Please be aware that Exhibitors entering into these classes must also be familiar with the General Rules

Page created by Sara Cortez
Please be aware that
 Exhibitors entering
  into these classes
must also be familiar
   with the General
F.     The type and quality of workmanship should be
                                                                         appropriate for the exhibitor’s age and will be judged
                  ARTS & CRAFTS                                   G.     The BCYF Craft Committee reserves the right to remove
                  Dept. 62 – 64                                          any entry due to inappropriate content or material.
                                                                         Exhibits portraying violence or obscenities
                                                                         will not be accepted.
Chairman: Noreen Soos                                                    a) NO use of any cannabis (marijuana) or any related
SUPERINTENDENT: BEKKI LUND                                               products (hemp, CBD oil, or paraphernalia) may be used in
ASST. SUPTS. : JOAN SCHMIDT & PAT VILLWOCK                               any exhibit.
Registration Deadline: August 1, 2021                             H.     Indicate on an attached 3x5 card, if piece is an original
                                                                         design or list any special techniques used.
             EARLY ENTRY OPTION!                                  I.     All small items - including holiday ornaments,
  Thursday only! August 12th - 3:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.                     bracelets, earrings, etc. MUST be securely attached
  Doors will be marked according to projects.                            to an appropriately sized display. Framed or matted
  You must have registered by August 1, 2021                             items on wood must have screw eyes and a wire
 ALL JUDGING AND SPECIAL EVENTS WILL TAKE                         J.     All exhibits must be completed and dry.
   PLACE IN THE CRAFT BLDG. EXCEPT AWARDS                         K.     Exhibits made by impaired children should be entered in
                  CEREMONY                                               regular classes with an "I" preceding the class number.
               FAIR WEEK SCHEDULE                                 L.     All collections, panel displays, Pinewood Derby cars,
Entry --Sunday: 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.                                    plastic or metal models and kits of any kind are ONLY
Judging -Sunday: All Classes.                                            accepted where stated.
Awards --Friday: 12:00 p.m. – Mall Stage                          M.     ALL award ribbons and trophies are awarded at the
          Craft Awards Presentation                                      judge’s discretion. Judges’ decisions are final. Refer to
        “All Champion and Reserve Champion winners “                     general rules.
Race    -- Pinewood Derby Race, Friday – 1:30 p.m.                N.      Exhibits may still be disqualified by judges even though
           Youth Memorial Bldg.                                           they have been accepted at the door for entry.
Display ------ Decorated Barrels on display inside of             O.      To qualify for champion classes, exhibitor must receive
               Craft Building                                            an “A” award in the class.
Release -- Sunday: 9:00 a.m. –1:00 p.m.                           P.     Dept. will not be responsible for lost or broken exhibits.
                                                                         LARGE ROSETTES WILL BE AWARDED TO 1ST &
                                                                                        OUTSTANDING OVERALL
All Exhibitors 14 - 17 years of age are required to exhibit (1)                        ARTS & CRAFTS EXHIBITOR
“Major Exhibit” or (2) non-major exhibits to receive a free                $25 Check & Mary Lou Long Memorial Trophy (cr50r)
                                                                       1. Exhibitor must be 14-20 yrs. old
admission pass. All Exhibitors 18 – 20 years of age are
                                                                       2. Register at Crafts Building on Entry Day
required to exhibit one “Major Exhibit” to receive a free              3. Exhibitor must have entries in four (4) of the following eight
admission pass.                                                        (8) areas:
Attention: Is there anything special about your exhibit?               Photography, Dept. 62-1, Fine Arts, Dept. 62-2, Crafts, Dept.
Attach a card giving the details. It may help the judge’s              62-3, Orig. Artwork, Dept. 62-4, Woods/Furn. Restoration,
decision.                                                              Dept. 62-7 & 8, Technical Arts, Dept. 62-9, Sciences, Dept. 63,
                                                                       Creative Writing, Dept. 63-8
DEPARTMENT RULES:                                                      Winner is selected on a point system based on all awards of
A. Fair General Rules, pages 10-12 apply as well as the                Crafts Exhibits.
    following department rules.
B. Only one entry per class.                                      PHOTOGRAPHY                                      Dept 62 – Div. 1
C. 18, 19 and 20 year old exhibitors must exhibit at least one
   major exhibit before exhibiting in regular classes. All        MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2324, 2343, 2350
   major exhibits in this department are listed throughout the    a. All department rules apply.
   department classes.                                            b. Criteria for evaluation includes composition,
D. Completed entry tags, (including AGE), and index cards,           creativity, and originality.
   if required, must be securely attached to the article          c. All photos submitted MUST be taken by the
   BEFORE presenting it at the door.                                 exhibitor during the current fair year.
E. All craft exhibits MUST be 75% made by the exhibitor and       d. All unframed photos MUST be mounted on heavy poster
   be current fair year’s work. (plus previous year for 2021)        board or mat board with rubber cement, no tape on corners,
   (Aug. 18, 2019 – Aug. 15, 2021).                                  Exterior dimensions not to exceed 11”x14”.
                                                                  e. Framed items exterior dimensions not to exceed 11”x14”.
                                                                  f. No decorations may be added to mats, frames or picture
(ex. stickers, writing, shells, bark, etc. )                     or tiny Prints, etc.. Must include graphic designs &
g.   A photo may not be entered in more than one class.               journaling to tell a story. Min. of 10 pages. Must be a
h.   Computer enhanced photography should be entered in Fine          hard cover book or displayed with page protectors in a
     Arts Prints & Graphics class.                                    hard cover 3 ring binder.
    Premiums for classes 2300 – 2324,                                Champion Creating Memories, Ages 9-13
    A- 2.25, B- 1.50, C-.75, except Champion classes                  Roger Keller Family Trophy (cr36r)
PHOTOGRAPHY CLASSES                              Dept. 62 - 1        Reserve Champion Creating Memories, Ages 9-13
2300. Series of 3 or 4 black and white photos, Ages 5 - 13      2343. Creating Memories, Ages 14 - 20. Same description
       Must be related. Mounted on same mat or poster board.          as class 2339 except have a minimum of 10 pages.
       Refer to Photography rules d, e, f and g.                2344. Creating Memories, Digital Scrapbooking,
                                                                      Ages, 14 – 20. Same description as class 2340.
      Champion Black & White Photos, Ages 5 - 13
                                                                     Champion Creating Memories, Ages 14-20
      Res. Champion Black/White Photos, Ages 5 - 13
                                                                      Dorothy Rennhack Memorial Trophy ( cr15r)
2303. Series of 3 or 4 black & white photos, Ages 14 - 20
       Same description as 2300.                                     Reserve Champion Creating Memories, Ages 14-20
                                                                2347. Photo Memory Project, Ages 9-13, Using photos and
      Champion Black/White Photos, Ages 14-20
                                                                      specialty papers, create your own themed photo
      Reserve Champ. Black/White Photos, Ages 14 - 20
                                                                      memory project, (No albums or scrapbook pages
2306. Series of 3 or 4 Color photos, Ages 5 - 13
                                                                      allowed), project max. size 10”x10”.
