Personalizing User Engagement Dynamics in a Non-Verbal Communication Game for Cerebral Palsy

Personalizing User Engagement Dynamics in a Non-Verbal Communication Game for Cerebral Palsy
Personalizing User Engagement Dynamics
                                                      in a Non-Verbal Communication Game for Cerebral Palsy
                                                                           Nathaniel Dennler1 , Catherine Yunis2 , Jonathan Realmuto3 ,
                                                                            Terence Sanger3 , Stefanos Nikolaidis1 , and Maja Matarić1

                                            Abstract— Children and adults with cerebral palsy (CP) can              participants over weakly embodied agents, such as computers
                                         have involuntary upper limb movements as a consequence of                  (see review by Deng et al. [9]). Socially, we investigate how
                                         the symptoms that characterize their motor disability, leading             the feedback provided by the agent throughout the game
                                         to difficulties in communicating with caretakers and peers. We
                                         describe how a socially assistive robot may help individuals               affects participant engagement. Understanding how robots
arXiv:2107.07446v1 [cs.RO] 15 Jul 2021

                                         with CP to practice non-verbal communicative gestures using                can effect engagement dynamics is an under-explored area
                                         an active orthosis in a one-on-one number-guessing game. We                of human-robot interaction (HRI) [10].
                                         performed a user study and data collection with participants                  Both physical and social factors are investigated through a
                                         with CP; we found that participants preferred an embodied                  user study of participants with CP. We found that participants
                                         robot over a screen-based agent, and we used the participant
                                         data to train personalized models of participant engagement                preferred interacting with the SAR compared to a screen-
                                         dynamics that can be used to select personalized robot actions.            based agent but did not observe any significant differences
                                         Our work highlights the benefit of personalized models in the              in engagement levels between the two conditions, which
                                         engagement of users with CP with a socially assistive robot and            we attribute to individual differences in how participants
                                         offers design insights for future work in this area.                       responded to the robot’s actions, as detailed in Section V-
                                                                 I. I NTRODUCTION                                   B. To explore user engagement further, we then developed
                                                                                                                    a probabilistic model for personalizing the robot’s actions
                                            Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most prevalent motor
                                                                                                                    based on an individual participant’s responses to the robot,
                                         disorders in children [1], affecting around 0.2%-0.3% of all
                                                                                                                    and show in simulation that this improves the users’ engage-
                                         live births in the United States [2]. The main symptom of
                                                                                                                    ment levels compared to models that are not personalized.
                                         CP is involuntary muscle contractions that lead to repetitive
                                                                                                                    Together, the results of this work indicate the promise of
                                         movements [3] which can greatly affect a child’s ability to
                                                                                                                    personalized SAR for helping individuals with cerebral palsy
                                         communicate with caregivers and peers [4]. This symptom
                                                                                                                    to practice non-verbal communication movements.
                                         necessitates the use of active orthoses to facilitate proactive
                                         communication and to aid in motor rehabilitation [5].                                          II. R ELATED W ORK
                                            Retraining motor skills, however, requires repetitive and
                                                                                                                       Engagement is a key factor in measuring the quality
                                         lengthy sessions to be effective [6]. In children especially,
                                                                                                                    of HRI scenarios [10], and in particular has been studied
                                         this can lead to disengagement with the therapeutic ac-
                                                                                                                    extensively as means of maintaining user interest [11]. User-
                                         tivity, negatively affecting functional outcomes. Thus, we
                                                                                                                    specific perceptual models to identify user engagement have
                                         aim to facilitate engaging therapeutic activities through the
                                                                                                                    been explored in the context of the autism spectrum disorder
                                         development of an engaging game between a participant
                                                                                                                    [12]–[14], where user behavior varies significantly due to
                                         and a socially assistive robot (SAR) [7] [8]. The robot
                                                                                                                    personal differences. These personal differences are also
                                         encourages the participant to perform (and therefore practice)
                                                                                                                    present in CP populations, where there is a great variance
                                         non-verbal communicative gestures while providing social
                                                                                                                    between individuals in how motor function is impacted.
