PLANNING REPORT 2020-21 - Coastline Community College

Page created by Bill Wagner
PLANNING REPORT 2020-21 - Coastline Community College
Table of Contents

2020-21 Closing the Loop Report ................................................................................................................................. 2
   Administrative Services............................................................................................................................................. 3
   Instructional Services ................................................................................................................................................ 4
   Presidents Wing ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
   Student Services ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
2020-21 Planning Report ............................................................................................................................................ 47
   Administrative Services........................................................................................................................................... 48
   Instructional Services .............................................................................................................................................. 48
   President’s Wing ..................................................................................................................................................... 51
   Student Services ..................................................................................................................................................... 52

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2020-21 Closing the Loop Report
Program and Department Review is an integral part of the total process of planning and budgeting at Coastline
College. The evaluation and recommendation subsections from each program review provide the basis for informed
decision making on programs, personnel, facilities, equipment, and budget.

The Program and Department Review process is an effective vehicle for accountability and provides an opportunity
for employees of Coastline to actively participate in the development of their own programs, departments, and the
growth of the college.

Institutional planning and budget considerations will be based on the recommendations and justifications provided
by this process. Program and Department Review has been outlined by the Western Association of Schools and
Colleges (WASC) and the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) as a mechanism to
build awareness, develop strategies to increase proficiency and sustainability through continuous quality

The focus of this report is to highlight the progress made across all program and department initiatives and the
impact they have made on the performance of the college. Again, these initiatives are tied to the College Mission
and Goals and as these initiatives were developed under the timeframe of the Vision 2025 Educational Master Plan.

Once the Program and Department Reviews are submitted in the fall term, the Department of Institutional
Effectiveness collects the progress reports within the document and compiles a report for the college to review and

The findings showed that of 270 previous Program and Department Review initiatives that 48.1% are
completed/ongoing, 43.7% are in-progress, 5.6% have not started, and 2.6% were terminated. Of the 270 started
or completed initiatives, 94.1% (254) have reported an associated outcome.

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Administrative Services
The Administrative Services Wing is comprised of the operational departments of Campus Safety and Emergency Services, Fiscal
Services, Human Resources, and Maintenance and Operations.

 Administrative                    Initiative(s)                    Status       Progress Status Description                 Outcome(s)
 Campus Safety     Provide emergency backup generators at         In-Progress   The concept is being             Emergency generators would
 and Emergency     the Garden Grove Campus and Newport to                       reviewed and quotes are          provide backup power to support
 Management        support operations of the Emergency                          being collected.                 operations of the EOC to respond to
                   Operations Center (EOC).                                                                      and recover from an extended
                                                                                                                 power outage resulting from several
                                                                                                                 causes, including a catastrophic
                                                                                                                 earthquake. Ability to recover and
                                                                                                                 reopen facilities, and resume classes
                                                                                                                 is critical to Coastline College.
 Campus Safety     Installation of 44 emergency                   Completed     Lockdown buttons were            Lockdown buttons have increased
 and Emergency     lockdown/panic switches. The switches                        installed in all classrooms      security and ability to lock
 Management        would permit faculty to quickly lock doors                   with work complete in spring     classrooms and faculty office from
                   to their classrooms and offices in the event                 2020                             the inside
                   of an emergency without having to step
                   outside and potentially exposing themselves
                   to danger.
 Campus Safety     Purchase of ten (13) new surveillance          In-Progress   Public Safety and Coastline      Will improve surveillance
 and Emergency     cameras, three for immediate installation in                 I.S. are currently assessing     capabilities in the Garden Grove
 Management        the parking lot at the Garden Grove Center.                  the potential for re-            Campus parking lot and the newly
                   New solar carports currently obscure                         purposing cameras in vacant      redesigned College Center Annex.
                   camera coverage of the parking lot from the                  office space in the College
                   building. The cameras will also provide                      Center’s third and fourth
                   surveillance of the two emergency blue                       floor for potential use in an
                   phones mounted under the carports last                       outdoor setting.
                   year. The remaining ten cameras will be
                   used for the Annex building due to the
                   move of several offices from the soon to be
                   replaced administration building.
 Campus Safety     Increase real-time security support for        In-Progress   The Department has created       Improve campus safety and
 and Emergency     students and employees                                       a Twitter feed allow             community relations.
 Management                                                                     improved community with
                                                                                our community members.
                                                                                Additionally, Public Safety is
                                                                                working with Marketing to
                                                                                enhance its webpage.
 Fiscal Services   To continue to provide high quality service    Completed/    Periodic updates and             Increased engagement and
                   and resources to meet the growing demand        Ongoing      communications of impact of      participation in the state funding
                   for fiscal support across the college with                   the state funding model and      model and federal and state grants.
                   emphasis in Banner 9, grants, categorical,                   federal and state grants.
                   and state funding model.
 Human             Develop a new employee onboarding              In-Progress   1st draft of the onboarding      HR Department plans to test the
 Resources         program to help with the transition of new                   toolkit will be completed in     effectiveness of the toolkit when the
                   employees at Coastline.                                      September 2020.                  new Director, Public Safety and
                                                                                                                 Emergency Management is hired in
                                                                                                                 October/November 2020.

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Instructional Services
The Instructional Services Wing is comprised of all College Campuses, Distance Learning, Dual and Concurrent Enrollment,
Instructional Programs, Library, Office of Instruction, and Student Success Centers.

