PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -

Page created by Dan Reid
PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -
with the support of

                           PLaying for our planet
                                                                      PLaying for
                                                                      our planet
                                                                                How sports win from
                                                                                being sustainable

                              How sports win from being sustainable
with contributions from:

                                                                      with the support of
PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -
Environmental leadership is an increasingly important      the development of a report which is designed to bring
issue for all sport stakeholders and major sport events.   together good practices by key stakeholders of the sport
Environmentally conscious operations are no longer         movement: from federations, teams, fans, sporting goods
solely a focus of visionary thinking, but have become      manufacturers and venue operators, to sponsoring partners,
a vital operational and economic requirement for           environmental organisations and policymakers. Its main
federations, teams, rights holders, host cities, leisure   objective is to highlight innovative solutions which enhance
activities and partners linked to the sport movement.      the environmental and sustainable performance of sports.
UEFA, WWF and the Green Sports Alliance have led
PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -

           For quite some time sustainability was a foreign concept in the world of sport
           and just a decade ago it was still considered rather exotic by many in the
           industry. That is thankfully no longer the case today.

           This good practice report highlights the commitment made by many sports to           environment and local communities. That means limiting our use of natural
           raise awareness of healthy and sustainable lifestyles and to take action against     resources such as water, keeping the air clean, consuming less and more
           climate change. The activities showcased from around Europe show a great             renewable energy, and recycling everything that can be given a new life. And
           innovative spirit and demonstrate that sport can contribute to sustainable           above all, it means helping these principles trickle down from the top events to
           causes at all levels, from the grassroots to the professional game. Another          those organised at amateur and youth levels.
           important message from this report is that public institutions and the sports
           movement are united and playing together for our planet.                             Sustainable sporting practices are also an excellent way to reduce costs and
                                                                                                generate revenue. The roofs of today’s stadiums and arenas are great surfaces
           For the best part of two decades, UEFA has been cooperating with the                 on which to generate solar energy, while sourcing food locally is an efficient and
           Worldwide Fund for Nature and many local organisations to bring about a              cost-efficient way to stock stadium stalls. Making efficient use of public transport,
           more sustainable approach to organising, playing and watching football. Large-       and cycling or walking to training and matches, are two more smart, simple ways
           scale events such as UEFA EUROs have raised awareness within the football            to reduce our sport’s environmental footprint.
           community of the environmental impact football can have, but it is at the
           grassroots that the impact of climate change if felt on a day-to-day basis, which    UEFA must continue to lead by example in this field and enlist the support of
           is why we have a responsibility towards all players and society as a whole to        clubs, leagues, fans and local communities. Together with the European Union,
           take action against environmental degradation.                                       the UNFCCC, the WWF, the Green Sports Alliance and individuals at all levels
                                                                                                of the game, European football must help protect our planet and empower
           It is true that going local and mobilising people involved in the grassroots         environmental and societal change.
           game is a very efficient way to spread the sustainability message to our fans in
           Europe and beyond. But environmentally speaking, local and global concerns
           are closely and irremediably intertwined. It is also important to increase
           collaboration between different sports, and we are grateful to see many North
           American sports in particular sharing their insights on sustainable practices.

           Sustainability is one of the most significant issues facing decision-makers and
           opinion leaders in sport as they prepare for the future. Professional football       Aleksander Čeferin
           relies on large-scale facilities and intensive use of transport infrastructure. It   UEFA President
           is, however, vital that we plan international events in a way that protects the

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PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -

           The European Union is a leader in tackling climate change and in promoting
           the circular economy. Sport certainly has a part to play in this. We have a
           duty to minimise the impact sport has on our environment, for the benefit
           of society as a whole.

           When it comes to environmental sustainability, we should live by the Olympic
           ideal of Pierre de Coubertin that participating is everything. And if sport
           contributes to strengthening this sustainability, we can all be winners.
                                                                                               Tackling the impact of sport on our environment is not only about the good
           Climate change and environmental challenges are at the centre of public             consciences of all those involved. It is also about making a sound business
           attention and at the top of policy makers’ agendas across the world. Sport          case. Here, sport should also lead by example. We need a debate on how
           is not only an activity, nor simply entertainment; it is also an industry that is   those organising major sport events can take the lead in protecting our planet,
           substantial and growing – as is its environmental footprint.                        and how the sustainability agenda can be translated from visionary thinking
           In its most recent EU Work Plan for Sport, the European Commission,                 to actions built on solid economic foundations. Sustainability is already an
           together with Member States and stakeholders, has developed                         important consideration for major sport events, but that needs to be the case
           recommendations on major sport events, focusing on legacy aspects                   at grassroots level too, and in our daily habits linked to physical activity.
           and social, economic and environmental sustainability.                              Preserving the world we live in is one of the most pressing challenges facing
           This report looks at sustainability at all stages, from planning to                 us today. Sport has an important contribution to make to this. Encouraging
           completion and what happens long after major events have ended.                     steps are being taken, but more action needs to follow. I hope that this report
           With the recommendations drawn up, we need to act: addressing the                   can be an inspiration to the entire sport family and those working with it.
           challenges and highlighting the lessons to be learned, while promoting
           environmentally sustainable facilities, protecting the habitat, designing           Tibor Navracsics
           sustainable mobility, ticketing and catering systems, reducing waste,               Commissioner for Education,
           improving water treatment, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.                   Culture, Youth and Sport

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PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -

           When I see action being taken anywhere on sustainability, I am encouraged.
           I am especially delighted and hopeful when I see an industry or sector step up
           to take the lead, where leadership and action are so critical.

           This is doubly so when I learn of initiatives in sport, like this report and the    The Paris Agreement of 2015 represents that commitment. It is one of the
           actions described in it, from the highest professional levels to the field around   biggest multilateral accomplishments in UN history. Nations saw the value of
           the corner where children give their all, in fun and earnest effort to emulate      being on the same team and working towards a common goal—to limit global
           their heroes.                                                                       average temperature rise of 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius, to avoid the worst effects of
           Imagine directing the passion and dedication evident so readily in sport to the     climate change for present and future generations.
           cause of saving our planet. Many have imagined this and are indeed tapping          The Paris Agreement was signed and ratified by nation states, called Parties in
           this exciting opportunity, as described here by UEFA and WWF.                       the UN Climate Change process. However, it will take all our efforts, from across
           Our passion for sports has transformed the sport sector into a major economic       society, public and private, working for global climate action to go further, faster,
           force with enormous influence throughout the world. In fact, total global sports    together.
           revenue is between USD 500 billion and USD 600 billion annually. Its influence is   I applaud the farsighted, exciting climate action being undertaken in the sport
           felt in many ways beyond money.                                                     sector and I applaud the cooperative effort that brought us this report. UN
           I encourage the sport sector to use its local and global influence to help          Climate change is also seeking ways to multiply efforts being taken by sports,
           address the greatest challenge of our time: climate change. Just like athletes      identify new opportunities for climate action, and raise ambition. The result could
           need a strong foundation to compete at their very best, the planet is no            be a new Platform for Sports and Climate Action launched in time for the UN
           different. We need the right conditions to maintain peak performance. For too       Climate Change Conference, COP24, in Katowice, Poland, in December this year.
           long we have treated the planet as if we were in a sprint—using all our energy      You are all invited to help develop the platform.
           and resources in one short blast.
                                                                                               Patricia Espinosa
           We must understand that, far from a sprint, we are, all together, in the longest
           of marathons. If we are to be successful, we must make a commitment to our          Executive Secretary,
           own well-being and longevity.                                                       UN Climate Change

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PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -

           On behalf of the Green Sports Alliance, our members, Board of Directors,
           and the stakeholders of a greening global sports movement, it is our distinct
           honour and privilege to support the development of this European report.

