Prospectus 2021-22 - Government of West Bengal Government General Degree College, Ranibandh - Government General Degree College at ...

Page created by Raymond Blake
Prospectus 2021-22 - Government of West Bengal Government General Degree College, Ranibandh - Government General Degree College at ...
Government of West Bengal
Government General Degree College, Ranibandh

Prospectus 2021-22 - Government of West Bengal Government General Degree College, Ranibandh - Government General Degree College at ...
এ কালে যালক আমরা এডুলকশন বলে তার আরম্ভ শহলর। তার লিছলন বযবসা ও চাকলর চলেলছ আনু ষলিক হলে।
এই লবলেশী লশক্ষালবলি ররে-কামরার েীলির মলতা। কামরাটা উজ্জ্বে, লকন্তু রয রযাজন রযাজন িথ গালি চলেলছ
ছু লট রসটা অন্ধকালর েু প্ত। কারখানার গালিটাই রযন সতয, আর প্রাণলবেনাে িূ ণণ সমস্ত রেশটাই রযন অবাস্তব।

সহরবাসী একেে মানু ষ এই সু লযালগ লশক্ষা রিলে, মান রিলে, অথণ রিলে; তারাই হে এনোইলটনড, আলোলকত।
রসই আলোর লিছলন বালক রেশটালত োগে িূ ণণ গ্রহণ। ইস্কুলের রবলিলত বলস যাাঁরা ইংলরলজ িিা মুখস্থ করলেন
লশক্ষােীপ্ত েৃ লির অন্ধতাে তাাঁরা রেশ বেলত বু ঝলেন লশলক্ষত সমাজ, মেূ র বেলত বু ঝলেন তার রিখমটা, হালত
বেলত তার গজেন্ত।

রসইলেন রথলক জেকি বলো, িথকি বলো ররাগ বলো অজ্ঞান বলো জলম উঠে কাংসযবােযমলিত নাটযমলির
রনিলথয লনরানন্দ লনরালোক গ্রালম গ্রালম। নগরী হলো সু জো সু ফো টানািাখাশীতো, রসইখালনই মাথা তুেলে
আলরাগযলনলকতন, লশক্ষার প্রাসাে।

                                                                       ১৯৩৩, শিক্ষার শিশিরণ, রিীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর

Here knowledge of truth alone does not suffice; on the contrary this knowledge
must continually be renewed by ceaseless effort, if it is not be lost. It resembles a
statue of marble which stands in the desert and is continually threatened with
burial by the shifting sand. The hands of service must ever be at work, in order
that the marble continues lastingly to shine in the sun. To these serving hands
mine shall also belong. …

The most important method of education accordingly always has consisted of the
where pupil was urged to actual performance. This applies as well to the first
attempts at writings of the primary boy as to the doctor’s thesis on graduation from
the university, or as to the mere memorizing of a poem, the writing of a
composition, the interpretation and translation of a text, the solving of a
mathematical problem or the practice of a physical sport. But behind every
achievement exists the motivation, which is at the foundation of it and, which in
turn is strengthened and nourished by the accomplishment of the undertaking.

                                                                                 1931, Albert Einstein
                        An address by Albert Einstein to the State University of New York at Albany
Prospectus 2021-22 - Government of West Bengal Government General Degree College, Ranibandh - Government General Degree College at ...
Brief History of the College & Our Forethought                   4–7
From the Principal’s Desk                                       8 – 10
Office of the Principal                                            10
Profile of the College                                         12 – 20
Three Year Undergraduate Course                                    21
Faculty of Arts: Department of Bengali                             22
Faculty of Arts: Department of English                             23
Faculty of Arts: Department of Sanskrit                            24
Faculty of Arts: Department of Santali                             25
Faculty of Arts: Department of Education                           26
Faculty of Arts: Department of History                             27
Faculty of Science: Department of Physics                          28
Faculty of Science: Department of Chemistry                        29
Faculty of Science: Department of Mathematics                      30
General Academic Information                                   32 – 34
Library & Other Facilities                                     35 – 36
Extracurricular Activities                                         37
Online Teaching-learning Initiatives                               38
Admission to Three Year Undergraduate Course                   39 – 43
Undergraduate Admission Schedule for the Academic
Session 2021-21                                                44 – 47
Contact Us                                                         48
The Structure of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)             49 – 51
Implementation of CBCS                                         52 – 60
Examination & Evaluation                                       61 – 67
Results & Review                                               68 – 70

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Prospectus 2021-22 - Government of West Bengal Government General Degree College, Ranibandh - Government General Degree College at ...
Brief History of the College & Our
Even after six decades of attaining political independence the peripheral areas of
our state are deprived of the lights of higher education. The Ranibandh block is
one of those areas. The lofty hills and the sprawling dense forest have made it
inaccessible. To respect the rights to education of the people from the periphery of
West Bengal a college was established in this block, vide order no. 970 –Edn
(A)/10M – 57/13 dated 30/10/2013 under the auspices of Government of West
Bengal known as Government General Degree College at Ranibandh.

The academic activities were inaugurated from the session 2015-2016. In the
academic session 2015-2016, the college began its journey with six subjects of
humanities: Bengali, English, Sanskrit, Santali, History and Education as 3-years
honours subjects. In addition to this, the college also offers the general course in
Humanities. The College is affiliated to the Bankura University from the academic
session 2017- 18. Before 2017-18 the college was affiliated to The University of

From 2017 - 2018 academic session, Physics was introduced as 3-years of honours
subject. Though the college has 3 departments for science but only the general
courses associated with the Physics Honours course are taughte here. No
independent general course curriculum for science is offered to the students yet.

The College has a sizeable 5-acre campus with a three storied building. The
spacious and sprawling campus of the college with its lawns, gardens, playgrounds
give a healthy & student-friendly environment keeping in view the all-round
development of the students. Different cultural programmes, observation of special
days, keep the students engaged in socio-cultural activities. The college also
upholds seminars, lectures, workshops, sports activities, N.S.S and other co-
curricular activities for the wellbeing of the students. There are two separate
students’ common rooms respectively for boys and girls. A healthy canteen is set

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up for both the teachers and students. Several scholarships and financial supports
are provided to the meritorious and needy students.

On the ground floor the college library provides ample opportunities to explore the
world of books and hence, the knowledge. There are well-equipped laboratories for
Chemistry and Physics. Moreover, the college has set up two virtual classrooms
and a laboratory for Mathematics too. Two Virtual cum Smart Class rooms with
projector, internet facilities, audio-visual facility are available. The college has an
IQAC, as a mechanism to build and ensure a quality culture in the college. The
college, overall, gives an encouraging and supportive environment to the students
to spread their wings for their future success.

