June                                                 Chancellor Richard Stevick                 
1     Planning Meeting                               Recorder Frederick Krutz Jr                  
      7:30pm – 8:30pm; HYBRID                        Treasurer Marc Alvarez                       
3     Rosary for Life                                Advocate Ted Gambogi                 
      8:00pm – 8:30pm, VIRTUAL                       Warden Patrick Onyekweli                    
5     Soccer Shoout-Out!                             Inside Guard Adam Novak                     
8     Business Meeting                               Outside Guard Reinhard Borchardt 
      7:30pm-8:30pm, HYBRID                          1-Year Trustee Arthur Blenkle                     
10    Newsletter items Monthly Submission Deadline   2-Year Trustee Gerard Gager                   
                                                     3-Year Trustee Stephen Hubbard             
10    Rosary for Life
      8:00pm – 8:30pm, VIRTUAL                       FS Bob Tenney                           
                                                     Lecturer Gary Patishnock           
15    Social Meeting
      7:30pm – 8:30pm, HYBRID                        Field Agent Steve Clites                 

16    McNamara Chapter Meeting
      8:00pm, James C. Fletcher, Jr., Largo               Submissions
17    Rosary for Life                                     This newsletter is published on or about the 15th of every
                                                          month. If you have an article you would like to submit for publi-
      8:00pm – 8:30pm, VIRTUAL                            cation, please submit to GK Kyle Hubbard at hubbard.kyle@
19    Little Sisters of the Poor                 and Brother Erik Washam at ekwasham@gmail.
      10:00am, Keesler Center                             com for review. Please limit submissions to 250-275 words.

Patuxent Ripple April 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203 Patuxent Ripple April 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203 Patuxent Ripple April 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203 Patuxent Ripple April 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
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