           The sports industry is uniquely positioned to leverage its cultural and market
           influence to advance social and ecological stewardship at an unprecedented
           scale. This report is packed with case studies, better practices and name-
           recognition of leading sports organisations, teams, brands and venues. We               Sport is the great unifier. It transcends political, cultural, religious, and socio-
           hope it will inspire the world’s most iconic, inspirational, and influential industry   economic barriers. The collective actions of our industry may be the game
           to embrace environmentally friendly actions and use the power of sport to               changer that helps us to survive our epic environmental challenges. We hope
           engage fans and athletes throughout the world.                                          that this European report is another step to demonstrate how we can all win.

           The Green Sports Alliance gathers the sports industry, private sector partners,         Europe has set the pace in confronting the global challenge of climate change
           public sector institutions, and the scientific community to develop resources,          with some of the world’s highest environmental standards. The European
           strategies, and solutions to PLAY GREENER™. These cooperative efforts have              Union is already recognised as a global leader of environmental action and
           helped our movement encourage sports leagues, teams, venues, events,                    sustainable development. We are pleased to highlight the work that has already
           governing bodies, industry partners, athletes, and millions of fans to adopt            been achieved and provide a gateway to further activate the sports greening
           ecologically sound practices. They are now embracing renewable energy,                  movement.
           healthy food, recycling, composting, water efficiency, safer chemicals, and
                                                                                                   The Green Sports Alliance looks forward to our continued collaboration with
           other environmentally responsible practices. In short, we are creating healthier
                                                                                                   European sports stakeholders, further advancing implementation of the practices
           communities where we live, work and play.
                                                                                                   outlined in this report. The stakes are high and the time to act is now.
           Sports industry partners have collectively saved millions of dollars by shifting
                                                                                                   One team, one planet.
           to more efficient and intelligent operations. At the same time, the green
           sports movement has found cost-competitive and innovative solutions to our
           environmental challenges, while leading in sustainable initiatives.

           There has never been a better time for the sports industry to take a leadership
           role to unite the world in restoring our planet. The ecological, social, and            Scott Jenkins                                  Justin Zeulner
           economic dangers posed by climate change not only threaten our industry, but            Chair, Board of Directors                      Executive Director
           the livelihood of all life on earth.                                                    Green Sports Alliance                          Green Sports Alliance

                                  8   Playing for                                                                         9    Playing for
                                      our planet                                                                               our planet
PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -
INSIDE                                                                                                                                      PART
                                                                                                     03                              Beyond Europe
                                                                                                                                     86     GREEN TEAMS, OFFSETS AND

                                                                                                                                            FARMS SECURE A FUTURE FOR
                                                                                                                                            AMERICA’S PASTIME

                                                                                                A Space
                                                                                                for Innovation                       90     PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS’
                                                                                                                                            SUSTAINABLITY TIMELINE,
                                                                                                                                            ACHIEVEMENTS AND GOALS

                                                                                                62   SPORT ENTERTAINMENT’S                  PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS

                                       PART                                                          POWER TO SAVE OUR
                                                                                                                                     94     AN ENVIRONMENTALLY

                                                                                                                                            CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY,
                                                                Environmental                        SKY
                                                                                                                                            RALLIED AROUND A
                                                                                                66   PIONEERING SOLUTIONS
                                                                                                     FOR MODERN STADIUMS
                                                                                                     FENWICK IRIBARREN
                                                                                                                                            DETERMINED TEAM
                                                                                                                                            PHILADELPHIA EAGLES

                                                                34   WHERE ATHLETICS GETS ITS
                                                                                                                                     98     PLAY IT FORWARD:
                                                                     GREEN INSPIRATION
                                                                     EUROPEAN ATHLETICS         70   CUTTING COSTS AND
                                                                                                     CARBON FOOTPRINTS AT
                                                                                                                                            INNOVATING FOR
                                                                                                                                            THE NEXT GENERATION
                                                                                                     THE MERCEDES-BENZ ARENA
                                                                38   SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE
                                                                     AND SUSTAINABLE                 AEG
                                                                                                                                            THE NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE

                                                                     FOOTBALL AT EURO 2016
                                                                     UEFA                       72   ON TRACK FOR
                                                                                                     SUSTAINABILITY             102         TEAMS GO FOR GOLD,
                                                                                                                                            STADIUMS GO FOR PLATINUM
12 Preface
                               20     FRENCH SPORT
                                      STAKEHOLDERS COMMIT TO
                                                                42   KEEPING GOLF GREEN ON
                                                                     AND OFF THE COURSE
                                                                                                     KISS MUGELLO                           MERCEDES-BENZ STADIUM

                                      THE FRENCH MINISTRY
                                                                     R&A/GOLF ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                                74   FOOTBALL BEYOND THE
                                      OF SPORT                                                       VFL WOLFSBURG

16 Recommendations
                               24     FROM ‘GREEN’ SPORT
                                      TO SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                46   CHAMPIONING
                                                                     SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION
                                                                     AT ROLAND GARROS
                                                                                                76   AN INDUSTRY LEADER IN
                                                                                                     SUSTAINABLE BROADCASTING
   OUR PLANET                         DAVID STUBBS                                                   BBC SPORT

                               28     THE ENVIRONMENTAL
                                      IMPACT OF MEGA EVENTS     50   LAUNCHING SAILING’S
                                                                     SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY
                                                                                                78   HOW WE DROVE THE ISO
                                                                                                     STANDARD FOR EVENT
                                      PROFESSOR HOLGER PREUSS
                                                                     WORLD SAILING                   SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                                                     FORMULA E
                                                                52   PROTECTING FRESHWATER
                                                                                                80   THE NORTH FACE:
                                                                                                     EXTENDING THE LIFECYCLE
                                                                     WORLD ROWING
                                                                                                     OF APPAREL AND FOOTWEAR
                                                                54   THE COUNTRIES AND
                                                                     CITIES CHAMPIONING
                                                                                                     VF CORPORATION
                                                                     LONDON & PARTNERS          82   ‘TURNING THE TIDE’
                                                                                                     ON PLASTIC

                                                                                                     VOLVO OCEAN RACE
                                                                     PUTTING SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                     AT THE HEART OF THE
                                                                     SPORTING GOODS
                               10   Playing for                                                                                 11   Playing for
                                    our planet                                                                                       our planet
PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -

                                                                                                                      significant. Combined with spectator           sports like swimming, surfing,
WWF                                                                                                                   travel, land use change, facility              rowing, canoeing and sailing.
                                                                                                                      construction, pitch irrigation, chemical
                            Natural partners                                                                          treatment, catering and so on, sport’s         Sport both impacts and is dependent
                                                                           Nature and sport are inextricably
                                                                                                                      environmental impact is considerable.          upon nature. And with impact and
                            Vanquishing high mountain cols in the          connected, and nature’s role and a
      Jochem                                                                                                                                                         dependency comes responsibility.
     VERBERNE               Tour de France. Going the distance             competitor’s response, often decisive
                                                                                                                      WWF’s Living Planet Index4 shows
                            in Sweden’s Vasaloppet cross country           in the outcome of an event.                                                               Sustainability initiatives
  Sydney 2000 Olympic
                            ski race. Conquering the icy face of
                                                                                                                      us that human activity and resource                                                       Sport’s status
  medallist and Director,                                                                                             use have grown so dramatically                 across the sports
   Global Partnerships,
                            the Eiger. Mastering the seas in the
                                                                           Our greatest tournaments and events
                                                                                                                      since the mid-20th century that we             industry                                   as a beloved
   WWF International
                                                                           rely on energy, infrastructure and
                            Volvo Ocean Race. All feats of daring,
                                                                           resources that are nature’s bounty. We     are endangering key environmental              Sport’s status as a beloved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                entertainment form
                            courage, skill and endurance. And
                            all awe-inspiring examples of how
                                                                           depend on it.                              systems. Global temperatures are               entertainment form has perhaps             has perhaps shielded
                                                                                                                      more than one degree Celsius5 above
                            we, as a species, are drawn to test                                                       pre-industrial averages, and 16 of
                                                                                                                                                                     shielded it from the scrutiny felt by      it from the scrutiny
                                                                           Impact and responsibility                                                                 other economic sectors. But it is time
                            our wit, will and strength in sporting                                                    the 17 warmest years on record have            now for sustainability to play a central
                                                                                                                                                                                                                felt by other
                            endeavour in the natural environment.          Our use of resources will impact both
                                                                           the environment and sport itself.
                                                                                                                      occurred since 2001.                           role in sport.                             economic sectors.
                            In these sports, human beings and              Energy use alone is telling. While         These changes are partly caused                In Europe, there are already many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                But it is time now for
                            the natural world come together as
                            competitors and partners, sometimes
                                                                           methodologies are not consistent, the      by a sporting economy valued at                examples of good practice. European        sustainability to
                                                                           carbon footprints – a proxy for impact     approximately 1% of global GDP6.
                            in teams, sometimes in sweet                   on the global climate – of the London      And in turn, they impact sport.
                                                                                                                                                                     sporting mega-events are increasingly      play a central role
                                                                                                                                                                     driving sustainable regeneration, as
                            isolation. And in them, an athlete’s           2012 Olympic Games (3.3MtCO2e)1,           Climate change threatens the viability         pioneered by London 2012’s One
                                                                                                                                                                                                                in sport.
                            relationship with the natural world is         the 2014 Brazilian Football World          of winter resorts while record-breaking        Planet Olympics. Sporting innovation,
                            raw, passionate and physical. Body             Cup (2.7MtCO2e)2 and the Rio 2016          heatwaves affect athlete health and            such as cutting-edge technology in
                            and spirit are pushed to the limit.            Olympic Games (3.6MtCO2e)3 are             performance at summer events.                  Formula E motor racing, is quickly
                                                                                                                      Deteriorating water quality in oceans,         being adopted in road vehicles.
                            1           rivers and lakes is negatively affecting
                            2     4
                            he2014fwccarbonfootprint_neutral.pdf                                                      5

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PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -

Governing bodies in rowing, climbing          For WWF, this is an
and motorcycling are taking steps             opportunity to reach audiences
toward sustainability, organising             that extend far beyond our normal
awards and mobilising volunteers.             constituency. For sport, it is a change
Football teams are reducing their             to develop a new dimension of
impact through solar panels, electric         aspiration and engagement that puts
vehicles and vegan match-day menus.           nature front and centre.                      But when we see an opportunity for
                                                                                            constructive and transformational
The sport-specific ISO 201217                 Setting off from Europe in October            partnership in support of nature
sustainable event management                  last year, the Volvo Ocean Race does          and sustainability, we are quick to
standard, developed and pioneered             just this. It has a UN Clean Seas ‘Turn       engage. Our contributions to bid
at London 2012, and the Global                the Tide on Plastic’10 branded boat           plans for the London 2012 and Paris
Reporting Initiative’s Event Operator         supported by media partner Sky                2024 Olympics, have shaped what
Sector Supplement8, both provide              Ocean Rescue and dedicated to                 will be regarded as blueprints for
platforms for sport to manage and             ocean health, as well as an on-board          future sustainable sporting mega-
report sustainability.                        ocean quality sampling programme.             events. Our Clean Water alliance with
Sport is frequently behind best                                                             FISA, the World Rowing Federation,
                                              Playing for our planet                        has resulted in sector-leading
practice in corporate sustainability
but the challenge is not only                 At WWF, we have actively engaged              environmental policies, including the
                                              with the sports sector for over two           first-ever sports federation pledge to
surmountable, it is an enormous
                                              decades and have enjoyed a great              do no harm in World Heritage sites.
                                                                                                                                        commitments and assigning board             At WWF, we have
opportunity. The Olympics are                                                                                                           level responsibility. And at WWF, we        actively engaged
frequently described as the world’s           variety of productive relationships           And through our ten-year partnership        look forward to collaborating with
largest media event, with Rio 2016’s          with sports events, federations, clubs        with UEFA, we have advised on               many of you in Europe to accelerate         with the sports
                                              and teams.                                    sustainable event best practice and
audience estimated at 3.7 billion9.
                                                                                            tournament bidding criteria, including
                                                                                                                                        sustainability in the sector.               sector for over two
Sport’s capacity to cross boundaries,         We don’t hesitate to campaign                                                                                                         decades and have
bridge divides and inspire people is                                                        for Euro 2020, and presented to UEFA        As sporting men and women, it
                                              if sport is damaging the natural
unique. Through it, not only can we           environment. We are currently doing
                                                                                            staff sustainability champions.             is in our nature to compete, to             enjoyed a great
bring businesses, governments and                                                                                                       challenge, to win – but also to show        variety of productive
                                              this through our ‘Together, Saving Our        Sport is certainly not the worst sector
communities together to advance                                                                                                         respect, embody fair play and take
                                              Shared Heritage’ campaign11 against           when it comes to environmental              responsibility. In and through our          relationships with
sustainability, we can also work              the violation of the Western Caucasus         impact but there is still much to do.
with global media to communicate              World Heritage site at Sochi and the
                                                                                                                                        games, we should show nature and            sports events,
                                                                                            Sports organisations should aspire to       life on Earth the same regard we show
sustainability through sport and              illegal expansion of the Bansko ski           and inspire best practice in corporate                                                  federations, clubs
inspire billions of fans.                                                                                                               each other, for that it is the essence of
                                              resort in the Pirin National Park, a          sustainability, creating robust policies    who we are and what we do.                  and teams.
                                              World Heritage site in Bulgaria.              and strategies, making public
                                                                                                                                        We are as dependent upon nature’s
                                                                                                                                        gifts as we are on our friends, family,
                                                                                                                                        fans and team-mates. And it is time
                                                                                                                                        that we truly started playing for our
9                                                                                   planet.