                                         reinforcement as the participant makes progress in the game.
                                                                                                                       Consequently, there has been an emphasis on developing
                                            This work explores the effect of both physical and social
                                                                                                                    personalized user models to facilitate interactions (see re-
                                         factors of the interaction design on the ability to effec-
                                                                                                                    views by Clabaugh et al. [15] and Rossi et al. [16]). Person-
                                         tively engage participants. Physically, we investigate the
                                                                                                                    alized interactions have shown promising results in various
                                         embodiment of the agent that delivers the game. Several
                                                                                                                    domains, ranging from rehabilitation [17] to robot tutoring
                                         recent works have described the positive effect of strongly
                                                                                                                    systems [18], by implementing robot action selection based
                                         embodied agents, such as robots, on the engagement of
                                                                                                                    on personalized user models; however, few have studied
                                            1 Nathaniel Dennler, Stefanos Nikolaidis, and Maja Matarić are from    engagement dynamics.
                                         the Computer Science Department at the University of Southern Cali-           A review of several studies [19] concludes that SARs
                                         fornia in Los Angeles, CA {dennler, nikolaid, mataric}                     have been effective for clinical populations diagnosed with
                                           2 Catherine Yunis is from the Biomedical Engineering Depart-             CP, demonstrating that physical robots can elicit positive
                                         ment at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA           responses from users with CP who are performing repetitive
                                                                                            physical exercise tasks. Robots as partners in game-like
                                            3 Jonathan Realmuto and Terence Sanger and are from the Electrical
                                         Engineering and Computer Science Department at University of California,   therapeutic physical activities have been shown to create en-
                                         Irvine in Irvine, CA {jrealmut, tsanger}                           gaging experiences for users and lead to increased motivation
Fig. 1: Study setup. The participants used non-verbal gestures to communicate with the robot or computer screen, depending
on the experiment condition. The external 3D camera collected real-time participant hand movement data used by the robot.

                                                                                                  was controlled by a Beaglebone microprocessor [24], actu-
       Robot Agent,            Robot Agent,            Screen Agent,        Participant Choice,
       Orthosis Off            Orthosis On              Orthosis On            Orthosis On        ated with a compressed air tank, and was attached to the
       (Max 10 min)            (Max 10 min)             (Max 10 min)         (Unlimited time)
                                                                                                  participant with Velcro strips for facile donning and doffing
                      1+ min                  Robot                    Screen                     [5]. The orthosis was worn throughout the session and was
                      Break                   Rating                   Rating
                                                                                                  not a manipulated variable in the experiment.
                                                                                                     The participant’s thumb angle was measured by an RGBD
  Fig. 2: Stages of the within-subject experiment design.                                         camera and transmitted through a ROS network [25]. A
                                                                                                  webcam placed on the table in front of the participant
                                                                                                  captured and recorded the participant’s facial expressions.
[20]. The importance of engagement is emphasized in stud-                                         An emergency stop button was provided to the participant
ies involving movement exercises for CP, and quantitative                                         for terminating the interaction at any point.
