Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022

Page created by Dwight Delgado
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
Prestwick Academy

S2 Elective Choice Booklet

Subject Choice Information
    for courses during
       Second Year

       2021 – 2022
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
This booklet provides information on the courses available in S2 for the elective choice pupils will
make. Pupils will receive one period of their chosen elective during S2. Pupils will be asked to
select four choices, in order of preference, from the booklet, by completing the Microsoft Form
using one of the following links:

We hope to be able to offer pupils from their four choices. However, some elective courses may
not run due to an insufficient number of pupils choosing them or changes in staffing. Choices
should be submitted by 3:40pm Monday 8th March 2021.
                               Title                         Department           Choice
            Architecture and Model Making               Art & Design

            Fashion Recreation                          Art & Design

            Sculpture and 3D Model Making               Art & Design

            Sports Science & First Aid                  Biology

            The Apprentice                              Business Education

            Computer Games Creation                     Computing

            So You Want To Make A Website?              Computing
            Graphic Design: Modelling, Animation
                                                        Design & Technology
            and Advertising
            Essential Craft Skills                      Design & Technology
                                                        Design & Technology/
            Media and Filmmaking                        English

            Disaster Geography                          Geography

            Time Travellers                             History

            Crafty Sugar                                Home Economics

            World Domination                            Modern Studies

            Take the Stage (Drama)                      Music

            The Voice Factor                            Music

            Music Technology                            Music

            Fitness, Health and First Aid               PE

            Sports Development & Leadership             PE

Information for each course is provided and departments will give further information to pupils.
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
Architecture and model making            Art & Design

Pupils will gain an understanding of
the Design process. Ultimately
pupils will produce an architectural
model of their own Design in
response to a Design Brief.

Produce a sketchbook which
demonstrates research of a chosen
site in response to the design brief.
Develop and produce drawings that
illustrate your Design.

Produce a model that fully illustrates
your final design.
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
Fashion Recreation                                                             Art & Design
This elective course develops knowledge and skills in pupil’s working with Fashion and Textiles,
and their understanding of the Design process; thus widening their appreciation of the role of
Fashion within Art & Design and the world today. In addition, pupils will have the opportunity to
develop research, evaluative and creative skills; ultimately producing their own Design to
showcase at the School Fashion Show and enter into the Junk Kouture National competition.

Unit 1
Research/Materials & Techniques
Research chosen theme to inspire shapes and patterns.
Complete market/Designer research for inspiration.
Develop colour schemes and experiment with materials
and techniques to inform ideas.

Unit 2
Design Skills
Produce 2D/3D design work
Develop ideas and shapes for final
presented Garment; stylise shapes and
develop into 3D models. Consider structure
and form.

Unit 3
Fashion Illustrations/Accessories
Refine and illustrate Design developments using
a range of media to communicate ideas.
Pupils will visualise their Final Design and make
decisions through Fashion Illustrations before
constructing their most successful garment.

Unit 4
Make and Produce Garment
Deconstruct /reconstruct final garment using
recycled clothes and materials. Pupils will create
their own Fashion Design and present it at the
school Fashion Show and enter into the Junk
Kouture National competition.
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
Sculpture and model making                                                   Art & Design

Pupils will gain an understanding of the Creative process. Pupils will develop 3D
modelling skills in a range of materials. Pupils will gain an understanding of how artists and
sculptors approach 3d sculptural pieces.
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
Sports Science and First Aid Elective                                               Biology
During this elective pupils will learn about and take part in a range of fitness tests.
We consider the five aspects of physical fitness that can be tested and the five skill related
components that are involved. By completing fitness tests and analysing the results students gain
an insight into the role of a sports scientist and how they are beneficial in tracking and improving
sporting performance.

                               We look at a range of sporting activities and which fitness tests are
                               used to analyse and track performance in that particular area. We
                               make use of a range of practical activities and media to deliver the
                               elective. Time is also spent looking at nutrition and how a healthy
                               balanced diet can be achieved and the impact of this on physical

Time is spent looking at the cardiovascular system and its
importance in relation to sporting activities and the effect
of training. A variety of physiological measurements are
taken and their importance discussed.

In addition we will look at first aid, its importance and how
to keep yourself and others safe in a range of potential
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
The Apprentice                                                        Business Education

Would you like to be the next Alan Sugar? Would you make a good salesperson? Then this could
be the Elective for you! This course will take the form of a series of Business challenges and will
build on the work done by all S1 pupils who studied Business as part of their BACT course.