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PLaying for our planet - How sports win from being sustainable -

PLAYING FOR                                                                                                      WHY SPORTS WIN FROM BEING SUSTAINABLE

                                                                                                                         SHAPE YOUR FUTURE
                                                                                                                         Environmental impact is changing our planet
                                                                                                                         and sport stakeholders are directly affected.
                                                                                                                         Adaptation and risk mitigation are key for the
                                                                                                                                                                          GENERATE REVENUES AND REDUCE COSTS
                                                                                                                                                                          The sports industry can benefit financially from
                                                                                                                                                                          being more sustainable. When integrated
                                                                                                                                                                          properly, sustainable practices can strengthen
How sports win                         FACING SPORTS ORGANISATIONS IN TIMES OF
                                                                                                                         sports industry.                                 stakeholders’ business operations and
                                                                                                                                                                          sponsorship opportunities.
from being                             CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS IS
                                                                                                                         BECOME A TRUSTED PARTNER                         DRIVE INNOVATION AND ENGAGEMENT
                                       HOW TO REMAIN A TRUSTED PARTNER TO SOCIETY
sustainable                            AND SUPPORT THE PATH TO HEALTHY LIFESTYLES
                                                                                                                         Being sustainable and purposeful is crucial
                                                                                                                         for any sports organisation hoping to remain
                                                                                                                                                                          Sustainability solutions drive innovation in
                                                                                                                                                                          infrastructure/operations and serve as catalysts
                                       WHILE, AT THE SAME TIME, PREPARING THE SPORTS                                     a trusted partner for local communities and      to drive engagement with athletes, fans,
                                                                                                                         global partners in the future.                   partners, youth and local communities.
                                       INDUSTRY FOR THE FUTURE.

 HOW SPORTS AND SOCIETY CAN PLAY TOGETHER                                                                        TOWARDS A MORE SUSTAINABLE SPORTS INDUSTRY

                                                                                                                         LEAD BY EXAMPLE                                  ADOPT A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO
         LASTING IMPACT                                       Sports at all levels in Europe, from small scale
                                                                                                                         Sports can only promote purposeful change        SUSTAINABILITY
         Climate change poses a risk to global society.       community projects to large scale major sport
                                                                                                                         if it leads by example. A focus on internal      Sustainability is measured across social,
         Leveraging sports’ power to engage people            events, can contribute to and benefit from
                                                                                                                         operations is therefore key.                     economic and environmental parameters. Only
         can be a game changer in promoting healthy           sustainability initiatives.
                                                                                                                                                                          a holistic vision that embraces sustainability in
         lifestyles and taking action to combat climate
                                                                                                                                                                          its wider sense will give optimal results.
         change (SDG 13).

         Local, national and international institutions can   Sustainability is a team sport! Strategic                  GOVERNANCE                                       CERTIFICATION
         serve as effective platforms for mobilising the      partnerships can help organisations to develop             Environmental standards and sustainability       Relevant standardisation and certification
         sports movement to take action.                      integrated sustainability initiatives. Good                requirements need to be formalised in            programmes exist to ensure implementation,
                                                              practice and know-how need to be more widely               governance to streamline efforts across all      measurement and quality control. They can
                                                              disseminated.                                              sports stakeholders.                             only reach their full potential if they are widely
                                                                                                                                                                          known and applied in the sports industry.

                                       16   Playing for                                                                                              17   Playing for
                                            our planet                                                                                                    our planet
Re-Thinking Sports


     French sport
     commit to
     sustainability                                                                                                                                                    15 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENTS

     French Ministry of Sport                                                                                         events play a special role in our                       At least half of our food must    Disabled access to sites open
                                                                                                                      country. They serve as a showcase for                   be sustainable                    to the public
                                            French public authorities                                                 France and contribute to the country’s

       Morgane BIGOT                        have launched an                                                          international influence. By engaging
                                                                                                                      the public and sparking their
                                                                                                                                                                              At least 80% of journeys          Initiatives at every sports
       & Maël BESSON
                                            ambitious environmental        Climate change and sustainable             interest, these events promote social
                                                                                                                                                                              made using active mobility,       event promoting accessibility
                                                                                                                                                                              public transport or car-sharing   for all
                                            responsibility initiative      development are inescapable                diversity and strengthen national
       Sport and Sustainable
       Development Mission                  aimed at international         challenges for our modern society.         solidarity. They are often models of                    80% of purchases made using       100% acknowledgement for
        (MSDD), Ministry of
        Sports, France.                     sporting events. They          Sport can and must be an essential
                                                                           vehicle of sustainable development
                                                                                                                      organisation, and can permanently                       CSR selection criteria            volunteers
                                            have signed a charter          because of the values it promotes
                                                                                                                      shape the attitudes and habits of
                                            of 15 commitments and          and the number of stakeholders it
                                                                                                                      spectators and partners, promoting
                                                                                                                      positive social norms. Their impact
                                                                                                                                                                              25% cut in waste and 60%          At least one commitment
                 The MSDD was set up
                 in 2009 and gathers        created innovative tools       involves. Sport must take practical        and legacy can be significant and
                                                                                                                                                                              of waste reused, recycled or      given to supporting a good
                                                                                                                                                                              recovered                         cause
                 sport stakeholders in      for stakeholders to reduce     steps to achieve its objectives. Today,    long-lasting.
                 sustainable development
                 activities, mobilising a
                                            their carbon footprint. This   every group involved in sport is                                                                   100% respect for natural sites    At least one initiative
                 network of more than       approach is underpinned        focused on these issues, working on
                                                                           several fronts and taking various forms
                                                                                                                      However, major international sporting
                                                                                                                      events can, like any other human
                                                                                                                                                                                                                devoted to promoting equal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                numbers of men and women in
                 3,500 organisations
                 at national and
                                            by practical action on the     of action.                                 activity, have negative effects on the                                                    positions of responsibility
                 international levels.      ground, in addition to the                                                environment. We should minimise this                    100% of energy and water
                                            steps stakeholders take        Our range of tools, our initiatives, and   adverse impact, and even reverse it.                    consumption controlled and        One identified person
                                            every day to reduce their      our defined responsibilities and roles     This is the thinking behind the Charter                                                   responsible for sustainable
                                                                           for stakeholders help us maximise our                                                                                                development within the
                                            impact. It is consolidated     impact and collectively contribute to a
                                                                                                                      of Environmentally Responsible                          Test at least one                 organisation
                                            through a national             more sustainable sporting world.
                                                                                                                      Commitments for organisers of
                                                                                                                      major sporting events. The Charter is
                                                                                                                                                                              environmentally responsible
                                                                                                                                                                              innovation at events              At least one initiative
                                            ecological transition                                                     part of an ambitious environmental                                                        or plan in place to raise
                                            strategy for sustainable       Environmental                              responsibility initiative by the Ministry               At least one sportsperson         awareness about sustainable
                                            development.                   commitments of event                       of Sports, and sets quantitative                        nominated ambassador for          development
                                                                           organisers                                 targets and specific indicators to take                 environmental responsibility
                                                                                                                                                                              for the event or the sport in
                                                                           In addition to the entertainment that      account of all aspects of sustainable
                                                                           sports provide, major international        development between now and 2020.