 Instructional   Initiative(s)                  Status      Progress Status Description                                 Outcome(s)
 Adult           Increase enrollment in       In-Progress   1. Ongoing data analysis to determine and assess gaps       Report and analysis of
 Education       noncredit courses/programs                 in services based on geographic location of current         population in need, based on
                 by 10% by the end of year                  students vs. regional need. Identify target populations,    local demographic data 2.
                 two and by 15% by the end                  based on regional needs. 2. Develop strategies and          Programs offered in
                 of year three.                             programs to mitigate gaps. 3. Assign Consortium             collaboration between adult
                                                            marketing team comprised of employees from each             schools and colleges. 3.
                                                            member institution to guide the development and             Marketing plan that includes
                                                            implementation of the marketing and outreach plan. 4.       strategies for all Consortium
                                                            Hire marketing firm to assist with developing               members including shared
                                                            Consortium marketing and outreach plan to include           website and marketing
                                                            branding, campaign, shared website, professional            materials, professional
                                                            development, and execution. Marketing team assigned         development activities. 4.
                                                            to oversee marketing efforts and carry out plan. 5. Align   Lists by agency and site of
                                                            capacity for each Consortium with maximum number of         the maximum number of
                                                            potential students to be served through support             students that can be
                                                            services as well as maximum enrollments. 6. Identify        enrolled by program. 5. List
                                                            current market segments. 7. Identify entry-level careers    of market segments and
                                                            with high employment potential, based on regional           critical factors that impact
                                                            Labor Market Information (LMI) data, for enhanced           outreach. 6. Career
                                                            noncredit and career training programs. Identify career     Development and College
                                                            pathways and complement with contextualized support         Preparation noncredit
                                                            for English language learners. Work with instructors to     courses and certificates,
                                                            develop curriculum for courses and programs. 8.             some including
                                                            Identify courses at local adult schools that may align      contextualized support for
                                                            with courses at colleges and engage instructors and         English language learners. 7.
                                                            faculty in discussions about articulating those courses.    Course articulation
                                                                                                                        agreements between adult
                                                                                                                        schools and college
 Adult           Increase the number of       In-Progress   1. Create and implement Consortium-wide data sharing        1. Student demographic and
 Education       students completing                        agreement. 2. Create K-12 Adult Student                     outcome data shared
                 noncredit programs by 10%                  Education/Career Plan for Adult Schools; Gather input       between Coast CCD and
                 by the end of year two and                 from stakeholders regarding configuration of Student        Adult Schools. 2. Student
                 by 15% by the end of year                  Education/Career Plan. Plan is e-document, accessible       Education/Career Plan will
                 three.                                     online, with reporting and workflow features. 3. Adult      be utilized/updated regularly
                                                            Schools conduct orientations with students to start         through contact with
                                                            developing the Student Education/Career Plan. 4.            teachers and support staff,
                                                            Develop agreements and processes between                    inclusive of making such
                                                            Consortium members to systematically use Student            plans available to Coast CCD
                                                            Education/Career Plans. 5.Establish/implement co-           and WIOA I Partner
                                                            enrollment and shared case management policies with         Representatives. 3. Each
                                                            Workforce Development Board and its contracted              student in adult education
                                                            partners. 6. Partners (K-12 Adult, CCCD, and WIOA I)        programs will complete an
                                                            create guidelines for accurate collection/ reporting of     initial education / career
                                                            student barriers to employment (K-12 Adult Schools,         plan during orientation (or
                                                            CCCD, and WIOA1 Committee). 7. Regular Consortium           shortly after
                                                            staff meetings regarding the roles/reporting duties of      orientation/enrollment). 4.
                                                            Student Support positions and calendar for periodic         Adult Schools, CCCD and
                                                            check-ins regarding program quality and                     WIOA I Partner
                                                            reports/outcomes. 8. Consortium meets with American         Representatives will develop
                                                            Jobs Centers of California (AJCC) contractor for South      and implement automated
                                                            Orange County to ask for co-location of services (WIOA I    communications and reports
                                                            representatives at consortium sites or training of          regarding Student
                                                            consortium personnel to be able to function as WIOA I /     Education/ Career Plan to
                                                            AJCC intake (assumed Cal-Jobs registration is part of       assist with transition steps
                                                            process).                                                   for students; Partner
                                                                                                                        representatives offer one on
                                                                                                                        one and small group support
                                                                                                                        and workshops at Adult

                                                                                                                                          4|P a g e
Education sites for students
                                                                                                                      with transition goals. 5.
                                                                                                                      Consortium and WIOA 1
                                                                                                                      Partner representatives
                                                                                                                      meet regularly to review
                                                                                                                      data, reporting, and assess
                                                                                                                      and make refinements /
                                                                                                                      recommendations regarding
                                                                                                                      program quality. 6. Possible
                                                                                                                      training and/or further work
                                                                                                                      setting up sites to
                                                                                                                      accommodate AJCC
                                                                                                                      personnel and necessary
                                                                                                                      workspace Or Consortium
                                                                                                                      submits for AJCC contract in
                                                                                                                      Year 3.
Adult          Increase the number of         In-Progress
Education      noncredit program offerings
               by two by the end of year
Building       Expand our part time faculty   Completed     Hired 1 BCT PT instructor                                 Offering additional courses
Codes          pool to develop
Technology     department/shared course
               for the BCT Program. These
               courses would be
               developed by the BCT
               faculty collaboratively, and
               the new faculty would teach
               the currently unstaffed
               courses, which are
               necessary for meeting
               partnership goals
Building       Develop BCT                    In-Progress   (in conjunction with OSHA and apprenticeship partners)    Department/share courses
Codes          department/shared course.                                                                              in development Mechanical
Technology     These courses would be                                                                                 and Electrical code
               developed by the BCT
               faculty collaboratively, and
               available to new faculty
               which would be necessary
               for meeting completion
               goals. Coordinate the online
               department/shared course
               development (faulty cohort)
               to ensure content is not
               duplicated and that
               instructional strategies and
               SLO distribution is
Business       Hire ONE full-time teacher     Completed     Full-Time Business Instructor was hired.                  The faculty member is
(Accounting,   (Business) who has online                                                                              teaching classes and will be
Business,      teaching experience, in time                                                                           focusing on new program
Economics,     to be ready to take FSC                                                                                initiatives
Management     training courses, develop
and            telecourse handbooks, and
Supervision,   be ready to teach in fall
Supply         2018.
Business       Hire ONE full-time teacher     In-Progress   Full Time Accounting Faculty is still seeking approval.
(Accounting,   (Accounting) who has online                  Fall 2019 FT Accounting Instructor position was
Business,      teaching experience, in time                 prioritized as 4th. But budget cuts due to Covid-19 has
Economics,     to be ready to take FSC                      decimated near term hiring hopes. However, this
Management     training courses, develop                    remains a high priority for the Accounting Department.
and            telecourse handbooks, and
Supervision,   be ready to teach in fall

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Business       Develop an IRS Enrolled          In-Progress   A detailed assessment has been conducted and a            Coastline’s award-winning
(Accounting,   Agent certificate program.                     separate proposal has been written. It is available for   VITA tax program has
Business,      This certificate program will                  review.                                                   provided opportunities for
Economics,     prepare students to take                                                                                 transfer and employment.
Management     the IRS Enrolled Agent exam                                                                              Developing an EA program
and            which covers individual and                                                                              will expand professional
Supervision,   business taxes. Enrolled                                                                                 skills to prepare students for
Supply         Agents are tax advisors who                                                                              a career in tax and
Management)    are federally authorized tax                                                                             accounting fields straight
               practitioners empowered by                                                                               from Coastline.
               the U.S. Department of the
               Treasury. Enrolled Agents
               represent taxpayers before
               the Internal Revenue
               Service (IRS) for tax issues
               including audits, collections,
               and appeals.
Business       Create Economics (ADT)           Completed     Created the ADT                                           Students have been enrolling
(Accounting,   Associates Degree for                                                                                    in the program and in 2018-
Business,      Transfer.                                                                                                19 the program had 10
Economics,                                                                                                              graduates
Business       International Business:          Completed                                                               Course has been created and
(Accounting,   Course development and                                                                                   was offered for the first time
Business,      integration of a Global                                                                                  in Spring 2020.
Economics,     perspective in the Business
Management     curriculum.
Business       Supply Chain Management          In-Progress   A partnership between Coastline and the Council of
(Accounting,   Program - CSCPM Program.                       Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) has
Business,                                                     been established that will ultimately lead to
Economics,                                                    certification prep content being incorporated into
Management                                                    MS171, Introduction to Supply Chain Principles.
Business       Project Management -             In-Progress   Research is being conducted regarding making Coastline
(Accounting,   CAPM Program.                                  a Registered Education Provider (REP) for the CAPM
Business,                                                     (Certified Associate in Project Management) and the
Economics,                                                    PMP (Project Management Professional) certification
Management                                                    programs. Coastline may need to apply for designation
and                                                           and dedicate resources including classrooms and
Supervision,                                                  computer lab(s) for workshops and the software
Supply                                                        applications needed for the program.
Business       Develop OER Bus 100              In-Progress   Master Canvas course shell currently being developed      Expected release of zero-
(Accounting,   Course                                         with the help of a PE (Professional Expert).              cost Bus 100 is Fall 2020.

