Protecting Your Crop from Pests and Disease - Cultivation Technical Assistance - March 16, 2023 Peer Networking Event

Page created by Jorge Sharp
Protecting Your Crop from Pests and Disease - Cultivation Technical Assistance - March 16, 2023 Peer Networking Event
Cultivation Technical Assistance
     Protecting Your Crop from
            Pests and Disease

                           March 16, 2023
                     Peer Networking Event
Protecting Your Crop from Pests and Disease - Cultivation Technical Assistance - March 16, 2023 Peer Networking Event
Responsible Pest and Disease
Why?      Protects the Consumer
          Protects the Integrity of the Industry
          Protects your Brand
          Protects your Bottom Line
 No amount of pest or disease pressure is worth using
                residual pesticides
Some           Every environment is different and there is no single
Guiding         solution
               The pest and disease battle requires constant
Principles:     vigilance
 Good Sanitation procedures are the cheapest and
               most effective pest management method

Prevention    Seeds are cleaner than Leaves
              Assume live plants/clones will have issues
Best             Quarantine on arrival

                 Treat and scout before introduction to grow space
              Keep Records (required for compliance)
                 Application log
                 Weekly scouting
Integrated Pest Management
            Uses many strategies to control pests and disease
            Balances the cost of the application vs. the economic
             cost of the damage
            Considers the impact on the environment
Get to
           Control Strategies
Know IPM    Sanitation
            Environmental and Cultural best practices
            Scouting and Record keeping
            Use of BCA’s: Biological Control Agents
            Chemical control ONLY AS LAST RESORT
The Bad List                 The Good List
                                            The allowed list is found
               Your Pesticide Test is a
                                             with our pesticide
                good resource for what
Pesticides:     not to use!
                                             guidance on the CCB
The Problem    Ingredients listed are
                                            Provide a range of safe
and The        Compare product active

Solution        ingredients with those
                                            Check product active
                                             ingredients to make
                listed on the pesticide
                                             sure they are allowed
                                            Be cautious about
               DO NOT USE THESE
                                             applying anything in late
                                             flower stages
       There are organic/ OMRI
       certified pesticides using the
       active ingredients on this list!
LIST   OMRI products are NOT
       automatically appropriate for
       use on Cannabis

       These materials were not
       designed for the many ways
       Cannabis is processed and
Active Ingredient             Product Example (s)              Pesticide Type
                                                                                       Indole-3-butyric-acid           Clonex Rooting Gel                PGR- Growth

           The GOOD LIST
                                                                                            Canola oil           Natural Guard Brand Horticultural        Insecticide,
                                                                                                                                  Oil                 Fungicide, Miticide
                                                                                            Mineral oil             All Season Horticultural &            Insecticide,
                                                                                                                  Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate             Fungicide
                                                                                           Soybean Oil                   Golden Pest Spray                 Insecticide
                                                                                            Castor oil                  Mole & Vole Stopper            Rodent repellent
    Active Ingredient           Product Example (s)            Pesticide Type             Cinnamon oil                        Safer Gro                     Herbicide
      Acetic acid                    Vinagreen                   Herbicide                   Clove oil               Nature-Cide All Purpose               Insecticide
  Azadirachtin / Neem             Azamax, Azasol,           Insecticide, Miticide,        Cottonseed oil                 Spider Mite Control                 Miticide
                                                                                            Garlic oil                         Captiva                     Insecticide

                                       Molt-X                   Nematicide
  Ammonium soaps for          Finalsan Herbicidal Soap           Herbicide                  Mint oils                   Trifecta Crop Control              Fungicide,
   higher fatty acids                                                                                                                                      insecticide