                                            20   Playing for                                                                                                      21   Playing for
                                                 our planet                                                                                                            our planet


     The commitments were developed             to location, while also defining
     in collaboration with WWF, allowing        the best places to hold competitions
     all stakeholders to take ownership of      for the participating clubs.
     the tool. These people and groups
     are totally committed to meeting the       The optimouv software tool was
     15 objectives for their organisation.      launched in 2016 to address these
     They have committed to measuring           issues: it provides an innovative
     and monitoring these objectives by         solution to cut greenhouse gas               Sustainable Building Award for
     creating a common assessment tool          emissions generated from travel              best environmental performance in
     to ensure that it is done effectively      in the sport industry. The software          the Public Building category, and has
     and efficiently. The Charter, set up       combines team and site data into a           set the benchmark in environmental
     in 2017, has been signed by 24             pooling system with route calculations       standards. The design of the aquatic
     organisers with others set to join in      to reduce the distance travelled to          centre is based on three principles:
     2018. Public authorities are planning      sporting events. Optimouv has cut            the building’s ecological quality,
     a new version of the Charter for           travel to sport events by at least 15%,      energy optimisation, and water quality
     other stakeholders, particularly for       without reducing the number of               and control. The Caron Aquatic
     sport equipment manufacturers. This        events. The tool is widely available,        Centre has all the latest equipment
     initiative could in time influence all     sparking international interest. The         and meets the highest standards
     stakeholders of the French sports          software, which is free, has been            for certification, comfort, health and
     industry.                                  adopted by many sport organisers:            energy efficiency.
                                                it now has 250 users from 30 sport
     Optimouv helps minimise                    federations.                                 Our ambition
     the sport sector’s carbon                                                               These initiatives result from a
     footprint                                  INSEP at the forefront                       collaboration between the Ministry
                                                of sporting and                              of Sports and key people and groups
     The transport sector is a major            environmental innovation
     producer of greenhouse gases. But                                                       in the sporting world. By continuing to
     with more than 3.5 million sport           After a fire destroyed its previous          work closely with these stakeholders,
     events each year, reducing travel is       aquatic centre, the French National          we expect to promote brilliant ideas
     a real challenge. Public authorities       Institute of Sport, Expertise, and           in environmental sustainability, and go
     know this, and are looking for a tool      Performance (INSEP) built new sport          beyond our targets for 2020. Together
     to minimise their journeys to sport        training facilities while also integrating   we are proving that sporting and
                                                high environmental quality standards.        environmental excellence go hand
     events. This tool must meet three
                                                                                             in hand.
                                                                                                                                                          we expect to promote
     requirements: economic (lower                                                                                                                        brilliant ideas in
                                                The new Christine Caron Aquatic
     transport costs), environmental
                                                Centre was designed using                                                                                 environmental
     (reduced greenhouse gas emissions)
                                                innovative techniques, including
     and human (less transport-related
                                                new sustainable technologies such                                                                         sustainability
     fatigue, better transport/ training time
                                                as ozone water treatment and the
     ratio). It also needs to meet two broad
                                                recovery of washing water from filters
     objectives: pooling clubs according
                                                using reverse osmosis. It won a HQE

                                                22   Playing for                                                                       23   Playing for
                                                     our planet                                                                             our planet


     David Stubbs                                                                                                      Truly sustainable
                                                                                                                       organisations are
                                                                                                                       open, diverse and
                                             This report is packed with       Sport has to move from                   inclusive.
           STUBBS                            an impressive range of           worthy but ad hoc                        People from
                                             high quality environmental       greening and corporate
                                                                              social responsibility                    different
                                             initiatives taking place
       BSc (Hons) FCIEEM,
       CEnv, Independent
       Sustainability Expert
                                             across sport in Europe.          projects to anchoring with               backgrounds,
       and former Head of
      Sustainability, London
                                             However, while these are         mainstream concerns.                     genders and
                                                                              It has to fully embrace
                                             individually admirable,                                                   abilities will bring
                                             few sports bodies                sustainability as a way of               new perspectives
                   David Stubbs is a
                   leading authority on      beyond the International         working.                                 and ideas.
                   sustainability in sport   Olympic Committee                                                         Harnessing and         will see the connection between its
                   and global mega-events.
                   He has pioneered many     (IOC), Olympic Games             The agenda for sustainable
                                                                                                                       empowering your        treatment of people, communities
                                                                              development has evolved massively
                   of the key processes,     Organising Committees            over the last few decades, and                                  and the environment with its own
                   methods and standards
                                             and federations like                                                      collective talent      long-term wellbeing and place in
                   that have become                                           now its core principles of integrity,
                   sustainability best       World Sailing can truly          inclusivity, stewardship, transparency   is probably the        society.
                   practice in the event
                                             say they are tackling            and accountability resonate across       most tangible
                                                                                                                                              All environmental and social initiatives
                                             sustainability in full. Unless   the world and across all business        way of securing        must be seen in this context. They
                                             and until sustainability         sectors. Sport is no exception.
                                                                                                                       the opportunities      must be embedded in sport’s core
                                             becomes integral to              In recent years, sport governance        and benefits           activities, not as nice-to-have add-ons
                                             sport governance and             has been buffeted by issues relating                            that ignore sport’s actual impacts. True
                                                                                                                       OF adopting
                                             administration, we will          to corruption, match fixing, doping,                            sustainability offers real value, from
                                             continue to see great            human rights, gender equality and        sustainability.        cost savings and risk management to
                                                                              excessive costs. Sustainability can                             improved stakeholder relations and
                                             environmental and social         help address these issues. Any                                  public credibility.
                                             initiatives come and go.         progressive sports organisation

                                             24   Playing for                                                                                 25   Playing for
                                                  our planet                                                                                       our planet


     The following steps provide a             principles. They are also fundamental
     pathway for any sport organisation to     to sustainability and are prerequisites
     commit to sustainability, to engage       for integrating sustainability as a way
     meaningfully and to walk the talk.        of working and developing a sense
     They draw upon our experience             of shared responsibility.
     from the London 2012 Olympic and
     Paralympic Games, and emerging            4. Stakeholder engagement
     guidance from the IOC in its new
                                               Sustainability cannot be done
     series of ‘Sustainability Essentials’
                                               in isolation. By definition it is an
     guides for the Olympic Movement.
                                               outward looking approach that
                                               actively seeks input from staff,
     1. Vision and values
                                               volunteers, athletes, suppliers,
     Sport is fundamentally based on           sponsors, public agencies and local
     values. It is important to reconnect      communities. This crucial interactive
     with these and use them to plot to        engagement will help shape your
     where you want to be and how you          future direction and priorities.                               7. Set clear objectives 		                10. Report and share
     can use them to overcome the great                                                                          and targets                                learnings
     challenges of our time as defined         5. Materiality                              ISO 20121:2012     These need to be relevant to your         Communicating your sustainability
     in the United Nations’ Sustainable
     Development Goals.
                                               This is about making sure what you          is the ‘go to’     vision and purpose. They should be        programme is vital for building
                                               do is relevant to your core activities,     international      related to the priority themes and        knowledge and understanding across
                                               your impacts and what stakeholders                             risks you have identified. They must      the sport sector and further afield. The
     2. Leadership commitment
                                               feel is important. This is crucial for      sustainability     be realistic but also credible and        best sustainability communications
     Sustainability needs an enabling          moving from green and CSR on                standard for the   ambitious.                                and reports convey a sense of learning
     environment, and that is provided by      the margins to a central, relevant
     effective leadership. It is not a one-
                                                                                           sport and event                                              and openly share what challenges
                                               sustainability approach.                                       8. Management systems                     were encountered, what worked and,
     off acknowledgement. It requires                                                      sectors                                                      most importantly, what didn’t work.
                                                                                                              Put in place a Sustainability
     regular engagement in discussions,        6. Defining scope
     reviewing progress and advocating                                                                        Management System that integrates         A final reminder: sustainability
                                               Be very clear both about what you                              sustainability into your day-to-day
     the approach. Leadership means                                                                                                                     always comes back to people. It is
                                               are going to do and what you are not                           work, in areas such as procurement
     being prepared to walk the talk                                                                                                                    about how we ensure health and
                                               going to do. There are many worthy                             and training. This will help define the
     by ensuring actions and decisions                                                                                                                  wellbeing, quality of life and a safe
                                               issues, but sustainability is only really                      policies and procedures needed to
     match the organisation’s values and                                                                                                                and stimulating environment to live,
                                               meaningful if it relates to your own                           move your programme forward while
     principles.                                                                                                                                        work and enjoy. Sport touches upon
                                               impacts, risks and opportunities.                              identifying the resources needed for      all these aspects and is therefore a
     3. Good governance                                                                                       its implementation.                       hugely important vehicle to take this
     Sport governance is under scrutiny                                                                                                                 vital agenda forward, in Europe and
                                                                                                              9. Measure and evaluate
     like never before. Transparency,                                                                                                                   worldwide.
     inclusivity and accountability are core
                                                                                                              Be sure to monitor and record what
                                                                                                              you have done. This will feed back
                                                                                                              and improve your sustainability
                                                                                                              performance over time.
                                               26   Playing for                                                                                         27   Playing for
                                                    our planet                                                                                               our planet