The vision of our college is to provide innovative educational environment, best
academic standard, opportunities and experiences that enable individual,
communities, and the district to thrive, develop and prosper. We strive to become
the standard of excellence, fostering creativity of gender and socio-economic
standing and to enable them to stand of all sections of society irrespective of gender
and socio-economist irrespective of standing and to enable them to stand up to the
challenges of the new millennium with courage and conviction. We focus on
teaching and learning, creation of an environment where knowledge is used to
expand growth and progress and to inculcate a liberal mind. We aim to offer quality
education to students of all the sections of society irrespective of gender and socio-
economic. We focus on teaching and learning, creation of an environment where
knowledge is used to expand growth and progress. Students are equipped with the
facilities, which are needed to recognize and expand their inherent qualities, to
help, strength and confidence to face society in general and become responsible
citizens to face society in general.

The Departments are motivating their students at various levels so that the young
minds transform into inquisitive and enthusiastic students by nature. They
exclusively follow students’ participatory learning methods. Since the College is
located in tribal belt, departments encourage their students to tap the indigenous
tribal knowledge.

Being far away from the urban amenities the students of this college have to face
lots of hurdles and hardships. Riding on a strong will power and unflagging
enthusiasm, they overcome all these hardships. In the previous sessions we, the
teachers, have always put our best foot forward to help them find a solution to the

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hardships they encounter. Our aim was, is and will forever be, to build a healthy,
joyful and unhindered ambience for the students to help them in their pursuit of
knowledge and wisdom.

 মহাবিদ্যালয়ের সংবিপ্ত ইবিহাস ও আমায়ের ভবিষ্যৎ পবরকল্পনা
স্বািীনতার ির েীর্ণ ছে েশক অলতবালহত হবার িরও, আমালের রালজযর প্রালন্তক অিেগুলে লছে উচ্চলশক্ষার
সমস্ত সু লযাগ-সু লবিা রথলক বলিত। রতমনই এক অিে বাাঁকুিা রজোর প্রান্তলস্থত রালনবাাঁি ব্লক। েু গণম এই
প্রলেশ িাহাি আর েূ রপ্রসারী অরলণয রর্রা। রালজযর প্রালন্তক মানু লষর উচ্চলশক্ষার অলিকারলক মযণাো লেলে
২০১৩ সালের ৩০ অলটাবর (লনলেণশক্রম : 970 – Edn (A)/10M – 57/13 তালরখ: 30/10/2013)
িলিমবি রাজয সরকার        কতৃণক বাাঁকুিা রজোর রালনবাাঁি ব্ললক একলট সরকালর কলেজ প্রলতলিত হে।
‘রালনবাাঁি সরকালর মহালবেযােে’ নালম িলরলচত এই কলেলজর িঠন-িাঠন শুরু হে ২০১৫-১৬ লশক্ষাবষণ

 ২০১৫-১৬ লশক্ষাবলষণ, এই মহালবেযােলে বাংো, ইংলরলজ, সংস্কৃত, সাাঁওতালে, ইলতহাস ও লশক্ষালবজ্ঞান
মানলবকীলবেযার অন্তর্ুণক্ত এই িাাঁচলট লবষলে সাম্মালনক স্নাতক লবর্ালগর িঠন-িাঠন শুরু হে। মানলবকীলবেযাে
সািারণ স্নাতলকর িঠন-িাঠন-ও শুরু হে এই লশক্ষাবষণ রথলকই। ২০১৬-১৭ লশক্ষাবষণ রথলক িোথণলবেযাে
সাম্মালনক স্নাতক লবষেক িঠন-িাঠন শুরু হে।

প্রথম েু লট লশক্ষাবলষণ এই মহালবেযােে লছে বিণমান লবশ্বলবেযােলের অন্তর্ুণক্ত। ২০১৭-১৮ লশক্ষাবষণ রথলক
এই মহালবেযােে বাাঁকুিা লবশ্বলবেযােলের অন্তর্ুণক্ত হলেলছ। প্রাে ৫ একর জুলি বযাপ্ত এই কলেলজর প্রািন।
কলেলজর লিতে র্বনলট রলেলছ একলট রকিীে গ্রন্থাগার, বীক্ষণাগার এবং আিু লনক ও যালিক সু লবিাযু ক্ত
একলট সু িলরসর রেলণকক্ষও। কলেজ প্রািলনর মলিযই রলেলছ রখোর মাঠ, কযালিন, সাংস্কৃলতক অনু িালনর
জনয মুক্তমি ও অনযানয সু লযাগ-সু লবিাও। সারা বছর িলরই কলেলজর ছািছািীরা নানান সাংস্কৃলতক
অনু িালনর আলোজন কলর।

উদ্ভাবনী লশক্ষার একলট িলরলবশ ততলর করাই আমালের েক্ষয; যার মািযলম বাাঁকুিা রজোর এই প্রালন্তক
অিলে একলট উন্নততর সংস্কৃলতর সৃ জন ও প্রসার হলব। আমালের েক্ষয হলো জালত-িমণ-বণণ-লনলবণলশলষ
একলট উন্নততর লশক্ষা-িলরলবশ ততলর করা, রয িলরলবশ সামালজক-অথণননলতক-সাংস্কৃলতক লবলর্ন্নতার উলবণ
প্রলতলট লশক্ষাথণীলক তার জীবলনর সমসযার সলি েিাই করার উজ্জীবনী শলক্ত রেলব। আত্মলবশ্বাস, সাহস, ও
উেযলম র্রিুর আমালের লশক্ষাথণীরা যালত সামালজকর্ালব োলেত্বশীে হলে ওলঠ; হলে ওলঠ সৃ জনশীে
নাগলরক— তা লনলিত করাও আমালের োলেত্ব। রসই োলেত্ব িােন করবার রচিাে আমরা অক্লান্ত।

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এই কলেলজর লবলর্ন্ন লবর্াগ তালের লশক্ষাথণীলের নানার্ালব উদ্বুদ্ধ কলর তুেলত চাে, যালত তরুণ লশক্ষাথণীলের
মন অনু সন্ধানপ্রবণ হলে ওলঠ। িাঠোলনর সমে যালত তারা িাঠিলক্রোে উত্সালহর সলি অংশগ্রহণ কলর,
সমসযা-সমািালন েক্ষ হলে ওলঠ, রস লবষলে কলেলজর লশক্ষকরা নানা িরলণর সৃ জনমূ েক লশক্ষণ-প্রলক্রোে
লনলজলের লনলোলজত ররলখলছন।

নাগলরক সু লযাগ-সু লবিা রথলক বলিত এই কলেলজর ছাি-ছািীরা বহু অলনবাযণ সমসযালক লশলরািাযণ কলর
শুিু মাি তালের অিলরসীম ইচ্ছাশলক্ত আর উত্সাহলক সম্বে কলর লনলেই নানান আিাত-সমসযাগুলেলক
অলতক্রম কলর রযলত রচলেলছ। লবগত লশক্ষাবষণগুলেলত তালের সমসযাগুলের সমবযথী হলে রসই সমসযার
সমািান রখাাঁজারও যথাসম্ভব রচিা কলরলছ আমরা এবং তালের িঠন-িাঠলনর িলক্ষ সু স্থ, সু ন্দর ও বািাহীন
একলট িলরলবশ-ও আমরা লনমণাণ করলত চাই।