The course allows pupils the opportunity to gain a broad knowledge of the Business world
and experience tasks which are designed to:
   •   motivate
   •   allow variation in methodology and teaching in class
   •   allow increased opportunity to participate actively in class
   •   offer challenge and enjoyment
   •   make use of IT
   •   make appropriate connections with the world of work

Example of Challenge:

   Christmas Fayre Challenge
   Pupils are set the challenge of making and selling products near Christmas, with the
   intention of making a profit. Pupils have to appoint Project Leaders in their teams.
   This exciting challenge involves carrying out market research, budgeting, bidding for
   funding from SMT and selling the product around the school!

This Challenge, plus many more, await you if you choose ‘the Apprentice’! You will build on your
creativity and team-working skills, and will apply problem-solving techniques to help make profit in
a variety of different circumstances. There is also the possibility of donating profit received to local
charities. Don’t miss out on this exciting and different elective!
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
Computer Games creation                                             Computing Science
This elective explores the creation of computer games using software development tools
such as Touch Develop, Kodu, Scratch and GameMaker. You will be required to design and
create games independently as well as in a group.

Course Aims
Pupils will:
   1. gain the knowledge and skills required in the creation and/or sourcing of media assets and
       games development
   2. work with others to test a game and give constructive feedback

Course Outline
  1. Planning a game.
  2. Creating a game, including suitable media assets e.g. backgrounds, characters.
  3. Testing and Evaluating a range of games.
  4. Reporting on and Presenting game(s) to class.

Learning and teaching methods
As this is a practical based course, active learning, collaborative learning and group and peer
assessment will take place throughout the elective.

Core skills
As well as developing the programming skills of pupils, core skills such as literacy, numeracy,
communication, problem solving and working with others will also be developed.

Enjoyment of Learning:
This elective course provides opportunities for you to develop your talents/interests in creating
computer games using a range of development tools.

Examples of work
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
So you want to make a Website?                            Computing Science

       This elective will introduce you to the world of web design and
       development. You will create websites using a variety of methods
       including HTML, CSS, Weebly and Web authoring software such as
       Serif Web Plus. We will also look at the importance of designing a
       website as well as creating, capturing and sourcing media assets
       such as graphics and sound.
Prestwick Academy S2 Elective Choice Booklet Subject Choice Information for courses during Second Year 2021 2022
Graphic Design: Modelling, Animation and Advertising

Design & Technology

Pupils will use AutoCAD Inventor, currently used in industry, to design and model many
different everyday items. By the end of the course, they will be able to apply animation to
their models, gain an insight into how production drawings are created and use a variety of
advertising techniques to promote them in the world of work. Pupils will also gain
experience in using Serif Draw Plus.

Communication is frequently facilitated by the use of graphics and, in particular, by the use of
technical graphics in construction, engineering and consumer contexts. The creation and
interpretation of drawings are generic skills useful in employment and as life skills in a world where
communication increasingly relies upon graphics.
This elective course develops knowledge and skills in pupil’s working with Inventor and other
DeskTop Publishing (DTP) packages, thus widening their appreciation of the role of information
technology within Graphic Communication and the world today. In addition, pupils will have the
opportunity to develop analytical thinking and creativity. Acquiring knowledge of the importance of
graphics in an industrial context will provide a perspective on commerce and industry.
The ‘Elective’ course is designed to fulfil the following main aims:
• develop aspects of technological capability
• foster an awareness of the importance of graphics as a form of communication
• develop the ability to communicate graphical information using computer graphic skills and
• develop knowledge of, and the ability to use, software packages for graphic communication
• develop technological creativity in relation to the use of computer packages in production and

Essential Craft Skills                                        Design & Technology

Essential Craft Skills is a course that consists of practical models and skills that are not
presently covered in the Design and Technology S1/2 course.
Course Aims
• Additional models - wood, acrylic and metal.
• Additional workshop practices and skills.
• To enhance pupils design skills using traditional manual drawings and rendering plus the use
   of C.A.D.
• To make pupils more confident in using the workshops, the machines, the tools, by reinforcing
   tasks covered in the present S1 course with proposed new tasks.
• Gaining ability to make manufacturing decisions as their models progress.
• To give them more scope and a greater variety in various manufacturing skills.
• The ability to work in a safe manner in the workshops and making them more responsible and
   taking more care in all H&S matters.

Course Outline
The manufacture of models from a selection of models:
   • Bird House
   • Hanging Basket Bracket
   • Clock
   • Mobile Phone Holder

Each model to consist of a basic design that pupils can incorporate their design touches/ ideas,
thus having a greater sense of achievement plus the knowing that their own individual model is a
‘one off’.