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Business       Explore Creation of            In-Progress   Research being conducted regarding creating an             Such a certificate would
(Accounting,   International Business                       International Business certificate. Existing BUS 118       expose more students to the
Business,      Certificate                                  would be a core course in addition to other offerings in   cultural assessments used in
Economics,                                                  the department, along with an international language       the course to evaluate global
Management                                                  requirement.                                               business opportunities and
and                                                                                                                    could be woven into an AA
Supervision,                                                                                                           degree.
Business       Explore Creation of Business   In-Progress   Research being conducted around creating a Business        This certificate would better
(Accounting,   Economics Certificate                        Economics certificate which would complement the           tie the Business and
Business,                                                   Business Admin and/or Economics degree programs.           Economics disciplines and
Economics,                                                                                                             complete degree offerings.
Business       Create Master Courses in       In-Progress   One master course has already been created (ACCT           Fulfill O.E.I. Initiatives
(Accounting,   Accounting Department                        C116). Four more are scheduled for Fall 2020.
Business       High School Outreach by        In-Progress   Accounting Department began outreach at a local high       Expand potential student
(Accounting,   Accounting Department                        school within the Coast College District.                  base and align curriculum
Business,                                                                                                              with local high schools.
Business       Course Outline of Record       In-Progress
(Accounting,   changes to consider
Business,      additional students such as
Economics,     not for credit.
Business       Investigate necessary design   In-Progress   VITA 131 was stopped mid-semester in Spring 2020 due       Certain courses such as the
(Accounting,   changes caused by Covid-19                   to Covid-19.                                               VITA practicum ACCT 131 are
Business,      to courses such as VITA 131                                                                             not practical in current state
Economics,                                                                                                             which. An essential course
Management                                                                                                             and service to the
and                                                                                                                    community will be allowed
Supervision,                                                                                                           to continue.
Business       Expand certificate offerings   In-Progress   Course outlines are being prepared for submission to       Developing Microsoft Access
Computing      by creating two new                          the curriculum committee. TalentED – originators are       and Outlook course.
               courses to complete the                      revising the program. Once complete we will better         Developing a course Module
               revised (state) Business                     know how we can integrate into our coursework.             for career mapping
               Information Worker II & III
               certificates while

                                                                                                                                             7|P a g e
incorporating the TalentED
               (Geo-Enabled Career
               Mapping) project into
               certificate courses (2). (Full-
               Time faculty)
College        Strengthen communication          Completed     2018-19: The inclusion of the 25/Live software                 2018-19: We have advanced
Campuses:      within the Garden Grove           / Ongoing     application will help to inform the GGC staff about            our communication practices
Garden Grove   organization and within the                     upcoming workshops. 2019-20: The department                    with the new tools. 2019-20:
               college                                         adopted Slack, Microsoft Teams, and for             Staff members advanced in
                                                               communication in relation to the remote work                   the use of new technologies
                                                               situation. The department also incorporated Zoom for           and more frequently
                                                               meetings.                                                      participate in cross
                                                                                                                              departmental meetings to
                                                                                                                              keep abreast of college
College        Institutionalization of the       In-Progress   2018-19: Many of the same issues continue to exist             2018-19: Computers for the
Campuses:      staffing and equipment                          with conflicts between staffing and who is supervising         Information Commons and
Garden Grove   costs for maintaining the                       both the faculty and tutors. Meetings are being                the new Testing Center been
               Information Commons                             planned to address these issues. As for the Information        funded by CTE grants. 2019-
               should be investigated.                         Commons/proposed testing center upgrades, CTE grant            20: Staffing has been
                                                               funds are being allocated to provide upgraded                  partially resolved: new
                                                               computers for students to use. 2019-20: A staff                Assessment Center staff
                                                               member has been transferred from College Center to             works full-time during the
                                                               work in the new Assessment Center which now has                day. In the evening, the
                                                               upgraded computers                                             Area Facilitator, who works
                                                                                                                              later shift, covers both the
                                                                                                                              reception desk and
                                                                                                                              Assessment Center.
College        Work with M/O to upgrade          Completed     2018-19: Room 315 needs to be converted to moveable            2019-20: Some of the chair
Campuses:      the furniture at Garden           / Ongoing     furniture components that allow for flexibility to room        upholstery was cleaned by
Garden Grove   Grove to allow for the                          usage. Discussions have taken place, but the funding is        M&O. Furniture Committee
               multi-use of classroom/lab                      the issue. With the new budget short fall that are             convened and worked on
               spaces allowing for greater                     expected, this project may be further delayed. 2019-20:        developing furniture
               flexibility of classroom                        This issue has been brought up in the Facility                 standards. There has been
               space.                                          Committee and discussions took place. However, no              no progress in room 315 re-
                                                               decisions were made as the Furniture Committee had             furnishing. Funding is an
                                                               not yet set furniture standards for the college. The           issue.
                                                               Director of M&O experimented with cleaning the
                                                               existing chair upholstery. Overall, due to fiscal crisis, it
                                                               does not appear that any progress can be made.
College        CyberPatriot Competition          Completed     2018-19: Upwards of 250 CyberPatriot teams will be             2019-20: With the additional
Campuses:      Workshops and Training.           / Ongoing     competing this season and students will be utilizing           technology purchases, a
Garden Grove   This is a Regional Strong                       most of the computer labs and lecture classrooms.              higher number of
               Workforce grant project                         Laptops have been purchased and lap top carts are on           CyberPatriot and dual
               designed to provide K-12                        order. This will be an ongoing need as the outreach            enrollment students can be
               students with a cyber                           activities continue. 2019-20: Additional laptops, laptop       accommodated. Further,
               competition environment                         cart, servers and related equipment have been                  the equipment can be
               that promotes                                   purchased.                                                     leveraged for cross-
               collaboration, skill building                                                                                  disciplinary collaborations
               and a pathway to a college                                                                                     such as Pathway Days.
College        Host Career Education             Completed     2018-19: All CE programs held a minimum of one onsite          2019-20: Zoom meetings
Campuses:      Advisory Meetings.                / Ongoing     advisory committee meeting. 2019-20: Due to COVID-             replaced face-to-face
Garden Grove                                                   19, most of the Advisory meetings were held via Zoom.          Advisory meetings for the
                                                                                                                              first time.