                                 Photo Gallery
                          The Journey started…

       The forest of Ranibandh: 2015                                The Rising Sun

            Construction Begins...                              The Professors: 2015

                                                          Prospectus 2021-22                       7
Prospectus 2021-22 - Government of West Bengal Government General Degree College, Ranibandh - Government General Degree College at ...
From the
                           Principal’s Desk

While visiting a Buddhist monastery in Japan
the physicist and the great teacher Richard R.
Feynman was told by a Buddhist priest a few
words: “To every man is given the key to the
gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates
of hell.” Quoting these words in his book The
Meaning of It All Feynman commented: “And
so it is with science. In a way it is a key to the
gates of heaven, and the same key opens the
gates of hell, and we do not have any                     Shri Madhusudan Garain
instructions as to which is which gate.”                     Officer-in-Charge

While visiting a Buddhist monastery in Japan the physicist and the great teacher
Richard R. Feynman was told by a Buddhist priest a few words: “To every man is
given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell.” Quoting
these words in his book The Meaning of It All Feynman commented: “And so it is
with science. In a way it is a key to the gates of heaven, and the same key opens the
gates of hell, and we do not have any instructions as to which is which gate.”

The expression of human feelings and perceptions can be summarised as human
behaviour. And the nourishment, protection, and a stable development of human
civilisation is dependent on human behaviour. Through the adjustment and
controlling of the human instincts the expression of human behaviour can be made
beautiful, wholesome. The more deep–rooted the acquired practical knowledge and
creative values are the more integrated will be the development of the human
civilisation. To expand the comment of Feynman we can say that a quality education
proves to be the ‘key to heaven’. That is why education is called human resource.

Our college is located in the hinterland of high hills and deep forest in the periphery
of West Bengal. To respect the rights of the people of this remote area of West
Bengal and to strengthen the base of higher education in West Bengal the
Government of West Bengal established this college in 2013. The academic session

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started from the year 2015. Notwithstanding various adversities we face, we are
determined to spread quality education in this peripheral area of West Bengal.

I, on behalf of all teachers and non-teaching staff of our college, welcome all the
students desirous of higher education to join this glorious journey of pursuing the
infinitely rich world of knowledge. I urge the students to join in this endeavour of
creative production of knowledge, and the blessed, beautiful, adjusted, and
integrated growth of human perceptions.

                                                                                   With thanks…

                                     অধ্যয়ির সম্ভাষণ

জািালনর এক রবৌদ্ধমলন্দর িলরেশণনকালে, িোথণলবজ্ঞানী ও মহান লশক্ষক Richard P. Feynman-লক
একজন জািালন িুলরালহত একলট কথা বলেলছলেন। রসই কথালট হলো: “To every man is given the
key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell.” এই কথালট তাাঁর
‘The Meaning of It all’ গ্রলন্থ উদ্ধৃত কলর ফাইনমযান মন্তবয কলরলছন: “And so it is with
science. In a way it is a key to the gates of heaven, and the same key opens the
gates of hell, and we do not have any instructions as to which is which gate.”

মানব-অনু র্ূলতর বলহিঃপ্রকাশলকই এককথাে বো রযলত িালর আচরণ। এই মানলবক আচরণই দ্বারাই লনলমণত
হে সামালজক মূ েযলবালির রডৌে। তাই মানবসর্যতার প্রলতিােন, প্রলতরক্ষা ও সু লস্থর লবকালশর লনর্ণর হলো
এই মানলবক আচরণ। মানবপ্রবৃ লির সু লনেলিত লবকালশর মািযলমই মানলবক অনু র্ূলতর প্রকাশ রসৌন্দযণমলিত
হলে উঠলত িালর। লশখলনর সমে অলজণত বযবহালরক জ্ঞান আর সৃ জনশীে মূ েযলবাি লশক্ষাথণীর মলন যলতা
সু েূঢ়-লপ্রালথত হলব ততই মানবসমাজ সু সংবদ্ধর্ালব লনলজলক লবকলশত করলত সক্ষম হলব। তাই ফাইনমযালনর
বক্তবযলটলক সম্প্রসালরত কলর আমরা বেলতই িালর রয, সু লশক্ষা হলো রসই িরশিাথর যার রছাাঁোে মানু ষ
লচলন লনলত িালর রসই চালবলটলক যা লেলে রখাো সম্ভব ‘স্বলগণর েরজা’। তাই লশক্ষালক আমরা মানবসম্পে
বলে অলর্লহত কলর থালক।

বাাঁকুিা রজোর রালনবাাঁি ব্ললকর প্রান্তলস্থত, েূ রপ্রসারী িাহাি আর অরলণয রর্রা প্রলেলশ এই মহালবেযােে
অবলস্থত। রালজযর প্রতযন্ত অিলের মানু লষর উচ্চলশক্ষার অলিকারলক মযণাো লেলে আর রালজয উচ্চলশক্ষলণর
লর্লিলটলক আলরা সু েৃঢ় করবার েলক্ষয িলিমবি সরকার ২০১৩ সালে এই সরকালর মহালবেযােেলট প্রলতিা
কলরন। ২০১৫ সাে রথলক এই মহালবেযােলের িঠন-িাঠন শুরু হে। রালজযর প্রান্তবতণী এই অরণযপ্রলেলশ,
বহু প্রলতকূেতার সম্মু খীন হলেও, র্রসার সলি, লশক্ষালবস্তালরর এই মহান ব্রতিােলন আমরা েৃ ঢ়প্রলতজ্ঞ।

                                                         Prospectus 2021-22                        9
Prospectus 2021-22 - Government of West Bengal Government General Degree College, Ranibandh - Government General Degree College at ...
মানবসর্যতার সমৃ দ্ধ জ্ঞানলবশ্বলক উিেলি করবার আর সৃ জনশীে জ্ঞান উত্িােলনর এই প্রলচিাে, মানব
অনু র্ূলতলোক-লক কেযাণমে, সু ন্দর ও সু সংহতর্ালব লবকলশত কলর রতােবার এই মহাযািাে সংযু ক্ত হবার
জনয এই মহালবেযােলের লশক্ষক ও লশক্ষাকমণীলের িক্ষ রথলক আলম সকে উচ্চলশক্ষালর্োষী লশক্ষাথণীলের
আহ্বান জানালচ্ছ।