measures of engagement are well-established for this context
[21]. Given the success of using SARs with this population,                                       B. Interaction Design
we aim to understand how SARs can shape user engagement                                              At the start of the session, each participant demonstrated a
in practicing repetitive exercises.                                                               thumbs-up and thumbs-down gesture to generate a baseline
                                                                                                  for their individual range of motion. Next, the robot ex-
                                 III. M ETHODS
                                                                                                  plained the number-guessing game, telling the participant to
A. Study Setup                                                                                    think of a number between 1 and 50, and to communicate the
   The study setup consisted of the participant sitting at a                                      number secretly to the experimenter, by whispering or typing
table and facing a computer screen or a robot, both at eye-                                       the number on an iPad. At each turn of the game, the robot
level, as shown in Figure 1. The experimenter was present in                                      guessed the number and asked the participant if the guess
the room for safety and to collect verbal questionnaire data.                                     was correct. The participant answered yes or no by making
Finally, the participant’s parent was located in the hallway                                      a thumbs-up or thumbs-down gesture, respectively, using
outside, seated separately and not interacting with the study.                                    the arm with the orthosis. If the robot guessed incorrectly,
   We used the tabletop LuxAI QT robot [22], shown in                                             it asked if the number was higher than the guess. The
Figure 1-a; the robot is 25 inches tall, has arms with three                                      participant then answered thumbs-up if the number was
DOF arms and a head with two DOF with a screen face.                                              higher, and a thumbs-down if the number was lower. The
The robot was modified to work with the CoRDial dialogue                                          robot ensured that the number of thumbs-up and thumbs-
manager [23] that synchronizes facial expressions with text-                                      down gestures were approximately equal by tracking the
to-speech.                                                                                        number of each and guessing higher or lower than the target
   The screen condition used a standard 19” monitor that                                          number to keep the counts balanced. The robot continued to
displayed the same simple animated face as the robot’s at                                         guess numbers randomly from a range of decreasing size as
the same size, as shown in Figure 1-c, and used the same                                          it narrowed in on the correct answer. Once the robot correctly
dialogue manager. The robot and screen agent used the                                             guessed the number and the participant signalled with a
same voice, the same facial features, and the same facial                                         thumbs-up, the robot asked to play the game again. The
expressions, as well as the same machine vision algorithm.                                        participant responded with another thumbs-up or thumbs-
The strongly-embodied robot moved and gestured in the                                             down gesture.
shared desk space with the participant, while the weakly-                                            Every time the participant used a thumbs-up or thumbs-
embodied screen was stationary, as shown in Figure 1-b.                                           down gesture to respond to the robot, the robot responded
   The participants wore an orthosis shown in Figure 1-d                                          with feedback that combined verbal, physical, and facial
that used fabric-based helical actuators to support the partic-                                   action, based on the quality of the gesture and the history
ipant’s thumbs-up and thumbs-down gestures. The orthosis                                          of the participant’s gestures. Specifically, the feedback was a
clarifying utterance, an encouraging utterance, or a reward-       TABLE I: Survey questions and associated factors of
ing utterance, accompanied with a corresponding physical           Companionship (C), Perceived Enjoyment (PE), and
gesture and facial expression. Clarifying actions were given       Perceived Ease of Use (PEU).
when the participant’s response was not legible. Encouraging                              Survey Question                            Factor
actions were given when the angle the participant’s thumb            How much do you like playing with the {robot, screen}?         C [27]
                                                                     How much do you want to play again with the {robot, screen}?   C [27]
made was near their personal baseline value. Rewarding               How friendly is the {robot, screen}?                           C [27]
actions were given when the participant’s thumb angle ex-            Is the {robot, screen} exciting?                               PE [28]
                                                                     Is the {robot, screen} fun?                                    PE [28]
ceeded their personal baseline value. All verbal, physical, and      Does the {robot, screen} keep you happy during the game?       PE [28]
facial components of these feedback actions were selected            Is the {robot, screen} boring? (inverted)                      PE [29]
                                                                     Is playing with the {robot, screen} easy?                      PEU [30]
randomly from a set of appropriate components for each               Is communicating with the{robot, screen} easy?                 PEU [30]
action, to avoid repetition.                                         Is the {robot, screen} useful when playing the game?           PEU [30]
                                                                     Is the {robot, screen} helpful when playing the game?          PEU [30]
                                                                     Is playing with the {robot, screen} hard? (inverted)           PEU [30]
C. Study Design
   The study used a within-subjects design shown in the
block diagram in Figure 2; the participants interacted with the    successfully completed the study and were provided with
robot in a single session that lasted approximately one hour       compensation for their time. This study was approved by
from the participants entering the room to their departure.        the University of Southern California Institutional Review
The session was divided into four blocks, with periods of          Board under protocol #UP-19-00185.
rest in between. The first three blocks lasted up to 10
minutes each and had the participant play as many games            F. Measures
with the robot/screen as desired, while the final block was           The participant preference of the embodiment (robot vs.