Learning and teaching methods
The course is practically based and will develop the pupil’s workshop skills. Pupils will use
independent learning skills, active learning and collaborative learning.
Core skills
Core skills will be developed throughout the course Eg; safe use of hand tools, safe use of
machines in the workshop, literacy, numeracy, communication, problem solving, manufacturing
and decision-making.
Enjoyment of Learning:
This elective course provides opportunities for pupils to develop their talents / interests in
Workshop Skills.
STEM                                                                                    Design & Technology

Are you in interested in STEM? Do you enjoy Science, Technology, Engineering and
Maths? Do you want to build and program a 4ft robot? Do you want to upcycle
materials into your own new product? Compete in competitions? Decide on what
you want learn about? Then the STEM elective is for you!
Pupils will carry out various activities/experiments combining skills from Science,
Design & Technology and Maths, gaining practical, teamwork and leadership skills
whilst their confidence and engagement with STEAM subjects increases. This is a
great motivational subject to carry on with STEM careers.
                             “The world of science and engineering is open to everyone
                           and there is a great variety of jobs all over the UK, at all levels
                       and in lots of surprising environments. There’s no one type of scientist
                                          and no single type of engineering.”
                                    Diana Garnham, Chief Executive of the Science Council.

Course aims:
This elective course develops knowledge and skills gained in each of the subjects into one
short course. It will allow pupils to link from what they study in the classroom to the work
and opportunities available in the world of work.

Course outline:
A range of lessons combining the STEM subjects that will allow pupils to carry out
experiments and projects that can be related to their everyday world.

Enjoyment of Learning:
Personalisation of work and ownership of project. An active environment that allows pupils
to explore their STEM related queries. STEM suits all abilities which allow for any pupil to
achieve their potential. Regional and National competition possibilities.

Examples of work carried out

An insight into the job opportunities related to STEM:
    •    Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies – Automotive, Marine, Mechanical, Bioscience.
    •    Process and Manufacturing
    •    Energy & Utilities
    •    Science Based Industries – Pharmaceuticals, Oil & Gas, Nuclear.
    •    Design Communications – Product, Interior, Industrial.
    •    Creative Industries – Advertising, Film Production and Facilities.
    •    Environmental & Land Based – Animal technology, Land Engineering, Agriculture.
    •    Construction & Building Services Engineering – Civil Engineering, Architectural, Plumbing, Electronics.
    •    Forensic Science – Scene examination, DNA, Toxicology. + many more possibilities…
Media and Film Making                                                        English

Calling all S2 film buffs!

Sign up for Prestwick Academy’s ‘Media and Film Making’ elective where you will get a
detailed insight in to the power of media in our lives. There will be lots of opportunities to
discuss your favourite films, develop your knowledge of media techniques and even create
a short film of your own. It might even inspire you to think about a media career in the
future and you will be able to impress your family and friends with your expert knowledge!

We will explore:
  • Film and TV
  • Advertising
  • Social media
  • Different genres and audiences
  • Camera angles, sound and lighting techniques
  • The entertainment industry

You will have the opportunity to create:
   • Trailers
   • Adverts
   • Storyboards
   • A short film
“Disaster Geography!”                                                      Geography

Do you want to be blown away by Geography? Would learning about earthquakes crack
you up? Are you in floods of tears watching those affected by a tsunami?

Around the world we are constantly at the mercy of what nature can throw at us. Violent
volcanoes have been documented since ancient times and their fury continues to be
vented causing chaos across the world – remember the Icelandic ash cloud! Earthquakes
and tsunamis of the last decade have featured in the news often with shocking numbers of
casualties. Extreme weather can be devastating, resulting in floods, landslides, droughts
and famine and even more human misery.

This elective will examine the causes and effects of these events with both recent and past
Case Studies. It will look at how the wealth of a country affects the potential for an event
becoming a disaster. It will also focus on the management of natural hazards which can
minimise the impact on people and property through preparation for an event.
This elective will have a strong focus on active learning and use of contemporary materials
through the internet and media clips to bring extreme events alive.

 Active learning activities will include:            There will be opportunity to further
     •   Using timelines and making fossils          develop skills acquired in Geography in
         to explore the history of the Earth         this elective such as:
         and its structure                              •   Researching
     •   Making and exploding a volcano                 •   Report-writing
     •   Designing and building an                      •   Processing data
         earthquake-proof building                      •   Using multi-media materials
     •   Producing and recording a                      •   Problem-solving
         hurricane warning for a radio
                                                      These skills are transferable to other
                                                     areas of the curriculum.
     •   Assembling a Disaster Emergency
Time Travellers                                                                    History

Enter your imaginary time machine to travel back in time to various stops in history. You
will take you Passport to the Past with you to gather evidence of what you see.