       Same description as class 2300, but in color.
                                                                     Champion Photo Memory Project, Ages 9-13
      Champion Color Photos, Ages 5 - 13
                                                                      The Roger Keller Family Trophy (cr12r)
      Reserve Champion Color Photos, Ages 5 - 13
                                                                     Res. Champ. Photo Memory Project, Ages 9-13
2309. Series of 3 or 4 color photos, Ages 14 - 20
                                                                2350. Photo Memory Project, Ages 14-20, Same
       Same description as 2300, but in color.
                                                                      description as class 2347.
      Champion Color Photos, Ages 14 - 20
                                                                     Champion Photo Memory Project, Ages 14-20
      Reserve Champion Color Photos, Ages 14 - 20                    Dorothy Rennhack Memorial Trophy (cr15r)
2312. Single print – black and white 5” x 7” or 8” x 10”,
                                                                     Res. Champ. Photo Memory Project, Ages 14-20
       Ages 5 – 13. Refer to Photography rules d, e, f & g.
                                                                     Special Award: Shutterbugs’ Showcase. Judges
      Champion Single Print-Blk/Wht, Ages 5 - 13
                                                                      selections from all photography classes. - Ribbon
      Res. Champ. Single Print-Blk/Wht., Ages 5 - 13
                                                                     Grand Champion Photography, Jr. Division
2315. Single print – black and white, 5” x 7” or 8” x 10”
                                                                      Kristin Orr Trophy (cr01r) +
       Ages 14 - 20. Same description as 2312.
                                                                      $25 check from Twin City Camera Club
      Champion Single Print-Blk/Wht, Ages 14 - 20
                                                                     Reserve Grand Champion, Photography, Jr. Div.
      Res. Champ. Single Print-Blk/Wht, Ages 14 – 20
                                                                     Grand Champion, Photography, Sr. Div.
2318. Single print – Color, 5”x 7” or 8”x10”, Ages 5 – 13
                                                                      Twin City Camera Club Trophy (cr02c)+ $25 check
Refer to Photo rules d,e,f &g.
                                                                     Reserve Grand Champion, Photography, Sr. Div.
      Champion Single Print-Color, Ages 5 - 13
                                                                FINE ARTS                                   Dept. 62 – Div. 2
      Reserve Champion Single Print-Color, Ages 5 - 13
                                                                MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2381, 2387, 2393, 2398, 2402, 2431,
2321. Single print – Color, 5” x 7” or 8” x 10”,
       Ages 14-20. Same description as class 2318.
                                                                Fine Arts Rules:
      Champion Single Print-Color, Ages 14 - 20
                                                                a. All works of fine art are evaluated on creativity and
      Res. Champion Single Print-Color, Ages 14 - 20               originality; quality of craftsmanship and technique;
2324. Advanced Photography - Single Print - Black and               appropriateness of medium; proper presentation for
      White or Color, 5"x 7" or 8" x10", Ages 14 - 20               display & neatness.
       Photo representing one of the following categories:      b. No copies, patterns, tracings, molds, or formula type
       fireworks, close-up, nighttime, motion or sports.            techniques. No exercises (color wheels, calligraphic
      Champion Advanced Photography                                practice sheets, group led painting classes, etc.) or
      Res. Champion Advanced Photography                           preliminary sketches.
Premiums for classes 2339 – 2350,                               c. All artwork must be mounted on heavy poster board or
A-2.25, B-2.00, C-1.50, except Champion classes                     mat board. Matting may only be 3” larger than the
2339. Creating Memories, Ages 9 - 13. Must                          picture.
       include photos, may include memorabilia, etc. Must       d. Screw eyes with wire for hanging must be attached to all
       have journaling, combined with use of stickers,              framed pictures and stretched canvas paintings.
       stamping, die cuts, etc. Displayed in a hard cover       e. Items MUST be properly prepared for display, as
       binder with page protectors. Minimum of 6 pages.             stated in each class or will be stapled to display area.
2340. Creating Memories, Digital Scrapbooking,                  f. Should be sprayed with a fixative to protect the finish.
       Ages 9 – 13. Create a scrapbook on your computer         g. All drawings must be original works and must be 100%
       by scanning photos or using digital photos. Use a            made by the exhibitor. No previously published
       computer graphics or purchased program or one of the
       online software programs such as Snapfish, Shutterfly
cartoons, logo’s, trademarks, or patented characters may               enhanced graphics/illustrations/photos, original
    be used. No animated characters or Manga.                              cartoons and logos. Must attach a 3" x 5" card
h. All artwork is limited to 24”x30” exterior dimensions                   explaining the exhibit & process. Refer to Fine Arts
    (including the frame). Except Class 2375.                              rules c and h.
Premiums for Fine Arts Classes, A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75,                   Champion Prints & Graphics, Ages 9 - 13
unless stated otherwise or a champion class.                              Reserve Champion Prints & Graphics, Ages 9 - 13
2375. One original pencil, crayon, marker, water color            2402.    Prints & Graphics, Ages 14 - 20. Same description
       Tempera, acrylics or finger paint picture. Overall                  As class 2399.
       Dimension not to exceed 18”x24”, Ages 5 - 8                        Champion Prints & Graphics, Ages 14 - 20
       Refer to Fine Arts rules c & h. A-1.25, B-1.00, C.-.75             Res. Champion Prints & Graphics, Ages 14 - 20
       Champion Original Picture, Ages 5 - 8                             Grand Champion Fine Arts, Jr Division
       Reserve Champion Original Picture, Ages 5 - 8                      Dr. C.R. Alderdice Family Trophy (cr04c)
2378. One original picture or design, Ages 9 – 13,                         Karen Kechkaylo Galvan Award - $100 check
        Using pencil, pen, chalk, charcoal or scratch art.                Reserve Grand Champion Fine Arts, Jr Division
        Refer to Fine Arts rules c & h.                                    Karen Kechkaylo Galvan Award - $50 Gift Certficate
●       Champion Original Picture/Design, Ages 9 - 13                     Grand Champion Fine Arts, Sr Division
       Res.Champ. Original Picture/Design, Ages 9 - 13                    Berrien County Youth Fair Trophy (cr03c)
2381. One original picture or design, Ages 14 - 20                         Karen Kechkaylo Galvan Award - $100 check
        Same description as class 2378.                                   Reserve Grand Champion Fine Arts, Sr Division
       Champion Original Picture/Design, Ages 14 - 20                     Karen Kechkaylo Galvan Award - $50 Gift Cerfificate
       Res.Champ. Original Picture/Design, Ages14 - 20           2425.    One original free form pottery or sculpture (no
2384. One original painting, Ages 9 - 13                                   molds), Ages 5 - 8. Refer to rules.
        Painting media includes watercolor, tempera, oil,                                                 A-1.25, B,1.00, C-.75
        acrylics or ink. Refer to Fine Arts rules c & d.                  Champion Original Free Form, Ages 5 - 8
       Champion Original Painting, Ages 9 - 13                           Reserve Champion Original Free Form, Ages 5-8
       Reserve Champion Original Painting, Ages 9 - 13           2428.   One original free form pottery or sculpture (no
2387. One original painting, Ages 14 - 20                                 molds). Ages 9 - 13. Refer to rules.
        Same description as class 2384.                                  Champion Original Free Form, Ages 9 - 13
       Champion Original Painting, Ages 14 - 20                         Res. Champion Original Free Form, Ages 9 - 13
       Reserve Champion Original Painting, Ages 14 - 20          2431.   One original free form pottery or sculpture (no
2390. Multimedia picture or design, Ages 5 - 13. One                      molds), Ages 14 - 20. Refer to rules.
        original dimensional picture or design using two or              Champion Original Free Form 14-20
        more media. Attach a 3"x 5" card listing the media               Res. Champion Original Free Form 14-20
       used. Refer to Fine Arts rules c & d.                      2434.   One original free form glass creation, Ages 9-13.