                     Office of the Principal


                           Shri Madhusudan Garain,

                                    Office Staffs

                   Shri Parthasarathi Singha Mahapatra, LDC

                      Shri. Saheb Chakraborty, Senior DEO

                           Smt. Siddha Dey, Senior DEO

                          Smt. Aditi Mandal, Junior DEO

                        Smt. Mandira Mandal, Junior DEO

                                                    Prospectus 2021-22                    10
Photo Gallery
               Beginning Days: 2015-16

Nabinbaran and Briksharopan Utsab:    Annual Cultural Programme 2015

Officer-in-charge addressing to the     Sunset from the Roof: 2016
          Students: 2016

          Learners: 2016                 Main Gate of the College

                                      Prospectus 2021-22               11
Profile of the College
    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
                                                                 …….Mahatma Gandhi


The college is located in Rautara village which is about 4 Km away from Jhilimili.
Jhilimili is a nearby comparatively central area and it is located at about 30
kilometers away from Mukutmanipur; 80 kilometers from Bankura, the District
headquarters; 36 kilometers from Khatra, the sub divisional town and 20
kilobeters from Ranibandh. Jhilimili is a Tourist Spot. The college is 76 Km away
from Bankura City and 65 Km away from Jhargarm by road.


The College has a sizeable 5-acre campus with a three storied building. The
spacious and sprawling campus of the college with its lawns, gardens, playgrounds
gives a healthy & student-friendly environment keeping in view the all-round
development of the students. There are two separate students’ common rooms
respectively for boys and girls. A healthy canteen is set up for both the teachers
and students.

On the ground floor, the college library provides ample opportunities to explore the
world of books and knowledge. There are well-equipped laboratories for Chemistry
and Physics. Moreover, the college has set up two virtual classrooms and a
laboratory for Mathematics too. Two Virtual cum Smart Class rooms with
projector, internet facilities, audio-visual facility are available.


The college has 9 undergraduate departments combining both the arts and science
faculties where 7 honours courses and a general course for arts are taught. Though
the college has 3 departments for science but only the Physics honours course with

                                                  Prospectus 2021-22               12
the associated general courses are taught here. No independent general course
curriculum for science is offered to the students till now.


The college has a committee constituted according to Vishaka guidelines to prevent
and take appropriate action against sexual harassment of women in the workplace.
This committee headed by the Principal has both male and female representatives
from teaching as well as non-teaching staff. The committee creates an awareness
about the issue of sexual harassment and ensures that no untoward incident
happens in the college campus. An anti-ragging committee has also been formed
to prevent and take appropriate action against ragging.

             Students: 2018                            College Laboratory


Government General Degree College at Ranibandh will form the Governing body
shortly in accordance with the government rules. The Process is in Progress.


The College publishes a wall-magazine named ‘Kingshuka’ (লকংশুক) with stories and
poems written by students as well as faculty members. The Magazine excel in
exhibiting thematic wall magazines. The college is going to publish an annual
magazine also.

                                                Prospectus 2021-22             13
লকংশুক : Wall Magazine of our College


The College has an Anti–Ragging Committee, actively working under the Visakha
Guidelines and the Anti-Ragging Act of 2005, to prevent any form of ragging within
the college campus. Any physical, psychological, or even sexual. Ragging-related
grievances in the campus can be reported in the following ways: (1) Complaint, in
writing, can be lodged with the college authority/ the Anti-Ragging Committee
immediately after any untoward incident. (2) Complaint can be lodged with the
UGC, through the National Anti-Ragging Help Line (UGC Crisis Hotline). 24 x 7
Toll Free Number is 1800-180-5522.


The college has an active social and cultural life. The students of this college
organizes various cultural events under the guidance of Cultural committee of the
college on the occasion of Republic Day, Swaraswati Puja, Independence Day,
Teachers’ Day, Rabindra Jayanti etc. They also organize Annual Cultural Festival
and the Freshers’ welcome each and every year. A departmental exhibition is also
held in every year during Annual Cultural Programme with active participation
from students of all the departments of our college. Students are urged to
participate to their fullest extent in all social and cultural activity of the college.

                                                 Prospectus 2021-22                   14
Smart Classroom                   The Stage for Cultural Performance


A large playground is there beside the college campus. Facilities for both Indoor
and Outdoor games are available in the college duly monitored by the college
administration. Every year Annual Sports is organised in the College where both
the students as well as Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs do participate in
different types of events. Students of the College are encouraged to participate in
different kinds of sport-events at the Inter-College Level, District Level, State
Level and National Level.


Different types of financial aids/ scholarships can be availed by meritorious
students representing Minority and /or financially challenged sections of the
society. These include:

                     (1) Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means.
                     (2) Indira Gandhi Single Girl Child Scholarship.
                     (3) SC/ST Post Matric Scholarship
                     (4) Minority Scholarship
                     (5) Chief Minister Relief fund

                                                Prospectus 2021-22                15
Economically backward unmarried girl students can also avail scholarship under
Kanyashree Prokolpo (কনযাশ্রী প্রকল্প), a Government of West Bengal funded
Development Scheme.

                                WHERE TO APPLY

 Scholarship Scheme                   Website

 Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum
 Means Scholarship Scheme

 Kanyashree Prakalpa Scheme 

 Post Matric Scholarship for
 students belonging to SC, ST and
 OBC category
 Minority Scholarships under
 West Bengal Minorities
 Development and Finance
 National Scholarship Portal

 Jindal Scholarship         

 Priyamvada Birla Scholarship

    Teacher’s Day Celebration: 2016                   Fresher’s Welcome: 2016

                                                Prospectus 2021-22               16

The National Service Scheme is an Indian government sponsored public
service program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of
the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched
in Gandhiji's Centenary year in 1969. Aimed at developing student's personality
through community service.


Republic Day Celebration: Each year, 26th January is a day on which every Indian
heart fills up with patriotic fervour and immense love for motherland. There are
many significant memories as it was this day when the Indian Tricolour was first
unfurled in January 1930 at Lahore, by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and the declaration
of an independent Indian National Congress was made. 26th January, 1950 was
the day when the Indian republic and its constitution came into force. It was this
day in history in 1965 when Hindi was declared as the official language of India.

Republic Day is celebrated every year with much enthusiasm all over the country
and to mark the importance of this occasion, a grand parade is held in our college
where our students, teaching faculty and non-teaching staffs are happily

  Birthday Celebration of Iswarchandra        Yoga Day Celebration by NSS Unit
        Vidyasagar by NSS Unit

                                              Prospectus 2021-22                 17

The International day of Yoga has been celebrated annually on 21 June by NSS
Unit, Government General Degree College at Ranibandh, following its inception
in the United Nation General Assembly in 2014, Yoga is a physical, mental and
spiritual practice which origination in India. The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra
Modi, in his UN address suggested the date of 21 June, as it is the longest day of
the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares a special significance in many
parts of the world.


Our students in addition to all of teaching and non-teaching staff of our college
participated in the event on campus. NSS was formally launched on 24th
September, 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. Therefore,
24 September is celebrated in our college every year as NSS Day.