                                            The challenge for cities       The current state of play
                                            and nations hosting            Scholarly literature on the

      Prof. Dr. Holger
                                            mega events is to find         environmental legacy of sport events
                                                                           is scarce but growing, indicating
          PREUSS                            ways to improve their          the relevance and urgency of
                                            performance, not only          addressing legacy through a more
                                            in economic and social         comprehensive approach. The
                                            terms, but also in terms       Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, widely         organisations. The figure below                             changes (e.g. the post-games use of                                            (Olympics Seoul 1988), to name a few.
                                            of the environment. The        perceived as the first ‘Green Games’,     shows the requirements that must
                                                                                                                     be met for such events. All of them
                                                                                                                                                                                 a venue). Lastly, hosts may sometimes
                                                                                                                                                                                 partake in projects not inherent in their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                While ‘environment enhancement’ is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the most relevant structural change, all
                Holger Preuss is            London 2012 Olympic            led to many publications, notably
                                                                                                                     pose potential threats for long-term                        obligations when hosting the event.                                            six structural changes have potential
                                                                           the collection edited by Cashman
                                            Games showcased many
                Professor of Sport
                Economics and Sport                                        and Hughes who give detailed              environmental performance. To better                        This can be a larger and more modern                                           impacts on the environment.
                Sociology at the            successful sustainability      information on the environmental          establish a green economy, often,                           airport (Olympics Athens 2004), taking
                                            initiatives. However; the
                Johannes Gutenberg-
                University in Mainz,                                       challenges and outcome of the             additional measures must be taken to                        power lines underground (Olympics
                Germany and he is a         Olympic Games in Sochi         Sydney 2000 Olympics. It was much         modify the event based on structural                        Sydney 2000) or cleaning a river
                member of the IOC
                Sustainability and Legacy   2014 and Pyeongchang           later that Kaplanidou focused on the
                Commission                  2018, as well as the           environment and its contribution to
                                                                           increasing the quality of life.
                                            upcoming FIFA Football                                                                                                                                                                                                     Human

                                            World Cup Qatar 2022,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Policy,                 development

                                                                           The Legacy Framework                                                                                                                                          governance                 (skills, knowledge

                                            have not demonstrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       & networks)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 QUALITY OF LIFE
                                                                           Organising a mega event can have
                                            as much interest in such

                                                                                                                                                                                                       MEGA EVENTS IS STAGED

                                                                                                                                                HOST CITY ELECTION
                                                                           a lasting impact on cities and their           VISION                                             quire
                                                                                                                                                                        es re
                                            initiatives. Mega events       residents. The structure of a city is                                                     Gam                                                                             STRUCTURAL

                                            mobilise considerable
                                                                                                                       CITY/NATIONAL                                                                                             Urban            LEFT AFTER EVENTS                  Intellectual
                                                                           subject to change before, during and        VISION FITTING                                Value added for legacy delivery                           development                                               property
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CITIES    PEOPLE
                                            resources in the short         after the event. We can distinguish six     TO MEGA EVENT
                                            term, but often leave long-    ‘structural changes’ that contribute                                                              l choice
                                                                           to the overall legacy of such an event
                                            term consequences. Event       (blue circles in Fig. 1). Two of these                                                                                                                                                       Social
                                            organisers, including rights   apply to urban spaces, and four apply                                                                                                                         Environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (beliefs &
                                            holders, need to address       to their people.

                                            their environmental
                                                                           Once a host starts planning to bid
                                            footprint in order to          for a mega event, a legacy vision
                                            contribute to a green          must be developed which considers         Figure 1: Overall Legacy Framework (source: own elaboration)
                                            legacy.                        the population and environmental

                                            28   Playing for                                                                                                                    29       Playing for
                                                 our planet                                                                                                                              our planet


     Space                                   2) Environmental enhancement
     1) Urban development                    This structural change leads to
     This includes any development in        improvements in air and water quality,
     the infrastructure of the host city,    due to low-carbon technologies or
     including construction and mobility     a reduced carbon footprint. The city         Mega events mobilise
     systems. Many developments in           creates green space by planting trees,
                                             producing oxygen and reducing fine           considerable            People                                    to live their lives in harmony with the       6) Social development
     systems, such as water, sanitation,
     power supply and solid waste            dust. Cleaning former industrial land        resources in the                                                  natural world. Thirdly, participants          This structural change expands on the
                                             and creating living spaces for animals                               3) Policies, Governance
     disposal, are directly linked to the                                                 short term, but         This applies to regulatory changes
                                                                                                                                                            and organisers can establish new              importance of changing attendees’,
     environment. Advanced urban             increases biodiversity. Further, if a host                                                                     contacts and build networks. During
                                             can introduce recycling and minimise         often leave longterm    through the introduction of binding       the bidding and preparation for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          organisers’ and stakeholders’
     services and infrastructure such as                                                                                                                                                                  beliefs for the better. The change
     smart city grids and smart buildings    waste, less resources are used.              consequences. Event     guidelines and policies, which can        event, the organisers interact with           of someone’s mind means that one
                                                                                                                  lead to better governance and new
     can also improve the environmental      There are many potential benefits of         organisers, including   organisational structures. It can also
                                                                                                                                                            environmental organisations such as           thinks differently about a certain topic.
     quality of a city.                                                                                                                                     in Pyeongchang. Before a forest gets
                                             these environmental enhancements.            rights holders,         be the establishment of quality and       cut for a skiing slope, it is in the host’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Conversely, a change in habits is
                                             Many cities have built energy efficient                                                                                                                      often based on a change of a belief.
     Cities often improve their transport                                                 need to address         certification seals, quality control      interest to meet the organisation’s           The Olympic Games can change a
                                             and eco-friendly buildings and                                       processes, regulations in construction,
     networks and set up light rail and
                                             venues for the Olympic Games (e.g.           their environmental     protection of human rights, laws
                                                                                                                                                            expectations and to avoid overly              habit like using public transportation
     traffic control systems to reduce                                                                                                                      critical media coverage. A working
     emissions. During the Beijing 2008      Lillehammer 1994, Beijing 2008, Youth        footprint in order to   protecting the environment and            relationship develops and often grows
                                                                                                                                                                                                          when it’s readily available. This habit
                                             Olympic Games Innsbruck 2012),                                                                                                                               can be used as a catalyst to shape
     Olympics, the city changed to low                                                    contribute to a green   species and more. Examples include        during this time.                             broader beliefs about environmental
                                             some cities have also installed solar                                the quality charter for sport events
     emission heating and relocated
                                             panels (Sydney 2000). Beijing reduced        legacy.                 (Vancouver 2010) or sustainable                                                         protection.
     polluting industries to the city’s                                                                                                                     5) Intellectual Property
     outskirts.                              its greenhouse gas emissions by                                      food policies from the London 2012
                                                                                                                                                            This structural change represents             It’s clear now that structural changes
                                             introducing Bus Rapid Transit (BRT),                                 Games.
                                                                                                                                                            the room for much innovation and              have consequences. In other words,
     All these changes are usually           with a fleet of 4,000 buses powered
                                                                                                                                                            creation while hosting the Olympic            a structural change has the ability to
     observed closely by environmental       by natural gas. In London, the                                       4) Human development                                                                    stimulate new activities. This is the
     watchdog organisations such as          waterway network was regenerated,                                                                              Games. Inventions can be related to
                                                                                                                  Mega events have the power to             environmental enhancements such               philosophy behind how mega events
     Greenpeace, and by media outlets        a wastewater treatment facility was                                  change individuals in three ways.         as new cooling technologies for               can push the host destination towards
     reporting on environmental damage       built and a large amount of water was                                Individuals can learn new skills and      stadiums (FIFA WC Qatar 2022) or              a greener economy.
     caused by mega events. Last-minute      conserved. Whether Rio de Janeiro                                    they can attain new knowledge.
     time pressure and cost overruns are     2016 or Beijing 2008 achieved better                                                                           lawn heating. For the London 2012
                                                                                                                  Best practices at highly recognised       Games, the new ISO 20121 standard
     dangerous as they often mean that       water quality at rowing sites and                                    events can be educational tools,
     environmental obligations are relaxed   harbours is open to debate, but at                                                                             was developed to help organisations
                                                                                                                  such as in Vancouver 2010 where           improve the sustainability of an event.
     or even overlooked.                     least efforts were made to improve                                   the Inuit illustrated how they used
                                             the situation.                                                                                                 The standard has since been adopted
                                                                                                                                                            widely across the world.