       Champion Multimedia Picture/Design, Ages 5 - 13                   The glass may be blown or fused.
       Res.Ch. Multimedia Picture/Design, Ages 5 - 13                   Champion Original Free Form, Ages, 9-13
2393. Multimedia picture or design, Ages 14 - 20. Same                   Res. Champion Original Free Form, Ages, 9-13
        description as class 2390.                                2437.   One original free form glass creation, Ages, 14-20.
       Champ. Multimedia Picture/Design, Ages 14 - 20                    Same description as class 2434.
       Res.Champ. Multimedia Pic/Design, Ages 14 – 20                   Champion Original Free Form, Ages, 14 - 20
2396. Original Computer generated picture, Black &                       Res. Champion Original Free Form, Ages, 14 - 20
       White or color, Ages 5 – 8. Drawn with the help of                Grand Champion Free Form Pottery or Sculpture
       an arts & graphics program using a mouse and                       Buchanan Chiropractic Clinic Trophy (cr34r)
       keyboard. No coloring book pictures allowed. Must
                                                                         Res. Grand Champ. Free Form Pottery/Sculpture
       be printed on an 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper which
                                                                         Special Award: Artist Showcase. Judge’s choice
       MUST be matted or framed, not to exceed 11” x 14”
                                                                          from all fine arts classes. Criteria: creativity,
       overall dimensions. Must list program used and
                                                                          outstanding quality work and appropriateness of
       enhancements on a 3 x 5 card.
                                                                          matting or framing.                       Ribbon
                                          A-1.25, B-1.00, C-.75
2397. Original Computer generated picture, Black and
       White or Color, Ages 9 – 13. Same description as
                                                                  CRAFTS                                      Dept. 62 – Div. 3
                                                                  MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2450, 2456, 2477, 2481
       class 2396.
                                                                  Refer to Craft Department 62 rules.
2398. Original Computer generated picture, Black &
       White or color, Ages 14 - 20. Same description as              ALL ITEMS EXHIBITED MUST BE APPROPRIATE
       class 2396.                                                     FOR EXHIBITOR’S AGE & SHOW CREATIVITY
2399. Prints & Graphics, Ages 9 - 13                              Premiums for classes 2448 – 2456,
        Prints, graphics, designs, and illustrations. Examples:   A-1.25, B-1.00, C-.75, except Champion classes
        Calligraphy, clothing and product designs, computer       2448. Crafts, Ages 5 - 8. Candles, paint-by number, ceramic
tile articles, woven pot holders, Bible School Crafts, etc.   No other hangers will be accepted.
      NO KITS, No clothing items.                                   Premiums for classes 2485-2530, A-1.50, B-1.25, C-.75,
2449. Beaded Crafts and Handmade Jewelry, Ages 5 - 13.              except champion classes
      NO KITS. Must be securely attached to appropriate             2485. Tin or Copper Punching or Metal Tooling Foil,
      sized display. Refer to Department rule I.                          Ages 5 - 13. Frame or mount so that no sharp
2450. Beaded Crafts and Handmade Jewelry, Ages 14-20                      edges/backing is exposed. All items must be ready to
      Same description as class 2449.                                     hang and have screw eyes with a wire hanger.
     Champion Beaded Crafts/Jewelry                                     Champion Punching or Tooling, Ages 5 - 13
      The Enchanted Bead Trophy (cr13r)                                  Reserve Champion Punching/Tooling, Ages 5 - 13
     Reserve Champion Beaded Crafts/Jewelry                        2488. Tin, etc…, Ages 14 - 20. Same description as class
2453. Indian Lore, Ages 5 – 13, Items such as replicas of                 2485. Items must be of expert workmanship, require
      folklore; head dresses, peace pipes, Indian bead work,              extended number of hours and/or advanced techniques.
      gods-eye, etc. NO KITS                                             Champion Punching or Tooling, Ages 14 - 20
     Champion Indian Lore, Ages 5 - 13                                  Reserve Champion Punching/Tooling, Ages 14 - 20
     Reserve Champion Indian Lore, Ages 5 – 13                     2491. Creative Crafts, Ages 5 - 13. Decoupage, seed
2456. Indian Lore, Ages 14 – 20. Same description as                      pictures, quilling, fabric painting (non-clothing items),
      class 2453 except No Gods-eye. Items require                        rag baskets, stenciling, rubber stamping, candles,
      extended hours and/or advanced techniques.                          padded items, leathercraft, etc. No Tie Dye. Seed
     Champion Indian Lore, Ages 14 - 20                                  pictures, Quilling, and Rubber Stamped items should
     Reserve Champion Indian Lore, Ages 14 – 20                          be mounted to poster board where appropriate.
Premiums for classes 2474 – 2481, A-1.75, B-1.50, C-.75,                 Champion Creative Crafts, Ages 5 – 13
except Champion classes                                                   Tolsma Family Trophy (cr14r)
2474. Snap-Together Construction, Ages 5 - 13, Lego’s,                   Reserve Champion Creative Crafts, Ages 5 - 13
      K-nex, Erector sets, etc. from a kit or original design.      2494. Creative Crafts, Ages 14 – 20, Same description
      Must be age appropriate and securely mounted on a                    as class 2491.
      sturdy, one piece, hard base, base cannot be a Lego                Champion Creative Crafts, Ages 14 – 20
      base only – must be secured to a rigid base. Size of                Tolsma Family Trophy (cr21r)
      board must be appropriate for size of exhibit. Any                 Reserve Champion Creative Crafts, Ages 14 - 20
      scenery or extra attachments should be of the same            2497. Non-Holiday Decorations, Ages 5 – 13, Brooms,
      material. Overall dimensions not to exceed 20” x                    Swatches, Hats & Wreaths. No fresh flowers and/or
      20” x 20” high. May use a 3x5 index card and                        greenery. Items meant to be hung, must have wire
      describe what you learned from this project.                        hanger, ready to hang.