open-ended, with no fixed duration. Between blocks, the            screen) was measured using a three-factor five-point Likert
participant rested for at least one minute or until they were      scale, with questions from scales validated in previous works
ready to move to the next block to mitigate effects of             [27]–[30]. The three factors were: perceived enjoyment,
muscle fatigue. The first block served as a practice block to      companionship, and perceived ease of use.
familiarize the participant with the interaction. In that block,      The participants’ engagement was quantified using identi-
the participant interacted with the robot while the orthosis       cal criteria as in Clabaugh et al. [15], which also measures
was not powered and thus not assisting their movement. In          engagement in a game-based interaction. The participant
the second block, the participant interacted with the robot        was labelled as engaged if they responded to the robot’s
with the orthosis powered on. After the second block, the          question, thought about the correct answer to the question,
experimenter verbally administered a questionnaire about the       had a positive facial expression, and was looking at the
participant’s experience with the robot. In the third block,       robot as seen in the auditory and visual data captured by the
the participant interacted with a computer screen with the         camera. We represented the level of engagement as a binary
orthosis powered on. After the third block, the experimenter       variable (engaged/not engaged), as measured by a trained
verbally administered a questionnaire on the participant’s         annotator. To ensure consistency, a secondary annotator in-
experience with the screen-based agent. The fourth block was       dependently annotated 10% of the videos selected at random.
optional, and the participant was given a choice of playing        We measured inter-rater reliability with Cohen’s Kappa, and
with the robot, playing with the screen, or ending the session.    achieved substantial agreement of k = .73, corresponding to
                                                                   an agreement on 86% of videos, similar to other works in
D. Hypotheses                                                      engagement [15], [31].
   Since strongly-embodied physical agents have been shown
                                                                                           IV. S TUDY R ESULTS
to increase engagement and positive outcomes in therapeutic
tasks [9], [19], the following hypotheses were tested:             A. User Preference
   H1: Users with CP will prefer the robot over the screen.           Embodiment preference was determined by the difference
   H2: Users with CP will be more engaged when interact-           in ratings between corresponding questions for the robot
ing with the robot than the screen.                                and screen conditions. The specific questions are shown in
                                                                   Table I. The combined responses for all factors are shown
E. Study Population                                                in Figure 3. We found high internal consistency for all
  We recruited 10 participants (3 female, 7 male) diagnosed        factors: Perceived Enjoyment (α = .94), Companionship
with CP and having symptoms of dystonia in at least one            (α = .91), and Ease of Use (α = .89). We evaluated
upper limb. The age range of the participants was 9-22             significance with a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test and found
years, with a median age of 15 years. The gender imbal-            a significant preference for the robot over the screen in
ance is representative of the higher prevalence of males in        factors measuring Companionship (Z = 9.0, p = .026) and
CP populations [26], and the large age range reflects the          Perceived Enjoyment (Z = 23.5, p = .018). We found no
challenges of recruitment of this population. Half of the          significant differences in Ease of Use (Z = 52.0, p = .399)
participants wore the orthosis on their left hand, and the other   and attribute this to the fact that both embodiments used the
half wore the orthosis on their right hand. All participants       same vision system, which suffered from perceptual errors
Fig. 3: Participant responses to Likert-scale questions, grouped by measured construct.

(such as failing to detect the participant’s off-camera thumb
angle) about 20% of the time. We additionally note that many
of the responses showed no preference for either the robot
or screen due to the tendency of the participants to respond
with similar values for all questions. The results therefore
partially support H1, indicating that participants somewhat
preferred to interact with the robot over the screen.