                                             30   Playing for                                                                                               31   Playing for
                                                  our planet                                                                                                     our planet


 European Athletics

                                                 Every stakeholder              Why we created 		                           through efficiency savings. We have
                                                                                Green Inspiration
                                                 in the sports world                                                        made it a priority to communicate this
                                                                                                                            to our member federations.
         MINSHULL                                has a responsibility           Green Inspiration was created to
                                                                                help athletics federations and event
                                                 towards environmental          organisers implement environmental
                                                                                                                            At the European Athletics head office             EUROPEAN ATHLETICS EIGHT-STEP GUIDE
     Editorial Consultant for
                                                 sustainability. European       initiatives and engage the public in
                                                                                                                            in Lausanne, we implemented our own               FOR SUSTAINABLE EVENTS FOCUSES ON THREE AREAS:
                                                 Athletics takes this
       European Athletics
                                                                                                                            internal sustainability charter entitled
                                                                                predominantly locally focused projects
                                                                                                                            ‘Our Green Lifestyle.’ This charter is
                                                 responsibility very seriously, (although some initiatives have a           aimed at improving resource conser-
                                                 instituting good practices     national or continental reach).
                                                                                                                            vation, reducing environmental waste
                      Phil Minshull works with
                      European Athletics
                                                 in sustainability through the Over the last four years, European           and setting a good example for other
                      and a number of other      Green Inspiration brand.       Athletics has worked closely with its 51    stakeholders.
                      sports federations and
                      events, advising them
                                                 Since its creation in 2013,    member federations to develop best
                                                                                                                            Another way European Athletics re-
                      on editorial content       Green Inspiration has          practices for environmental issues.
                                                                                                                            inforces sustainability goals and best
                      particularly with regard   harmonised efforts across      Although some of our members already
                                                                                                                            practices is through the easy-to-follow
                      to promoting their
                      environmental and social   federations, institutions,
                                                                                had sustainability programmes and
                                                                                initiatives in place, many more have
                                                                                                                            eight-step guide for sustainable event                  PEOPLE                Planet              Profit
                      responsibility policies    organisations and              since embraced these concepts in their
                                                                                                                            planning.                                                   Provide a          Practice waste        Save money
                                                                                                                                                                                    healthy and safe      reduction, reuse   through increased
                                                 individuals to emphasise
                      and practices.
                                                                                domestic and international functions        The guide advises hosts at every step                     environment,           and recycle,       efficiency, use
                                                 sustainability.                and the competitions they stage.            of the process, from assembling the                      respect human          be water and         responsible
                                                                                                                            sustainability team to methods of com-                   rights, respect      energy efficient      procurement,
                                                                                     Sustainability goals 		                                                                           diversity, be       use ecofriendly    invest in the local
                                                                                                                            municating the results of the events.                  culturally sensitive    transportation.      economy, and
                                                                                     in action across Europe
                                                                                                                            It also advises on specific practices like               and encourage                           boost innovation.
                                                                                     European Athletics believes com-
                                                                                                                            how to increase use of public transport                    community
                                                                                     mitting to sustainability can boost                                                              involvement.
                                                                                                                            and selecting venues for the event
                                                                                     public image, improve relations with
                                                                                                                            while keeping the interests of the local
                                                                                     image-conscious sponsors and oth-
                                                                                                                            community in mind.
                                                                                     er stakeholders, and reduce costs

                                                 34   Playing for                                                                                                        35   Playing for
                                                      our planet                                                                                                              our planet


                                                                                                                                                                                                  Future championships

                                                                                                                                                                                                  The 2018 SPAR European
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cross-Country Championships
                                                                                                                                                                                                  will be hosted by Tilburg and, in
                                                                                                                                                                                                  conjunction with European Athletics,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the Dutch city has been very active
                                                                                                                                                                                                  setting its sustainability goals.
                     The Bydgoszcz 2017 		                                                                  Volunteers recruited for championships     The 2017 SPAR European
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The goals include both reducing waste
                     European Athletics		                                                                   could take part in the ‘Jump 2 Score       Cross-Country
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and improving waste management.
                     U23 Championships                                                                      Green’ educational project organised       Championships
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Extensive recycling methods will
                     The Bydgoszcz championships included                                                   in the competition venue for the           The Slovak town of Samorin proposed        be used before and during the
                     several projects that cut unnecessary       Looking ahead,                             championships, the Kombank Arena.          the state-of-the-art x-bionic® sphere      championships, and all event
                     emissions and promoted sustainability.      Green Inspiration                          The volunteers learned about the           as a venue in their bid for the Euro-      promotion will be digital.
                     The Polish organisers encouraged                                                       values, actions and possibilities for      pean Cross-Country Championships,
                     people to take public transport or cycle
                                                                 aims to improve on                         environmental conservation related         making the case that the champion-         Another important target for the
                     to the stadium, giving half-price tickets   the practices, as                          to sport and how local sport clubs         ships would be the greenest since          Tilburg local organising committee is
                     to those arriving on bicycles. Recycling    there is still much                        themselves can promote sustainability      the event began in 1994. This was a        to reduce carbon emissions. The event
                     was also important in the planning                                                     and good practices.                        determining factor in the choice of        venue was deliberately chosen so that
                     of these championships. EKOBUS,
                                                                 more work to be                                                                       Samorin to host the 2017 event. As         all the competitors and officials can
                     a mobile laboratory equipped with           done in many areas                         The Belgrade championships also had
                                                                                                                                                       well as being a modern sporting facil-     walk there from their hotels. Spectators
                                                                                                            a strong theme of social inclusion and
                     state-of-the-art research facilities,       across Europe.                             responsibility. A group of ten Italian
                                                                                                                                                       ity frequented by athletes from across     will be encouraged to use bikes.
                     visited the event to encourage guests                                                                                             the globe, and one of Slovakia’s main      Discounts will be available to further
                                                                                                            refugees took part in the “Refugee                                                    ease guest access to public transport
                     to develop good waste management                                                                                                  Olympic training centres, the x-bion-
                     practices such as waste segregation and
                                                                 The Belgrade 2017 			                      ScART” humanitarian aid project,
                                                                                                                                                       ic® sphere prides itself on its sustain-   and bike rentals.
                     conscious shopping and waste disposal,
                                                                 European Athletics 		                      creating art from recycled scrap metal
                                                                                                                                                       ability credentials. The sphere uses
                     teaching spectators that waste can also
                                                                 Indoor Championships                       for the media welcome bags. The
                                                                                                                                                       green electric power from its on-site
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Under its Green Inspiration brand,
                                                                 In line with the 17 global goals set out   programme allowed these immigrants                                                    European Athletics can look back on
                     be used as a source of energy.                                                                                                    biogas power plant to power many of
                                                                 in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda         who had landed in Italy to give back to                                               four years of steady improvement in
                                                                                                                                                       the venue’s facilities. A cogeneration
                     Each host of a European Athletics major     for Sustainable Development, the           the society that welcomed them, as well                                               applying sustainability policies and
                                                                                                                                                       unit based on natural gas covers the
                     competition in 2017 put sustainability      local organising committee for the         as gain some income.                                                                  implementing good practices. Looking
                                                                                                                                                       demand for heat within the venue.
                     initiatives and practices at the core of    Belgrade 2017 Indoor Championships                                                                                               ahead, Green Inspiration aims to
                                                                                                            Member federations and potential           The venue also uses thermal water
                     their initial bidding documents. Once       joined the sustainable drive initiated                                                                                           improve on the practices, as there is
                                                                                                            bidders now understand that provisions     pumped from a well 1,400 metres
                     awarded the event, they fulfilled these     by ENGSO Youth (European Non-                                                                                                    still much more work to be done in
                                                                                                            for sustainability and good practice are   below ground to provide heat.
                     commitments during the staging.             Governmental Sports Organisation).                                                                                               many areas across Europe.
                                                                                                            needed for a successful bid.