We hope to make a change in our society on a national level by inculcating thoughts
of social welfare among the people. We wish towards building a beautiful world
and spreading the message of environmental preservation, peace and education
among today's youth.We aim to continue creating an impact on the lives of many
thereby following our motto- “NOT FOR ME, BUT FOR THE NATION”.

PROGRAM OFFICER: Mr. Laxmikanta Murmu, Department of Sanskrit
JT. PROGRAM OFFICER: Ms. Ipsita Rajwar, Department of Mathematics


                              Government General Degree College at Ranibandh
                              has an active UBA team. We have adopted total 5
                              villages namely, Banshdiha, Jhilimili, Churuku,
                              Ramgar and Muchikata. We have successfully
                              conducted some awareness campaigns: Plastic Free
                              Zone, Water Conservation and Dengue prevention
                              campaigns in the five villages that we have adopted
                              for Unnata Bharat Abhiyan.

                                              Prospectus 2021-22                18
For ‘Plastic Free Zone’ campaign we have visited those villages and instructed the
villagers clearly as how to prohibit single use plastic products like water bottles,
coffee cups, plastic bags, polystyrene foam items, etc and made them understand
the harmful effects of plastic pollution and its effect on environment and on us. We
have also instructed them on how to avoid plastics and look for alternatives like
using jute, cloth or paper bags, and suggested to at least reuse them as many times
as they can before disposing the plastics off if they had to use plastics.

     Unnat Bharat Avijan Programme               Unnat Bharat Avijan Programme

Also, on the occasion of Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar 200th birth anniversary, Unnat
Bharat Abhiyan and Government General Degree College Ranibandh (NSS Unit-
1) organized an awareness campaign to discourage the use of single-use plastic.
This movement was carried out as a part of a broader campaign nationwide,
initiated by Honorable prime Minister of India of single use plastic by 2020. As
early morning we started procession from our college to nearby out side village.
Our students, teaching faculty and non-teaching are happily participated the
procession, and finally the end of procession we got gathering our conference room,
our Principal sir delivered awareness lecture about disadvantage of using plastic
bags and also delivered lecture about the memory of our national hero Iswar
Chandra vidyasagar.

For Water Conservation we have come to understand that the villagers solely
depend on tube well and pumping for their daily need of water and farming due to
the lack of both water conservation knowledge and absence of water reservoir. We
have communicated and instructed through different programmes as to how
reduce the unnecessary wastage of water and the recycling of water to maintain
the underground water level as per the process of "earth keeping" by conserving
rain water by digging ponds, lakes, canals, etc. we also understand that to conserve
the underground water level, the villagers are in a dire need of water reservoirs.

                                                Prospectus 2021-22               19

To impart "Quality Education" to the students' community and equip the teachers
to handle various academic activities more effectively, the college conducts
Seminars & Workshops according to the needs of the students, staff and the
teaching fraternity. Besides these, faculty seminar (departmental wise) is being
held every month. These programmes offer class room teaching and provide
students with opportunities to listen to and interact with the renowned speakers
from various fields, to improve their communication skill, and to get exposure to a
varied mode of teaching and to enrich their capability. These activities, help
generating social awareness among the students too. Students are also encouraged
to present papers in seminars. During the pandemic situation our college has also
organized a two days international webinar enriched by national and international
level renowned speakers.

      A College Seminar on VISAKA            Disaster Management Workshop: 2017

   Thalassemia Consciousness workshop             International Webinar 2020

                                              Prospectus 2021-22                20
Three Year Undergraduate Course


The College is affiliated to the Bankura University from the academic session
2017-18. Before 2017-18 the college was affiliated to The University of Burdwan.


Usually the academic session commences from July every year. Classes for each
semester usually commence within seven days from the date of completion of end-
semester examination of previous semester. It is the responsibility of the students
to find out the exact dates of the commencement of the odd- and even-semester
classes. No individual intimation is sent to them.

As we are well-acquainted with the fact that due to the current pandemic and
other circumstances during this year, we are not able to commence the academic
session in July. But we are prepared in all respects to carry out the academic
activities whenever it will be commenced by the Bankura University.


3-year B.Sc. (Honours) course in Physics is offered to the students passing the H.S
or equivalent examination with requisite marks and combinations.

3-year B.A. (Honours) courses in four Languages such as Bengali, English,
Sanskrit and Santali are offered to the students passing H.S. or equivalent
examinations with requisite marks and combination.

3-year B.A. (Honours) courses in two Arts subjects such as History and Education
are offered to the students passing H.S. or equivalent examinations with requisite
marks and combination.

A 3-years B.A. (General) course is also offered to the students passing H.S. or
equivalent examinations with requisite marks and combination

                                              Prospectus 2021-22                21
Faculty of Arts

                    Department of Bengali

Bengali is one of the most spoken language in the world and its literary history
can be traced back to more than nine hundred years ago though the Bengali
language began to assume a distinct form in the 7th century CE. Now it is an
opportunity to us to explore this vibrant language and its prolific literature
through 3 years undergraduate course framed by Bankura University since
academic session 2017-18 following the CBCS curriculum.

The Department started its journey immediately after the first academic year
announced by the Government General Degree College at Ranibandh under the
affiliation of the University of Burdwan in 2015-16. Far away from the urban
amenities the college and the department had to face lots of hurdles and hardships
in its beginning years. Gradually, with a lot of care, we have been able to enrich
our department with adequate amenities and resources. In 2019, two students
have got first class from the 2nd graduate batch of Bengali Honours under the
curriculum of the University of Burdwan. The current graduating students of our
department who are under the CBCS Curriculum of Bankura University, are more
promising. With the help of all, we are dreaming to build our department richer
and more productive.


The Department offers undergraduate Honours, program, generic and a Modern
Indian Language course in Bengali. Curriculum and syllabus of these courses is
under CBCS with the affiliation of Bankura University.


    1. Smt. Snigdha De                        Assistant Professor & Head
    2. Dr. Tanmay Singha Mahapatra            Assistant Professor
    3. Dr. Priyanka Dey                       Assistant Professor

                                             Prospectus 2021-22                22
Faculty of Arts

                       Department of English

            “Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached...”

Inspired by the invigorating sloka from Katha Upanishad “उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य
वरात्तिबोधत …”, Swami Vivekananda inculcated this vivacious spirit in the
superstitious, shackled minds to awaken the sleeping soul and usher in a new era
emancipated from all kinds of slavery. Since its inception, The Department of
English of this college has set its goal of illumining the students of this
underprivileged and underdeveloped area by enabling them to comprehend and
master the English language and literature, and instilling the humanitarian ideals
of man-making and character-building education.