      Champ. Snap-Together Construction, Ages 5 - 13                    Champion Non-Holiday Deco., Ages 5 - 13
      Res. Champ. Snap-Together Constr., Ages 5 - 13                    Reserve Champion Non-Holiday Deco., Ages 5 - 13
2477. Snap-Together Construction, Ages 14 - 20, Same                2500. Non-Holiday Decorations, Ages 14 - 20
      description as class 2474, but must have required an                Same desc. as class 2497.
      extended number of hours and be of an advanced                     Champion Non-Holiday Deco., Ages 14 - 20
      nature. May use a 3x5 card to tell what advanced                   Reserve Champ Non-Holiday Deco., Ages 14 - 20
      skills were used and number of hours it took for              2503. Decorations for All Seasons, Ages 5 - 13. Use your
      project.                                                            creative talents and imagination for any of the
     Champ Snap-Together Construction, Ages 14 - 20                      following; holidays, weddings, showers, birthdays,
     Res. Champ. Snap-Together Constr., Ages 14 – 20                     patriotic days, etc. Decorations may include
2480. Models, Ages 5 - 13, Exhibit of one car, truck, ship,               centerpieces, wall hangings, table arrangements, wall
      airplane, etc. May use a 3x5 card to describe what you              plaques or ornaments. Items meant to be hung must
      learned from this project.                                          have appropriate hanger. Must be an original design.
2481. Models, Ages 14 - 20, Same description as class                     Refer to department rules.
      2480, except gluing & painting required & must have                Champion Decorations for All Seasons, Ages 5 - 13
      required an extended number of hours and/or be of an               Reserve Champion Deco’s - All Seasons, Ages 5 - 13
      advanced nature. May use a 3x5 card to tell what              2506. Decorations for All Seasons, Ages 14 - 20, Same
      advanced skills were used and number of hours it took               description as class 2503. Must have required
      for project.                                                        extended number of hours and/or be of an advanced
      Champion Models                                                    nature.
      Tim Pullano Memorial Trophy (cr28r)                                Champ. Decorations for All Seasons, Ages 14 - 20
      Reserve Champion Models                                           Reserve Champ. Deco’s - All Seasons, Ages 14 - 20
ORIGINAL ARTWORK                              Dept. 62 – Div. 4          Grand Champ. Creative Crafts (Classes 2491-2506)
MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2488, 2494, 2500, 2506, 2514, 2520,                       Antique Trunk Trophy (cr07c)
2522, 2536, 2542                                                         Res. Gr. Ch. Creative Crafts (Classes 2491-2506)
Framed items must have screw eyes with a wire hanger.                     Gast Cabinet Co Trophy (cr09r)
2511. Creative Arts, Ages 5 – 13, Items developed from                    Champion Home Environment/Recycled, 14 – 20
      original patterns. Examples are: cornhusk dolls, string art,        Res. Champ. Home Environment/Recycled, 14 - 20
      tole painted items, etched glass, stained glass (leaded or     Premiums for classes 2533-2542, A-2.25, B-2.00, C-1.50
      foiled) etc., friendly plastics, Origami,                      2533. Fiber Art - Baskets, Ages 5 – 13, Hand woven item
      and paper twist items.                                               or basket (must be empty) from natural fibers. Refer
     Champion Creative Arts, Ages 5 - 13                                  to Dept. rule F.
     Reserve Champion Creative Arts, Ages 5 - 13                         Champion Fiber Art-Baskets, Ages 5 - 13
2514. Creative Arts, Ages 14 – 20, Same description as                     Janet Helsley Memorial Trophy (cr27r)
      class 2511. Items must be of expert workmanship,                    Reserve Champion Fiber Art-Baskets, Ages 5 – 13
      require extended number of hours and/or advanced               2536. Fiber Art-Baskets, Ages 14 - 20. Same description
      techniques.                                                          as class 2533.
     Champion Creative Arts, Ages 14 - 20                                Champion Fiber Art-Baskets, Ages 14 - 20
     Res. Champ.Creative Arts, Ages 14 - 20                               Elden & Kay Janke Trophy (cr32r)
     Grand Champion Creative Arts, (2511-2514)                           Res. Champion Fiber Art-Baskets, Ages 14 - 20
      South Lakers 4-H Club Trophy (cr08c)                           2539. Fiber Art – Macrame’ & Weaving, Ages 5 - 13
     Res. Grand Champion Creative Art (2511-2514)                         Loom weaving (no pot holders), spinning, etc.
      Ed & Barb Kolm Trophy (cr10c)                                        Several small items may be attached to a card & be
2519. Ceramic Pieces, Ages 5 – 13, Items made from                         presented as one exhibit, (necklaces, bracelets, etc.),
      liquid clay poured into a plaster mold, has been                     no paper items. Must be of original design, No kits.
      cleaned, painted & kiln fired. All pieces must show                  Refer to department rules J & K.
      exhibitor’s name or initials and current year’s                •      Champion Fiber Art - Macrame' & Weaving
      date inscribed before firing. NO FREE FORM-SEE                 •      Reserve Champion Fiber Art-Macrame'/Weaving
      FINE ART CLASSES.                                              2542. Fiber Art – Macramé & Weaving, Ages 14 - 20
2520. Ceramics…Ages 14 – 20, Same description as class                     Same description as 2539.
      2519. Must require extended number of hours and/or                  Champion Fiber Art–Macrame’and Weaving
      advanced techniques.                                                Reserve Champion Fiber Art–Macrame’/Weaving
2521. All Pre-fired Ceramic (bisque), Ages 5 - 13. Can                    Grand Champion Fiber Art, from 2533-2542
      be made at pottery studio. All pieces must show                     Reserve Grand Champion Fiber Art, 2533-2542
      exhibitor’s name or initials and current year’s date.                Pam Lawrick Trophy (cr16c)
       Must be original, no kits.                                         Ingenuity Award
2522. All Pre-fired Ceramic (bisque), Ages 14 - 20.
      Same description as class 2521.                                BEAUTIFICATION SPECIAL                       Dept 62 – Div. 5
     Champion Ceramics
                                                                     Premium for classes 2549-2552,       A-3.00, B-2.25, C-1.50,
      Blossomland Ceramic Assn. Trophy (cr05r)
                                                                     except Champion classes.
     Reserve Champion Ceramics
                                                                     2549. Decorated Litter Barrel – Club or Group
     Most Creative Ceramics                                               A decorated 55 gallon drum entered by a BCYF
      Purple Giraffe Ceramics (cr20a)                                      recognized club or group. Barrels become the property
2526. Plastercraft Pieces, Ages 5 – 20, All pieces must                    of the Fair. Judged on originality, attractiveness,
      show exhibitor’s name or initials and current year’s                 lettering, slogan and overall appearance. Try to
      date. Must be original, no kits.                                     incorporate current year’s Fair theme. Club may
2527. Recycled Articles, Ages 5 - 13                                       furnish barrel or Fair will upon request. Entry must be
      Use your imagination and creativity in making an                     made on separate entry sheet listing Club name,
      economically useful item from old materials and re-                  leader’s name & address. Participation in this project
      doing it to represent another function or made like                  alone does not qualify the exhibitor for a pass. Enter at
      new. Some suggested exhibits: (1) Clothing-make                      Crafts Bldg.