Course Outline:

   •   Early Civilisations: Egyptians and Mayans
   •   Romans
   •   Mary Queen of Scots
   •   Holocaust
   •   Swinging 60s

Learning and Teaching Methods
The course will use interactive methods of learning. Pupils will work in teams as well as a
whole class to achieve the course aims. They will use various types of media including
video reporting, journalist newspaper sources and create their own YouTube channel.
Pupils will have the opportunity to share their learning in the community through mini
projects as well as in school events.

Learning will develop your core skills such as researching, critical thinking, literacy and
numeracy and ICT as well as developing confidence to become strong leaders and make
important decisions.
Crafty Sugar                                                         Home Economics

The elective will link with the following experiences and outcomes:
Experiences & Outcomes - Technologies
I can practice and apply a range of preparation techniques and
processes to make a variety of items showing imagination and
creativity, and recognising the need to conserve resources. (TCH3-
I have gained confidence and dexterity in the use of ingredients and
equipment and can apply specialist skills in preparing food. (TCH 3-
By using problem solving strategies and showing creativity in a design challenge, I can
plan, develop, make and evaluate food or textile items which meet needs at home or in the
world of work. (TCH 3-11a)

Possible Activities throughout the year:
‘Wear it Pink’, Halloween, Pudsey, Christmas, Valentines, Easter,
Mother’s day, Father’s day, birthdays
Challenge 1: To produce a Novelty Easter cake – bought cake to be
used. To be judged by someone from the cake shop
Challenge 2: To design and produce a range of decorated products
using skills mastered during the course.

Skills to master:
Water icing – flavoured and coloured
Piping – cream, butter icing, chocolate paste – different shapes and writing
Spreading – creams, jam
Chocolate work – shapes, curls, writing
Paste - Viennese fingers/ swirls
Butter icing – flavoured and coloured
Fondant – Rolling, shaping and colouring
Sugar – strands, baskets
World Domination!                                                   Modern Studies

In this elective you will learn about powerful countries including Russia, North Korea,
China and the USA in the build up to a global summit where you and your team will argue
your way to take over the world!

You will:
  • Understand the economic and military power of each country
  • Discover the rights citizens are entitled too
  • Create profiles on the leader of the countries
  • Work in teams to develop your arguments and debating skills
  • Build key monuments from each country

   • Core skills will be developed throughout the course including researching, using ICT
       and other forms of media, literacy, numeracy, communication, problem solving and
       decision-making. Most importantly, you will learn how to think like the leader as you
       prepare to argue their way to victory for World Domination!
Take the Stage! (Drama)                                                           Music

Are you nuts about Netflix and passionate
about Prime? Dazzled by drama and
accomplished acting? Maybe you aspire to be
the next Daniel Radcliffe or Millie Bobby
Brown?! Or perhaps you fancy yourself more
as a theatre thespian?

If so, then this is the course for you!
                                   Drama is an engaging, performance focused subject
                                   that develops skills in students that benefit them from
                                   beyond the classroom. It teaches students to be
                                   creative, confident and connected young learners.
                                   Drama teaches students effective leadership and
                                   dynamic group skills, as well as developing the ability
                                   to become highly effective communicators.

                                   The course will offer students the opportunity to gain a
                                   range of skills and experiences in the following areas:
   •   Improvisation
   •   Comedy
   •   Theatre Skills
   •   Play and script production
   •   Live performances within the school

                                  So what are you waiting for??? Come and

                                  TAKE THE STAGE!
The Voice Factor                                                                           Music

‘The Voice Factor’ is an exciting opportunity for any pupil wishing to explore the dynamic
world of singing. There will be plenty of scope for pupils to perform in both solo and group
activities and to take part in the many musical events throughout the year.

Course Aims
• To improve individual vocal technique
• To gain a firmer understanding of musical notation through the reading of vocal scores during
  both practise and performance.
• To build on confidence whilst working individually and as a team.
• To learn new skills such as singing in harmony and development of listening skills.
• Pupils will become more familiar with musical concepts and terminology through the reading of
  music and be able to apply this knowledge accordingly.
• Pupils will gain the confidence and ability to be able to perform as a group at events through
  the year.
• To provide a positive, creative and motivational ethos which the pupils will enjoy.