On the one hand, the department focuses on fulfilling all the requisites of the
undergraduate (Honours and Programme) courses under CBCS by taking regular
classes and completing the syllabus accordingly so as to brighten the academic
career of the pupils , and on the other hand, it inculcates the humanitarian ideals
and high moral values deriving the essence from within and without the prescribed
texts to foster the ideal forms of life.


The Department offers undergraduate Honours, program, generic course, and
compulsory English. Curriculum and syllabus of these courses is under CBCS with
the affiliation of Bankura University.


     1. Shri. Subendu Mandal                  Assistant Professor & Head
     2. Shri Nurul Hasan                      Assistant Professor

                                              Prospectus 2021-22                23
Faculty of Arts

                    Department of Sanskrit

                           नत्ति ज्ञानेन सदृशं पत्तवत्रत्तिि त्तवद्यते।
                        तत्स्वयं योगसंत्तसद्धः कालेनात्मत्तन त्तवन्दत्तत॥
                                                                            (श्रीिद्भगवद्गीता ॥4.38॥)

The Department of Sanskrit of Government General Degree College at Ranibandh
was created since the establishment of the college, and Honours and General
Courses in Sanskrit were introduced as per the regulation of the University of
Burdwan in the established year.

Now the department is following the syllabus framed by Bankura University since
the academic session 2017-18. At present, three full-time Permanent Assistant
Professors are serving the department maintaining its tradition and reputation
along with an intake capacity of thirty-five students. The number of students- both
honours and general courses is increasing in a steady way. The Department is
enriched with a number of books and peaceful environment for both Students and


The Department offers undergraduate Honours, program, generic and a Modern
Indian Language course in Sanskrit. Curriculum and syllabus of these courses is
under CBCS with the affiliation of Bankura University.


    1. Shri. Dibbendu Roy, M. Phil.                     Assistant Professor & Head
    2. Dr. Malay Porey                                  Assistant Professor
    3. Shri. Laxmikanta Murmu                           Assistant Professor

                                                       Prospectus 2021-22                        24
Faculty of Arts

                      Department of Santali

The Santali Department has started functioning under this college on and from
the beginning of the college. Santali is a department which maintains its own
tradition. The maximum number of students get admitted to this department and
they appear in the class regularly. Similarly, the department imparts its quality
education among the students.

We have two teachers in the Department till now. But We teach our students both
Honours and Programme Courses about the Santali Language & Literature
successfully taking minute care: and we also teach other Austric Languages. Even
we encourage our students to participate in Social custom and Law and Cultural
activities in Santal Society. We deliver lectures on different topics prescribed in
the syllabus and provide the class notes to the students. Besides, the Library
facility is available here.


The Department offers undergraduate Honours, program, generic and a Modern
Indian Language course in Santali. Curriculum and syllabus of these courses is
under CBCS with the affiliation of Bankura University.


     1. Shri. Baidyanath Hansda               Assistant Professor & Head

     2. Shri. Sunil Saren                     Assistant Professor

                                              Prospectus 2021-22                25
Faculty of Arts

                Department of Education

“The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but
makes our life in harmony with all existence.”           ------Rabindranath Tagore

The term ‘Education’ is used in many senses. ‘Education’ itself is a subject or
discipline. In this sense Education is the study of the process of educating.
Education is an interdisciplinary subject. Furthermore, it has its own various
principles, ideas, factors, methods and elements in the spheres of education. In
recent years, Education has become one of the most popular subjects among the
students pursuing higher education in India. The Department of Education of our
college, with Undergraduate Honours and Programme courses, started functioning
from the inception of the college. The Department offers Education as Honours,
Programme and Generic Elective subject. The academic conditions in terms of
teaching – learning process is quite healthy but not adequate enough to fulfil the
criteria of the curriculum under CBCS. Library facilities are available to facilitate
the requirements of our students. The Department has successfully taken many
initiatives to realize the dream of achieving excellence in education as well as to
establish a cordial student-teacher relationship.


The Department offers undergraduate Honours, Program & Generic course.
Curriculum and syllabus of these courses is under CBCS with the affiliation of
Bankura University.


    1. Shri. Susanta Barat                            Assistant Professor & Head

    2. Shri. Partha Pratim Das Chaudhury              Assistant Professor

    3. Shri Sanju Das                                 Assistant Professor

                                               Prospectus 2021-22                 26
Faculty of Arts

                      Department of History

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a
tree without roots”                                            --------Marcus Garvey

History encompasses a very dynamic range of study i.e. past, present and future.
It analyses the present in the light of the past with a view to the future. The study
of history provides an opportunity to know the complexities of the present with
greater sensitivity. This in turns shapes the mind ofthe students for broader and
better understanding of the world around them. Keeping this thing in mind the
department of history is always trying to enable their students to respond
creatively to the emerging needs of the society.

The Department of History of our College, began its journey from the academic
session 2015-16. Besides teaching, the Department organizes class wise seminar,
debate, quiz, and Group discussion, so that they can keep pace with the time. The
department takes part in all educational and cultural activities. Department is
also seeking to encourage holistic participation of its students in college life. We
are looking forward to organize educational trip which would help us in imparting
knowledge about history. Above all, the faculty members are always ready to
render all possible assistance and guidance to students within and outside the
campus as and when required. Consequently, students get through the final
examination with flying colours every year and go for further higher studies.


The department offers undergraduate honours, programme and generic courses.
Curriculum and syllabus of these courses is under CBCS with affiliation of
Bankura University.


    1. Shri. Ramkrisna Saha                 Assistant Professor & Head

    2. Shri. Totan Kumar Das                Assistant Professor

                                               Prospectus 2021-22                 27
Faculty of Science

                      Department of Physics

From the black hole to the quarks, every exploration is mainly credited to the most
popular branch of science named Physics. And as nature is never going to let us
relax, physics always will have an opportunity to explore more. In undergraduate
studies, students in India are for the first time, take a subject as specialization.
Our department offers students to study physics with a great infrastructure and
two professors dedicated to the service of the students in every aspect.

We have three laboratories with sufficient experiment facilities to explore and
satisfy the curiosities of students. Our students have made a record of 9.03 SGPA
in our college whereas the university highest at that time was 9.33. Beside the
faculties of our department, there are also experienced professors from other
departments such as Mathematics and Chemistry who help the students
frequently as per their need. With more cooperation from everyone we dream to
make the department bigger and better in upcoming academic year.


The Department offers undergraduate Honours course.


    1. Shri. Kapil Mandal                      Assistant Professor & Head

    2. Shri. Madhusudan Garain                 Assistant Professor & O.I.C

                                              Prospectus 2021-22                 28
Faculty of Science

                   Department of Chemistry

“There are occasions that demanded that I should leave the test tube to attend to
the call of the country. Science can wait, Swaraj can’t.”
                                                    Acharya Prafullya Chandra Ray

Chemistry is the science that is interested in studying the composition and
physical as well as chemical properties of the matter. Our everyday life has been
enriched in an essential way through technologies based on Chemistry.