      hats and purses from old blue jeans. (2) Bottles and
                                                                     ●     Champion Decorated Litter Barrel, Club/Group
      cans-make into canister sets or flower vases. (3) Scrap
                                                                     ●     Res. Champ Decorated Litter Barrel, Club/Group
      metal-make into desk items, puzzles, or paper weights
                                                                     2552. Decorated Litter Barrel - Individual
      (4) Miscellaneous baskets made from greeting cards.                  Same description as class 2549 but may be done and
      Exhibits to be judged on originality, neatness and age               exhibited by an individual. Exhibit should be listed
      of exhibitor. Must include a 3x5 card explaining the                 on exhibitor’s entry sheet. Early entry is encouraged.
      project and what you did.                                      ●      Champion Decorated Litter Barrel, Individual
      No decorated barrels. (See 2549 & 2552)
                                                                     ●      Res. Champ Decorated Litter Barrel, Individual
     Champion Home Environment/Recycled, 5 - 13
      Ruby May Memorial Trophy (cr22r)
                                                                     WOODCRAFTS                                    Dept. 62 – Div. 6
     Res. Champ. Home Environment/Recycled, 5 - 13
2530. Recycled Articles, Ages 14 – 20, same description as           MAJOR EXHIBIT: 2559
      class 2527. Must include a 3x5 card explaining the             Please refer to Dept. rules – E, F, & I.
      project and what you did.
Premium for classes 2555-2566, A-1.50, B-1.25, C-.75,                2578. Woodworking, Ages 14 - 20. Same description as
except Champion classes.                                                   class 2575.                      A-3.00, B-2.25, C-1.50
2555. Woodcrafts, Ages 5 - 8. Handcrafted wooden items.              2579. Woodworking, Ages 14 – 20, Items requiring
      MUST be sanded. Examples: Toys, puppets, etc., No                    advanced skills only. Coffee table, chairs, gun
      wood burning. NO KITS                                                cabinet, blanket chest & bowls that have been built
2556. Woodcrafts, Ages 9 - 13. Handcrafted wooden items.                   up. Items must be finished. No kits.
      Exhibit MUST be finished. Examples: wood burning,                                                     A-6.00, B-4.50, C-3.75
      country carving or relief carving, puppets, toys, etc.              Champion Woodworking, Ages 14 - 20
      NO KITS.                                                             Edward Berndt Memorial Trophy (Cr39r)
     Champion Woodcrafts, Ages 9 - 13                                    Res. Ch. Woodworking, Ages 14 - 20
     Reserve Champion Woodcrafts, Ages 9 - 13                            Grand Champion Woodworking, From all wood-
2559. Woodcrafts, Ages 14-20. Same description as class                    working classes in this division.
       2556 except must require extended hours and/or                      John & Lois Pettry Trophy (cr29r)
       advanced techniques.                                               Reserve Grand Champion Woodworking, From all
     Champion Woodcrafts, Ages 14 - 20                                    woodworking classes in this division.
     Reserve Champion Woodcrafts, Ages 14 - 20                            South Lakers 4-H Club Trophy (cr30r)
2562. Pinewood Derby Cars/CO2 cars, Ages 5 - 8. Refer                     Craftsman Award: Exhibits from all woodworking
      to Dept. rule E. NO KITS.                                            classes will be selected by the judges. Criteria will be
2563. Pinewood Derby Race, Ages, 5 – 8, no premium. All                    the quality of workmanship and the appropriateness
      cars must be entered in Class 2562 to race, see below                of the project for the age of the exhibitor.    Ribbon
      for details.
     Champion Pinewood Derby, Ages 5-8                              FURNITURE                                     Dept. 62 – Div. 8
      Ted Cundiff Memorial Trophy (cr41r)                            RESTORATION and REFINISHING
     Reserve Champion Pinewood Derby, Ages 5-8
2566. Pinewood Derby Cars/CO2 cars, Ages 9-15, same                  MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2587 & 2589.
                                                                     A 3” x 5” card MUST accompany all entries stating prior
      description as class 2562.
                                                                     condition of exhibit. Original condition photograph would
2567. Pinewood Derby Race, Ages, 9 – 15, no premium.
                                                                     be helpful.
      All cars must be entered in Class 2566 to race, See
                                                                     Premium for classes 2586-2589, A-3.50, B-2.75, C-1.50,
      below for details.
                                                                     except Champion classes.
     Champion Pinewood Derby, Ages 9-15
                                                                     2586. Exhibit of restored and/or refinished furniture,
      Tim Pullano Memorial Trophy (cr40r)
                                                                            Ages 5 – 13, Examples: table, chest, chair, etc.
     Reserve Champion Pinewood Derby, Ages 9-15                     2587. Exhibit of restored and/or refinished furniture,
      There will be a Pinewood Derby Car race on Friday, Aug.               Ages 14 – 20, May include hand caning, hand rushing
      22 at 1:30 p.m. in the Youth Memorial Bldg. No premiums               or reupholstering of seat and/or back.
      for this race. Craft Dept. Volunteers will move cars to race   2588. Other Restoration, Ages 5 – 13, Metal items,
      site and return them following the race on Friday. Car                copper washtubs, sleds, etc.
      inspection and weigh in will begin at 12:30 pm and conclude
                                                                     2589. Other Restoration, Ages 14 – 20, Same description
      at 1:15 pm race day. All participants must be present during
      this time. Race begins at 1:30 pm. In both classes rosettes
                                                                            as class 2588 but must require extended hours and/or
      will be awarded for first and second place racers.                    advanced skills.
      You can pick up the rules for this race at the fair office.          Craftsman Award: Exhibits from above classes will
      They are also available on line at                       be selected by judges. Criteria will be quality of
                                                                            workmanship and appropriateness of project for
WOODWORKING                                      Dept. 62 – Div. 7          exhibitor’s age.                            Ribbon
MAJOR EXHIBIT: 2578 & 2579                                                 Champion Restoration & Refinishing, Jr. Div.
2572. Woodworking, Ages 5 – 8, Projects such as a                           From Classes 2586 & 2588.
      birdhouse, tool carrier, flower box, etc. May be                      Weinberg Farms Trophy (cr51r)
      unfinished.                     A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75                Res. Champion Restoration/Refinishing, Jr. Div.
     Champion Woodworking, Ages 5 – 8                                      From classes 2586 & 2588.
      Jessica Henderson Trophy (cr38c)                                      Weinberg Farms Trophy (cr52r)
     Reserve Champion Woodworking, Ages 5 - 8                             Champion Restoration & Refinishing, Sr. Div.
2575. Woodworking, Ages 9 - 13. Projects such as a                          From classes 2587 & 2589.
      magazine rack, simple table, wood shelf, simple                      Res. Champion Restoration/Refinishing, Sr. Div.
      turned bowls, lamps, etc. All items must be                           From classes 2587 & 2589.
      appropriately finished. No kits.                                      Carl Schmeichel Memorial Trophy (cr26r)
                                       A-2.75, B-2.00, C-1.25              Grand Champion Restoration/Refinishing From
     Champion Woodworking, Ages 9 – 13                                     all classes in Restoration and Refinishing Division
     Reserve Champion Woodworking, Ages 9 - 13                             Berrien County Youth Fair Trophy (cr18r)
     Reserve Grand Champ. Restoration/Refinishing
       From all classes in Restoration/Refinishing Division.