B. Choice Condition
   In the final study block, participants could choose to play
a game with the robot, play another game with the screen,
or stop playing and end the session. One participant chose to    Fig. 4: Transition matrices of the two clusters found in the
play with the robot, five participants chose to play with the    participant-based clustering method. Each matrix specifies
screen, and four participants chose to stop playing. While       the probability of becoming engaged (E) or disengaged (D)
the sample size is too small to draw any conclusions, the        at the next time-step, given the current state.
confounding factors include the possibility that participants
were too fatigued to continue playing or reluctant to require
work of the experimenter to exchange the embodiments.            maximum likelihood estimation from the sequence of the
Several participants expressed these sentiments while doffing    annotated engagement values.
the orthosis at the conclusion of the experiment.                   We next explored whether participants cluster in terms of
C. Engagement                                                    similar reactions to the robot’s actions. Previous work [32]
                                                                 has shown that users can be grouped based on their prefer-
   We found no significant differences in the participants’      ence on how to perform a collaborative task with a robot. We
engagement between the two conditions, which does not            used a similar approach in the context of social interaction:
support H2; our post-hoc analysis shows that there were          we clustered participants from the study based how their
individualized differences in how engagement changed in          engagement changed in response to the robot’s actions.
response to the robot’s actions. We discuss those differences
                                                                    We converted the transition matrices to vectors, then com-
next in the context of personalizing the interaction.
                                                                 puted the distance between vectors using cosine similarity.
               V. M ODELING E NGAGEMENT                          We then performed hierarchical clustering [33], by iteratively
   We first explored whether there were differences across       merging the two most similar vectors into a cluster. The
users in how engagement changed in response to the robot’s       merged vector was formed by averaging the values of the two
actions. We modeled the evolution of engagement as a             vectors. We selected the final number of clusters, so that each
Markov chain, where engagement is a binary state variable        cluster contained at least two individuals. We transformed
that changes stochastically in discrete time-steps, after each   the vector of each cluster back to a transition matrix that
of the robot’s actions.                                          specified how engagement changed for participants of that
   We define a transition matrix T that specifies how engage-    cluster.
ment s ∈ S changes over time T : S × A → Π(S). Since                We clustered participants at two different resolutions: 1)
the change depends on the robot’s action (clarify, encourage     based on the user as a whole and 2) based on the users’
or reward), we parameterized the transition matrix by the        response to each of the robot’s three possible actions. The
robot’s action a ∈ A.                                            first clustering, based on each participant’s holistic response
                                                                 to to robot actions, resulted in matching each participant
A. Learning Personalized Models                                  to one cluster. We call this participant-level clustering. The
   To learn personalized engagement models, the first step is    second clustering, based on each participant’s responses to
to represent how likely a participant is to become engaged or    each of the robot’s action separately, required three different
disengaged given a robot’s action. We captured this with the     clustering iterations, one for each action, and resulted in
transition matrix of the Markov chain. For each participant      having each participant matched to three clusters, one for
in the user study, we computed a transition matrix using         each action. We call this action-level clustering.
B. Cluster Identification
   Using the participant-level method, we found two main
clusters, shown in Figure 4. In the first cluster, the encourage
action had a greater likelihood of causing the participant’s
next state to be Engaged (E) than the reward action. In
the second cluster we observed the opposite effect: the
probability of changing from Disengaged (D) to Engaged
(E) is lower for the encourage action than for the reward
action. We observe that the clarify action has a small effect
on changing a participant’s engagement state in both clusters.
Seven participants belonged to the first cluster, and three        Fig. 5: Transition matrices of different clusters found in the
participants belonged to the second cluster. There were no         action-based clustering method. Each matrix specifies the
clear factors that lead to the makeup of the participants in       probability of becoming engaged (E) or disengaged (D) at
the clusters based on the background information collected         the next time-step, given the current state.
in the study.