                     36   Playing for                                                                                                                  37   Playing for
                          our planet                                                                                                                        our planet


     RESPONSIBLE                                                                                                          UEFA embraces
     AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                      the challenge to
                                                                                                                          continue making its
     FOOTBALL AT EURO 2016                                                                                                flagship events even
                                                                                                                          more sustainable.                                EIGHT SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRIORITIES

     UEFA                                                                                                                 transport, logistics, lighting, catering,                 TOTAL FOOTBALL,                           PUBLIC TRANSPORT
                                                   UEFA recognises its           It is a huge challenge to organise       merchandising and broadcasting)                           TOTAL ACCESS!                             AND MOBILITY
                                                   responsibility to make        an event on the scale of UEFA
                                                                                 EURO 2016 in a sustainable way.
                                                                                                                          have a wide range of direct and
                                                                                                                          indirect environmental impacts in            1,685 wheelchair user places and             517,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent due to
            GASSER                                 major football events         It is also an excellent opportunity      terms of air pollution, consumption of       1,111 easy-access seats close to amenities   transport of teams and spectators
                                                   socially, environmentally     to show leadership in socially           natural resources and contribution to        916 additional wheelchair spaces were        150,000 additional seats on public
       Head of Football and                        and economically              responsible and sustainable sports       climate change.                              constructed thanks to UEFA EURO 2016
                                                                                                                                                                       and a further 32 were renovated (legacies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    transport for journeys to stadiums

                                                   sustainable. Seven years
     Social Responsibility (FSR)                                                 event management, and to raise
              at UEFA                                                                                                     These are challenges that UEFA               of tournament)
                                                                                 awareness of such issues amongst all
                                                   after social responsibility   stakeholders.                            takes seriously. UEFA has committed
                                                   and sustainability were                                                to reducing its environmental                             TOBACCO-FREE
                      Patrick heads UEFA’s         first included in the         The EURO 2016 social responsibility      impact by taking a realistic step-by-                     TOURNAMENT                      38% of waste recycled in functional areas
                      Football and Social          bidding procedure             and sustainability policy, its           step approach, with the objective
                                                                                                                          of continuously improving its                13,964 yellow and red cards given to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (1,542 tonnes)
                      Responsibility (FSR) Unit,                                 statement of purpose and values,                                                                                                   10 tonnes of prepared food, including
                      with the objective of        for a UEFA flagship           and the ambition for ISO 20121           environmental performance.                   fans and staff for failing to respect the    50,000 sandwiches, and raw products
                      making UEFA’s activities     tournament, these             certification, were the foundations                                                   tobacco-free policy                          donated to NGOs
                                                                                                                                                                       All 10 venues declared tobacco-free
                                                   principles were fully
                      more socially responsible
                      and sustainable. Before                                    for UEFA’s efforts in making its         From dialogue
                      joining UEFA in 1999,        integrated for the first      flagship international event more        to action                                                                                           ENERGY AND WATER
                                                                                 sustainable than ever before. A                                                                    ANTI-DISCRIMINATION                       OPTIMISATION
                                                   time as France hosted
                      he worked for thirteen
                                                                                                                          After UEFA included a social
                      years at the International                                 credible approach would have been                                                                  MATCH MONITORING
                      Committee of the Red         UEFA EURO 2016.               impossible without full accountability
                                                                                                                          responsibility and sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    30,000 litres of fuel saved in generators
                                                                                                                          chapter in its bidding criteria for the
                                                   The results exceeded
                      Cross (ICRC).                                                                                                                                                                                 by improving the service level for
                                                                                 regarding the impact of the event.                                                    8 suspected incidents of racism/
                                                                                                                          EURO 2016 tournament, it defined             discrimination or misconduct reported        domestic power
                                                   expectations thanks to        The sector disclosures for event         eight priorities to streamline the           2 national associations sanctioned           3 stadiums purchased certified
                                                   a rigorous approach and       organisers in the G4 Sustainability
                                                                                 Reporting Guidelines provided
                                                                                                                          sustainability policy in accordance                                                       renewable electricity
                                                   exhaustive efforts from all   comparable indicators for the most
                                                                                                                          with the principles of ISO 20121 for
                                                                                                                                                                                    FAN 		                                    RESPONSIBLE SOURCING
                                                   those involved, including     significant externalities.
                                                                                                                          Sustainable Events. Four of these
                                                                                                                          priorities focused specifically on the                    EMBASSIES                                 OF PRODUCTS AND
                                                   UEFA’s internal teams,                                                 environment. Strong collaboration                                                                   SERVICES
                                                                                 Reducing the event’s environmental
                                                   host cities and tournament    impact was just one aspect of UEFA’s     and commitment from UEFA’s                   19 out of the 24 teams were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    100% of contracts and licensing
                                                                                                                                                                       represented by a fan embassy
                                                   spectators.                   approach to social responsibility        internal teams, partner organisations,                                                    agreements include mandatory compliance
                                                                                 and sustainability. Each of the          stakeholders, cities and volunteers                                                       with ten UN Global Compact principles and
                                                                                                                          helped ensure success.                                                                    ILO declaration
                                                                                 organisational domains involved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    71% of items produced in Europe;
                                                                                 in the tournament (including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    51% of sourcing budget spent on items
                                                   38   Playing for                                                                                                   39   Playing for                              produced in Europe
                                                        our planet                                                                                                         our planet
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