       Judi Rantz Memorial Trophy (cr19r)
                                                                                EARLY ENTRY OPTION.
 TECHNICAL ARTS                              Dept. 62 – Div. 9
                                                                        Thursday only! August 12th – 3:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
 MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2602, 2604, 2614, 2615, 2619
                                                                           Doors will be marked according to projects.
 Premium for classes 2600-2604, A-2.25, B-2.00, C-1.25,
                                                                                    Park in front parking lot.
 except Champion classes.
 2600. Electrical, Ages 5 – 8, Exhibits of an electrical nature   THE SCIENCES                         Dept. 63
        which do not require adv. skills such as: extension
        cord, trouble light, lamp, etc.                           DEPARTMENT RULES:
 2601. Electrical, Ages 9 – 13, Exhibits such as: Basic home      A Fair General Rules, pages 10 - 12 apply as well as the
        wiring, schematics, simple electronics, appliance            following department rules.
        repair, etc.                                              B. To qualify for champion classes, exhibitor
 2602. Electrical, Age 14 – 20, Exhibits such as electric             must receive an “A” award in the class.
        motor rebuilding, home constr., schematics of installed   C. Posters not to exceed 16” X 20”.
        wiring, electronics,etc.                                  D. Work must be age appropriate.
 2603. Kits, Ages 9 – 20, Exhibits of an electrical nature        E. Indicate on an attached 3 x 5 card, if piece is an
        requiring advanced skills such as: a switchboard,            original design or list any special techniques used.
        electrical tools, electronics, compressor, advanced
         electronic equip., etc.
                                                                  ENTOMOLOGY DISPLAYS                         Dept. 63–Div. 1
                                                                  MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2631 & 2632.
 2604. Original work, Ages 9 – 20, Same description as
                                                                  NO LIVE BUGS ALLOWED IN EXHIBITS
        class 2603, except must be original work.
                                                                  Premium for classes 2630-2632,         A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75,
       Champion Electrical, from classes 2600-2604
                                                                  except Champion classes.
        All Phase Electric Supply Co. Trophy (cr23r)
                                                                  2630. Entomology I, Ages 5 – 13, 20 or more different
       Res. Champion Electrical, from classes 2600-2604                 insects representing at least 4 orders such as
        Scott Nutt Memorial Trophy (cr25r)                               Coleoptra, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, etc. All
 Premiums for classes 2611-2619, A-2.25, B-1.50, C-1.00,                 specimens must be labeled according to order and
   except Champion classes.                                              date of collection. All specimens must be collected
 2611. Metal work, Ages 5 – 8. Projects such as: sheet metal             during current year.
        project, solder work, hammered metal work, etc.           2631. Entomology II, Ages 6 – 20, 30 or more different
 2612. Metal work, Ages 9 – 13, Same description as class                insects representing at least 6 orders. Specimens
        2611. May include more than one item.                            must be labeled according to order, common name
 2613. Metal work, Ages 14 – 17, Same as class 2611, must                and date of capture. Specimens must be collected
        include two or more items.                                       during current year.
 2614. Metal work, Ages 14 – 20, One (1) piece of an              2632. Continuing Collection, Ages 7 – 20, At least 2nd year
        advanced nature. Forged sheet metal, welded,                    or more. May include 30 specimens from 1 st /2nd year
        machined or from a casting process.                             with 20 or more different new specimens added each
 2615. Metal work, Ages 14 – 20, Items that produce                     succeeding year representing at least 6 orders.
        movement thru the use of multiple parts such as vices,          Duplicate specimens or those used to replace old ones
        C-clamps, dies or molds.                                        do not count as the new 20. All specimens should be in
       Champion Metal Work, from classes 2611-2615                     good condition and must be labeled as to order,
        Tri-M Mold, Inc. Trophy (cr24r)                                 common name and date of collection. Exhibit expertly
       Res. Champion Metal Work, classes 2611-2615                     prepared and mounted.
2618. Other Technical Arts, Ages 9 – 13, Projects such as              Champion Entomology
        CAD drawings, solid 3D printer parts, 3D prints,               Reserve Champion Entomology
        graphic arts, etc.
2619. Other Technical Arts, Ages 14 – 20, Projects such
                                                                    NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENTAL
        as CAD drawings, pencil drafting, solid 3D printer
        parts, 3D prints, graphic arts etc.                          EDUCATION - ROCKS AND MINERALS
                                                                                         Dept. 63 – Div. 2
       Champion Other Technical Arts, Ages 9 – 20                MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2636, 2637, 2638 & 2639.
       Res. Champ. Other Technical Arts, Ages 9 - 20             a. Refer to Department rule C.
       Craftsman Award: Technical Arts Exhibits selected         b. Exhibits must be properly labeled and mounted on
        by the judges. Criteria: Quality of workmanship and           suitable material to display.
        appropriateness of project for exhibitor's age. Ribbon.   Premium for classes 2635-2639, A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75,
       Grand Champion Technical Arts, from all classes in        except Champion classes.              Dept. 63 – Div. 2
        this div. Friends for Berrien Springs Trophy (cr31r)
       Reserve Grand Champion Technical Arts, all classes
        in this division.        Smith Welding Trophy (cr42r)
2635. Rocks & Minerals, Ages 5 – 13, At least 10 speci-                order. Exhibits must be properly labeled & mounted
       mens, properly labeled representing the three main              on suitable material to display.
       classes of Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous                Champion Conservation & Wildlife
       rocks, plus a poster showing how the three classes of          Reserve Champion Conservation & Wildlife
       rock are formed.
2636. Rocks & Minerals, Ages 14 – 20, Same as class              WILD FLOWERS & TREES                          Dept 63 – Div. 4
       2635 except min. 20 specimens.                            MAJOR EXHIBIT: 2667.
2637. Lapidary, Ages 5 – 20, 15 specimens of polished            a. Protected plant or specimens are not acceptable for
       stones.                                                       exhibit. (See Michigan Protected Wild Flowers list, pg.
2638. Fossils, Ages 5 – 20, At least 10 identified                   56)
      specimens labeled as to when and where they were           b. Specimens must be properly DRIED, pressed and
       found, plus a poster explaining the formation of              identified.
       fossils.                                                  c. All specimens must be securely covered with plastic
2639. Fossils, Adv. Ages 5 – 20, Same as class 2638                  material.
       except at least 20 identified specimens. Exhibit must     Premium for classes 2660-2667, A-1.50, B-1.25, C-.75,
       be of quality workmanship.                                except Champion classes
      Champion Natural Resources                                Classes 2660 to 2666 open to Ages 5 – 13 only.
      Reserve Champion Natural Resources                        2660. Five or more wild flowers each selected from a
CONSERVATION AND                                                        different area such as forest, marshland or upland.