   The action-level clustering method generated separate           C. Personalizing Robot Actions
clusters for each action independently (Figure 5). Thus, a
                                                                      If a robot knows the participant’s cluster and adapts
single participant is described as being a part of three action-
                                                                   its actions to maximize engagement, to what extent does
level clusters. We observed three different types of matrices
                                                                   this improve the participant’s engagement? Following prior
across the different actions:
                                                                   work in simulating users based on personas [35], we show
   • Type I indicates a high probability of the participant
                                                                   the benefit of using a personalized engagement model by
      becoming Engaged, regardless of their previous state.        modeling users based on the data from the user study. We
   • Type II has an approximately equal probability of
                                                                   focus on the action-level clustering method, since it generates
      becoming Engaged or remaining Disengaged, if the             different clusters for each robot action, resulting in a higher
      participant was previously Disengaged.                       resolution model than the participant-level clusters using the
   • Type III features participants who are most likely to
                                                                   same amount of data.
      remain in the same state.                                       We modeled users based on each participant’s transition
   We found that the clarify action generated only Type II         matrices described in Section V-A. At each timestep, we
and III clusters, since most participants’ engagement did          have the user’s current engagement state and the set of
not change based on that action, with three participants           the ground-truth transition matrices for each action from
belonging to the Type II cluster and seven participants            the study. When the robot takes an action, the user’s next
belonging to the Type III cluster when conditioning on             engagement state is sampled from the probability distribution
the clarify action. The reward action generated Type I and         of the corresponding action and the current engagement state.
Type II clusters, since most participants became Engaged           This process is repeated for 100 timesteps, as determined by
after a reward action. Three participants belonged to the          the number of turns in the in-person study. We additionally
Type I cluster and seven participants belonged to Type II          average our results over 100 runs for each participant to
cluster. This finding supports previous work [34] that showed      mitigate the random effects of the simulation and converge
positive reinforcement improving participants’ engagement          to the true mean of the engagement level over the course of
in computer-based animal guessing games.                           the simulation.
   Only the encourage action generated clusters of all three          Our strategy for selecting actions in the simulation is to
types. The encourage action had three participants that re-        maximize the likelihood of the user becoming engaged based
sponded in alignment with the Type I cluster, five participants    on the estimated user clusters. For instance, if a user is said
that aligned with the Type II cluster, and two participants that   to be Type II for clarify, Type I for encourage and Type II
aligned with the Type III cluster.                                 for reward, and the participant is currently disengaged (D),
   We investigated whether the composition of the par-             then the robot would choose the encourage action, since the
ticipants in each cluster was related to the demographic           participant would become engaged (E) with probability 0.87
information we collected. Specifically, we analyzed cluster        (compared to 0.48 for reward and 0.59 for clarify). These
composition with a multinomial logistic regression of age,         estimated clusters, however, are distinct from the true clusters
gender, and handedness onto cluster type and found no              used to simulate the users: for example, a user may truly be
significant differences in composition between any clusters        associated with the type II cluster for encourage actions,
at either participant or action levels. Qualitatively, age was     but we may erroneously select actions as if that user were
a minor component in the Encourage clusters; older ages            associated with a type I cluster for the encourage action. We
appeared to be more associated with the Type II cluster            additionally imposed a 0.2 probability of the robot taking a
(median age 16), whereas younger participants either fell          clarify action no matter what state the participant was in to
into Type I (median age 14) or Type III (median age 10.5)          account for incorrect or illegible gestures; similar to the rate
clusters.                                                          that was observed in the in-person study.
(a) Correct User Inference vs. Random Selection (b) Incorrect User Inference vs. Random Selection       (c) Comparison of all strategies

Fig. 6: Percentage of time that modeled users were engaged for different methods of robot action selection. Selecting actions
based on the correct user clusters (a) keeps users more engaged, however selecting actions on incorrect user models (b) has
an adverse effect. Considering the users as one group (c) performs similarly to the random baseline.