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College        Create Regional NetLab         Completed     2018-19: The initial installation, configuration, and       2019-2020: The new server
Campuses:      Center. This is a Regional                   implementation has been completed, and now the              room on the first floor will
Garden Grove   Strong Workforce grant-                      project has moved into maintenance. In addition, to         be completed in three
               funded project that expands                  accommodate the servers required for this lab, the two      phases. The first two phases
               the NetLab virtual                           server rooms are being moved down to the first floor        are near completion.
               environment to include                       with the accommodations being paid for with grant
               equipment and servers from                   funds. 2019-2020: Smaller server rooms were
               other colleges in the Los                    consolidated into a large first floor room. A three-
               Angeles and Orange County                    phase buildout has been planned for a state-of-the-art
               region and then provide a                    NetLab Server Room. Due to efficiency and
               virtual environment for                      maintenance issues, new equipment and server
               collaborating colleges. This                 purchases have been made in the past couple of years -
               project allows colleges to                   rather than housing various equipment from other
               reduce their IT footprint                    colleges for this project’s use.
               and software licensing
               requirements and utilize a
               virtual system 24/7.
College        Open a quiet lactation room    Completed     2018-19: Discussions of where the location for the          2019-20: Lactation room has
Campuses:      at GGC                                       lactation room are continuing. 2019-20: In the              been completed and is
Garden Grove                                                Information Commons, a quiet corner room with               available for students and
                                                            natural light has been designated as the lactation room     staff to use.
                                                            and furnished.
College        Establish a Crisis             Completed     2018-19: This falls under the office of Student Services,   2019-20: It is expected that
Campuses:      Management Office at GGC                     but space has been allocated and they have control of       there will be a new Crisis
Garden Grove                                                the counseling spaces. We have not seen any Crisis          Management Center located
                                                            Management personnel yet in those spaces. 2019-20: In       inside the new Fountain
                                                            the new Fountain Valley Campus blueprint, a new Crisis      Valley building. How it will
                                                            Management Center has been included. Whether the            affect GGC is to be
                                                            Crisis Management Center will move permanently from         determined.
                                                            GGC is yet unknown. However, discussions have
                                                            ensued on various ideas to make the room more
                                                            inviting and friendlier for students.
College        Create a quiet study space     Completed     2018-19: The Information Commons provides a lab             2018-19: Discussions have
Campuses:      at GGC                                       environment used by students and tutors. In addition,       been going on to decide how
Garden Grove                                                the second-floor lobby has been furnished and               best to use the spaces
                                                            allocated for collaborative activities. Planning has        allocated here at GGC.
                                                            begun at the GGC to find a classroom where students         Movement of various
                                                            could work collaboratively, testing could be completed,     centers and activities are in
                                                            and students could use the computer lab for their           process to hopefully the
                                                            assignments. 2019-20: In the Information Common,            study space will be made
                                                            the room that was previously occupied by the                available shortly. 2019-20: A
                                                            Accounting Program has been released and will be used       classroom located within the
                                                            as a quiet study room. Room renovation is still in          Information Common has
                                                            progress.                                                   been designated as
                                                                                                                        additional Quiet Study
College        Update the small               Completed     2018-19: The small conference room was moved to an          2019-20: The small
Campuses:      conference room at GGC                       old counseling office once was. Additional space will       conference has been
Garden Grove                                                need to be identified for larger meetings. 2019-20: A       completely furnished.
                                                            white board was installed in the small conference room,     However, due to its size, it
                                                            a bigger table was provided, and the chairs now have        cannot accommodate all
                                                            wheels. No additional space has been identified to          staff members for division
                                                            properly address the need for a larger conference           meetings and limits the
                                                            room.                                                       number of participants.
College        Create a Cyber Competition     In-Progress   Several options for the Cyber Competition room have         2019-20: Cyber
Campuses:      Room at GGC                                  been identified, now we are waiting for other areas to      Competition/Club room is
Garden Grove                                                move. 2019-20: A room on the second floor has been          available for students’ use.
                                                            identified as the Cyber Competition/Club room. It has       It has not yet been fully
                                                            been partially furnished.                                   furnished as requested by
College        Classroom chair                Not Started   2019-20: The College has been waiting for the               2019-20: The Furniture
Campuses:      replacement                                  Furniture Committee to set the standards. This year,        Committee met and made
Garden Grove                                                funding is an issue.                                        recommendations. However,
                                                                                                                        funding is an issue.

                                                                                                                                          9|P a g e
College        Update signage at GGC         In-Progress   2018-19: Some space for banners has been created on           2019-20: Inside the building,
Campuses:                                                  Euclid Blvd, and electronic direction finders have been       there are signage holders for
Garden Grove                                               placed in the lobby to help students find room and            each classroom, Coastline
                                                           become aware of events that are taking place. There           banners, and other smaller
                                                           was hope that larger signage would be provided to             signs. Still awaiting higher
                                                           identify the building as Coastline. 2019-20: The College      impact external and internal
                                                           provided clear signage holders outside each classroom,        additional signages. Funding
                                                           Coastline banners for inside the building, and other          is an issue.
                                                           smaller signs for inside the building. However, no
                                                           progress on bigger and more expensive signages.
                                                           Funding is an issue.
College        Update the copy/mail room     Not Started   2019-20: The idea was shared with M&O. Funding is an          2019-20: No action.
Campuses:      area to make it a more                      issue.                                                        Funding is an issue.
Garden Grove   efficient and productive
               space for users. Update the
               space to match the
               adjoining kitchen area that
               was renovated two years
College        Modernize the reception       Not Started   2019-20: Make-shift solutions have been utilized (tape        2019-20: Make-shift
Campuses:      desk area to visually                       paper to a holder to shield eyes from the direct              temporary solutions have
Garden Grove   increase appeal to visitors                 sunlight, purchase an old-fashioned car sun visor to          been implemented. Funding
               and students; make the                      mount to the monitor, provide additional computer to          and resources are issues.
               space ergonomically correct                 use in another corner of the desk, away from the
               for the staff member                        sunlight but with back to the incoming visitors.) M&O
               stationed there.                            and Technology Services have been consulted. Funding
                                                           is an issue
College        Provide a workout space for   In-Progress   2019-20: Worked with M&O to identify the space and            Room was identified. Plans
Campuses:      Garden Grove Faculty and                    plan the room configuration. Risk and liability issues        were made and liability
Garden Grove   Staff                                       were examined. Due to COVID-19, fiscal and liability          issues examined. The
                                                           issues, the project was stalled.                              project stalled due to fiscal
                                                                                                                         and liability issues.
College        Beautify the GG Center to     In-Progress   2019-20: A face-to-face and online survey was                 Survey was completed and
Campuses:      make it more visually                       launched to obtain feedback on beautification needs of        results shared with the
Garden Grove   appealing and welcoming                     GGC and whether old artificial plants need to be taken        Facilities Committee which
               internally and externally.                  out. Survey results were compiled for sharing. M&O            approved the idea of
                                                           performed maintenance work (repaint the parking lot           installing student artwork on
                                                           surface signages, cleaning/re-painting of outside             various floors and will
                                                           “awning” structure, plant rose bushes, etc.).                 purchase frames
                                                                                                                         recommended. The DGA
                                                                                                                         instructor is to select
                                                                                                                         artwork and frames.
                                                                                                                         External improvements –
                                                                                                                         especially Rose bushes and
                                                                                                                         repainted structure -
                                                                                                                         garnered positive comments.
College        Create a new Career           In-Progress   2019-20: With CTE grant funds, an idea was generated          Informal discussions were
Campuses:      Education Student Center                    to create a space for Career Education students as GGC        held with the CE Dean and
Garden Grove   (or Student Center for                      houses most of the CE programs and offer courses on-          idea shared with the VPI.
               Career Education) in the                    site. This Center will provide resources that are not
               current Information                         offered at other campuses. An idea is to explore
               Common space.                               collaboration possibilities with the Dean of Research on
                                                           his AR/VR grant and leverage funds to create a cutting-
                                                           edge CE Student Center.
College        Create a brighter and more    In-Progress   Currently, the only space students must microwave             Feedback and informal
Campuses:      welcoming environment for                   food and eat is under the stairwell of the first floor. The   discussions were held with
Garden Grove   students to eat food.                       location, dim light, space, table, and chair do not lend      the CE Dean and ideas
                                                           themselves to be warm and inviting. Rather, it is an          shared with the college via
                                                           uncomfortable space. Feedback has been provided to            consultants hired by the
                                                           the Dean and administration. No action has been               college.
                                                           taken. Space prioritization and funding are issues.