                                                                 2661. Colored drawing of wild flowers -labeled parts
WILDLIFE ECOLOGY                        Dept. 63 - Div. 3
                                                                         (pistil, stamen, etc.) on an 8 1/2” x 11” sheet.
Major Exhibits: 2642 - 2649, & 2651                              2663. Pictures or colored drawing of at least 5 protected
Exhibits may be a booth display, poster, mobile or other               Michigan wild flowers
educational exhibit. Booth display size 30” wide x 24”deep.      2664. Poster-poisonous mushrooms and/or plants,
Open to exhibitors 5 thru 20 years, unless noted.                       showing at least 5 edible and 5 poisonous.
Premium for classes 2642-2651, A-1.50, B-1.25, C-.75,            2665. Poster or notebook–tree specimens. Identify 15
          except Champion classes.                                      tree specimens displayed on a poster or notebook.
2642. Soil & Water conservation - Examples: Contour                     Leaves identified by scientific name.
        farming, cover cropping, water shed, farm ponds, etc.    2666. Poster or notebook–seeds, 15 different seeds of wild
2643. Wildlife habitat – Show how animals                              flowers or trees, showing 3 methods of dispersal.
       live in their environment. Example: ponds, streams,       2667. Wild flowers and trees, Ages 14 – 20
       lakes, air and land.                                            An individual display of 15 tree leaf specimens, 15
2644. Identify 5 species of game birds, fish or                        flowers and 15 seeds or an individual exhibit
       mammals. Include habitats, food preferences, laws,              displaying 15 families of flowers labeled as to genus,
       hunting/fishing seasons.                                        species and area found.
2645. Wildlife Ecology – Show how wildlife depend on                  Champion Wildflowers & Trees
       each other and their environments. Example: food                Reserve Champion Wildflowers & Trees
       chains, predator-prey relationships.
2646. Plaster casts of animal tracks, positive                   BOOTH DISPLAYS                               Dept. 63 – Div. 5
       and/or negative. Min. of 2 diff. species. Name each.
                                                                 Ages 5 – 20 yrs.
       Exhibits must be properly labeled & mounted on
                                                                 MAJOR EXHIBIT: 2670.
       suitable material to display.
2647. Wildlife habitat improvement project                       a.  Exhibit entered by individual, group or club.
       Example: bird feeders, artificial nest structures, bird   b.  Individual booth displays are limited in space to 30”
       houses, wildlife cover or food sources, etc. Exhibits         wide x 24” deep.
       must be properly labeled & mounted on suitable            c. Groups or clubs are limited to display space of 5’ wide
       material to display.                                          by 24” deep.
2648. Conservation & Wildlife, Ages 14 – 20                      d. The display must clearly put across an idea or clearly
       An individual booth display based on any of the               tell a story. Use the suggested Fair theme for this year or
       classes in this section, double the number of items           an agriculturally related subject. (No swords for fair
       required. Must be expert workmanship.                         theme).
2649. Taxidermy, Ages 14 – 20                                    e. Group or club must have separate entry sheet listing
2650. Seashell Collection, Ages 5 – 13, Identify and                 group name, leader’s name & address registered in the
       label 15 specimens by common name, class and                  Entry Office at the Fair. Not to be entered on an
       order. Exhibits must be properly labeled & mounted            individual’s entry sheet.
       on suitable material to display.                          f. A club or individual educational booth display may
2651. Seashell Collection, Ages 14 – 20, Identify and                include models, if appropriate to convey a theme.
       label 25 specimens by common name, class and              Premium for classes 2670-2671, A-1.50, B-1.25, C-.75,
                                                                 except Champion classes
2670.   Individual Booth Display                                          Res. Gr. Champion Science Exhibit (2630-2696)
2671.   Group or Club Booth Display
       Champion Booth Display
        Reserve Champion Booth Display
HEALTH, SAFETY& EDUCATION                    Dept. 63 – Div. 6
a. Work must be age appropriate & hand drawn.
b. Posters must be no larger than 16 x 20.                          CREATIVE WRITING                         Dept. 63 – Div. 8
Premium for classes 2675-2684,     A-1.25, B-1.00, C-.75            MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2719, 2726, 2727 & 2735.
2675. Health Improvement Poster, Ages 5 – 13, showing
                                                                    a.  All Creative Writing & Poetry must be in a hard cover,
      skin care or proper foods & nutrition, etc.
                                                                        3 ring binder.
2676. First Aid poster, Ages 5 – 13, prepared by                    b. All Creative Writing must be double spaced and 12pt
                                                                        font if typed.
2677. Safety Kit with information poster, Ages 5 – 13               c. Pre-bound book must be placed in the pocket of a hard
2678. Bicycle, mud bike, motor bike or go cart,                         cover 3 ring binder.
      Ages 5 – 13, chart with parts labeled.
                                                                    d. Questionable entries will be checked for plagiarism.
2679. Traffic signs poster, Ages 5 – 13, at least 15 signs.
                                                                    e. No names may be on any exhibits.
2680. Gun Safety poster & target, Ages 5 - 15                       Premium for classes 2719-2735,         A-1.50, B-1.25, C-.75,
2681. Archery Safety poster & target, Ages 5 - 15                   except Champion classes.
2682. Small Motor – Exhibit or poster, showing parts or
                                                                    2719. Best example of a report, story, newsletter, etc.,
      mechanics of a small motor. Ages 5 - 15                             Ages 5 – 20, Use a word processing program, 150
2683. Fire prevention poster, Ages 5 - 15
                                                                          word minimum. Judging based on age of exhibitor,
2684. Snowmobile Safety poster, Ages 5 - 15
                                                                          typing skills and various computer skills and
                                                                           formatting functions such as bold print, font
OTHER SCIENCES                             Dept. 63 – Div. 7              changes,etc. Provide list of functions used.
MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2691 & 2696.                                        2720. Young Authors, Ages 5 - 8
Science Categories: Behavioral and Social Sciences, Bio-                  ORIGINAL creative narrative or poem with or
Chemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Earth and Space Sciences,                   without pictures. Typed or printed neatly. Refer to
Engineering, Math, Medicine and Health, Microbiology,                     rule a.
Physics, Zoology, Energy Conservation.                                   Champion Creative Writing, Ages 5 - 8
Open to exhibitors ages 5 thru 20 years unless otherwise                 Reserve Champion Creative Writing, Ages 5 - 8
noted.                                                              2723. Creative Writing, Ages 9 - 13
Premium for classes 2691-2696, A-2.25, B-1.50, C-.75,                     ORIGINAL narrative or fiction. Must be typed or
except Champion classes.                                                  printed in ink. Refer to rule a. NO pencil accepted.
                                                                          Maximum l0 pages.