   We computed two baselines: 1) the robot selects actions                  the lower-probability modes in which users interact with an
randomly, choosing encourage or reward action with equal                    implemented system through the use of qualitative tools such
probability; and 2) the robot selects actions to maximize                   as user personas [35]. These are especially helpful when
engagement based on the transition matrix computed from                     there are no apparent differences between the clusters.
the maximum likelihood estimate of all the participants. The                   Clustering user responses helps to reduce the design
second baseline, which we call the “impersonal strategy”, is                space. Our clusters reveal three main types of responses
equivalent to having one cluster for every action; it does not              to each action. Users found each action as either highly
account for individual differences.                                         engaging (Type I), sometimes engaging (Type II), or having
   Fig. 6 shows the average time the modeled users spent                    no effect on engagement (Type III). Interestingly, we did
being Engaged in the activity for each condition. A two-                    not see actions that were highly disengaging or caused
tailed paired t-test showed that modeled users spent signif-                the participant to switch states with high probability. This
icantly more time being Engaged when the robot selected                     indicates that those types of interaction are less common,
actions given their cluster compared to taking random ac-                   and therefore less focus can be placed on considering how
tions (t(11) = 9.370, p < .001). However, if the robot                      those cases would affect the interaction.
had a flawed model of the user, the modeled users were                         Certainty in user cluster or persona is critical in person-
significantly less engaged over the course of the interaction               alized algorithms. Our results show that misclassification of
compared to randomly selecting actions (t(131) = −4.692,                    a user’s cluster or persona leads to lower engagement than
p < .001). This result highlights the trade-offs that person-               random selection. To build effective systems, it is critical to
alization may bring, especially in low-data scenarios.                      be certain that the inferred user’s classification is correct. A
   The second baseline treated users as coming from one                     system that personalizes to a given user should consider the
cluster. The personalized strategy significantly outperformed               risk of misclassification in selecting the level of certainty that
the impersonal strategy (t(11) = 4.984, p < .001). Further-                 is required to make decisions in an interactive scenario.
more, we cannot say that the impersonal strategy performed
any differently than randomly selecting actions (t(11) =                                VII. L IMITATIONS AND C ONCLUSION
−.656, p = .525). This shows the importance of algorithmic                     Our results are limited by our small sample size, resulting
design in interaction, and how incorrect assumptions can lead               from the practical challenges of recruiting participants with
to data-driven models that are ineffective.                                 CP. Applying our clustering approach with more participants
                                                                            will likely result in more nuanced representations of user
                      VI. D ESIGN I NSIGHTS
                                                                            engagement levels. Our method also carries the inherent
   From the study conducted with a participants with CP, we                 limitations of Markov-based models: it does not account for
developed the following design insights that may be useful                  effects of the history of interaction, such as fatigue, or aspects
when designing personalized algorithms for end-users.                       of the interaction that are not modeled, such as participants
   The distribution of interaction preferences is often un-                 getting distracted by other events in their environment.
balanced. The clusters formed from this study revealed                         Additionally, our user models are based on the assumption
skews in the number of participants, most commonly with                     that users can be associated with a previously known clas-
the majority cluster being composed of seven of the ten                     sification; they do not account for new, previously unseen
participants. This highlights the importance of understanding               classifications. Implementation in a real-world setting would
also require correct inference of the user’s engagement level                           Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops
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                                                                                 [15]   C. E. Clabaugh, K. Mahajan, S. Jain, R. Pakkar, D. Becerra, Z. Shi,
classification. In fact, our user models show that incorrect                            E. Deng, R. Lee, G. Ragusa, and M. Mataric, “Long-term personal-
inference results in worse performance than random robot                                ization of an in-home socially assistive robot for children with autism
action selection.                                                                       spectrum disorders,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 6, p. 110, 2019.
                                                                                 [16]   S. Rossi, F. Ferland, and A. Tapus, “User profiling and behavioral
   This work introduces socially assistive robotics to the                              adaptation for hri: A survey,” Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 99, pp.
context of communicative gesture practice for users with                                3–12, 2017.
cerebral palsy. Our user study shows that participants with                      [17]   A. Tapus, C. Ţăpuş, and M. J. Matarić, “User—robot personality
                                                                                        matching and assistive robot behavior adaptation for post-stroke re-
CP preferred to interact with a socially assistive robot                                habilitation therapy,” Intelligent Service Robotics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp.
compared to a screen-based agent. While we did not observe                              169–183, 2008.
significant differences in user engagement overall, our post-                    [18]   D. Leyzberg, S. Spaulding, and B. Scassellati, “Personalizing robot
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