                                                                                                                                          10 | P a g e
College        The Information Commons       In-Progress   2018-19: Following the release of room space by             2018-19: Plans for remodel
Campuses:      should expand the spaces                    California State University Fullerton, multiple planning    are being developed by a
Garden Grove   for student learning,                       sessions have been taking place involving faculty, staff,   facilities planner and
               tutoring, and industry                      and management. The locations for the centralized           proposed changes are
               certification testing                       testing center, tutoring, and industry certification        scheduled to be completed
                                                           testing has changed multiple times but most recently        during the 2019-2020
                                                           the plans and timelines have become a priority. Grant       academic year. 2019-20:
                                                           funds have been identified for the remodeling activities    Quiet space has been
                                                           and plans are moving forward with completion                designated and furnishing in
                                                           sometime during the 2019-2020 academic year. 2019-          progress. The Assessment
                                                           20: The Assessment Center moved into the room               Center has been completed.
                                                           formerly occupied by the Intercultural Resource Center      No progress has been made
                                                           (IRC). The classroom formerly occupied by the               on the collaboration space
                                                           Accounting Program has been vacated and is the              or the overall re-design of
                                                           Testing Center.                                             the Information Commons.
College        Improve Student Services,     Completed     Tutoring space was identified within the Student            This provided students
Campuses:      including Additional Space                  Success Center to provide services for students.            access to services and
Newport        for tutoring, lunch, and                    Additionally, counseling, financial aid, and admissions     reflects in usages.
Beach          other services for students                 service is available throughout the semester.

College        Implement a card system (CI   Completed     CI Solution has been implemented                            Attendance continues to be
Campuses:      Solutions) in the Student                                                                               collected and assessed
Newport        Success Center to assist
Beach          staff with tracking
               information for future data
               analysis to help the Center
               run successfully and
               smoothly. .
College        Implement card system in      Completed     The SSC is in place                                         System is in place and
Campuses:      the SSC (now called the                                                                                 working as designed.
Newport        SRC) to allow pay to print
Beach          copies for students
College        Reconfigure administrative    Completed     Established full-time faculty offices: 5-science, 6-math,   Completed
Campuses:      workspace and provide                       6-general, 4-art, humanities, and law, with room for
Newport        additional faculty                          limited growth, plus 6 workstations for part-time faculty
Beach          workstations                                (hoteling) use.
College        Continue to work with the     Completed     Courses have been added in STEM fields                      There has been an increase
Campuses:      Office of Instruction to                                                                                in enrollment and sections in
Newport        increase site-based                                                                                     STEM
Beach          offerings at NBC that
               support STEM transfer
               degrees, certificates, and
               other structured pathways.
College        Work with Math faculty to     Completed     The second round of boot camps has been conducted           The performance of the
Campuses:      develop an onsite and                                                                                   student shows positive
Newport        online Math Boot Camp for                                                                               retention. All 26 students
Beach          those students who are not                                                                              completed the course, and
               meeting college level math                                                                              69% received a C grade or
               based on assessment                                                                                     higher.
College        To provide excellent and      In-Progress   In progress                                                 Student Resource Center has
Campuses:      timely service to students,                                                                             had its furniture and layout
Newport        faculty, staff, and the                                                                                 upgraded to provide a better
Beach          community.                                                                                              learning environment.
                                                                                                                       Mental Health Counselors
                                                                                                                       are now in place on certain
                                                                                                                       days of the week at NBC, as
                                                                                                                       well as a food pantry was
                                                                                                                       established on campus as of
                                                                                                                       September 2020. Working
                                                                                                                       with ASG to bring things to
                                                                                                                       do - games and activities - to
                                                                                                                       NBC as requested by the
                                                                                                                       students. Art Gallery
                                                                                                                       programming continues to
                                                                                                                       expand to provide

                                                                                                                                         11 | P a g e
connections to local
                                                                                                                    communities. Addition of
                                                                                                                    staff is necessary to continue