Course Outline

The learning and performance of a selection of vocal repertoire will be based on ability and
interest. The chosen songs will then be divided into parts so that pupils can learn how to sing in
both harmony and unison, and the techniques required to perform in front of an audience will also
be shown. It is anticipated that the pupils will work towards a live performances at school concerts
to give them this experience, as well as something to motivate and work towards. This will be
achieved through focusing specifically on the following areas:
1. Breathing       2. Warm-ups         3. Technique         4. Part singing        5. Performance

Learning and teaching methods

As this is a practical based course, a mixture of active learning, collaborative learning and group
and peer assessment will take place throughout the year.

Core skills
Core skills will be developed, including literacy and numeracy though score-reading. Furthermore,
problem-solving, critical thinking and decision-making will also be incorporated.
Music Technology                                                                          Music

This new elective is a great opportunity for S2 pupils to develop skills in music technology and
sound production. Pupils will use the recording studio to develop an understanding of 20 th and 21st
Century music and work as part of a team to set up recording equipment for both live
performances and sound production.

Course Aims

       •   To improve knowledge of music technology.
       •   To learn new skills by setting up recording studio equipment, microphones, and
           applying effects.
       •   To build on confidence whilst working individually and as part of a team.
       •   To record live performances
       •   To learn how to add special effects to recordings.

Course Outline
Pupils will learn basic music technology skills in sound production. They will learn how to set up
microphones, use protools software and record live performances. There will be lessons on
applying effects to recordings such as equalisation, panning, adding volume and completing basic
editing skills.
Pupils will build knowledge of operating handheld recorders and file management. They will learn
how to work Garageband through project work and will be taught the principles of live sound,
studio recording and post production.
Fitness, Health and First Aid                                       Physical Education

This elective is offered for those who enjoy Sport and Physical Activities and would
like to develop their knowledge and understanding in Health and Well Being as well
as learning how to perform basic First Aid. In addition to this, pupils will improve
their individual fitness through a personal development programme where they will
learn how to record and monitor their training as well as be able to advise others on
the factors which have a positive impact on a healthy lifestyle. Fundamental First
Aid skills will also be developed providing pupils with the knowledge and practical
skills required in dealing with injuries in the sports context and beyond. The
elective will include the following units;

           1. Understand the key factors which contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

           2. Plan and carry out a training programme to improve your performance in a chosen

           3. Keep a training diary to include exercise, diet and rest time which will record and
              monitor performance.

           4. Understanding the aims of first aid and the priorities of treatment.

By the end of the elective pupils will have the skills to plan a personal development
programme. Pupils will also learn about the muscular and skeletal systems to build
an understanding of the injuries which could occur through sport and how First Aid
can be applied.
As a result of this activity, all pupils will be able to:

   •   Increase their physical fitness through a personal development programme(PDP).
   •   Develop good communication skills when working with other pupils.
   •   Develop good organisational skills to build and implement a PDP.
   •   Increase their level of confidence and self-esteem.
   •   Show good co-operative skills in working with others to apply first aid.
   •   Develop an understanding of how to apply first aid in a variety of situations.
Sports Development and Leadership                                 Physical Education

This elective is offered for those who enjoy Sport and Physical Activities and would
like to improve their performance in a chosen sport as well as those who have
aspirations to be a sports leader or sports coach. As well as improving individual
performance, pupils will develop planning skills to lead a group of pupils in a lesson
as well as learn how to organise and run a Sports Tournament. The elective will
include the following units;

           5. Plan and carry out a training programme to improve your performance in a chosen

           6. Plan and lead a sports lesson designed to increase heart rate.

           7. Understand the rules of a specific activity and how to encourage fair play amongst

           8. Plan and organise a sports tournament.

By the end of the elective pupils will have the skills to plan a sports event for our
primary pupils. Pupils will consider all factors required to ensure the smooth
running of the event, equipment required, ability levels of the pupils taking part,
arranging teams, organising the order of play, carrying out the officials’ duties.
As a result of this activity, all pupils will have:

   •   Increased their physical and skill related fitness to perform to a good standard in the
   •   Good communication skills when leading other pupils.
   •   Good organisational skills to develop a Sports Event.
   •   Increased their level of confidence and self-esteem.
   •   Shown good co-operative skills in working with others to plan a Sports Event.
   •   Encourage participants to show fair play in Sport.
   •   The ability to analyse their performance and that of others to suggest strengths and
       next steps to success.
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