LIST Bacillus spp.         Double Nickel, Serenade, Agree         Fungicide,               Rosemary oil                Trifecta Crop Control               Fungicide,
                                        WG                       Insecticide                                                                               insecticide
 Beauveria bassiana spp.           Botanigard ES                 Insecticide               Sesame oil            Organocide 3-in-1 Garden Spray      Miticide, Insecticide,
       Isaria spp.           PFR-97 20% WDG, Preferal            Insecticide                                                                                Fungicide
                                      Microbial                                             Thyme oil                      Thyme Guard                     Fungicide,
   Streptomyces spp            Mycostop, Actinovate               Fungicide                                                                               Insecticide,
      Trichoderma                Rootshield, Incept               Fungicide                                                                          Bactericide, Virucide
       Citric acid                   Eliminator             Miticide, Insecticide,       Peroxyacetic acid                 Bioside HS 15%                   Fungicide
       Cytokinins                   Agra-Rouse                  PGR-General           Potassium bicarbonate                   Kaligreen                     Fungicide
  Diatomaceous Earth           Celite 610, Diafil 610            Insecticide          Potassium salts of fatty     Exile, KOPA Insecticidal Soap,         Insecticide,
        Geraniol                       Banish                     Fungicide                    acids                         Safer Soap               Fungicide, Miticide
    Gibberellic acids               HM-1354-A                   PGR-General          Mono and Di-Potassium                    Fosphite                      Fungicide
   Hydrogen dioxide                Terraclean 5.0                 Fungicide,         salts of phosphorus acid
                                                                 Bactericide         Reynoutria sachalinensis                 Regalia                  Fungicide, PGR-
   Hydrogen peroxide                   Jet AG               Fungicide, Algaecide                                                                          General
What’s On It?
            Ingredients are considered safe for consumers
            Includes Biological pesticides
                Bacteria
                Mycorrhizae and similar organisms
The GOOD        Insecticidal Fungus
            Ingredients on the list could be found in EPA registered or
LIST         25B category pesticides
                EPA registered products are better researched and regulated
                25B products may have mislabeled active ingredients
            Manufacturers can be good sources of information and
                Many have cannabis specific supports and application
            COMMON DISEASES                   POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS

The GOOD     Powdery Mildew
             Botrytis (Grey mold, Bud rot)
                                               Bacillus spp.
                                                   Double nickel, Cease

LIST: How                                      Oils (mineral and botanical)
                                                   Suffoil-X
To Use It                                          Banish (Geraniol)

                                               Peroxides
                                                   Zero-tol

                                               Potassium Bicarbonate
                                                   Milstop
             Spider mites
The GOOD     Aphids              Potassium salts of fatty
                                   acids (insecticidal soaps)
LIST: How    Thrips
                                  Azadirachtin (Neem derived)
                                       Azamax

To Use It                         Beauveria bassiana
                                       Botanigaurd
                                  Oils (Mineral and Botanical)
                                       Soybean, mint, garlic oils
                                  Citric Acid
                                       Dr Zymes
Products of Note
           REGALIA                            BOTANIGARD

                                               Beauvaria bassiana is an
            Contains the active
The GOOD     ingredient Reyoutria
             sachalinensis (a type of knot
                                                insecticidal fungus
                                               Will infect many different
LIST         weed)                              types of insects – a
            Stimulates the plants
             immune system                     Boosts the effectiveness of
                                                materials like azadirachtin
            Is listed as a fungicide
                                                when used in a tank mix
            Works best if applied
                                               Is a good addition to clone
             regularly in vegetative stages
Biological Control Agents
              The Standing Army
              Requires good scouting and ID to use effectively
              Can be cost effective or costly depending on
Beyond the     management
GOOD LIST     Totally safe for late flower insect issues!!
              Takes research and practice to use effectively
              Perishable life forms that need TLC when shipping
               and handling
              Much easier and faster to apply than pesticides (and
               more FUN!)

Using                                         Beneficial Nematodes
                                                   Nemesys, NemAttack
            Annoying flying mosquito like
BCA’s to     insects that are common to
             any kind of indoor or
                                              Effective solution used in

fight        greenhouse plant production
                                               large commercial

FUNGUS      Reproduce in soil or media
            Larvae may feed on roots
                                              Can be applied through
GNATS       Adults don’t feed but can
             stick on flower if high in
                                              Best if applied weekly or bi-
             numbers                          Must be stored under
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