College       To provide, in a fiscally     Completed   Ongoing progress being made to provide study and            Enhanced study spaces and
Campuses:     conservative manner, the      / Ongoing   gathering areas throughout the campus.                      furnishing in NBC’s student
Newport       best learning environment –                                                                           success center completed in
Beach         both in and out of the                                                                                Summer 2018. Quiet study
              classroom – for students                                                                              areas were completed in
              attending Coastline classes                                                                           NBC’s Student Lounge in Fall
              at the Newport Beach                                                                                  2018. More welcoming
              Campus.                                                                                               furnishings for outdoor areas
                                                                                                                    and second floor atrium
                                                                                                                    added and improved.
                                                                                                                    Permanent food vendor
                                                                                                                    discussions still in progress.
                                                                                                                    A four-phase beautification
                                                                                                                    plan has been created for
                                                                                                                    the Art Corridor, with Phase
                                                                                                                    1 of the plan completed as of
                                                                                                                    Summer 2020. Replacement
                                                                                                                    of directional way-finding
                                                                                                                    signage in that was
                                                                                                                    previously in place is still in
                                                                                                                    the works.
College       Providing access to courses   Completed   Art classroom, science laboratory, and COAST                Lottery monies and state-
Campuses:     and sufficient equipment      / Ongoing   vocational materials being purchased.                       funded equipment monies
Newport                                                                                                             are being used to fund needs
Beach                                                                                                               of classrooms, studios, and
                                                                                                                    laboratories for the sciences
                                                                                                                    and for art. Supplies and
                                                                                                                    equipment are being
                                                                                                                    purchased for the ID courses
                                                                                                                    in the COAST vocational
                                                                                                                    program for use by students
                                                                                                                    as they learn proper
                                                                                                                    workplace techniques and
                                                                                                                    the right tools for the jobs.
College       Create a warm and             Completed   Addressed above in “To provide excellent and timely         Addressed above. In
Campuses:     welcoming environment         / Ongoing   service to students, faculty, staff and the community”      addition, M&O Director
Newport                                                 and “To provide, in a fiscally conservative manner, the     Randy Flint secured a grant
Beach                                                   best learning environment – both in and out of the          and worked with Special
                                                        classroom – for students attending Coastline classes at     Programs Coordinator
                                                        the Newport Beach Campus”                                   Celeste Ryan and the NBC
                                                                                                                    Dean to increase the number
                                                                                                                    of more accessible entry
                                                                                                                    doors to various locations on
                                                                                                                    the Newport Beach Campus.
College       Improve availability of       Completed   The expansion of student study and learning assistance      When completed, additional
Campuses:     Student Services at the       / Ongoing   space was completed in August 2017 from Measure M           space will include a café,
Westminster   WLJC, additional space for                funding. The café opened in 2018. Warming and visual        expanded outdoor student
Le Jao        tutoring, lunch, and other                branding of campus environment. Focus group made            lounge, additional parking,
              services for students. Add                presentation with recommendations to the Facilities         expanded student
              visual branding of the                    committee- recommendations shared with President.           study/meeting space. When
              College in campus                                                                                     completed, the campus will
              courtyard.                                                                                            have college branding inside
                                                                                                                    and out
College       Implement a card system (CI   Completed   CI Solution is in the final n testing phase; Go Print has   CI Solution software is in
Campuses:     Solutions) in the Student                 been installed at Newport Beach SSC but not hooked up       place and tracking student
Westminster   Success Center to assist                  as of now. The Go Print system is scheduled to be           attendance for the purpose
Le Jao        staff with tracking                       installed in the Student Resource Center during the Fall    of analysis. Go Print system
              information for future data               2017 academic semester.                                     has been installed and is
              analysis to help the Center                                                                           fully operational.
              run successfully and

                                                                                                                                      12 | P a g e
smoothly. In addition,
              implement a card system
              (Go Print) to allow pay to
              print copies for students.

College       Continue to fund Student        Completed     BSI and BSSOAP funds were used to fund forty-five (45)      The categorical funds,
Campuses:     Success Conferences either                    conferences and/or workshops attended by faculty and        BSSOAP and BSI have ended
Westminster   through BSSOAP, BSI or PDI                    staff. Faculty and/or staff presented at nine (9) of the    however, PDI is still available
Le Jao        funds and assure faculty                      conferences and/or workshops. Faculty and staff             for faculty to use.
              and staff opportunities to                    attended other conferences funded by other sources.
              attend and present. Provide                   Staff have completed numerous trainings
              opportunities for staff
College       New printers are needed in      In-Progress   IT Department has identified all printers that need to be   Current printers are
Campuses:     various work areas of the                     replaced.                                                   oversized, out of date, and
Westminster   center.                                                                                                   costly to maintain. To be
Le Jao                                                                                                                  completed by 2018.
College       Work with M/O to upgrade        In-Progress   Initial Install completed January 2017                      Two more classrooms for
Campuses:     the furniture at Le-Jao to                                                                                upgrade have been
Westminster   allow for the multi-use of                                                                                identified Classroom
Le Jao        classroom/lab spaces                                                                                      scheduling and utilization is
              allowing for greater                                                                                      more efficient to be
              flexibility of classroom                                                                                  completed by July 2022
College       Continue to work with the       In-Progress   Move to Block-scheduling to increase efficiency in          Additional courses and move
Campuses:     Office of Instruction to                      course offerings.                                           to Block schedule to be
Westminster   increase site-based                                                                                       coordinated with other
Le Jao        offerings that support                                                                                    campus sites and completed
              transfer degrees,                                                                                         by Fall 2020
              certificates, and other
              structured pathways.
College       Work with Math faculty to       Completed     Onsite Math Boot Camp, Math 045. Pre-Assessment             Get success rate data in both
Campuses:     develop an onsite and           / Ongoing     Boot Camp online                                            instances. College Readiness
Westminster   online Math Boot Camp for                                                                                 Workshops aid in
Le Jao        those students who are not                                                                                compliance with AB705
              meeting college level math
              based on assessment
              testing. LJC Dean
              implemented College
              Readiness Workshops for
              math and English skills
              refresher and development
College       Work with M/O to design         In-Progress   Initial Furniture install completed August 2017. Interior   Construction completed for
Campuses:     and furnish the newly                         branding and additional technology still needed.            Student Resource Center.
Westminster   constructed Student                                                                                       Furnishings and finishes are
Le Jao        Success Center to provide                                                                                 complete. Painting and other
              for better space utilization                                                                              aspects of maintenance are
              for tutoring, computer                                                                                    in progress.
              usage, learning assistance,
              study space, lending library,
              as well as other resources
              for student success.
College       Work with M/O to redesign       Completed     Initial install completed August 2017.Re-install            Minor installation projects
Campuses:     and furnish the ESL office                    completed September 2017                                    still need to be completed.
Westminster   area to remove safety                                                                                     Estimated completion date
Le Jao        hazards and provide                                                                                       December 2017. Minor
              efficient and confidential                                                                                design details still need to be
              service to students.                                                                                      competed.
College       Work with Marketing to          In-Progress   Marketing materials and print for the instructional         Rebranding of the campus
Campuses:     rebrand the Westminster,                      programs that are housed at the WLJC                        should increase enrollment
Westminster   Le-Jao Campus and develop                                                                                 in scheduled General
Le Jao        Coastline Branded Outreach                                                                                Education course;
              Materials for Instructional
              programs and educational