The Department of Chemistry of Government General Degree College, Ranibandh
was started from academic session 2016-17 under the affiliation of The University
of Burdwan as a pass course programme three years academic system. Now it is
affiliated to The Bankura University with generic elective course CBCS system.
The Department has well set up laboratory of three individual steams (Organic,
Inorganic & Physical). The laboratories are well decorated by Chemicals, Physical
instruments and glass equipments as well as it has a safety gas chamber. The
Department is enriched with a number of books and hospitable environment for
both students and teachers. The students are also trained to improve their
communication     skills   through   seminars,    group     discussions   and   project


    1. Dr. Amar Hens                             Assistant Professor & Head

    2. Shri. Totan Roy                           Assistant Professor

    3. Dr. Atanu Mahata                          Assistant Professor

    4. Shri. Prasenjit Saha                      Assistant Professor

                                                 Prospectus 2021-22                 29
Faculty of Science

                   Department of Mathematics

“Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is
                                                                    Shakuntala Devi

Department of Mathematics of Government General Degree College at Ranibandh
attained its present status of an independent Department in the year 2016.
Growing steadily, the Department currently runs General courses in Mathematics
affiliated to the Bankura University. Besides this, we also teach various topics in
Mathematics to Undergraduate students of Physics Department.

The Department has its own state of the art Computer laboratory with internet
facility. Sufficient number of Mathematics text books are available in the Central
Library of the college. We believe in providing a friendly and supportive
environment for learning to the students so that they can enjoy Mathematics
subject. The faculty members of the Department are also engaged in active
research work on pure and applied mathematics. To keep abreast of the latest
developments, the department keeps on periodically updating and revising its
teaching schemes and introduction of new courses on Mathematics.


    1. Dr. Prasenjit Mondal                    Assistant Professor & Head

    2. Dr. Anirban Chattopadhyay               Assistant Professor

    3. Smt. Ipsita Rajwar                      Assitant Professor

                                              Prospectus 2021-22                30
Photo Gallery
  A Blooming Campus: 2019-21

Greenery: 2019                Campus: 2019

Campus: 2019                Exhibition: 2019

Campus: 2020                 Greenery: 2021

                       Prospectus 2021-22      31
General Academic Information


After admission, a student is required to get an identity card signed by the Officer-
in-Charge of the college, containing information about the student concerned. The
identity card is a proof of his/her status as a student of Government General
Degree College at Ranibandh. The possession of this card entitles him/her to the
rightful privilege as a student of this College. The loss of college identity card
should be reported to the college office.


After Admission, a student is required to get a library card signed by the librarian
of the college for issuing books from the college library. The application form for
library card is distributed from the college office or library office. After filling up
the application form a student should submit it to the college office. The Library
Card will be issued days. The loss of library card should be from the college library
after few reported to the librarian.


       (1) Polite and respectful behaviour towards the teachers, the non-teaching
       staff of the college and fellow students is expected from the college and
       fellow students is expected from a student of Government General Degree
       College at Ranibandh.
       (2) Students are required to maintain cleanliness. Keeping the campus
       clean is their responsibility.
       (3) The College Campus is a plastic free zone. Littering is strictly forbidden.
       (4) The College Campus is a smoking free zone. Smoking is strictly
       forbidden and consider to be a punishable offence.
       (5) All the students of the college are expected to participate in college
       activities like sports and cultural functions.
       (6) Authority is not responsible for any loss of personal property.

                                                Prospectus 2021-22                 32
(7) Students are not allowed to use Cell phones & other electronic gadgets
       during a Class Lecture & Practical Classes. They can use mobile &
       other electronic gadgets in common room and canteen only.
       (8) Students must go through the College Notice Board regularly for
       (9) Guardians are requested to attend Parent-Teacher meetings when
       arranged by the College.


A student must secure minimum 75% attendance (separately in theoretical and
practical classes where applicable) in an academic Year. Having failed to carry out
75% attendance in an academic year, a student could not appear in the University
Examination. The college may consider a student for the examination with below
75% attendance on medical ground only.


(1) The academic session shall be of three-year duration consisting of six semesters.
(2) The academic session normally starts in July in each year.
(3) There shall be at least 90 teaching days in each semester excluding periods of
examination and admission etc. for instruction, field work and dissertation
(4) The academic sessions including the examinations for first, third and fifth
semester are July to December and that for second, fourth and sixth semester are
January to June.
(5) 2 (two) weeks preparatory leave shall be provided before each Semester


The academic calendar, stating dates of important academic events of the college
such as college examination, publication of result, list of Holidays etc., is
distributed to the students at the beginning of each calendar year, so that they can
plan their activities well in advance.

                                               Prospectus 2021-22                 33

   Month          Date          Day                  Occasion                No. of Holidays

                   15           Sun              Independence Day              00
                   17           Tue                 Manasa Puja                01
   August                      Wed                   Jhulanjatra               01
                   19           Thu                  Maharam                   01
                   22           Sun                Rakhi Bandhan               00
                   30          Mon                  Janmasthami                01
                    3           Fri                  Korom Puja                01
  September        17           Fri               Biswakarma Puja              01
   October          2           Sat               Gandhi Birthday              01
                    6          Wed          Mahalaya & Akhar-i-Chahar          01
 Oct to Nov    7 Oct to 16   Thu to Tue     Puja Vacation, Fateha-Dwaz-        35
                  Nov                      Daham, Chhat, Jagaddhatri Puja,
                                             Kartik Puja, Birsha Munda’s
                   17          Wed               Foteha-i-Yajdaham             01
  November         18           Thu                  Rash Yatra                01
                   19           Fri             Gurunanak’s Birthday           01
  December      23 to 31     Thu to Fri            Winter Recess               08

**Sunday is excluded from this Calendar.
***If any Muslim Festivals mentioned above does not fall on the day notified, Muslim govt.
employees may be granted Sectional Holiday on the day on which the festival is observed
in addition to the holiday on the notified. Under the Negotiable instruments Act vide
notification No. 20/25/56Pub (I) dated the 8th June, 1957, Sundays are holidays.

      Republic Day Celebration 2017               Independence Day Celebration 2018

                                                  Prospectus 2021-22                      34
Library & Other Facilities


The library resource of the college is barely adequate for a three-year
undergraduate course.     Though the number of books in the library is on the
increase owing to further annual purchases, keeping in view the course and
syllabus structure of Bankura University which is newly introduced and the needs
of the students. The library is situated on the ground floor of the main building.