2690. Posters, Ages 5 – 13 – See categories listed above.
      Not to exceed 16” x 20”.       A-1.25, B-1.00, C-.75               Champion Creative Writing, Ages 9 - 13
2691. Operating Model – Size of model not limited with                   Reserve Champion Creative Writing, Ages 9 – 13
      approval of Supt. in charge.                                  2726. Creative Writing, Ages 14 – 20, Same description as
2692. Displays using plant or animal products of any                      class 2723. NO illustrations allowed.
      listed above.                                                 2727. Creative Writing, Ages 14 – 20, Same description as
2693. Rocketry, one or two stages, built from paper, wood                 2723, may include illustrations.
      or plastic. No kits that are ready to fly. Must be                 Champion Creative Writing, Ages 14 - 20
      launchable, but do not include fuel. Must include a                Reserve Champion Creative Writing, Ages 14 - 20
      detailed description of the construction process used              Grand Champion Creative Writing
      to build the rocket. Photos may be included.                        In Honor of Berrien County English Teachers Trophy
2694. A Still Exhibit, self-explanatory, any of above                     (cr06)
       categories, such as bacteria growth in a dish, etc.               Reserve Grand Champion Creative Writing
2695. Exhibits of a mechanical nature which do not require          2732. Poetry, Ages 9 - 13, Minimum of 3 original poems.
       advanced skills. Examples: display of mechanical                   Maximum of 6 pages. Entry must be typed or printed
       fasteners, cycles of internal combustion engine, forces of         in ink. No pencil will be accepted. Refer to rule a
       friction and torque, display of a safety nature, etc.             Champion Poetry, Ages 9 - 13
2696. Exhibits of a mechanical nature requiring more adv.                Reserve Champion Poetry, Ages 9 - 13
       skills such as display of disassembled small engine with     2735. Poetry, Ages 14 – 20, Same description as class
       labels & functions of component parts, or mechanical               2732 No illustrations.
       project of original design. Maximum size 3’ X 3’.                 Champion Poetry, Ages 14 - 20
      Champion Other Sciences                                           Reserve Champion Poetry, Ages 14 – 20
      Reserve Champion Other Sciences                                   Grand Champion Poetry
      Grand Champion Science Exhibit (2630-2696)                         Friends for Berrien Springs Trophy (cr33r)
       Tolsma Family Trophy (cr35r)                                      Reserve Grand Champion Poetry
     Res. Champ Demos/Illustrated Talks, Ages 14 - 20
                                                                 2756. Speech, Ages 5 – 13, Original Speech with no visual
                                                                       aids or props. Time limit 5–7 min. Refer to Rule H.
                                                                      Champion Speech, Ages 5 - 13
                                                                       Chief Master Sergeant (Ret) Lana R. Henderson-
                                                                       “Aim High” Trophy (Cr43c)
                                                                      Reserve Champion Speech, Ages 5 - 13
VARIETY                              Dept. 64                    2759. Speech, Ages 14 - 20 yrs. Original Speech with no
  Chairman: Noreen Soos                                                visual aids or props. Time limit 5–7 min. Refer to
                                                                       Rule H.
                    FAIR WEEK SCHEDULE
                                                                      Champion Speech, Ages 14 – 20
  Entry -- ------ Sunday: 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
                                                                       Chief Master Sergeant Curtis A. Jennings –
           ------ Saturday: 9:00 a.m. –Competitive
                                                                       “Aim High” Trophy (cr11c)
                   Demonstrations/Illustrated Talks,
                   Speeches, Oral Interpretations &                   Reserve Champion Speech, Ages 14 - 20
                   Extemporaneous Speech. Judging will be        2762. Oral Interpretation, Memorized, Ages 5 - 13
                   in Youth Memorial Bldg. for all ages!               A MEMORIZED DECLAMATION or INTER-
           ------ Saturday: 3:30 p.m.                                  PRETIVE READING limited to 5 to 7 minutes. No
           ------ –Presentation of awards for                          notes may be used. Guidelines are available at the
                   Communications. Home Ec Bldg.                       BCYF office.        Refer to rule H.
                                                                      Champion Oral Interpretation, Memorized,
  MAJOR EXHIBITS: 2753, 2759, 2765, 2771 & 2774                        Ages 5 – 13
  COMMUNICATIONS                          Dept. 64 – Div. 1            “Aim High” Trophy (Cr46a)
  DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS                                              Res. Champion Oral Interpretation, Memorized,
  A. Sign up for presentation on Sunday in Entry Office.               Ages 5 - 13
  B. All general Fair rules apply.                               2765. Oral Interpretation, Memorized Ages 14 – 20
  C. Exhibitor may enter in three (3) classes.                         Same description as 2762.
  D. Presentation schedule and results will be posted in the          Champion Oral Interpretations, Memorized
      Home Economics & Entry Office.                                   Ages 14 – 20
  E. Judge’s decision is final. Championships awarded at the            “Aim High” Trophy (Cr47a)
      discretion of the Judges.                                  ●     Res. Champion Oral Interpretations, Memorized,
  F. To qualify for champion classes, exhibitor must receive           Ages 14 – 20
      an “A” award in the class.                                 2768. Oral Interpretation, Non-Memorized, Ages 5 - 13
  G. The BCYF Craft Committee reserves the right to                    A NON-MEMORIZED DECLAMATION or INTER-
      remove any exhibitor entry due to inappropriate content          PRETIVE READING limited to 5 to 7 minutes.
      or material. See BCYF General Rules.                             Guidelines are available at the BCYF office.
  H. The following MUST be turned in on entry day to be                Refer to rule H.
      reviewed by the committee to assure content is                  Champion Oral Interpretations, Non Memorized
      appropriate for a youth audience.                                Ages 5 – 13
      Classes 2756-2759 - Copy of Original Speech.                     “Aim High” Trophy (Cr48a)
      Classes 2762-2771 - Copy of declamation or reading.        ●     Res. Champion Oral Interpretations, Non
      Must be Original                                                 Memorized, Ages 5 – 13
  Premiums for classes 2750 – 2774, A-3.00, B-2.25,              2771. Oral Interpretation, Non-Memorized, Ages 14 - 20
  C-1.50 except Champion classes.                                      same description as 2768.
  2750. Competitive Demonstration or Illustrated Talk,                Champion Oral Interpretations, Non Memorized
        Ages 5-13. An educational topic given by individuals           Ages 14 – 20
        or teams. Topic to show or explain how to do things.          “Aim High” Trophy (Cr49a)
        Visual aids may be used. Time limit: 5 to 15 minutes.    ●     Res. Champion Oral Interpretations, Non
        If demonstration is given by a team, all team partici-         Memorized, Ages 14 – 20
        pants shall receive premiums.                            2774. Extemporaneous Speech, Ages 14 – 20, 3 – 5 min.
       Champion Competitive Demonstration or                          (10 min. preparation) impromptu speech on unknown
        Illustrated Talk, Ages 5 - 13                                  topic, guidelines available at the BCYF Office.
         “Aim High” Trophy (Cr44a)                                    Champion Extemporaneous Speech
       Reserve Champion Competitive Demonstration                     Mari Henderson Trophy (cr37c)
        or Illustrated Talk, Ages 5 - 13                              Res. Champion Extemporaneous Speech
  2753. Competitive Demonstration/Illustrated Talk, Ages
        14 – 20. Same description & premium as class 2750.
       Champ Demos/Illustrated Talks, Ages 14 – 20
         “Aim High” Trophy (Cr45a)
You can also read