                                                                                                                                           13 | P a g e
College       Clean and reconfigure           Completed     Some progress has been made in cleaning some areas.
Campuses:     faculty workspace and           / Ongoing
Westminster   classrooms
Le Jao
College       Identify and create             In-Progress
Campuses:     workspace for campus
Westminster   technology staff and
Le Jao        counselors.
College       Redesign classrooms with        Not Started   Discussions continue with faculty regarding need and
Campuses:     mobile furniture.                             design
Le Jao
College       Redesign one classrooms         In-Progress   Computers have been purchased
Campuses:     with hybrid computer
Westminster   desks.
Le Jao
College       Add Faculty Office Space        Not Started   Discussions continue to identify space for conversion
Le Jao
College       Add large lecture classroom     Not Started   Discussions continue how to expand the campus, if
Campuses:                                                   needed
Le Jao
College       Extend Library Services to      Completed     PT Librarian positioned in the SRC                         Library services available to
Campuses:     Student Resource Center                                                                                  all students attending WLJC
Le Jao
College       Equip Small group meeting       In-Progress   Computer monitors have been installed in each group        Computer monitors have
Campuses:     rooms in SRC with computer                    meeting room in the SRC. Keyboards and cables for          been installed in each group
Westminster   monitors add keyboards                        student use is in -progress                                meeting room in the SRC.
Le Jao        and cables                                                                                               Keyboards and cables for
                                                                                                                       student use is in -progress
College       Create Lactation room on        In-Progress   M & O has identified a date to be compliant with the       Room has been identified
Campuses:     campus                                        law. Clean up and transition was completed Fall 2019       and cleared. Furnishing are
Westminster                                                                                                            still need
Le Jao
College       Increase FT & PT faculty in     Completed     Discussions continue. Addressing the needs of specific
Campuses:     multiple disciplines            / Ongoing     initiatives in Adult Education and with other laws, more
Westminster                                                 faculty are needed to meet the needs of students and
Le Jao                                                      the law
College       Addition of new faculty (FT     In-Progress   Fall 2019, first ESL classes offered at NBC. Plans for
Campuses:     & PT) in multiple disciplines                 Spanish classes to be offered at same location.
Westminster   to provide instruction and
Le Jao        support in multiple
              modalities at multiple
Communicati   By spring 2021, implement       In-Progress   In 2015-16 Course schedules for the last three years       Course schedule has been
on Studies    an innovative scheduling                      have been analyzed to weed out course days and times       adapted. Work continues
              strategy that will offer                      that do not fill. A rotation of major electives has been   adapting CMST schedule to
              students an opportunity to                    implemented to allow students to complete the major        fit within the college-wide
              complete the CMST                             in a two-year period. A new initiative to develop more     initiative of block-scheduling.
              Associate Degree for                          major courses for the hybrid and online modality. In       CMST 110 and 100 are now
              Transfer (ADT) and graduate                   2016-17 new schedules were developed for 2017-18. In       being offered fully online.
              in two years. This initiative                 2018 -19 Distance Education Addendums were updated
              will transform Coastline’s                    to offer all CMST courses online.
              former Speech program into
              a college major and a
              vehicle for guaranteed
              transfer. In Los Angeles,
              Orange, Riverside, and San
              Bernardino counties, every
              CSU campus (except
              Dominguez Hills) offers a
              CSU Concentration on a

                                                                                                                                         14 | P a g e
pathway for transfer from
                the Communication Studies
                major at Coastline.
                Pathways are documented
                on the joint CCC/CSU
                website Associate Degree
                for Transfer
Communicati     To develop master course       In-Progress   Developed master courses for Interpersonal                Multiple online sections of
on Studies      hybrid options for our                       communication, Intercultural Communication, and           each course are being
                interpersonal, small group,                  Public Speaking.                                          offered each term. Public
                and intercultural                                                                                      Speaking and other courses
                communication courses.                                                                                 are offered online in a
                                                                                                                       consistent format.
Communicati     To develop a model for a       In-Progress   Discussion with the Dean has occurred                     Feasibility has not been
on Studies      large lecture + activity lab                                                                           determined. Continually
                Public Speaking Course                                                                                 exploring opportunities to
                                                                                                                       complete this initiative.
Communicati     Develop hybrid and online      In Progress   CMST 100 & 101 have been offered online. Curriculum       Two sections of online CMST
on Studies      versions for CMST 101 and                    development for digital communication has begun.          100 have been added in Fall
                CMST 100 and add New                                                                                   19’ Sections of online CMST
                programs in digital                                                                                    101 have been offered in the
                communication                                                                                          Spring 20’ and Fall 20’ terms.
Communicati     Professional development       Completed     Collaborative efforts between CMST faculty to learn       Zoom has been chosen as
on Studies      training all department on     / Ongoing     video recording, streaming, and editing skills are        department method for
                video recording, streaming,                  ongoing. Department CANVAS shell created to house         streaming of student
                video editing, and video                     related PD resources.                                     speeches in all CMST
                production.                                                                                            courses. Department video
                                                                                                                       library created.
Computer        Renew our CAE/2Y (Center       Completed     Re-designation required in 2024                           Coastline was first
Information     for Academic Excellence/ 2-    / Ongoing                                                               designated as CAE2Y in 2015
Systems,        Year Colleges) for the                                                                                 and re-designated in 2019 as
Computer        National Security Agency.                                                                              CAE-CDE. Hosted college
Service                                                                                                                trainings, recertification,
Technology,                                                                                                            added specialties & visited
Cybersecurity                                                                                                          other colleges.
Computer        Expand Cisco Academy           Completed     Training occurred in spring 2018 with anticipation to     We have written curriculum,
Information     Program moving more into       / Ongoing     teach in spring 2020. We adopted Version v7 of the        trained instructors, and
Systems,        security and offering in the                 Cisco CCNA curriculum in Spring 2020. We plan to          adapted Netlab labs for the
Computer        highly regarded CCNA                         expand into CCNP and Cyber Operations courses in          Cisco CCNA security classes.
Service         Security Certificate.                        2021-2022.                                                Purchased hardware for in-
Technology,                                                                                                            person and hybrid classes.
Computer        Expand NETLAB so that it       Completed     Considering NetLab expansion for CyberPatriot to          Netlab environment is
Information     can run Cybersecurity          / Ongoing     include practice pods for middle school and high school   available to students in our
Systems,        competitions for the local                   students.                                                 CyberPatriot classes and
Computer        High Schools.                                                                                          training sessions.
Computer        Explore the possibility of     Completed     Working with the Dean of Effectiveness to develop         3 courses developed in Data
Information     revitalizing the Informatics                 course material. Developed Data Analytics program fall    Analytics and a 6 course
Systems,        Program as Data Analytics                    2018.                                                     Certificate of Achievement
Computer                                                                                                               has been locally approved as
Service                                                                                                                of Fall 2019. Curriculum was
Technology,                                                                                                            approved by the state and
Cybersecurity                                                                                                          added into the catalogue
                                                                                                                       addendum as of Spring 2020.
Computer        Create an AS-degree in Data    Completed     Started with courses and Certificate of Achievement in    3 courses developed in Data
Information     Analytics to expand the                      fall 2018. Courses on schedule as of Spring 2019.         Analytics and a 6 course
Systems,        growth of the CIS program.                                                                             Certificate of Achievement
Computer                                                                                                               has been locally approved as
Service                                                                                                                of Fall 2019.