       (1) Only one book can be borrowed against card.
       (2) The Book must be returned by the borrower on the 15 days from the
       date of issue. If the 15th day is a Sunday or holiday it is to be returned on
       the next working day positively.
       (3) A book may be re-issued for a second time immediately after its return
       if the Librarian is satisfied that it is not demanded by others.
       (4) No book will be issued during vacation.
       (5) Any book lost, damaged, or mutilated must be replaced by the borrower
       responsible for it. If the book is one of set or series and the volume cannot
       be obtained singly the whole set or series must be replaced at borrower’s
       cost should the book lost be rate or irreplaceable, the borrower must pay
       the current/published price of the book.
       (6) If the library card is lost or destroyed a duplicate card, applied for, may
       be issued on payment of Rs. 2/-
       (7) No book will be issued to send up students.
       (8) Library clearance certificate will be issued only after the submission of
       the library cards to the librarian.
       (9) A borrower may be example from the preview of anyone of the above
       rules only by a written permission of the principle.

                                               Prospectus 2021-22                 35
(10) Books confined to Library will not be issued to students.
        (11) Rules may be changed as any when necessary, by the authority.


          For Home issue of books:           10.30 AM – 4.30 PM (weekdays)
                                             10.30 AM – 1.30 PM (Saturday)

          For Return of Books:               Same as above

          Reading Room:                      10 AM – 4.45 PM (weekdays)
                                             10 AM – 1.45 PM (Saturday)

** As we are well-acquainted with the fact that due to the current pandemic and
other circumstances during this year, we are not able to offer adequate library
resource to our students. In the future, once this epidemic is over, our library will
reopen all its facilities to the students.


The college library has taken an initiative to build a digital library and preserve
the study materials collected from the departments. Students could use the digital
resources and the study material if they want. They can’t copy and preserve the
digital resource using any data storage device i.e. pen drive, thumb drive etc. They
can access the material only in the Reading Room.

      Central Library of the College            The Library Reading Room for the

                                                Prospectus 2021-22                 36
Extracurricular Activities

In the 21st century the pure academic type of education that students are
introduced to is steadily paving way to a whole new type of education with a special
focus to incorporate three major genres of education: reasoning, psychomotor and
emotional learning. Education is a broad concept that surpasses the four walls of
a classroom. The core aim of education is to foster all round development of a
students. All round development essentially means intellectual, physical, moral,
sensible, and social development. All round development can be achieved only
through education. Education plays a fundamental role in the making of a
man/woman and his/her development as a culturally well-developed social animal.
To fulfil these objectives, there is a prime need of striking a balance between
syllabus, curriculum, books, and co-curricular activities beyond that. The vision,
mission and objectives of the institution are made to percolate into the fabric of the
institution in such a way that through all the curricular and extracurricular
activities in the college continued throughout the year, they are constantly
practiced, followed, and carried into effect.

The College provides ample scope for development of an integrated personality and
it has keen interest in promoting co-curricular activities of the students.
Competitions are arranged occasionally in various events like debates, music,
song, quiz etc among the students of this College. Apart from this Students
organize and participate in culturals events like Nabinbarana/Fresher’s Welcome,
Briksharopan Utsab, Teachers’ Day celebration, etc. They also celebrate
Independence Day, Republic Day, Rabindra-jayanti etc enthusiastically.

      Annual Cultural Festival 2018                    Annual Sports 2019

                                                Prospectus 2021-22                 37
Online Teaching-learning Initiatives

The current pandemic due to novel corona virus has significantly disrupted the
higher education sector as well, which is a critical determinant of a student’s
future. For educators, the COVID-19 Pandemic is a quintessential adaptive and
transformative challenge, one for which there is no preconfigured playbook that
can guide appropriate responses. Without bowing to the current challenges, we are
committed to our students to continue the teaching-learning process. Although we
could not eliminate the difference between classroom teaching and online teaching,
but we could explore a new approach of teaching-leaning process through online

Riding on a strong will power and unflagging enthusiasm we are trying to
overcome all the hardships during this period. We have arranged several online
classes through WhatsApp, Conference-call, Google Classroom, Google Meet etc.
The study materials have been uploaded in our websites and distributed in specific
WhatsApp Groups.

                                             Prospectus 2021-22                38
Admission to Three Year Undergraduate
    (All the information regarding current admission is available in college


Government General Degree College, Ranibandh welcomes students for three-year
B.A. / B.Sc. Honours degree course. Students who have passed Higher Secondary,
ISC, CBSE, or its equivalent examinations belonging to the category of Boards
approved by the Bankura University are eligible to apply. The college has 02 (Two)
streams – Science and Arts - offering courses on B. Sc. (Honours) in Physics and
B. A. (Honours) in Bengali, English, Sanskrit, Santali, History, Education and B.A
(General). The classes will be held in the day section.

Online application portal for admission to Undergraduate Honours (Bengali,
English, Education, History, Sanskrit, Santali, Physics) and B.A. Programme
Course in Government General Degree College, Ranibandh for the academic
session 2021-2022 under Bankura University will be available in our college
website.   To   get   the   link   for    Admission,    visit   our   College   Website:

Candidates are requested to read all the information and schedule carefully before
registration for online application. Any changes in the Admission Schedule will be
informed accordingly in the college website.


    1. Submission of Application form does not guarantee enlistment and
        admission. Only VALID applications will be considered for preparation of

                                                    Prospectus 2021-22               39
Merit Lists and admission will be strictly regulated by the existing rules
     of the Government of West Bengal and norms of the Bankura University.
2. Candidates who have passed H.S or its equivalent examination (10+2)
     OTHER         BOARDS/    COUNCIL       RECOGNIZED         BY    BANKURA
     UNIVERSITY in 2019, 2020 and 2021 are eligible for application.
3. Students passing 10+2 level with vocational Engineering and
     Technology/ Vocational Agriculture/ Vocational Business and
     Commerce may apply for admission to this college for the session 2021-
     2022 in appropriate undergraduate course (B.A. PROGRAMME) according
     to the norms of the Bankura University.
4. The applicants can apply for as Honours or/and Programme Courses they
     want, provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria in the concerned course.
5. The Merit lists will be prepared in the descending order of Merit Index. In
     case of a tie, precedence will be given to higher subject marks, wherever
6. Reservation of seats for SC / ST / OBC (A or B) and Physically Challenged
     (PC) candidates will be according to the existing rules of the Government
     of West Bengal. A Certificate from the competent authority must be
     produced for claiming such reservation. No applicant will be allowed to
     take advantage of more than one quota of reservation. Candidates
     having SC /ST / OBC (A or B) Certificate issued by States other
     than West Bengal will be treated as General Category for
7.   The merit list of valid applicants will be published online (website of the
     college) on date as per the published Admission Schedule.
8.   A specific period will be announced for rectification of any system
     generated error in the admission schedule.
9.   No request for rectification or correction of any error committed by any
     applicant during filling up of Online Application Form will be entertained.
     In case of any mistake by the applicant, the applicant may follow the
     application procedure from the first step.
10. Applicant should visit the college website frequent to know the
     updated information and schedule.

                                            Prospectus 2021-22                40
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