                                                                                                                                         15 | P a g e
Computer        Establish and scale a Palo      In-Progress   Approved by Legal Dept and finalizing overall                Courses offered in fall 2018
Information     Alto Networking Regional                      negotiations. Established Coastline as a Palo Alto           and expanding program in
Systems,        Academy                                       Network Academy. We can offer entry level materials          spring 2019. Courses offered
Computer                                                      through our adopted Palo Alto stand-alone courses.           in 2019-2020 academic year.
Service                                                       Goal will be to build this and future courses in as
Technology,                                                   electives to cyber security certificates and degrees. Fall
Cybersecurity                                                 2019 – we have taught some of the classes. We are
                                                              working with our partner Palo Alto, to assist in the
                                                              development of materials to fit into programs such as
Computer        Support the Cybertech Girls     Completed     Continuing to establish relationships with various           Hosted event on Leap Day
Information     Program                         / Ongoing     colleges throughout the western region. Have                 2020 for 50 girls at Garden
Systems,                                                      established relationships with professional                  Grove Center. 18 mentors
Computer                                                      organizations such as HTCIA, WiCyS, and Techeria to          with diverse ethnic
Service                                                       bring diverse mentors to the events. Need funding to         backgrounds and work roles
Technology,                                                   run additional events.                                       attended the event to
Cybersecurity                                                                                                              support the workshops and
                                                                                                                           talk about empowerment.
                                                                                                                           Expanded to other colleges
                                                                                                                           in spring 2018. Assisted with
                                                                                                                           event hosting at San
                                                                                                                           Bernardino Valley College
                                                                                                                           and College of Southern
                                                                                                                           Nevada. Community
                                                                                                                           involvement in CST and CIS
                                                                                                                           program to help raise
                                                                                                                           awareness about the
                                                                                                                           courses, certificates, and
                                                                                                                           degrees that we offer. 115
                                                                                                                           people attended the CTG
                                                                                                                           event in fall 2017.
Computer        CA Cybersecurity                Completed     Cohort 1 began Summer 2017, continuing through Fall          Preparing students for
Information     Apprenticeship Program (8       / Ongoing     2020. We are up to eight cohorts currently. Need to          cybersecurity professions
Systems,        courses and 6 CompTIA                         explore new funding to keep this initiative moving           through hands-on
Computer        certifications)                               forward.                                                     coursework, on-site training
Service                                                                                                                    workshops for soft skill
Technology,                                                                                                                development, and industry
Cybersecurity                                                                                                              certification preparation.
Computer        Host Cybersecurity              Completed     This has been an on-going activity for since 2016. The       Community involvement in
Information     Awareness Expo each year        / Ongoing     next event is planned as a week-long virtual event in        CST and CIS program to help
Systems,        at Garden Grove Center                        conjunction with SoCal 4Cs. Need to explore further          raise awareness about the
Computer                                                      funding to run these events.                                 courses, certificates, and
Service                                                                                                                    degrees that we offer. 75
Technology,                                                                                                                people attended the Expo in
Cybersecurity                                                                                                              fall 2019.
Computer        Develop workshop                Completed     Hosted GenCyber Girls summer camp in July 2019.              50 middle school and high
Information     materials and host a week-                    Hosted a Teacher Camp (Virtual via Zoom Conference)          school girls attended with
Systems,        long summer camp for                          in Summer 2020.                                              survey results showing that
Computer        middle school and high                                                                                     more than 75% are
Service         school students. Faculty will                                                                              interested in continuing their
Technology,     work with high school                                                                                      cybersecurity education. 8
Cybersecurity   teachers and college                                                                                       Teachers attended the
                instructors across the region                                                                              virtual camp in 2020.
                to develop age-appropriate
                materials to help
                middle/high school students
                develop an interest in
                cybersecurity professions.
Computer        Develop a new Associate of      Completed     Received NSF award in Oct 2018. Working with advisory        Course topics and SLO’s
Information     Science degree in Digital                     board to ensure content meets emerging industry              developed for 6 courses.
Systems,        Forensics and Incident                        needs. 6 new courses sent to Curriculum Committee fall       Approved by the state in
Computer        Response (DFIR). Requires                     2019.                                                        May 2020. This should be on
Service         development of 6 new                                                                                       the Fall 2020 catalogue
Technology,     courses, working with an                                                                                   addendum.
Cybersecurity   Advisory Board.

                                                                                                                                             16 | P a g e
Computer        Develop infographics and       Not Started   This initiative is in the exploratory phase and funding is
Information     promotional materials for                    needed to further develop the program.
Systems,        guided pathways including
Computer        stackable certificates and
Service         industry certification exam
Technology,     pathways.
Computer        Gain state level approval to   In-Progress   Developed proposal for Dr. Adrian to share at
Information     develop a Bachelor of                        Chancellor’s Board meeting in Aug 2019. Fall 2019 –
Systems,        Science in Cybersecurity                     Awaiting additional status updates.
Computer        which will include 3
Service         specialization tracks:
Technology,     Cybersecurity, DFIR, and
Cybersecurity   Cybersecurity & National
                Infrastructure Security.
Computer        Host the Western Regional      Completed     Established GGC as the host for the March 2019
Information     Collegiate Cyber Defense       / Ongoing     WRCCDC competition. Hosted 2020 Regional
Systems,        Competition annually at                      Competition in March. Have expanded to over 10
Computer        Garden Grove Center.                         Industry Sponsors and accomplished financial
Service                                                      independence in just two years which was three years
Technology,                                                  ahead of schedule.
Computer        Develop an interactive         Completed     Need funding.
Information     cyber center like the Tech     / Ongoing
Systems,        Interactive Center with
Computer        hands-on activities for
Service         community outreach events
Technology,     to build interest in our
Cybersecurity   programs.
Computer        Establish a classroom for      Completed     VPI, Vince Rodriguez verbally approved and expressed
Information     the student cybersecurity      / Ongoing     interest in the development of this type of space for
Systems,        club, the SSOC, the                          students in spring 2018. Need funding for this initiative.
Computer        interactive cyber center,
Service         and CCAP. Students should
Technology,     access without a 25 Live
Cybersecurity   reservation.
Computer        Research and develop           Completed     Opened communication with Aeron Zentner and Steve
Information     Augmented Reality (AR)         / Ongoing     Fauce, per request from Vince Rodriguez Need funding
Systems,        labs for students to engage                  for this initiative.
Computer        with simulated computer
Service         networking environments.
Computer        Standup a student security     Completed     Need funding and space allocated to start the project.
Information     operations center (SSOC) at    / Ongoing     Have support from district IT and dean. Need funding
Systems,        the Garden Grove Campus.                     for this initiative.
Digital         Develop a new program          In-Progress   An Audio-Video Production certificate is planned for fall    Recording and mixing for
Graphic         called Video Production for                  2020 that includes: DGA C121 Adobe Premiere 3.0 DGA          social media, and audio
Applications    Online Streaming                             C122 Adobe After Effects 3.0 DGA C140 Audio                  voice-overs will be taught in
                                                             Production 3.0 Concentration subtotal: 9                     DGA C140 in fall 2020 to
                                                                                                                          start 10/19/2020 and will be
                                                                                                                          taught by a recording
                                                                                                                          engineer and voting member
                                                                                                                          of the Grammy awards.
Distance        Improve and enhance            Completed     During the FY 19-20, best practices for guided pathways      Positive feedback has been
Learning        customer service for faculty                 support were identified, and several began to be             received from students and
                and students through the                     implemented including: Clearer directions to processes,      support staff on
                implementation of                            improved degree pathways for ADTs, Outreach to               improvements to the
                customer service standards                   students at the beginning of the term.                       Student and Family Guide to
                and best practices using an                                                                               Education While
                equity mindset based on                                                                                   Incarcerated, as it is easier to

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